Golf Players

Win A Hole. Spin The Wheel.

Can Will Miles spin the wheel? Lets find out!

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Bryan Bros Golf Favorites

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The Bryan Bros Putter Grip

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All right we have got another Brian Bros TV video lined up for you today and we’ve got a good one we’ve got a special guest Willie mudball is back I’m back baby we’re back and today the rules are simple if you win a hole miles you get

To spin the wheel and hopefully win some nice prizes I love prizes gifts yeah shower me with gifts all well we are going to shower you hopefully well you got to earn them today the rules are simple we will be getting one Mulligan each per hole and if it’s not used it

Will carry over so you can strategically use your Mulligans as I will strategically be using mine and hopefully you can dig around I got a nice little goodie cart set up for you so when you win the hole you bend the wheel and we’ll see what you can get

Sounds great sit back relax and enjoy we’ll see you on the first tea all right Little T flip to see who goes first that that’s me I have the honor playway please if you need to use your Mulligan here I do have two balls in my

Pocket well I’ve got two in mine as well but I’m really hoping to not have to burn them all again right here I forget how to do this whole thing when was the last time you played golf played holes played holes of golf I don’t know I I do

Not know the last time I played golf holes uh yeah I don’t know over two months ago probably all right stiff as a board all right here we go playway sir oh just squeeze by the tree oh that’s perfect it’s not a hit nope it’s perfect it’s literally

Perfect I mean probably looked really terrible but hey if F in play I’m happy today and the good news is you don’t have to win every hole like if you’re out of a hold you don’t have to burn your Mulligan you can just be like ah

Just that’s true not going to win this strategy we like that one I mean yeah that’ll work that’ll all right and we’re off 71 yards um still trying to figure out how I want to use my Mulligans today the strategy for me is different for Miles because I just need to tie the

Hole miles needs to win the hole so I’m going to try and save them as much as possible I’m going to try and save The Mulligans all right 71 yards uphill I I don’t know what to say how we looking Harrison 8T I’ll keep this ball

In my pocket I was hoping for worse I mean you know I got I got the short wand back in the bag so yeah you might you might be in trouble I thought you were rolling it with the thing well I was rolling it it’s just it’s just an offseason experiment miles you’re

Getting into too many experiments um are we are they bouncing up there oh yeah they’re firm they’re they’re still new greens okay that’s what I thought I just wanted to confirm o I hate to burn it now but well we don’t know yet we’ll get conf here how bad is that still

Moving really good like three fet 3T I go from wanting to take a mulligan to 3 ft that was not that was not very pretty and it’s not really how I drew it up but we’re going to take that and uh go win this hole so uh well

I got I got two chances at it well that’s if you want to burn them all again I I ain’t burning nothing I ain’t burning nothing hey who’s who’s closer here Carney let’s get a let’s get a shot here of the difference in in Elite wedge play and just average wedge

Play I I haven’t lost it clearly you you haven’t yeah you haven’t lost it he’s still got the wits about him let’s just go to the next hole if you want to just go to the next hole oh it’s good mine’s good pick it up yeah

Yours is good you have to win the hole oh gosh darn it so that wheel’s safe for one hole oh man and hey the good news is we both have two Mulligans now both Mulligans carry over you don’t have to burn it even if you miss this that’s that’s

Tough first great hole two birdies no Mulligans a little bit disappointing I don’t get to spin the wheel but um two Mulligans we can do something with that match is all square it is yeah I mean let’s keep track of the match too I mean there will be some Mulligans and stuff

But you know I got to beat him in the overall match yeah so you going to keep you’re going to keep score see see how hold on maybe we can have a new video how low can you shoot with nine Mulligans or how many holes can I make it and still keep

Score cuz I might pick up once or or twice today I mean that hole I’ll be honest that hole didn’t go at all how I had envisioned I didn’t Envision two birdies just right out of the gate literally no warm up no nothing just yeah well I didn’t either I’m going to

Need you to play worse so I can spin the wheel a few times cuz that’s that’s about as good as I got birdies it’s all I can hope for Okay so we’ve got uh Selena fourball we’ve got head covers got wedges golf balls some provie WS uh

Which is kind of a big deal for me now having to buy stuff hat plus towel um that’s a Selena hat and a rowack pack Bros Hat by golly I mean it’s some good stuff in there that I need to win and he needs most of it is on the back of this

Golf cart we’ll show you we’ll get into that and so anyway anything that is not won by will today we will be giving away in the comment section so go ahead and like the video drop a comment obviously I like to laugh so the funnier the comment the better it’s also kind of

Tough cuz you’re you’re wanting people to root against me cuz if I don’t win then there’s more stuff for y’all which is okay I mean I’m all for right so any slander talk against miles in the comment section will be heavily uh weighed which is which is tough tough

Tough for me I’m kind of in to lose lose for the people but you’re in a win-win all you got to you justn yeah but the people don’t want me to win and that’s a tough situation I I like to pleas I see

I see it I see it I see it this next T box let’s take a peek of what the goodie bag looks like we’ve got uh 179 playing 170 got two Mulligans in the pocket too for this hole if might just go for the hole in one here well we might so let

Grant would say here we go oh I love every every bit of this meech a hard right KCK but sit I mean that’s a good spot there’s no Mulligan necessary really no do so you do you have to play the Mulligan I guess huh you have to play the Mulligan oh yeah if

If you take yeah if you if you El like to use the Mulligan you got to play that ball oh my gracious go in the hole did you make it meech maybe what a golf shot could be I believe I am closer than you d well I mean we’ll have to get up

There time will tell but that was a quality little draw back into the wind I still got it guys still got it does this doesn’t this make you want to get out of pharmaceuticals and back into yeah I mean there’s something about a steady paycheck that’s nice but uh it’s always

Good to be at the golf course so I couldn’t remember honestly it’s been so long since miles and I played together I didn’t know if he played a 60 or a 58 so we got both of these they gently used I mean they’ve probably been hit maybe a

Handful of times they were just testing different grinds out so we got those in here we got we’re going to be adding a Brian Bros head cover into that as well uh we got golf balls probably going to add more golf balls to the goodie package of being honest uh Selena and

Brian Bros hat we’ve got towel to add to one of them and then rack and then obviously the the forsome it’s Selena I think that’s the most coveted prize in the wheel so I mean they’re all pretty coveted let’s go let’s go see holes let’s see if you can spin the wheel but

That second second in a row I if you want to pull the tape tight I think I’m closest shout out Double D pull that tape tight very few certainties in life and me walking away with a two on this hole it’s got to be one of

Them oh woo you want to use it you want to use one you want to burn one ah feel like you want to I feel like I want to but you know what I’m here to try and help meet you I’ll just take a par no I no I like I

Said I feel like I could putt that one if you that was a quality Putt and it didn’t go in it’s just gently outside of the threshold I’m going to let you burn your Mulligans here hopefully to try and spin the wheel yo you want to burn one huh

Absolutely need to burn one there we go see like this this is this is what I like this plan this plan’s coming together nicely hopefully he burns all of his Mulligans and we still walk away with a tide hole I lost that low again oh now does

He want to burn does he the same PT now do you want to do you want to burn your you want to I got to I I’m see this is perfect this is literally perfect now he’s Mulligan lless I’ve still I’ve still carried mine over from hole one and hole two

And just like that folks plat stick has gone cold no miles you are for the people right there that was an act of service for the people that was a gift to all you folks out there so you’re welcome Merry Christmas that is a belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New

Year gosh you hate to see a chance like that slip away and I’m just fully loaded all Mulligans in Pocket miles is just going to have his one Mulligan here on the third hole where I’ve got all of mine I don’t need them still in the back

Pocket don’t need them don’t need them I’m Elite it’s the mindset man that’s tough whole three Par Four kind of the match within the match I am one under through two with zero Mulligans is is one under through two using two Mulligans I use two Mulligans

On a par so that’s that’s not a good use of my Mulligans I mean to my eye that looks delightful but does it look delightful to your eye I mean to my eye I love it okay I love every every bit of it and today’s going well hopefully

Miles doesn’t spin that wheel once and that’s more stuff for y’all to win and also the the rules of the giveaway it’s all of the stuff is going to be going to one individual oh so absolute sweep stakes in absolute sweep Stakes is right that’s a beautiful

Ball you’ll like it okay I’ll take it really had no idea where that was going to go we got 189 and uh no idea what my yardages are right now it’s a little cold my my head is telling me probably take a little bit off of five it’s cold but my heart’s

Saying just just swing at the six so we’re going to swing at the sh oh kind of kind of healed that it’s got no chance I don’t know it’s on the Fring didn’t didn’t really get much of that not my best you going to let it ride oh yeah

Yeah we’re going to take our chances closer to the hole all right 168 going to go with a little holdy eight iron well that looks real real just got to sit oh there we go nice and soft Crowd Goes Nuts online cuz the prizes are tough to come by right now let

Go I’m doing this for you guys I do like to support my friends and all but they’ve got to earn it all right three mulligans in Pocket miles with one from off the green me and close I kind of like keeping that wheel safe for another hole bounced a lot firmer than I

Thought I’ll concede that to you I’m assuming you’re going to want to roll over your Mulligan yeah we aren’t going to burn one there and we’re not going to burn one on the park butt either all right well I just had to Nestle it up there nice and tight I’ll see it

Now let me have a word okay you can have a word you missed that I’m one under you’re also one under I still have competitive juices you know and I’m tied with the da through three holes I’ve used my Mulligans whatever but I also made par so you had to burn two

Mulligans though to be one of them on on a putt that I made par anyway I didn’t blow it I’m saying the Optics the optics oh you’re you’re a big Optics guy aren’t you uh I mean I’m more of a phas guy personally but I like the

Optics kind of a puff pastry there it’s a puff pastry that’s in play yeah it’s in the rough but it’s in play burn I’d burn one there I think you’d get a lot better no this is a burn free zone well not really well kind of

They they do have controled burn got a control bird going up there are you sure I I think you should take one I’d go ahead and take one you know I I would turn this into driving range here well I don’t have a ball with me but I would probably just

Take the ls of hole and then move on to the next and and just try it again another hole but I can go get you another ball what do you want to do do you want to stay in the hole to try and spin the

Wheel yeah I need to stay in the hole gosh I hate to burn one on a t- shot I know it just feels awful this is part of the prize package here like you could be surrendering some of the Prize Package if I don’t stay in the hole I can’t win the hole

Okay boom what we needed that’s nice just right in this Tracer I love it that’s perfect perfect that’s perfect we’re a little Mulligan update uh I’ve still got all of mine in pocket I still got all miles has got none of his in Pocket I’ve got I didn’t use one on the last

Hole so I’ve got one so you’re talking about my bad math on the on the second green let’s talk about his bad math mine’s more of an awareness problem not necessarily a math problem I’ve got 152 and I’m thinking that I would like to

Hit an a iron into the wind off the left uphill off and UPS slope I don’t think I’ll be electing to play that shot oh I think you should I think I’m going to I think I’m going to I think I’m going to burn one how many you got to burn uh plenty

Four I don’t know my Math’s not my strong suit neither’s awareness but I know I got one to burn right here let’s try that again I don’t particularly love that one either all right that’s why that’s why you burn one off the T folks you got to

Stay in the hole Yeah I to be able to win the hole exactly what we’re going to do here you know what I might just be surrendering them hey do you want do you want no I’m not going to burn another how about another one the cart thinks you should take it

128 pitching wedge little into the wind off the left is Wesley said got a good opportunity here might need to go pretty good weight yeah I think that’s I think that’s acceptable we’ll take it we’ll take it kind of a funky swing but worked out and again closer to the hole than

Wesley I I mean I’m giving myself chances that’s all I can do I’m uh I’m not giving myself much of a chance on this hole I think well it all started with a puff pastry off the tea that I told you might need a might need a burn one but here we

Are all right on The Fringe about 35 ft I don’t love where I’m at here I really just need to avoid miles missing that putt with two attempts and then we’ll be back in a pretty good spot but you never know you get lucky roll one in from

Here not if you leave it short just stretch you got the line though I’d use one I’m not using it I’m going to keep this one in my pocket I’m going to take four I’m going to take four and I’m going I’m also going to take my four Mulligans to the next

Hole it’s another kind of par Mulligan weird looking PT it looks like it wants to go left but I my plums want to go right you know what you can do with the first one you can just put it dead straight and then you can adjust

Based on which way it misses you’re the wor because you’ve got two you’re the worst if you aren’t going to burn one on a 40-footer I’m going to make this first try and go I’m going to go one up well I burned one off the tee but I’ll go one up in the

Match and I’ll also get a priz where are you playing this pot I have no idea why honestly I don’t know I just want I want you to tell the people which way you think it’s going to break I it wants to go left at first and then it wants to just

Gently back ride at the end this feels like all the putts that I would have you come into read for me yeah like the worst my confidence on the read is not super high but your confidence on the deliverables though oh no such a good pot would you like to

Burn would you like to burn your last Mulligan Meech survey says I got to I got a chance a chance the hole I have a chance to win the hole I have to use it meanwhile everybody rooting against this putt right here because oh this

Could be my this could be my prize no miles needs to spin the wheel we didn’t make the wheel for it not to be spun that had a little bit more left in it than I thought and not as much right oh my that is such a high quality putt

It’s the exact same putt you just hit I did the same thing on the second hole I used my Mulligan and I hit the same exact putt on the same exact line cuz that’s what idiots do and now you’re fresh out of M H well no we’re going to

The next toall I’m going to reload I’ll get a mulligan on the ne but by golly this is not going how I wanted it you’re one of those guys you’re just pounding the reload button and it’s doing me no reload and it’s doing me no good I mean that was a great

Putt both both of them both of them were great putts neither of them went in you know some would say that’s why I’m uh why I have a full-time job now all right still got the honor here on the T box here at the fifth burn one burn one burn one burn one

Oh yeah get you another one Wes go back to the cart get you another one yeah you go ahead and hit and I I’ll reload get you another one just in case here we go here we go start burning them Don start burning them oh literally I I brought an extra

One up to the tea for you no that’s fine yeah that is fine that’s fine I mean it’s toe ball but that’s one thing about not playing professionally full time is if it’s in play I’m generally happy whether it’s a toe ball a heel ball off the shaft off

The bottom off I don’t Sky it I I will say I don’t Sky it but lower expectations is kind of nice oh should maybe another one need absolutely not absolutely not it’s in play I’ll take it it’s not in the Fairway though it might be you never

Know you know I’m trying to get him to use more cuz I just I just want him to use more away from the greens cuz the closer is you know to the hole the game kind of elevates all right we got 204 to the hole um the LI is not great I’ve got

Seven iron cuz it’s about 170 to the front need this thing to come out a bit EXP explosive it’s really a hit and hope that’s all this is kind of if we get closer to the hole than we are now I would I would almost say that’s positive didn’t really jump it didn’t

Jump at all yeah like not not a not a yard but you could burn a mulligan and get a good Li oh I could but why would I do that from 204 yards you just want to save it yeah I mean just try again on the next hole

Stop it B I still have a chance I can hold that I can hold that and you can make bogey well this could well not with four M well this isn’t as joyous of a time as I was hoping for 2 ft out of the bunker

Got 175 going to try and Chip cut a little seven iron I I mean directionally was great it’s going to be deep I I kind of slipped a little bit I don’t know if you saw I’m going to play that one there do another one no I I’m I’m good I I

Avoided one injury and I don’t want to try and avoid a second one grass was grass was a little slippery all in all great shot that was really impressive though great shot now let’s just clean up the meth a little bit we win any prizes or something I

Don’t know I’ve just Wesley’s in a way better spot than I am he’s he’s just chipping up the hill a little left to right I meanwhile I’ve got to go over Mount Everest and then it’s running away from me basically what I’m saying is most likely not going to win this hole

Unless this magically goes there’s there’s still some magic left in these hands oh that’s that’s just pathetic the thing I said about the magic still being in the hands that that could be false cuz that’s that’s that’s I’m sorry you guys had to watch that

Sorry I had to watch that I me that’s just it’s just really bad we weren’t going to win the hole anyway though yeah go ahead Wes yep go ahead bud go ahead I’ll go ahead yeah come on up guys I I want I want better for myself but

Clearly I want the best for you guys oh too bad gifts are being given I’m not accepting I mean I don’t think it’s going to hurt me it’s too bad I’m not accepting your gifts at this time this getting sloppy it’s getting sloppy miles huh now that is

Interesting cuz I saw that going left I mean I was expecting to be more on track with the hole but I did expect that to go left should I just two Putt and get out of here yeah let’s just keep it moving yeah that’s good miles you can pick it

Up wheel is still safe we’re going to head to the six and we are fully loaded with Mulligans I feel like I feel like I might just surrender some Mulligans here soon just for fun I don’t know it’s kind of getting to that point where I just I

Might want to gift them it’s almost a burden I feel like carrying so many should I sell you my Mulligans sell them to you should we start a bidding a bidding I’m not purchasing you don’t want to purchase them I feel like I have you seen the priz package I yes dude but

I feel like I can beat you without Mulligans it’s not really showing right now cuz the pups haven’t gone in but something’s about to change I mean I I something’s bound to happen if I were to sell you for my Mulligans like what do you all think that those Mulligans are

Worth right now because the mean way the way I use my Mulligans though I mean I’d just be burning burning the putts right on the edge all of them so I mean why buy four more I’ll just burn four more edges hole six par five just get a ball in place somewhere there’s

One I’ll go ahead while you’re hot I’ll go ahead and take one so the tally was you had five going into this hole and I’ve got three so now after this ball he’ll have four o that just needs to take the wind and cut a little

Bit it did F start line of that ball I thought we might dip into that bag a little more we’re good we’re absolutely fine I mean just to balls Galore that gracious that’s would you like it I don’t I don’t want it I don’t need it I would you like it

I would would you like it I just want to know where that ball is it’s it’s probably on the tree line and you can rope a 3-wood down in front of the green more than likely or five wood we’re going to save them gosh darn it we’re

Going to save them yeah I just using them off the T feels like an absolute waste well I’ve had to but we’re going to have to figure out how to move the contact point from from over in there the toe side to I mean I’d take right I’d take that right there heel

Straight one two 250 in the air just that’s my game that’s my game all right we’ve got a lot of yards all the club in my bag minus the minus the driver we’re just it’s it’s a h hidden hope situation the two dead trees back there says Wesley that’s

Fine probably pretty short it’s fine everything rolls down the hill here all right back in play just want to win a hole just want to win tired of losing I just I just want to win a hole approximately 245 yds adjusted we’re in the Fairway going to give it a

Roll onto a nice lie start one at the water tower and let it peel off and then we’ll just ride up and see where the ball ends up that’s left it’s left is left well it’s got to peel got to peel I hope it doesn’t be honest it’s got to peel it’ll

Be fine it’ll be completely okay it’s about time I do something don’t you think I think so it’s been it’s been poor it’s been poor I’ve had a chance to win two holes out of five that’s not good enough I won’t accept that got to

Be in the rest of them and I’m not off to a good start here cuz Wes is Wes is in position a wow this is just uncomfortable to my eyes all right just got to just got to find the magic again just got to find the magic again come

On go a little bit gosh darn it wow that had all the Sals so what are your thoughts P should we just go to the next hole migan I need to think faster on my feet than I am right now but I’ve got three mulligans we’ve got three holes left

Probably not going to win this hole anyway I’m just going to save them that was that was a yard from being really great I’m not going to win this hole anyway just because of where he is if he hits a bad one I I can still make this potentially probably not but

Gosh darn it I want more for you guys just got to get down in two here we got to make sure all the gift packages are uh for you guys that’s why I didn’t use a mulligan that was a one Mulligan birdie and uh the wheel is still safe all prizes that

Are bundled up in that wheel are still safe for you guys we are uh we’re heading to the seventh I think I’ve got four Mulligans in pocket I think Miles has three mulligans in pocket and we’re heading to a par three uh there’s only three holes left which

Means at least three prizes are available for you guys worst case scenario all right we’ve got 224 down to 210 got the wind off the left gently helping five iron in hand I think we got four Mulligans in pocket so we might sit here for a while this could be a chase

The a situation yeah till you make it hit till you’re happy well one place that isn’t going is in the hole but it’s oh whoa s whoa oh wa oh five iron was entirely too much 12 I think bring bring my six just in case I’ll watch you hit a mulligan

First this this is my time this it’s got to happen here or it might never happen at all that’s that’s just the way it’s feeling got to make something happen and I need help I do need a lot of help yep how about another one well if

This one ends up is short he short oh no that needed to land on the green but it didn’t now it’s time for another all right uh I think I’m down to two M about to be down to one this this is what we need guys turn this place

Into a d into a driving range right here we might lose them all right here what do you say w hey I’m willing I’m willing to risk it oh that could be nice where’s the wind ah no no that’s what see that’s that’s a that’s a good golf shot that’s

What we needed we’re in there we still we still have two Mulligans left no you have one I had four and then I just just hit three golf balls I know so I took two Mulligans so I still have two I still have two Mulligans left up on the green

If need be my second grade math teacher’s got to be real proud she’s watching you had a separate math teacher in second grade cuz I just had one teacher in second grade and they taught all subjects miss summer she was amazing how about a fat uh this could

Work though this could work is this going to land on front of the green no oh would you like a mulligan yeah I you got three of them there’s one I just don’t think I have the right Club but six I don’t feel like is going to get there either I just it

Feels like a ton of club which just feels like a waste of a mulligan well then go see where the six ends I’m going to hammer a six it just it feels better I don’t have I don’t have the feathery ones right now we’ve absolutely lost contain this video

We’ve lost contain what’ you say and we’ve had very low quality golf hey the first three holes were pretty good quality fun though first hole was amazing and then it was all downhill all right hammer time how was the contact it was good oh if it was good contact you’ll like

That I mean I think you just I think you just got ride with the wand now right yeah I mean that was a quality shot I don’t know why I ever decided five was the right stick to hit so we each have two Mulligans now if my math

Is correct right yes math okay we’re we’re back at Level Playing Field uh it goes a ton to the left there you go I got one oh you got one yeah pick that up I don’t want that oh goodness that I mean I mean I don’t know

How you could ever see that like going that much that’s wild oh he did it he did it he did it finally finally now now if I could just go for three now the real crappy part about this is he has to go over for what 0 for three need like this

Student section at a college back here going not waving all these little things I’ll even keep my Mulligans as well y’all y’all are going to have a lot of prizes coming your way I burned a mulligan for nothing I burned two burned two on this hole for nothing two as well

For nothing all for not it’s a low feeling you know when I believe it was George Straight was talking about how he had Friends in Low Places I’m I’m that friend right now I’m in a low place I haven’t won a hole I haven’t gotten to

Spin the wheel I had to download the app on my phone so I could spin the wheel haven’t needed it probably won’t at this point I mean if I haven’t done it yet odds would say it’s not going to happen all right whole eight beautiful right

Here on the water I’d like to keep my Mulligans in the pocket not have to use them off the tea again n we need you to burn a couple burn the rest I won’t be burning any Mulligans right here on this hole not on this shot at

Least but what did you call that drive on the uh fourth hole powder puff puff pastry a puff pastry that was a that was another puff pastry for you looks like it had all the spin all the spin you could ever ask for off the driver it did

But it also has the short stuff written all over it which is what you need to attack this brutal eighth green that’ll also be in the short stuff miles didn’t didn’t fall off that yeah I’ve been kind of doing the step Curry fadeaways I think it’s why that toe balls coming to

Play oh come on let’s spin that wheel me come on I’m trying dude you just keep making birdies on top of my birdies I’ve hit for the cycle just about if I can keep my Mulligan on the next tole I have a zero Mulligan birdie a one Mulligan

Birdie a two Mulligan birdie I just need a three Mulligan birdie and that’ll be the cycle right 133 s Hill lie into the wind Wesley said this is the Fairway so maybe I should roll it he’s not always right just I want everybody to know he’s not always

Right all right just dream big here miles just dream big just dream big how big did you dream right in the left of the bunker big go in the hole no that’s short that’s substantially short stop it that was a good shot you know quality shot I just I

Don’t know if you I don’t know if you want to burn a mulligan burn a mulligan did you see what I just did it’s like tiger in his prime okay that was a good shot that no that was a good shot that was a great that was a borderline great shot I just

Think it’s like 15 ft short 20 ft short whatever dude go hit your ball oh go got 115 gap wedge in hand a few Mulligans in the pocket hey Wes I’ve got an idea for you why don’t you show the viewers where the hosle is that’d be a

That’d be a great a great little little what I only find the toe like like meech was talking about that Steph Curry fadea away kind of pulling off the ball a lot well real quality players they they can find the hosle or they can find the center

Face that deep short short all the way short that’ll you’ll need another one here that’s also well short yeah take another one I mean that that wind gust came I hit the same Club hit it harder with more spin I think I’m going to do that although you know what I might just

Want to go up and and hit till you make it one V one you up there how many molli you got I’ve got three in my pocket I think I’m going to One V one you you got two m right uh let’s just let’s just go let’s

Just ride wow okay just ride all right here we go I mean I hit a quality shot I just got wind gusted show me something here like literally show me the best line without making it I’ll do my best if I burn this one I’ll still have

Three at the last surely that’s enough to make a two but you know what I want more I might want more opportunities at a hole in one I’m not going to burn it I might need to burn one on this par putt though if it misses yeah all one

And 1/2 ft I’ve seen you miss a lot of those actually in my time makes makes a guy very angry when you’re when your pro misses like a two-footer when he goes up and Taps it in and misses I saw everybody seen it I saw that a lot

Edge burned Edge burned again I mean obviously you got to burn it to make one right or no I’ve got two left going to have three on the next hole I got to try I mean I just got to try it just hit while you’re

Hot you just did the same thing no I hit it with a lot less Pace on the better line and a waste that was a waste you can go Ahad and chalk that up to being a waste okay so you have one left you rather just play the last hole with two

Mulligans y y y we’re we’re going to chance going for the ofer and I’ve got uh really I’ve got four and you’ve got two and we go to the last and Miles hasn’t spun the wheel which is bad news for him great news for you guys again this was this was a fun

This was a fun idea it’s just not playing out like I like I wanted it to Mulligan management I feel like has been poor pretty solid for my Camp poor in my Camp well actually no the usage has been fine the executions been horrendous like

It’s like I don’t even see what I do the first time I mean you’ve had three putts to win holes and I missed them all you had three I don’t yeah I don’t really what what more can I do I I don’t know I’m just sad I’m sad for you I’m excited

For these guys but I’m sad for you I’m really sad for me all right four Mulligans heading to the last miles has two we lost track of the match but I think let’s just let’s just say I’m one up sure sure 72 into the wind downhill I got six

Iron but I might be going back for a seven I’m just going to kind of see where a high floaty six iron ends up only problem is I have hit a great shot first time because I need to have all my mes for my PT I want to use all my mlles

To try and make a hole in one I think that’s what I want well that’s not a hole in one so hit again people are people are going all in on that I love it I don’t like this I don’t like this it’s what we need I mean I’m not in

A good spot I won’t lie why I know I know it’s bad it’s Bleak but if I have four Mulligans that means I got five chances to make that putt for a two or I can risk it back here to get closer than that I don’t know what the stats are

Telling me but I’m just going to try and rip another one do it again do it again cut and just get on that shelf here I got one you man I’m just I’m attacking the bow down there three left three Molly left I got three moles left

Yep do it again here I got for that’s just I got here right here Wes no don’t even watch it don’t even watch it land come on right here here’s another one oh he’s he’s planning on emptying him got two mollies left have one I mean I got to save one

For a putt right I feel like we’re pot committed at this point there we go that’s what we were waiting for directionally a lot better and that’s what we were waiting for come on and we saved a mulligan for the putt heck can you even fist pump after

Three mulligans like that he just did can you can you even fist pump that oh no he just did oh oh oh it was a it was a hair would you like one you got a couple of them I need to save one for the putt the only problem

Is I could hit a much worse golf shot than that there’s no no doubt about it so what is what is your thought process my thought process is I’m going to empty out cuz that’s probably not going in the hole up there you got you got to know

That the the sweetheart and me is going to let you spin the wheel once at the conclusion of this hole even if you don’t earn it you got to know that’s going to happen I don’t I don’t want your charity I want to earn

It did you get enough of it or did you kind of fan it I think it’s in the wind oh oh fortunate bounce we’ll take it let’s go just move forward huh ah come on the strike the strike looked tow word it was it was we each have one Mulligan

Left am I right yeah see if I can turn the tables cuz every time I’ve been closer I have not won the hole so now I’m further away so you think you’re going to win the hole probably not cuz every time I make a birdie you also make

A birdie you want to just take this view in debating weather I should go jump in head first I was just telling West I don’t really see him missing that twice which really doesn’t have me excited about this opportunity but we’ll see what we can do two chances here two chances big swinger

Left to right done it before no we can’t not on that part boy that’s a terrible effort I mean the line was good for drip Pace it’s been fun guys thank you that’s zero that can we get a graphic that is zero spins of the wheel you’re

Welcome go should I tap this just in case you three putt from there let me hold on M let me all right I’m going to leave it there you can just just I just I’m I’m just trying to make a you’re just trying not to three from 7 no this will this will

Be my birdie with three mulligans this will be the cycle this is awful I mean how bad can you feel about yourself zero spins the wheel maybe we should go play a game of PK for a spin of the wheel huh oh man that was that was pitiful

Wow all right that was pitiful as we put a little bow tie on this video um thank you all for watching I’m sorry miles I’m sorry for what I’m sorry you guys watched that I do appreciate you giving us your time earning nothing now do you

Have your phone with you no you don’t it’s in the cart well let’s just go walk to the cart so he can spin the wheel maybe see what I could have won no we’re going to we’re going to honor whatever that first spin of the

Wheel is we’re going to honor it so just everybody let’s sulk and sit for a minute this just feels like such charity it is this is absolute charity what do what do you want the most I want the Selena hat is what I want not the brand

New grooves and the wedges I mean that would be nice too all right here we go guys do you hit the middle or you just hit anywhere on it head covers would you like another spin of the wheel because there’s no way you wanted head covers this is again we’re

Feel we’re feeling bad at this point so let’s just go ahead and rip it for for one more here no do do a big spin those are little spins like give give us like can you do it like a big spin there we go this is a big spin this

Is this is the one that counts still going it’s still going wedges golf ball I mean gosh darn it oh we need to get off this let’s go do this over there let let’s just let’s take this party somewhere else let’s take this yeah we’re fully composed we’re

Going to let miles get a spin just spin it until you get the Selena hat that you want just just SP no we’re going to spin you just spin it here we go golf balls do you want the golf balls or you want yeah let’s just go until you

Get the the hat and towel no let’s just keep going no well just let’s just wait these are all the spins I could have had people I mean just think if I could have played half decent golf they want you to get I mean this I’ve got I’ve got a real

Way to do it [Laughter] here we’re we’re down to two options here let’s see if I can get what I want this feels like a Santa Claus situation hey let’s go thank you hey Wow way to spin the wheel hold on where is let’s go find it hat and towel right

There hey I would like I would like to commit to the Selena golf club going forward thank you hey pleasure doing business with you it was great I enjoyed it okay so anyway thank you guys for watching sorry you didn’t get to spin the wheel more often meech um Sor that

Was that was tough that was a tough display it was a fun hang though it was I enjo it uh back so if you guys want to win some of this stuff drop a comment below we’re going to pick one and we’re going to send up all the stuff that’s in the

Back of the golf cart and we’re going to send it your way all the stuff I saved for you guys it’s coming your way so drop that comment except for the hat and towel you took that from him I I did I sorry come out to Selena and get one

Till next time see you guys stuck in my throat you want to try that again no we’re good we’re good we can sign off M see you next time he’s dying


  1. Wesley continues to show his next level mastery by not only beating Miles but also tricking him into the mulligan game.

    All he had to do was tie holes but Miles had to win holes. Hence the massive amount of mulligans he accumulated. Feels like something George would fall for.

    Chess not checkers.

  2. How many putters does ole Mud Ball keep in his bag?? Doesn’t really matter, I’ll take the prizes since he doesn’t seem to want them.

  3. Will Miles, β€œGeorge Straight has friends in low places….” πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Garth isn’t too happy with that one.

  4. Wesley you absolutely kill me with the sarcastic comments, keep it real and funny good luck in 2024. let the beast loose

  5. So Wesley u said u wanted funny I’ll give u funny…

    I’m a triplet I have two sisters and myself but when my mom was pregnant she was shot in the stomach we all ended being fine except for my sisters being brats but anyways one day when my sister is about 13 she comes running down the stairs saying mom mom you will never believe it and my mom said fearing the worst go ahead so my sister said I was taking a piss and I pissed a bullet. So my mom sat her down and told her about what happened during her pregnancy. A few days later my other sister comes running down the stairs and says mom mom you will never believe it I just pissed a bullet. So my mom sat her down as well. About a week later I came running down and said mom mom you will never believe it. So she said I bet I can did you piss a bullet. To this I said no I was jacking off and shot the dog. πŸ˜‚

    But in all seriousness I’m a 16 year old varsity high school golfer that could really benefit from all of this. Especially the wedge lol. I’ve been looking up to u and your brother for a long time now and you guys have really inspired me to keep up the grind even when I’m in a slump.

  6. Miles, the kindness you displayed by allowing us to have the ability to gain this awesome merchandise! Nearly brought me to tears! Wesley, you took it easy on him, and he still was generous for the subscribers!!

  7. Will Miles pastier than Elmer’s Glue. Someone tell his manager to let this man see the sun.

  8. Miles game is about as bad as his trivia πŸ˜‚ to think George Straight sang friends in low places is just a next level head case. Garth Brooks buddy. Garth Brooks. Ha

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