New Sponsor Reveal/ Off-Season In The Bag

We are back with another exciting announcement as we gear up for the 2024 season! I am honored to be working alongside Discology DiscGolf for the 2024 season and to carry a brand of bags that finds the perfect balance between high quality materials and affordability! This video will also serve as an offseason/preseason in the bag for those of you curious as to what exactly I’m stepping onto the course to prepare to go low!

Thanks for watching and make sure to drop a like and subscribe!
Cheers Y’all

Connor O’Reilly
Lone Star Disc
OTB Discs | free shipping code: CONNOR

Try your Lone Star Discs here


Welcome back to the channel everybody I’m Conor O’Reilly with Team lonar dis and team OTB discs and I’m excited to roll out my third sponsor for the 2024 season I’ve got a new bag sponsor I’m going to be carrying discology bags for the 2024 season their company founded in

2020 with dedication to a quality product at an affordable price and this icon bag right here in the crimson red only markets at I think $140 so quite the snag for a bag that can carry all that and more I know a lot of you guys

Have asked for an in the bag as one of the next videos to drop so here it is not only are we announcing the new bag sponsor but I’m going to show you guys what I’ve been throwing so far this offseason a lot of people like to start

With the putters for their in the bags and I’m going to keep it traditional I’m I’m going to do the same myself start with my putting Putters I’ve been putting the V2 Blue Bonnets with that artist series stamp nice deep hand feel overstable finish every time grip the

Chains like no one’s business truly and they’re firm in the hand so loving the blue onon it then next in these vertical Pockets I got some of my flatter approach discs starting with the Artemis the Artemis is a disc that I’ve really found a liking for for those dead straight

Power grip backand approach shots try one out yourself that one’s in the alpha plastic by the way two horny toads are in my bag at the moment this is a disc I’ve been leaning on more so than almost any so far really a disc that anyone can throw whether

You’re a top level player or just learning how to play this one’s in the D2 plastic this one is in the new Alpha glow a stiff premium plastic that glows all day and all night truly really love the Horny Toad forehand backhand overstable finish every time very much

Like a Zone type of disc all right now we’re going to come over to the side side pouch secret action and what do we have we got three pennies this the penny pouch right here starting with the most understable is going to be my V2 Penny putter this one’s good for shorter shots

Ones that you need to flip quickly or shots where you can’t get too much arm speed on it V2 Penny putter they just recently started the Delta Penny Putters this is a D2 Penny putter it’s going to fly just like that Alpha One stability wise but with that putter plastic feel

That’s going to grip the ground a little bit better and be nice in those wet conditions just put this in the bag throwing it a couple times already in love with it if you watched my vlogmas series you’ve seen me throw this Alpha Penny putter quite a few

Times such a Dependable disc for playing straight lines on power or on touch as long as you’re clean with the swing it’ll fly that angle you put it on all right finishing off the last two approach Putters in my bag are going to be the blue bonnet and V1 plastic so I

Put with the V2 the V1 has a little bit more give to it a little bit softer and therefore it grips the ground even better a little bit extra stability on these guys I’ve found as well this one’s also in that V1 plastic it’s going to be the bull snake very unique overstable

Rounded Edge approach disc for me on that Fang grip backhand approach it has such a Dependable finish I really use it mainly inside of 20 250 ft or so when I’m trying to bait a backhand or when it’s really windy and I want to make sure that my Straight Shot doesn’t flip

Over at all now we’re on to the mid-ranges I only have three midranges in my bag currently might go to a fourth at some point in the season the most understable is going to be the Bearcat and Alpha plastic this one I for the

Most part fan grip it so I can get it to work quickly out of a heer and turn uh good disc for scrambling Out of the Woods or for beginner players with lower arm speeds shout out to Bearcat next instability is going to be the Texas Ranger this one’s in the

Charlie plastic beautiful see-through clear youall know that’s probably my favorite plastic if I could choose a color this is going to be it right here and these are one of the most dependably straight flyers on the market for me when I release it on a poweriser it

Wants to stand up to straight and just penetrate on that dead line throw it flat with some power it’s going to drift slowly to the right but not really just turn out of out of the picture so a disc that you can get to do a little bit of

Everything with you can move it left you can finish straight you can gently fly to the right a true go-to mid-range for all those shots you need a bump up from that is going to also be in that clear Charlie plastic this one is the midi pretty overstable

If you hit these things hard and flat even at my arm speed they aren’t going to turn unless it’s maybe like a hurricane or something and even then I don’t know if you got clean clean spin technically that thing should hold the line the midi though for me allows me to

Throw overstable shots with still a pushing finish and minimal ground play really been liking the midi for very select shots and now we’re getting to the fairways I’m going to start once again on the understable side work our way up first is going to be the Mocking Bird

This one’s in the alpha plastic always comes out with some good dome the Mocking Bird does and this disc is a bomber truly whether you have slower arm speed or faster arm speed you can get a lot of distance out of the mocking bird pretty easily and if you watch the

Vlogmas series Megan may or may not have picked up her first Ace of her disol life with a mocking bird so who knows maybe we’ll get a small batch of uh flying armadillo Mayday armadillo or Mayday Mocking Bird a disc for you guys let us know in the comments if you’d buy

One and if we get enough people who knows we might get those run Mocking Bird great for long turnovers great for easy distance Tailwind shots beginner players can do a little bit of everything next is going to be a disc that I added to my bag kind of later

Into my process of throwing Lone Star maybe a couple weeks in kind of trying some of those straighter Fairways trying to find what my laser beam shot would be and the dose X I believe is is starting to fill that slot for me I just got my hands on this new Alpha glow

Really stiff feel that you’re looking for out of that Lone Star plastic and now in that glow plastic that shines so bright this one’s pretty flat top and I found coming out on firm Hiser on a lower line I can get it to flip up push

A dead straight line a disc I’ve really been looking for and going to my Alpha this one has a little more of a dome on it and this one has extra stability compared to the alpha glow this one if I hit it hard and flat

As long as I keep the line down it’ll push straight for quite a bit of time and then it’ll have a healthy finish every time I I have to put a little bit of flex on this one to get it to finish out straight so it’s been nice to have

This when the wind picks up and I’m looking for that 400 425t shot or so maybe a low ceiling upper 300s next up is going to be the Wrangler this is a new disc in the Lone Star lineup and this is the Prototype version these are such a good heer flip disc

Similar to the dox with a little bit more distance and to me these ones want to flip up on a similar amount the way these new Alpha glow dox do but this Wrangler just has a touch more push with a slightly bigger rim and it’s a disc

That I think you don’t have to throw as hard and flat to get it to push as the dose X so definitely one I’ve been liking for hitting it flat and hard letting it just drift to the right for me or if I’m looking for that pushing

Heer flip around 400 to 450 with minimal ground play at the end the Wrangler is going to be a good option another new disc one of the two new discs that were dropped this off season by lonar is the spur and this is much needed arguably the most needed disc in

The lineup from last year starting with these two these are from that first run of Spurs they’re both in the alpha plastic except for if you get a flat top one like this it’s going to be quite a bit straighter than the ones that have the nice gentle Dome throughout on the flat

Top guy with the forehand I can hit it hard and flat it’s going to go straight for quite a bit of time before it has a gentle finish at the end put it on Hiser it’ll want to stand up throughout that Hiser while never flipping the doy guy though I’m going to

Have to flex this one to get it to go straight if I hit it flat it’ll go straight for a while but it’ll have a quite a bit of an earlier fade than the Flat Top This is a disc forehand and backhand that has been a Workhorse for

Me from 300 30 to 400t or so uh sorely need sorely needed in that Lone Star lineup so happy to have my hands on some and also happy to have my hands on my newest batch of Pokemon dyes for this season’s bag this is a Spur that I’m

About to add in my bag mainly just because I think it’s so cool it’s a Slowpoke and I’m not sure how this one’s going to fly compared to my other Alpha this one has a little more give in the rim but it has that similar middle Dome

So I’m about to get out and test it tomorrow or maybe later today see how it’s flying and see where it fits in my lineup of three Spurs that I now have in my bag the final disc in this bag I don’t know this guy’s this guy’s scary

He’s a he’s a a mythical creature that many of you may have heard of how overstable it is but none of you truly understand until you throw it that’s the alpha chupacabra this disc is the little brother to the Tilt and is truly one of the most overstable utility Fairway

Drivers on the market I have to to throw full grunt meter to get into the 300t range with this thing even on a low line if I’m playing it up in the air you got to really hammer on it to get it to play over

300 it’s really opened up a lot of lines for me though not only on Flex forehand on spiking hisers that don’t fade too much since it’s so overstable it just almost Fades the way a grenade does directly down so it’s opened up a lot of

Shots for me and it’s a disc that you know you never think you need something that overstable until you start throwing it and realizing the lines you can play with it and finally we’re getting to those distance drivers starting with the tumble weed it’s going to be the slowest

And most understable of my drivers this one I don’t know might be a controlled driver depending on how what you want to call it maybe not a true Fairway driver somewhere in between the distance and Fairway but the tumble we has been a great roller option for me I can hit it

Hard and flat knowing it’s going to get to the ground and give me some massive rollers I found myself playing rollers anywhere from 450 to 600 ft with a disc like this and that’s it’s going to be its main usage for me is going to be on

Those roller shots here and there maybe if I’m playing in the mountains or something it’ll become you know it’ll become that go-to faway driver all you mountain people understand understand those issues um but other than that yeah mainly going to be a roller disc maybe big turnovers here and there in Crazy

Tailwinds next on the drivers is going to be probably my most used driver on the season especially once I hit those windy open out of- bounds Laden Pro Tour courses and that is the warbird this is a staple in the star lineup and I’m going to start with my most understable

One this one’s kind of a flat top Alpha and I found the flat top has a little bit more of that straighter finish um or at least a little bit of a straighter kind of early flight it’ll still have that warbird finish at the end but the

Flatter grip is nice for the forehands so this one has mainly been forehand Duty for me and I’ve been liking it if you watch Vlog Mysteries then you saw me throw this red one quite a few times s has that beautiful haloing on the rim and this one is one of the most

Dependable distance drivers I’ve ever thrown that still has the ability to get distance not just a utility meat hook um at least if you throw that 500 plus range then you’re going to be able to get some distance off this but it might require a flex if I want this one to go

Straight I really have to flex on it to get it to go 500 plus but uh when the wind’s up and I still want some distance nothing quite beats the warbird this final warbird another disc I just put in my bag I got it from Michael spikes check out spikes disc

Dying on Instagram I’ll put that in the description below if you like those Pokemon d he’s got all those Hub Cap files that they use or sorry not hubc cap the uh drainage cap files that they use in Japan and this is a warbird got the plane there got the Dragonite I mean

I can’t ask for much more really excited to see how this one’s flying and to get out there and bomb my Dragonite there’s going to be three final distance driver is making up my current bag setup 28 total discs all of them with a little bit of a different purpose some of you

Might say that’s too many discs Connor I say hey guys I like the thrum I end up using most of them some rounds I don’t use certain ones but I like being overprepared not under so you’ll always find me on the course with quite a few

Discs and thanks to my icon bag I have no problem carrying those comfortably and having extra room I could carry 32 discs realistically maybe even 36 in this thing if I just shoved it with all discs who knows maybe maybe I’ll see maybe I’ll see what the

World record is and try to break try to break it anyways getting onto those final distance drivers we got the bayonet I just added this to my bag this one’s in the alpha plastic and this is a bomber added distance in comparison to the warbird slightly bigger Rim easier

To grab that distance without having to flex it and it’s complimenting the war bird incredibly for me I’ll probably end up with multiple of these in my bag as I season this one in so look for me to really lean on the bayonet when I need distance and I’m not too worried about

Flipping it over even though these have great integrity the minus 22 I’d say is a bit misleading on the bayonet i’ I’d call it more of a almost a zero2 truly next is going to be the alpha sigin this disc has some of the most Integrity in

The lineup on a backhand I’d argue it’s definitely up there IA Canin it to those overstable kind of pd2 n type of disc that a lot of people love so if you want something big rim stable in that backand made right here in the US Texas made

Plastic try and off of plastic it’s going to have massive skip potential with that stiff plastic and that large Rim as well as the over stability and it’s going to have quite a few uses last but definitely not least this is the most overstable disc in my bag uh

Sorry the chupacabra beats this one but in terms of the fast disc this one is definitely up there and it’s not too far behind the chupacabra honestly and that’s the tombstone this is that new Alpha GL nice flat top the reason I like this over the sigin for forehand is because

That Flat Top is a bit more comfortable in the hand similar rim width though so you can get those big skips out of it you can play it on Flex shots you can play it into the headwind and it’s not going to think about turning unless you

Turn it out of your hand one of the cool things about this icon bag is you have this big velcro velcro patch in the front so you know I got my Lone Star Championship got my discology logo shout out OTB disc only the best truly got the

Little astronaut here here you know got a rep Texas and uh what else we have we have a mini pocket here in the front put your mini marker very crucial um storage wise on the sides we’re going to have some extra storage we’re going to have

These big tall pockets on both sides and in this one let’s see I got one towel two big towels and then we also have this kind of side pocket right here that you guys can see and it’s got some elastic it’s a space to hold your phone

Uh space to put maybe a little first a put your keys in there also have a couple marker holders right here for your Sharpies tons of room in these Side Pockets let’s see what the other ones got you know definitely a spot for your rain jackets oh wait since I’m this overprepared guy

Like you said it might be sunny right now but hey Texas has a lot of mood swings weatherwise so got our gloves usually I only use the left one keep the right one for throwing you know but you got to have them another couple towels attached here to the

Bag what else I got in here there another one of these pouches I got insect spray in there got some emergency finger glue you know got a drive bag for backup chalk also got on these couple clips that you have in the back great for clipping on

Your towels I’ve got my chalk bag right there always got to have the chalk on me you’all know what else do I have I think uh I think we’re kind of getting down there to the end we showed you guys the penny putter pouch and this last side pouch

Right here is going to have a pocket specifically sized for your Rangefinder and it is it has elastic and it doesn’t quite go all the way to the bottom so you’re not going to be setting your bag down and it’s going to be hitting the ground it stops a little short so that

Rangefinder is going to be protected at all times and there’s also a lot more room in there to throw your water bottle slide some snacks in there by the rangefinder I don’t have any currently since I haven’t played a real round in here here but the snacks are going to be

Crucial having storage for water on both sides if you want to load it up having storage for disc on both sides if you want to load it up there’s a lot of variability that you can pack this bag with regardless of how you want to pack

It it carries a lot of discs about 20 in this main compartment two to three in each of these pouches these side pouches can carry three to five depending on if you want to go drivers or Putters so Endless Options here at the icon bag and I’m really excited to be carrying it

This season as well as to keep my eyes out for one of the new upcoming bags from discology this spring there’s going to be a new drop I can’t wait to get my hands on it and to show you guys how its features differ from this icon bag once

Again this is the crimson red and don’t forget the ways that you can support me with discology while getting yourself an affordable bag is use code Conor 10 it’ll save you 10% and those proceeds will support me on my tour for the 2022 season really excited to hit the road

Fly this Lone Star plastic out there on the disc golf pro tour and put down my most consistent season yet with a fantastic bag on my shoulders that’s going to be all for this offseason in the bag SL new sponsor reveal big shout out to discology for having me on the

Team and for creating that code to not only save you guys money on an already really affordable disc golf bag but also to help put some gas money in me Pockets you know that van be guzzling it so this headwin too when it’s blowing you never

Know what it’s going to do to your gas mileage look for some kind of more bag updates through throughout the year to let you guys know how my bag is Shifting throughout the season I don’t know I’m almost thinking about maybe making a series after each tournament maybe where

I highlight a couple discs that I really relied on during that tournament so if you guys think that would be a good idea comment in the comments below saying that you like that thank you guys for all the support don’t forget to like And subscribe and if you’re looking for

Those Tour series discs from lonar disc they’re coming out very soon so keep your eyes peeled for that I can’t wait for you guys to get your hands on them and to add some more birdie ability to your bag that’s right I said it again also the people I loone star are so

Generous that they said you know what vlogmas might be done but code Clover 20 is going to live on in perpetuity so keep using that code keep saving yourself 20% on those Texas made goodies and we’ll see you guys very soon the Sun is setting on day bag shoot

Home run new bag who this


  1. Thank you Connor!
    What does your new van wrap look like? How about “What’s in the van” as a video? How you make it happen during the regular season. ☮️

  2. Always love these. I am loving the Horny Toad. Can you comment a bit how you use the two different Toads? What makes you grab each one and how do you think it differs from copperhead?

  3. Congrats Connor! Love my discology OGv2 bag! Great prices for quality bags! They have great warranty and support too.

  4. It would be cool to hear a little bit of post tournament thoughts on what discs worked and what maybe didn't or what you should have tried. Either way the process could help you and others and give you another subject to Vlog about.

  5. Definitely an "in the bag" we've been waiting for. Glad to see you embrace the Bayonet! I called it on your first vlogmass video that once you dug into it, it'd make the bag. Absolute bomber. Good luck on tour and can't wait to see more content.

  6. Love the in the bag! Way to do an in-depth bag review!! Great to see what you packed it with. Good luck this year. Can’t see what your TS disc is for 2024

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