I’ve been TEEING the golf ball WRONG for 20 YEARS!…



What started out as a video to show how important consistently teeing up your driver the same height, ended up being a video that showed that I had been using the wrong tee height for 20 years!


#golf #golftips #teeheight

One of the biggest debates in golf is how high should you tea the ball when you’re hitting driver why is there such an aare a different tea height that’s what we’re going to find out today welcome back to the channel guys I’m Gary Martin and in today’s video we’re

Going to be testing with white 2 in teas pink 2 and 1/4 inch T’s and orange 2 and 3/4 T’s now you might not use Castle te’s but this video will still apply to you because what we’re going to be testing is the importance of consistently teeing your ball up the

Same height and we’re going to be having a look at the differences at what happens to ball flight so launch and spin when I hit a driver with different colored tees and I think that will give us some sort of you know information to determine how it how important it

Actually is to make sure we consistently tea the ball up the same out and to see if there’s any patterns and I think like most videos we’ve been doing recently it’s not only going to help you guys you know to determine whether teen up the same height is actually good and they

Going to help you become more consistent but I’m certainly going to be able to tell what T he is best for me because you know I’m assuming you know because I always use sort of two and three two and a quarter length T’s sorry that that’s

The best tea for me but this test could prove that I’m using the wrong tea cuz I’ve never done it before so uh let’s get stuck in so we’re going to start off by having six shots using the white te now if you’ve been watching the channel

If you’re not new to the the channel you’ll already know that I actually launch the ball pretty low and it spins quite low as well so I don’t think this white te is really going to do me any favors but let’s get six drives out there cuz I could be

Wrong I mean we all have this perception of what we should be launching it and spinning it so believe it or not that ball is still sitting a quarter above the top of the driver so you know some of you guys out there might consider that to be high

Enough I mean to me it looks incredibly low compared to you know how normal te up but uh I’m sure some of you would consider that to be high enough and I’ve got to admit I don’t find it as easy to I feel as though like I’m I can’t hit up

On the ball as much um which I think we’ll we’ll see with the numbers when we comeing to conclude right over to Pink I’ve got to admit guys um and I’m sure there’s other people at home that are a bit like this being a traditional

Golf as i’ call myself you know when I first got into golf you had white long teas or you had short mixture of wooden teas they were on these sort of like you know fancy Castle teas and bamboo Castle teas and all this so we never had sort

Of measured teas we just used to tea up you know get have a good calculat guest but I tell you what that Tea Act lovely I would say that is exactly how I have it I use actually white te’s with sort of yellow marks so I can see where I’m

Putting the tea in but uh that looks perfect and that’s two and A4 but having said that you know when you consider how low I launch it and how low I’m spinning it maybe an orange tea could uh be better for me let’s see what happens with pink I had to delete a

Couple of shots with the white ones where i’ hit a anomaly so we can get this data as accurate as possible that’s the go-to shot so it starts left Fades or just sort of stays on that line which I’m enjoying I think I’d feel really at home with that

Tea I actually like the look of that against this driver don’t usually use these pink castle te’s but the bamboo ones look a bit classier than plastic I can feel myself swinging through it with more confidence it wouldn’t surprise me if my club speed’s a little bit higher with this te and

It’s only because when the ball sat up nice and like you can imagine it being on a bit of a tougher grass and you like you fancy it I just fancy it sat on that tea that white one I felt a bit you know like when you’re trying to hit one like

A Punchy one into it wind it just felt a bit too light low that one I just feel as though if I hit it Miss it it’s going to go up and spin and when the the white one were just going to be like aggressively

Bad like if it we’re going to be bad it we’re going to be aggressive so a bit more nervous whereas this one I feel I’ve got that confidence to hit it it’s a missile it’s a bit cutter that’s what I wanted that’s what I asked SF for didn’t I so that’s what I

Got so I’ve not had to take one out there with pink which I suppose it’s my it’s my go-to tea it’s that that height that I really like this is going to be the interesting one because it’s I’m going to be teeing it much higher than a normally tea but actually thinking about

My numbers it could be the tea that’s better for me wow that’s scary I’m going to have to show you a closeup of that one that’s kind of like there’ll be a lot of golfers watching this Channel or watching this video today and probably thinking guys I

Would not use that te because I’d be hitting I’d be hit it roof that’s Sky territory that te so I’ve got two options I’ve either got to hover it which I’m not going to do I’m going to stay true to this test I’m going to

Try and hit up on the ball if I hit down on that it’s certainly it’s going to be up here it’s going to be hitting roof I’ve got to make sure I try and it up on this a little bit now I’ve got got to do that to strike

The ball clean I think with my normal swing I’m going under that so this team’s forcing me to sort of feel like I’ve got to hit up on the ball a little bit more sorry if I sound a bit full of cold today I think we’ve got a flu bug going around

Up field golf club and you get rid of it and two days later you’ve got it again I can’t seem to get rid of this one have I got orange yeah my eyes didn’t know if I picked a pink one up actually isn’t then yeah if you’re wondering why I’m staring and

Looking at this screen a little bit more and a bit more intrigued it’s CU until I thought about doing this test I weren’t really thinking how much this could help me personally because uh I’m dying for a little bit more launch than Spain I’ll show Sam these numbers later and see what he

Thinks I mean I certainly could adjust to that tea it does make me feel a bit nervous and a bit uncomfortable I’m sure I could adjust to it now I’m getting confidence with driver I’d have never done this before so if we start to have a look at this

Data we’re going to start by looking at we’ll start by looking at Club data to start with so first of all I always like to look at you know to see how consistent things have been I think what it probably shows is Club speed Wise It’s varied within 3 miles per hour but

It’s progressively got quicker as we’ve hired the te so 100 Mil per hour with white tea 101 with pink tea and 103 with orange te I know some subscribers said guys you swing it faster than that but I don’t actually swing it that fast I’m only using stiff Flex guys it might appear

Like that on screen but but that is my club speed um you know I I’m swinging a lot smoother these days I’ve got a little bit of a bad back so I don’t hit it um you know that hard now I think attack angle is very telling if we look

At attack angle again there’s been a progressive um you know Improvement in attack angle so why White T’s 3.7 down I mean that’s out that’s horrendous pink T 2.6 down and actually I’ve nearly got neutral with orange I’m still down but by no.4 now can’t wait to look at these

Other numbers because that’s got to have helped my ball data and wow I mean let’s start by I mean ball speeds pretty consistent with white and pink obviously there’s been a dramatic increase in ball speed with a the orange I were swinging it faster but I think that came down to probably a

Little bit more confidence uh as the tea got higher if we look at um launch shle 9.1 with white we’ve gone up to 9.9 with pink we’ve gone up to 11.8 with orange so you see how it can really increase the launch what I’m surprised about is

Spin spin’s not changed that much which is a surprise to me you know I’m not a master fitter but I just assume that if I were was you know obviously creating uh more launch off the face and I probably create more back SP obviously Sam’s custom fit of this driver for me

Uh one of the things we tried to do were keep that club face open so we had to use you know we had to L the driver down um but you know I’m still lacking that little bit of spin it could be that I need to use a different ball possibly

And I’ve not experimented with ball maybe that could help increase this move anyway it’s not about me entirely um distance look at that you know it’s a perfect pattern of an increase in distance 273 with white which is below what I’d normally e it pink 283 I’d usually to

Say I’m about a 285 to 300 person and then orange 299 um and I think you know just just look at the simple stuff trajectory white pink you know orange a perfect pattern there um probably had the best dispersion with pink um if I if I was telling the truth remember it’s the

First time I ever use orange te’s I’ve never used anything as high as two and three quarters and I’ve actually got the most distance and dispersion is is not too bad either you know i’ probably would take orange over pink certainly wouldn’t use white I mean that dispersion is not great

Um but uh yeah wow I think that just shows you how important is to make sure that you’re tee it not just the right height but the same height I think after that test it’s definitely safe to say you need to firstly make sure you’re using the right tea I wasn’t I’m going

To be using orange teas from now I think that’s going to help me it up on the ball and most importantly do you know what I might even go to the orange Castle tea I might stop being a tea snob and just use an orange castle where I

Can consistently get it that height because I can hand on Art say that you know that I’ve been guilty in the past as a as a good amateur golfer using white te’s you know having a little bit of a guess and I think it shows you how

You can be a quarter of an inch out and you know how dramatically that can affect your numbers and how important it is to make sure that you’re teaming the the ball up the same high every time guys hope you’ve en enjoyed that little bit of an experimental video I’m loving

These tests I’m not only improving my game but I’m you know it’s giving me opportunity to share some of this for you and hopefully get you thinking about your game and uh make sure you hit the Subscribe button let’s get to 25,000 and um yeah I’ll be see you in a

Couple of days time bye


  1. I bought orange castle tees before Christmas and noticed a difference pretty much immediately. I used to be a pink castle tee man before that.

  2. I use a tee with lines marked, I always tee it at 2 1/2 inches, but in winter on the mats I use a pink 2 1/4 inch castle tee. I can see the difference in ball flight and distance as soon as I had to use the pink tees off the mats. Lower and shorter with less carry distance.
    Orange off the mats and it's sky hook territory 😂

  3. I’m 50 and castle tees were definitely around when I was a nipper. Really enjoy your content pal 👍🏻👍🏻

  4. Am I the only one that absolutely cannot stand this accent / voice? It sounds like absolute cringey trash. I'm so sorry but my ears just cant handle it.

  5. Tried all 3 and use pink currently, white can be usable in some high winds / narrow fairways, could not hit orange consistently earlier, but will give it another go.

  6. You need to peg it up to encourage a positive angle of attack…. I commented this to you a long time ago.
    Strike is King for spin rates… 2100 rpm is a great number to have at 100 to 105mph.

  7. I’ve just jumped on to the orange castle tees after trying the big orange runner tees at the range. I’ve got better launch angle, distance is good, and helps me catch the middle more as my swing bottoms out more after it jsut gives me more confidnece so great to see this content today gaz keep it coming fella 👍

  8. There is no set tee height for any club

    Its all swing dependant

    Some people will gain distance with a higher tee, some will lose

    Its finding what is optimal for you

  9. I went for a driver fitting with Sam and my current shaft suited me as good as anything I tried but one this he suggested that made a big difference to get the flight I wanted was change from pink tee to white tee and it has worked for me out on the course, I don’t think I have lost any distance but definitely got the flight I wanted

  10. Awesome experiment Gaz and just recently I went to the oink castle tee just to get a consistent tee height, I will try the orange tee on Sunday mate on the range before I play

  11. Could you redo this and go from high to low in your sequence. I say this because whenever I do a session on the launch monitor, without changing anything my speed increases over the session by 5mph. Oops, just saw the response below, someone already asked about this.

  12. I always used a pink tee because everyone i played with used them, then i randomly decided to try an orange tee and my strike/distances and dispersion all improved

  13. Gary I switched to castle tees about a year ago. Reason I tee the ball a consistent height all the time, it just takes one variable out of the equation for every driver shot! After watching your fitting video with Sam I’ve experimented with loft, ball positioning and tee height. I tried moving the ball forward In my stance with my left foot at about 45° the ball now sits just forward of my left heel on a yellow castle tee my standard driver loft is 10.5° and my bad miss is right! This was making me hit high hard draws to hooks so then I put my loft down to -1° at 9.5° this would normally make me loose it way right but with the ball position and tee the same I lost the hookie ones and started getting high straight flights and if I hover the club at address and position the club 2 club heads back from the ball I get a lovely high straight to a baby drawing flight. My distance went up and I’m getting 280 + yds now. I’ll just add I’m 68 in may so not a spring chicken anymore but still play of low single figures and can still get it round in a few over par and if the stars all align under par at times when my back isn’t giving me Gyip!!

  14. Gary this has been an ongoing question in my head for quite a while. My only problem with teeing high is sometimes get a sky shot. thank you for taking the time to download, great content.

  15. I'd like to see a test of different tee cup sizes. Some tees have quite a small shallow cup to rest the ball on where others have a much larger cup with a soft rubber rim. Does it make a difference? I suspect the smaller there better, but I do not know that

  16. I dither between pink and silver, silver being similar to orange at 70mm apparently but do tend to stick with pink. I’ve just changed over to a low spin hazrdus shaft so might have a play with the higher tee now and see what the difference is.

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