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Tyson Fury vs. Oleksandr Usyk: “This Is Historic”

Ak and Barak discuss the significance of the undisputed heavyweight title fight between Tyson Fury and Oleksandr Usyk.

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Welcome back fight fans I go by the name of v and I’m Barack the box and Bully and this is that the Zone boxing show the home of all things boxing Barack let’s talk about the most prestigious division in the sport the fight is set February 17th in Riad Saudi Arabia

Finally hopefully if there’s no draw we will finally get an Undisputed heavyweight champion of the world let’s talk about it right now on the opening bill all right Barack do you feel as excited as you once were with the idea of having an Undisputed heavyweight champion and for

This particular fight to be made for me there’s a little there’s a little Edge lost in it a little fire loss in it and maybe the fight will live up Exceed expectations but how excited are you really about this fight finally being made I hate that question how excited

Are you like there’s some kind of measuring State no no the only reason I’m saying that the only reason I’m saying that is because I lost excitement for it got you but guess what I’ve been waiting 21 years for this I’ve been waiting 21 years when I saw Klitschko

Fight lenux Lewis and I was like damn that cut messed everything up I wonder who would have won I was rooting for lenx Lewis at the time I didn’t even know klit that well listen waiting 21 years of course I’m excited it it’s worth it I don’t care

This is more prestigious than anything that uh Day of Reckoning was amazing it had a whole bunch of stars on it but this right here is like this is legendary this is historical who’s going to be the Undisputed heavyweight champion you know I always had a problem

With Tyson Fury saying oh he’s a lineal champ I understood why because he was Del Leno champ but he stayed out for two years I felt like that should have been that title should have been stripped from him you know but it is what it is at least we know after this fight

Somebody’s going to be lineal uh heavyweight champion baring a draw I I’ll tell you what though I said what I said you know starting this show the reason why this fight is even more interesting now it’s for a few reasons we know how highly the Republic and fight fans

Hold Tyson Fury because of his size his boxing ability and there’s they’re they very few people that feel like anybody can beat Tyson Fury uh especially before theano fight just the way he was able to dispatch you know his opponents before that I mean we all saw the dillian white

Performance so here’s a guy that people say hey usek is great usek is a decorated amateur former Undisputed and Cruiserweight but there’s no way he can beat somebody of that size and skill level in Tyson Fury so it was a fight people wanted to see but there was

Always a heavy favorite in my opinion I do think after the inano fight though I I’ve been on here clearly saying that I don’t see I don’t think the tyton fury got up for that fight I don’t think he trained properly for that fight I think he underestimated in Gano no excuse but

That’s what I genuinely feel so I think we will see a different version of Tyson Fury against usyk but because that fight did happen and played out the way it did and he even hit the canvas now that narrative has changed a lot of people feel that Alexander usek can beat Tyson

Fury way more so than they did before the Nano fight H well I think that not everybody thought that Tyson Fury was going to train extremely hard or like any other time for Francis andano anyway cuz we just felt like whether you’re in shape or not your skills far exceed his

And you should be able to win we got surprised but that doesn’t deter me from thinking that Tyson Fury is still the best heavyweight in the world and Francis andano is 6’4 250 something pounds he’s a big strong guy maybe one of the hardest hitting heavyweights in the world maybe

You know so everybody talks about power especially in the MMA world he always shows that his power is different when he fights that’s not usk usyk reminds me of a lomachenko you know he does tap tap tap rip he he he’ll do a lot of arm

Punches he do a lot of shots that are scoring shots and and it’ll be fighting on the back foot a lot cuz he’s fighting bigger guys in the heavyweight division but he’s not throwing a whole bunch of hard shots so this is not Francis andano he’s going to he’s going to present a

Different problem you know like USS Cunningham presented years ago the smaller fighter who actually can probably box a little better than you you know that’s the kind of challenge that he’s going to give Tyson Fury I also think that if you think about this T um usyk has been fighting once a year

Since 2019 so this is the first time he’s fighting six months later six months later so how sharp is he going to be he’s going to be very sharp but then we’re talking about we’re talking about Tyson Fury here you know when you when you think about usyk’s hardest fight I

Think hardest fight was against Derek chora Derek chora if he had a little bit more wind you know a little more stamina he probably could have won that fight you know he was hitting him low hitting him on a thighs staying in his face very very awkward he’ll be throwing a

Straight right then all of a sudden his right leg steps up and he’s really throwing a jab who who can prepare for stuff like that that’s like mdon fighting Floyd the first fight I think that both guys are in a similar position and I’ll explain why look we have the

Enano talk and the fact that he that that Tyson Fury tasted the canvas it was very close fight some felt that in G one not me I felt like that uh Tyson Fury clearly won that fight so there’s that that there’s that question mark there is

Tyson Fury the same Texan Fury has he made too much money is it out of him the fight game and and he’s just getting by but if we look at the usk’s last performance against dubba there’s also that question Mark there cuz people felt like that wasn’t a spectacular

Performance and that it was arguably a clean shot that was called the low shot some people feel that duas should be the unified heavyweight champion of the world looking in that fight and we even had referees say hey that technically according to the rules wasn’t a low

Blow neither here nor there it was uh uh you know he was rewarded to fight uh usek so I think both guys have no similar positions but I think that they both will get up for this fight this is for the Undisputed both guys are very confident both guys know that they

Didn’t look their best their last performance and they know who they’re going up against these are two professionals that won’t Overlook each other that are going to have a slight chip on their shoulder because of their last performance so I think we’re going to get the best version of both

Guys is Tyson Fury I I ask you this I say all that to say did Tyson Fury show you against and G that hey I’ve done enough in this sport I don’t know if I’m that eager anymore to prove to the world that I am the best I mean you said a lot

There AR you know you didn’t even let me make finish my point last time and you brought up all of this stuff I I say Tyson is the Gypsy King he doesn’t care about money so I’m going to I’m I’m gonna exclude that who cares about the

Money I don’t I don’t think he’s ever showed that he really really he talks to junk sometimes saying oh I need this I need that no I don’t think it’s money that motivates him I think it’s Legacy I think he’s from the street I think he

Has that mentality like I just want to be the best I want to beat the best and I and I want to be the best you know so I don’t I don’t think that’s an issue I I think that H yeah what you said makes a whole lot of sense they’re both coming

Off not so great performances but in reality the usyk’s low blow the the the Daniel low blow that’s arguable I I believe it wasn’t but it’s still arguable and guess what he stopped du Bo after that so he’s actually coming off of a good performance you know what I’m

Saying and then with a little bit of argument but a good performance he stopped him I think the ninth round but there’s still that question mark there yeah but you’re not fighting a duar you’re not fighting a duar you’re fighting a Tyson Fury totally different fight I think that the pressure is all

On Tyson Fury because one you’re the bigger guy who claim claims that you’re one of the best heavyweights if not the best of all time you’ve been claiming that too because of your last performance but then again he’s not fighting a Francis andano and I was bringing up Derek Jora to say that

There’s a way to make usyk look bad now of course Tyson Fury doesn’t fight like Derek chur but he can pressure him like that the new Tyson Fury can pressure him and throw even harder shots throw his body on him and keep usyk on the back foot keeping usyk from throwing hard and

Heavy shots after a while Tyson’s big heavy shots is going to land so it’s hard to think that usyk could stay away from that kind of power that he has now for 12 rounds this is not Francis andano who’s going to hit you in drop you with

One shot this is this is usyk you brought up a good point because I think Tyson Fury knows how to fight different ways it’s not only one way I mean when you think about it when you think about a guy of that size right he shouldn’t be beat by anybody in the heavyweight

Division because not only can he use his size and his length and fight off the jab and off the back foot he’s shown against Deontay Wilder that he can put pressure and move forward right against such a huge puncher like deont wild and he has that one punch power that Shar

Hill’s been saying he really they were saying that and I was like yeah okay he really does and as big as Tyson Fury is he does have an inside game even up close quarters he knows how to sneak short uppercuts in and short hooks in

There he knows how to fight he knows how to box the question is will he bring all that in into a fight will all the stars line up and he and can he show that he’s the most talented heavyweight in the world against a guy who’s very crafty

And very tricky as well but I do think that Tyson Fury can do a little bit more than usk King in that ring in terms of tools in the shed as we reference uh you know as I’m thinking about referencing that against when Spence fought Crawford you know people kept saying that

Crawford brought more tools to the fight he can do more things and I think we we’re going to have the same a similar situation here I mean tyan Fury could even fight from the South Pole stance sometimes so I I think 100% I I wouldn’t

Say he has more tools than us us is a smaller guy he can do a whole lot his movement is even better but he has more than any other heavy work that heavyweight that usyk has ever faced and is he’s going to be a problem and I think he’s going to surprise

Us I say when I say two I say he has a lot of tricks real crafty there subtle things that most people won’t notice that is very effective against other Fighters I think that that’s what Tyson brings to the table so back in my day they used to call it malissia so yeah

Malicia that’s a word you wouldn’t know Barack you know way way way back in a day look there’s a training sounds like I’ll I’ll never forget this you know as like a six-year-old kid in the old Gleason’s gym when it was on 10 and something Street up toown I walked in

The gym and I met this trainer by the name of Freddy Brown and I want we’re talking about the heavyweights right go look at this fight against uh between Rocky Mariano and ezard Charles right Rocky Mariano got cut so bad that they were about to stop the fight and Freddy

Brown was the guy that stopped the cut from Rocky Marciano for him to be able to go back out right and finish that fight and remain undefeated because he was about to take his first law so Freddy Brown’s an old the guy that used to be in that gym and here trying to

Look interesting I don’t know where the heck you going with this I’m trying to look interested what the heck are you talking about I’m that you knew this guy named Freddy Brown no I met him one one time so for for you real hardcore fight fans look up look up Freddy Brown so

What was that like a commercial Freddy brown brown commercial this brought to by Freddy Brown in that gym the word Malicia by a a Hispanic trainer was used and that’s what Tyson Fury has Malia right so it’s just it’s sneaky little crafty things that people don’t see in

The ring uh normally so so Mal Bernard Hopkins basically yes yes Bernard Hopkins a lot of Malia probably the best ever at having Mal in the but that’s a slang folks all right look Barack uh before we get out of here um because of those nuances I think that that would

Put and I’m not making a prediction right now on the surface level I think that should put should put Tyson Fury over the edge when it comes to odds right who’s going to win or not but this is as me and a lot of other people say

The theat unexpected so we don’t know what’s going to happen but we can only assume Barack we can only assume yes sir yes sir I’m excited I’m excited I know you get frustrated easier so I get it and I understand we’ve been waiting for it for a while Tyson will

Say one thing one day and say another thing another day but you know what we’ve noticed what I’ve noticed we can always count on him to fight the guys we want him to fight and that’s it no question all right well that’s our show for today hope you guys enjoyed it peace

And love stay safe we’re out of here [Applause]


  1. Don't get me wrong Francis definitely won the fight with Tyson with that said Tyson did not train properly for that fight like he did other fights because Tyson underestimated Francis very much and Francis has been doing mixed martial arts which incorporates boxing to an extent just as long as Tyson Fury's been doing boxing and Francis is without a doubt one of the heaviest hitters and trained with the best with the team of the best do I think it's possible that Tyson Fury could defeat Francis if he trained properly I think it's possible but I take nothing from Francis he actually won that fight I predict Tyson Fury will win against Usyk although I want Usyk to to win no disrespect to Tyson Fury.

  2. I'm sure Usyk will be in great shape on February 17th.

    I think the first 5-6 rounds will be competitive, but then Usyk will begin to increase his speed, make repeated attacks, cut corners, and Fury will not be able to keep up with him.

    I can't wait for February 17th, this historic fight

  3. Ridiculous. USYK has more tools and he is a very trickier fighter than Fury. Fury needs to stop USYK to win which I doubt very much. I think USYK will shock everyone by even knocking out the elephant.

  4. If you've lost excitement for it, don't contaminate the subject with your pointless negativity & let someone who is interested host a show on it.

  5. Why are people making a big deal about fury hitting the canvas against ngannou, its heavyweight boxing ! , what do people expect, its not like he's never been dropped before. People are forgetting that he always gets up though and wins , usyk will not drop fury loke ngannou did cuz he aint big puncher

  6. Hopefully luke fury gangsta maye kinahan doesnt pay off the refs like he did with the nganou fight. Imagine the WBC champ winning a split decision victory by literally ONE round (check judges scorecards, literally one by a single round) against a man who has never boxed professionally. Absolutely embarrassing.

  7. who has luke fury beat? A 40 year old klitscko in a points stinker? Windmill wilder whos never beaten a top ten heavyweight and lost every round to joe parker? Otto wallin who took him life and death after AJ made him quit on his stool? Dillian shyte who arguably lost to jermaine franklin? Ngannou, a man who has never boxed professionally, yet luke fury won by literally ONE round on judges split decision scorecards. Biggest fraud in boxing.

  8. fury will run out of puff and usyk will speed up after 5-6 rounds the same happened to chisora when he fought usyk !!!!! usyk will work out how to beat fury after 5 rounds!!

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