I Couldn’t Believe How Far I Hit Driver After Discovering This – LIVE GOLF LESSON

If you struggle to hit driver straight or happen to be the shortest hitter in your group it’s because you have a driver technique that requires too much effort

Learning to hit driver longer and straighter can be super simple if you follow this 3 step speed booster program Danny Maude shares in this golf video. All you need are two things:

1. A powerful trigger move that starts your golf swing
2. Start the downswing from the correct spot

In this golf video Danny Maude reveals how with just a couple of simple changes to your golf swing will immediately add power to your golf shots while still being able to hit driver straight.

So if you are looking at improving your confidence with your driver swing watch the latest video from Danny Maude right here 👉


1. You Won’t Believe How Easy This Makes the Golf Swing –
2. Why 90% of Golfers Can’t Strike Their Irons –

Here’s the practice plan and summary of this weeks lesson

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Thanks for stopping by. I created this website as a resource just for you to support you on your golfing journey as I know how tricky learning this game can be…to say the least!

I personally found learning the game too long and difficult in the early days. I read all the books, watched all the videos but my game was not improving. Then after studying various forms of neuro science, motor learning, psychology and personal development in less than two years I went from struggling golfer to the final stage of the Open Championship.

On YouTube and my personal website ( I will bring you the most up to date training, training that is getting tangible results for my clients right now. I don’t know where you are in your golfing journey, you could be just starting out or maybe your body isn’t as flexible as it once was or you’ve got ambitions to slash your handicap. Wherever you are I’ve created a place here you can learn, share your ideas, ask questions and get all the support you need to enjoy this great game.

Be prepared though. If it’s a quick fix you are after Im not your man. Here I will give you step-by-step advice that you can take straight to the practice ground and apply to the course but it will require you to get stuck in, screw up…a lot, practice some more and then watch those scores tumble

I’ve had the pleasure of coaching thousands of students all around the world and if you are up for the challenge and are ready to get in the game…LETS GO TO WORK!


This golf lesson provides a couple of wonderful drills to help you hit your driver straight.If you are a beginner golfer and are looking for some golf driver tips that are simple and easy to do then you are going to love this.

I will show you the golf swing slow motion so that you can see what you need to do to improve.

We look at 3 things:

1. How to stop slicing your driver
2. How to swing more in to out or how to swing more inside out
3, How to get the correct impact position with driver

and I hope to do all this with simple golf tips so you can create an effortless golf swing

So just like you I would love to add some yardage  to my game and I’ve recruited James Tait who hit   452 yards in the long drive finished was it third  yeah finished third out 128 yeah third in the  

World long drive Championship he going to give me  a few really really simple golf tips can I show   me them off camera I know they’re going to help  you because they are unbelievably easy to apply  

For any age or ability would you say absolutely  I think you know it’s it it’s really easy to add   a bit of speed and distance it’s just knowing  how to do that and it’s just you know there’s a  

Few simple things which we’re going to go through  today and you’re going to see it yourself so yeah   it’ll be fun awes so before we get into the video  look if you’re new to the golf channel it’s one of  

Your first golf lessons of mine please consider  subscribing I release golf videos just like this   every single week to try and help you improve  your game plus you’ll never have to remember   thing I’ll always put a free download practice  guide in the description box good Lu what do I  

Need to do nice little height there what do I  need to do to get a few extra yards um it’s a   number of things I mean we’ve we’ve talked at  length um you know over dinner last night and  

You’re someone who is you know very straight off  the te just kind of basically rotates around that   kind of Center axis right so if you’re looking for  a bit of speed we talked about trigger moves now I  

Think trigger moves is a great one we’ve all stood  in a par five where it’s like straight down it’s   like I want to get one down there to give myself  best chance of getting as close to the green as  

Possible so how do we do that well if you take  yourself for example yep if you’re standing on a   power five right now yep literally the whole world  to aim at yep what are you what are you thinking  

What’s in your head what I’m thinking I’m I I I  picture of the shot I picture the Flight of the   shot I picture where I’m going to land it in the  Fairway and then my trigger generally is is in a  

Sense it’s kind of I I take a look I go back and  then I go okay so what I what I would say is if   we swap position and and pass pass club SW the B  so what I’m trying to do here is just making sure  

I’m not feeling too tight a little bit free a lot  of people have maybe a few kind of Waggles for me   yeah I kind of almost want to be staying behind  it as much as possible but I just get a little a  

Little kind of this way first okay so just get  my body weight a little bit more this way so   some people are going to look at that and say but  Dan i’ I’ve been taught to uh not to sway off the  

Golf ball so it’s not swaying okay so that’s the  thing so a lot of people will look at it and be   like oh you’re swaying it’s like I’m not way I’m  just I’m moving my weight onto my onto my right  

Side so if you think about how your feet move  yeah I’m actually trying to pull my hips this   way a little bit like a cork screw for example  so all I’m doing if I put the club here I’m just  

Thinking about kind of wind winding in yes I  I refres pivot I take my left foot off y but   that’s because I’m trying to then right side load  to left side load and then really basically screw  

My feet in the ground and use use the ground to my  advantage okay but what that allows me to do is if   I move just a little bit like this I know that  I’m going to feel really free and swing freely  

Through the ball okay so so so you’re saying that  the first start of this movement is you allowing   yourself to move is kind of unlocking that sense  of Freedom EX in the Motion versus somebody who’s  

Maybe static here and then swinging yeah exactly  if I’m going to come in here now and and test that   kind of first move out let’s grab a te I’m stting  up there let’s say I’ve been a little bit static  

Yeah as a golfer how do I initiate what do I  start to feel what am I supposed to be doing   here to kind of really kind of get this going  I would probably just make sure you’re feeling  

That you know you’ve got a few kind of like wag  Waggles with the club your feet are kind of moving   up and down you feel like you’ve got control of  the the club face as well okay and when you said  

When you say control of the club face how do you  mean so when you when you’re kind of doing these   kind of pre-shot Waggles yeah you’re going to feel  the club face being Square so you’re not letting  

It kind of go limp so no not not not too loose  so you want to make sure you feel like you’ve   got control of that club face get it and then it’s  all all about really just making sure that you’re  

Giving yourself that kind of space that freedom  to give yourself the time to get the club to the   top of the swing and then literally just send it  and just feel your arms nice and free through the  

Ball so do what I kind of feel when doing this is  would it would it be right to almost s like if I   was having like imagine I’ve got a big sandbag  yeah it’s almost like if I’m going to throw the  

Sandbag this way I feel like there I’m using  my legs Norm you pick it out and you use your   legs to is that what you mean adding that kind of  like absolutely a great a great tip like if you’re  

Quite a big Avid gym goer pick up a medicine ball  and just do some throws against the wall the same   thing you you think you’re you’re trying to throw  this ball through the wall you’re essentially  

Trying to do the same thing with a driver yeah  but you have to move this way to go that way   exactly yeah because you have to get that weight  to throw the ball BAS getting L get some momentum  

Into this right side yeah okay and I it’s if I  feel momentum in the club yeah you’ll notice it   straight away cuz you’ll feel like all right my my  right hip is just going this way and you know what  

It actually feels more stable it’s weird isn’t  it yes so even though you kind of almost uh you   move it feel there’s a sense that you you’ve  got more free more freedom it actually feels   more stable it feels like I’m really this right  side actually actually sticking to the ground W  

And give me something that I can push off from  your right foot is basically gripping the ground   like like that and you’ll feel it very hit hit  one and see see what you think have a couple  

Practice swings first and just kind of get a  real feel for it but you see how you’re you’re   already right like getting that load on that side  yeah I can really feel that yeah see what you

Think it’s a little bit bottom me the one the  one thing I would say is well I I would I would   try and just get your hand not so far forward  okay try and just yeah perfect like that yeah  

Yeah just a little bit more neutral okay A bit  here yeah yeah so yeah like that a lot yeah mhm little bit C that was a good strike my bad  left it just left the first up a little bit yeah  

But what I like about it what what what are you  feeling do you feel quite free you going yeah   I do you know what I think like the timing is  clearly clearly out a little bit out but what  

I like about it is but that’s the thing if  you so this is a massive thing so if you’re   chasing speed you have to be comfortable being  uncomfortable because you’re going to spray it  

Yes yeah so all you’re trying to do is if you for  ex you you’re saying you’re swinging kind of like   11 18s right 120s if you’re trying to chase like  125 you’re going to hit the ball left right all  

Over the place but then when you get to being more  consistent at 125 it’s like right okay how far can   I go can I get to 130 and then your 125 all of  a sudden becomes your stock yeah and it’s it’s  

Just what I said to my students one of the things  that we focus on first is like we’re going to get   you solid contact once you got solid contact we  don’t we ignore direction we ignore distance then  

We’ll work focus on what we’re doing here which  is distance now you kind of get a sense of what   the distance is then we’ll get the accuracy  afterwards you know 100% yeah I like that cuz  

We’ll do a couple more of get used to it and then  we’re going to throw a little throw that drill   a little drilling which will help you kind of  understand the the loading and unloading of the of  

The body us the ground yeah so I would yeah I like  that I I would almost this is going to feel weird   y okay okay yeah so you’re really hitting on the  back of the ball that’s going to take the spin off  

And you’re going to be able to launch it higher  as well so I’ve just gone from there I’ve just   gone a little bit more this way yeah yeah yeah  feels like I’m going to hit more up on it yeah

Absolutely bomb look at that tight draw yeah  that’s lovely good good start and you’ve you’ve   almost gone through the range which is 325  yards by yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no that   that felt really really solid and and it feels  you know what it feels as well feels like he’s  

Putting a smile on my face it feels it feels  it feels natural there’s nothing better than   standing off On a par five or a par 4 which is  straight down and you decide right I just want  

To send one down there but we’re but we’re going  to we’re going to throw in another element so we   kind of talked about that kind of trigger move  that that loading now we’re going to talk about  

Unloading and I’m going to throw something in  here okay go on so for me I I use this to warm   up now do you so were you using this when you  hit your 452 yard Drive yeah so I warm up using  

A few different things now for me I’m kind of this  allows me to get that feeling of that right side   kind of winding up shall we say to then unwind  through but it allows me to understand what my  

Body is doing kind of at that moment of impact and  you know through through the hitting and striking   zone right okay so I’m getting my hands up here  so I’m and when you say getting your hands up just  

For the people ni nice and high okay y cuz if you  get your hands nice and high then you can you can   really pull down hard into your left side to then  use the ground so it’s just it’s you’re using the  

Ground effectively what do the hands just for  people watching getting the hands height what’s   the what’s the difference between keeping them  low which I see a lot of amate to Golfers they   kind of stuck they’re stuck around here what’s  that doing to the them so if if you’re keeping  

Them low it doesn’t allow you to be aggressive it  allows you to rotate through it you’re come from   you’re not going to get speed being low speed  comes from here you look at any other the guys  

Who hit an absolute country mile yeah especially  you know guys min again I’m going to throw him in   there his hands are high like seriously high and  his ball speeds are crazy but if you watch his his  

Action in slowmo you see his hands really come in  like that yes because he’s been so aggressive at   the ball this essentially allows you to do the  same thing it gets you to feel what your kind  

Of lower half needs to be doing as well so for  me when I get my hands up high here I can really   push the ground like on my left foot and I can see  that yeah really aggressive so everything kind of  

You’re just working on sequencing so you really  just kind of P pull pull down and and as I’m   watching that what I’m almost seeing with the with  the towel here is that there’s a real extension of  

Your body as that towel is like fully yeah you  know it’s almost lining up almost your your your   left hip essentially is here and then you watch  maroy Justin Tomas their foot’s almost coming off   the ground cuz you’re using it so so aggressively  but they’re just maximizing and everything they  

Have got it same thing but it’s allowing you to  pause and feel and this helps you feel it for me   yeah it’s a great warm-up tool anyone can do it  we go it’s literally a towel just wrapped and I  

Put some tape on it nothing fancy how simple is  that I know so how do I start with this so just   so I I would start with we’ve talked about kind  of like screwing that right foot in getting the  

Hand hand High yeah so I’m going to from here I’m  just going to from there just going to load it up   pause and then you’re just going to swing hard  so what I would do is I always make sure that  

This is going to be here okay so that would you  see how high your hands how high your hands have   to go that’s really good so from here up there Y  and then just be really aggressive through impact  

And turn yeah so you’ll feel the resistance of  the towel trying to get your body to move yeah I   really feel that so it’s almost like it’s forcing  you to really accelerate because otherwise it’s   just going to be it’s adding resistance so it’s  getting getting your body to move efficiently  

Because if your timing’s out with it or if you  if you try and go too quick from the top and you   don’t let it set yes then your lower half doesn’t  have the time to kind of love that move the way  

You want it to so up here gets it there yeah and  if you wanted to go nice and if you wanted to go   one further go to the top yep all right I give  you I give you permission to bring this left heel  

Off the ground oh look at that turn beautiful and  then smash that left heel into the ground you see   that yeah yeah yeah it feels good and for for so  somebody who’s maybe a senior golfer you know just  

These tiny clearly we’re not they’re not going  to have all this Mobility but no letting that go   understanding that if they get their hands just a  little bit higher than if they’re only here just   getting them up a little bit higher is going to  really help to give them that rotation and that  

Ability to down the thing as well is like you you  can break your left arm if if you want to just to   get up here because then you can really just  kind of sink down into it if your back swing  

Is like sure anyway yeah if you want to you want  to just make sure you get it there you’re going to   reconnect when you that left left arm straightens  anyway well this is one of the biggest myths I see  

In golf and if you’re watching this and you’ve  ever been trying to keep your left arm straight   one of the things i’ I’ve seen with so many  players is they’re they’ve been told to keep this  

Left arm St but the reality is is you see like  look at Brooks kka and what it um Jord speed and   a lot of the guys they’ve almost got Flex yeah  coming through impact here because this is you  

Know this is powerful versus like Rod stra abely  so I think what I want you to do now is tie in the   two things together y swing that as hard as you  can yep and then let’s try and transfer everything  

Into the driver okay okay [Music] yep so you what  would you have a pause when you do this at the top   just feel it absolutely you want to make sure  you’re feeling everything from the the takeway   in the loading phase to unloading that’s that  just just getting just letting that go a little  

Bit there felt like that felt easier what you’re  doing is you’re create you’re allowing your body   to naturally turn yes like if you look at some of  the great like if we go way back like you look at  

Like Nicholas and like you know that generation  Gary play like a lot of them were bringing this   left foot this yes slightly off the ground just  got taught out and and it’s stupid well do you   know cuz I didn’t I didn’t think about lifting  that then M it was this really helped because  

In in a basically I needed to lift that in order  to get my hands high andu it get the the thing   of that’s the only way I could do that was to let  that go now it feels like so much easier to come  

But if you if when you when you look back back  on this on camera you’re going to see like the   amount of turn yeah and how high your hands are  is night and day like it’s really impressive I’m  

Keen I’m ke let just a couple let’s just s a smash  a few yeah come on let’s see it and this is this   is the next stage once you kind of get these  kind of SE sequencing bits in you then put it  

Into into motion and yeah like we said you know  when you’re chasing speed you’re going to hit a   couple left you’re going to hit a couple right  but exactly you’re on the driving range that’s   that’s why you’re there you’re there to practice  and you’re there to kind of like see see what you  

Can do especially with a driver so here I this  is I’m not worried about Direction at this stage   I’m trying to feel what’s going to give me those  extra yards and then later down the line we’ll  

Then start to kind of hun it in so if if you if  you have a couple practice swings exactly what   we’re what we’re doing oh yeah I like that a lot  yeah and then just like you’re going to you’re  

Going to time it and you’re going to feel like  you’re being so much more aggressive especially at impact and the one swing thought I want you  to do when you hit the when you’re looking  

At the ball is like I want to hit the ball  hard I’m doing I’m doing I’m doing it I’m so   hit the ball hard there’s the difference between  swinging fast and actually hitting the ball ball hard look at that feels free feels free you’ve  just flown it through the driving R really yeah  

Yeah you’ve flown that bunker at the back Jesus  how long’s the wrench 325 bloody hell see that’s   so much more aggressive though yeah but if you can  take that on the course and you’re like right cool   like you’re going to give yourself an easier  opportunity to get to that power five and two  

Which gives you that two po prity exactly but  Al do you know what though it doesn’t feel out   control it feels the body just feels naturally  tighter funny enough in the sense that it feels   actually more under control I feels like sometimes  when I I’m being too careful I actually feel limp  

And loose and you just want to feel as as free  as possible with the big stick in hand because   if you start getting tight and uncomfortable  that’s when you start having your issues but   if you’re going to swing freely you’re going to  at least make decent contact with the ball it  

Might go left it might go a little bit right  yeah but if you feel more confident and free   over that ball that’s exactly you’re you’re  going to enjoy just sending it down there I  

Just want to smash it let’s do one more one more  finish off with one more up there you go nice swing not quite that time so a little little  low but it’s still gone though isn’t it it’s  

Still gone that’s it’s almost at the back back  of the range and it’s still straight as well   that came out of the neck and look how far it’s  gone exactly hit one hit one more let’s finish on  

The high so this time I’m going to te up a little  bit higher y cuz it it means it’s easier to kind   of Stay Stay kind of a little bit behind it and  launch it okay come on send it let’s see it come

On didn’t see that where’s that got it’s literally  just kind of a slight Fades through the range   awesome so you see see where see where that  white the white stick is the left the bunker   you can straight over the top of that and it’s  just bouncing the rough over the back James that  

Was really really good fun I enjoyed that so  much it’s it’s fun I mean that’s what you want   to make your rain s rain sessions like isn’t it  yeah exactly you just want to have fun you want  

To hit bombs like you want to take it onto the  course you want to hit you know drivers long you   want to out drive your friends regardless of  what what handicap or what level you are it’s  

Like you could have the worst in the world and  then you can be like yeah but I’ll drove you on   that exactly I love that I love that so huge huge  Thanks James said go and check him out on on Star  

Shs absolutely awesome maybe next year we’ll  be here and I’ll be competing with you for a   few extra was it 452 yards 452 yards I still got  100 yards to go I might have I might have a world  

Championship belt by you might have you might have  fingers crossed I hope you enjoyed the video If   you give it a like if you did consider subscribing  and until next week have a wonderful golfing week


  1. Blooming brilliant vid Danny. Thanks for arranging James to instruct you, helps us all understand no matter who you are or what your level is, you can always learn something new.

    Thanks again and stay warm

  2. So, all of us that were told not to straighten the trail leg on the backswing have been severely constricted ever since. This instruction agrees with much other advice I've been seeing recently on the web.

  3. Tells all you need to know about Danny when he is willing to learn and slice–like the rest of us–as he adjusts. Excellent lesson

  4. Top marks to the teacher & the pupil.
    A very interesting & helpful video.
    I will try some of the suggestions to improve distance.
    Danny & James need not worry that I will beat them.

  5. Great video Dan & James – I feel so wooden with Driver at the mo’ so let’s lighten up and let it go 😁 Do have problem with my head drifting backwards on back swing so need to sort that, first. Cheers, boys 👍

  6. Swaying is getting the weight OUTSIDE the right foot, right?

    What we want is weight shift … PRESSURE into the right foot WITHOUT getting outside the foot (feeling pressure on the instep of the right foot),
    … right?

    Looks like you’re ready for the Long Drive competition now 😂

    Good stuff 👍🏻
    (as always)

  7. Great vid Danny, deffo a few good tips, shift weight to your left and take your hands high , brilliant, thanks

  8. Thank you very much for your good video. I am eager to increase my driver's distance, i got the solution today. I will try it. Good!!!

  9. As soon as I see this guy who looks like he's 6ft 5 I know he has the physical capability to hit it far. I wonder if physical capability is mentioned in this video. We shall see!

  10. Wow, especially the drill with the towel could be a game-changer. I need to try that soon! I also liked how the very speedy and far drives made you smile.

  11. Thank you for sharing your lesson with James.
    As always, the message you and James conveyed, was so clear and simple. At almost 71 years young, I can take this lesson to the range 👍

  12. One of my favorite teaching professionals, Oliver Peacock (Belle Meade CC in Nashville), told me, ‘All you have to do is swing hard.’ He and James are on the same page. Awesome video, Danny. Thank you.

  13. Thank you so much! Can't wait to try to apply this exercise at the driving range! Would it be possible to give us the dimensions of the towel? Thanks again!

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