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It’s Colucci Wednesday! | Punch Lines with Frank Nicotero Ep. 64

Punch for the laughs, Lines for the Sports. Hosted by Frank Nicotero, this 60-minute variety hour is the perfect balance of humor and sports. Special Guest: Duane Colucci.

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0:00 Opening
9:50 Duane Colucci
50:55 Super Bowl Exacta Bets

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Frank Nicotero:
Ryan McCormick:

#PunchLines #PunchFrankNicotero #SouthPointStudio

Hola buenos Tardes welcome to punchlines May Frank Nik longtime comedian lifelong sports fan taker of two years of Spanish in high school where I did a see uh yeah live comments on fire yeah I don’t type perfectly I’m typing fast trying to answer some questions no Jerry I am not

Having a stroke there are some typos anyway we appreciate all you guys all our regulars in there in the live comments I mean the chat room was going crazy before the show was that’s a good sign yeah yeah always good to have the comments people are having fun we enjoy

You guys watching the show we’ve crossed 1,000 subscribers and our numbers are going up so we appreciate you guys the regulars watching the show share it on your social media we uh love subscribers we love views we have a great show for you today today should be really really

Fun via the video in just a few minutes we’re gonna bring him in sooner than later I think because uh we want to play a game with him from the Rampart Casino our man Dwayne kuchi kuch I feel like we have asked that one

I feel like we it was only half the crew doing it coming up in a few minutes r kuchi cuch that was the same you guys didn’t get any better that was that was I put effort into it you did you did Ryan you put effort into it and Ryan

What are you wearing today by the way you’re wearing a golden kns Jersey yeah it’s they they’re alternate from last year the uh the lettering has some like uh glow-in-the-dark uh seams in it it glows in the dark yeah and can we turn all the lights out and see his shirt

Glow um maybe at the end of the show maybe we’ll end with that I’d kind of like to see it I don’t know if we can get it dark enough for it to work you also have to like charge it I guess I don’t know well just sit underneath the

SL for the last five minutes of the show just take a flashlight and Hammer yourself yeah um kuch will be here to talk pucks and pig skins it’s a big week I mean this is it man NFL season play off season is about to start and tomorrow we’re going to have the parlay

Cards here at the South Point yes Chris Andrews does a great job putting these together and this is where what is it you bet five bucks can win a ton of money 25 Grand yeah not the not that jackpot one but not the jackpot one but

Still a parl card yeah ties win that kind of stuff we’ll have the physical card in my hand you know what I have in my hand right now though right here this sheet we’ve been talking about this off air for about 20 minutes this is the 2024 NFL Championship exact outcome this

Is uh it’s like an exact it’s like bet bet and horses but with the remaining 14 teams that are in the playoff field yep and this this kind of betting is is done in different countries all over the world and who created this Ryan humbly speaking but our our

Director over here at our own sports director Chris Andrews he kind of came up with this exact the betting Chris is at home probably watching the show right now and uh this is awesome you guys got to get one of these sheets you got to

Come down to the South Point um the most common out the 6 to1 Ravens defeat the 49ers that’s a six to1 bet so you could put $2 on that you win 12 bucks but let’s let’s look at some of the long shots uh Eagles defeat Steelers in the

Battle of the Keystone State teams that’s 1,500 to one $2 bet gets you three grand and just for fun I looked at the biggest numbers Green Bay Packers suck you do not miss you do not miss when I say Green Bay Packers suck there you go if they would defeat the Steelers

Those are two long shots 6 to one Sean we put $2 on that bet 12 Grand we go to the bar I’m telling you right now let’s do that uh there’s a lot of good ones here Dolphins defeat Lions 130 to one which I have a future on both those

Teams lions defeat Dolphins 275 to one so that’s a lot of fun you want to have fun come down to the South Point bet this exact on the NFL champ I can say super I can say Super Bowl you just did I just did oh God the

Show’s being shut down anyway uh come down and place a $2 beted Place $5 bet place place them all what if you put two how many bets are there if you put $2 on every one of them well there’s it’s kind of like Wheeling a horse if I’m not

Mistaken seven for all 14 you’re just hoping a long shot comes in yeah quick math yeah so there’s like yeah you’d lose money but it would be fun you could say hey I had the winner yeah especially if it’s Ravens to be ners you lost a lot of

Money you lost a couple hundred bucks but yeah that’s going to be great and we’re going to talk to Dwayne kuchi about some of these over at Rampart they got the same numbers so we bring dway on we’ll talk about that towards the end of the show and I’m sure Dwayne’s going to

Have a hot pick for everybody Dwayne gave a winner out on this show last week yes he did New Jersey Devils minus 180 he even said take the puck line right yep and they covered they won like four to one four to2 I think six to three six

To three either way they won he gave you a winner baby and he’s gonna do it again today today is January 10th 2024 it is National Oysters Rockefeller day the odds of this happening today kind of crazy because um I guess we can give it away we’re going to give know I’m going

To be going over to the oyster bar which we have located right here at the south point we’re going to shoot a little bit and we’re going to air it tomorrow on Sports by the book I do a weekly appearance on Sports by the book at 3:40

Pacific every Thursday and we’re kind of showing off all the great amenities we have here at the South Point and I’m gonna I’m G to shuck some oysters maybe we’ll figure out a way to make it about gambling but you did just give away where the Frank is nicot Tero right but

Are the people watching this watching that yeah I don’t know yes you should they should they should be well yeah I did but oh well our people are in the no so anyway yeah it’ll be fun so you can watch the result of that video we’ll shoot later today after this

Show for tomorrow uh Oysters Rockefeller if you’re not sure what they are there’s a little uh on the on the oyster there’s little sauce and breadcrumbs that names uh Oysters Rockefeller named after the rich Rockefellers their chef came up with that uh over he’s served over this guy

This one guy alone has served over 3.5 5 million orders of oysters Rockefeller that what do his hands look like because to shuck those things it’s not easy so um and how many coming in order how many oysters is that usually you get like 10 million yeah you get

Like six maybe half dozen 10 that’s clearing 10 million yeah yeah it’s three five right it’s it’s 20 million yeah all right um today is episode 64 now yesterday was episode 63 and you alerted to me at the top of the show we had kind

Of said we were going to bypass this 60s as far as showing jerseys because it’s a lot of linemen yeah I feel like we’re going to have to do something special on episode 66 though for Super Mario Super Mario we’ll speak about him in a second but it’s episode 63 yesterday and you

Did do a collage and we forgot to get to it so let’s just see it quickly yeah Jeff Saturday on there that’s the only one I could think of the CT Center who’s a broadcaster now oh Mike munack uh great he’s a Hall of Famer he was with the Houston Oilers dermani Dawson

Alltime Steeler great Center and then uh who are these hockey players well so G Shaw and then Doug Wilkerson and then Brad Marshon who was a CB Champion with the Bruins he’s their captain now um he’s 14 games away from 1,00 games played um and then eie danov um was with

The Knights uh in 2022 he was with the Panthers for like a decade and now he’s become kind of a journey and Je Upshaw had a brilliant career and then he went on to work in the NFL front offices and I mean head co he’s everything was that

Him on the the Chargers as well no that was Doug Wilkerson oh okay no I I was like wait did UPA play there too all right so anyway good 63 but today’s 64 it and we don’t have any 64s you know we do have you think 64 this is what you

Think of right hereo Nintendo 64 y now was this not was this the console of your youth um no mine uh my first console was the original Xbox and then a PlayStation 2 play oh the PS2 that was a good one yeah PS2 was good but the N64 I have Mario

Kart uh ready loaded to go nice there you you go so absolutely dust you in that what said said I’ll absolutely dust you in that I’m terrible no you can play I I have someone I can play with I’ll beat Courtney then I don’t know all right she’s gon if she’s watching she’ll

Throw on a challenge Jerry you’re a big Nintendo N64 guy because we know you’re Sonic fan and Jerry compiled a list of his top top five uh Nintendo 64 games and you even use the font yeah that is BR all right let’s see the list tried to

Get it J Gary Jerry uh what’s what’s number one is Super Mario 64 number one yes number two you got a Zelda in there oh a couple zeldas does yep I don’t know what Bomberman hero is he’s shocked seriously you’re shocked about that I’m not gonna lie Brian who’s Jimmy pige I

Don’t you’re shocked about I don’t know that you didn’t know who Jimmy pige was well yes okay and then Donkey Kong 64 I’ve heard of that I know who Zelda is and Super Mario I’m Italian Vinnie Super Mario Brothers that’s the number one game and Mario Kart Mario Party I

Actually prefer over the Mario Kart on n6 that’s a fun game yeah Mario Party is fun Tiff and I have been playing the the newest one oh there’s a newer one yeah on the it’s always really good when you’re switch you have a few drinks oh

See the switch is what you kids have that’s the thing there yeah it’s like kind of like a PSP kind of thing yeah and then but it’s back in our day and we called those game boys I had a Game Boy you had a Game Boy yeah I was moving and

I found a color one a full color one with Tiger Woods Golf that I played all the time looked it up online it’s worth a couple hundred bucks yeah if it still works yes they they are worth a good amount of money yeah the batteries didn’t leak there were

Batteries in it and usually after a toy’s been left with batteries that long you think maybe they they leaked and the ass whatever no it’s still good all right Nintendo builds a good product so there you go there’s 64 tomorrow episode 65 I don’t know what we’ll do for that

Who knows have to stick around you got to tune in find out where the Frank niceto is okay uh we’re gonna bring in our guest oh let me put my headphones on at this no fumbling no nagling look at that 2024 and I don’t fumble there he is

Ladies and Gent dway kuchi from the ramp Park ramp Park casino sports director over there now wait a second did you and Ryan send memos and coordinate this Vegas stuff yeah I should have wor the gold one no he’s got the one you’re wearing that’s the best that’s the

Glowin the dark yeah that’s the Stardust uh you know last year uh that was the alternate jersey and now this year they have the one that’s it’s kind of like a white with the big V in the middle and uh it’s cool too I like that I’m going

To probably pick one of those up uh definitely representing the golden kns here Las Vegas is the best thing I mean that’s the Vegas born team Frank this is what I try to explain people are like oh well Las Vegas Aces Oakland Raiders Oakland A’s yeah they came from

Different areas Oakland Oakland Los Angeles with the Raiders and uh you know even the uh the WNBA team the aces is a transplant so the only Vegas born team is the Vegas golden Knight so definitely uh have a Sentimental place for them in my heart now you’re telling me you and

Ryan didn’t coordinate outfits but you’re coordinating the exact same opinion this is what Ryan’s been saying I feel like you guys were texting last night he says the same thing all the time we don’t even need to coordinate it’s just biggest locals know that you don’t need yeah exactly and it’s funny because

I was reading an article today about uh kamsky Park there’s a documentary about it and they’re talking about how the stadium they’re going to build here and uh that it’s going to be a really cool it’s only going to hold like 30 30,000 35,000 make it a hot ticket I mean you

Have to be excited to see Major League Baseball you can go well who’s your baseball team are you a met guy or a Yankees guy uh Dodger guy uh my whole family was from Brooklyn yeah my whole family D yeah my my dad went to ebit

Field and uh you know he grew up a Dodgers fan so it was just like instilled in me I mean I love the Mets don’t get me wrong I lived in Queens my whole life I’ve gone to sha Stadium more than any baseball stadium uh no ill

Regard for the Yankees as well you know I’ve come to even embrace them because they are definitely the top uh you know MLB team in New York York but I was always a Dodger fan and still am uh you know uh spending so much money now and

We better bring home a title I hate when my team spend so much money and you can’t win I mean it seems like you get to the playoffs and you turn into a pumpkin every year but this year with Otani uh you know we have to still solidify the pitching staff but that

Lineup is incredible Frank it’s not even spending the money this year first of all it’s not fair and the money is not even being spent it’s like they’re putting a championship on Bobby PES for the entire roster deferred P deferred uh do you know what layway is Ryan

Yes is that still a thing and I don’t know remember as a kid Le away was like Target maybe with Christmas presents but I I know what you’re talking about Frank the Dos uh used to those little fashion shops that were on Grand Avenue in uh

Mbth Queens my mom would always have a bunch of stuff that you put on layway put things on layway and you’d go and you’d make like a payment like five or 10 bucks a week and then you’d get maybe an Atari 2600 for Christmas uh yeah

Layway I don’t know if there you go Jerry’s with me I grew up on 2600 in in television yes yeah in television oh the little pad on that that was my buddy my there’s always there was always one family or friend that you had that had the entire most people had Atari and

Then one guy would have in television so you’d go over to play video games and you’re like what is this crap we don’t and it was like a different paddle and it had it had like n it was just weird but that in p and it had a the buttons

On the side and you know it was an awkward controller but the games was so much the graphics were what was better than the 2600 the football if Mike O day is watching I don’t know my buddy Mike he was the family they were the ones that had that one and intellivision we’d

Play that football game and they didn’t have real player names they didn’t have a deal with the NFL so they had these fictional names like it was like jff Jeff or Jiffy Jeff and and they would turn the camera hi Mom it I mean you

Guys today would laugh at it this8 bit I think it’s called called eight bit Graphics right but it was fun that’s what we that’s all we had then we had to walk to school upstairs up both UPS the hill and a snow um so kuch we want to

Play a game we we kind of created a game uh last week I think for you or a couple weeks ago uh called franker fiction do we have a Graphic of music not yet but anyway it’s called franker fiction in cluch I don’t want to do this to you but

I have to start with it uh on this day in history in 1981 it’s simply known as simply known as the catch here we go yeah yes had bet on the 409s and I was uh very young at that point uh Frank I was just about 10 years

Old and I was still a cowboy guy but I remember everybody leaping up and we had those metal folding chairs because we had everybody watching the game and it was a big party and everybody jumped up the metal folding chairs hit the floor and my grandmother lived downstairs and

She came up she thought somebody had died up there I mean everybody was so animated and you know I was just sitting there hanging my head but uh you know the 49ers were solid and started their Dynasty basically off of that Joe Montana one of the greatest quarterbacks

In the history of the NFL he was so intelligent like you said just to get Too Tall off his feet there and uh you know the 49ers just played fabulous and uh you know it wasn’t that Dallas was a huge favorite at all in that game if I

If I remember I was wrong line the ners would well I what I found I found online that said the ners were plus three so they home underdogs so I don’t know I know that yeah it was it was a very close line I remember that you know that

Was a just a wee bit before my gambling days like I said I was only 10 but it it was just an amazing game and what what a performance and What A Catch and you tell your grandmother thought somebody died you could say yes the Cowboys Dynasty passed away that day that’s what

Happened and ushered in the ners and Bill walara um and by the way uh Jerry Joe Montana from Southwest Pennsylvania not Pittsburgh but outside of it close close enough he did say Pittsburgh though I did say it I did say it um dollar for the jar dollar for the

Jar baby all right so here’s question number one for you today now this is this a Frank fact or is this fiction and we have a Graphic for the question not not not this one okay so during their epic run in the 80s the 49ers were so big that they actually Sayang background

Vocals on the huie Lewis hit song Hip To Be Square is that fact or fiction oh God I I like that song too I know that song So hip to be square so were the ners in background I don’t know if they I don’t remember seeing them in

The background maybe uh you know if there were a few players part of that but it wasn’t like the Bear in ‘ 85 I remember that music video very vividly I remember that music video so I would have to say f fiction here you’re saying fiction Ryan roll the

Clip all right there are the San Francisco 49ers they did sing background on the song and this is them joining them on stage live and that is Dwight and there’s Dwight Clark singing uh a little solo towards the end but were they on the album they are on the if

They were on the they they’re on theb they’re on the album and this was this was the one time they got them all together Joe Montana is actually on stage with them too uh you could see that if you if you want to look on YouTube hip Tob Square live with the

49ers Joe Montana was there um Ricky Ellison who I’m not familiar Ronnie lot and then if you watch the clip uh which we don’t want to show too much of but um Dwight Clark actually sings the ending he’s like hi hip so hip to be and he actually sounds pretty good Dwight Clark

Who we lost too soon rest in peace number 87 but great player but yeah they sang backup on a huie Lewis song that’s how big they were so there you go that was question number one so now on that same day in 1981 kuch you might also

Remember this I don’t remember what game aired first probably this game I guess time zone wise uh it was also in 1981 on this day in history the freezer Bowl which was the AFC championship between the San Diego Chargers and the Bengals do you remember watching this game with

The breath coming out the temperature was so low it was was it 20 277 or something B it was 277 yeah they played uh they played yeah I remember that game definitely uh watching that as well in my living room you know just a freezing freezing wow I didn’t know that but with

A of negative 59 unbelievable who’s that andersonon yeah Ken Anderson against the Chargers how fair is this and Dan FS by the way they were in my opinion they were the best team in the league right they were Kell W that’s Kell win greatest offense yes without a doubt

But you know you could see once you get them in these cold weather situations Dan FS would definitely with that back pedal would have trouble so uh you know yeah what a prolific offense uh Chuck Muny Jeff isit all those guys like just yeah they they were definitely a

Flashy offense but they could be beaten at times look at that even on the long shot the camera you can still see their breath coming out that guy right there 21 I think was James Brooks possibly maybe but yeah just a brutal game and I remember I remember watching that game

And I was rued for the Chargers because I hated the Bengals but I also liked look when you you watch the Chargers because their games were so exciting every week man they put up they put up 30 40 points JJ Jefferson and Joiner and winow and uh yeah negative 59 windshell now a

Week earlier the Bengals had won their first ever playoff game by defeating the bills 28-21 and if you remember this is the the week before is when the Chargers defeated Miami in that thrilling overtime game 4138 down in Miami where Kell Winslow had to be carried off the field he was

So tired carried yeah remember the Chargers were up like 20 nothing 21 nothing 28 nothing and right before the half the Don struck and the Dolphins threw that lad the hook and ladder and Miami needed a game it was such an exciting game but I think that also hurt

San Diego is they were just beat up from that game yeah and going into that freezing cold think about that Frank forget about it Winslow I’d love to see his statline for that game Kell Winslow in that game in in the the game against the Dolphins no no the ciny game oh the

Ciny game yeah I would love to see that in in the in the in the Miami game I think he had 12 catches CU I remember seeing the graphic 10 or 12 catches he blocked an extra point or a field that that that kept them from losing the

Game and until overtime he was a beast in that game and yeah so what Ryan yeah do you see what Kell wiso did in the AFC Championship in 81 called The Epic in Miami yeah that one yeah um yeah that was unbelievable I’m gonna say 10 or 12

Catches then NFL record 13 catches for 166 yards in a touchdown ridiculous but then what did he have the next week in the 1981 AFC Championship yeah let me find it obviously I mean I I can’t imagine trying to catch a football when it’s negative 59 windchill like Anderson threw a dog

There on that first clip we had that had a feel like a a rock I mean a piece of ice Bas and the one thing about Ken Anderson was he was Mr accurate right his completion percentage was always like 60% which back then was ungodly but he could he was pinpoint accurate man

Did you find anything on that we we’ll get to it eventually yeah we’ll get to it eventually but um you talk about the weather we’re talking about how warm it was in Miami and how cold it was so is your second question uh do you have a Graphic for

This one Ryan no okay the Dolphins played a game in Miami the week before and the difference in temperature between that game and the freezer Bowl was nearly 100 degrees fact or fiction do you think it might have been higher or lower or do you think it was right

Around 100 the difference between negative n yeah had to be it had to be close to a you know at least 80 90 degrees just because of the fact that you’re looking at m 9 so uh you know it felt likeus 50 so the wind yeah so

You’re yeah so going with the negative 59 yeah that’s a huge yeah definitely it’s much it was much higher it was 147 degree difference right yeah yeah once you equate to 59 right yeah then it’s 100 right but like I said 80 or 90 from the minus you nailed it you nailed it

Can you imagine that the difference 147 degrees uh did you find something there Ryan so yeah so that in that Cincinnati game he only had three catches for 47 yards touchdown all it’s definitely a a major factor but those are the trials and tribulations of the NFL and that’s

Why it’s so important that Dallas uh has the home field now in the playoffs these upcoming weeks because they they not g to play good on the road you know that well they haven’t lost all year at home right I mean that’s you you got to feel

Good about that that’s and that line now we we can jump ahead to that while we’re talking about Dallas you might as well that’s your team the Cowboys they opened it around eight I believe and is it at seven and a half currently seven and a half

Yeah so what do you feel on that game now as a sports book director ctor how do you feel and how do you feel as a Cowboys fan what are you looking at in that well definitely a tough game Frank uh you know uh Green Bay always plays us

Uh very tight and it’s a difficult scenario Dallas from the regular season going to the playoffs is always uh night and day it’s like uh Dr Jackal miss the hide we’re gonna see if we could perform at a high level I mean this game is very

Winnable uh you know Green Bay had to do everything to get into the playoffs very tough difficult game against the Bears and they had Lambo field working for them now you don’t have Lambo field totally different atmosphere I know Dallas is calling for a white out so

They’re going to make it as tough as possible on love but this could really turned the corner this year and definitely he knows how to uh you know run that offense I think though in the coaching matchup McCarthy might have a slight Edge you saw lefl again mess up

The clock uh you know over the weekend in a huge huge matchup so definitely I think Dallas also is more talented on the offensive side of the ball Aaron Jones has been fabulous five of the last five weeks uh you know five out of five big performances and that’s Dallas’s

Weakness is that you can run the ball against the Dallas Cowboys so I definitely think Dallas is going to have to be strong on the defensive end uh we know how uh CD is going to be unstoppable Brandon Cooks is the ultimate complimentary receiver and Dallas’s offense really looks good right

Now yeah now uh say they lose this game and I’m rooting for you because uh well Ryan who are you rooting for you rooting for Dallas or Green Bay sucks feel like it’s pretty self-explanatory if you want hat D if you but if you want if you want at any

Point if you say the the word Green Bay sucks yeah Ryan will say sucks after it’s just it’s just like it’s like a it’s like a reflex not gonna lie at this point I wouldn’t be upset if that team won because it would just worsen their draft pick so oh wow that’s interesting

Interesting way to look at it but very pavlovian if you say those words he will say sucks so um if if Dallas loses this game is Mike m is he gone or I mean because they love him there in Dallas but I mean gez he’s got to he’s got to

Win a couple you know how Jones is I mean Jones has gotten complacent with head coaches but I mean the time to win is now I mean I would expect us at least to go you know a successful season is playing San Francisco in the NFC Championship naturally you don’t want to

Say that it’s a you know uh not winning a Super Bowl is successful but I would love to see them play in the Super Bowl it’s just uh making it to San Francisco is the ultimate goal and then making the adjustments to win on the road that is

What is needed they definitely have to win on the road during these playoffs and then you could uh you know skies the limit without a doubt once you get to the Super Bowl here in Las Vegas so I think uh Dallas is going to bring their

Aame I think they’re going to be very tough to stop this weekend we’ll see who the matchup is the following week and uh we go from there all right and the total’s 50 in the hook there so what do you what you see a lot of scoring in

That game now Ryan brought up something interesting to me are about the uh all the overs in the play or someone someone on the live chat room I think said all the games all the games in the Wild Card Weekend went over last year five of six

Except for Monday the Monday night game which I would probably agree with this so I don’t know do you like 50 well I think Dallas could definitely put a points and if you like Dallas yes and then Jordan love playing catchup he could also move the ball against the

Dallas preent so yeah this is one of the games that I would definitely focus on and over wager if you’re looking to bet uh you know for a high-scoring aair because you look at the Pittsburgh game that’s going to be a little difficult with the weather you know how that is

Adverse conditions uh you know Detroit’s indoors so that definitely also could be a game where uh it’s a shootout unless the Rams bring that a defense and that pass rush which you know they’re going to try to bring but looking at all these games and the landscape without a game

In Miami as well uh definitely I would say that the Dallas game would have the most points uh at a combined score this weekend yeah I seem to agree uh it’s it’s that buffal Pittsburgh game I don’t know man I’m I’m a little nervous I’m a

Little nervous it’s going to be fun we backed into the playoffs but we’re in the playoffs we got a shot we got a hot quarterback um without without TJ Watt and you still got Josh let me tell you something Josh Allen I’m still not sold I don’t care how great they’re playing

Down the stretch and always that team oh that’s the team you don’t want to face and that’s the team that the public will load up on and uh you know naturally we’ll see how this plays out watad is a big subtraction don’t get me wrong but I

Still think like you said Mason Rudolph carrying the hot hand and nii Harris looked Unstoppable uh you know against Baltimore he was running right down running angry fin yeah and you know Baltimore did sit a lot of players but Rudolph has played well we’re going to see a cold weather

Josh Allen against a cold weather Mason Rudolf so it’s going to be a good matchup uh I could see it definitely falling within the 10o spread I think the bills will probably win the game unfortunately Frank but we’ll see how it plays out you know anything is possible

This is the NFL playoffs the last two seasons bills are 0 and N against the spread when they’re double or nineo plus favorites but they’ve won seven of those nine but they haven’t covered right yeah interesting exactly um the Steelers without TJ watt one and 10 Steelers

Record without TJ watt one and 10 four five and one against the spread too yeah for oh very good nice job that was a tag team there nice job right um you know I don’t know if you saw the picture but uh JJ Watt released a picture of him in the

Number 90 Steeler uniform saying oh could this happen I mean obviously it can’t but it you know notice Steeler fans I did not notice yesterday you put it up for me Ryan but it’s far away these eyes are not what they used to be they’re still gorgeous they’re still the

Blue’s probably popping right I mean the blue and the green the blue and the well that’s I’m doing blue and green if I wear green they pop green if I wear blue they pop blue it’s a gift God gave me he didn’t give me a lot of other gifts just

Gave me gorgeous eyes color in color intuition right all right continuing on with today’s date January 10th I believe 2024 happy birthday 75 years old to big George Foreman are you a boxing fan who are some of your favorite boxers yeah definitely I love boxing I

Mean uh I grew up boxing was so great back then uh you know especially when you were able to see guys like Foreman ali frasia uh you know just that that shave is Quarry unbelievable competition level those guys were all tough and now the heavyweight division is a debacle so

Yeah big George remember this knockout that you’re showing that little short right hand against Michael Moa him in his tracks and put him on his back I remember that fight vividly you know I was living out here then and uh I actually couldn’t believe that big

George was able to do that you know because he wasn’t as dominant as he was earlier on in his he was 45 years old yeah right yeah exactly but you know to knock out unle Michael MOA yeah definitely I remember that vividly I remember uh you know George’s career I

Think he fought Morrison on the comeback he fought almost everybody he he was unbelievable and people uh you know I’m not even sure if the Millennials will know the George Foreman grill nowadays he was then synonymous with selling a barbeq grill so definitely B George love all the uh you know Durant Hearns

Haggler remember I have so many stories and uh you know I remember when Vinnie actually uh Vinnie uh myo he let my dad in to see we were staying when Hearns and Haggler had that fabulous fight at Caesar’s Palace and my dad and my grandfather you know were definitely big

On the horses back then in the sports so they were able to let him watch one of the workouts I believe it was Marvin Hagler and I remember my dad coming out of that workout and just saying you know to me I was that young he goes Dwayne

Look uh he’s going to destroy this guy I’m telling you he just looks so hungry and like a machine and uh you know that was the greatest couple of rounds that you ever seen at least in my life a liveaction fight and uh yeah my dad was

Right he hit the nail on the head and thanks to Vinnie Vinnie’s the best you know in the family The Legend and uh you know he He Turned us on to that and we got some money out of it well I’m telling you I I think we’re roughly in

The same neighborhood of age but when I grew up too you mentioned all the same boxers I remember I was I was of course the the short cocky I like Sugar Ray Leonard I like Leonard because he was flashing unbelievable and my buddy Mike was a Haggler guy so when they fought

Like we got to they were on HBO right we’d gather around we’ watch that fight and to this day he is still bitter about about sugar a beating Haggler because he didn’t knock him down uh you know you got knock if you got to knock the champ

Down right if you want the crown you got to knock him out yeah well you know Frank I was definitely I was at that fight close circuit we actually had on Queens Boulevard yeah my dad took me to see the fight because that’s how you had

To see it in New York and I will say this uh you know I was a tremendous sugaray fan as well and I know the bookmakers were desperate they needed Haggler in that fight uh you know I knew and grew up around that atmosphere so uh

I will say this that Haggler did not throw punches in that fight so yeah sugaray won the fight if you look at it haggo would just you know do this and rub his nose a little punches until the last round I mean then he started to

Like push him around and you could see what was capable but where was it the first uh you know 10 12 rounds uh so yeah definitely sugaray won that fight so but yeah Big George Foreman happy 75th he did knock Michael Mo out when he

Was 45 years old I think Moore was 26 so he was 19 it was like 19 year difference Michael Moore I believe is from outside of Pittsburgh but anyway it’s from from man PA he’s got he is that’s not why I showed the it’s just the way it happens Jerry he knocked out

This guy on this day I’m not it’s all about I’m not searching for Pittsburgh stuff it just happens just say his name there’s a lot of talent out of there I’m sorry Montana more George for brother Seven peran Brothers it’s it’s not me it’s just the

It’s just the world Jerry all right it’s just it’s it’s the Nintendo 64 world of Pittsburgh it’s all just bits coming together um Foreman uh big George Foreman who won the heavyweight title twice and an Olympic gold medal for goodness sake and we saw him knock out

Michael Moore there and that fight was uh November 5th in Las Vegas Nevada and Vinnie by the way you want to sit down and talk to Vinnie and hear about Bo he’ll tell you about Hagler Hearns he was there for Fan Man when fan man came in uh Vinnie’s got great boxing stories

But uh Foreman he broke three records with that win at 45 the oldest fighter ever to win a world championship 20 years after losing his title for the first time and he broke the record uh for the longest interview interval between first and second world championships which I can’t

Really see be being broken unless Mike Tyson would want to come back right because T well you know remember Tyson like a year ago he was working out and he was supposed to he was supposed to gonna fight somebody who was he gonna fight F Roy Jones he fought Roy Jones in

An exhibition and uh you know what’s funny is that now everybody wants to fight Mike because there’s such a you know even you could hear talks about Pacquiao and Mayweather and McGregor and Mayweather just because people are looking for big fights there’s no big name out there anymore the heavyweight

Division is just a debacle I mean uh Fran do beat the uh champion and he got robbed in that last fight and he he never even really boxed so you know I I don’t know what to make of the heavyweight division you know you do have some guys out there like tank that

Are very impressive and can carry the uh lower lower divisions but you know nothing in the heavyweight uh realm right now so that’s why you want to see uh you know Mike Tyson even in an exhibition against an older fighter Banda Holyfield maybe even so the purse for those guys and the pay-per-view

Action on that my God humbly yeah and anything May would ever fights again you know in legitimate scenario that would definitely be off the charts totally agree all right so fact Frank Factor fiction on this one I think you’re going to know this one uh do you have a

Graphic for this one the George Foreman one with the kids George Foreman oh not yet George Foreman has 12 children seven girls and five boys fact or fiction are all five boys named George fact I think even the girls are like Georgina and stuff like that so

Yeah that’s a total fact that’s a wellknown is there you go there it is he has George Junior all the men yeah it is a George the fourth George the 5th George the six I love that George the 6 is called little Joey yeah little Joey what

And then if you look at his daughters yeah he’s got a he’s got a Georgetta there oh my God I mean and oh by the way so uh when asked on his website I named All My Sons George Edward Foreman so they would always have something in

Common I say to them if one of them one of us goes up then we all go up together and if one goes down we all go down together so very interesting family man or he got hit in the head so many times he just kept

Going let’s call him George and the girl would be like okay we’ll call him George the fourth or we’ll just call him little Joey that’s my favorite thing of the day George the 6th also known as little Joey so you kind of alluded to this this is

Your next question and you kind of alluded to this George Foreman has the most famous girl in the world he made over 200 million doll from $200 million but what other famous athlete was almost the person tied to the grill had they not missed a phone call is it a Reggie

Jackson uh B Hulk Hogan or C Dan Marino it’s out of order but it doesn’t matter one of those guys could have now there’s no way you might know this but uh who do you think the educated guess who could have had the George Foreman grill what do you

Think wow that’s a tough one I’ll tell you I I really don’t know but I’ll take a while guess let’s go with the the hulkster that’s the correct answer that is the fact yeah how about that and then he put out a piece of junk that didn’t

Do anything cuz he was so pissed so here’s what happened people have always said Is it true you missed a phone call he says that’s not true I’ll tell you what brother here’s my story my kids were upset I’ll tell you what brother here’s the story my kids were always

Upset because I was always picking them up late from school so I said I’m going to beat those soccer moms today and I went to McDonald’s got a cooler and had everything ready and got to the school at like 2:30 and said at 3:30 then I got

Home missed the phone call pressed the voicemail and it said hey Hulk this is Sean pearlmutter I’ve got a grill and I’ve got a blender I’m going to call you and George Foreman to see who wants it first one to call back can have it so

Hulk Hogan says he probably lost out on half a billion $550 million George got the lean mean grilling machine and I got a blender that when you put doublea batteries uh in it it would just turn off so so literally this is this is why we

This is why we have cell phones now because could you imagine you missed a phone call because you wanted to go get McDonald’s early for the soccer for your kids and whoever I mean that’s just brutal because the hul Coke and Grill would have sold just as well right he

Was the big you know but I definitely he was an icon so you know he was the biggest name in wrestling that’s when wrestling was a WWF Monopoly so yeah that definitely would have taken off just as well Frank it sold more than a hundred million units worldwide now if

I’m not mistaken about 10 years ago they were tired of paying George Foreman royalties he was talking about he he mentioned somewhere he would get 8 million a month from royalties for the grill just for them using his name so the company that owns it and I don’t

Know if this is true or not they literally went okay you know what we’re paying this guy too much let’s just do a buyout and they gave him like a $100 million to use his name in perpetuity Forever on the George Foreman gril he’s made like two or 300 there’s different

Sources you can look online but just from his name alone is that what you’re seeing Ryan something like that 138 million there you go he got $138 million buyout just so they could use his name because they were tiing to pay them royalties you take that money by the way

138 million so so just know that George V 6 AKA little Joey will never have to work a day in his life because his family is well taken care of did you have an did you have a George Foreman grill everyone had one you had two of them yeah they were unbelievable Ryan

Are you familiar with the George Foreman girl yeah you you throw a hamburger meat on there my dad was the big my dad couldn’t cook my Dad loved it he goes Frankie he goes this George Foreman gril you put a hamburger patty on there you shut the lid it’s done barely have to

Clean it up you got a burger boom there you go and he was right they were they were amazing you burn your foot on it no like Michael Scott Michael Scott likes to have bacon of bacon in the morning to wake him up oh my God that’s a little office

Reference there that we love um all right we got one more we got a birthday here before we get into uh talking some more sports with um or other sports I should say some gambling stuff heavyweight rocker see my segue there George Foreman into heavyweight rocker

Rod Stewart at 79 now have you seen his show when he’s done The Residency here in Vegas I have not have you seen a kuch no no I have not are you a Rod Stewart fan at all uh uh yeah you know the older stuff with Jeff Beck and stuff like that yeah

Without a doubt you faces yeah he’s yeah he’s been doing this uh this this run at Caesars and he’s uh ending his 13-year residency called the hits uh this summer from July 4 July 24th to August 7th uh can you name two Rod Stewart songs

Ryan I could tell you that my mom Nana and pop went to go see it at Caesar they did and what they think it was good it was good yeah they enjoyed it I could tell you he featured on an ASAP Rocky song called every day did he really yeah

Wow but you couldn’t name another you couldn’t name a r sorry some guys have all the no okay thank you s knows oh my God infatuation infatuation is a great song Right Young Turks I mean stay of the night people get ready people get ready with Jeff Beck yeah with Jeff backck

Yeah unbelievable rodster can’t name a Roder song featured in Casino too the the I can’t think I know you’re talking about by the way great great that’s with be too yes it is and kuch I am a uh it’s uh I can hear the song um yeah and it’s

Strong vocals too yes it’s it’s in the scy movie A okay if I didn’t know who Jimmy pige was what yeah he didn’t know who Jimmy pige was yesterday on Jimmy P his 80th birthday I know this he knows ASAP Rocky Who the hell’s that who’s the

Who’s yeah kids with Rihanna so what you know how many kids you know how many kids Rod Stewart has ever seen the supermodels he’s been with Rachel Hunter no Rachel Hunter unbelievable okay I’m here goes who’s the most famous guitarist you know Ryan who’s who’s the greatest guitarist ever see I don’t I

Don’t know musician names Jerry trino is the greatest guitar player right there Jer works on the show no I go Eddie Van Halen you gotta go I grew up with Van Halen So I go Eddie how about I’m named after so default I’m named after Dwayne Alman

Yeah my dad I have been wanting to ask you because you’re an Italian guy I know a lot of Italians I’ve never met a Dwayne spelled Dua n e I’ve never met a Dwayne it’s a very rare name for an Italian I’ve always wanted to say how

Did you become a Dwayne you’re named after Dwayne alond yes my dad was a huge alond fan I I know uh I knew Greg uh before he passed I know waren ha I know Derek Trucks yeah you know I’ve been backstage millions of times been to hundreds at Al

Brother concerts and actually you know yeah I was named after him because he actually passed and then I was born I uh you know so definitely my dad was a huge alond brother fan and uh Dwayne definitely the greatest slide player ever if not uh you know you look at most

Of the Publications now and Dwayne is too right behind Hendrick’s in 90% of them so uh you know it’s real you know we all know Jimmy is uh you know synonymous with being the man but uh check out some of that early Alman brother stuff Dwayne did incredible

Revolutionary things that just uh you know dumbfound you and he died at a young age of uh 23 2 was a motorcycle accident I think uh yes motorcycle fell yes and uh he was hit by a peach truck and that’s why they named the uh album EA Peach the Alman Brothers album

Because that was dedicated to Dwayne Alman and he played on a few tracks in that uh uh actually album but he was hit by a peach truck and the uh you I think it was a Triumph bike fell on his chest uh by the way a few years ago

Progressive Insurance or one of the Geico Insurance one of them they had a motorcycle insurance commercial and they use an almond Brother song and I’m like did any was anyone aware at the marketing department that the guy who wrote that song sure they were perfectly well aware and Barry Oakley too and

Barry Oakley who was the original basis died in a motorcycle accident so yeah very ironic how you would use the I don’t think they knew Ryan I feel like no you think they knew that we’re going to we’re going to we’re going to use a song with two guys that died in motor

They could picked any other song ever they were young kids like you they didn’t know they just went oh there’s no way well we’re gonna do some research on this I’m sure that they knew no so like I’m sure they did it so you think they’re saying to make fun of it yeah

Because marketing you want people to talk about it and make whatever kind of reference to it so if they can have some people make the correlation to it they’re going to talk about it all right we’re going to look this up after the show we’ll settle this on tomorrow’s

Epis epod but there’s no way they knew I can’t believe that but can you name it well maybe the huge biker following because the Almond always had there southern rock Vibe and that hardcore like Skinner you know the motorcy Ryan could be right you know but it’s def play very definitely a Str

Uh Ryan can you name on Almer Brother song don’t ask me to name a song before the 2000s multiple CDs after the 2000 CDs do you know the CDs I got to give you some crap right DVDs DVDs in the water boy did you ever see the water boy yeah yeah

Okay so when they are completing the destruction of the team and Adam is really playing well right yeah that’s an almond song as they you know start to take control of the game probably their last hit song and I love that song that song is one of my favorite alond brother

Songs ah nobody left to do the crazy things we used to do before I keep hitting notes on this show I should tried for American Idol am I with name last CD hit in the note theb Warren Haynes and Derek Trucks and Greg was still knows his almond brother stuff

All right so anyway uh uh Rod Stewart we got on brother happy birthday to Rod Stewart fact Frank Factor fiction Rod Stewart was a professional soccer player at one point uh true you know what everyone thought it was true they put it in Rolling Stone

Magazine it was all a ploy by one of publicist said when Rod started to hit the big time they said that he had used to played professional soccer with the brenford football club but it was all made up but it’s one of those things

That you and I grow up with one of those you hear oh yeah Mikey had pop rocks and Coke and his stomach exploded and died right right that was one of the bigest yeah right or the hook on the side of the car you know all those urban legends

Rod Stewart uh there’s there’s another legend about Rod Stewart and urban legend I know that one too yeah I just remembered we your stomach pumped yeah right we probably Ann are you a remember that one with okay we Twain and I ran in similar circles back East uh but there

Was one about Rod Stewart you can Google on your own uh while you’re ated Google Richard Gear as well all right so anyway those are all urban legends so Dwayne let’s talk some sports real quick not real quick but let’s talk some sports with you now last week you gave out a

Winner there are some hockey games tonight three of them there’s three hockey games uh what are the games the Habs your beloved Habs are playings that Flyers um the next one the knights are playing the Avalanche in Colorado that’s the late game yeah and then the Wild and

Stars the Wild Star so um look I’m not going to put you on the spot if you have a pick or if you don’t have a pick but uh people watching in our chat room they love uh yeah I would uh go ahead who do they love no I would recommend I’ll be

Honest with you I’d recommend tomorrow night betting against the golden knights because okay I’ll be at the Fortress and they are playing the Bruins and that’s going to be a difficult back to back they’re going to definitely try and play hard tonight against Colorado I would anticipate because Colorado is one of

The uh top dogs in the western conference right now so I think this is going to be a close game maybe even an under game uh golden knights and Avalanche tonight at the ramp Parton South Point you’re seeing a minus 145 uh you know six and a half uh under minus

120 I kind of like the under in this game I think it’s going to be a tight checking uh game and definitely a physical game but the golden knights haven’t been playing all that great so keep your eye on this and I think the bounce back tomorrow against the Bruins

Is going to be very difficult even though it’s in the Fortress now Dallas they had lost three in a row and then they won a game uh you know now you’re coming back home and you’re laying two to one again uh you know they won four nothing the other night we’ll see how

This game plays out uh big spread so I wouldn’t be laying 200 with Dallas who has lost three out of four Montreal has somewhat of a chance but torella definitely plays a tough brand of hockey at home Philadelphia has been one of the most improved teams in the NHL I have

Not seen a goalie matchup just yet I feel a lot more confident when Samuel monteo is behind the uh between the pipes for the Montreal Canadians then I would entertain taking the plus 150 I think that’s a low line on the Flyers which is telling you Montreal is alive

They’ve played some decent games uh you know over the past week week and a half they even beat the New York Rangers so keep your eye on that I think Montreal is playing a lot better and you could definitely entertain taking them as long as Monte B is is between the pipes I

Love it and and this is good stuff and by the way I have yet to go to is it called The Fortress Is that what they call is that the nickname for the yeah that’s nickname yeah um I’m getting I’m getting to go to the game on the 20th uh

Saturday the 20th uh looks like my buddy Bill’s gonna be in town I’m gonna go see the Penguins yeah so so I get to see the whole show I can’t wait to see that um I kid yeah I can’t wait you said the kid baby I want to say something last week

You slipped in a reference on me that I didn’t catch at the time and Reno Paul pointed out you made Soprano’s Reference last week and the reason you said something about out in the what are the the Pines you were where were Pine Bar Pine baronss yeah you brought a pine

That’s where the devil’s were yes and the Pine Bar I totally and I’ve been watching a few soprano episodes because HBO’s running them because it’s the 25th anniversary of The Sopranos so I’ve been checking in and I get sucked in right away right I’m supposed to be like doing

Stuff and then I’m like oh God third episode in a row I’m watching you know it’s just such a good did you ever watch The Sopranos Ryan I’m not this isn’t an age thing it’s a show you can watch on HB Max 25 years ago no 25 no now but why

If you want to binge watch a show you kids like to binge that’s a show you should binge watch that the wire the shield and not all Italians you know are bookmakers and Mobsters there’s a lot of lot of sports games that I’ve been oh you’ve been watching a lot of sports I’m

Yeah mostly on my TV it’s always Sports I that’s why I got two or three I got two three like uh by the way um Ashley McCormick says that Ryan knows all the Franks and atra songs not all of them can you name two Franks and atra songs great

My that’s life wow my that’s life the summer way the Summer Wind oh my God yeah I’m putting my mom in a bad spot no your mom’s the best New York by the way for all your for in Las Vegas for all your real estate needs Ashley McCormick

At sou bees yes and she’s she give you golf tips and she’ll also tell you location is very important when looking for a home I see her videos on on TW on Twitter on Twitter on Tik Tok damn it all right so let’s talk about this now

We were very proud to say that Chris Andrews is responsible for these Super Bowl xacta bets right um it’s almost like a horse betat right you got two teams you got to figure out who’s going to De defeat who pick two teams and and the way you like it and there are so

Many options on here and it is so entertaining to do and it’s a funback so we encourage you Rampart you have the same sheet over there correct yeah definitely we have all the sports odds that and wagers that uh you know South Point provides we are the rampart

Affiliated with the South Point anything on South Point’s betting menu is available at the rampart and it’s a you know it’s just a fabulous affiliation Chris uh Jimmy and Vinnie they do just a just an amazing job and they have a great crew at the South Point uh one of

The best local casinos if not the best and uh you know I’ll only say that because I work across town in a local so you what a great job and affiliation so I really enjoy working with Chris and these exact matchups you could see the odds it’s amazing it’s just has a great

Formula for now I know your eyes went right to your Dallas Cowboys winning right so is there is there one you got the now the Cowboys versus the Ravens which could be a matchup that a lot of people would probably believe 18 to1 that’s pretty good you throw five bucks

On that you’re winning $90 18 to one on both sides of that too oh is it on both sides actually I didn’t even get beat Cowboys or Cowboys beat Ravens 18 to one which one jumps out at you which one do you say I mean I know let’s just go

Ahead and say it’s the Cowboys winning so which one do you think’s the most realistic if you as a Cowboy fan Who are the beaten yeah definitely the Ravens are right up there and I’ll give you a long shot the Chiefs I you know been there done that this team knows had to

Win come playoff time they have the best quarterback in the NFL uh by far when he has his game and his head on straight you don’t have Joe Baro to beat this year you know it’s the same Josh Allen we’re going to see if Lamar Jackson

Feels any pressure uh you know down the stretch here now it’s going to be uh very interesting to see if this man could keep up this high level of performance now definitely you know you’re missing some key assets uh that you’ve had in years past but I definitely think that Patrick Mahomes a

Healthy Patrick Mahomes as well you know he had that injury last year and he was still able to win uh you know on the leg so I think that definitely is a possibility if you like a long shot yeah I mean the Chiefs Cowboys line the

Chiefs defeat the Cowboys 45 to one you can’t plus you got to look at the logo it’s got red in it right so could be could be could be the Chiefs 55 to one and the Cowboys to beat the Chiefs and the Chiefs 55 to one that 55 that’s a

Nice BET right there throw five bucks on that you’re looking at some nice money uh are you going to the Super Bowl have you ever been to a Super Bowl uh no unfortunately you know that’s my busiest day of the year I have to be so uh you know most of these major

Sporting events that’s the only drawback of being a bookmaker and in the race and sports industry in Las Vegas is that you have to work on most of these holidays and these key days even when you talk about the horse racing the Breeders Cup the Kentucky Derby these are my biggest

Handled days Frank so definitely I will be at the ramp part and uh you know hosting my guests having a fabulous time uh definitely as always we’ll have uh you know parties and all that so come down to the ramp part you watch it on that 55 foot video wall it’s an awesome

Experience but get there early yeah and and speaking well you know there’s a big party here too we wanted to promote the South has a has a big party here and uh there’s there’s the graphic there now here’s the package you can get Ryan go

Ahead read that for me what is it 899 bucks for a hotel party package what do you get yep uh two night room two nights in a room four tickets to South Point’s big game party and then you include the $27 Resorts fee wow um so book in the

Room you just use promo code game package and then you’ll be able to uh to access that yeah everyone around town it’s just it’s going to be I mean I can’t believe the Super Bowl’s here um I I I just want to know what two teams are

Going to be in because I know I’m GNA have friends from around the country somewhere coming in for this game and uh it’s going to be exciting by the way mik o day just said uh Sugar Ray never knocked Haggler down I was saying if my

Buddy who uh is still to this day thinks Haggler won the fight there he is uh still mad you never got me down right then he’s then he’s quoting now he’s quoting uh’s that’s Raging Bull right you never got me down and lamada didn’t win lamada didn’t win that fight so we

Know that he never went down e he’s all blooded and he looks at Sugar Ray uh Sugar Ray not Leonard Sugar Ray Robinson I I met I met Jake a few times at PJ clars you know you you would meet so many people at PJ clars this is a world

Famous uh Bar in Manhattan I met so many people uh athletes uh we told you the Tom sver story I remember this was more recent I went to see uh actually Warren Haynes and government mule uh you know play uh some of their shows in Manhattan

And I was living in Las Vegas I think it was like uh 94 I want to say 95 and uh we went to PJ Clarks after one of the shows and Jake was sitting right there in his table right on the side entrance

Uh you know and I went up to him I said Jake one of the best kid he had his cigar he like kid you don’t even remember me and you know just seeing video and knowing about him and the Raging Bull the fabulous movie probably Dao’s best performance ever you know I I

Followed his career even though I didn’t see him live in action but Jake was a character and unbelievable now it I know he lived is he still alive I don’t think he’s no I think he pass didn’t he pass I think he passed last Jake lamada Jake

Lamada I remember first of all box don’t live long lives but I remember at one point he was way up there and seeing his birthday yeah is he still yeah definitely I think he passed let me check here I’m I’m even looking now pass

In 2017 2017 he did die okay I I’m I know he lived a long life but yeah if you’ve never seen Raging Bull Ryan I’m not even gonna ask but Raging Bull’s a great movie uh squ 1980 he won the best uh best actor yeah

PES must see if you you know if you’re into some of the old school movies and it’s a great probably the best boxing film ever that and I would say body and soul with John Garfield definitely wow but also just for entertainment fact you got to put Rocky in there come on you

Got to put you got original Rock let me tell you that was ingenious by Stallone and Stallone definitely uh look at his career at this point it’s just everything stemmed from Rocky so definitely credit and there’s a great documentary I don’t know if it’s on Amazon or Netflix called Stallone and he

Talks about Rocky and there’s some old footage of him training and him and Carl Weathers training and he tells the stories about how he held on to the script and stuff so I I highly recommend that and Tulsa Kings on Paramount plus did you watch Tulsa Kings wasn’t that

Great great great unbelievable yeah well speaking of great shows uh kuch you do it every time you’re here on Wednesdays man we love having you on we love that you played along with our little game there and I think you went three for four you nailed by you you did great

It’s always a blast so make sure you check them out at the ramp Park Casino the the buffet Sparkles out Sparkles out there we know about that and uh yes and also by the way I don’t know if you saw this but it was on CNN this morning um

If you want to win Super Bowl tickets you can donate blood go to the or actually there’s a chance to win Super Bowl tickets if you give blood uh there’s a shortage it’s the lowest it’s been in like 40 years or something so if you

Want to win some tickets to the Super Bowl you even get airfare so if I would go give blood and and win airfare I could fly from Henderson private to McCarron is what I would ask them to fly and come down to the rampar because we’re giving away uh two Super Bowl

Tickets as well so uh Super Bowl ticket drawing just play uh table games machines then you uh qualify I’m doing that I am doing that I want every shot to see the Steelers win the Super Bowl boom I said it Jerry all right excellent show my thanks to Sean and Jerry and

Ryan Ryan any final thoughts on today’s program the only reason why my mom said that is because she has video me performing that’s life when I oh Ashley mccormic Ashley you have my Tik Tok I’ll send you you need to send us Ryan singing Sinatra I used to Frank was that

Soprano’s reference there program a program yeah exactly that’s how the old man says it the I’m walking around the house talking like Polly walnuts half the time and pointing with my fingers like this now it’s just it’s the best show ever I love Ryan sing the s a win that’s the that’s

Frank one of Frank’s best songs without a doubt you know what we want to do we want to do like the old uh the KN King Cole we want to do a duet with you singing with yourself so Jerry will put it together you singing is it my way or

What did you what were you singing that’s life that’s life oh my I want to see you singing with the young Ryan and we’re going to put this on the website and it’s going to go viral baby all right Ashley send me that video please immediately uh cluch thank you so much

Everybody it’s dway kuchi kuch I’m guys I appreciate lines lines live in Nevada every show see you Tomorrow

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