Golf Players

Practice Smarter, Not Harder: Pump Drill Blueprint

During this September 2023 podcast, Graves Golf Co-founder Tim Graves, PGA hosts “Practice Smarter, Not Harder: Pump Drill Blueprint”. In this month’s edition of Plane Talk with Graves Golf Tim covers the Pump Drill. This drill helps promote clubhead speed and, with smart practice, you can squeeze more distance from your swing. 

Want to learn more about Moe Norman’s Single Plane Swing? Click the link:

[Applause] [Applause] Hey everybody I want to welcome you to the September plane talk and I want to welcome you guys and thank you for being part of graves Golf and and all the members out there all the single plan anywhere members and all the elite members and VIP members I really want to

Thank you guys for being part of what we do here and you know really exciting times and we’ll talk more about that tonight um tonight’s topic is going to be about um the pump drill um and really kind of how to practice correctly how to not practice incorrectly but more how to

Make sure you’re doing it right and the real reason I’m bringing this up and why I’m kind of doing an addendum is um the last 10% show we did which is a single plane Academy um webinar we do every month I did one in late September and I

Did and I brought up the pl the pump drill and it was crazy I mean it was absolutely crazy I’ll talk about that here more in a second um when I get into that I’ll I’ll talk more about that but anyway so what is tonight’s topic tonight’s topic is about pra and perfect

Tonight’s topic is about prac and correctly and the reason it’s brought up is because again it’s addendum to the last the last 10% show we did the last 10% show we did I started out this way and I talked about a gentleman and I’m going to bring it up again because it’s

A good reminder a gentleman worked with with me his name was Joe okay and Joe came into me this is a few years back and Joe was a decent golfer he probably shot 85 to 90 he was a decent golfer and we worked and worked and worked and Joe

Got into the high 70s okay and Joe came to me and he said Tim I want to work this winter I want to work over this winter and I want to do something over this winter to make me hit it longer to get me a little bit more plain but in

Particular to get better leverage get a little more distance and really work in my swing I said great so I showed Joe the pump drill and basically what Joe did and then Joe was a Medtech he worked in a lab he worked at the VA hospital he

Worked like from the the 11:00 shift T night till 7:00 in the morning and Joe would run test in the lab and he’d sit there and need weight that’s what Joe told me he’d sit there and need weight and during weight period of these tests

He pull out a training aid and he’ do the pump drill inside you do it in the lab you do a little short Training Club and in single plan position trainer he do in the lab so Joe did this over the winter he did this like October November

December January did over the winter and then Joe came and saw me in the spring Joe didn’t see me over the winter he saw me in the spring and Joe comes out there in in like February March and remember as before the spring Joe was h a nice

Little straight ball to madebe a little small draw he was shooting you know in the in the high 70s you know he’ come down abouta 10 shots in his score all of a sudden Joe I see Joe in this lesson and I started doing the lesson and Joe’s

Got this massive slice work and he’s pulling it slicing it topping it and I’m like what just happened I mean I’m I’m looking at Joe like do we have an injury did something something happened what’s going on I’m looking at Joe I’m like what’s going on I’m filming him I’m like

Joe you know all those lessons we had prior to this you were getting closer and closer on playe now you rever reverted I mean you you’ve lost probably half to three4 of what You’ gained and Joe looks at me goes well let me show what I did he starts doing the pump

Drill and I look at him I’m like Joe you’re doing that completely wrong you’re actually gearing in a bad swing right now and he looked at me he’s like do you know how many times I’ve done this I said no idea and he goes tens of

Thousands of times and I said okay Joe well here’s the problem is the reality is you’re doing it wrong the perception that you see is you’re doing it right and this is the problem because this is really the topic for tonight is perception versus reality okay it’s very

Interesting I get a lot of people that ask me in instruction what do you teach what do you guys teach they they expect us to say you know the single plane swing by mon Norman they want me to talk about you know position zero position

One or whatever it is you know who knows they’re asking me quickly you know over a dinner dinner or something and I’m always looking at and my answer is always I teach my students match up per perception versus reality okay because here’s what it comes down to is I hope

Every one of you guys practice you guys may practice five minutes a day you may practice five minutes a week you guys may practice five hours a day you may practice everything in between I don’t know I mean hopefully you guys get some practice in okay but the question is

When you guys are practicing and obviously you’re practicing to improve I assume you’re not just out there getting aerobic exercise and just you know it’s hopefully it’s nice out hopefully you’re enjoying the practice okay but hopefully you’re practicing to improve if you’re not let’s not practice at all let’s

Spend the time doing something else and just play some golf or whatever okay but hopefully you’re prac to approve but here’s what it comes down to how do you check to make sure you’re doing perfect practice how do you check to make sure that when you’re practicing it is

Correct because that’s the key because that’s why we call our shows that we do for the members the 10% shows cuz we know has been proven that only 10% of golfers actually will improve when they’re practicing or when they practice so think about it that means that only

10% of the golfers are actually practicing correctly does that make sense to it out there because 100% of golfers might be practicing but if 90% aren’t getting better they’ve got to be practicing incorrectly does that make sense some going say this one more time I think we

Have a slide on it how do you check because I want you to write this down how do you check to make sure you’re doing perfect practice and guys this is really critical so every time you’re out there practicing you may be putting you may be chipping you may be doing the

Drill we’re going to do tonight that I’m going to get into very seriously here whatever you’re doing here how do you make sure that my practice today I’m doing it right okay and yes training AIDS I’ve got a full of training days back here that’s a m massive start but

These are just templates to guide you in the correct direction because you hear what I just said they’re just templates to guide you in the correct direction and to give you reminders but they do not guarantee perfect practice they just give you a better chance to have a good

To perfect practice does that make sense these just increas the odds for you so do never think and please and guys I’m the one that Todd and I created every one of these training AES in fact I created over half of them just likeed okay so I’m going to promote these like

Crazy but I will never tell you this is going to guarantee you Improvement right here I’m not going to tell you that this is going to help aid in your improvement and it will speed up Improvement but just a template to give you reminders to help you on your journey to perfect

Practice did you hear what I just said that’s what these are for so what I’m gonna do tonight is I’m going to show you guys the pump drill and I’m gonna show you the same drill I showed Joe Joe and I went over this drill we talked

About this drill and then Jo one did this wrong and here’s the interesting thing I presented it in this last 10% show in the members web members webinar a couple weeks ago and literally two days later I got an email and text and a call from Trent white and Trent’s one of

My master instructors Trent’s been with me for like 13 or 14 years and by the way I’m going to give Trent white congratulations he just had twins um 48 hours ago you a twin boy and a twin girl so and congratulations TR I assume he’s not watching this tonight I assume he’s

Yeah okay but congratulations so it’s it’s child number two and number three okay Trent when he first started working with us he was talking about never getting married okay so anyway but congratulations Trent um anyway lot of you out there no Trent so please tell them congratulations he’s now got a new

Daughter new baby daughter girl and they were Twins and a baby boy is fantastic but anyway but Trent after the last webinar before he had these two kids Trent emailed me or then text me then called me and goes Tim the webinar you did just did was like crack cocaine for

Our members oh my God it was like a drug for them he goes every video I’m getting in right now is the pump drill every video you know Trent reviews 10 15 20 videos a day along with my other guys out there he goes like every video is on

The pump drill and I said so what do you see he goes most of them are doing it wrong I go and I go what do you mean most he goes Tim 70 to 80% of them are doing it right even after watching this and he goes I’m correcting I’m

Correcting he goes they’re better he goes I hope I assume they’re better than they were but I’m correcting I’m correcting well I talked to Trent the other day congratulating him on his twins I said how’s it coming he goes they’re getting better he goes those same guys are sending me those pump Tru

Videos and they’re getting better they’re getting a lot better but they still got work to do so listen to what he’s saying it’s not me telling you guys this it’s one of my instructors in the field who’s doing video analysis every single day of our members and he’s

Saying even watching this and doing it again and again and again they’re getting better they’re getting better do you understand this so what would happen if these students were not sending in videoid they’re jelal they’re Joe okay they’re him they’re Joe that’s what they’re doing they’re potentially making

Themselves worse okay so I’m going to show you the pump drill tonight I’m going to show you some very exacting moves but you’ve got to think to yourself how can I make sure I’m practicing this perfect every single time cuz guys this is the drill this is

Probably one if you had St one of the top five drills we do this one of the top three drills we do okay so I’m going to set up the station for you guys so first thing I’m going to do okay I’m going to set it up just like you should

Home okay I’m going to set up the ABT Lin in ball position trainer okay put three golf balls down one in ball position I’m going to go five foot back one foot in make sure I get in the screen nope I’m off the screen I’m going

Go up a little bit you don’t need to go past this right here okay so five foot back one foot in okay good perfect so there we go okay we got it I’m going to lower that camera just a little bit and we’ll get it in there okay it won’t

Matter because just just so we get that last one okay so I’ve got this in the screen now what I’m going to do is I’m going to take so I’ve got I’m got these balls I’ve got it set up guys this is just basic set up for the single plane

Position trainer set up what I’m going to do right now is I’m going to take a yard stick and point it between the back ball and the ball back here that’s 5 foot back one foot in so that’s at an angle so as you see I got my alignment

Ball position trainer and I have an angle to that very critical and you guys will see why so now I have my single plan position trainer and I’m going to talk about this night the other night I did it with a club in my hand I did did

The training grip Club it’s time going do the single plan position trainer now if I have time I’ll get in the training grip Club but I’m going to bring this up right now for a reason because I don’t want you if you have this in your hand you’re not thinking about swing you’re

Thinking about positions okay the second you throw a club your hand a club head a grip in your hand you’re thinking about swing and and our brain kind of goes crazy about the swing this is about positions okay this what we’re doing how do we check to make sure doing this

Right so now I’m going to set up right now make sure I’m on the screen perfect okay I’m going to set up right now in position zero okay and if you guys if you need I’m not going to cover POS the position zero position one position two

I’m not going to cover those review or single plan material go to on demand review these it’s every video we probably ever done covers these okay so if if you’re lost in this right now please go review that that’s not what tonight’s about tonight’s about the pump

Drill okay so now I go I’m sitting up over position and I’m going to bring this in a little further I’ll just go that way okay so you guys will see it okay I’m going to bring this I’m going to go to position one position two now

Here’s where the pump drill comes in the pump drill is a position where we go from position two to position three position two is the top of the Swing to now position three okay so I’m pumping down to basically hands to the golf ball okay so what the pump drill is is it’s

The motion you guys can call it some will call it you know just past transition some will call it the downswing some will call it you know as we get in the leverage Bank drill you know it’s that but we call it’s also known as the pump drill okay so I’m

Going to go to the top of the Swing now I’m going to start bringing this down pumping down towards the ball now here’s the checkpoints as I go from position two and I start coming down here’s checkpoint number one okay as I look down at the single plane position

Trainer and I look down at it there’s a black tape on the trainer okay there’s a black tape just below the grip okay as I pump down I do not see any white on the left hand side of this I see only black and white so as I pump down I see black

No white on the left hand side or the leading side of it that is critical the reason is is because to many people they pump down they lose all the leverage in the wrist which is speed and they pump down they get in a bad position with the

Hands this is not the appropriate position for a pump drill as you pump down we’re pumping down and we’re seeing only black and then white on the right side of this that’s number one here’s number two as I pump down and get the club or my hands to the golf ball this

Club this single plane position trailer this stick is lined up with that yard stick it is not here that is over the top so many people and this is what Trent saw this is just classic will pump down and they’re getting to this position they think that’s the pump

Drill that is not the pump drill my shoulders in this position number three are not squared to the ball yet they’re still closed to the Target so if this club but single paying position trainer here is outside my shoulder line that’s the over the top move that’s going to be

A pull that’s going to be a top that’s going to be a big old slice okay could potentially be a shake with your irons so as you’re pumping down it lines up with the yard stick it is staying along my shoulder line the beauty of using a

Single plane position trainer is as you pump down the back end is pointed to right field it is not pointed to the Target right now this target is basically right here okay so the target line would be just inside this club here right there notice notice where this is

Pointing it’s pointing to right field okay it’s along this line guys that’s a straight ball that’s a draw that’s a cut listen what I’m saying right now that’s a straight ball that’s on plane perfect getting the club down the line that’s a draw if you want to hit a slight draw look come

Little side that this is a cut that’s over the top or a slice okay so it that’s number one we’re going to line that up number two is we are going to get the L in front of the trail hip so notice I’ll give you a face on view as I

Come down my elbow is getting in front of my trail hip this is not the pump drill that’s not the pump drill because if I do that and I come down to position three and my elbow is in front of my hip by the time it gets the front of the hip

I’m just going to flip the club over so I’m going to push my hands forward okay I’m going to push it forward and get the elbow in front of the front hip now here’s the interesting part if you got the correct distance to the GOL golf

Ball this should be no problem at all now for conventional golfers it’s a problem if I get really close to the golf ball I have nowhere for my elbow to go I’ve got to jump up and spin out of the way to get myow front on the hip

Guys all good golf swings this what I’m saying here all good golfers all good ball Strikers get that elbow going in front of the trail hip in fact so much so if you wear a baggy jacket your elbow will hit that jacket okay you got a belly it doesn’t matter we get far

Enough away that we can get the elbow in front of the hip easy so now my hands are getting towards the golf ball my elbow’s in front of the hip okay my lead knee is still flexed as I get into this position that lead knee being flexed is

What drops this Trail shoulder and allows me to get in that position because notice as I go from position two to position three so here’s the pump drill this Trail shoulder is dropping in fact if you took the plane of the golf swing so right now you send a video into

My coach and they draw the plane of the golf swing so here’s the plane boom it goes right up when you’re going from position two to three your shoulder will go right down that plane line it’s not going to go over the plane line it’s not

Going to go under the plane line it’s going to go right down that plane line it’s called the shoulder plane well guess what that shoulder plane is what allows the arms to move properly which allows the hands to get to the golf ball properly okay that’s shoulder plane well

All of a sudden we get up here we’re pumping down and we’re doing this watch my trail shoulder where’s it going it’s going over my shoulder isn’t on the plane anymore it’s going on the top of the plane club’s getting steep it’s going over causing the slice pull hook

Shank okay now so pump drill position two to three so here’s check check number one is as we go down okay I’m looking at the single plan position trainer I don’t see any white on it number two the butt end of this is pointed towards right field it’s lined

Up with the yard stick number three I’m getting the elbow in front of the trail hip number four the lead knee is still flexed which allows me to get in that position now if you guys are doing this at home you better do it slow remember

Our saying the slower you do it the fast you get it you know why you’re going to do it slow because a lot of you guys are going to try to get in this position and go okay my body won’t let me get there or I’ve never felt that before in my

Life or you got to be kidding me okay well guess what with that being said that means you’re not flexible enough to get there or your body hasn’t allowed you to be flexible enough to get there so just doing this slow is going to help you with the flexibility promise you it

Will it’ll help you with ton with flexibility so you’re going to do it very slow to get there okay so we’re going to go position two to position three even if you go halfway because you not Flex want to get back there and you just going to position three position

Three notice I’m not even going down to position four don’t need to position three I’m holding this angle okay I’m not releasing this I’m not casting it I’m holding this angle to a allow myself to get maximum speed maximum leverage which give me maximum distance and the

Most accuracy right there so as I pump down I’m not even getting across the body don’t need to I’m just pumping down getting this to right field then eventually I’ll go from three to four I’m not going to do it here the pump drill is from position two to position

Three position two to position three that’s the pump drill okay now I’m going to show you a couple other nuances or Dums of this that are critical and I showed this in the last program and I think this is what kind of freaked everybody out so let me get a I got a

Training Club here a training grip on here okay yeah this isn’t short game impact trainer but it’s got Training Club on there so now I’m going to go to position I’m going to set up go to position one position two position three back to impact okay now I’m going to

Show you guys something here and I want you guys right now to mark this position with my hands okay and you should see it in fact it’s right on the edge of this bag I’m going to stay in this position so on this camera when I set up you will

See my hands are right on the edge of that bag I would suggest p a chair in there I would suggest getting something set up in there get something that you can mark that position okay because here’s what it comes down to I go to

Position one go to position two I go to position three notice my hands are on that same spot I just marked or slightly inside it they are not outside and this is where Joe made the biggest mistake because this is what he did he set up so

Mark this position you guys see it by the bag in the background right here okay he went up and then he pumped like this he pumped like this well look where my hands are right now they’re way above the impact position remember we set up will we make impact think about that we

Set up will we make impact so if we’re setting up right here and all of a sudden we’re pumping our hands on top what’s that doing that’s making me stand up it’s making me come over the top it’s making my sha come over the top it’s

Making me have to get steep to get to the ball when I start hitting golf balls so when you do this pump drill you have to have a check system notice what I just said that the hands come back to the same spot or slightly inside and for

A lot of you that’s going to feel very tight it’s going to be tight in the body that’s why we’re moving the body when we do the pump drill I’m not keeping the hips Still Point number four or five here when you do this pump drill it’s

Not skill hips it’s not a putting drill we are moving the hips we’re moving the hips we’re moving the hips we’re moving the hips guys that move of the hips is what allows us to get into that proper position we’re going position one position two now pump down pump down

Pump down we’re moving the hips into that proper position but that position of the hands that position to get that hands in that same spot or lower is critical so you give us a Down the Line view one of my coaches they see this they’re going to set up and going to

Circle the hands they’re going to take it you do the pump drill they’re going to say are the hands back in that spot or they above it is that shaft down the line is it not is the toe of the club there’s all kinds of things they’re

Going to check but the point is are you doing that drill correctly guys do it a million times you do a million times incorrect you’re a million times worse do it 10 times you do it 10 times correct you’re you’re you’re 10 times better do you guys understand this that

Is critical on this okay because it’s very simple very simple to sit and set all the stuff up and then not think we go brain down all a sudden we’re doing a drill improperly this template helps you get lined up properly it helps you get

The right width of the ball it helps you get the face Square in the club it helps you get the right stance but it’s a template it doesn’t guarantee you a proper pump drill I’ve got position zero position one I got it all set up here it’s great doesn’t guarantee a proper

Pump drill I’ve got a trending grip Club I got the single plan position trainer yeah this AIDS me I can look at the black mark on here I can make sure my grip is proper guys it’s a huge it’s an incredible template I can even get this

Back in which is huge to make sure it’s point the right field doesn’t guarantee I’m doing it right so that’s why when you wrote down tonight how do I check to make sure I’m doing it perfect that’s the key that’s the key because if you’re not doing it perfect if you’re not doing

It right listen to me very carefully don’t do it at all please don’t do it at all because it’s just aerobic exercise it’s going to make you potentially worse okay so your focus and that’s the theme for tonight is how do I guarantee I’m doing it perfect every single time and

And I and I will absolutely right now no doubt about it I will give accolades I will clap my hands I’ll patch you guys in the back all you guys that and literally my staff out there said they got thousands of videos on the pump drill that came in after the last 10%

Show literally now obviously some are multiple videos but they literally said they got the man it was I mean literally TR call me up and goes it’s like a drug for these guys like it’s crazy they went nuts in this thing I’m like awesome that’s awesome members send in more

Video on the pump drill guys this is your winter drills this is your spring drills this is your summer drills this is your fall drills this is the drill what do you think these guys are doing on the tour when they sit there and they’re doing this out in the pre- swing

And they’re doing a little motion the swing they’re doing the same thing now it’s easier for us because of where we stand it’s easier for us CU The Way We Stand towards it it’s easier for us cuz we’re keeping on a single plane we’re not trying to jump into certain

Positions but that’s what they’re doing and we’re trying to get you guys the same thing okay I mean it’s it’s it’s crazy but again no matter what drills guys if you were on Demand right now and you said how many drills are on there if

I looked at my steps how many drills are on demand I mean it’s literally thousands am I right I mean I mean Thomas right now was just laughing he’s like there’s no way to count that don’t do if you can’t guarantee you’re doing them right I don’t want you to do one of

Them I literally don’t want you to do one of them you’ve got to figure out a way for yourself to guarantee that when you’re doing these drills I don’t care if it’s a pting drill a chipping drill a pitching drill a bunker drill a full swing drill in swing drill I don’t care

That when you’re doing that drill you’re doing it right and here’s what the other thing that happen is very interesting I promise you and the members will tested this you send in a video to our coach all of a sudden you say n you got to do

This got to change this you know this is looking very but you got to change this and do this all a sudden you go video your swing again and you’re like nope I didn’t make the change you’re looking at yourself you know instantaneously nope I

Didn’t make the change or yep I did man that’s really good I’m G to send that back in then then instructor all a sudden says let’s tweak this let’s tweak that okay you’ll know CU they’re instructing you to instruct yourself listen I just said our coaches are not sitting there

Saying yes no no yes they’re instructing you to be able to instruct yourself they’re teaching you how to practice perfect do you hear what I’m saying right now they’re instructing you because they know 99% of the practice you do will be by yourself nobody’s going to be eyeballing you nobody’s

Going to be watching you if they are most time they don’t even know what they’re talking about okay unless you’re at a school or one of us personally they don’t know so they’re instructing you to instruct yourself because they what they could do is they can sit there nope

That’s not right your hands are in a bad position done no they’re going to sit there and say get those hands lower this is what it should look like this is where we want to be go reference this go reference that that’s what they’re going to tell you they’re trying to make you

Your own best instructor do you understand that and when you become your own best instructor do you understand the rapid Improvement that occurs it is crazy okay it is crazy I mean enough said you got I’ve talked and talked and talked and talked and talked about this

In length about that but that’s what this is all about okay um I’m going to leave it there guys if you want that right there on steroids you want the next level of that we refer back to the 10% shell which is a couple weeks ago we

Cover that drill for like 30 or 40 minutes um it was just like we I went in a little bit more depth on it refer to that I’m stopping right now because I want to take some questions tonight I’d always like to get a few questions when

We do the public webinars okay and kind of see where these are going tonight okay um first question how long does it take the average 7-year-old to learn the system Peter I love the question Peter U honestly mean you you heard me the way I talked at the beginning Peter um you may

Never learn it if you don’t have a way to do your practice perfect you may just do circles or this may just be another system you’re going to go through you went and tried you know this one you went tried that one you went and tried

This one and now of a sudden you made your pit stop at single plane and you don’t know how to practice you don’t know how to check yourself you don’t know what to do you don’t know how to make sure you’re practicing perfect you’ll just go on the next one we

Understand that maybe you’ll come back maybe you won’t or you’ll decide I want to take that leap I’m actually going to send in the video to the coach I’m actually going to come see the guys in person I’m actually going to go get some serious with this I’m actually going to

Make sure I get my clubs fit me to this methodology you’re going to take that leap guys you notice what I just said There It Is fascinating how many people I email every single day and they’re asking me all these questions on the golf swing which guys I mean I get

Hundreds and hundreds of emails a day okay I’ll bet between myself and my staff we get at least a thousand emails a day and probably more than that it’s amazing to me how many will call in these questions and they’re asking very simple questions and I go pull their

Name up on the website and I’ve got no fittings on them none I’m not saying I sold them Club I don’t care less they haven’t even fit their clubes with a single plane system if I haven’t sent them their fittings how the hell are they fitting their own clubs so they’re

Out there with clubs that are too upright too flat Too Short too long whatever is grip’s too small whatever it is and now they have all these questions stop stop let me give you a little secret I’m going just tell you this right now to the public if we haven’t

Fit you I’m not talking about selling your clubs we can if we want I’m talking about if you have not fit your clubs a single plane system if you have not fit your clubs do not send us emails do not send us questions it is irrelevant because you’re fighting your equipment

Okay so that was why I asked that question repeater if you got your cloes for the system man you are so far into the system it is great it is amazing it’s amazing how many people will never do that that’s number one number two how serious are you about every time you go

Out practice while practicing properly practicing correctly not just go out there just pounding balls because that’s what 90% of people do you’re out there actually working on something or my eyes over the ball when I putt do I have an open stance and my hands going down the line when I chip I

Mean simple things but how do you check that CU if you can check it and you have a great check system you will get better rapidly okay and then the other thing is to find better and I won’t get into that now but is better scoring better ball

Striking better most people think that’s combined yes ball striking better will help your scoring but not significantly you want to score better you get in your short game just better you’re on course instruction your mental game gets better okay your flexibility gets better and you will go rock on your scores you will

Rock okay you’re going to work on ball striking it will get better but it takes time it takes time okay let’s put all that together let’s put that in a big package together and all of a sudden we got guys that are shooting their age that never dreamed of doing that that

Are actually winning Club championships that never dreamed of doing that I got 71 72y old guys you saw in my last newsletter they’re shooting their age and they couldn’t break in 80 six months ago okay and now they’re shooting the high 60s low 7s are shooting their age

And they couldn’t dream of it talk to them about how they did it they’ll tell you okay so so that’s really the answer to that question for you next question how far back is the club face supposed to be from the ball so when you set up Jerry it’s based on the club

Itself so when you set up for example over six iron okay and we get over the ABT here okay and you notice I got a six iron stand so here’s my front foot here’s my trail foot okay and when I set up over that six iron and put it in iron

Ball position so now when I set up at a six iron width and I my proper shoulder tit proper spine tilt my nose is going to be a few inches behind the golf ball that’s where the GOL the golf club sets that’s how far behind it it’s always

Below the nose if I start getting a driver withd and you see I get driver withd my nose backed up the club will sit underneath my nose so now it’s further back usually about 6 to8 inches now I get into a wedge distance notice my nose is basically right on the ball

It’s a great question for this it’s a huge mistake I see golfers make they get over top of a pitching wedge or a sand wedge and a full swing even a pitch and they’ll set up over and they’ll put the club Behind the ball no when you set up

Over a short iron your nose is right in the edge of the golf ball put the club right in the golf ball it’s always body we call it clubs always Body Center or right below the no nose it starts in the same spot okay so check it put it on

Video check it see if that clubs underneath that nose that’s the key all right next question what is the we distribution between the lead leg and the trail leg after the transition is it the same at impact no but Michael it’s I mean here’s the deal most people who talk about

Weight distribution it’s not a bad question but when it’s brought up it’s because they have swing issues and those swing issues are causing poor weight distribution if you work here let me put this way I’ve never seen anybody who’s fixed the weight distribution all sudden they get a single plane swing it doesn’t

Work that way what happens is they work on their single plane swing they work in proper positions and weight distribution occurs does that make sense so and there’s a couple things to look at though number one when you go to the top of the Swing okay the weight is still on

The inside of the trail knee it is not on the outside of the knee it does not bow out it does not Flex out the hip does not turn so far or you don’t straighten that trail knee so many people lack flexibility or have limited flexibility in the way they turn the

Trail hip is just straighten that knee that’s not a hip turn that’s just a straighten of the leg we do lose some Flex the trail knee but it still stays slightly flexed the weight stays on the inside of the knee or on the ball of the foot now as I transition down that

Weight is going towards that lead knee or the lead toe of the lead foot so the weight is transitioning towards the lead side so that transition is going forward now and now as I get the impact the weight is towards the ball the lead foot maybe just inside the toe and on that

Lead knee it is not strained out and over the top right now that weight’s on my heel okay my hips pulled out my shoulders over and the weight goes toward towards the heel so the weight stays basically on the insides of the balls of your feet from basically top of

The swing through impact through release and then after release it comes up and you’re done okay but it stays inside that he guys I go look at the improve your move DVD it talks about that dramatically okay even my flexibility exercise DVD talks about how that

Important it is to get that inside that area okay there’s a lot of DVDs to talk about that but like I said just be careful on this a lot of people think they can fix the weight distribution that fix her swing no work on proper positions on the swing in good balance

Notice what I said there and then all of a sudden the weight distribution will happen Okay next question you have stated that we should be back from the ball about 36 inches from a driver do you have any way of knowing that you are in the proper

Distance without some sort of guide yeah Charles it’s pretty simple here’s what it comes down to you measure it so many times when you’re practicing that’s why we have the ABT and we have the yard stick and we set this down okay and we

Set up over and we got a driver so I’m pull out my paradig driver here okay I don’t need to te it up I’ll put it here I put it two inches outside the end of that driver three inches so I don’t hit the stick I go two to three inches

Inside now I set it up and now I’m in perfect position distance to the ball so right now I’m in perfect distance to the ball I’m 36 in on that golf ball and I hit one I te another one up I hit it notice I should be able to te up a th

Golf BS from that not have to move a thing cuz I’m hitting it off a te I’m not making a divot or anything another one and guess what over time doing this enough you will know if you’re 36 and 1/2 in you’ll know if you’re 35 1/2 inches it’ll feel weird because you’ve

Checked it so many times but here’s the deal if you’re not doing this every single time using these two AIDS I said training days right here you’re too lazy just feel embarrassed um I don’t know what you want to say because I’ll tell you right now I wasn’t practice about an

Hour this afternoon working on my driver I had this out there the entire time anybody’s watching this tonight was practicing with me out there you saw me use it Todd uses every single time he practices so you guys aren’t going to that’s how you do it because you do it

Enough during practice to make it perfect that allows you to get that feel when you go play and then trust yourself cuz guys you do this enough correctly you’ll do it right in the golf course okay now there is guys I’ve seen that have done this if you want and I’m not

Going to recommend this okay but I will show you something they’ve done they’ll set up and and I lot of you or guys know what I’m going to talk about here they’ll set up and they’ll go okay from the heel of the golf ball to right now

The middle of this grip right here just below here is 36 in now that’s not true for everybody CU some drivers a little bit longer some a little bit shorter okay depending on your size but you can measure that what is 36 Ines okay so I

Go right here so right now from there I’m do it again from right here to here NOP it’s I take that back it was from the driver to the G was 36 in so now they’ll go on the golf course and I’ve seen them do this and they’ll

Actually go out there and they’ll set up and they’ll go okay at the right distance that’s pretty close I’ve seen him do that I don’t recommend that here’s why because I don’t want you focusing on fundamentals in the golf course you’re focused on playing the

Game on the golf course you focus on fun Ms in the golf course you’re going to get in your own way Welcome to our alert attitude of end difference School Welcome to our course Management Mental game alert attitude school this is what we talk about the second you get in that

Golf course and you focus on fundamentals you are not going to play good golf because the body gets in an uncomfortable State we like it to be in uncomfortable State when you’re working on fundamentals we love it that means you’re making changes but when you’re on

The golf course you’re trying to get in a comfortable State and you should have practiced enough prior to that that when you get out there it’s not a guessing game you know exactly what it feels like boom I’m in that position okay that’s how you do that you practice it

Correctly enough that when you go out there it becomes automatic it becomes a subconscious movement on the golf course you know it’s interesting you want a thing what our mental game oncore school is how do you turn conscious thought into subconscious thought how do you turn conscious thought which is per

Practice type B conscious type practice into subconscious thought which is going on the golf course and playing and we got even apps in the phone we got apps it’ll show you how to do that that you can actually that Paul Monahan will actually show you that actually can

Monitor and stress that and show you that and increase your ability for having perfect practice and perfect play that’s what that’s all about but that’s was a great question for that that’s how you do that right next question all right should I be fitted for closy for embarking in the single plane swing

Tiger in addition to this people have also asked if I’ve been fitted by my Pros fitted clubs in my no for single no absolutely not sh being absolutely T this is that Tiger Woods maybe Tiger’s given up and and decided to come single playing because of his back absolutely why because

You’re not going to get in our methodology you’re not going to get in our system properly unless you have fitted clubs guys here’s the deal okay here’s a s that fits me perfect okay this one fits me perfect that’s why it’s in this bag back here because it fits me

Perfect all I got to do you’re going to sit there and say right now how do I get the proper distance from a seven iron will it fit you perfect it’s real simple I set it flat in the ground I push it Forward I now set up I now the perfect

Distance from this golf ball the perfect L perfect length I’m ready to rock perfect spine tilt perfect angle I’m ready to go if this club was to Upright I don’t think I have one in here now yeah I do right here here’s a club that’s two upright okay so now here’s a

Four and this two upright for me okay so right now I have no spine tilt I that’s flat on the ground I have no angle I have I’m too close to the golf ball I right now I would S I would come over top of this potentially shake

It every time if I got a perfect set for for iron that toe is now 3 or four degrees off the ground I know that’s hard to see okay I’m going to heel dig this and hook the crap out of it okay so um the issue is this a properly fit Club

Allows you to get in the proper positions that fits our methodology it’s amazing how many guys to I’m going to work on my swing get a little bit better and then I’ll fit my club later yeah you’ll just go away you will just disappear because those improperly fit

Clubs will not allow you to get in the positions that we need you to get into not only at setup but an impact guys you start heel digging the club or toe digging the club here’s the worst thing it’s going to hurt you it’s going to hurt you it’s

Going to cause so much stress at impact to your wrist your elbow your shoulder it’s going to potentially damage your body you’re going to be done with golf anyway so it won’t be us that inj your golf it’ll be yourself properly fit Club is scary what it does and guys you guys

Watch my newsletters maybe you just don’t believe them how many times I put in there I just got fit for clubs and it was crazy how much easier made the system I just got fit for clubs got the clubs it was crazy how much better made it overnight I’m not making that stuff

Up go on Facebook go on our social media go talk to the guys don’t talk to me talk to the tens of thousands of guys that I fit and by the way I looked on it three days ago my wife asked me cuz she

Knows how much how busy I am I wanted to trip to Minnesota I sat there all week it was on my computer about half the time she’s like how many fittings do you have in there I think I had close to 320,000 320,000 fittings in the computer

That’s what I was looking at I’m looking at Thomas Thomas believes it don’t you okay so if you’re not one of those you’re out so 320,000 fittings yeah so there you go there’s nobody in the world that’s got that many fittings okay and that’s stuff I just send back to you and

Say this length of your clubs this is the line of your clubs jlex your clubs grip size your clubs you’re set makeup that’s what we do okay all right so um are we good are we any more questions question okay we still have that one giveaway for tonight so real quickly um

On the announcements number one is um I just I will apologize for this if this offended anybody I’m apologize ahead of time but the single play Anywhere membership is is full um if you want to get in Elite you want to get in VIP there’s a couple spots of those okay if

You want to get on the wait list and get I mean I can tell you where you’re on the weight list if you email me or I can have Shane or Thomas tell you but I don’t do that those guys do it send me an email I’ll get you on that wait list

I’ll get you on and then they’ll call you and if you want it at the time when they contact you you can take it if you don’t want it then let’s go to the next guy or next gal okay it’s up to you okay but I just want you guys to know that

Because you’re going to wonder why sometimes we give specials and sometimes we don’t we get specials and we got a bunch of openings and we don’t that’s usually full okay it’s number one number two is the Putter’s coming out I’m getting a dozen emails a day I know

Brad’s probably getting more emails a day please understand we’re going to go as fast as we can my guys be working around the clock these things together we got to assemble them now we got to give us about a week to week and a half to get assemble they’re going to go out

I’m shooting the the final instruction for it tomorrow what’s out there right now is a video of me and Todd talking about it the final instruction there’ll be a bunch of videos be like four or five videos of instruction how to use it I’m shooting tomorrow and they’ll be out

In the next few days I’m looking at the my video guys over here it’ll be out next few days they thumbs up okay it’s going to be amazing stuff okay and we’ll break down exactly how use that putter it is crazy I will tell you right now I

Play golf with two IND individuals in the past week one of them’s name is Tracy Phillips one’s name is Shannon Frid you guys know Shannon worked for me before these are two guys I probably respect more than anybody else in the world with their short game I think if

All us three together we talk short game short game Tracy is the top Senior Tour player for the PGA you guys can look him up online phenomenal player very very good friend of mine I showed him these putter these putter Tracy and Shannon Shannon particular told me he looked at

Me he goes this is going to be world changing for putter he goes this this is industry changing this is crazy this is industry changing stuff I go I just I go yeah and he goes no he goes Tim this is industry changing stuff right here I go yeah it

Is it’s going to be pretty nuts okay it’s going to be pretty nuts you guys see you guys are going to see this put a lot more than just an our Academy it’s going to go off so it’s it’s going to go off you guys will see that okay um

Anyway so um last thing on that guys if you’re get into school get into school two weeks from now you want to make the most dramatic change you can possibly imagine in your game and it will ridiculously good for you guys join me so setember 26th to 28th in Phoenix with

Me and Paul monan okay I’m a half student in that school I learn from Paul every time I go and I use it when I go out and play every time I go there I learn learn stuff I it’s it’s incredible the stuff he gives it’s incredible I

Mean I guarantee you I guarantee you come to that by the 27th afternoon you’re going to be looking at me and going okay this is lifechanging okay okay um we’re good all right guys if you need anything timg timg atgr I will either answer

It I’ll will get you to the right person okay we’ll get you on a list get you the right person answer your questions don’t miss the double tradein special the double bonus and the tradein ends in about five days six days it’s for any clubs you want to trade in towards

Paradigm big birth other clubs it’s massive okay massive and it’s going to go down dramatically after this weekend all right so three-day School winner we got one all right Mike day from North Manchester Indiana so Mike day from North Manchester Indiana I guess Indiana right okay so congratulations Mike was

That the winner for tonight y all right congratulations Mike it’s your choice at three days School anytime anywhere you want to go all right so guys thanks for joining us tonight um I want you guys to make sure you guys are getting our newsletter make sure you’re getting

Information you know the first and third Monday of every month you guys should be getting our newsletter there all kinds of instructional articles in there um guys use the on demand use on demand use on demand I cannot stress that enough you go to any smart apparatus go into

The App Store pull up on demand okay you can get in there members you can get in there we’ll get you the code you get in there okay it’s amazing stuff use it improve it let us know you search for something you can’t find it couple days

We’ll have it fixed for you okay so guys thanks for joining us tonight and guys we’ll see you real [Applause] [Applause] Soon oh

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