Golf Babe

The BEST Driver Fitting Ever!!! TaylorMade Qi10 Driver Review

In this driver fitting with a difference, Tomo Bystedt, Head of Product Creation at TaylorMade fits me into the new Qi10 line-up.

As a head engineer at TaylorMade he has a serious amount of insight into the new product we talk all things tech, what the Qi10 name means as well as exploring all three models and seeing which could be right for yours and my game.

So how did I get on with all the new TaylorMade Qi10 drivers? You’ll have to watch the video to find out my full TaylorMade Qi10 Driver Review.

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I mean that was that was nice perfect if that was me at the range I would just go home at that point I would pack up my clubs like done thank you faade Qi 10 is here featuring three brand new drivers for 2024 so what does the name mean

What’s different and how do the three different models perform in this video I’m joined by Tom bad head of product creation at torid he literally designs the drivers guys I’m so excited to show you this because it’s really insight he fits me for all three models shows me

The differences and talks about loads of inside Tech and just little details that only a designer would know so let’s get into it okay Tom I’ve got last year’s stealth 2 plus but I want to see what you think I should fit into this year okay I think it’d be interesting cuz

We’ve got some really different models we have very different options and I think all of them could potentially get in the bag my first question is I think typically a lot of people when they’re switching drivers might just think oh I’ll keep my shaft and switch the head

Obviously this year is a lot lot of talk about different weights weights in different places different CGS does that affect like how the head and the shaft work together and should you always be like using the same shaft all the time yeah it’s a great question I think

Sometimes the plug andplay option will work you know if the CL if the heads are really similar weight similar CGS a shaft that works well on the previous one should work well on the new one but if any of the par parameters change if like the CG is more back or forward or

The head weight’s different you got to start over with shfs that’s interesting because I think a lot of people just think oh well I’ve had this fitted once so it should be right all the time you even saw it with like tiger right he he played the Ventus last year and then

He’s played different shafts and now he’s in the new tour shaft the VF and then you know again just something that he liked last year wasn’t quite working in the QI and that’s now he’s sort of match the head up with the shaft yeah presumably that’s cuz like if you have a

Different CG and things like that it’s going to affect variables at launch and spin so you need to kind of move things around yep exactly to where te should start for you with this I think we get a baseline with that one and and then we’ll we’ll sort of probably do end up

Doing all three but we’ll we’ll try a few different things and see what works yeah well that was a really good one out of the gate that’ll do and we’re done I can say let’s get a baseline but that’s a really good Baseline to start with right there it didn’t get any of

That for some reason yeah then that might have been better actually so actually little bit straighter even yeah okay do you want to hit another one or let’s go from there just go from here yeah let’s go all right let’s do it if you want to have

The most like for like we could go straight into LS M uh with the same shaft so what loft is that nine nine so you could do the nine um and then we’ll get and you can even do the same shaft and and then you could just see what the differences in

The head are Y and then we can kind of go from there and try some different shafts if we see something in the numbers that maybe you know want to do something a little different let’s do it okay so straight in we’re going to go standard Loft it’s a new way it tracks

Small isn’t it yeah so it’s again a little bit more aerodynamic than the one that you have on your stealth too all right let’s see it all right started a little left but 11 325 so 254 total on that one ball speed went up about half a mile hour

Versus the last one a little low spin but I think that’s cuz maybe because you hit it a little left yes nice that was nice that was really good all right 251 total 142 ball speed on that one 2 m quick quick is that from the same cled speed as well

Yep yeah nice well I’m seeing there’s a little bit of reduction spin you had I think you had about 2600 on your first one right so that was 2200 like 2181 um 259 total ball speed was 142 and then your your launch was 13 that combination of the 13 and 22 is really

Ideal mhm you know theoretically you could get a little bit more distance if that was higher and that was lower but that’s a very good playable spin rate for me like I like that low twos yeah all the way up to like 2500 you don’t

Want to go in into the ones and then you launch a 13 is really good you’re really optimized there the only thing here I would do is if you’d like that shape that was a little fade and I noticed with the celf two plus you just maybe a

Tiny draw you could dial in maybe the weight setting on that we could try it like maybe a little bit more heel W but if you like that shape that’s I think your golden there my is like a pull hook so if the if i’ just love the ball not

To go left yeah let’s hit let’s hit one more and see if you’re still getting like a little fade because I I do think that’s going to be a good ball fight for not going left for sure that was really good it just feels really stable like the the ball fight really

Holding this line even with the wind yeah that was really good there 143 ball speed almost still 95 Club speed so that again really good spin 2396 launch at 12° and what was distance 258 carry 230 I mean that’s good yeah that’s those are great numbers so I

Think for this driver I don’t think you need to mess around with much and and this is an example probably where that shaft Works in this pretty well um especially if you like how it feels and you’re getting the flight that you want I wouldn’t mess around with the shaft

Too much I think when we try the other heads you might want to try something different shaft wise so okay let’s do it so there’s the weight on the bottom here have the swing weight in yeah that’s how much can that like change and we and how

Why what would you when would you change after what performance so this would be more for going either overlength or under length in your build yeah so a lot of people who maybe go 44 in their driver the head’s not heavy enough so we would add a little bit more weight here

Yeah so you can add about nine grams to this so it’s quite significant yeah the only thing is on the max it’s interesting on the max this is also for swing rating but we can only go lighter on this and the reason is if we put a heavier weight in this one it

Would actually be non-conforming on oh on inertia so legally we can’t add more weight in here now you could and nobody would ever know but legally we can’t make it like end views are adjustable where this is you can easily put heavier weight in there so

Just a little thing to note okay so let’s say the nine you know this one we should see a little bit more spin mm and and a little bit more stability in the product versus the ls so again depending on kind of what you like and also the

Shape i’ would love to get your feedback on the shape of this because this is a brand new shape for us as well so it’s not as big as the max but it is bigger than all of the previous we’ve had over the last few years all the stealth

Products and the Sim products it’s just a little bit stretched yeah you can see it but I don’t think you excessively noticed I think almost because the whole thing seems together so much it kind of hides in a way yeah we we uh have gotten a lot of good feedback on that shape

From all kinds of people that it looks easy to hit but also sort of good for a better player as well yes I do love the all gloss finish down for that That count pretty good too yeah it did yeah can I put all three drivers in play yeah can you play all three so that one also fast that was 144 1439 ball speed uh 2600 255 total launch 10 little lower launch on that one um spin a touch High

Not sure if that was impact location or the club so hit a couple more and just kind of get a a little bit better Baseline but that was that was really good opening shot there hit them basically on top of each other yeah those literally were in the

Same spot look at that look on the dots like those two dots are like literally overing that one was 100 RPMs lower spin that was the only difference I mean another really good one that was like a hair more left than the other one I think M let’s see that

Should show up right there yeah so just a hair more left this one was a little spinny so all these are starting a bit more left yes so I’m wondering if we don’t do the upright thing on this okay because this one is more upright to

Start with so maybe go back and put it back to the standard Li setting but so far I’m seeing a little bit higher spin with this one obviously than the which is what you expect Yeah couple 100 RPMs and that’s sort of what we’re designed

It to do about two to 300 RPMs differ so it’s pretty much according to the plan I would maybe add a touch of Loft to this like you did with your stealth two plus as well let’s hit one more with this setting and then see we want to just add

A touch a lot now what am I looking in here for oh yes some new subscribers if you’re new here and you’re enjoying the content hit that subscribe button 75% of people watching my videos aren’t currently subscribed and that might seem not important to you but actually it

Really helps us in terms of getting views and getting our content seen and also been able to pruce more content in the future so hit that subscribe button oh wow that’s that’s so weird dead straight yeah that was like the straightest drive so far really down

The middle Center Line so I just think people wouldn’t think that the LI angle would do that yeah especially in driver I guess you associate it more with irons when you’re like hitting down into the ground yep absolutely that one ballooned a little bit into the wind that was

About 3,000 RPM so that kind got up a little bit so we lost a little bit of distance there but obviously super straight drive just a little bit right M that’s probably still catching the right edge of the Fairway no problem there here’s what I would do on this driver based on

What I’m seeing so far I would te it a touch higher just try it just te like a little bit higher you’re gonna and I would do the same thing with the max as well dir Sky it you can test it out that Top Line is really durable with the carbon

There I lot people ask us that you know they say you know now that you don’t have the metal there is it is it gonna crack or whatever that it’s actually more durable than the metal Top Line that we had before yeah I did wonder how

Easy it was to like get the crown attached to everything else without the metal there it’s extremely difficult right like especially because now the fitment has to be perfect right like think about if you feel that with your finger how well those two match up and

Then has to match up all the way around here multiple different components and that’s really the like the engineering that goes into that is pretty crazy and I give a lot of credit to our team for like figuring that out it’s almost like TI just as long to figure out how to put

It together as it takes to design it absolutely yeah it’s different teams thankfully that can you know do those things so that helps but it’s definitely one of the biggest challenges and what we didn’t go to the sooner was how to make part after part thousands of clubs

That all fit up perfectly at the top another really good one there did you te that h a lot of Fairways here I did hit that I did tee that higher yeah so so you were you were averaging a little bit High spin that was a little

Bit on the low side so I think maybe you went a little too far cuz that spin was only 1400 there um but still got a 262 M so I mean usually going a little high in the face isn’t going to hurt you for most drivers they’ll just you know get a

Little bit knuckly but that will roll out and still go really far I mean the carry and that was still pretty good at 223 so all right I might try a different shaft for you on that club you know and again it’s more of a just to try

Something different so I got a couple different stock shafts that I want you to try that I think are going to be really good um so this is a uh t AV limited uh this one has it’s the kind of trusty tense a blue structure but we did

It with like a matte finish yeah it looks nice and mat yeah it looks looks pretty nice this is tail made version of the Ventus TR this is a brand new structure as well and this is designed to be a lower torque profile than our previous Ventus shafts I’m going go with

This one on that guy okay actually no let’s do that that one first we’ll do Ventus on that one and then we’ll do this you’ve gone to a plus two in the new grips yes what is the thought process behind that yeah so what we find is if

You sort of average out the average male golfer in a men’s club and their hand size uh often times the right hand is too small in a lot of grips and so a lot of people play midsize grips and things like that but you really can’t stock a

Midsize grip so this is a way of like Bridging the Gap a little bit um between having kind of a regular grip and a midsize grip the feels a bit more comfortable to Golfers and so we tested all these grips and that was I would say

Preferred by most of the testers that we that we tried with so how much does it change like the feel and the swing weight of the club when you change grips cuz like typically I would use an undersize which you don’t always get fit with so then I wonder what the

Difference is when you actually then get the club yeah it can be a big difference and the biggest difference is weight because an undersized grip often is like 40 grams is if you take 10 Gams out of there your swing weight of the club is going to go up and your static weight’s

Going to go down so it’s going to feel like a pretty different club and sometimes shafts may also behave a little bit differently under that scenario so you should really get fit with at least weightwise the grip that you’re going to use for kind of the optimal head weight and everything so if

Someone put an undersiz if I ordered this with an undersiz would they change the weight in this yeah yeah so if you put an unders size on there that was like 10 grams lighter that swing weight would go up by a couple of points and so

That club to swing may feel a little heavier to you or you might be fine with it because some people are more sensitive to the static weight of the club but it definitely might feel different you might not like it as much you know and you might have to take a

Little bit of weight out the head as well to kind of compensate for that but that’s what we do in our in our custom builds is that if you do build it with undersized grips or shorter length we would lighten the head a little bit to compensate it’s quite interesting I talk

About grips quite a lot with my coach Al this is wider under the right hand which I think makes sense but I always wonder why they’re the thickest at this end when like that’s almost like the weakest point where people want to pull with like it feels like this should be thinner

Right yeah honestly that’s why maybe why the plus two and the plus4 profiles have been so popular too yeah really good that felt quicker yeah I’m sure I hit it out right out the middle but it felt quicker 1434 26 laun that’s really good yeah 2 232 carry it

Felt a bit easier to hit straighter yeah I think so for me I I I you know I know these shafts reasonably well that KBS shaft is is pretty tip stiff and you can can lose a little bit of that kick that you could get out of the bottom yeah and

So while it’s stable and probably pretty accurate it you may lose a little bit of speed with that chaft yeah again it depends on everybody’s swings different I’m not going to say it’s not good for you but you know it’s sort of a maybe a trade-off a little bit on the shafts

What what you’re looking for yeah that was two really good hits there that felt very easy yeah so the the the so the what I changed here essentially is so we got went down to a 50 g shft that’s about a 55 Y and this shaft has a fairly sort of not super

Stiff profile but it’s very low torque yeah so meaning that it’s easy to square the club up you’re not going to lose to the some lighter shafts you may kind of like lose it to the right or maybe if you hit like a lady shaft and you hit a

Full swing you probably just hit them all to the right um where this one is going to really like help you square the club up okay all right I can definitely feel that in like the shops they feel really easy to be consistent yeah and this one I think that one was basically

Your one of your best ones so far that was a 300 with 13 launch I mean really good launch conditions um so I like this this was immediately better than your shaft in this club and that just goes to show to your earlier question you know

On the ls I think your shaft worked really well and this head I might go with something a little bit lighter something a bit livelier to get some of the speed um and actually that dropped the spin even for this one which could have something to do with with uh impact

Location so to get a little bit into the weeds of the club kind of presentation is when you have a tip that’s a bit softer you get a bit more Dro on the club so the the toe will tend to go down a bit more impact which will encourage

Higher impact location which again drops your spin a little bit so like these subtle Dynamics I play sometimes with shafts yeah let’s go and do the max so I think that one that’s a good combo for that head and so what we could do now is actually take that shaft and keep that

Shaft and go straight into the max because now we can kind of get an Apple Staples on the shafts so you kind of remember what that felt like and now you’re just kind of comparing the heads between these two so this is the new head that’s hit the 10,000 Mi exactly

Could you talk us through the tech how yeah and how it’s changed yeah so what what we’ve done on this head essentially is we really maximized the use of our carbon so you see these so panels are much bigger they go way further forward up here uh this uh composite ring is

Really thin we have a 32 G weight back here now and the biggest visual difference is it’s much longer front to back so it’s almost a centimeter longer front to back it’s eight millimeters longer this way which has really allowed us to to move this weight really far out

Uh and that’s really what’s what’s creating that 10,000 M we also have some weight up like in the toe up in the hosle here as well more so than some of these other heads and so all those little micro adjustments is allowing us to get to 10,000 on this so again super

Stable head love to see what you can do with it see if it works for you as well it’s quite interesting looking at the shape in here yeah cuz this almost feels like quite a severe like flicker how does it affect like the aerodynamics there so this one you know the

Interesting thing about arrow is this back part of the sole is almost the only area where it’s not super involved in the aerodynamics because what happens is the flow comes over the heel it already separates about here from the so so what happens back here doesn’t really matter

As much which is why if you’re going to create a scoop somewhere you don’t want it here and you don’t want it near the front you want it kind of in the backwards out of the way the other thing about this is the other kind of subtle

Thing is because you might think well this is 460 CC this is 460 but this one’s bigger well how can they both be 460 right so part of the trick here is by carving out out this volume we can keep it within the legal size limit um while obviously still maintaining that

Kind of that bigger shape yeah so you notice that this one doesn’t really have a scoop out if you look at the ls model uh that we had that we tried earlier you know it doesn’t really have any scoop out here at all right so this

One is still 460 but it’s just more like a rounder shape overall than this one is even though they all have the same size face when you compare the size of them like on the crown yeah you can’t really believe they’re the same like volume exactly it looks it looks unbelievable

Right yeah especially since the faces aren’t any different either you know the face size is the same on the two so but I’m excited to give this hint see what happens do okay so we’re going to put this one in I would probably put this one in one click down so take the

Standard position M again I’m just I’m basing this on the knowledge of seeing you hit these other ones I’m just going to go one click towards the lower setting in there so that is now at about 8 and A4 degrees of Loft okay yeah so presumably if you have 9° in all of

These heads they’re not all going to present like the same LOF and effect and so the reason for that is the more back CG you get the more Dynamic lofting you’re get in the downswing the back of the head’s going to want to tilt this

Way and it’s going to present a bit more Loft and impact so presuming in fit and people need to be a bit kind of flexible in they’re thinking about what L they’re hitting CU it’s going to be completely different little bit we do offset that a

Little bit in the design of the club to so for example the like the actual Lofts like if you if you measured on a loft machine all the three heads not they’re not all going to me exactly the same and so we count for that a little bit but

Still to your point in the fitting you have to be openminded about like hey I’ve always played thisof am might be okay with this othert yeah or adjust it at least in the the hle so we got the max so this one in the standard setting

Is going to be already a little bit more upright um and like I said quarter inch shorter length it’s funny because you can definitely tell it’s e longer but it doesn’t look really big I don’t really know why right that is but you when you hear like it’s a lot bigger you expect

It to to be like huge yeah I think part part of is obviously the color and the way that we design the yeah the crown shape as well that’s a good St yeah that was really good what I like about that is I mean think about the spin rates you had

Some of those in 26 with the other one this one’s already 2100 oh yeah and that really speaks to that lower CG uh of this club and the launch is uh 109 so a little bit low so let’s hit a couple more see where your launch ends up that

Was maybe a degree lower than your other dri I think I struck it slightly low on the first yep that’s the other thing it’s sometimes it’s a little hard to tell when it’s so stable cuz it’s not like I do think like well it’s interesting from the presentation when

You showed us how the fist twists less like it’s quite hard to tell if you’ve not hit out the middle or not which quite a nice feeling cuz you feel like you’ve hit out the middle all the time yeah another really good one yeah that was best strike this the ball fly

Went up a little bit as well yeah yeah and that and that to me is is kind of what this is supposed to do it’s supposed to go a little bit more left little easier to turn it over we got that kind of low torque shaft in there

Which is going to help you even more to square it up and you know what I like to see always with that kind of shot is that you didn’t spin up I mean that was identical spin right to the last one right so 2135 on the last one that was

2150 I mean 15 RPMs Hannah come on I’m expecting you’re range a little closer than 15 RPMs um but look at that two 2575 really good distance and so you’re and this comes back to the point of like you’re not really giving up distance when you’re choosing the max yeah you

Know and that’s that that was the whole idea of the whole spe forgiveness right like you’re not having to make a tradeoff of like hey giving up 10 yards to get the more forgiving product you know you might have to make some adjustments in your setup maybe different shaft things like that but

That was great to see let’s have one more and see if you can get over the 260 Mark I think I think you can do it how long have you been working on this 10K barrier then I mean it’s been probably five six years that we’ve talked about

It and I think it became more of a reality once we start decided we were going to do the carbon phas right before stealth we were like okay well that this is going to give us kind of the runway to do it it took a while to figure it

Out obviously we couldn’t do it for stealth or stealth 2 because we hadn’t kind of figured out all the Kinks and and how to really extract all the mass uh from the construction obviously the other thing we needed was the infinity Crown MH and that was something we’ you

Know worked on for a couple years as well so yeah is it sometimes frustrating when you know you’ve got almost well you probably even know now you’ve got another model that you’re excited about but then you can’t quite really see it I know yeah I tell you it’s really a weird

Feeling sometimes cuz you sort of you you know the potential of things and you sort of have ideas of you know and the team we’re talking about things that we’re going to do 2 3 4 years from now and it sort of like you just want them

To be now but we know it takes time to figure it out and we’re not going to put something out that isn’t fully thought through or executed a while so that’s you’re right that’s a little frustrating at times I mean that was that was nice

Perfect if that was me at the range I would just go home at that point I would pack up my clubs like done thank you the ease of Fairway finding is I’m enjoying yeah okay let’s try one like hit it out of the toe let’s try to replicate that

Test I think you think I’m better than I am now can you hit it on the toe outand I can hit it out the toe but not on demand usually just when I don’t want it to come out with the to there you go I mean it’s literally

Like five yards left of that last ball that PR was like a little tight draw yeah that was nice yeah that what was the difference in like speed and stuff cuz it that one you lost I mean there was 143 ball you might have lost half a

Mph in that one the only difference I saw in Num you spun it up a bit Yeah so it spun at 3,000 instead of your mid twos that you had in the other ones but still 250 in the Fairway I mean that was literally maybe I’m looking at that dot

Five yards left to Center I mean incredible a ticket yeah I guess while we’re on this and we’re on the 10K story can you explain the name yeah so when we you you know it’s funny thing names are always difficult by the way like we always try to figure out you know what’s

Going to be easy to say what’s going to look good on the club and all that and we like to have meanings with names and this one we were like okay 10K was part of it we wanted to have 10 in the name we also wanted to talk about inertia on

M Moi and that’s where the sort of the I and the 10 part came from and then we were like what have we been doing this has been like a journey a quest for something so then we kind of just put it all together and we’re like quest for

Inertia 10,000 here 10 easy that was serious ly insightful and how impressive was that qi1 Max driver I’ve literally never had such a small dispersion with driver in testin and I’ve since repeated those results back here in England so it wasn’t a wallof if you’re after a forgiven driver this season that could

Be one to beat really I could game any of these three models which is pretty unusual for a driver lineup let me know which one of the three you think could be your favorite now I’m off to do some more on cause testing cuz I really need

To figure out which one’s my favorite


  1. great review Hannah I think this years Driver lineup is gonna very competitive across the board will be tough to choose which brand to go with just wish the prices were not so outlandish 800-900 canadian for a driver is getting pretty steep cheers all from Vulcan Canada

  2. I have played the “regular “ model, but watching the reviews I could play any model with the right shaft fitting. Good review Hannah.

  3. Wow Hannah want to thank you for the extremely relevant test – no rush, no un-relatable swings… great prompting to get the designer to reveal both the design keys and hints for fine tuning and shaft selection. Like the other subscribers, really looking forward to you comparing the Ping 10K, the Cally Smoke, and TM QI10 !!

  4. Thanks for the great review Hannah! I will be looking at drivers this year, and your swing speed, spin an and launch are so similar to mine, your reviews mean so much more to me. Will be looking forward to more review as more clubs launch for 2024.

  5. Hannah, first of all.. your so damn cute, I love your ascent. Your just a complete package.. Now for your golf swing goes… I am joyous , your so smooth and powerful all at the same time. Keep posting love your stuff. I look forward to the next one.

  6. Yes very interesting and informative for those stat tech swingers who look intensely at the numbers and not necessarally their shot shape and how it feels off the club. I pay attention to the numbers less so than instinctual feel and ball flight and trajectory dynamics as I am a scratch low amateur but want instinctual feel built into my game. This is a fantastic review for women and girls but also for the club male golfer. Hannah does a wonderful job and asks the right questions. Her passion for the game and promoting correct swing thoughts and great golf vibes is really impressive. Well done Hannah. I pay attention to you alot now and hopefully you will inspire more young girls and women into the game. We really need them in this wonderful game of ours!!😊

  7. thanks for bringing this review to us @Hanna Holden NCG….but do you agree that once the ball is rolled back this could all be moot? I just want the new ball now. I'm a bit jaded by the tech story these days but I still appreciate the content, cheers

  8. Flush show! Just goes to show anyone with good mechanics can fit into any driver with the right shaft combination. Great test, would be awesome to see all the numbers of the three heads and shaft together.

  9. How impressive was your swing. The clubs look incredible and matched with the swing provide great information for the average golfer.
    Thanks for all the videos.!!!

  10. I’ll subscribe if you give me details of that red woolly hat you wear. Been looking for that style.

  11. Hannah, you do the best club reviews. For me, your club speed, ball speed etc. are more relatable to my golf swing.

  12. Reason many do not subscribe is it's a pain to log in via TV remotes. This was such a great review however I persisted with it. (It's a lot easier via a Computer, tablet etc but I tend to watch on the TV app.) Looking forward to you comparing the new offerings. You're Club speed is closer to mine, your consistency is better, mine was very good un til I broke my collar bone now one arm is shorter then the other I need that 10K. (Ping or tM!)

  13. I don’t think TM has made a decent driver since the original SIM, ironically that’s when KPS purchased TM from Adidas, they kept it for 4 years and sold it on to a Korean investment firm Centroid for $1.7BN a massive profit. Common denominator between KPS and Centroid is they are profit incentivised and short term profit at that. So the annual release policy suits the short termism and asset stripping works by reducing quality R&D. Net result, you get the truly dreadful Stealth, Qi10 yet to be assessed, albeit that the LS version is Stealth in wolfs clothing. TM are now so bad that their playing staff struggle to use the equipment, if Rory can’t use the equipment with any consistency, what chance do we have. all that said, great review of the Qi10 by you, very informative and you really stripe it, frankly you would hit any driver well. Stumbled upon your channel, I enjoyed this so have subscribed, lots of catching up to do.

  14. This was the best presentation of this TaylorMade model of all I have seen. Your questions were so good! And Tomo’s answers were extremely clear and full of information. Being fitted while interviewing the designer of these drivers was incredibly smart. Just fantastic.

  15. Really enjoyed that, very informative listening to Tomo Bystedt explaining everything and also watching your fitting. Nice to be able to relate to someone who has around the same swing speed and carry distance as myself, which helps in my opinion me make informed decisions / choices

  16. was the blue ventus (6?) the velcore? R or S? we have similar speed and local fitter said ventus velcore blue 6 R is ideal for me… may need a battle f the 10ks? Ping vs that one?

  17. Hi Hannah. Great Video. My Question. The Ventus blue. Regular or stiff. Velocore or Taylormade OEM. I ask because i have the same swing speed as you and would order the Qi10 MAX.

  18. on your next TM New Driver fitting next year please use this same guy again, a lot of info learn from this video with your questions.

  19. Pffffffftttt
    This is the problem with these fittings.
    There is no chance in hell that with a downward attack angle, at that speed, with that spin (supposedly) that the ball carried 217 and ROLLED 34 YARDS!!!!!! Pffffffffftttt NO WAY IN HELL!!!!!

  20. I have the stealth 2 plus. It’s a long diver but I feel like I need more forgiveness. The standard QI10 looks pretty awesome!

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