Golf Babe

Black Men CRY RACISM After Getting KICKED OUT of Top Golf For POURING Lean

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Yall see what the going on man I seen this in here why we can’t play golf cuz y’ making you racist n black you racist cut this out hold on this makes us look so bad what that girl on Dr Phil say I tell my mother I’ll never be like these

Negroes nothing like that man I felt that at that at this moment that’s exactly how I feel that is so funny you just said that the blocking me to think that um I lowkey don’t think they should have been kicked out for that really they should definitely be kick that’s

Like you smoking weed inside of that’s worse than that that’s I a drug drug felony level drug it is police was supposed to come and get them like what and then you boasted about it it’s not it was lowkey and they were just like you know they put the flash on it look

At us y’all look they like announcing it to make it everybody see y see what the going on man dropping this in here that’s what we doing man 30 hold all right I see what’s goinging hard damn so we can’t play natural why we can’t play off cuz y making you racist you racist so so we said we was going to put the drink up but we can’t do it never did I say we put the drink

Up so so we can’t go they asked them one time to put it up let them stay and they they never did and then they continued to do it and then called them racist that is literal animals in their natural habitat y’all it’s not that bad that

There children imagine if I’m there with my family I swear God if you doing that next to my family I’m pressing every single one of them like I’m going to be fighting high if you doing that in front of my kids bro it’s a dream no it’s not

It’s not a beer yeah it’s a Dream It’s a that is a felony that is liquid heroin they say and you not doing that in front of my kids I swear to God that’s a problem yeah top gol I would have been if do that about that I was I swear to

God he would have seen about that I swear to God in heaven I swear to God that Niger used to be see I remember we was in the ball one time and somebody cussed next to us they was cussing loud he he he pressed about that

He said don’t cuss from my family like that just just a random person that’s how he feel G he was trying to go up there drink Le if you drinking lead oh he would a damn man I don’t know bro I just don’t I mean I guess in a a place

Of business you’re not supposed to do no that is horrible I I would have called the police I wouldn’t even I wouldn’t even went out there told him stop I would have called the police and hope that they would got arrest yes got them that’s what so you feel like that’s on

The same level of smoking weed that’s worse that’s higher it is I’m talking about like that’s way worse it’s kind of like disclosed but they weren’t disclosed but they be different if they just came in there and they just normal P it up to the side like just just had

It already whatever mixed and then drinking and then just chilling yeah they put it out there for the hey not supposed to do that over there they was over there hey they were surrounded around him pouring up Lean Like the cavemen were surrounded around fire they were so excited about it they

Was turned about that I’m just sorry like I just personally I don’t feel bad for you and I believe you should have been kicked out is dangerous I’m going to get on they butt first of all they’re drinking green you least should be drinking this no it was blue it was

Green it was blue they was pouring up green they was pouring up something in the smart water but the the what was in the smart water was blue already they was pouring up green oh okay now when I seen that video I was messed up I was

Like they pouring lean and water but now they had something else in there no lean is very dangerous guys cuz it uh tastes good that’s what the bad part about it could be very T died a lot of people had died from drinking lean I bet OT got a

Lean store a lot of black I say if you lived in the hood man about you probably didn’t keep it honey took some lean don’t don’t I’ve never done lean I have brother I’m going keep it a honey feel like you Moon walking homeboy on

Social media ping lean in a in a in a in a uh Smart Water now let me just explain lean real quick very general it’s a soda and my cousin putting it with a Jolly Ranch in but but it’s a soda and you put cough syrup in there you pour it in

There it’s a prescription drug you pour a little liquid in there kind of like cough syrup lean promethazine you pour it in there and you mix it in the soda some people do it differently they may put it in Kool-Aid like I say my cousin I tried lean before when I was younger

My cousin had these styrofoam cups in my grandma refrigerator and it was lean with lemonade or something he had Jolly Ranchers in it he like B you need to try this right here and I said man let me try this real quick and see what lean is

All about and one Sip and I realized this is the most dangerous stuff it is cuz it was the best tasting drink that I’ve ever had and it had codine in it and all kind of stuff and you can’t taste it it’s like drinking Kool-Aid and

You got to get tow up from the flow up no drinking Kool-Aid and these dudes are on the golf course you know the top golf all on social media loud one dude got gold teeth in his mouth and his and the and his underwear is showing from the

Front you know you sagging your pants hard when your underwear showing then they come the staff come and ask them to leave and they want to say are you racist racism you can’t can’t make this stuff up you wonder why black folks get a bad route and you wonder why we

Getting kicked out of stuff put in jail getting in conflict with police that’s horrible that is horrible man I if I wouldn’t even be like I wouldn’t be I couldn’t be I try to hide it the sad part about it some black people are going to look at that and think that

Those people were trying to be racist that’s racist yeah some people are CU my first uh initial reaction when I seen I was like I they are wrong they’re very wrong but at the same time you got to remember this Top Golf if like you swing

You could fall off like you got they have they got to fall things so you got people tweaking and on all this stuff that’s a that’s a a safety hazard for me and people around me so you know it’s like you you allowing people to do drugs

In your establishment you geted for that other people alcohol I’m saying alcohol is just bad they serve alcohol you got have permit for alcohol what’s legal what’s not legal not the same at All Pro methine and Codine with alcohol you kind of you feel a little

Different but um it’s not the same thing it’s not the same thing at all I ain’t going lie lean is way is way worse one alcoholic drink one alcoholic drink is not going to give you the same effect as people drinking a beer while they playing golf is the same as pouring up

Le three lean yeah Z and one beer compared to one beer buddy you’re zipped for sure yeah I can definitely see the problem that’s a very sfe like if they would have got hurt the business would have been at fault no actually uh the top golf uh employee did

Pretty good they could have just called police and sat back there and just wait for the police to come and then locked up so that’s what I would done them that was yeah they actually did help them so how could you call them racist man yeah

Guys you can’t make this up like I2 say you can’t make this up you know no I’m not going to say what I was going to say say it starting to realize a lot of the black people make me think some of these stereotypes ain’t that ain’t

That wrong you late you been late that’s that’s what you heard I keep it in hey I be doing some stereotype sometimes I can’t lie we probably all do at times man we all do but if you are doing all the St types at once you need to go that

Proba is the problem all right guys let’s know what yall think about these guys pouring up lean in this EST establishment we’re out of here man y’all see what the going on man dropping this in here that’s what we doing man four 301 all All right all right y see what’s going on damn so we came play golf why we can’t play golf cuz y’ making y drink you racist n so so we said we was going to put the drink up and we can’t do

It I say we put the drink on so so so we can’t go


  1. Should react to the 10 foot giant’s or aliens in Miami New Year’s Day?

    Don’t know if it’s true though but to have that many police to respond to kids fighting and letting off fireworks. Must be hiding something.

    Let us know what your thoughts bros .

  2. Anyone who gets judged by the content of their character or their actions and blames it on race is directly pissing on MLK Jr's grave and dream.

  3. And people wonder where all those negative stereotypes come from. If you'd stop perpetuating irresponsible behaviour, no one could say anything about you. Grow up.

  4. It's damned sad to me that human beings living in the technology and science of today associate any worth or pride in their epidermis.

  5. Addiction and stupidity is not a skin color thing. It’s a sad thing effecting all races

  6. Aside from them bringing in there own drinks. They broke 2 of Top Golfs most strict rules. There are signs posted in every bay where you hit golf balls. Rule #1 "one person at a time on the tee box or past the red line." Rule #2 "if you fall into the net for any reason whatsoever no matter the circumstances you are escorted off the premises immediately." Five seconds into the video clip we see a guy fall into the net. It's there for your safety for a reason. He could've been seriously hurt those driving bays have a lot of overhead clearance..

  7. 1:44 Lean is not "just a drink". Bro, you just showed why normalizing this behavior is a big problem. This is why I stopped listening to the majority of new artists. Oh okay, so the guy that drinks lean doesn't think its wrong. Please as his friends you need to check him again.

  8. yeah lean isnt beer, its them serving liquid opioids in sprite. guys falling on the net, high or not. they committed a legit crime, recorded it, and acted annoying. there could be families, kids. and the business' could have been fined or shut down. tbh cops should've been there

  9. “Like the cavemen surrounded around fire” 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    And the green doesn’t even have the codeine in it…… 😒

  10. I’ve never seen people so excited about drinking heroin! Our kids are drug attics! But I know, they keeping real! Yeah real dumb! Once the cops press them about the video, I bet they all rat on each other!

  11. Very unsafe for the people drinking this at this location, and for others around. Who's going to drive these kids home? Hopefully they had the sense to have a DD, but I don't figure they did. What if they cause a wreck when they leave because they're udner the influence and they kill someone's child? Management had every right, as well as the duty, to step in and should have called the cops. Racist? NOPE. Unless they can prove that this establishment had habit of allowing the same dangerous and illegal activities from white people, and I highly doubt they did. That would be hard to prove and beyond that, it is not in the business's self-interest to allow this. People would stop coming due to the usafe environment and before too long, they would have to close down.

  12. i need to learn all your alls names…so i am going with 'dino camo shirt dude' for now, you need to think about the down stream behavior post consumption, these workers have to clean up the mess…i am not familiar with this intoxicant but too much alcohol can be hella messy in mega ways…so i figure this stuff has to at least be equivalent.

  13. It sucks that there is ACTUAL racism going on out there, but unfortunately because people cry racism over stuff like this it makes people doubt what's being said when the actual racism occurs!

  14. The one clown “I don’t think they should be kicked our for that” is the same one that laughed when he heard “thug” bragging about shooting at someone’s mother. Total product of your own trash culture.

  15. It seems like a lot of these videos are a set up, so they can call out racism. Also those guys did not look right in the head.😵‍💫 why aren’t more people upset about a group of young men harassing people at their work who are just trying to do their job? Businesses have rules for safety and for other patrons can enjoy themselves. This whole thing is just so sad to see. I hate seeing young people act like that, such a waste.

  16. I had no idea what lean was- actually never heard of it of it. It sounds so dangerous and shouldn’t even be done let alone in a family type establishment where you should be respectful to others that want to be out and having a good clean time.
    And I’m so tired of “racism” being thrown around so easily nowadays that when it comes to real racism it isn’t even looked at as real because everyone is so worn out of all the false wolf cries.

  17. I love watching your reactions. When I was young friends and I have done the exact something with whiskey, but when caught we showed respect and exited the establishment. We knew we were wrong from the get go, we did not scream racism instead we screamed oh shit we are caught. People know right from wrong, I wish I could be surrounded by good people all the time, keep doing what your doing, your yt brother Rick. Hell we have to be brothers we think the same !! 🙂

  18. Typical BS of crying wolf for the stupidity you decide to take part in. The label has no meaning, especially for when it actually happens. It falls on deaf ears because of waste man’s like them.

  19. They acted like it was the first time sippin syrup and they wanted the whole world to know bout it lmao newbs 😂.
    Obviously they was in the wrong here and them acting like they wasn’t is the problem.

  20. The lil guy always playin devils advocate, but he's always so wrong. Just gotta be different don't ya

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