Golf Players

The Sony Open – PGA Betting & DFS

Odds are out! We’ll take a quick peek at the course, and the opening pricing and make a first-run model for the week.

0:00 Welcome!
1:00 First Look
3:45 Waialae Country Club
7:15 Opening the Model!
29:30 Final Thoughts

The Sony Open – PGA Betting & DFS

Hi everyone good morning welcome to bsbs golf and the Sony Open First Look Ry un here joined by my friend who is ready to go today big day in the world of Ron Claus uh PGA splits 101 here on Twitter massive Michigan football fan uh is

Gonna put the Michigan fandom I he can’t put the Michigan fandom aside I was gonna say he was gonna put the Michigan Phantom aside for half an hour here to talk about uh what we got going on and what we need to look at at the Sony

Opens Ron what’s going on buddy hey it’s a beautiful day um National Championship Monday uh it’s been a long time uh been through a lot this year but uh looking forward to it uh great matchup you know awesome pass game Washington great defense Michigan so looking forward to

It and uh Hey gol season’s here too so it’s it’s a great time of year Michigan against the worlds uh continues on today should be a fantastic uh entertaining game uh this is going to be a new uh new feature for us want to give a first look uh get early thoughts

On as the betting board opens you typically our our bets birs golf subscribers know you this is usually when Ron and I are firing out a lot of our first bets of the week this is the board kind of populates here we’ve had some early odds we have some odds that

Just came out on DraftKings FanDuel uh if you happen to have Fanatics points bet uh they are out in Market now too uh but I think it does help to have a sense of what you need to look at and we want to help you do that as well if you are

Not familiar with what we have going on we have a a new tool that I think you would be very very excited about if you somehow are following this account you haven’t seen it you’re following Ron at PJs spits 101 on Twitter uh you do anything in the golf speculation space

One and duns fantasy golf DFS uh or you bet the rabbit hole on betsperts is going to be a massive Aid in helping you do that we have um the ability for you to customize models in a very simplistic way save those pull them

Out to a CSV chop them up do whatever you want with them and we have stats filters and things that you will not find anywhere else in the space we want to share that with you uh and kind of get you a sense of what we want to look

At for the Sony Open there are very very very cheap ways to get access to it you just go over to bsps you could find the article on the rabbit hole to learn more about it you can also find a deal with our partners over at Vivid

Piix you can go over and download the Vivid pix app if you’re not with Vivid picks it’s like Vivid Seats the company that sells You Secondhand tickets um they have a pick them game similar to some other ones you’ve probably seen this in the space uh you know prize

Picks Underdog some prominent ones that are out there same premise it’s a DFS pick them Style game uh but you can Pro you can use our promo code bets Spurs golf sign up with them five bucks $ five play and deposit for vivid and you can

Get a full year with us over at bsps golf where you go over to bsps golf and click on the plans page if you don’t have access to the vi pick steel or jump in our DMS on Twitter we can help you get access to that for

For cheap uh all right Rob we stay in Hawaii but like the parallels between walleye Country Club where we are for Sony and what’s going on last week at capala and props to Chris Kirk uh outstanding Strong finish for him in that loaded field $3.6 million for him

To start his year off pretty impressive performance there that’s pretty much where the parallels end we’re in Hawaii still but give me a quick thought on Sony and Walley and how it it differs massively from caloa yeah so we’ve got you know obviously last week we had a bigger

Field at the Sentry the biggest field ever and so we’ve got 36 players um I think that’s the most ever two ever making the trip really short trip about an hour way to aahu here in Honolulu and so yeah calua is completely night and day different you know you have these

Enormous amounts of slope um you heard you know if you watch the broadcast you know the toughest walking golf you know the elevation changes are so dramatic and you know just it’s just such what in my opinion what makes it such a fun tournament is it’s so just great to

Watch those visuals and then the ocean and um but yeah you come here to Wii and it’s the actually the flattest course on tour um it’s probably the easiest walk and so you have these you know just difference that way and then capoo has these massively wide Fairways Wy has these tight Treeline

Corridors um now one one difference that people you know I think get a little bit wrong here is wildlife Fairways are actually wide they’re like the 12th widest on tour it’s just that the trees kind of overhang the Fairway and it’s almost like a claustrophobic feeling off the tea

Because they’re so packed in there but the fairways itself are are have some width to them it’s just if you’re off the Fairway you’re going to be hitting you know shots to the green that are going to be you know with trees in your way and there’s going to be all sorts of

Obstacles that way because the angles are so acute there’s like six dog leg holes um so and then the greens you know the the greens are another huge difference um obviously capalo are are one of the biggest on tour but a lot more slope and grain um whay are they’re

Smaller they’re flatter and they’re much easier to put on so just complete night and day difference between these two courses good Ryan you’re muted I have no idea why no one’s saying anything to you sorry I’m going uh Ron’s texting me I’m sorry I’m looking at I’m looking at the odds board

I apologize um so a new Fields is what I was blabbering on and on about is uh you know so we typically have these guys that come here year overy year and course is pretty sticky this year uh is a little different because we have some

Guys that seem to be good fits uh but haven’t been here annually and they are at the top of the board luig orberg uh Tyrell Hatton Matthew Fitzpatrick these guys are not typically here they’re currently at the top of the odds board to open up uh we got you know Wills

Aloris back who we haven’t seen for a while which I’m excited about he seems to be uh maybe a little bit shorter in the odds boards than I I thought he would be to open but let’s take a look at some of the stats here that we have

Uh we bring up the rabbit hole and kind of walk through some thoughts here Ron uh and just give people a look at it and you can see some of the things that we can do to maybe tell the story about what matters here in a way that’s maybe

Different than what people have been able to do before uh if we could bring that up here Andy sorry about that and I was looking at the odds board and talking into uh the abyss all right pretty straightforward tool if you have not seen this or used

It before uh you can manipulate the field we’re here at the Sony Open obviously uh there are all these filters that you can uh mess around with here change your rounds change your time frame um there are conditions here the list is long uh and vast and I think

Allows you to again tell a story that’s maybe a little bit more whole than some of the stuff you’ve been able to do in the past when you’re looking at customizable stat databases like this um you’re just looking like I said at the top of the field you see some of these

Guys that were talking about oberg not a great performance uh last week or last weekend here in uh his debut at capala a guy that’s very straight off the te which I’m be going to be interested to see how that plays here a little bit too

Ron but um let’s just look at who’s been playing some really good golf as of late there’s some really key ranges from a um second shot standpoint here we talked about positional golf you have to be really good off the te but everyone ends up in that like 125 to you know

175 bucket in terms of approach and we can capture that here uh real quick is there anything that jumps out to you in terms of those guys the top of the board while I bring this up um that haven’t been here before but maybe how they fit for this

Course yeah so this is a huge course history you know layout here at w I think there’s only been one um debutant who’s ever won here and at least in the past 15 years I know Russell Henley won I believe in 2013 um but course history is actually

The second most correlated here to Performance um second only to Augusta National and so you know there’s it’s it’s a little hard to put your finger on why but I just think this course is unique in a lot of ways whether it’s you know just the dog legs

The the positional nature um the rough is longer than you’d expect like it’s three inches here it actually used to be two and a half inches until last year they bumped it up a half an inch um and so obviously they’re playing from Bermuda uh Bermuda grass wall to wall

And so obviously we saw some of that last week um in caloa where you know It’s just tough around the green when you get that Bermuda grain especially if you’re hitting into the grain um so it can be a little tricky around the green here as well so kind of kind

Of bring that into play a little more this week as well U but yeah I mean uh I think for me personally even a guy like you know abber just you know as as talented as he is now he’s he’s already proven he can win at courses he’s never

Seen before I think this one you have to also take into mind just how tough it is for a first- Tim so that’s in my thought process as well probably you know with with him being at the top of the board you know kind of bypassing him this week

Um I think Fitzpatrick who’s never played here I think he’s maybe his game is a little better fit but you know for me it’s you have this range where you get into the 20s with you know Henley Harmon um Corey Connors you know um you

Know you look at Chris Kirks in there at 35 I guy like JT Poston who had a great week last week you know just you know Matt coocher obviously is plays good here every single year almost um so yeah just those guys who are very positional

Um in nature with how they go from point A to point B on the course who have good short games who can putt on Berita greens um kind of that group of guys is who I’ll be looking at mostly this week yeah I I I agree with you like I I

I’m surprised actually that Kirk’s still out there at 35 talk about this often uh and just kind of joke about it Andy and I often do on the betting shows like uh we want form and then you win and it’s like well we cross you off the list like

You got too much for him we got to look somewhere else I thought Kirk would be a little bit shorter to be honest after the win uh him being still out there at 35 is a little bit interesting to think about that a little bit more but uh just

Want to show folks here to what you could do um in cutting up this data here on the rabbit hole you can see here looking at Fairway approach accuracy we talked about um how important it is to be in the right position here Ron talked about the fairways being a little bit

Wider than the perception though positional golf matters quite a bit you want to be in the spot where uh you can set up and get that second shot these are smaller greens for you to be able to score here so you can cut up from a fairway proximity range which I think is

Really ma uh is important you we’re just looking here this is capturing uh currently the last six months with all rounds played but you can manipulate that you want to go back the last five years you could do that here you want to go for the last you know eight rounds

100 rounds you can go way back and and uh and do that too let’s take a look too Ron I want to do a couple things off the te because I think there’s some uh ways that we can capture this that I think are a little bit different um we talk

About accuracy off the te and I think accuracy uh is very in terms of how driving accur accuracy is captured it’s a very like binary stat in terms of like Fairway no Fairway right and that that can be a little bit noisy uh in relation to uh like telling the actual story

About how someone is off the te now that is something that you could put into your models here which I think is something that is uh unique in the space you can also capture total driving which again is a flawed stat but a stat that

Does tell a story in terms of you know combinate you know combining your uh distance and accuracy into a single metric um you know good drive percentage is is a shot that’s going to allow you to you know your drive put you in a position to get on the green on your

Approach shot I think these are all interesting I like taking a look at driving accuracy together with distance from the edge of the Fairway because I think that tells a story that’s a little bit more uh in terms of a consistent driver off the from an accuracy

Standpoint so um you can do that and tie those together um for me when I’m going to create models uh very simple if you wanted to do that here all you do is hit this plus column it’s going to add it to a list and then when you hit this create

Mixed condition model it’s going to take you to a page where you can weigh the percentage of how much you want to weigh each stat we could do it real quick at the end but like for me when I want to capture accuracy this season I think I’m

Going to do a combination of both where I’m always going to have accuracy and distance from the of the Fairway and then just weigh them in a way that just you know doesn’t give them too much weight but just kind of captures so say if I wanted to weigh it

10% maybe I go five of each um because I do think you’ll see a story where the guys that are um distance from the edge of the Fairway guys are your historically really good drivers of the golf ball you could see here just looking at it real quick uh we have you

Know pretty small sample for some of these guys up top you know Ben Kohl’s is a guy that has had a nice little run in the corn fairy tour Aaron ry’s a guy that we always think of as an accurate driver seu the defending champ you know Brennan Todd is definitely an accurate

Driver and you could see right there’s some uh combination here of of accuracy off the te and distance from the edge of the Fairway but you get a little bit more of a a different story in terms of uh Hideki a former Champ here who is not

Necessarily popping in like the yes no accuracy stats but in terms of where he is historically from the edge of the Fairway he puts himself in position I think to score Ron yeah let me interrupt here for a second real quick so this is a feature

That I think you know is is really unique to our site um so if you go up Ryan if you go to the minimum rounds up there and so so say if you want to get rid of those you know obviously four rounds is not a good sample size so you

Have options here you can if you want to start at eight rounds if you want to go a little heavier and kind of weed out those guys and what it’s going to do once you select one of those you know it’s going to re rerank the players and

So a guy like you know kerawa or Ben Kohl’s you know they’re going to be taken off the list and you know you could you know kind of rerank players out way and you get more maybe more accurate perception of of those guys but but yeah like you said um I think you

Made a great point because when you’re looking at um distance from the edge of the Fairway for me especially on a course like this uh at Wy here where you know you could be in the Fairway but you still may have to deal with trees overhanging and so this course you know

Like similar to Harbor Town or some somewhere like that you know you want to be not only in the Fairway but on the correct side of the Fairway and so when you’re looking at distance from the edge of the Fairway that stat kind of like you said you know that shows the guys

Who have that pinpoint accuracy who when they miss they’re not missing by much and so yeah when you combine those together like you see Brenda Todd he’s he’s obviously one of the guys I like this week a lot um Aron Ry like you said so yeah I think that’s just a great way

To kind of merge those two together and I think a lot of people still for me at least good drive percentage is the key stat for this because you know basically I I think a lot of people are still look conf confus on what that means like good

Drive is almost more of an approach to that than it is off the te um but it’s kind of both ways but basically what it is is on on all par fours and Par fives it’s the number of Fairways hit plus the numbers of greens and regulation if you

Miss the Fairway on your t-shot so basically um it gives a really good idea of of players who even if you miss the Fairway you’re a good player out of the rough wherever you end up at you may be in a bunker but you still have that

Talent to get the ball to the green and so I think when you combine you know good drive percentage with accuracy and distance from the edge of the Fairway you know again that distance from the edge of the Fairway stat the only where you can find it is here where you can

Actually customize it you can rank it you can look over different time frames um I think that’s a very powerful tool here yeah no I totally agree now we also have another thing that we were talking about before the show which is new for us because we you know we just pushed

Through some pretty exciting updates in the past couple of days uh and I have not played around with this at all but I want to take a look at a unique filter filter that I want you to tell us about here if you go into the filter by

Condition section and you could see here you can cut this up in a ton of ways I also think you know there’s their ability to create uh maybe too much of be careful like putting so many of these filters on together I think it’s important to maybe like put a filter or

Two and take a look when you start to get into like I’m going to put all these filters all at once cut up the data you’re going to get yourself into a pretty noisy sample size either you’re going to have to go back so far to pull

A meaningful sample size of the data uh that it might be kind of meaningless so I think there are are times where like you want to look at a couple of these together maybe one at a time and pull it uh and then go back and take a look and

Then you know reset and pull it if that makes sense you start to click all of the specific conditions you’re going to get into some really small sample sizes where like one event matters and now you’re having to get to get to 20 rounds you need five years the event and a lot

Can change in the guys uh guy’s game but less than driver run uh is an option for us here as I scroll down you could tell people about uh how we are capturing that and why you think that matters here yeah so you know as most people who

Follow golf know you know off the tea is a huge part of the game and you know most of these courses are different off the tea in certain ways you know we saw last week you know caloa you have this you know ability to kind of bomb away on

Many holes um there’s capalo is kind of unique though because you know you get such extreme roll out due to the slope of the fairways that you know on a lot of those holes you don’t even necessarily have to hit driver so that Capo may not be the best example but you

Know if you’re taking you know a bombers course like a Tory Pine South um where you can just you know whale away off the tea um that’s clearly a you know a bombers you know driver course driver heavy I think we have um listed here and

Then you have like this week is a perfect example of a less than driver course I don’t have the numbers in front of me but you know basically how how I put that tool together for this um this specific filter was looking at you know percentage of drives that are hit over

280 yards um and also just kind of reading you know player interviews and you kind of going back and looking at shot data as far as you know how many drivers are being used off the tea compared to you know woods and uh you know irons and so basically just just

Putting every single course into one of those buckets and obviously there’s some courses that are kind of mixed um and so you can kind of capture that as well um if it’s not kind of one or the other but I think it’s just a really neat way to

You know a lot of people always say you know I wish I knew you know how a guy played off the tea on you know less than driver courses where they’re clubbing down most of the time um so you can do that here you can capture that and you

Can go back and look at specifically those courses and you know okay how good does a guy go just just off the tea and so yeah for this week I think it’s a really uh really cool thing to to be able to look at yeah it is I think it’s like I said

We’re being able to tell the off the te story I think in a way that is different than uh what you’ve been able to do in the past in terms of like we said the accuracy the less than driver stuff and you can see here we click that filter

And that filter is uh is populating right above here the players list where you could see uh you know what your what Your filters are let you know too when you start to add more things uh this also this little red dot which I love populates and let you know

That you have a filter uh on there too so which is which is pretty cool this is uh looking at the last 12 months last 36 rounds played again we so you see when you get into a unique filter like this we don’t even get to 36 rounds uh but

This is showing you uh Strokes gained off the T less than driver uh which I think is an interesting story and these are guys that we would maybe expect right you have some you know Cam Davis has played really well here Cory Connor’s always very popular he had some

Strong finishes Aaron Ry populating again Russell Henley historically a very popular walleye guy and again uh you know ludc again populating which is uh very very interesting to see so again some unique filters that you could do here as well mention let say this real quick I haven’t even looked at that yet

But just looking at that list like you see you know Cam Davis Kind of has this the perception about him is that you know he’s he really plays good on these shorter less than driver courses because it’s almost like he has to Club down off the te which removes you know kind of

His wildness and so um I think you know you see right there that’s that’s a perfect thing and then just really quick if you’re looking at the rounds okay there the ones in blue numbers obviously now you see the parentheses so what we we’ve done here obviously every round play does not have

Shot link uh which is the PJ tours system to provide you know all these Strokes gained and all the all the course data so what we have is we have the ability to kind of look and see okay how much of what I’m looking at was

Actual data on short on shot courses um and when you click on you know when you click on that round number it will take you to the players um log as far as the um you know their recent performances however many rounds you’re looking back and you know this is really cool too

Because it will show you exactly how they did on these courses what was their as as we’re looking at right here what was their exact driving accuracy for you know for that round and so um you can do this for every single view whether it’s Strokes gained um we’ve got a new you

Know there’s there’s so many things like we could literally do a whole show just on this this tool with the miscellaneous metrics like if you want to look at Club head speed on less than driver coures like you can look at literally anything you want to come up with like you know

This is something I’ve dreamed about for years and uh so yeah I could I could literally talk about this all day but I’ll stop for now yeah no that’s a good call out I I uh I like that new feature you can go in and see and if you want to

Look at course history uh like you said you can go into uh the specific course right here uh and you can change for we have up to the last five years you want to get a sense of you know how they perform specifically on the course you

Can do that as well if you want to uh get access specifically to the course history stuff but uh yeah also want to look too we mentioned some other stuff that’s unique being able to split some of this stuff uh from rough and Fairway we also do that around the green and

Around the green I think does matter here a little bit wrong because we do have the smaller greens and you did mention that they are um a little bit uh the rough has been grown out a little bit too so you have the ability here to look at the

Scrambling um but not just specifically from scrambling you can go ahead and break it down from uh scrambling from the rough or from the Short Grass which I think matters a ton too because we know when you think of the shaved runoffs you think of like scrambling

Around at Augusta or something like that or you know I always think of like Southern Hills a couple years ago for the PGA like that’s a very different scrambling situation than what you’re gonna have here right when you have kind of the apron around the green that’s

Going to capture everything um so the ability to maybe capture that in a different way I think is pretty exciting to Ron yeah and that’s that’s the whole reason behind that is you know you have obviously the scrambling is in different areas you know you have your sand saves

From your bunkers you have the ru rough you know rough can be a little bit of an issue here it’s a little bit a little bit higher a little bit thicker obviously the grainy Bermuda um but then if you just want to capture you know how

Does a player perform you know from the Fairway from a tight lie you know from a collection area um and obviously this doesn’t account for you know is it on a slope you know things like that but you know just from you know we hear all the

Time about how tough it can be even you know you know us who golf ourselves when we play you know it’s it’s harder you know when you’re on those tight lives to get it to the green and so you know it captures that really well and and you

Can even go in the filter um in the filter by condition area and we have specifically courses that are tough um you know in that area who have tough Shore grass um so if you have a tough that’s really hard around the greens you can select that option um it’s way I I

Keep going there but um but yeah um when you get in the around the green section A Little More down keep going we there’s so much on here it’s unbelievable so yeah scrambling from the short grass so if you selected how does a player you know on difficult courses in that area

It will take you to just those courses that are difficult around the green um from tight lies and so yeah that’s just another way you can just analyze um you know kind of uh that around the green area yep very very straightforward um we’re not going to run the model all the

Way through for you show you real quick how easy it is to do it you can come back uh to our vetting preview with myself and uh Andy tomorrow uh if you want to read Ron’s preview that’ll be on the site if you want to know uh what Ron

Is uh putting in his model the cool thing too that you can do for our site as well obviously you could save all these uh when you’re building all these out if you want to run just like hey I run the same model every week uh I just

I don’t want to have to like rerun it all the time and re like populate it it will save you can just come in and push the button rerun it with a new field updated and have that you want to look at like you just build a baseline form

Model or scoring model or uh you know a a recent form approach whatever you want to do you could save all these you could also get access to a models that we build every week too you go here into the uh view expert ranking section uh

You can go ahead and get what we have here uh from our staff uh which is really cool I think and useful for people too you just want to get a sense of hey I don’t even care what your model is per se but I just want to get a sense

Of what you’re adding to the model what you’re valuing that week you can see what Ron and I are doing you can see what Andy’s doing and make your models and go from there um so all you need to do is put you hit this little plus

Button it’ll add it in there so let’s just you know because we’re talking about scrambling for the rough you can make your own notes whatever you want to do here and hit add again I’m GNA have some stuff that’s in here from Walley but just to show you how it goes you

With this mix condition model um and you can go ahead and change the weights here you can see here again I’m this is not accurate for what we’re W to do for this event but just to show you the premise and how it does it defaults to weighing

Everything evenly so you get 100% you got to put a name up here too uh for it to save all you simply do is hit save and generate the model it will kick it out you can see here if I scroll down real quick I got a bunch of stuff you we

Started playing around and putting some stuff in here last year I have a master’s model uh I have something from LACC um you know I have an off the te model that I’ve saved that we could play around with um driving accuracy model so all these are saved and I can just go

Ahead and run them uh every single week so very very straightforward for you to do very userfriendly if you have any questions and you can’t do that anywhere else only place here you can save as many as you want which is another unique feature yeah and the CSV future is

Absolutely crucial like I said you just want to you know build and weigh them a bunch you want to put a bunch of them together and then smush those models together download them into a CSV you can go ahead and do all of that in there

As well which I think is uh is really really cool so yeah we’re we’re excited about it want to let you get your hands on it again uh it is cheap and there are even cheaper ways to do it uh you can jump on into our DMS we find any of us

On social find our bsps golf on social you’ve seen it we’ve been sharing some stuff there and just go to the site too you can click on the article it’s a free article to read called The Rabbit Hole uh Ron broke down all the unique features that are in there things that

You can’t find anywhere else uh the ways to cut up the data whether it’s Unique filters conditions all those things so pretty excited about it uh we’re going to save the good stuff all the picks uh will be coming here you want to get access to our Discord we all the things

That Ron and I are pushing through our picks Andy will get in there too with all of his matchups later in the week Andy is uh has crushed those the last couple years 72 whole matchups uh come back for the betting show on Tuesday Ron will be here with h Byron the model

Maniac on Wednesday uh to talk about the DFS slate uh I’ll be talking about how to use this and cut this up as well so I’ll Rong anything for the folks as they as they leave you want to get a little like Hail To the victor chant going or

Anything no no we we’ll sa that for tonight um but yeah no love love doing this um looking forward to doing this show every week and uh kind of providing everyone just kind of an early look um and just kind of what we’re thinking from a model perspective and obviously

The rabbit hole is going to be a huge part of that so um yeah just once you get in there that’s why we call the rabbit hole because it’s it’s really hard to get out of there there’s so many things you can look at and even like you

Said the CSV is huge you know again cannot do that on any other site and even if you didn’t want to use our model that’s that’s kind of what I have done in the past is I’ll use just download csvs and I’ll combine all my filters

Together and add my own weights and so if you want to do it that way you know there’s many ways you can do it and that gives you that flexibility um so yeah looking forward to this year and uh yeah tonight will be huge Let’s Go Blue yeah

One of the thing I I missed this one this is something that I AB I’ve absolutely love so far when you’re on The Strokes game page uh you can filter it we were looking at things by ranking you can actually look at the actual number as well like an average of total

Uh Strokes gains you can also look at percentage of rounds gains uh which I definitely want to highlight next week when we talk about this in show because I think that that’s an incredible feature looking at not just like where they rank in comparatively to their

Peers but also how often in terms of a consist consistency standpoint looking at the percentage of rounds gained I think is a massive Advantage too and again tell us a different story and that’s what we’re trying to do is help you make better decisions when you go to

The window when you’re building DFS lineups and related to that we have a floor ceiling filter coming soon as well which is going to show you basically you know for any of those Strokes gain metrics you know was a guy gaining you know five plus round uh Strokes gain per

Round off the t is you know what’s their you know kind of their floor and their ceiling levels which is which is really important for Showdown if you play that on DraftKings um and just in general like just you know you want to pick High you know ceiling guys when you’re

Playing you know whether it’s multi- entering and DFS tournaments um so it’ll kind of give you that ability to look at you know who’s more consistent who’s more you know volatile and so I think that’s another key addition that we’ll be coming out with very soon here yep so

We’ll be back we’ll be in the spot uh every Monday morning 9: Eastern just you know little quick First Look grab some coffee talk about what we think matters this week run through some of the stuff here in The Rabbit Hole uh to get you

Set up to to take a look at the opening odds boards as they kind of populate here on a Monday morning so we appreciate you hanging out with us uh come back next week we’ll do it all again but come back on Tuesday for the betting show uh for my with myself and

Andy Moler so for Ron hopefully we give him a national title tonight uh and myself will see you all soon thanks everybody

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