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GGBC Boxing Awards Show 2023 | George Groves Boxing Club

This is the big one. The one they’ve all been waiting for… the second annual GGBC Awards!

George and Dec are suited and booted – kind of – to reflect on an incredible year of boxing and announce the winners of some of the most prestigious awards on the planet including Fight of the Year, Breakout Star of the Year, Story of the Year and the jewel in the crown; Elite Club Member of the Year.

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Welcome to this year’s inaugural second attempt it can’t be inaugural that means first but keep going does it yeah thought it just meant prestigious keep going what a start no inaugural means first but this is the inaugural what’s is a pen augural uh second is fine second second annual

It’s second annual ggb Awards end of year Awards like 2023 and our first you could say this the inaugural one since we come to this nice studio and we’re not satting a cupboard somewhere in SoHo you could have told me that like 15 seconds ago yeah yeah so this is the

First one we’ve done on YouTube actually on camera on camera yeah to just before we start to Mark the occasion do you want to it’s Christmas isn’t it do you want to drop yeah is that from this year or last year who cares I don’t it goes

At a date shout out Bailey each and every I mean it is should we say what time it is in the day but that’s that’s a nice sound do ASMR pass me that glass over there I’ll do that on the mic people love ASMR ready for

This oh yeah got a shot of Bailey very nice yeah uh cheers to you mate cheers to times are tight there you there go cheers to the club just in case we need to do this again always Dr responsibly y um yeah Merry Christmas I I guess bad

News to start with though I was looking for the deal ringside tie I was going to say couldn’t find it this is this just I mean I had to get on eBay to try and get something closest because we did have a question this year didn’t we saying have

We still got the tie in the answer is no yeah if anyone if anyone has SP it and yeah we don’t need a shirt plus I haven’t got like a ggbc shirt so yeah you got to keep maintain some sort of standard coming next year um you’re

Obviously in court later yeah I’ve got a I’ve got a wedding then I’m up in court um how’s the year been for you George 2023 good year for for boxing yeah good year for boxing I’m looking forward to next year I think next year’s going to be a massive year of boxing

We’re talking about this year but n this year this year right this year this year’s been good I tell you what we got a lot of awards to get through tonight and we got some some tasty winners so that is time to celebrate yeah um but a good year of boxing deck what’s

Been your stand it’s been well we go into the fights and stuff but it’s been a good year we had Crawford Spence finally we had Davis Garcia finally we had well they’ve made the Undisputed world heavyweight title fight for February it’s next year but still they made it

This year I think it’s been a good year I think you can’t not to be sniffed at most importantly for the sport this podcast is now on YouTube yeah I think that’s a major Moment In Sport we the biggest moment in boxing this year I mean it’s it’s right up there yeah so

You know I do these you know after a show if I’ve gone there and I’ve worked there’s a line of YouTube sort of channels that want to just get your take on that even evening work they always used to plug the ggbc but now we’re on YouTube there’s a hesitancy behind it uh

So I’ve got pull them on it we’re Rivals we are Rivals now do you want a minc pie I beg your pardon do you want uh oh that’s more ASMR have a listen to that you want a m pie I’m not look at my nose no thank you not yet maybe later

Yeah okay um should we get should we get fired into these Awards George we we we we kind of need at some point yeah I would say so so I mean first and foremost this is what every fighter is dreaming of and working towards I mean they might not want to win every

Category but one day they they just might you know yeah so we’ve got of course fighter of the year we’ve got knockout of the year we’ve got trainer of the year uh we got guest of the year I mean that’s probably the Holy Grail of of actual Awards anything I’ve missed yeah

We’ve got it’s the same lineup of Awards as last year and will be for eternity until we close the doors of this club we’ll do the same list of awards you’ve named some of them there’s a few a few special ones like feature of the year uh

Promoter of the Year promote all of these ones all the big hitters but the crucial thing we need to stress here George because this might impact our ability to book guests next year yeah every single one of these Awards is voted for by our listeners not by us so

Don’t come to us when you don’t win your award it’s not our fault you can blame everyone on Twitter and Instagram is that that’s not liable because no blame each and every one of them but not us okay I’m just washing our hands and Shout Out Archie of why would anyone

Blame someone and not just celebrate in their Victorious you know award well and if there is a bit of controversy then let it go viral that’s what boxing’s about yeah but it’s not our fault right it’s our listener’s fault and articulated them every single vote was counted every single one and there were

Thousands of them this isn’t like you it’s not like Trump you know president election sort of count is it no no these were this is official official counting of course George there was a very special award maybe the one that sits above all the others and the one that

Really everyone wants to win Y and that is the ECM of the Year ECM mean an elite club member and that is the person who’s come on this pod as a guest and spoken to us y the reigning and defending ECM of the Year from our inaugural Awards is

Kyle D Coba FR from that famous episode which we repurposed this year so he could win it again but I’m no can you of if he got voted for then he’s the winner he can’t win the same award I mean it’s like it’s like if you get off on a

Murder charge you can’t get charging it again he won the world can’t win again you can’t he won the world title multiple times and he could win this but listen he’s in the running alongside the likes of leis van po of course pooie uh Nathan Heeney was in the runin Ellie

Scottney was in the running Ben Shalom Barry Jones Brandon Scott they’re the ones in the running and that’s not everyone we’ve had on they’re the people who the people with the most votes so will’ll reveal the winner of that in due course yes so our first category up this

Year deck is knockout of the Year spicy one so uh who are nominations there’s a there’s a long list of them um firstly Anthony joshu against Robert helenius yes I was there I was there it was wasn’t supposed to be helenius of course it was supposed to be Dylan white

Until drug test uh got in the way of that Robert H has stepped in people some people backing him to you know give AJ some trouble he box he boxed the week before didn’t he he was quite fit and ready uh but he got chinned into next

Week by AJ um right hand over the top sent him down and he’s a big old boy as well so it was very dramatic it was nice he showed up showed low right hand over went over like an old man he did and then Joshua jumped out and started

Drinking um Stout in the crowd of Conor McGregor remember oh yes uh that’s only one of the nominations another one is wood Warrington I’ve got a problem with this being a nomination but again this was nominated by the listeners y remember that stoppage lee wood sort of

Behind in the fight and then he he lands a flurry on warington who goes over gets up and he’s like back to the ref and gets stopped in the corner yes for me that’s not a knockout that’s a stoppage yeah a stoppage I mean it was a dratic

Moment but it’s not a knockout is it a TKO on box W yeah of course yeah KN out of the year not knock out of the year so whoever voted for that you should be ashamed of yourself um Lee Woods up again and that was against maritzio Laro

That was a proper knockout that was a proper knockout um so lee wood obviously devastating puncher in fact he won knockout of the year last year so he’s the reigning defending Champion there because he knocked out uh Michael conin Michael conin yeah um so that’s he’s up

For two Wood’s got a better chance there I think nakatani against Maloney that was absolutely maybe the most vicious looking one of the year we put that on our social this is pretty pretty and pretty you know the problem with this these sorts of things these you can’t

Get a voice note from him except in the speech well definitely not but annually you know with annual Awards I basically have no concept of time and it just lays be the fact that I that for me feels like it was about four years ago right

Um when was it I don’t know like February three weeks ago yeah yeah and equally things I thought happened this year actually happened in 2007 y so yeah that’s just a problem for me anyway nakatani Malone is in there is that why you address a problem yeah exactly uh

Ben Whitaker against leonetti drei drei this I was there again same really good knockout bit of recency biased but that was a spicy one um Lopez leis Alberto Lopez against Michael conin yeah ECM Michael Conan yeah new in the club this year yeah do you know we don’t want him

Getting we don’t want that happening yeah so if if that wins sorry sorry Mick uh and last one was jile Jang against Joe Joyce yes both fights this year they were weren’t they first one of the copper box earli in the year and that one I mean that was really bad

Especially Joyce with like the supposedly you know the indestructible chin yeah much destructible yeah so there’s kudos for that as well depends what you like here I think whe you’re going The Prestige of who gets knocked out or whether you’re going on the actual knockout yeah like the the the

Visual of it yeah the and yeah what does it look like how did they hit the floor good news is we haven’t got we haven’t got to decide that ourselves cuz be here all day we do have a winner yep and also George we’ve got plin we do this is

Proper [ __ ] do you want to do the honors do the hon go take your bailees if you want nice plimp there George if you said that’s all ladies yeah uh regular list might notice that as our standard bookshelf that is normally just by their

Head but we’ve rep or is it not no no this is um commission from uh Awards even okay um nice tinsel you said young man here we go ready yeah do it uh there’s your camera and the winner is of knockout of the Year 2023 Ben Whitaker yeah we got we got some

[Applause] clapping yeah right well here is the acceptance speech from our first winner Ben whiter who it’s had a fantastic year but topped off with of course a knock out of the Year from the ggbc here it is KO of the year that sounds nice doesn’t it but guys you didn’t even send me a trophy no letter no nothing I’m disappointed but I’ll let you off I appreciate it best boxing podcast going right now I’ll be on there sometime next year check them out guys and check out The Knockout

Team thanks we drink to that won’t we Ben witha yes um knock out of the year yeah bit of recency by us but that was a spicy one do you know else is spicy the fact he put us on our toes about a lack of any sort of

Award yeah do you know when he said it I thought [ __ ] and then I thought yeah then I thought whose fault is it and um I’m blaming you Arie me Archie should we say next year’s Awards will get something tangible for these people yeah we’ I mean missed the boat I mean he’s

Got his Olympic medal he hasn’t won any major you know titles in the Pro ranks yet so our Ward would have sat literally next to that medal probably on his you know his his mother’s shelf or something as well he got silver at the Olympic so probably Eclipse it as well Brut yeah

It’s true anyway um it was some knockout was it he got a bit of stick well he has he always gets stick for the way that he showboats and and stuff but the fact is if you’re going to put people away oh my God everyone’s going to forgive you and

That was something else that knockout um he does he’s actually showbo in is quite high quality showbo good Jo like he he’s very good I mean there’s other Fighters out there who showbo and it does look a bit toilet whereas his is uh exceptional showboating um he’s not making

5-year-olds left right and center and you know what that knockout was that was a secret life of Alex ma knockout where vaporized dropped like the Mercury straight down I’m just saying that was that was archetypal so if you yeah if you don’t know what we’re talking about

Go and listen to the uh post off that’s not the inaugural time you’ve mentioned the second second yeah uh but yeah Ben wi is the winner of our first award okay right so now that brings us swiftly on to our second Award of the evening it is

Our for trainer of the Year deck trainer of the year um uh some we got some some really good trainers here in his these nominations a little rogue one from you as well you’re such a such a dad joke at the end there we’ll mention first one of

Course is the reigning and defending champion and that is Shane mcgan um yes you might have heard of him he runs a gym down in Lon had a great year yeah took CBS to win a world title took Ellie Scott to win a world title so he’s really caroling up them numbers climbing

The ladder yeah she’s on the verge one of the hottest prospects in in the country yeah European Champion now let’s not forget anyone in the gym I mean there’s Hassan and there’s Hassan’s injured love Hassan doesn’t count injured don’t count who else was there um Robbie Davis Jun is not there at the

Moment DAV junor he still coming back you know couple of guys have left him and lost is that a sign of a good trainer anything but the fact is the people who are there have they’ve had a that’s actually a ridiculous year that you’ve outlined but he’s not the only

Good trainer this year one of my favorite shouts is Brian boac McIntyre for couple of reasons firstly he steered Terence Crawford to a generational Victory one of the most unbelievable beatdowns in a mega fight in history that was a brilliant performance and yeah he’s the man in the corner and

You’re wondering could Crawford do this with any trainer or is boak actually you know playing a significant part then we see him link up with Chris Ubank Jr coming back off the off the back of a loss to Liam Smith a knockout a stoppage by Liam Smith and then he links up with

Brian BAC and it’s night and day isn’t it it’s a night and day performance uh but but he comes over the next day I mean he brings a lot of fir power to the uh to the camp the very next morning as he attempts to fly home from Manchester

Airport he uh he is sort of swept on by by officials and I don’t know what feds in the airport and he goes to prison you reckon we got feds in in Manchester Airport if you a’t got any gun guns on you depends but BAC goes to prison he

Goes to prison in I’m not sure up in up in the north he probably he probably trains a couple of world champions there who’ve never boxed before and now they’re in there like doing the prison championships yeah can you imagine yeah if he but this is a spoiler alert he

Actually got out so not only did he beat beat but he beat the case and he got home fre did you represent him yes he beat bak bak was freed uh so two massive wins and he beat the charge that three massive wins yeah three massive

How did he get into the UK with a gun yeah I don’t know we didn’t or did he just get one while whil out about producer Steve yeah I think Steve get us a firearm uh underneath that is Ben Davidson yes uh another good year for Ben obviously with lee wood in

Particular he’s also been integral to Fabio wardle’s career uh well he’s his trainer now as well is he he’s training out he’s like working with Robert Hodgins so he’s doing but he’s in he’s in he’s there in the performance center up there and obviously Fabio wardley good year for him he’s with more

Fighters than we even know about cuz he’s working now Joshua but he’s actually been doing little bits of adoc stuff with anony Joshua for quite some time by all accounts he’s part of the Deon Haney camp and we’ll get on to Haney later but Devin Haney shout for

Fighter of the year his dad bill is really the trainer but they brought in Ben Davidson so yeah he’s got his fingers in lots of mints pies uh Jamie Moore as well Jamie Moore steered obviously he’s a very busy gym most notably Chantel Cameron won that first

Fight against tayl against the odds and against the crowd and what not the first fight so another big year for Jamie Moore and the last one you put in the vote trainer of the year was the Air Force One I could think of any other trainers yeah just the first trainer

That came to mind yeah iconic yeah could have been Converse if you’ve got the black Air Force Ones on people know you mean business then someone’s getting hurt is it in fact Errol uh Errol Spence no teren Crawford was wearing Air Force Ones black Air Force Ones at that at

That weigh in for Terence Crawford for the air could he lose with them both trainers trainer of the year one on one on each foot anyway we do have a winner yes we do do you want to do this one I’ll do this in no bias absolutely not okay

Right and this year’s win the same bit of paper no it’s new one and this year’s winner of the ggbc 2023 trainer of the year is Shane mcgan W and still and still and still uh pleas he send us a video yeah did he he did okay he will and he says

This I am delighted to get the George Rose boxing podcast train of the year for a second time running uh two years in a bounce out of two I have to say I feel that it’s a bit it’s it’s a bit rigged it’s a bit fixed um but I’m all

For it because I’m getting the awards um or lack thereof as it were um two years on the spin No Award I hear they got a very good budget uh they’ve now upgraded to the ID boxing or boxing news Studios um proper Big Wigs these days and completely scrimping uh when you go

To an amateur tournament you get a little trophy the least that they could do is like like a little trainer trophy or something like that um disappointed Georgian deck but you know would expect nothing less from a pair of you guys but nonetheless thank you to all of the listeners for voting

Um and not the two people that are hosting appreciate it that was nice you can’t really dispute trainer of the year he’s produced two two world champions people do suggest we have a bias flying we have a bias towards sham CU he was he was your coach he was my coach his gym

Is about 10 minutes from my house uh but listen votes votes to votes um and contacts are contacts yeah Bak did well BAC did really well didn’t quite sent us a FaceTime from um the that norn gym yeah I can’t remember Bel Marsh whatever not sure he beat the rap but he

Didn’t beat Shane mcgan to trainer of the Year undefeated Shane mcgan so he’ be going for an unprecedented well obviously I’m impress because we haven’t ever had three years in a row but it’ll be going for the hat trick next year trial gr trial gr yeah uh trainer of the

Year Well Done Shane well done Shane well that brings us onto our next category which is promoter of the Year deck it’s the one that could get us in hot water bit of trouble they’re sensitive souls to promoters they are they are I mean Rivals come fighter to

Fighter but never quite the same as uh promoter to promoter last year as well the winner was Frank Warren and he won by one vote Yes um it’s a plethora of options we had a lot of a lot of nominations should we get through him first Ben Shalom was nominated ECM Ben

Shalom ECM I think it was off the back of that episode that people said this guy is serious serious and so they started voting for him yeah he did y he uh you question on his minerals and he said he said I got plenty got plenty I

Got plenty we got of course Eddie Hearn who’s still a transatlantic promoter yeah big fights over in the UK but some big ones over in the states as well massive fights uh ban and sunny ewards out there Devin Haney massive fight uh he was involved in the John Ryder Canelo

Fight of course um so Eddie Hearn obviously always going to be in with the running someone suggested Al Heyman now this is a great shout because he’s a promoter though that’s the thing I think yeah but PBC he is you know he’s he’s the head honcho at PBC yeah but

Technically if you’re we don’t want to get we don’t want to get no legal letters yeah because Tom Brown is often the Promoter on box track it never says Al Heyman but PBC have had an exceptional year with Spence Crawford and tank Davis against Ryan Garcia and David Benz against Demitrius Andre like

The list goes on they’ve had an exceptional PBC as a stable probably had the best year should we just say it they would PBC would have won PBC is not a promoter Al h’s not necessarily linked as a promoter and on them PBC shows there are different promoters so that

Might be why they didn’t get too many votes might be why they didn’t get too many votes uh and then we of course had so just votes for Saudi Arabia and now of course that’s not a promoter either that is a country um so can’t really WI

Promoter of the year um but I think what that alludes to is the emergence of Saudi and well you you know yeah there was skill skill challenge or SK skill challenge skill challenge was the first lot and that was Amir Abdullah uh and Prince can’t remember his name um but

Those guys were involved in Joshua usyk and those fights and then they were usurped in 2023 by the general entertainment Authority who’s like the overarching body lovely led by turkey Al Al Shake yep he is not the promoter either is um no because like Frank War it’s a Queensbury event well Frank

Warren’s on the list Frank Warren’s on the list and I guess that the involvement in Saudi will be would have been key to some of those he might be hitting double bubble doing all these shows here in the UK great shows realistic dust ups and and Beyond as

Well as dipping his toe he’s a trans Atlantic promoter as well de yeah I mean that’s not this other side of the Atlantic but I get I see what you’re getting at yeah he’s a trans golf c yeah promoter he’s trans Liberia I think anyway anyway we can’t give Saudi AR

Saudi Arabia is not a promoter neither’s turkey shake but to keep this sharper yeah sry yeah and then someone else just put Showtime again a broadcaster so if you vot if you voted and suggested that Showtime is a promoter then again you’re totally wrong and should be ashamed of

Yourself so do we have a winner and again can we stress at this point that these are vote this is votes and Ty is not our opinion yep because should we do it I think we should do you want to do it or should I yeah can I I’ll do it

Okay right so this year’s 2023 GBC promoter of the year is that’s same bit of paper Eddie Hearn Yeah Eddie Hearn and we got this video from Eddie well just touchdown in Riad to the unbelievable news that I have been nominated selected as promoter of the year for the George Groves boxing

Podcast George Deck Taylor I mean I’ve I’ve received a number of promoter of the Year Awards in in the past obviously I know I’m going to win all of them but to get it from you guys is just a real blessing and an honor so keep up the

Good work genuinely love the Pod big two two 2024 coming and uh we’ll see you soon cheers Boys Frank Warren loses his title to Eddie Hearn okay right so our next category is fight of the the year okay who are nominations deck uh nominations of course Crawford Spence um

Amazing occasion not the best fight I’ve got to say not the best fight it was a beat down one-sided yeah but it it was good it was great but it wasn’t it wasn’t Blood and Guts two way you know back and forth terce Crawford that was

That was a master class in my eyes Taylor Cameron 2 was the was the one that was put forward there were some votes for Taylor Cameron 1 as well maybe the Taylor fans Taylor Cameron 2 is better but for action actual fight you know drama not even sure if the first

Was was uh would top it but two great fights uh anyone else wood Warrington which we sort of mentioned that was very good fight Warrington sort of ahead wood doing a lot in Southpaw seemingly on his way to a defeat and then pulls it out of

The bag with a dramatic stoppage as well that got plenty of votes Johnny fiser against Dirty Harry Armstrong which that’s his name which also won the southern area fight of the year because that was for the southern area heavyweight fight and that if you remember that was Johnny Fisher dropped

Him after about 20 seconds and then he comes back and it’s Blood and Guts heavyweight classic brawl uh and then one that I like controversial who would have thought we’d be saying this Tyson Fury against fris and garu yeah what a dramatic fight that was great fight I

Mean just for the it was so absorbing not a lot of skill on show hell yeah like What’s Happening Here think is he going to do it and he drops him drama one that didn’t make the list want to flag this one of my favorite fights Daniel dub against Alexander usyk

Thought that was a great fight for the same reasons usyk drops him dubar drops usyk with a body shot it’s dramatic it’s up and down and then he gets stopped turns it around usyk looks to be losing great fight great fight not one person voted for that so technically dropped

Him with a low blow yeah let uh or did he yeah he did anyway we uh we do have a winner yeah um do you want to do this you can do this one deck okay how’s that that’s lovely should I do that you making out I’m short no I’m

Just saying I’m talling you fine don’t worry about it the winner is Katy Taylor against Shantel Cameron 2 yeah and we got this acceptance speech from Conor McGregor we didn’t get one we didn’t get one George how’ you feel about that as a winner that’s great Katy tayl I mean

Incredible she’s uh it was the last bit to tick off of her list surely to aveng a loss um good point you know up at the big weight uh the higher weight two weight world champion Undisputed um yeah but and it sets up for the third fight I

Think the third fight’s got to happen now so um yeah keeps boxing ticking over what do you think D yeah no complaints I think I think people might be looking at both of them and merging them into one and going now Taylor Cameron on a on a

Rivalry that’s got it’s probably the of the year yeah it doesn’t Stand Out Taylor Cameron to me too as being like that’s the best fight of the year yeah but listen we don’t vote but we yeah we don’t mind either I wanted usk dear to

Win well I looking at it now fuy and G’s in for a shout for me that was we can’t we can’t do a recount this this December already forget it maybe next year uh anyway we’ve got loads more Awards let’s have a break there and then we be back for the rest of

It George remind me again again how become an elite club member well get a ggbc cap done what else well you could wear the hoodie anything else well have you got a water bottle anything else you could get a print for the wall this cost me a

Fortune anything else well this is what it takes to be elite deck does that mean I’m in the club now nearly one last thing just hit the follow button in your podcast app welcome to the club deck oh we have a pushing a pool Mate right we’re back deck up you want a bit more de you y I got something else soing up Christmas there you go treat yourself thank you very much there um I’ve also got you some Watch the watch the Bosch BOS uh we’ve already got also got some chocolates here some miniature

Heroes what do you want we’ got caramel one we got Cream Egg I’ll have a crunchy please crunchy sort out my sort out your teeth AMS yeah do you want to unwrap unwrap that as well into my eye look at my nose I can’t open it oh forget it stress I’ve open

It how was that yeah that’s next week yeah yeah cuz next year um next year obviously from January it’s new year new year so you want to get the uh get the chocolate in now while you still can we haven’t really made many plans of the shred series well kicked off in

January last year this year actually so are we going to shred this year probably I mean everyone would be shredding anyway but we you know we’ve set our stall out last year because we’ve got big plans for January already yeah do you want to know a couple of the

Names got him let me just tell you that the streets won’t forget these ones you saying mik skin from the streets is coming on the Pod mik skin from the streets is coming on the Pod it’s coming on we’ve got him so that would be that’ll be hitting the air

Ahead ahead of his um debut yeah he’s fighting The Misfits card yeah uh so we got Mike Skinner big stars kickoff for 2024 have we got any boxers kicking us off big name boxers Josh Warrington whoa yeah two-time world champion yes on the comeback Trail got him as well in

January that’s just January Exquisite yeah there’s some big names on the list as well we need to get them in so Ben Whit wants to come on Richard rapo wants to come on maybe 2024 is the year that we that we know your mate James deil yes Dalal do you know

What the Game of Thrones ice war is thoring we started to give up hope didn’t we and the wildlings are coming right sort of if you want to yeah when it’s happing it might getting close he you know he’s thinking about it he’s come out now and he started doing

Podcasts so you know I know he’s not a big fan of the Limelight but he’s there he’s dipping his Towing dipping his Towing um could be the year as well as plenty others on on the hit list and what you can guarantee I think James if

You’re watching is if you do come on he will be ECM of the year because that episode would break the internet now you’re saying it like it’s already predetermined and L corruption to the I just know I just know iist I know I listen to patterns and habits and I know

That they’ll like James to go all right there elong Mas yeah should we get back to these Awards we got a few more to go through um a my favorite one my favorite one is the comeback of the year right now this is there’s some Nuance here cuz comeback

Can mean a number of things this is open to interpretation because the a comeback could be someone coming back from a defeat yes it could be someone coming back when they’re behind on the cards and knocking someone out it could be something greater than that could be

Bigger it could be different but there’s lots of many ways that our listeners could have interpreted this and therefore cast their votes yes should go through some of the nominee yeah so nominees are casy Taylor obviously losing to Cameron and then avenging that loss becoming a two-weight world champion um yeah six Monon

Turnaround yeah back out Undisputed champ in the rematch and she changes her game plan she stuck to her guns and she boxed really well she was Underdog in that fight first time in her career was it yeah yeah caban that’s a good that’s a good comeback yeah uh we had Jordan

Gil so Jordan Gil um just as much as the fight the post postf fight interview where he talks about being Rock Bottom um but comes back with a with a massive win against Conan was it was he the underdog in that fight as well he was like nine to one or

Something it was six to one six to1 and he was coming off the back of a defeat so a comeback in that sense but yeah yeah coming back from where he’d been to that yeah that was some comeback a double comeback um who else lewood lewood lewood’s on the list

For his comeback against two comebacks for lewood because one he was coming back from Marcio Lara defeat yeah and winning y but then and that’s that that’s this year as well that’s rematch was this year yeah oh Jesus um and he came back he was behind against Josh

Rington and he came came back so and stopped him so he’s kind of ticked two boxes he’s he’s another double ticker and the winner from last year’s come back of the year uh or was he knock out of the year no knock out of the year

Jordan Gil was the comeback of the year because he was behind against Kareem gery and in one punch yes his lights off when his ear had gone and he told us about that on the Pod if you haven’t listened to the Jordan Gil episode from back in the day there’s one more nominee

This is quite a good one as well D this one might stealer Chris hubank Jr oh yeah a mentioned so a Chris hubank Jr who lost to Liam Smith and we thought he was washed up he was finished thought his punch resistance speak yourself I

Knew I knew he still out in you knew you knew well you I know [ __ ] about B uh but but the point is most people have written him off and then he goes into a rematch with Liam Smith and does the business in style yeah great performance

From him uh and yeah wins wins really well gets a knockout win so this is a tough one to pick I wouldn’t want to pick a winner here de good good job for us we don’t have to because our listeners have um do you want to go and

Do the honors I’ll do the honors over to you George cres and and this year’s winner of The Comeback of the Year ggbc 2023 fre is Jordan Gil and still Jordan Gil woo yeah and still yeah retaining and still gist still Gil yeah uh he had this to say

Gil how’s it going boys thanks for the nomination can I get a two time come back of the year you’re on the through Gill come wait to receive my check in the post see you soon I mean George I I can’t argue with that Jordan the throw

Girl is a two-time champ yeah come back at The Comeback Kid and look at him he’s on holiday loving life he’s expecting a check that are you going to send that um yeah I thought he was going to pay us to win but it turns out we got to pay him

For winning um this right we send him a check yeah um as long as he don’t send us a check left hook we don’t want that yeah the thrill uh so he’s our second ret a in member of the Year winner of the year that’s incredible isn’t it yeah

Bloody incredible yep uh we really do need to like make something physical for them to receive yeah we got now back dat it cuz he he’s won two so if we send him one he’s going he’s going to know that we’re started sending stuff so we’re

Going have to F send yeah we we’ll sort that out for next year Jordan just make sure you win another award and I’m I’m listen I’m not going to I’m not going back against him given his current form yeah he might he might win something even more prestigious next year what you

Mean like our next award no won’t wi he won’t win breakout star of the Year okay so our next award we love a breakout star y last year was bam Rodriguez who’s not on the list because he’s already broken out that’s usually the key with a breakout start once you’ve broken out

You can’t win it again so we won’t be having a retaine on this one um but should I tell you the nominees tell me the nominees for breakout star of the Year breakout star of the Year first one on the list here was Nathan Heeney um now there’ll be thousands of people in

Stoke going breakout I won’t do the Stoke accent but again breakout start I know all about Nathan hav’t broken out of anything but for for the you still changed your voice yeah sorry for the wi you said I’m not doing Stoke but you still changed your voice slightly more

His character I was moving his character anyway he broke out in a sense to The Wider boxing public he broke out to the many people who backed against him to win against Denzel Bentley yeah uh he broke out in a big big way he’s new British middleweight champion and now

The world is his oyster yes so that’s good good one it’s a good shout um another great shout is Francis and I mean again he broke up from there’ll be UFC people what what accent do they have uh they’ll be going he’s not a breakout star he’s the world champion in the UFC

Blah blah blah but in boxing terms he was he broke out big time he definitely broke out that was maybe the best debut we’ve ever seen yeah would he’s got a one fight and he got a top 10 ranker with WBC top 10 brilliant tell me tell

Him find me another fighter this year who’s done that there’s your break there’s a breakout start um who else we got Moses atmer um ECM yes at this point last year he never boxed as a professional yeah in fact I don’t think he was even 18 at this point last year

This exact point uh and now what is he like seven and0 five Knockouts the rising star of the heavyweight division of British boxing those of us looking for the next big box office star are starting to look at Moses and go he could be it he might he might not have

Even broke out yet in terms of good point it’s a very good point so he could he could in theory break out this year and next year so making a mockery of the previous claim keeps breaking keeps breaking oh next one yes Chris bam Smith yeah he was he was nominated not break

Out again some but this was the year that he became the world champion he went from being as Lawrence AI put just Chris to the world cruiserweight champion and he defended it yeah by stopping mat Master quicker than anyone ever else has yes um so he broke out on

That in that sense without a doubt yeah so he’s he’s a fair it’s a different type of break out different but it’s a it’s a shout uh and his big mate and our Big Mate Ellie scottney was also was also nominated here as a rebel breakout

She breaks out and wins well title The scottney Rebel yeah she wins a world title uh now in that division so definitely grounds for winning this award yeah we’re wondering has anyone if we’ve been sleeping on Ellie sney she’s definitely broke out this year hasn’t she

Yes fully to be there yep and uh our last uh nominee is Adam aine I think he broke out last year I can’t tell the year emerging year last year won so many he won like six fights knocked out five people this year was a big year for him I feel like his

Name was established yeah could be but I mean so was CBS but I I understand why Adam aim’s on that list um I wouldn’t have voted for him I think he’s already broken up sorry Adam I mean that’s a compliment but yeah maybe it’s up and

Down but when he wins the world title in the next year and he’s still just still a pup yeah I think a breakout on the world SE did he win it last year I’m not sure bam definitely did win the overseas one anyway point is George we need a

Winner and that has been voted for by our listeners do you want to I’ll do this one come on okay and this year’s winner of the breakout start for the ggbc 2023 is Moses Moses yes in the club s and0 or whatever it is loads of Knockouts and now’s got

This gong yeah well we we we pre-recording this by like three days so you might have had like another half a dozen fights by the time this goes out he’s so busy he’s uh yeah he’s he’s desires to become the youngest heavyweight champion in history don’t

Bet against him do not bet against him did he did he get in touch and he sent us this did he get in touch no he didn’t [ __ ] didn’t say anything we’re back George yes we’re back we’re back next award is Trash Talk of the Year love

This one love this one um there’s quite a lot going on this year initial thought was there’s not a lot but there was quite a bit of trash talk this year I think it’s the the rise of Misfits and whatnot people realized that trash talking gets you places gets you Clips

Gets you viral gets you notice I’m going say you something it might be controversial Misfits trash talking [ __ ] this really poor um and unbelievable I mean KSI theity KSI down the camera to uh Tommy Fury oh that was was painful that was hard to watch man anyway

There’s a we we had a you should have just gone see you we had a a smus board of uh of trash talks I don’t know what that is smus board is a big board of smog no anyway should we we’ll rattle through some of these we don’t want to go over it

Because we don’t want to well a lot it’s liess let go uh jaak Catal after Taylor lost against tiimo can’t remember what he said but someone said that probably called him a [ __ ] yeah yeah um fa oh Fabio wardley just Fabio wardley the the trash talk he did particularly in meme

Form after the Fraser Clark pit debacle he won that massive time and then later in the year when he boxes and beats David adelay adelay gets it as well so wardley is one of those subtle clever trash talkers yeah he is he like what he

Used to be like he’s not used to be like yeah he’s not there giving it the KSI but very good so he got plent votes uh ah shout out devani the uh the Queensbury promotions every man does all the presses and whatnot but he got he

Had a moment to remember did he get an ass whooping AJ stood him down at that presser uh when he asked him a question and Joshua was like looked at Ed and says why is he asking me questions you’re he’s not my promoter um I thought

Dev handled it very well trash talk I don’t know but that was that was a funny moment funny moment someone someone suggested that in fact that press conference was uh very very rich in trash talking Daniel someone just said Daniel duar saying oi oi when uh when

The the jell Miller Trash Talk got passed back to him Jerell Miller all over this with various lines from that Presser to go at you had to go at AJ mainley Hearn probably had to go at Wilder just just sort of lighting everyone up from the top table cuz he’s

Back now Jerell Miller he’s back he’s after after bans and multiple failed drugs test but he’s back um and he’s very good at trash talking he’s the he’s the man he’s the motor mouth he’s I mean it was pretty subdued that Pressa until he showed up and then he Joshua was

Ready to go wasn’t he they were all ready and waiting for J my my favorite part about that press conference was was every time Derek was always in the crowd and every time someone came on the mic and said uh hello everyone Derek would just go hello from the back of the room

It was great not it’s quite the opposite he just it was just like an automatic response to saying hello to everyone like Demetri bival yeah hello uh what else we got Tommy Fury versus KSI uh I mean that was that whole fight was basically trash really uh you’re one FR on

Fighting FR I mean did I get trash no it says FR on fighting in Brackets from George so you voted for this no I didn’t oh oh right remember maybe I just oh no I just yeah so I did vote for this just FR in general trashing everyone did you

See I mean he started on Eddie Hearn this week getn said he had he had it out with um Jerel Miller and uh yeah F said I’m not having that no uh who else we got Javon Davis that one where he called Isa crew rockhead I was creasing at that

Simon Jordan I mean I’m not sure he he specifically trashed anyone but that’s what someone suggested the list goes on we have to scroll down here to get Fury calling us a sausage I mean that press Gap to yeah gap gapy tooth rabbit sausage little sausage man uh and

Someone put Conor Ben that’s a mford and ssung in it what little sausage man someone put Conor Ben it’s all he’s done he hasn’t thrown any punches uh okay well the winner George do you want to tell it I don’t wor plimp do it from here

Straight away well I was going to do it in a trash talking kind of way then go on then do it straight down the that’s your camera there and the winner is Jerel Miller is that a trash talking style I haven’t got any Trash Talk left

I’ run out want some trash talk for for derell Miller but then he might trash me back I’m ready for it probably B so uh here’s what jell Miller said rather than what he said to us I’m going in there and I’m going to rip his head off we smell [ __ ] in

Him I’m kicking his ass and I’m sending him to early retirement if [ __ ] had a twin to be his face oh they all kiss my black ass Deontay and AJ I don’t like none of them mother but I tell you one thing though we all know for a fact that

AJ don’t want no smoke with the shut the up yeah okay right brings us swiftly along to our next award which is feature of the year it’s not even feature name of the year it’s just feature of the year it’s otherwise known as the greatest you know would have won

So yeah yeah cuz I I just hand all the best feature names yeah I mean this is the greatest feature we’ve ever done this year yes um they were all probably the best we’ve ever done but one one stands alone um we’ve had nominations all over the shop we’ve got loads here

George shall I go through some of them yeah go Ahad someone just wrote on Twitter whatever had Lord of the Flies at low and that was Warren peace waren peace Warren peace with Frank Warren where we word smashed books and boxers he did not like he was fuman he did not

Like that he was fan there was poetic license that they didn’t like spelled with the word smash maybe as well how animated and angry he got that day might have cost him a couple of the couple of votes that knocked him off to to I’m

Just saying um I also I um revamped it with Francis Warren Warren peace and I thought that was a great that was a great one because it’s you know literature children’s literature yeah so that was double war in peace this year yeah double and someone just put obviously the most

Recent one Lads was the best feature we’ve done this year he’s trying to take the piss he you always say this is the best one yet exactly that’s that’s a proper listener there y um The Groves froch along we did say this is the best feature we’ve ever done because it

Whimsical banter in there not one bit no I don’t win no but it was it was it was it’s a feature of sorts it was a feature of sorts should have been more specific with the what a feature was yeah let’s hope it doesn’t win um chainb of

Secrets yeah that was you wasn’t it har pot and it turns out massive fan of Harry Potter no I don’t like Harry Potter he he’s basically Dobby uh so yeah Chamber of Secrets that got a load of votes uh where there’s a Gil there’s a way was that you Jordan

Gil yeah was it me or you I can’t remember I don’t know just put your own ones in there ruin this what people somewhat they we got next one in the m in the mck of time I like that one is that on the list uh what was it conin

The Barbarian which make uh also down here and I didn’t write this Dex mackerel game that was a good feature this year yeah you have to give us boxers not many people Barry Jones for instance got zo shiming wrong with an M that’s in mael boxes without the word

Any letters from the word mael in their name yeah that not an in what about go on no EO on air oh my God what was no that would have the word that was that was uh the Greg the Greg’s one noo no had it gone out that Chris B Smith

Texted me saying how bad it was no in fact he sent a voice note to the club that’s how human he was about the poor standard there and only Raging Bulls and horses yeah that was Ricky hat problem was my my Fools and Horses knowledge

Shite yeah his very good and the fact it was a word smash sorry Ricky you did he sort struggled with I mean everyone did this year from us so everyone should keep doing them because it’s easy it’s easy pickings for us one that didn’t make the

List I want to flag it is the one that you wrote for the Craig Richards episode I can’t remember what it was but all I remember is it was very heated me and Craig it was it wasn’t you go I go it was fastest finger first yeah and he

Knows his stuff and it was really good yeah um can’t remember but if you didn’t listen to it I’m going to listen to it after this because it just gets me pumped in the morning so I think I won um shout out Craig spider Richard but we

Do have a winner was that two two first names um actually it might have been do we have a winner George yeah we do have winner should we pl fit yeah we pl fit do I’m closest and the winner is the feature of the Year 2023 you’re right you need to

Go toilet mate you look sound a bit funny The Groves frot along woo yeah how’ you feel about that George uh actually I’ll stop you there let’s just play some clips from that how does it feel watching it 10 years on what you feeling right now yeah

I’m still sad oh yeah yeah yeah even you know what unfolded afterwards well this is the first time that I’ve watched it broke it down spoke about it like this um yeah it hurts like it still hurts I um yeah I don’t know why I can’t entirely Let It Go not necessarily a

Feature yeah in the truest sense of the word but the fans loved it it was a moment for this club wasn’t it it was yeah uh we had a message from our old mate dodgy Dave about this feature as well dodgy tap Dave dodgy tap Dave Dave

Mitchell Dave Mitchell he said at Dean Taylor you sadistic bastard I don’t think the new at G Boxing Club feature of let’s relive the worst night of someone else’s life feature will’ll catch on maybe let’s stick to a quiz eh oh [ __ ] I mean it was it was an

Emotional roller coaster wasn’t it yeah it was it was good though yeah yeah still see call so it couldn’t no real lasting damage it’s almost like therapy for me deck so thank you for that pleasure I I will be invoicing yeah for that I can tell your dress for the

Occasion yeah and we’ll you’re on the sofa as well yeah uh we’ll be doing some more then won’t we because there’s some big fights from your past well no yeah we watch along for some other fights as well yeah we’ll along there’s two big Awards coming up deck okay the big two

Right the first one is fighter of the year um and the nominees are lee wood yep he’s had a tremendous year hasn’t he yeah lewood he was okay he was all right Chris the billum Smith the gentleman the big he’s in wins the world title at home

He might be in with a shot of this one Terence Crawford he did all right yeah I normally tend to stick away from the people who only box once but when you box once and it’s a fight like that in the middle of the year and then your trainer goes to

Prison you can kind of make exceptions for the fact that they only box once this year Fair Point you normally want two or three at least otherwise you got one fight but at least the one fight that he’s hanging his year on is pretty special yeah we got Jordan Gil of course

Great back on winning ways uh G oay oh ECM came on here he wore the jumper and then within a week he’s out and he uh defending his world title dispatched Jordan Thompson it was a brilliant performance and now he’s out he’s a he’s a breakout star I’m surprised he didn’t

Get any uh yeah we forgot to put him in the list we didn’t forget anything because the listeners who voted George yeah but did they make the suggestions to start with as well bs anyway that yeah breakout star yeah missed the boat there um Katy Taylor yeah not really a

Breakout star but a great year for her yeah I think that’s fair enough shout um yeah and Nathan heene because you know he came on and so eloquently told us about his Underdog Story and his magnificent win against tzel Bentley so he’s made the as well well that’s some

List and there’s a lot of achievements between them do we have a winner we have a winner there for that and this year’s winner of the ggbc 2023 fighter of the year is Chris bam Smith yeah W is that fix big year for Chris though

Did you fix it no I didn’t this was down to the vote vote and I think winning a world title as an underdog at home in a football stadium and then defending it in the manner that he did against Mass didn’t box great that night but Doug

Deep kept going and got a stoppage win I think it would have been hard push for him to get topped by anyone else well he only just nudged out Terrence Crawford did he yeah was very very close that’s if them two fought that would be the

Only way he would win as well just nudge him out he’s just a big lump is he just keeping forward just trying and squash him um so that makes the good news for us is that Terence Crawford probably wouldn’t have sent us an acceptance speech did we get anything

From Chris we did get something from Chris this is what Chris had to say about you know the best moment of his Life hi everyone CBS here it’s been a big week for me defended my world title on Sunday night but more importantly uh win this prestigious award um of the best podcast out there and I favorite to listen to um so thank you to deck and George for having me on

And thank you to everyone who voted for me as you can see I’m currently on my way to London to pick up my Awards so thank you very much jents and thanks for all the listeners and I’ll see you soon topping up your Bailey’s have a bit more

Please just a little bit Panic now um yeah don’t don’t spill it go viral um so Nathan Heeney didn’t win that award there George but he did win another award here um the story the famous story of the year which last year was won by

Leis van po pooi um for what he did back in the 2022 as a Jour we got him in the club of course we did yeah Nathan Heeney and that episode was Sensational it got so much great positive feedback yeah and he’s he’s up for our our final award the

ECM member of the Year leis van po but before that story of the Year Nathan Heeney is the winner because what he did Under the dog 9 to1 some people got him at 12 to1 apparently went up there to Manchester took two and a half thousand

Fans beat prob went down a little bit didn’t he from no from Stoke that’s up definitely definitely up you didn’t didn’t win geography corrected Persian golf um anyway the point is Nathan heene is our story of the what I mean you only have to listen to our episode with him if you haven’t

Make sure you go and do it um but his story to get to where he did and then to pull it off and then the emotion that he showed uh yeah he made it he made it impossible for us to pick against him shout out Craig darbishire though who was spent a

Lot of his career as a journeyman staying on that pooie theme and he went to the Cayman Cayman Islands and won the Commonwealth title so he would have won The Story of the Year any other year but naan one was too too good to uh turn down and big Nathan yes sent us

This hi guys just want to say thank you so much for awarding me story of the year it’s been a great year so far obviously the British champ love it and um and yeah hopefully more more stories to come in the future yeah thanks so

Much it was an honor to be part of the podcast and great to meet George Groves and stuff and and obviously Dean and and yeah thanks so much guys right deck this the moment that everyone has been waiting for is that is okay yeah look

Great okay great let me just have a d cage before Y come because this is a big moment isn’t it cheers mate yeah right so this is the biggest one yeah CBS is one F of the year but he’s still not resting because he needs to win this one

Okay right this is ECM member okay of the Year award who’s going to be the prestigious ggbc ECM of the year so we got loads of nominees every everyone who comes on the show is up for this award though we’ve got 50 people on the list

Or or more more than because we put an episode out every week of course every Wednesday every Wednesday always the same and available on YouTube now and they’re all up and then everyone was available to be voted for yeah um some of the people we’ve mentioned Nathan

Heene is obviously in the running yeah well there was some there was there was a few that crept up to the top we should give them a name in now so yeah na heene he was up there at the top there were yeah there was a sort of a little group

Who broke away from the Pelon so to speak and they were right up there Ving for the reference yeah yeah but we did count the votes yeah there was like so Ellie the scottney she she actually cheated a slightly double bubble two episodes or was her first episode last

Year oh right so she’s fine yeah that’s allow probably have 51 guests this year yeah so uh yeah she’s in the running she had a lot of votes um poochie I said great episode that’s probably I think probably our most watched clip or one of them is the one of him talking about

Life of journeyman yeah um and that will be coming on YouTube soon that whole episode so you eyes peed for that absolutely who else uh we got Brandon Scott okay Spider-Man the baddest nerd on the planet yeah what a guy he come on and Shout Out Brandon

Scott’s Dad yeah he might still be outside now drove him all the way down from uh where are they swans Swansea SW and didn’t even come in for a cup of te another breakout star Brandon Scott think get but what a year it’s been for Brandon Scott and what an episode if you

Haven’t listen to that likable what like loads of his Clips a very very good fighter as well very good fighter great great attitude um and a joy to be around indeed Barry and a good Trash Talk he could have been for trash talker the year yeah Ginger pubes yeah he done you

Didn’t he was that about me yeah it was it and uh Harry Potter’s mentioned of Harry Potter who that was Isaac chaino oh yeah uh when you said pleasure to be around it don’t quite match up with the next guy and that’s Barry Jones uh big

Bad Barry uh he very much a fan favorite yeah he’s on basically more broadcast than you I think think maybe the only man who works as much as you he works a lot more than he hasn’t got his own podcast yeah there’s not many places I’ve ever been with Barry a now already

No I true KN down tesos and he’s he’s there working and and then he turned up a podcast studio and the episode was so good we couldn’t finish it we need to get him back in he’s so busy it’s almost impossible but that was a great episode

Barry Ben Shalom came in great so Ben Shalom the lead promoter uh on Sky Sports boxing he is is obviously the the face of boxer and still not a lot of people knew an awful lot about him I feel like we we got into something we managed to longest episode apparently

He’s ever done long interview ever done yes okay well he was in the Run of course um it’s the biggest and best one George I think you should do it go to go to the plimp on Don’t Take Your Bailey leave here ECM member of the Year okay right

So this year’s elite club member of the Year 2023 is the baddest nerd on the planet Brandon Scott W wo woo this is what he had to say guys I’ve done it I’ve won I’ve won the George Bo Boxing Club Awards I’ve done it I’m the winner everybody I done it I did

It right everyone so I have just found out that I am the official winner of The George Gro Boxing Club annual Awards probably the best achievement of my 2023 from getting signed by match Room Boxing on the AJ undercard which I am convinced was the main reason to happened was

Because of the George growth boxing podcast so I’ll will be forever grateful for that and I’m even more grateful for this great awards that they have given me for winning the annual Awards George B boxing podcast award so basically what I’m saying is like the time that George grbx Carro I am leaving

Empty-handed but I really am grateful for having me on the podcast boys but all I’m going to say is I hope you’re better of buying presents for your wues for Christmas than you are giving me Awards thank you very much for having me on Merry Christmas to filthy animals and

A happy New Year how about that then de hey what a guy Brandon Scott what year has been for him uh I think I think he won by quite a lot in the end as well he was a fan you know he was he was up he

Would have been up there on my list as well um he did not disappoint he came down brought the energ uh lovely lad and he’s doing well so uh we thank him for coming on and sharing bit of his story and um rightly and congratulator he wins

The elite club member yeah he he’s a young guy he probably win this for the next 10 years in a row we’ll get him in every year yeah we’ll get him in every year now of course there podcast available on YouTube yes and we’re going to get that Brandon Scott episode on

YouTube for the people we should we should do that very soon we clipped it up for the socials loads them went viral but you can watch the whole episode real soon yeah on YouTube so what year has been George for this for this club we’ve had Untold members we’ve had promoters

Galore we’ve had Fighters we’ve had world champions we’ve had breakout Stars we’ve had everything we’ve also made the transition onto YouTube and we’ve got a new sofa and all that sort of stuff what could 2024 bring yes next year in May it’s another anniversary is an anniversary coming up uh but more

Importantly we’re taking this show on the road we’re going live the first ever unless we do a couple before then but the biggest one yet yeah live episode the ggbc uh which I cannot wait for that can you come should be all right should be

All right yeah um we’re taking it a step better than the grow frong by doing it live next year doing it live next year yeah um you ain’t got to wear a suit you can do if you will yeah I’ll probably try and find that tie though it’s not

Really relative to maybe maybe James has got it maybe James will come hopefully James the gal would have been on the show by then uh he’s itching to get on there he can’t wait um but a big year next year and yeah I suppose that’s

That’s the next big sort of thing on the bucket list we need to take this live we need a live audience the People Are People demand and we deliver that’s what we’ve done since we started this show yes and uh this is the next on the list

So we got to get it done deck well I think that’s the key thing is always in these Awards we say thank you to all the guests and everyone congratulations to everyone who won but most importantly to the listeners to us oh yeah I mean and you mainly but the listeners yeah

Because they like dodgy T Dave with his with his tweet there yeah and everyone else and everyone else who’s got in touch genuinely this wouldn’t exist without them do you think do you think if they come to the live event and we meet them yeah never meet Heroes it

Might be yeah it might be a bit weird cuz they are our heroes you know and 6′ s meeting Andy McLean and I I imagine he’s got one ear right or imagine Andy MC suit and he’s like an 80y old woman that would be really weird short and you

Can be anyone well you could be anyone on the internet can’t you yeah well so don’t make it weird um yeah no exciting yeah so thanks to the fans sayk you thanks to the listeners yeah yeah we appreciate you thanks to you so sincere thanks to you deck for um you know doing

Your bit yeah you know um Turing up every week yeah you’ve got like quite following now you know within within the sort of the underground scene it’s just me and Kano really yeah uh did you get him on is he booked in yet oh he’s coming 2024 baby yeah

Maybe we’ll get him to perform live at our live show yes no don’t say that CU that means you won’t come he won’t come he’ be like [ __ ] these two could be the stream um okay well George can I interest you in a cheers a Merry Christmas to you Merry Christmas and

Happy New Year year for you in this club absolutely especially to you Andy McLean and the rest of you listeners the rest of everyone ciao Ciao


  1. I thought i would watch 5 minutes of this shite but no its really good and very entertaining so i stayed to the end and didnt regret it.

  2. 0:27: 🏆 Two hosts discuss the second annual GGB Awards and celebrate the first on-camera YouTube broadcast with a toast.
    5:05: 🏆 The video discusses the ECM of the Year award and the contenders for the title.
    10:03: 🥊 Ben Whitaker wins the Knockout of the Year award and expresses disappointment for not receiving a trophy or letter.
    15:01: 🏆 The video discusses a person who beat a case and got out, and also had success in championships and training fighters.
    20:21: 🥊 Discussion about the boxing industry, including promoters and recent fights.
    25:30: 🥊 The video discusses memorable boxing fights and the winner of a particular match.
    30:28: 🏆 Discussion about potential winners of an award and the different interpretations of a comeback in sports.
    35:51: 🌟 The video discusses the nominees for the breakout star of the Year award, with a focus on Nathan Heeney's breakout in the boxing world.
    40:27: 🥊 The video discusses various instances of trash-talking in the world of boxing, including comments made by KSI, Tommy Fury, and Fabio Wardley.
    45:49: 📚 Discussion about books and boxers, including a humorous take on 'War and Peace'.
    50:44: 🏆 Discussion of the nominees for Fighter of the Year award and their performances.
    56:25: 🏆 The podcast hosts are announcing the winner of the prestigious ggbc ECM of the Year award.
    1:01:29: 🎉 The podcast celebrates a young winner and plans to feature him regularly on YouTube.
    Recap by Tammy AI

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