Golf Players

The Cardinals Are in the Mix for Dylan Cease (LIVE Q&A) | 61

Ken Rosenthal has reported that the St. Louis Cardinals are engaged in trade talks for Dylan Cease among other teams such as the Dodgers, Red Sox, Orioles, and Yankees. While other teams are signing pitchers, the Cardinals have been quiet. Woo-Suk Go signed with the Padres on a bargain contract, while his WBC teammate Tommy Edman has undergone wrist surgery. Mozeliak and the Cardinals didn’t hold an end-of-season press conference, but assured fans that there were no injury concerns. It appears that is no longer the case. How will the Cardinals approach the bullpen market moving forward, and could there be other injury problems we don’t yet know about?

Well welcome back to the new news podcast we are going live today on Friday January 5th um kind of had some weird Cardinals news and stuff going on this past week with miscommunication regarding injuries and then the trade market seems to be moving now and uh relievers are kind of being connected

They’re signing other in other places like wo and UK Matsui but then there’s also now some new Rumblings about different arm so we wanted to break all that down today because we have our Prospect episode with Kareem coming on Sunday so there won’t be as much chatter

About trades free agents all that kind of stuff on that but we’ve got all that covered today so Sandy Andrew how are you guys doing doing pretty good it’s it’s good to be back um seeing all the seeing all the news about D has been been pretty

Exciting um and uh yeah U people are getting upset about woko the other day um which is unfortunate um that that he had to go sign with the Padres for for such a such a bargain deal I think it was two years like four or so million dollars which

Is just shows that he wanted to go to San Diego in my opinion and like you know um a lot of the the players from Asia from K Japan they they prefer playing on the west coast so makes sense for him to go there but uh it’s

Unfortunate that uh that we didn’t land him yeah it’s it’s crazy for how low it was too like I was I was reading and someone had said like you know 4.5 million over two years is a rounding error in uh today’s contractual terms so it’s just crazy and matsie took a huge

Discount too it seems so I mean I guess whatever MOS lock wanted to do wasn’t going to work they really wanted to be in San Diego yeah we’ll get more into the reliever conversation in a bit because for the most part this past week we’ve been speculating about why Matt suie and

Go went uh to San Diego specifically um P MOA gave Derek G some comments that gives a little bit more clarity um but still it’s a little ambiguous about why they chose to go to San Diego um but obviously the biggest news right now is K Ken rosenthal’s report from last night

So we’re already planning on going live before this mainly talking about Tommy edman and like let’s talk about the relievers a little bit and then this kind of somewhat bombshell comes from Rosenthal last night about the cease Market beginning to maybe get a little more momentum here that the white socks

Are weighing offers from teams right now he stated that the Yankees and the Orioles seemed to be the two that were had maybe the most interest shown right now but he also then went on to say that there are other clubs who are serious about ceas so he didn’t just say oh they

Can maybe make a play but they’re also serious contenders he just couldn’t nail down the exacts of who for sure it is and so the few teams that he threw into the mix there that could potentially be three other teams would be the Dodgers the Cardinals and then the Red Sox so

Just feeling back the tea leaves a little bit here Cardinals in on ceas potentially again Dereck gold this morning on Twitter was responding to a couple people who are like okay what’s with the c stuff and he said it’s he just confirmed he’s like it’s been wildly reported the Cardinals are continuing to

Talk to teams about trades it doesn’t mean it’s going to happen but they’ve been monitoring it so I think there’s been a lot of Doubt across maybe Cardinal Nation about the potential of a trade and is it still the most likely maybe not but it’s clearly on the table

At least right now so just on the surface when you guys saw the ceas news what was your first thoughts then we can maybe get into like how it could play out yeah so um it was reported the Cardinals uh were involved in the glass now Market

When that was going on glass now I think confirmed that himself um before he ultimately went to the Dodgers because he wanted to sign that extension but um it’s been clear ever since we signed Sonny Gray that the Cardinals were going to be open-minded about uh acquiring

Another starting pitcher um so we have six of those next season um sorry about that um but I’m I’d be excited for for Dylan CE I know you guys uh had a trade proposal uh drawn up for him and as long as it doesn’t cost Brendan Donovan or

Nolan Gorman I think I’d be all in favor of acquiring Dylan ceas like any of the prospects anyone who hasn’t made it up to the major leagues yet and then like Alec buron uh some of those guys um who who don’t have as clear of roles um in

The in in the team are I think are all fair game um package any of those guys even Tink Ken um Victor Scott’s the only prospect I’m a little bit more hesitant to part with but like pretty much anyone that’s not Brennan Donovan or Nolan Gorman should be on the table for this

Um and if if they come asking for that um for Nolan Gorman or Brendan Donovan and they’re like hey if you don’t give them give them to us we’re gonna trade him to the Dodgers or something then maybe I would I would consider it because I don’t want the Dodgers getting

Their hands on on Dylan CE even though I’m I’m a little bit of a Dodgers apologist now but um I it just would be too much uh to handle in the playoffs um you need to to secure one of those guys at the at the very least um especially if if the Dodgers

Are going to be involved on that but the Braves and the Reds uh who are players at the start of the off season they they seem to have gotten their guys that aren’t Dylan Seas the Braves trade for Chris S um the Reds got Monta so I feel

Like um they’re mostly out on the market as as Ken rosenell reported so that’s that’s good to see that they’re not going to be players yeah well I mean as when I heard ce’s name obviously got excited because he’s been a really good pitcher at certain

Points in his career um and I was looking at some of his numbers and like if we get 2022 CE or even 2021 cease I’m very very excited both those years I mean 2022 he posted a 220 RA in 184 Innings almost won a sa Young Award

Struck out a ton of guys um limited walks just a bit but the cool thing was he limited hits last year he had the same problem that a lot of cardinal starters have Dylan CE allowed 8.7 hits per nine which is terrible uh he also walked four guys per nine that was you

Know all that was done and route to a 4.48 er and it’s just not very good results Dylan CE did what he always does he strikes out a lot of guys he walks a lot of guys but he gave up a lot of hits last year and that was really scary to

Me and that was something that we continuously pointed out was a problem with the Cardinals rotation so one of my early thoughts was well Dylan CE is gonna cost a lot you’re stuck in a bidding war now right you’re going to have to outdo these other packages and

Who knows what the White Sucks are going to ask for they’re talking about four of your Top 10 Prospects now is all of that worth a guy who just put up an RA near 4.5 I don’t know it’s pretty worrisome I think Dylan CE makes the Cardinals

Better I’m not sure he makes them better by so much that it’s worth giving up Sai hence and Roby and burles probably like it’s it’s some crazy package like that and it might really hurt your long-term pitching development too because the Cardinals only have a few High sealing

Arms if you have to move two of them in a trade for cease that’s I I start to get a little worried there I don’t know it’s really tough because I would like them to make one of these moves and I’ve been saying we need another starter and

I still believe that but it’s like if at the end of the year one of the depth starters the Cardinals have has an ER under four it’s not going to shock me right if like cafen Stein or rura or Thompson turns out to be a viable

Starter if just one of them does I would probably expect that and if C has an RA over for that’s not the craziest thing either so I don’t know it’s it’s really tough I’m not saying those guys are better than CE I don’t believe that um

But am I do I think CE is so much better than all them I don’t know so I’m I’m much more hesitant than I thought I would be I thought I’d be more excited yeah I think the the price is gonna play a big role in this as well

And I’m becoming more more convinced that I don’t think Nolan Gorman or Brendan Donovan are going to be what has to get it done I think that the prospect package is the way to go here especially with the only really rumored asking price we do have from um the white socks

Right now so Bruce LaVine who is a good job covering the Major League Baseball was sourced out and said that when the white socks and reds were talking about a trade they asked for those four Top 10 Prospects including Rhett lower or louder who’s about a top 40 Prospect in

Baseball and he’s I think one ranking above Tink hence in the top 100 right now so you’re looking at like okay so it’s Tink hence and then it was like their fifth ranked Prospect who wasn’t top 100 and then two other lower Top 10 Prospects so it’s not like I don’t know

They weren’t asking for um two top 100 prospects and the two other highly rated prospects as well it was honestly not that bad of a package in my opinion um and then also I think we’re he does have two years of control but this year’s at 9 million next year’s probably like 15

Million or so and he’s coming off a down year so I’m not quite I think we in some ways we maybe been overrating the the value of CE a little bit here um which starts to Le me to believe maybe this the white sock waited out toward the

Trade deadline um which is something I also if I had to make a bet right now I would say that the Cardinals would wait out this toward the trade deadline as well but I also look at the interested teams I don’t see the Orioles coughing

Up what it takes I don’t really see the Dodgers doing it right now even though they could I just I don’t know it doesn’t seem like the move they would make right now um which see feels weird considering they’ve made every move so far um the Yankees also they’ve just

Made three significant trades this offseason and just kind of depleted their pitching depth so I really don’t see them going after ceas because it would require them giving up even more of that depth they have um so then the other two teams in there that I’m may be

A little bit more afraid of would be um or I guess not honestly the only two teams it’s the Cardinals or the Red Sox are the two that I see as the biggest contenders right now um see the Red Sox you could throw a Marcel Mayer out there

Where it could throw they have a top five system in all baseball so they have the prospects to get it done and they’ve kind of been rumored on every trade arm right now they’re also looking at Blake Snell Jordan Montgomery people like that so who knows but I just I don’t really

See a strong market for him and someone that would outbid the Cardinals now could a team like the Orioles put together better package than the Cardinals yes and then maybe at that point you have to use your trump card of Donovan or Gorman to get it done um but

I honestly just don’t see it coming to that right now and I again I don’t think I would do Gorman or Donovan maybe a straight swap but I don’t think I make them a center piece of a package at this point um I don’t know it’s it’s just interesting and so

Like I guess maybe the question is do we think the Cardinals would actually do it like if if the potential is here for a package of Tink hence Thomas the JC and then again going kind of off of what they asked the Reds it’s probably more of like maybe grao Michael mcgrey or

Maybe like it’s not it’s not four top guys so like you have two top prospects and two others lower in the Cardinal top 10 right now is that enough to kind of get it done for you do you think the Cardinals that actually pull the trigger

On that or do you think they’re GNA wait it out well I have I have two things with that like the first thing is I just think a lot of teams when they talk to the Cardinals they say we want Donovan and we want Corman and that’s that’s the

Hard thing for me it’s hard for me to believe right now that anyone’s not asking for those pieces because that’s how the Shawn Murphy sweep Stakes played out and it make it makes me upset just thinking about it I’ve ranted about it many times on here before um but that’s

How that’s how it worked Oakland said we’re not going to make a trade with you unless we get one of those guys or obviously Walker or Nar and like those four the Cardinals obviously have seen as Untouchable and so they said no and then the Athletics moved on and took a

Far worse package from the Braves and honestly it’s ridiculous that they took that package um but it makes me think the SE sweep Stakes could play out in a similar way where the White Sox say we have this ace pitcher and you don’t have an Ace and you haven’t developed an ace

In a long time and so it’s one of your really talented young bats or nothing yeah I think one maybe difference between the Shawn Murphy and the Dylan CE thing is like at least last year Nolan Gorman was or large Newar was a promising up upcoming guy but I feel

Like he’s a little bit more established now so I think his value’s gone up even more so I feel like it’s even more ridiculous to ask for him at some deals same with Brendon Donovan but then also Shawn Murphy had three years of control and was the probably the best catcher

Available baseball which you could say Dylan CE is maybe the best pitcher that’s available on the market right now but I I think the Sha the gap between Shawn Murphy and the next best guy and the gap between Dylan CE and all these other options available I just don’t

Think is the same so that’s where I’m kind of like I don’t really know if like teams can ask for it but like clearly the reds are just like bye we’re out of the the out of the sweep Stakes right now there’s teams that are saying yeah

We’re we’re done we’re not going to go after him if you want this um and those teams are even more conservative than the Cardinals when it comes to to making big deals like this so I don’t know yeah I mean I would be warmer towards CE if I

Knew that we could get an extension done too because it’s like just two years is like it’s not what I want you know if you’re gonna Pony up what it takes to get a guy like CE you need to make sure he’s here for a long time yeah I think that’s something they

Could do also something that’s interesting is he when it comes to like ce’s numbers last year most of the peripherals lined up with 2022 so he didn’t like lose velocity his fast ball his his breaking stuff wasn’t worse something that’s just a concern with him

In general is he has one of the lower control like when you look at his control in general and his uh location Plus numbers it’s among the worst out of qualified pitchers even when he was at his best so he’s kind of one of those guys when you don’t know if he’s going

To locate it but his stuff is so good that it doesn’t really matter most of the time but last year bit him a little bit and also he’s on this just crazy bad White Soxs team that was not just bad on the field but there was turmoil in the

Clubhouse there was just I mean very few times you have a GM come in and say I don’t like I literally don’t like my roster anyone’s available let’s blow this up like people just don’t say that about their teams ever um that’s what Chris gets has done about this White Sox

Team um and there was a 56 inning stretch from June to the end of July when uh CE had I think it was a 2.4 a 2.64 FIP 3.34 erra um strikeout percentage was over 30% Walker was under 10% so he looked exactly like himself again for about basically a two-month

Stretch in the middle of the year then it kind of fell off again the end and it started slow at the beginning so I think in some ways the White Sox are like the ju the pos position of like the American League Cardinals but now they’re headed toward rebuild when the Cardinals are

Trying to turn things around so I would I I I personally would be shocked if CE is as bad as he was last year again I don’t think he could be that bad but I think he could post an RA over four again and wouldn’t shock anybody I think

I think it would shock me like I’d be I’d be because at that point you’re not you’re not a top starter if you’re doing that two years in a row and that’s what I see him as even his even his expected ra last year was

4.13 it’s not like he got crazy he got unlucky but he didn’t get crazy unlucky he had a lot of blue on his Sur page which is not a good sign um and like while yeah some of it obviously his his stuff was still pretty much the same

As it was in 2022 his control was worse and a guy who already like you said had shaky control if it gets to a point where even his great stuff isn’t gonna play well then that’s really concerning to me I I still think CE is good I’m not

Trying to argue that he’s a bad starter or anything like that and if the Cardinals got C even if they in my opinion overpaid like I’d be really excited to see his first start in Cardinal uniform like I would I would be so excited to watch him pitch so yeah

Yeah I mean I I think it’s telling that that c hasn’t been traed yet because he was one of the trade pieces that was talked about like super heavily he was like the the pitching version of like Juan stto he was everyone was in on him

At the start of the off season and I think the white sock might be asking a little bit too high um still and uh you know the Dodgers tend to get what they want we’ve kind of learned that this off season and um they ended up getting

Glass now who I think uh sorry Josh but like he he’s not a guaranteed like number one starter in your rotation and like he he hasn’t he has less career War than Garett Cole did last year so like he just hasn’t been he hasn’t shown up

In for for the bulk of the Innings and I feel like the Dodgers would have preferred cease over over glass now especially because you don’t know what shotani is going to give you Yamamoto is still like unproven but he he’ll be good but Walker buer had Tommy Johnson I I I

Feel like the Dodgers would have loved to have had cease over glass now and it’s telling that they they didn’t go that route um because I think the White Soxs probably asked for a little bit too much um especially after the year he had last last season so I think the reason I

I I’m in in on Dylan CE is because I I think the package is not going to be what what people think it will be um it’s if they ask for Donovan or Gorman I’m completely out just like the Mariners with with their starters like

They want one of those guys like I’m not gonna even pick up the phone but um with the white socks they’ve struggled to find a suit there’s so many people that want Dylan ceas but they’ve struggled to find someone to like give him to so far probably just because they they haven’t

Found package that they like yet so um eventually they’re going to have to lower that price whether it’s wait until the trade deadline or trade them later this offseason for for less than they thought they’ get for him um it should be it shouldn’t be as bad as as people are saying

Hopefully yeah and I think also a lot of this is timing too like you said Andrew like clearly teams have not pulled the trigger even with the extended interest in him um and we saw this last trade deadline too the the day of the deadline

It started to rbl came out that that the white socks were shopping ceased the Orioles were in on him it seemed like a deal could get done and then about an hour or two before the deadline it’s like oh no it’s falling apart because the orol don’t want to pay the asking

Price and it just kind of seems like that’s continued through the offseason um and I think what the White Sox probably thought would happen by this point is that Snell would be off the Board Montgomery be off the board these guys be off the board and someone would

Be scrambling to find a starter but again you look at all the teams that need a starter right now or that are in on him the Dodgers don’t need to make it happen the um oh gosh the Red’s already backed out the Yankees don’t need to

Make it happen I don’t really think they can the Braves are backed out um you look at the Red Sox they’re probably the most desperate outside the Cardinals to make it happen um but again they just got rid of sail and brought in jto and they’ve got other options they could

Turn toward it as well and they’re also not necessarily striking me as a team going Allin this year um so I’d be kind of surprised if they deplete their farm system to do that and then the Orioles but again they just don’t seem like a team that’s going to move off of too

Much to get it done so I I just I just seems like it makes a lot of sense um but if I had to lean one way again I know I said at the top is that I would believe that it would take I I think I I think the white socks will

Wait this out longer believing that okay there’s always a team desperate at the deadline so maybe we can get at least what we’re asking for now even if we don’t get it and then also if CE comes out and is amazing then the price goes up a little

Bit but then there’s risk in the White Sox end too of like okay he’s got two years of control right now he’s healthy and people value him what happens if he blows out his elbow in May or even just has shoulder issues it’s like the Frankie Montas thing at the Athletics

They waited so long he got hurt they got stuff at the deadline but it wasn’t super valuable so I could see the White Sox also pulling the trigger now being like we don’t want to risk the idea of losing out value even more and the next offseason he’s got one year of control

And it’s not there’s no value there yeah I mean I really liked the the W uh sorry the Athletics package that they got back actually I think walchuk has been so much better than Montes would have been and he even stayed there true but like kind of what you’re looking at the

Offseason before it was oh yeah like it was a lot stronger of a package that they were supposed to be getting for him so I don’t know it’s kind it’s just cat and mouse like who’s gonna be the one who caves in first is it the White Soxs

You’re like okay we just need to get the value now or is it gonna be a team like oh we need that starter right now and based on how the Market’s playing right now I feel like it’s the white sock going be the ones to cave in and that

Tends to play in the Cardinal favor they like to be the team that’s like okay you come to our asking price sure and I think if the White Soxs decide that they should trade cease I think if they don’t it’s stupid it’d be idiotic when have we

Seen it work so like not like the Angel’s not trading shotani was just dumb they had had three really good opportunities to trade him and they should have traded him at every one of those opportunities uh the the Nationals years ago not trading Bryce Harper the Rockies not trading Trevor story like

Even if you trade a guy at the deadline and it feels like you’re not going to get a ton sometimes it works out the Orioles got Dean Kramer for Manny Machado and now he’s a big part of the rotation um he was just a throwin at

That point so I think the White Sox they have to trade him at some point and waiting on it would just be so dumb there’s so much more to lose between now and the deadline than there is to gain even if everything goes right CE comes

Out is a sa young Contender how much more are you really getting for him at the deadline because you’re losing 20 starts ridiculous it’ll be interesting to see Justin think it’s just there’s such a plethora of views here Justin on YouTube just said no one should be off limits

Honestly and then you have others who can name 12 people who should be off limits in these these trade packages so it’s it’s difficult to kind of put this together the end of the day too we’re not in the conversation rooms we don’t really know exactly what the white socks

Want and even when I brought up the Reds package earlier you can’t necessarily just say the second ranked prospect on the Reds is who the they would want from the Cardinals like it doesn’t it’s not that simplea and just because a guy’s the best Prospect in baseball according to doesn’t mean the other team wants him like there’s just different valuations different levels of what PE like desire all that kind of stuff so speaking of figuring out what the heck is going on and people having their opinions on what should have happened the reliever Market begin to develop

Over the last few weeks you had Wako and Yuki manui both go to the Padre’s we talked a little about the West Coast things and if that played a role in it um Derek gold asked John mosac about this a little bit and while he wouldn’t comment specifically on those two names

He was asked if the idea of the coast played a role in it and mosak noted traditionally I think people want to play in the coast um but it was difficult to say if that’s what the biggest um like Factor was here but he did say it felt like the factors for

Both of those deals or at least the deals in general were dollars and years so for Mosaic it probably seemed like it lumped Yamamoto into that sweep Stakes too like I don’t think he was just talking about go and Matt sui there um but he did make it sound like at the end

Of the day they took one of the best offers available to them he didn’t make it sound like oh we made a really good offer and they decided to go to San Diego at a discounted rate but I also it’s hard to know exactly what they’re doing but then you also some more

Information from gou today that I think is really interesting is that sources have told him that they are looking to sign a reliever in the same aav range as what Matt suoi got which that’s about five to6 million doar a year and then he’s continued to connect them to

Different names uh like Phil Mayon um Ryan stanik and um Hector naris from the Astros um Jordan Hicks has continued to be connected to them as well and then a newer name that’s popped up recently is Ryan braier who was really bad at the Red Sox this year but then when he went

To LA on a minor league deal he threw looks like like 38 and two3 Innings with a s ER 38 strikeouts and the biggest difference for him was that he started throwing a lot more Cutters which he threw zero with the Red Sox and then he threw like 128 with the Dodgers

Significantly lowered his fast ball usage and was incredible so I know it’s a lot spitball at you but what do you think about the idea that it sounds like the Cardinals may not have even outbid the Padre’s on go and matsi it seems like maybe they weren’t super high on

Either of them and preferred maybe these other options available and then let’s yeah let’s just let’s leave it there for a second what what is that how’s that sit with you that maybe they didn’t make a significant offer at go or Matt sui yeah with go um he wasn’t amazing last

Year in the kbo he posted a 3.68 er um there were some injury concerns there so um he was a lot better um in the season prior 1.48 and then a 2.17 in his age 22 season in 2021 so he was really good um age 22 23 but then last year had some

Injury concerns um kbo Talent is really hard to evaluate there’s just not that many pitchers that come over from over there there’s not many players in general come over there uh so like it’s it’s a tick below npb even um so it’s it’s really hard to predict um what a

Guy like uh Wako is gonna actually do like maybe he he’d be really really good um in the majors or maybe he’s just terrible um and I wouldn’t really be surprised either way um I think the you have to take the flyer though like two years what was it 4 point something

Million um yeah that’s not like any if he’s terrible just DFA him that’s not any money send him down um so I feel like you had to be at least matching the Padres asking price for him with Matt sui it was a longer contract um I think

It was four years um there there’s a lot more risk there Matt sui is is a smaller pitcher um his hands um are a little bit um small um and the the Japanese ball is slightly smaller than the American ball and um there reports that in the WBC

Matsui had trouble gripping the the American ball a little bit um so there might have been some concerns there with his size um and with with just how he would adjust to the major leagues so I’m not too upset um that the Cardinals didn’t go after him I thought he would

He would have been a good fit um maybe less years higher aav but if he wanted stability go to go to San Diego um I know U darish was recruiting a lot of the Japanese players he said um that he wanted the Padres to to build a team of

Japanese players to rival the Dodgers which I think is kind of funny um because they all went over there feel like the mom we’ve got this at home version of the Dodgers yeah um it’s like that that’s that kind of sucks for the Padres but um like they’re might have

Been some comfortability with San Diego it’s it’s like a lot of the Asian pitchers um at the start of this offseason we’re like yeah we don’t really care where we go but all of them have signed in the west coast so far so um it’s kind of kind of telling um I

Guess with that um probably just a negotiation tactic and there definitely is preference preference for the West Coast even icho like Wayback signed with with the Mariners um sure us Kikuchi went to the Mariners like it’s just more comfortability I guess closer to Japan and Korea so yeah it’s not out of the

Question Jung Huli and Hong Kim all on the west coast so yeah no one’s really gone anywhere else yeah and it’s also important to note too we don’t know for sure how much of jama’s comment about dollars and years applied to go and matsi specifically because again you did

Have um Lee go the Giants on 100 plus million dollars Yamamoto go for over $300 million which is a name there was significantly linked to so I’m sure he was kind of talking about Yamamoto a little bit there too I don’t know how much Otani played into that for his his

Comments but you just there there’s a lot of different players who have signed it’s not just those two um but Sandy what what are you thinking about that I don’t know I I’m personally like it’s fine I I would have liked to see them go

Get go especially on such a low deal but if there’s questions then it’s fine um it’s a reliever and even if he has a really good season it’s whatever um the Cardinal there are plenty of relievers out there the Cardinals just need to go get an establish Major League reliever

And honestly I’d probably rather have a guy who I have less questions about I don’t really care for the Cardinals history of signing relever a lot of them been really bad Cecil Miller uh Gregerson Holland like I can go down the list and name guys that the Cardinals

Have signed that haven’t worked out um do I need to add go or Matt sooie to the list like I think it’s fine I also just don’t think they needed a lefty super bad it’s like H why would you give up four or five years for Matt suoi when I

Mean maybe you don’t want him on your 2028 roster but that wasn’t an option you know he had to be there so personally it’s like this this is fine maybe it takes the Padres out of the bidding for a guy like Robert Stevenson who I really think the Cardinal should

Add and I would much rather see them go get a more proven arm a guy that’s succeeded at the MLB level before I’d rather them swing and Miss on that kind of deal than swing and Miss on a deal from a different market and also it’s been talked about Andrew has really like

Kind of been talking about this so have I I think some of the talent from the npb is starting to get overrated a little bit like is Yamamoto good yes is he a 00 million pitcher only Garett Cole has ever been a $300 million pitcher like do I think Yamamoto is instantly

Gonna Be A saong Winner no so I think that’s absurd is Shota imanaga worth a hundred million plus Andrew seems to think he is absolutely not and he’s people on Twitter and you’re right so I just think like man I I’m okay with us not entering these sweep Stakes right

Now the the reason I really used to like signing these kinds of guys is because you got crazy value Sano was a really good reliever who you got for almost nothing miles michelas is a really good starter and you got him for almost nothing because everyone was so focused

On International amateure talent and you know developing their own talent and MLB talent but now that everyone’s eyes have seemingly gone over there and everyone is hyper focused on what the npb has to offer I’m I’m less interested because I don’t think you can go bargain hunting

The way you could before yeah and that’s kind of tou on imaga really quick yeah go for it’s just like I’ve heard people like saying that like he’s worth 100 Mill or whatever there’s Japanese ra plus which is something that like it’s not the same as MLB ra plus because they

Don’t have Park Factor taken into it but it’s it’s similar in that 100 is League average and like over that is is better than League average and then under that is below League average so sh imaga had an RA plus last year in npb of 106 that

Mean that means he was 6% better than League average facing Lewis Brinson yeah which is just like not like his erra was low but that’s because everyone’s RA in Japan is low like you don’t score a lot of runs there um the ball doesn’t fly

Out of the park nearly as as well as it does in the US and Shoto imanaga had a home run problem which is crazy like the Yankees are out on him because he has a flyball issue um and that’s a small Park um so like he’s not worth $100 million I

Would give him the Steven mat’s contract and that’s still being a little bit generous I just don’t think he’s going to be like his if he posted an RA below five like that would be that that would be pretty good for him I think yeah he he pitched worse than than his his

Teammate for the bay Stars who’s I’m not gonna say his name but he’s also free at this off so like he’s not the Cardinals just need to stay away from that especially hundred million do it’s just not it’s not yeah there’s a couple thoughts in the chat that I think

Interesting yeah one he he pitched the final which like he threw like three Innings gave up a home run to Trey Turner he navigated it okay but like that’s that’s like three Innings it doesn’t matter yeah Jacob or uh I was I was just gonna say Blake

Newberry hit on both sides yeah yeah because well I think it’s at least helpful because you you do have you’re pitching in Major League ballparks he is pitching against better talent but then also they’re able to track his stat cast data very small sample size but he had four

Pitches that briaded out over 120 Stuff Plus which 120 is really good and so it’s hard to fully know what that means but that’s on the like here that’s the Intriguing side of Fe Mona but then also Blake I think did an incredible job on this months ago when im Mona was

Projected to get more of a Stephen matz type contract that his home rate home home run rate is terrible and that it’s almost doubled for every single pitcher who’s come over State Side um that you could do a comparable deal to it doubled for darish it doubled for Otani it

Doubled for SGA it doubled for pretty much all of them and if his home rate run rate doubles or doubles or more for all of them it’ll be over two home runs per nine innings that’s horrible so obviously it doesn’t like like Andrew’s talked about this too

That is more of a contact First oriented space and he is a little bit he’s got sneaky strikeout stuff so maybe he translates a little bit over here gets more swing misses but more home run driven league with a guy who gave up a lot of home runs in a contact friendly

League scares me especially over $100 million so IM managa he okay I take it back he threw two innings in the WBC final and he let let four hits so here’s here’s what happened mooki Betts fed out Mike Trout doubled goldi struck out whoops arado grounded out whoops um

Schwarber flyed out Trey Turner homered ramudo singled Mullen struck out Tim Anderson singled basically basically he just got just really good sequencing on his part like he didn’t even pitch well yeah anyway I just I just think the WBC doesn’t matter like I just don’t care I don’t understand why people are

Saying that no no I I like watching the WBC I’m not gonna say that like it’s really fun it’s like but I don’t think the WBC should be used for player evaluation ever because it’s just who cares oh no it’s it’s an exibition with tiny sample size and I’m not saying you

Guys think it should but the people that seem to be saying like oh Japan won the WBC npb is every bit as good as MLB like that’s crazy yeah that’s too far I mean Yamamoto didn’t even pitch well in the WBC and he just got like he he served up

Like a couple like runs to Mexico and he almost blew the game for them and in the seminal but like no one wants to talk about that but whatever well let’s let’s keep going with the reliever talk a little bit too because I think this plays into a little bit life Journey

Said you prefer Bargain Bin players which I don’t know I I don’t know if he was saying he prefers it or if he saying we do but in all honestly actually when it comes to Bullpen pieces I do prefer the Bargain Bin guys I do prefer the

Guys that don’t cost a lot because of what Sandy said you go after Andrew Miller you go after Brett Cecil you go after luk Gregerson it’s not just the Cardinals you look around all baseball reliever contracts are by far the hardest to predict and guys are so

Volatile year to year that I’m again I’m wouldn’t hate the Cardinals going out and getting a larger contract on a lever I Jordan Hicks is probably the one guy out there I would do it for because were familiar with him and he’s younger and his stuff just plays um but when you’re

Looking at this Market the Cardinals have from Katy woo and Derrik gold have both reported as of today that they’re looking at that5 million-ish Dollar Market per year for a relever that’s really affordable and it’s not going to break the bank they go portly you get a

Guy in something like that whether it’s um any of those names we mentioned earlier of NYS maton um braier um Brett suder was another guy that was thrown in there I believe um Robert Stevens It’s probably cost a little bit more than that but who knows like someone in that

Kind of Realm that’s when the Cardinals tend to find the best revers but then also like it’s not just the Cardinals the Dodgers do this too braier again they signed him to a minor league deal and he was incredible they got Shelby Miller I think on a minor league deal

Last year he was incredible they don’t most successful wolpin aren’t built on a bunch of8 to 12 million contract you have one or two of those guys in your Bullpen but most of them are guys you sign those minor league deals to you hope for a bounce back on if and you

Sign four or five of those or maybe three of those then you tend to get one or two to work out if you sign one big guy it’s kind of All or Nothing yeah I’m all in for Carlos EST as of the trade deadline by the way um

The Angels aren’t going to trade him because they want to contend and I think that’s cute but uh they’re gonna trade to make um Andrew is so snake bitten by the Angels it’s so sad well they’re not going to contend they they tried to contend with

SH Otani and they’re going to add Cody Bellinger and Blake SN they try to replace him and it’s going to blow up in their face just watch Cubs fans after the Angels add Cody Bellinger they’re just gonna be an absolute shambles I want the Cubs to add Cody Bellinger I

Want the Cubs to add Cody Binger and imaga and just like oh imaga to Chicago would be awesome like I’m all for it like just go do it imaga so good Cubs fans like he’s like so be so excited for him he had he has a sub three ra isn’t

That so exciting and in the best league in the mpb is better than MLB guys well yeah they won the WBC yeah like they they’re the best league in the world clearly the their best player definitely didn’t just sign a $700 million contract with with an MLB team

No what is happening um uncle Ted brought up a good point here in the chat too that the slider fastball guys is what you’re wanting to Target which is what the Cardinals have done this off season um with Nick Roberts Robertson um whyman blanking all the guys Ryan

Fernandez um the guy guy from Seattle that they got um man he was in Gold’s article today I cannot remember Saved My Life um Riley O’Brien um so they they’ve been going after that kind of mold of Guy the one that’s been the guys that have been really successful or at least

The profiles that been really successful out of major league bullpens right now um so I just I like that they’re continuing to Target that and I think if you get one of those guys that been rumored from ktie woo Derek gold this Bullpen looks a lot better if you can

Get two of them then I no longer do I not even have qu I I not worried about it anymore but then I think it can start to become a strength of this team as well which would be really important I think the Cardinals already have one of

The stronger bullpens they’ve had in in recent years like I I think this Bullpen could be really good I think there’s more certainty right now than there has been at times between Romero gagos and uh Hesley like if you can presume health I think this is every bit as good as the

Bullpens they’ve put together uh for the last while now I think Romero is your third releas is much better than henness Cabrera is your third reliever I think they’re stronger at the back end I think their depth is really strong especially knowing Zack Thompson’s going to start

In the bullpen this year I really like that I think he’s a really good reliever um and the starting depth is so much better that the bullpen is not going to be over taxed and so that’s something that’s super exciting you have guys that can make spot starts you’re

Not not just gonna be pulling up random guys and you’re I hope you never see another Bullpen game I hope there’s zero Bullpen games this year because that destroyed us last year I’m actually off for not signing any relievers and getting another starter to move Matt to

The bullpen long long man because I feel like he’d be really good or he was really good last year um in that role um and I feel like with with uh Romero and Hesley and um gyos I guess I guess we can throw him in there but um like it’s

Pretty solid if you have Stephen matz giving you high leverage Innings I just wanted to to shout out uncle Ted for saying the angels have Ron Washington so they’re not irrelevant at all and Ron Washington in Anaheim he’s not going to make the poor decision of sticking

Someone to C be Clos to the Celebration because they never celebrate anything in Anaheim so that’s crazy the Nelson Cruz stuff still still legendary to this day oh my gosh oh my gosh hey I’m glad Ron Washington gets another crack at it he seems like a good guy everyone loves

Him I mean he got his world series with the Braves so now you can just go chill and have October off in Ane my gosh hit the golf course early man Andrew I hopefully Angels podcast discover this and start clipping you I stuck with you guys for like three

Years it was the most painful three years I’ve ever had to endure as a baseball fan and now now it’s over oh looks like we got a Yankees offer in the chat for CE interesting um but yeah so keeping keep monitoring the reliever Market I think you both made a good

Point though about the math side of things could potentially be something that like if they were to add another starter they did go get a c so they did go get Lardo which is before today and last night um would have been the thing that would have talked about today is

That um Derek G talked about the only name he had really heard legitimate conversations with or maybe legitimate conversations that maybe should maybe he’s a little too strong but at least that there was potential talks there so far beyond just putting feelers out was Jesus zardo and again that’s his sources

So it seems like the C stuff is a little more real than people have let on before um but if they go and get one of those guys you move Matts to the bullpen it strengthens it even more so I think at this point especially if they do

Something like that you really only need one Bullpen arm and then we all can predict who the best arms are going to be right now but it’ll be like September and one of the guys that we think I think H is gonna be fine but like would

It shock me if gyos is terrible no would it shock me if Ryan Fernandez is their second best reliever no like it’s just how bullpens tend to work out so um keep an eye on stuff in this Bullpen than there’s been in the past though exactly and there’s prospects too that could

Come up Ed n and Matt vonson in particular I think could be really good at some point this or even some of the starting pitching prospects like grao could make an appearance uh TK could come up there um there’s wilin Rodriguez that brought back on a minor

League de there Zinga from last year there are just a lot of arms and so you might see like the the bullpen mix change throughout the year but then by September August you kind of got this strong mix that you’ve identified so I really do like that you’re not GNA have

Casey Lawrence or Jacob Barnes or people like that getting Innings this year they have the depth needed I have to ask though if they get another starter is mattz the guy that goes to the pen and do we want that I I really like Stephen matz I think more than the average

Person I’m kind of a Matt’s apologist and I’m just not sure I’d want him moved there is an argument that mattz was the best starter we had last year outside of Jordan Montgomery of course and once Montgomery was gone and mattz was hurt you saw a team that had nobody that

Could do anything in the rotation I think mattz is like honestly he’s a good starter and he’s so cheap the fact that Matt is being paid 11 million to do what he did for the Cardinals last year two War um 386 ER 375 FIP and over 100

Innings I know he got hurt which is you know it stinks he hasn’t been able to stay healthy but 11 million for that is crazy that value off the charts compared to what other teams are paying for and not getting and he had like a sub two ER

And his return to the rotation which was like eight starts so I think it’s less about match being the worst starter and more about like the fit because I think I think it was gold who talked about but someone wrote about it recently that Kyle Gibson and Lance slin are not gonna

Be moved to the bullpen at least early on because they signed him them for that role that’s what they told them if they’re coming in they’re not gonna do a whole like oh sorry we didn’t do that maybe it’s brenon schaer I can’t remember I know but then you’re also

Like also do you want miles michelas in the seventh inning do you want Lance seventh inning do you want so I think it’s more about Matt moves the bullpen because he’s shown he can kind of do both and he’d be really effective in the role and then again the starting five is

Like the likelihood they all stay healthy throughout the year is pretty low and the likelihood they’re all available at the end of the year is pretty low and so you probably end up getting Matts back in the rotation unless he’s the one who gets hurt yeah

Um so Lance ly could go down Michaels could go down gray could go down the guy they trade for could go down Matt’s gets back into the rotation so I would be shocked if you got to October and they still see if it mats and they have maybe

Sunny gra Dy and ceas I think Matt starts game three even if he is the bullpen guy toward the end I think that’s when they would start moving lanin out of the rotation or Kyle Gibson they’re not gonna at that point in October they don’t care about the

Contract they’re going to put the best guys out there but also that’s something too that’s been noted again maybe it was gold but someone said because aie just asked why is it Matt’s throwing the trade he is a guy that yeah it was okay now it’s all coming together Dereck G’s

Chat that he said Matts would move to the bullpen because of the role or he’d be traded because of the money so like there’s just not really a scenario we see C Gibson L miles Michel move to the bullpen so this is why I really wish

That we only had one of Lynn and Gibson like I like I like the moves more than I did when they happened because it’s like I get what the Cardinals are looking for certainty lots of innings yeah but also it’s like I would so much rather have one so there’s

Still room to add another starter I don’t want Matts in the bullpen because I think he’s one of our right now I think mattz is the second best starter AG on the team I I he’s not going to be your number two because of health and because of

Durability but like I think I think Matt’s in my opinion probably will have the second lowest fit and ra on this team at the end of the year as currently constructed yeah so well I could even make the argument potentially though on the flip side that you could say like

Lance Lyn Kyle Gibson or miles michelas might be the better at least at since what mattz has shown us so far healthwise the better regular season arms and again they didn’t sign them to be the game two starter they signed them to get them through 162 games and again

All three of those guys probably going to stay healthy like even if they have the track record one of them probably gets hurt so and I’m I’m at least excited so far that the Cardinals haven’t ruled out at another starter they’re not saying like oh we’re totally

Good yeah they just are doing the typical Cardinal thing that they’re not going to commit to anything and they might say tomorrow that we like our five guys and tomorrow trade for Casas or today we like our five guys tomorrow trade for Seas like they did with Matt

Carpenter Nolan orado and they continue to do all throughout time is they kind of just like people getting mad that MOS Al said we I think we can contend for a World Series like he’s never going to say we’re not a contender especially when they’re trying to make the playoffs

He’s just not what he’s going to do and in that same sentence he continued to say but we also are looking to add more and people like Oh see it’s proof that they aren’t going to add anymore it’s like he literally the next in the same sentence said we’re still looking add so

We’ll see but I think as we’re wrapping up the conversation today too obviously maybe the thing that blew up the most before this recent news on Twitter was news about Tommy Edmond’s injury and there’s a lot of frustration among the fan base specifically and probably not as a lesser level of frustration but

There definitely is some kind of questioning from media about why this wasn’t revealed when they when they’ve asked Jama about this in different instances this offseason but it was announced um first in John Denton’s report on and then Jeff Jones talked about a little bit on Twitter and

Then it kind of caught fire from there that Tommy Edmond went underwent arthoscopic resurgery this offseason in October he’s expected to be ready for spring training but it doesn’t sound like it’s guaranteed right now let’s before we even talk about what that means for center field you saw that

News come out you saw the reaction on Twitter what are you guys thinking about that about like how the Cardinals handled the communication of it I mean I mean the needs to be better but like it’s not oh no you go you go yeah the communication should be better but like

It’s not that big a deal if he’s ready and healthy for spring training it just it doesn’t like it doesn’t affect anything like it probably makes more sense now why they they kept Carlson around um just to have that insurance there in case Edmond like isn’t able to

Play center field but like if you have Newar in Center Donovan in left um Gorman at second and burles dhing that’s not the end of the world that’s still like pretty solid lineup um I would rather have someone else DH that’s not burles but um that um it just it like

That that’s how it’s constructed right now with with our roster if Tommy Edmund happens to go down um it’s maybe one of the things um that was in indicative that the Cardinals were shopping Tommy Edmund at some point um keeping that Under Wraps um for a little bit um probably boost his trade

Value they’re probably not going to trade him now anymore um because of health concerns and they’ll just wait for him to to get healthy if they they intend to move him but um it’s a little bit frustrating but it’s also not like the end of the world it’s not like oh

The front office is terrible they can’t be trusted like a lot of people are saying it’s it’s okay like we’ll be fine I yeah I don’t think it’s the end of the world like it’s annoying it’s annoying to know okay this guy was hurt and we didn’t know about it um but at

The same time I just I don’t think it’s like oh my gosh the Cardinal’s front office is lying to us and it’s just conspiracy I think yeah like it’s it’s fine okay Tommy Edmond had surgery I wish that we’d known about it we know

About it now and we have a lot of time left I understand riters being upset because it’s their job you know and it’s like I need to be able to report on this when it happens um but it’s it’s whatever like it’s it’s a nothing Burger

To me yeah quick uh hi to Kareem he’s in the chat right now he’s joining us on Sunday to talk Cardinal’s Prospect so really excited about that 2m on Sunday Central Time join us for that um I’m with you on that I wasn’t really like too frustrated about it I think maybe

Where I maybe it’s more less about Edmond specifically and it’s more about you had Adam way W pitch with a partially torn laum the whole year and that wasn’t talked about till after the season um you had the Tyler O’Neal stuff where communication was really weird the Wilson conures communication was really

Weird it just seems like communication is a consistent issue with this Cardinal front office right now and so I get why people are just done with it at this point um I think personally what I would much rather us be talking about and I think matters way more also the end of

The season press conference was cancelled Cleveland pointed that out which I I think matters um so there’s a lot of that but I think the thing that we should really be talking about is the fact that Tommy edman might not be ready uh for opening day

Now I I would be shocked about that seems like they expect him to be ready but if he comes into spring training limited or his progress isn’t just just doesn’t go as well Victor Scott yes I do think it begins to open the door for a Victor Scott or Dylan Carlson because we

Saw what happened with Dylan Carlson two years ago with his wrist injury it Zapped his ability at the play again Tomy ‘s not a power guy but wrist injuries do tend to hurt that a little bit and even if you’re more of a slap Line Drive hitter I mean if you’re

Hitting the ball less hard it’s not going to get through the infield or get through the gaps as much that could affect him at the plate who knows how it could potentially impact him defensively again it seems like Cardinals don’t have questions about that but one of my bold

Predictions I did on the website a couple days ago was that Dylan Carlson would win the center field job this was before what we knew about Tommy eban I think this opens the door for Dylan Carlson to come into spring training and try to fight for that center field job

Or Victor Scott if again I think odds are he starts in Triple A and it’s probably the best thing for him him but I don’t know there could be an opening there especially with Ed I think they really need to be careful with Edmond because if he goes down they don’t

Really have another shortstop out say Mason win I get Thomas and JC can play shortstop and Brendon vgh can play shortstop and neither of those guys you want as a regular short stop and so I just think this could be a really interesting storyline to follow but what

Do you guys like if if Sandy if Edmund’s not available what do you think the center field play is if Edmond’s not available if I’m running the team so if I’m running the team and if the Cardinals are running the team are two different scenarios here especially with

Well I’m not I don’t normally trash on the front office but like their personnel internal Personnel decisions drive me up a wall sometimes so if I’m running the team here I think Victor Michael oh no not not c not I don’t even know why but I just like chose him to

Pin all all of 2023 on because I needed some somebody I wasn’t emotionally attached to and Taylor MO taking too much from me okay dude I hate that guy so much I’m sorry I don’t mean that I like Taylor modder as a person and I wish that he’d been better in a uniform

Um no so if it’s me running the team Victor Scott has a very real chance to win the job right out of the gate like if it’s if it’s my choice then it’s Victor Scott it’s his job to win in spring training but if he doesn’t look good in spring training then I’d

Probably be inclined to go with still in Carlson I don’t think it’s a huge deal um I would obviously like Tommy Ed to just be ready because I think he’s the most complete player on the roster who can play that right now except for Scott who’s might not be ready um but that’s

What I’d be going with I wish the Cardinals would go out and sign a depth center fielder at this point where it’s like at least we have somebody we know can go play center field I would actually go the opposite like because I was thinking because there are some people are mad they

Didn’t go berer well not opposite I would go in a different direction I think they need more depth at shortstop because I do think in the day you have edman who should be the guy you have Carlson and a Dylan CE trade could you imagine um but you have

Car you have Edmond Carlson Nar on the roster and then you have Scott who can play center and then when you go to shortstop though it’s when Edmond like I just think you’re a lot thinner there um you’re thin at both of them but I think shortstops one a little bit more worried

About I think there’s a little bit more question marks just takes one injury and then you have one short stop the roster and I don’t I don’t know I can’t really think of anyone in the organization right now I’d feel good about or even okay about running out a short stop

Right now again I love Thomas and JC that’s not that’s not where he should be playing and that’s a lot of pressure put on him or Scott to have to come out opening day and do that if one of them wins the job that’s awesome um when we

Have Kareem on Sunday we can talk about his development as a hitter this last year has been phenomenal Scott specifically but at the same time it’s still a question mark can you hit big league pitching right now so and Edmond’s defense at center field has

Gone so underrated even by me like I was kind of indifferent about him he had five DRS in like 45 games out there I think and if you put that over a full season he would have led the all center fielders in baseball and defensive run saved so like below average arm so

That’s a problem so he’s not going to be a go Glover but he’s got the range that better better equal to range of anyone in baseball including Harrison Bader so Center Field’s not really a question to me yeah I think that’s I think that’s fair um I just yeah now I just want

Tommy edman to be healthy that’s what counts here because if he’s not healthy then I think it’s okay for people to start being upset with the front office like if he’s not healthy you can say okay come on like what are we doing here why are you not

Communicating that but if they expect him to be ready ah it’s fine yeah it be really really interesting to see and then as the season goes on his player performance goes up and down like Andrew mentioned Alec Burson is someone he’s a guy in the second half his Ops

Went up 100 points he had um Aaron judge was the only player in baseball who was more unlucky when it comes to woba and expected woba like I saw a Yankees fan coming out and trying to say like Oh Aaron judge should have even been even better last year and then the second

Person on the baseball Zant page that had the biggest difference between the Roba and expected was Alec burles like he’s a guy hits the ball hard got really unlucky last year so he’s a guy that could get more playing time so it’ be interesting to see if Edmund moves down

To more of a utility role if new bar ends up sliding back to Center any point vict take Victor Scott takes Center if Dylan Carlson emerges as the guy he we thought he was going to be for so long Thomas a JC comes up Brendan Donovan Nolan Gorman Jordan Walker like there’s

All these different names right now Ivan Herrera might need more playing time which moves contr to the DH spot like there’s just a lot of moving parts right now and so I don’t know it seems pretty unpredictable but it’s it’s kind of fun at the same time

Yeah well I think that we we’ve pretty much covered the the current state of Cardinal baseball right now I’m not really seeing a lot more in the chat that we need to chat through today um but again if you haven’t subscribed to the channel already we really appreciate

It um it helps the channel out a ton we’re trying to do a lot of fun stuff right now again we’ve got Kareem coming on Sunday um we’ve got a couple other guests kind of lingering right now that we’re hoping to lock down some times with that we’re excited about we’ll be

At winter warmup at some capacity as well so you can expect some content from that um there’s just a lot of fun stuff that we’ve got planned for 2024 and so we’d love for you to be a part of that just hit subscribe like the stream as well that’s really helpful Sandy Andrew

You got anything off the top or off the back end yeah um go follow us on Instagram uh we’re almost at a thousand followers on Instagram so that’s super exciting um appreciate your support on all the social media platforms again subscribe it helps us out once we hit a

Thousand subscribers we’ll be able to do a lot more fun stuff um some of our capabilities will open up so that’ll be awesome and yeah catch us at Cardinal’s Caravan and winter warmup I think Sandy and I are GNA go um to Jeff City or

Hannibal to to try to try to catch Lars n Bar and Josh will be in Poria or Bloomington uh to try to try to catch Shan Walker and Victor Scott so that’ll be super exciting come say hi to us um it’ll be a great time yeah it’s going to

Be awesome we again are just we love doing this it’s one of the favorite things that we get to do now um but yeah please any way you can engage with us on social media or anything like that super helpful um definitely the most important thing right now is subscribing to our

YouTube channel but seriously go follow us on Twitter go check us out on Instagram um we’ve got reals that go up it’s really exciting so all right yeah and if you’re playing be at winter warmup hopefully we’ll we’ll try we’ll try and plan to have some times where

We’ll let people know where we’re at so you can find us you want to connect or anything um but again like subscribe really helps the out a ton again Sunday 2 pm. we’ve got our Kem uh episode where we’re going to be talking about prospects and again he’s one of the best

Out there with Cardinal’s Prospect right now so we’re really excited to see and hear more about that from him yeah um so if you’ve got questions about prospects as well let us know on Twitter join our Discord which you can join through our membership program on our YouTube

Channel um and yeah we’ll see you guys Sunday


  1. I hope the cardinals don’t give up Hence in a package deal for Cease. I don’t want to be involved in another Gallen or Alcantara situation. Donovan should be in play and I would love to see Hicks back in STL.

  2. I don’t see the trade for Cease happening but I hope I’m wrong! He would really bolster our rotation and help with pitching depth but I would be devastated if we had to give up Donovan or Gorman! Unless they sent Louis Robert with Cease 😂

  3. JoJo Romero missed 2-3 months and ended up with a 1.2 fWAR. Only 4 relievers in MLB were over 2.0 fWAR. And if you look at the top 10-20 relievers in 2023, most of those guys weren't even on anyone's radar a year ago. Most relievers only remain elite for 1-3 years. Rarely does spending big money on relievers pan out. The Cardinals have a ton of arms with high-end potential – don't blow money/prospects on relievers.

  4. Something I haven't heard a ton about – Walker as DH. Gorman has impressed at 2B, he seems very capable there. Walker was the worst fielder on the team by a country mile. It makes a lot of sense to put Carlson in RF and Walker at DH unless they really buy into Burleson as a DH or I guess give Baker a shot.

  5. Hey guys, the way I see it is unless the trade market jumps in the Cards lap, they are done as far as starting pitching goes. They will add their bullpen arm or 2. At best one “might” have sex appeal while the other “might” be useful. That’s how the Cards roll.

  6. The average American can concentrate 8 minutes. Your show is WAY to Long. 8 times 3 is 24 minutes. Try keeping it that length.

  7. Sure, and pigs will fly.
    Cardinals are in on everyone.
    Funny Season ticket packages are now on sale lol
    Bait n Switch my friends 😅

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