Golf Players

Who Will Replace Nick Saban? ft. Bud Elliott | Thursday, January 11th, 2024

Bud Elliot and Rico discuss Nick Saban’s retirement, and who is subsequent replacement may be.

00:00 Intro
2:00 Bud Elliot On Saban Leaving
20:30 Barstool Basketball
23:30 Halftime
25:40 Pulled Over In Driveway
31:00 FSU
35:00 Rodger on Pat McAfee
42:00 St. Johns
47:00 Browns QB Situation


Call In: 8887866522

VOICEMAIL LINE: ‪(862) 251-8863‬


You’re going to tell me you’re going to tell me how to do the L eat a burger eat a burger put it to rest do it now we know Daddy’s at the W until 8 hours and D’s watching XXX down in the [ __ ] basement get that out of my will you

Punch the burger I’m going to throw it did you go to therapy yes yeah we changed it we’re back up come on you got a lot you got a lot of Bobby Knight in you you got a lot of Bobby KN in we SE in two places what’s up healthy debate uh

Thursday January 11th let’s end the week strong a lot of news this week uh some football legends moving on stepping away I think belich is going to coach again but the real news in college is uh is Nick Sabin we saw that last night um retiring

Leaving Alabama uh not at the highest of highs obviously but gets him back to a you know Rose Bowl in his Trad his career speaks for itself probably the best without a doubt the best coach in college football history I wanted to bring on uh my friend Bud Elliott uh

From CBS Sports 247 Sports you can also catch him on the cover three podcast uh you may have heard you may not have seen bud uh in the bar stool um world but you definitely heard his voice a few times so shout out to Bud again for uh for

Being you know maybe the man behind the curtain on a couple different questions so uh you’ll get you’ll get a ring Bud we’ll make sure we’ll help you with that um you know the trivia we always like that but uh so I guess we’ll start here Sabin leaves you know there’s there’s

Always those Rumblings of I had got a whisper of it right before Christmas that he could be going and it was somebody pretty connected to the situation which I didn’t expect you’re more to things across the country you obviously know what’s going on where would you put this in the terms of like

Labor Day this year uh where would you expect this in terms of percentage and then Halloween and then leading into the playoff like was it a slow build or is it kind of once Halloween hit it was a complete shock to you yeah so first of

All I’m glad to hear that we’re actually winning those things that that I’m getting called for so that is uh that’s awesome I I would say Labor Day probably like 20 or 25% you know he’s always said like I don’t want want a coach if I if I

Can’t be sure that I’m going to be here another three or four years for the recruits right and then throughout the year I I I wasn’t saying like hey sa’s going to retire but I was just noticing things like he took a whole lap around the stadium when they beat Tennessee

Right he would take extra time to like talk to people who meant something to him around the program you know that he hadn’t necessarily done in previous years and it there weren’t things it’s like hey this guy’s going for sure but they are things that you would do if you

Want to kind of take it in appreciate the moment you know take an extra beat or two to appreciate the rose bowt even though you just lost and like just kind of looking around TI it in one last time so I I guess by Halloween I was like man

This really could happen especially because they weren’t playing very well right and then honestly Nick Sav still made all of the inhome visits to his recruits so I would say there was like no real change for me between like Halloween and when he actually did it

Like even up until the day he decided to call it quits he he kept working I mean he was interviewing assistant coaches up until the point they called the team meeting it’s just I guess kind of who the guy is yeah it’s a little crazy you

Also that reminded me um the tweet I just saw I was recording something else you had brought up I don’t know if you were trying to hint at something what did you mean uh who did he almost hire before Tommy Reese were you trying to get at maybe that’s the guy who could

Replace him I didn’t I looked at it quick and I wanted to kind of touch on it you obviously can can um you know expand on that yeah so before they took Tommy ree from Notre Dame over the summer to be their offensive coordinator it looked like Sabin had a pretty good

Shot to hire grub who’s the OC at the University of Washington so kayin D’Or the Washington coach is being pretty you know pretty connected to this job not officially but just in terms of he’s on a lot of these lists and whatnot and so I like well if Sabin was gonna hire grub

If he could actually get him which grub didn’t take the job because you know he had three NFL receivers and NFL quarterback at Washington pretty smart uh smart on his part to not take it you know for this year at least then he’s probably already done pretty good due

Diligence on how Washington operates their program so I just I was trying to put some pieces together I think that would be a guy that you know would make some sense if they went in that direction dor but the fact that he had to vet his coordinator you know kind of

Suggest that a little bit to me right yeah that’s a that’s a definitely dark hor and we’ll get to the names but you know there’s there’s a lot in this program the one thing that I kind of want to touch on and play a little bit of Devil’s Advocate everybody could tell

You about the pros of this job right I think that’s pretty simple to understand like you don’t have to be a football guy to really understand that the culture The Prestige you’re in winning now mode like it’s just it all speaks for itself should we be looking at a little

Bit of the cons in the sense of replacing the guy and what comes with that and what you would maybe warn guys if you were an agent repping some of these coaches or like nobody’s gonna decline the Alabama job I’m not saying that but you know if you have a really

Nice mansion moving into a mansion down the street like you could look at yes it’s a nicer house and but like do really want to move your furniture do you really want to have to pack [ __ ] up do you really want to have to like not

You know like I got my [ __ ] all set up I like what I’m doing I equated to that you’re you’re they’re both millionaires do you really need to move into a different house and what are some of the cons that can come from this job that maybe people should at least consider

Before taking it totally so you got to go back to 2006 when they were trying to get Nick Sav away from the Miami Dolphins and he had the whole famous I am not going to be the next Alabama coach and you know what that created a

Lot of Leverage sa was able to go and tell Mal Moore that ad at the time when they hired him hey you know what man a lot of cooks in this kitchen okay well I if I come there it’s going to be all me one voice policy everybody else needs to

Shut the hell up get out of the way because for a while we always talk about like all these crazy Auburn boosters and how that place is run you know by a lot of different Power Players that literally was Alabama for like the 15 years that Nick before Nick saving got

There I mean they were on probation because one of their boosters from Memphis was was you know buying a player and a bunch of stuff which at the time wasn’t allowed so part of the Brilliance of of Nick was getting everybody else say hey open the wallets shut the mouths

Get out of the way and I don’t know if the next guy who comes in and they’re much more corporate now so I’m not suggesting that it’s going to backslide back to what it was but like aren’t there probably some people who want to reclaim a little power and have a little

More say a lot of you know what I’m saying like you couldn’t do it with Nick because he had so much cache but almost to anybody you could hire won’t have the same level the cache as Nick so I’m just kind of curious to watch a lot of us

Have never seen bad Alabama like if you’re in your 20s you don’t remember what it was like well yeah that’s a point that I wanted to touch on too like I you know a little bit of the Patriots thing going on like they were bad before

Bellich this run to equated and I don’t have the numbers off top of my head I I should have brought them but how far back before Sabin would you have to go for six Alabama titles so they won in what 92 think they got one in the 80s and a couple in the

70s so uh a long long time right yeah so so there you go but those people still think that when they were running things like you said you’re right you know like they they get to be back in power so that’s an interesting way to kind of

Touch on that of somebody who who follows it closely uh all right this is the one kind of everybody wants to hear who who’s it gonna be um we’ll get to Ling because I have a separate take on that you know and how that equates to Oregon and that video and the whole

Thing kein I’m G throw the first name out there kein I think I’ve heard 5050 he’s obviously got a a decorated past I’m going to say at Alabama like um but I’ve heard 5050 cuz he’s winning you know he knows what he’s doing but I’ve also heard that a lot of people like

Uhuh not on not on my watch what is the scope of of kein like Sabin kind of hustled him out of there when he was the the OC so it didn’t end super well at Alabama obviously he’s cleaned up a lot of his life I think you know since the

Time he was at Alabama but like is he a true killer on the recruiting Trail like has he actually won big games like Old Miss won 10 games this year what was the biggest win they had agreed like like over and over again like they win a lot

Of the games they’re supposed to win but I don’t know that he’s elevated Old Miss like high school recruiting and if you’re at if you’re at Alabama man we do not expect to finish second to Hugh freeze right B fans are not going to be expecting to finish second to Kirby

Smart on Signing Day like they expect you to win those battles not transfer portal battles High School battles now it’s not to say he couldn’t do it I I just don’t know how high he is on the list like maybe he’ll be the guy but I

If I Was An Old Miss fan I don’t think I’d be sweating it that much um Mike norell I think he would a really good job there um like Elite level ball coach kind of the same questions recruiting wise as as kein though mean there were a

Couple guys out there I’m like okay that’s a stud recruiter that’s a stud recruiter that’s a ball coach that’s a ball coach I don’t know there’s somebody out there who’s like a great ball coach and an awesome recruiter and you know like surprise Nick savans are not just

Floating around out there to be had when you lose one it’s it’s hard to get the next dude but norvell’s won everywhere he’s been right I think he really knows what he’s doing I I think he would be a good fit they didn’t love him at Florida

State a couple years ago no it is hard to take over an organization during Co though I mean it was a mess and then he took it over it’s like all right this is kind of nuts we’re like getting games cancelled and uh but no it started off

Really Rocky they lost to an FCS School yep yeah I I lik Norvell at Memphis I liked what he was building um Schuman the defensive coordinator at Georgia I I haven’t heard it floated a lot but it’s almost like a a Dan Lanning light thing I mean basically you know he

Has the resume that Lanning had before Landon got the Oregon job so if it worked if you really really believe it but man Alabama is such a big job can you really give it to a guy who has no head coaching experience I I would be a little surprised dor at

Washington he just wins everywhere he goes yeah that I you know I I think it was uh I I’d seen that take like maybe we just take the guy won in an ni was niia right yeah he’s like 118 and 11 as a head coach like maybe we roll the dice

On a guy wins 97% of his games no matter where the level is like let’s just take a shot the only pause is you just played for the national title and you’re 36th in recruiting like can he be a killer in recruiting right I don’t know like now

I’d be interested to see what they do next year with a full season to sell hey look at this awesome year we just had but you know I guess that’s the only question but I think he would win would he win enough and that’s an open question too can anybody win enough to

Satisfy Alabama fans after what Nick just did yeah so I’ll I’ll get I’ll give you the money-making question of who it’s going to be next but that’s a great point because you were bringing it up with kein right so the expectations of Alabama fans we are in a wild time in

Both college football and college basketball now with Sabin gone I I need to do the math correctly but how many active coaches have a title because also if Harbaugh leaves he’s out too so let’s say Harbaugh leaves and and obviously sabin’s out how many active coaches have

A national title it would be Jimbo’s out as well it’d be dbo um ma Brown Kirby Kirby I think it’s just three it’s three if Harbaugh leaves like that’s crazy and now we’re expanding the playoffs so guys are gonna oh you go to college basketball I think

It’s seven one of them was a guy who won 10 years ago in patino uh as well as calip Parry that’s two and another guy won 20 years ago with ISO and there’s only like six or seven who’ve won national titles the last couple are you

Know Drew and and we’re in a weird spot where national titles do not grow on trees so what would be message to Alabama as well of like the expectations I I I think you if you get a guy who’s a real high upside guy you

May need to be a little bit patient as far as letting him learn on a job as big as Alabama is right I don’t know if there’s anybody who’s just super turned key probably norell and dbor because I’m very confident they know how to run a

Program really well uh but even for them the recruiting side might take a little bit I I I’d be interested to see what happens there Lanning was the one that I thought could be the Home Run higher because we’ve seen him fight these battles but if your audience if they

Like baseball remember Mike illich when he owned the Tigers the guy who founded Little Caesars yeah like normally the payroll is like Yankees Dodgers and Ill is like well I’m in my 90s so I’m probably gonna die soon but I want a title really bad so guess what berlander

Come here Miguel Cabrera all right you’re on the team like luxury tax don’t care I kind of feel like that’s what Phil Knight is doing right now at Oregon with their nil and if you’re Dan lenning and you have a guy that’s like I just want to win I’m in my

90s that’s hard to turn down man because like your path through the Big 10 is slightly easier Oregon’s going to have probably the second best roster in the Big 10 in very short order like if they do one more of these recruiting classes I think they’ll have it so I get it and

He’s been in the SEC I know he can recruit really well even though he hasn’t won the big games as often as as you probably like I think he’ll get there like they don’t get blown out in them typically but he decided to stay at Oregon yeah well that’s the the second

Part of this thing I I love that everything he’s done especially a guy who was rooted for Oregon watching Joey Harrington grow up so that’s a a great take but I I would wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t get you out of here on

This who’s it going to be we’ll get to actually I want to ask you about argument who’s it going to be with Alabama to wrap that up I would guess dor slightly over norell okay yeah I because he’s had the extension on his desk forever and he hasn’t signed it yet

Interesting maybe he yeah the right people told him about saving so that’s that’s interesting I think he’ be a great hire same agent yep yeah the guy wins where he goes um so you touched on Oregon right and all that success the landing video do we need more of this do

We need more of this in college football because you know we we love the I say it all the time like it’s why I’m interested in interviewing college basketball coaches because I just don’t feel like their res their personality gets out there because they play on a

Saturday do a little bit of a press conference and they play on Monday with football you lose a game it’s burying the football it’s the quotes it’s uh laye kein taking the golf ball out of his thing like you believe what they threw up my head you know like we have

Personalities in football but I also feel like sometimes s when you get to the prestige the way you built yourself up oh we can’t do that anymore like we can’t we can’t bust through the um the cement blocks like we did in the Mac you

Know like I’m at Alabama now like but K uh Landing doing that at Oregon I thought was awesome that video was awesome so like reaction to the video I guess is the first question I I think Landing is really good at the promotion piece which gets the Buy in from the

Fans which helps nil and in one of the ways I think the reason why you stopped seeing this is because guys like spurger and Bowden got out of the game and the guy who was winning was the the dude who just retired Nick s who was like he’s literally complaining about

Being in the national championship game because it’s taking away recruiting days from him like like Nick you’re yeah like like but it kind of spoke to his mindset like so business focused robot type thing you know like no time for if you give a six-minute interview give you

Like you know five minutes 50 seconds and then be gone so I think with some of these newer guys and they also grew up in front of a camera more often right like they they just they’re younger I I I think we’ll probably see a little more

Of it all right yeah I think it’s great for the sport so to to touch on that as well uh I think Argan dodged a bullet here massively if this guy leaves like and it you know you look at what Oregon has built obviously bot 11 16 and 55

That was when I started rooting for him Joey Harrington was on late the wacky uniforms like or that was Oregon version one you know and then it seemed like everybody kind of caught up to it uh chip comes in he goes 46 and S uh HR

Goes 37 and 16 they did uh Chris Ball even goes 35 and uh 13 Lanning 22 and 5 you did have the bad one year of Willie tager but they knew it was a bad deal they got out of it you know so that’s great so the question I would have asked

To Oregon fans would have been like who could they have got and also are you guaranteed to hit now on your one two three sixth guy in a row you know or six out of seven like that’s hard to do so I think Oregon dodged a massive bullet

Here and you know in the Big 10 a little bit easier to schedule at Style play um yeah I just I think the the real winner of this was Oregon keeping Ling especially with that video like that shows somebody bought in like I want to

Run through a wall for that guy and if you listen to what what Landing says and he’s told a lot of people in the industry like I really don’t want to move my family okay like so it’s as long as you really feel you can compete on

The biggest stage at Oregon which with their nil because GE you know geographically that’s a tough place to recruit to there’s not a lot of good players in the state of Oregon and you know the west coast is getting a little bit less talented overall I think is you

Know some popul you know population migration stuff but if you got that nil you you can really compete nationally for recruits that’s a cool place to live too so and he’s not like Landing is not from the south you know he he coached for Kirby and Nick but he’s from Kansas

City I believe so I I I think it is a major thing for Oregon to hold on to yeah um Haro gone confirmed I don’t have any inside info on it I was just at the coaching convention I didn’t talk to anybody who thought he was coming back right I’ll

Just say that so the vibe is you know yeah The Vibes that he’s yeah I think that’s a pretty easy one but uh yeah bud I appreciate the time if you if you need a few laughs go check out miny’s uh Twitter line he he seems to be the guy

He thinks he could break it I think some of the uh some of the sources he might have might be standing behind that glass maybe you know uh giving some info and stuff like that so uh we’ll see but we’re having you know if you want an entertainment go check out miny’s

Twitter but uh appreciate the time I look forward to that’s a legitimate Source he thinks that K divor staying staying put staying put yeah exactly so who did he have uh who did he have just keep he’s got he saw his Source had Bill O’Brien went

From Foxboro to Tuscaloosa in an hour to make it to malmore and he wased yeah yeah if you need if you need a laugh enjoy that but uh but appreciate the time I look forward to it and uh you know we’ll touch base uh as things get

Heated back up here in the summer maybe some win totals stuff like that so enjoy it thank you very much and end of an era man you know crazy to watch this whole career play out in front of us you know it is no doubt I’ll see you man take it

Easy all right uh but Elliot’s great but uh yeah sorry dudes we had had some fun with that but um I don’t I also don’t think Min miny’s working the phone so much he don’t know no he don’t know he don’t know uh all right let’s let’s keep

This in between the healthy debate CH yeah exactly all right second quarter Bud was great let’s go three right now we’ll go halftime and open you back up on the end hope everybody likes that too Bud’s Bud’s great great um go ahead Dukes all right let’s go to Braden

Montana bradden yeah oh yep healthy debate hey you guys are you guys at that company have a lot of hit pieces WR wrot [ __ ] me I’m call I’m ending this call I suck no no go it go it go you got it you

Got it no no no no no that guy that guy was excited he was also calling from like a [ __ ] Church bathroom or something you still have them call back dude lost call back give me two more oh I don’t want I didn’t yell at him that was so

Quick he turned on himself turned you know he might be on hold for a little bit but better help he’s like he’s like I’m excited for this I was like he’s like I can’t wait to tune in I think I was trying to do him a favor putting him

First Bren call back and we’ll give you a different name so if you yeah exactly damn Mike Jersey Mike Michael nope Jersey mik all right let’s one more up got it Mike Derek from the chat Yoo you got me yes we do one for three that’s a good day listen yeah yeah

Yeah this one this one right here is a half court buzzer beat so look all these coaches is getting fired right and it’s so ironic because healthy Tobit Rico you should have been freaking coaching that bar Ste basketball team has no [ __ ] idea what’s going on man like none I

Watched that game last night you could press in those leagues you could box and one you could take people out why the [ __ ] didn’t they just box and one that kid oppress him make him give up the ball make him give up the ball I mean

They was up off of that free throw dude they should not have lost that you just hold this CL needs to just hold the freaking scoreboard be assistant coach if he wants to be involved but he cannot be a freaking head coach there an old there’s an old yeah there’s an old

Saying you I’ll let anybody beat me but that guy so like reference to their best player you know what I mean like you’re goal and it’s hard it’s harder said than done Steph Curry a late possession you can deny you can do this you can [ __ ] try your hardest some sometimes

Sometimes he gets the ball Jordan as well Jordan gets the ball and like sometimes that’s how it goes so I was guarding him on the the last play and the plan was like I was I’m going to face guard him he’s not going to catch the ball he got a little separation got

The ball and then someone just kind of slid to me right away and ran into him and that was kind of he was also getting every call I think the way you I think the way you get off of that is you don’t cover the inbounder and then you need

To them why couldn’t we D no I I think we had someone if I remembering correctly and looking back on the the video I don’t know if we had some I don’t think we had someone on the inbounder but I think we had someone that was like floating

That wased to be help a free safy I was on him and they didn’t come over in time and they came over like as soon as they called fou yeah but yeah I appreciate that yeah I got a lot of sets I think I got a massive foot injury right now I

Don’t know what’s going on but I think feel like I stepped on a nail or I had a blister that calloused over I got to go to a podiatrist but uh Rico I’m not I’m not asking out I’ll I’ll get in I will get back in but it’s

Just you know feeling the foot and uh I just want you to coach I just want you to coach I’d like the play as well I think player coach can work that could work that could work but CLA just can’t be subbing out and managing time he

Can’t do that he can’t do that and then um um no this this is this is just for the chat Chad JJ Army did attack me we love JJ but JJ Army attacked me and they got my other profile shut down that’s not cool they attack me so the Riders we’re

Growling we’re not biting but shut down I like how they shut down your profile yeah man they’re they’re tough it’s a tough Army out there so good luck um all right let’s go uh appreciate it bro let’s go halftime and then empty the clip uh for the second

Half we good we good all right I want to uh welcome everybody out to the inaugural rder con 2024 there’s definitely now the party started Frank’s here Frank the guest of of Honor thank you very much all due respect Frank I’m going to I’m going to crush your soul at halftime

In the trivia it’s too late my soul’s already crushed fair enough dophins crushed my soul uh Jack’s probably needing shoulder surgery crushes my soul they said if he has soer surgery he’ll be out 18 to 24 months uh the dolphins all these injuries is never stop uh the

Mets nown say that uh they’re going to be playing loud music and having uh a be Squad throughout the game to cheer up fans when they’re losing uh I mean which means they’re going to plan to lose a whole lot of games the next 10 years

Yeah I mean this is this con man that brought this team everyone brought into him H blinding Sinker only only Frank can be introduced guest of honor glad to have you here I make one comment and goes off goes off so Frank’s the best uh Sunday night

Should be or S when are theying Saturday night that stream for them is going to be unbelievable and Ryder con video Monday in place of Uh just so perfect everything about the game like the F like we talked about it yesterday but the he’s gonna unload even uh I was talking to jinx he’s gonna unload on smokes no matter what happens it’s supposed to be the coldest game potentially ever uh played no no no

Freezer Bowl well it’s close like the modern era yeah it’s it’s bad it’s very bad very bad very very very very bad uh all right let’s uh let’s load him up Gerald Washington oh hey uh so I’ve been calling in all year talking about Washington and of

Course they get beat by uh Michigan w w w um my question to you is I just moved to New York what do you guys think about like what is it with the cops in New York like the night before the game uh the udub Michigan I got arrested in

My own driveway and everything and they couldn’t hold me so they had to let me go what did you do like what is it with cops pulling people over in their own driveway because it happened to me on the west coast too do you think that is a

Coincidence I I I don’t know man I don’t know let’s let’s talk about uh dor potentially leaving the I don’t think so okay they’re probably going to get like 100 more championships so okay all right good luck man slow down I guess is my advice yeah slow down on the backup out

Of the driveway well I wasn’t speeding they just showed up out of nowhere had you not left your house yet or you had driven into your driveway so I went to the store got back driven into my driveway got out of my vehicle and the

Cop shows up like 100 miles an hour out of nowhere and I’m like what the heck and they ended up arresting me were you speeding no I was not speeding how many Road sodas none when you get arrested they usually have to tell you something yeah

What did they tell you yeah yeah they well they said something was expired on my vehicle yeah that’s why that you know what everything they it sounds like a really good cop well this is funny because if you saw my driveway I live like maybe five minutes from the

Store and I saw the cop and I got to my house and somehow that cop up that has to be like that cop had to been going 100 miles an hour out of nowhere because if he could have pulled me over right there next to the store but didn’t yeah

I guess I don’t know man uh I think you should update your registration yeah we’re Pearl police here so hey I I have nothing against police I have uh family and friends in the military and police but I just I don’t know I don’t know tough

Tough break man I don’t know what to say they they scouted you well ride a bike next timeball or the ubb Michigan game yeah they knew that too I could be a Michigan guy who knows uh I will say though there so the guy I thought he was

Going to talk city cops I was like I got a story for you CU like there was one time where there’s one of my friends had this story where it was like by Time Square and there’s this homeless guy just waving a knife and my friend was

Like Hey like just so you know like there’s a homeless guy like waving a knife like over like in like 48th and arrested him and and the cop goes well like do you want to go to the station and file a report my friend’s like no

I’m just like letting you know there’s a homeless guy you should maybe like go do something they’re like you want to file a report do that not like I don’t know what you want us to do like it was during that time like you know they’re getting a bad

Rep so like I kind of got it but just one of my favorite stories yeah Pro police uh someone in the chat has a story for you Rico they said uh jety true story for Rico I saw him at Greektown Casino Super Bowl weekend I got a picture with big cat bwok mush

Eddie was too scared to ask Rico for a pick this was when he was on the meds I was right off of them no no no no you were you were heavily medicated oh no you were heavily Greektown no I was heavily just act I was just heavily good

Like I was just I was just myself during Co yeah okay another town that was when I won the [ __ ] contest yeah yeah but like I would consider you I mean I well you I mean there’s different pH like always drug he said meds and not drugs

Is meds the same as drugs meds no that’s a good point we need we need to clarify let’s get the time on the meds could be your calibrated meds is no this was using let’s let’s clarify the timeline us yeah addicted recovered medicated we are now in the

Medicated phas okay so that’s this was using but a lot nobody was I was using and no one said anything you know like the documentary like yeah I was putting this down I was putting that down and like but it was good man because I

Showed up to set on time I always showed up to set on time so this was the using phase all right okay fair enough uh one more from Ben chat Legend I can’t call in but can you you ask Rico how the show will change when he becomes Iowa’s next

OC yeah everybody thinks I’m being Iowa’s OC um I don’t even know if I have enough plays to design it but thank you Ben uh go ahead uh DG’s a very funny one too I I think I’ve told this before my brother made a turn up a one way you

Know how like maybe it was on a hill to to make a U-turn they were going the wrong way dtec comes out of nowhere he’s like 17 dtec comes out of nowhere they nail him pull they walk right up to him no license no nothing they just go blowing this he blows all

Zeros the guy goes [ __ ] gets in his car and leaves I was like wait what the [ __ ] just happened that’s awesome so he’s just an idiot yeah the cop potentially could have had a guy out for like double murder and passed on it just to try to I

Don’t know what they must have been looking for something I don’t know but very very funny element to that uh all right load them up screen one real quick were we empty no no we’re empty we’re loaded up DK Miami hey Rico long time Rider First Time caller how you doing

Good so big Florida State fan uh did if I think if we lose Norville this and I’m a New York Sports Fan so I’ve I’ve witnessed a lot of heartbreak this could be one of the worst Sports years of my life I mean tagr left us in shambles we finally find

Our guy we have a perfect undefeated season we lose our quarterback we get snubbed out of the playoffs you try to be optimistic about next year and and if this happens I mean I I don’t know how you recover from this the the only thing

That I have a little bit of optimism is he just tweeted about we just landed a few minutes ago offensive tackle transfer from Alabama but he does that after every transfer so I don’t know if he’s just playing the part yeah somebody running his Twitter and stuff like that

I mean I think Alabama’s in a weird spot here now like I said where like what happens if the Georgia guy obviously is going to take that job because he wants to be ahead the defensive qu coordinator but what if Alabama makes the mistake or I don’t want to say mistake but let’s

Say they go oh he’s not qualified enough so they pass on him Lane is now available but they Cross Lane off the list and never offer it because of his past or whatever so they don’t love that so kin’s out the guy from uh George is out it’s now down to basically like

Norell and deore behind closed doors are we going to know if Norvell was their first option or Dort like let’s say one of them passed is you know now they’re potentially getting their third option like was the guy was it what’s the order dor it was obviously Lanning you know I

Think that goes without saying so like Ling was option one dor two um Schuman is is let’s say three ke and four they’re potentially going to the fifth guy that they wanted that’s not a great thing either right and and it’s big shoes to fill obviously uh so there’s that yeah I

I touched on that with bud I think there’s you know it’s it is what it is so um we’ll see I don’t know B it’s a weird spot that they’re even they even have to replace this and we’re talking about them potentially getting their fourth option but that’s where we’re at

But yeah tough year for you for Florida State yeah but uh before I go just uh congrats on Pegasus and I hope to see you out there I’ll be yeah I I definitely need some winners uh I don’t expect to be putting massive I got okay I don’t expect to be putting massive

Amounts of volume on those horse races um I like betting humans not horses but there is something to hit in the exact I know a couple guys in the industry so okay I’ll take his money I got yeah I’m thinking maybe like I don’t know very we’ll see I I think I ain’t

Gonna be betting what Jerry’s betting per race um maybe a fraction but we’ll see what’s up Pete one of uh one of sorry Pete’s walking in shut down the show again but uh yeah any winners you got in Pegasus I’ll take I got you one of Dave horse guys is

Also a good friend of mine so oh nice oh Elio yeah no no no not Elio not appreciate hope to see you there all right awesome um yeah save that number dues uh give me the next call I think I think you think that I have more power

Than I actually have like don’t ever have that guy call again like okay no say save that number uh give me an next I’ll I’ll put in the phone book yeah uh should we have a show where we call out to all the people that you

Yeah that would be so fun we get all their numbers and we just reach out to them like we call them on the spot and we like healthy debate oh I like that yeah the RSE call like we don’t have callers call them call out show or just

Calling into radio shows God call into radio shows on a radio show and juggling in radio shows I kind of like that this is not a bad concept that’s kind of funny yeah it’s not faad calling there’d be a lot of dead time with that call out

A call out day like we just call Gary from Queens he’s like why the [ __ ] you calling me exactly I like that uh all right give me the next one uh bradden Montana come back Braden hey I’m back yep uh sorry for wasting your time earlier I’m not calling from a church

Bathroom but this is like a $20 million house I’m Plumbing it in they a mind don’t worry about that uh hey but if you guys do need somebody to call about [ __ ] uh you know anything like wild bites any of that kind of [ __ ] if you want to know what

It’s like out in Montana I got you boys all right so you guys you guys get a lot of hit pieces right written about you guys and uh some of them don’t get retracted and but Dave likes to pop bottles on people when they’re completely wrong and uh I

Was just wondering about that John Rich blog that came out yesterday about Pat Mech he cutting it off with Aaron Rogers that came out completely false I he still up on your guys’ site um I know I has nothing to do with you yeah In fairness Right In fairness to John

Wasn’t it announc that he was going to leave well it was just that the season was over and this happens with the Maxi show every year like he only does one after his team gets eliminated okay and then and then that goes and he just got

BL completely and and I mean it is like one of your guys’ ex co-workers yeah all right he was I’ll talk to I’ll talk to John and I will tax him heavily is that good for you yeah man I joking around I was just kidding anyways but hey one thing about

Montana I called in about uh time zones one time Montana’s weirdly ran on the East Coast time zone it’s light at 2 a.m. dark at 3 uh half the half the Year we’re freezing the other half we’re on fire Wyoming has yellow stone to start moving there I’ll hang up and listen

Love you guys yeah I’ve heard Montana is uh is beautiful you know I don’t it’s not I don’t know if it’s my cup of tea but I have heard beautiful like I I Boise Idaho and stuff like that I think it’s probably a simpler lifestyle I don’t know if it’s

Like what I would want to go see but I have heard it’s beautiful in different ways so think you’d find some peace out in in nature I’m we’re so we’re so [ __ ] up dude like with that you know what I mean we’d be like where’s the

Action you know like I don’t think we can relax I think for a day and then if you went no phone for a full 24 hours you would forget about it yeah you would you you would have to condition yourself to to relax but we’re in the position

Where I don’t know if we can condition ourselves so who knows uh dues give me one more and then we’ll go fourth strong Josh Pennsylvania Rico what debate I have a question for you I tweeted this out you earlier but so my wife and I were having

A discussion we’ll say about my daughter today and she looked at me and hit me with healthy debate twice I looked at her and she said I said what did you say she said I’m a rider she automatically wins that one correct yeah yeah yeah those again those are a diamond doz I

Shouldn’t say a diamond dozen needle in the hay stack um we don’t find a lot of those so shout out appreciate watching the show but yeah almost like dropping that reference her dropping any kind of reference like that um she wins the argument so you got to take the L on

That one yeah she hit me with healthy debate twice correctly and then I looked at her and she said I’m a rider and I said I lost so I’m glad we agree have a good one Budd all right sure yeah appreciate it yeah that’s uh that’s an

Awesome one we didn’t expect that we’re expanding into the female population exactly it’s good he took the L all right fourth quarter uh dues how got lined up all right good give me the four and then I want to touch on the you see this

Four what the guy in front of me or the guy behind me today ordered bacon egg and cheese salt pepper catchup a little bit of mayo I’ve heard of that before bro it’s I was shocked it’s been like normalized I got [ __ ] for bacon egg and cheese so

Pepper ketchup hot sauce like uh stre youth told me he’s like a [ __ ] it man I heard that but the Mayo some people are telling me do it with uh lettuce and tomato it’s [ __ ] crazy I don’t know apparently it’s a New York City kid

Thing now the new thing is a little bit of mayo mayo and ketchup I like together I just don’t I don’t know if I could do that I like a burger I don’t know man Mayo chup I like I don’t know like I guess if you but the same if there was a

Name if there was a name I don’t know whatever what does KFC do mustard on Bagels or something like that like Bailey car oh was that who it was okay never mind crazy mustard on B someone was doing mustard on B Mayo does not blow on a bacon egg and cheese so that’s

That’s where I’m at with that and neither does lettuce and tomato y you know what’s good is like that beasting in Hoboken what is that it’s like scallion cream cheese on an everything bagel bacon egg and cheese from o Bagel yeah with like a little bit of Mike’s

Hot honey or some [ __ ] like o bagel’s Mike’s hot honey is pretty good really honey [ __ ] really good we got to I’m taking you scars next time I know I so I went the line was too long we’ll go I gotta go to SC we’ll do that maybe we’ll

Do a video on that yeah we gotta get that slice that Mike’s hot honey slice yeah yeah yeah we’re we’re working on some things with food we’re not going to touch pizza for obvious reasons oh because that guy there’s a guy who does pretty guy who does pretty

Well here with pizza pretty good pretty well so I think that’s you know I think we can do Pizzeria and do some different items on the menus we could also just go to pizz reviews I like that it’s not bad Stromboli just one off Dave we we’re just the cowone

Guys Tik Tock challenge how strong are you GOC knots Phil eats four and then makes out with a chick and be like can you taste the GOC like GOC rating uh also congrats to Phil he survived yeah Phil you all right good yeah all right give us a cop into the Phil healthy

Debate Phil healthy debate do you do you like me or you were just under the weather do you not like me or you just under the weather okay the conversation was minimal yeah I I was under the weather that’s fine yeah um tues load him up Mike

Jersey Rico you got me this time yes yes yes there we go I don’t I don’t want to make any accusations I don’t know if Dukes was sandbagging me before by I’m [ __ ] done with that [ __ ] I’m sorry like you’re gonna you’re gonna no I dropped him because he was yelling at

Dues before when he was not him that was [ __ ] fish from New Jersey but Mike Mike coming at me being when he didn’t talk we were talking that was on his end it’s 50 I don’t like to to put every other phone calls all in what world did

I fck I don’t want to run a dictatorship we we’ve had guys say some awful [ __ ] in this like we’re open to you know so I don’t want to run the dictatorship M call back we’re getting [ __ ] no matter what exactly if someone’s going to give me [ __ ] when every other phone calls

Worked I put it on agreed totally agree totally agree if Mike wants to call back he could he start off with an apology totally agree totally agree uh all right give me the next one Gary Queens here we how about them Hey listen no listen Rico real quick real

Quick let me just end this here so we can stop doing the S and dance I heard you on pck Central I respect your concern for the future of our program however as a kid that grew up watching Ron arest go to the elite eight as a St

John’s Alum who went to St John’s during the norm [ __ ] Robert’s years I don’t give a [ __ ] what happens after Rick patino if I see One National Title I can die in peace agree I and that’s fair that totally makes sense just have this [ __ ] moment all right it’s like all

Of us hey don’t don’t drink plastic bottles you’re gonna [ __ ] up the uh the ozone and the economy and you know your kids in 50 years like hey guess what as long I’ll be dead so like I don’t really care I respect that but as somebody

Listen as somebody who plans to cover as somebody who plans to cover the sport for a long per perod of time you have to respect that I’m asking the right questions long term yeah but Rico we could also look back to uh Gary I remember there was a stream that we did

Huh and I remember Michigan beat down on St John’s pretty good and you’re always asking for like I’m looking back at this I’m looking back at that I remember somebody during that stream taking a pretty pretty big celebration being like I thought St John’s was here

Already well they did they did try they did try to arrive at the party a little too early and yeah you were saying like they wi the off season and now they’re looking pretty good RJ after we lost to you he’s he’s taking a Victory lap after

We lost jab at this is all if I know the barcal script who are the two teams that are gonna meet in the sweet 16 oh right Johnny’s Kansas State no Johnny’s Bama yeah that’s the way it’s lining up I was also thinking Johnny’s mark it down Johnny’s

Whis oh I would have to go well I got friends yeah I friends in both final four this year but yeah it’s really realistically though like both of you I I trust your your eyeballs like they have the the pieces you got DJ and Joel the 50y Year guys DJ has experienc in

The tournament they got alen off the bench who went to Yukon won a national title three and D they got Dingle Off the Bench a microwave score they got RJ who’s just so [ __ ] raw but the most talented player on the team they got Brady Dunlap sniping threes and then you

Still have leum Taylor and then the kidss yeah they’re they’re deep they’re definitely deep lot of talent that they are a good team and like they’re you know they’re hungry but I like how patino’s kind of like still saying like you guys are a bunch of [ __ ] yeah and honestly last

Night unheard of they they gotta go into Katon now Saturday if they would have won that game by 25 they would get their ass kicked on Saturday now he’s got more to [ __ ] rip him about in practice the next few days they haven’t won in I

Think they’ve won once all time in Katon tough place to win say what you will about St John yeah very tough say what you will about St John’s last night like Providence is a good defensive team and they’re Scrappy and hungry but offensively that should have been a

Blowout if they didn’t have Devin Carter just absolutely cooking that could have been they had no off they had no offensive flow last night I have two other things Johnny’s aside uh Rico it’s funny I was in the deli this morning in Brooklyn and I order my standard bacon egg and cheese

Pepper ketchup guy behind me goes bacon egg and cheese but I want muts instead of Americans all don’t hate that I’ve done that that’s fine okay I’ve never seen that but then I saw your Tweet and that was I don’t hate I don’t hate mixing up the cheese Pepper Jack fresh

Muts uh I don’t hate that you could do that the kids put anything on their sandwiches now it’s disgusting and then my last is I want your advice I put a future on Buffalo to go to the Super Bowl early December at plus 1300 looking for like pretty good

Value right now just to win the AFC just to win the AFC plus 13 00 the Hedge has to be Kansas City right because if Kansas City wins they play Buffalo there’s no value on Baltimore yeah but you don’t take Kansas City to win the AFC right now you just just yeah

You could start hedging why it’s as high as it’s gonna be oh yeah yeah you know what yeah that’s not a bad one it’s like plus 500 yeah because I also think Buffalo owns Miami and that game would be in Buffalo correct if Miami beats Kansas City they go to

Baltimore Buffalo would host Buffalo would host the winner of Texans and Browns who you think they they should be able to be they should be able to I think the Browns are pesky though but yeah so yeah I would place it on Kansas City now and then you’re basically holding a

Guarant one you would think one of the two teams Kansas City or Buffalo to get to the AFC title game does that make sense to face to face Baltimore face Baltimore and then you could do that yeah um I just don’t want you to have to

That you have two and you lose yeah a little bit on Kansas City cuz there’s no way Miami is going into Kansas City I think no that’s no chance no chance so uh yeah a little bit on Kansas City that’s a good play all right thanks all right go ahead

Dues good call Gary next one last one last one someone hung up fce fit Cincy yo Rico long time long time you got me boss got it all right so healthy debate I am a little bit because I’m a Bengals fan but I think the Browns are

In a lose lose situation this weekend whether they win or not I think they have to make a Deep Run on the playoff for it to make a difference culturally on their team and I think the way that people look at them are he’s going to

Change is not going to change a lot unless they make a deep run because my reasoning for this is they’re going to realize that oh even if they win a playoff game they could have not paid DeShaun Watson 220 million and just got some Joe Schmo QV off the street like

They got Joe Flaco or if they lose they’re going to be like what the [ __ ] we just got Joe Flaco and he couldn’t even do it now we’re stuck we’re in [ __ ] they’re in the they’re in the middle they’re in no man’s land um yeah yeah I think the so Watson’s like not

Coming back like they’re still paying him but like what’s going on with Watson he’s just that’s it right we don’t know what’s going on with him because they still have to pay out his contract even if he doesn’t play next year by the way he blocked him out Twitter he sucks he

Can’t even handle the heat yeah what what is his latest thing he voluntarily sat or is he hurt what I can’t I be honest I can’t keep up he got hurt uh during the second half of the Ravens game and then just like tore his shoulder whatever I don’t know what the

Exact but there was a time where he didn’t want to play as well right right that was like two or three weeks before because he was like feeling some sort of way or whatever yeah so like now you got a guy you got a guy you’re paying 220

Million to that didn’t want to play and then get 300 yards in a Browns uniform right Jake Browning has thrown for more than him on the Bengals and he hasn’t even played a full [ __ ] season yeah I feel bad cuz I think with that defense

You guys can find the right guy to go win whoa whoa whoa I’m a Bengals fan not you guys oh sorry sorry the Browns I I should say I feel bad for the Browns fans but uh yeah I think you’re in a tough well no you have burrow so I yeah

I don’t know hey good yeah you would you would want to see him the Browns every year from now and I would not give a [ __ ] because we’ve done more in two years than that franchise has done in the last 25 I wonder if the Browns take

A look at a guy like Browning like if flacko did it as a game manager do you just have Browning and flacko and obviously you still have to that was my whole argument that was my whole argument with deshun Watson is that they don’t even need him to be that good of a

Quarterback they just need him to be somewhat of a game man that was like the old thing with Sanchez yeah that’s a very hard that’s like the the dynamic with with pie like it obviously helps the pery plays really really well but with that offense and that yeah you only

Need a little bit of them so I’m interested to see where they go with Browning and the Browns but yeah burrow let’s get burrow healthy it’s good I want to see all these guys healthy battling for these championships that’s why this playoffs is very compelling cuz like two is still available you know

Still around uh you got Allen qu for a quest you got um Lamar obviously like you got a A lot of Young Guns here going for it and you got still Mahomes you know King of the throne so we’ll see how it all goes but uh good call yeah um

Sorry about Cincy but uh yeah tough to see tough to see the whole tough to see the whole division in the playoffs too yeah and we almost made the playoffs I don’t remember team would have lost but if they would have lost and then the Steelers uh would have won we ALS or

Would have I don’t remember we could have made it in for the three teams three teams in the playoffs four in the mix goes to show you that is a a tough tough division so credit to that uh let’s go two minute TR good show thank

You to Bud thank you to Bud Elliot great guy go get him a follow um we’ll be checking in with him kind of regularly um go ahead all right if you had to fight in in a medieval battle what weapon would you Choose have like a one of those kind of like sword yeah one of those kind of like butcher they have like a butcher Cleaver is that a medieval thing I go butcher Cleaver probably I want to be quick you don’t want like you know you

Ever see the guys with the bow in the chain thing the spikes and they like as they’re up you’re going to slice it popping up you’re just getting killed yeah I want the like a dagger type of thing yeah like a like a cleaver knife

Okay if you were a ghost for a day who would you haunt oh man oh [ __ ] does it have to be somebody you I’ll haunt who’s like really afraid of ghosts got a lot of En I do have a lot of enemies or it could be a nice haunt yeah

I I don’t know I don’t know very mincy just for the laughs if you could control what you dream about what would you dream about tonight keep it G-rated unreleased great movie scripts and I get to watch the whole thing like in your head you live

That whole thing out so you wake up and you’re like and then the movie comes out and you find out what it’s about or you see the trailer you go oh I already saw that one okay if you were a superhero and Phil was your Sidekick what would your superhero names and superhero

Superpowers be oh man maybe The Ambiguously annoying Duo uh we could just or we’re uh we could just Outlast anybody in a battle of wits maybe the wits brothers or the B the wits Brothers okay if you could level up one aspect of yourself but had to decrease

Another aspect to the same degree what would you do what would you level up what would you level down athleticism up maybe can’t really go down on looks I guess uh I guess definitely athleticism up yeah like high like turn that to the max you could say dancing ability uh me like memory

Memory okay like I don’t need to know and rattle things off of Champions and this so like get me out of that yeah I could just be a [ __ ] but I can dunk and I can shoot and play and and throw all 60 yards I in most of the guys who do

That are dummies anyway potentially so bu of Meatheads uh all right good end to the week um go check us out like And subscribe YouTube hit us with the comments we’ll bring back the voicemails as we get going here Phil what do you got no nothing okay you raise your hand

Just for the record to you yeah stream Monday uh yeah or or off Monday we’re gonna run the Ryder con video which we’re going to do anyway um and uh you know lots to talk about wildc car weekend go like And subscribe hit us with uh different comments we will see

You Monday for the video uh back healthy debate but live Tuesday everyone loves it help to me waiting I was waiting for the que did you just hand me that card can


  1. This show had such a solid start but the success got into Rico’s head and he went back to old pscyho Rico and started stirring shit against other co-workers. That surely turned many fans off, me included. Would love to have the version of Rico when this show started.

  2. Fellas we should have a zoom healthy debate w some passionate ryders about their topics or maybe slideshow for people?? Idek maybe have ryders submit video submissions for rico after the producers vet them

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