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Matt Fryer

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Hi I’m Matt Fryer, welcome to my channel MattFryerGolf. This YouTube channel is to help you play better golf and love the game even more!

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Today we’re going to look at the brand new lineup of tailor made drivers for 2024 and the red face isn’t here anymore before we get stuck into this review though guys do make sure you hit the Subscribe button down below and you don’t miss any of the reviews that we

Have coming out because it is release season and we have lots of information to pass on to you to help you make better choices and maybe save a few pounds when buying your new clubs let’s get stuck into it that is right you heard me correctly the red face is not

Going to feature in the new line of tailor made drivers and that lineup is qi1 I’ll get to the name a little bit later on but as we look at these drivers they have three models that are coming out this year in 2024 being the qi1 the qi1 Max and the

Qi1 ls now also they do have an offering in an HL version in the QI 10 Max but we’re going to focus on the three other models that I’ve just mentioned when we look at the three models that we’re going to be looking at today it’s pretty

Standard from tailor made we saw this last time from the stealth 2 we saw a standard we saw a HD we saw a plus model and that is pretty much mirrored in this Qi 10 launch now firstly the qi1 this would be the driver I would say that is probably

The everybody driver it’s for whether you’re swinging it fast whether you’re swinging it mid whether you’re swinging it a little bit slower High long low launch it sort of does everything it’s aimed at that everybody on the golf market and you can have it fitted and

Tailored to you in that way the qi1 max is aimed at your maybe slightly higher handicapper a golfer that is maybe swinging the golf club a little bit slower who wants maybe a little bit more forgiveness from their driver they’re trying to see straighter drivers and

That’s where this Qi is coming in and I will get to the tech on that shortly and then we have the LS model and this is for your fast swing speeds your lower spins and your more distance this is probably more for your better player I would say the driver that if you’re

Finding the middle a little bit more consistently and you want to see a little bit more from your driver you probably want to go down the ls model so in hand one of the things as I said earlier there’s no red face and when we actually see this driver when

You see the head cover and when you see the club heads in hand or behind the golf ball I think for me the word that I would use would be classic it looks a lot more like a classic Drive of what we’ve seen from the past now it’s still

Got the carbon face but what they’ve done is gone for a Navy or dark blue face here so it looks a lot more subtle as opposed to the red face you could see it it was drawing everyone into it it was the first time we were seeing carbon

Wood from tailor made when we had the red one so it needed to stand out out as where it’s still there people know about it so they’ve just toned back a little bit on it and for me having this sort of more classic look about it the colorway

Being dark Navy almost looks black on the top and then a little bit of silver and a tiny bit of yellow on the bottom or gold it just looks a little bit more pleasing it’s not as in yourf face and I think from the red face to where they

Are now I would probably hesitate I guess that the red face Maybe divided quite a lot of people whether they were going to have it in the bag or they weren’t because of how it looked even something as trivial as football teams or sports teams because of the red face

You might not have wanted that because of the team you sported but even the head cover I think looks a lot better and overall in hand and even when you put this behind the golf ball it just looks a lot more polished to me it looks

A lot better there is a change as well to the top of the club face and the top of the crown which I’ll get on to in a second about the technology but overall before I even hit these golf clubs for me it’s a tick on how they’re looking

And how they’re actually presenting themselves I think they’ll actually turn a lot more people back onto this range of tailor made clubs just by that colorway the price is also something that we need to take into consideration and it’s come down a little bit which is

Another great Factor qi1 Max and the qi1 standard version R RP $49 9 which is probably mid $500 the ls version that RRP 529 so probably just into the high $500 Mark and I would expect when they actually hit stores they will be lower than that so maybe

£450 for the QI 10 and the QI 10 Max and then £499 for the ls so keeping it under that 500 Mark and a little bit cheaper than some of the other big Brands that’s got to be a positive and that’s something that we like to see that we’re saving a

Few pounds and actually hopefully getting an improved driver now let’s talk Tech because if you didn’t have the QI 10 logos on here and we took away the color scheme you could be forgiven for just saying that is a stealth too because they do look very similar when you’re looking at the

Base the sole of the club particularly in the ls model which was the plus model in the stealth we see that movable weight Port up near the front of the driver we see a weight that is fixed at the back we’re seeing the speed pocket up at the front but it’s actually what

They’ve done throughout the club heads which is where the qi1 name has come from and I’m going to turn to the qi1 max because this is where the 10 actually features so the qi1 and where this differs from stealth 2 is Quest for inertia and 10 now 10 is 10,000 and that

Is the rate of the moment of inertia and for those watching who don’t know what moment of a nurser is summarize it basically it’s the amount of twist that you have at impact so when a ball hits the club face how stable is that club face because if you’re towing and

Healing top and or bottom the club is going to be subject to some Twist from off-centered Strike so if we can limit the amount of twist we should see that the faces squarer to our Target and we should see balls that are actually starting to go straighter and this is a

Story that we’ll see in another brand as well are actually going for this 10K number this one the stealth Max is the driver out of the three that features this 10K moment of inertia so they’re saying that the qi1 is going to be the most forgiving driver they have ever

Made and the reasoning and how they’ve managed to do this is all to do in the construction of the head now what they’ve managed to do and one of the things that I alluded to earlier is how it looks from the top and what we see is

That as you look down on the actual clubs now when you put them in behind the golf ball before we used to see almost like a little bit of a bracket or an outline of where the carbon Crown would be and where it would meet the

Titanium as where we hardly see this at all on these drivers now and that is because the carbon Crown has gone to 97 7% of the crown structure it’s increased quite significantly from previous models so as you look down on it now you almost can’t see anything what they’ve also

Been able to do because of Now using more carbon up at the top it means then that they’re able to distribute weight more towards the back and lower in the max driver adding a 30 G weight to the back to increase the CTR which again is feeding back into making this driver one

Of of the most stable and one of the most forgiving drivers also the head shape on the max this driver as you put the three drivers down side by side especially when you’re going from top to bottom Max to LS it almost looks twice the size of the ls when you look through

Them it looks like you’ve got a three-wood down at the ls compared to what the max is it’s still a 460cc head but because of the structure now they’ve been able to stretch the footprint of the driver to make it appear bigger while still staying in those limitations

And like I said as you go back through the drivers they almost look smaller and smaller and that again is because as we look at the three drivers what we’re looking at is most forgiveness to almost less forgiveness still forgiving but we’re looking at less forgiveness one

Thing that you would probably think that you would lose from a forgiving driver is speed because we don’t really think as safe and forgiving as Speedy we would think it as maybe a little bit slower but because of the construction of the head with the 60 times carbon face that

They’ve got the 60 times layer they’ve actually been able to actually change the um thickness of the face now at different points throughout the face again trying to deliver maximum ball speeds off off-centered hits so you get the ability of having that 10K Moi while still having a fast face thus joining

Speed and forgiveness together hopefully producing one of the straightest and fastest drivers we should see on the market but that is all talk that is all what they are claiming is it actually going to Prevail well what I want to do is get these down onto the golf course

Give them a hit and see where we’re at because for me the max one is the one I’m most interested in is it actually going to be forgiving is stretching thisi out to 10K going to see that we get a straight driver So I’ve had an initial hit down at the golf course and and I have to say I’m impressed but I’m also not blown away let me tell you a little bit more about that I’m not blown away because the qi1 did exactly what I thought it would do I

Actually had a fitting later on last year with tailor maid’s Chris Trot and I ended up in a standard stealth 2 and that driver did pretty much what I saw from last ones I would say I felt maybe a tiny bit straighter out on the golf course with it nothing that was

Astronomically oh my gosh I’m hitting this long and I’m hitting every single Fairway but I didn’t feel like I was getting some of the wild shots that I saw from the original stealth maybe the stealth 2 plus but it it did what I expected it felt good it sounded good it

Definitely looks a lot better behind the golf ball and on initial test like I say it’s a yeah I thought it was going to do what it did the ls model I’m a little bit intrigued by because there was still that little bit of Untamed Beast feel

About it this driver as I found with that fitting in Chris with Chris Trot um last year probably isn’t the one for me it’s not the model that I ended up being fit with but I noticed that on some of them definitely there was some long

Shots out there when I got down to them on the Fairway they were sort of past the point where I would normally be thinking they would be out on the golf course there was the odd one that if I didn’t quite get it I felt a lost but

What I saw from stealth 2 as well I didn’t feel like I had the real wild shot in there where it just Dove there was wild spin so that Improvement that we saw from the face of stealth 2 definitely carried on to the qi1 and I

Think it’s just upped its game a little bit I think this one is a little bit more forgiving than the plus model from stealth 2 but not not wildly Blown Away by it by this one as well the qi1 that being said when we get to the Qi 10 Max

This one was interesting it inspired so much confidence when I put it down behind the golf ball it looks like I say almost twice the size it feels like you feel like you can’t miss this driver when you put it down the footprint the way it sits behind it it looked big and

Then from in terms of a flight perspective it’s probably the straightest driver I’ve ever hit out on the golf course it wasn’t the longest noted to these two I was maybe feeling feeling like I was getting a bit more spin with it but I definitely noticed I was finding more Fairways I was

Confident with my swing because of how it looked behind the golf ball I felt like I struck it pretty solid and it just felt straight there wasn’t loads of movement in the air it was sort of aim down the middle and just put a swing on

It and it pretty much goes there there wasn’t any real wild curvature that I’ve um seen with other drivers and this is the one the Quest for inertia with that 10,000 MO doing what it said on the tin out on the golf course it was quite interesting to

See so I’m suitably impressed with that but what I want to do is head back into my studio now and get them on the Sim get some data and actually find out how these drivers are going to perform So will the data show what I was seeing out on the golf course we’re going to start off middle of the road the qi1 now for me this is probably the driver I would end up being fit into it was good it was very very good I felt pretty

Straight with it which I was seeing out on the golf course bin number was where we wanted it to be in that 2000 category 2700 is number and then the distance 296 yards of carry I felt with this one I was just getting it going and there

Wasn’t that many wild swings and I think the good thing as well with it was on the heel to toe shots my miss being a low heel the spin went up a bit but it wasn’t dropping off wildly they were only round about the 275 Mark but pretty

Straight when I was hitting those shots when I got some a little bit higher and out of the toe the spin dropped ever so slightly and I was seeing drives that were carrying comfortably over the 300 yard mark That’s the QI 10 so that one

Was a big tick for me in how that performed out there I was happy with distance I was happy with dispersion overall good when we go to this one the ls now from this driver I think I might have found the longest driver I have

Ever tested it spin was a little bit on the low side but again it probably wouldn’t be The Driver I was going for but it came in just under 2,000 revs of spin I’d like to see it a tiny bit higher but it carry was 3010 yards now that being said the

Distance was phenomenal but the direction when I didn’t quite catch it when it was a little bit Towing and Healy it still was going but it was going a little bit off the planet it was going a little bit too far right and a little bit too far left for my liking

When I was in the Sim I saw a the odd shot like that out on the golf course but nothing that was really really wild but you know over time would I straighten that out who knows but if you’re looking for a low spin distance driver that was definitely ticking the

Box now the QI 10 Max this is the one like I said earlier that has that 10,000 number ofi and for me it has to be the straightest driver I have tested thus far when I got it back in the sim yes it wasn’t the longest it was

277 yards of carry spinning up into the 3,000 RPM number but I’m expecting that I’m not expecting this to be super long and as we can see when we go from one end to the other the distance went up as we went up the scale but also the qi1

Max was the tightest of them all and at 277 when I actually got the heel when I got the toe when I got the top and bottom I found that it was actually a tighter drop off they were only Fallen around about 260 265 on the Paw strikes

But overall when actually testing it I’ve never felt like I’ve hit a driver straighter than I have that qi1 Max so very very impressed and I think like I said earlier I have found the longest and the straightest driver that I have tested thus far so that’s your tailor made lineup for

2024 go and try them out get fit importantly test them out and see if these drivers are any good for you I’ve been impressed by that Max that has really blown me away in how straight I’ve hit it and then the distance with the LS have not seen stuff like that

Before overall I think a better looking driver it’s performing it’s doing what it says on the tin definitely one that you should give a go in 2024 guys hope you’ve enjoyed the video as we said earlier make sure you subscribe click it down below so you

Don’t miss any reviews coming out in the near future


  1. So TaylorMade say the new face secures better to the head, an acknowledgment of a design fault in the Stealth? Seems like in light of all the faces falling off the Stealth. MOI at 10,000 in the max, Stealth max was 8500, and that’s the MOI of the LS version in the Qi10. All of this renders the Stealth well and truly redundant, resale value? Suspect it will drop like a stone and all the residual stock in retailers, good luck with that. The obsession with annual release rather than bi annual, means redesign for redesigns sake, this might be the first real improvement since the SIM

  2. I am an older golfer who needs the forgivness and club head speed, oddly enough when reviewers talk they always seem to say the bigger head instills confidence, personally I see the larger head as more bulky, slower, and to large and a smaller head easier to control, faster through the swing, and I don't become so complacent. I guess in this case I am the odd ball. 😎😎

  3. Their all the same name nothing new anymore …you buy which you like now and get a PROPER FIT the other models seem to apin up laods 🤯🤯

  4. Don’t think my TSR2 will leave my bag for this, don’t trust the carbon face, don’t trust TM with their selling the Stealth whilst knowing it wasn’t fit for purpose.

  5. Thanks Matt , very clear and professional advice, I’m currently a Stealth 2 player and will go test it against it asap .

  6. Thanks Matt for the great review I currently play the stealth with the sliding weight for draw and fade I will definitely check out the new models

  7. good review Matt, think Taylormade could be onto something this year, i’m definitely on look out for a new driver and liking this to other brands so far, all reviews plus yours are very positive towards it

  8. Great review, a little different detail from some of the others I've seen on this driver series. Very interesting opinions

  9. For me the prices have gone beyond the level I am willing to pay and not just Taylormade. I will wait a couple of years and purchase a new driver when they are no longer the newest model. I have not hit the Qi10 yet but watching videos the biggest difference appears to be in looks. Being an engineer by trade I am more interested in fit, form and function over cosmetics. Nice video. Thank you

  10. People need to stop believing in this bs. All these companies spew crap. The solution in hitting better is improving your swing, taking the money and get lessons

  11. Very good unbiased review, how ever yourself Pete Rick and the rest of the you tuber you get to try them are pro's can can hit anything. It would be great to see a mid handicapper review it and make it more relevant to us mere mortals who would have to buy it. Cheers Matt

  12. Hey Matt, did you try lofting down the max driver to reduce the spin? I’ve seen other testers do that and get their normal distance while still getting max forgiveness.

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