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Trump Tries to HUMILIATE Melania as She REFUSES to be Near Him

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports how Donald Trump is taking jabs at Melania Trump who has been missing from his public events.

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So on Friday while President Biden was giving a imperative speech on preserving and protecting our democracy Donald Trump was on social media posting dozens of messages about a victim he was found to have sexually abused by a federal jury egene Caroll he was attacking uh New York attorney general Leticia James

And he was uh constantly releasing this video both on social media and at a traveling fascist circus event that he was hosting and explain to you how this video he’s posting is an attack on Melania the video is called God made Trump this is what Donald Trump is

Actually posting and it tracks this messaging from the far right Maga base that he’s sent by God to battle the Deep State it’s like a qanon thing like you don’t get much more deranged than this and this video is so unnerving and and sickening but there’s a moment that I

Want you to pay attention to where Donald Trump shows in the video Melania tripping and falling and I want to explain the context of it first let me show you this video then I want to explain to you like what is going on right now at maral Lago and in Donald

Trump’s world so so first let let let me show you this play the Clip and on June 14th 1946 God looked down on his planned paradise and said I need a caretaker so God gave us Trump God said I need somebody willing to get up before Dawn fix this country work all day fight the marxists eat supper then go to the Oval Office and stay past

Midnight at a meeting of the heads of state so God made Trump I need somebody with arms strong enough to rustle the Deep State and yet gentle enough to deliver his own own grandchild somebody to ruffle the feathers tame cantankerous World economic Forum come home hungry

Have to wait until the first lady is done with lunch with friends then tell the ladies to be sure and come back real soon and mean it so God gave us Trump I need somebody who can shape an axe but wield a sword who had the courage to

Step foot in North Korea who can make money from the tar of the sand turn liquid to Gold who understands the difference between tariffs and inflation will finish his 40-hour week by Tuesday noon but then put in another 72 hours so God made Trump God had to have somebody

Willing to go into the den of vipers call out the fake news for their tongues as sharp as a serpents the poison of vipers is on their lips and yet stop so God made Trump God said I need somebody who will be strong and courageous who

Will not be afraid or terrified of the Wolves when they attack a man who cares for the flock a Shepherd to mankind who won’t ever leave nor forsake them I need the most diligent worker to follow the path and remain strong in faith and know the belief of God and Country somebody

Who’s willing to drill bring back manufacturing and American jobs Farm the lands secure our borders build our military fight the system all day and finish a hard week’s work by attending church on Sunday and then his oldest son turns and says Dad let’s make America great again Dad let’s build back a

Country to be the Envy of the world again so God made Trump so you saw at the end of the video right there milania randomly tripping and falling and Donald Trump you know picking her up I mean it’s it’s such a the whole video is very bizarre it’s also a very bizarre

Sequence here but you know we’ve been covering the fact that Milani has been totally Mia she’s been absolutely missing and we previously reported that she had renegotiated her prenuptual agreement is reported by Page Six uh in order for her to start showing up at uh at at things um so she had to

Renegotiate her prenup and in the postnup um but has not been showing up to Mar has not been at any of these events refusing to be around uh Donald Trump um as Donald Trump is at these events with Alina Haba and and and hanging out with other people there more

On that in just a moment but Donald Trump is putting that in his current video because there were a lot of videos out right now that you probably saw while Donald Trump was disgracing the office that Melania Trump wanted nothing to do with him at all and most of the

Milani videos of her pushing Donald Trump away let me show you this video right here it’s from the Tik Tock account known as Left Coast Chris so hat tip there just take a look at this compilation and then I want to talk about this more here play this Clip So those are all the moments where Milani had like just kind of shed Donald Trump away and didn’t want to be next to fure Donald Trump um and now Milan is nowhere to be seen and at the New Year’s party for example who is Donald Trump

Hanging out with he’s hanging out with a guy by the name of uh Paulo zampoli and who is Paulo zampoli Paulo poy uh someone who ran a modeling agency in the 1990s he introduced Donald Trump to Milani as part of Paulo’s modeling agency apparently he would bring in

Foreign women to join this uh and young women uh to join this modeling agency and then he would throw parties at uh Manhattan nightclubs like the KitKat club and that’s where Donald Trump met Melania at the KitKat club and uh eventually uh he and Melania had gotten

Married so Donald Trump’s taking all of these photos with Paulo zampoli uh at that event and of course you know then Donald Trump in that period after meeting Bania he would go to clubs and of course we know that he hung out with Jeffrey Epstein and gilain Maxwell I

Mean there are parties of him in Melania and Epstein and gilain Maxwell interestingly Epstein claims that he was the one who introduced uh Melania to Donald Trump although uh you have Paulo Zoli claim he was the one who who uh who introduced them but but here’s the thing

Too if you go back and look at some of the early interviews When Donald Trump was asked questions about Melania or was talking about Melania is very very interesting to dissect here let me show you this clip this is when Donald Trump was on Howard Stern and he’s speaking

About Paris Hilton who’s 12 years old at the time this is like beyond disgusting Donald Trump is is is is anyway talking about a 12-year-old Paris Hilton in terms that are the most disgusting and and and gross thing but but listen to what he says at the end right here about

Melania and I think this is an important clue also about what’s going on don’t worry we’ll we’ll piece this all together um he blames Melania but watch this clip play it really beautiful really beautiful is Paris Hilton Paris Hilton and I I’ve known Paris Hilton from the time she’s 12 she’s hot are

Friends of mine and you know the first time I saw her she walked into the room and said who the hell is that did you want to bang her she is a very well at 12 I wasn’t interested I’ve never been into that right they’ve sort of always

Stuck around that 25 category but even at 12 you were kind of like I saw at 12 she was beautiful but honestly you know Paris gets knocked and this and that but she’s very beautiful is Flawless she’s she’s dumb like a fox have you seen the

Uh video the sex video I have seen it you did what’ you do you went on intern it was just yeah just how did you see that what did you do Melania showed it to me she showed it to me what did you think of that I I I think it’s probably

Unfortunate and perhaps it made what is that no that’s the tape did you notice it at the end it’s very subtle but the whole disgusting video the whole thing is disgusting but then Donald Trump blames Melania for showing him the Paris Hilton tape he says and it was it was

Her fault so then I wanted to do some more kind of digging I I want to get into the uh this the Psychiatry the psychology here behind all this so I I dug up an interview from the early 990s of Ivana Trump who was incredibly eloquent in this uh in this interview

And this is when Donald Trump had had left her I want you to play these two clips first let me play you this clip of uh Ivana from this interview and she since passed very tragically um but let me just show you what she says about

Donald Trump here play this clip do you see warning signs uh I read didn’t I read didn’t in your situation particular there was another woman involved that’s very hurtful how do you deal with that there’s nothing you can do it just you try to you first you try to uh to to

Patch up maybe uh differences because there might be a man which you might be doing something wrong this is why he runs away um you try to things but uh this in my case it was just so clear and the trust was broken so badly that I

Knew that it was just a old way mhm it could be patched what do you think is the hardest part about divorce for me the hardest part of it wasn’t the question am I going to be able to take care of myself because I knew that I

Could it wasn’t question of Pride per se was for me it was a it was a failure in something I have done maybe could avoid because it takes two to tango as you know and uh and that was the hardest part for me to really accept let me show

You what then Donald Trump says about her let me show you this other clip here play play this clip I Anna would get angry at somebody over the telephone all of a sudden who was at the casino and she’ start shouting and I’d say I don’t want my

Wife shouting at somebody like that well you know if you go into work and if you have 4 and a half thousand employees and the vice president you cannot be feel a cat there was a great softness to Avana and she still has that softness but during this period of time she

Became an executive not a wife so you see how Donald Trump kind of sociopath Donald Trump blaming Ivana saying it was her fault because she was acting independently and she was you know starting to do things around the business you see Donald Trump attack Ivana right there there and and you also

See what now has happened to Ivana right you take a look right here from the daily mail um Ivana Trump’s cordin off grave is barely visible in completely overgrown area of Trump’s 506 acre Bedminster New Jersey golf course so I think Donald Trump in order to get tax benefits or whatever turned Bedminster

Uh into a cemetery but the only person who’s buried there is Ivana and then here you see how the uh how it’s become overgrown with grass and it’s barely visible and where Ivana is buried I mean this is as ghoulish and as disgusting and especially when you

Saw how eloquent Ivana was there and just who she was nobody at all deserves that at all but it kind of gives new meaning to the way all of that went down so so how is this related to Melania I think the timing of this all makes sense

Of when when and how Ivana was treated at that time when she was buried then you have Melania thing trying to very you know forcefully negotiate her prenup and in a postnup trying to secure as many ad as many things as she can for Baron especially as Donald Trump’s going

To be facing massive verdicts and massive uh judgments right there and I think Melania does want to you know we saw her give a speech recently um as well and and uh I don’t think Donald Trump wanted her to give this speech and she’s starting to you know try to act a

Little bit independently from Donald Trump and not just go along with whatever it is that he wants and I think she observed what happened to Ivana and so she’s kind of speaking up right now and pushing back this was from a speech that she recently gave I have no clue why she

Delivering this speech uh at at all but she was invited to speak to a group of of of uh new citizens and she explained how uh she became a citizen here play this clip and then of course there are nuances of understanding the United States immigration laws and the complex legal language contained

Therein I was very devoted but I certainly was not an attorney and eventually it pro provide critical for me to s to retain Council I was fortunate to do so as ultimately my journey was streamlined and brought me over the Finish Line as a naturalized citizen while challenges were numerous

There were rewards were well worth effort by the way melania’s whole citizenship story makes zero sense and I did a whole video of that and how she joined this modeling agency and then got the Einstein genius Visa none of it makes sense but that was the last time I think

Anyone seen Melania was at that speech right there and we know what Donald Trump thinks about it when it was uh Ivana who was acting independently and there you have uh Melania out there speaking I don’t think Donald Trump wants her at all to do that and so right

Now I think you have something really serious uh going on behind the scenes but it’s all a mess it’s all complete chaos it’s all complete drama and when you see all of these videos also I know it’s in the context this video of you know Melania not speaking

To Donald Trump but but to me there is a major issue about character here and that that’s why I want to cover this story because as you follow these different uh bits that I’m talking about here at all aspects of this the behavior by Donald Trump absolutely abhorrent

From the video I showed you of aana to meeting Milani at the KitKat club and her being a foreign model as part of this you know foreign modeling agency and meeting her at a place where these models would show up to meet wealthy businessmen to how Donald Trump buried

Ivana to not speaking with Melania to Melania not showing up at events to Donald Trump hanging out with uh uh other people at these parties like Alina Haba and you know all these other photos that that I’ve been showing you and it the whole thing is very ghoulish and bizarre and

Unseemly and and I just think we all need to open up our eyes and just take a look at like the heck is the heck is going on here the video of Donald Trump talking about a 12-year-old Paris Hilton I’ve showed you the other videos as well Trump hanging out with Jeffrey

Epstein and gilain Maxwell which we all know he appears on the the Epstein log seven times I mean Pao this whole thing is some of the most strangest stuff in the world but that’s the Republican party today when you piece all of this together that is magum

Uh today anyway tell me what you think in the comments I’m Ben myellis from the midest touch Network And subscribe we’re on our way to 2 million subscribers thanks to your support thanks so much for watching we’re only a few subscribers short of 2 million Subs Please Subscribe right now to the

Mightest touch YouTube channel for free and help us grow this unapologetically pro-democracy Network


  1. I still say that having a full casket for an urn is suspcious. Especially, her (suspicous death) funeral was held when Trump needed hiding places for government documents.

  2. How come Trump liking a few days in his 4 tear term spent a year playing and running to Maralago every weekend if he was working so hard,he done nothing but sow lies,conspiracy theories ,chaos,and division in this country with his crooked ways,and now with all these courts he don't want it televised because he wants to walk of court and start sowing his lies about what went on in court it all needs to be televised so he cannot lie to the public just like Hunter wants it to be televised to the public so no lies can be told,it is the same thing that,Putin is doing and does not want things to be told to the people of Russia,Putin wants to keep his country in the dark anout how he is going in and just killing the people,a b d destroying the country of Ukraine ,Truml grts that from Putin,and so dies the GOP not wanting to have Hunter getting I n a televised court room ,just so they can tell their lies,it is what the communist countries do to keep control of the country and to be able to control the people the country.

  3. Oh he’s just a sick freak. Prison will shut him up. Can’t wait. We will all be safe then. Especially women. 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

  4. A bigger dig at Melania than showing her tripping was saying all this awesome stuff he claims to be doing, then saying "while Melania has lunch". Implying she does nothing while Donald does all the work. A dig like that could only happen if the relationship is on the rocks and Donald is preparing his followers for him and Melania to part ways.

  5. That Trump video is one of the most outrageous things I have ever seen. I was thinking it was a parody of some kind, but then realized it is deadly serious 🙄🙄

  6. This is sad how a con man uses God to garner respect. It is like his J6 traitors, They insist they did it under the pretense they were the TRUE Americans, Patriots and Christians. If any other groups did this the Republicans would want them shot. OBTW Ben, do you have any say so in the commercials being shown on your site? Vote Blue

  7. I don't see how this has anything to do with Melania.
    It actually makes me think it's more about disrespecting god , religion faith & country purely to make him seem somehow above it all.
    Whoever other than Trump's eldest son ( according to this video) could see God approving of Envy or the might of the military? According to the teachings of the Christian & Catholic Churches envy is a sin, in fact it's one of the seven deadly sins, which also include Pride & Greed, both son's that Trump has been accused of many, many times.
    IMO, this video far from depicting a man of strength, courage & high morals it portrays a man obsessed with his own image, deluded by his belief in his own abilities & exceptionally dangerous in his words & actions to support & bring about those belief's.
    IF Trump were to be allowed to run for President again, it would take an exceptionally rational committed & popular person, with the love, welfare & support of the American people uppermost on their list of priorities to beat him & stop the destruction, chaos & mindless violence that is bound to follow in his wake.
    Trump's ideology should he be granted a 2nd term is simple, his admiration of the like's of Putin, Kim Jong-un & Xi Jinping is well known & documented, his greatest wish is like them to become his countries, spiritual, religious & political leader for longer than just for up to two separate four year terms.
    In short Trump wants the USA to become a dictatorship, with him at the head…. That is a truly terrifying thought

  8. The "God Made Trump" video is a direct ripoff from a 1978 speech Paul Harvey gave to the Future Farmers of America convention titled "So God Made a Farmer".

  9. Help us Lord
    I don’t follow him so I rarely see what he is putting out there
    This is a mini Lifetime movie
    No wonder people are falling for this guys’ bulls***
    If this is what u are consuming then unfortunately this is what u will come to believe
    If you are poorly educated of course which also unfortunately is way too many of us Americans

    And the fact that those children allowed their mother to be laid to rest like that
    It just speaks volumes about these people
    Wake up Trumpers!! Please

  10. Paulo has been to many mar-o-lago parties. Nothing out of the ordinary.

    (8:23)Why is Ben putting Sterns words in Trump mouth? Trump says Paris is beautiful, he's known Paris since she was 12. Stern says ‘did you want to bang her?’ Trump says he’s not into that, the 25 year category. Stern ‘but even at 12 you were like she’s hot’ Trump says ‘she was very beautiful’
    The Paris sex tape was leaked online. Trump was not an online person but Melania used the internet. Wouldn't surprise me she showed it to Trump. Ben is doing a lot of ‘his opinion’ spinning it with clips interpreted to line up with his opinions. This is a wast of time.
    Melania invited to a ceremony of new citizens is part of what she’s done before. She’s spoken before about the joys of becoming a new citizen the hopes and dreams for them. Nothing new.

  11. I don’t blame her from staying away from doo doo don, she knows how Evil and Corrupt he is.

    Who knows why he allows him to stay on this earth to continue to Corrupt the earth with lying 🤥, cheating, killing and stealing from the World

  12. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂i cannot stop laughing!! He's talking about PRESIDENT OBAMA!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂
    T-RUMP IS NONE OF THAT EVER!!! He wishes he was like OBAMA!!!

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