Golf Players

PETRONAS Malaysia Open 2024 | Zheng/Huang (CHN) [1] vs. Kim/Jeong (KOR) [7] | QF

PETRONAS Malaysia Open 2024 | Super 1000
Mixed Doubles | Quarterfinals
Zheng/Huang (CHN) [1] vs. Kim/Jeong (KOR) [7]

#BWFWorldTour #MalaysiaOpen2024

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Looking at the mix doubles draw and all The Usual Suspects in attendance as we approach the semi-finals winner of this one of course will play either panro and tyat maai or um Terry he and tan that match is actually happening right now on court two and fantastic first game win

For Terry and Jessica keep you updated on how that goes now jeni way and hanga Sh always playing with a smile on the face still in the commentary box with me from the from team may I like that term teames okay from mix doubles Jenny you’ve played these guys before uh at

The Thailand open I think was the last time yes now we all know what it’s like when they get on court what what is it like to face them sh she it’s like you should see her face people you should see her face right now

Go go ahead go ahead I would say it’s like you’re playing three people that was the only way we could describe it after we came off that’s brilliant they are that fast and they cover so much of the core and they put you under so much pressure that it honestly felt like we

Were playing three people wow well we said it before if you’re going to beat better you have to beat the best and they really are the best is looking for a fifth title their records 22 Kore red or black shangi way and black is the call sh TOS by Kevin B our

Umpire and okay server received reive who’s receiving okay who’s serving okay Kim wanho and jna earn capable pairing of course upstaged a little last year by what quite a lot actually by S J and Ty Jung who ended up being world champions but uh solid Korean mixed

Doubles solid yeah they are a very very solid pair that is exactly how we Define them um me and Greg my mix P have actually also played oh sure yeah of course it’s your Division and uh yeah that is the word I would use to describe

Them we had a uh rather Hefty lead in the third set playing against them and then they just as we an English term they shut up shop and they did not give us a single point park the bus that’s it that was it but that’s what they do and

That is I’d say partly the reason why Jung way and hang Yong have maybe struggled a bit against them in the past as you said two two head-to-head um they don’t give you anything absolutely so look at the tourament for the defending Champions it was uh and NC Yao 33

Minutes Kush janto and K maati in the second round 42 minutes still haven’t dropped the game yet so absolutely Flawless from them and as I said they won in 2018 they won in 2019 uh of course canceled for the pandemic 2020 2021 came back and they

Won 22 and 23 as well Kim on home 24 years old this also plays men’s doubles and for Kim and J who are currently ranked seventh they have been as high as five and that was back in June of last year one title one runnerup spot who did

Make the world tour finals ended up fourth in group b and these were their results coming into this T men and live page in home in 38 minutes and then dropped a game against Yamashita in shoya in an hourong affair in round [Applause] two they’ve got a huge amount of fans as

You can imagine as we look on by Kevin bun joined by our service judge Muhammad aad San and the axial Arena beginning to fill up now did say just been roughly an hour of play already and all beginning to come in and there go you can hear them now

Perfect so I guess we know they’re solid and we know that uh you know that jangi way hang Shong are actually playing with a secret invisible third person but can Kim and Chong uh in the form that um hang Yash Shong and jangi way have been in this week how is this going

To go I think it all depends on how the Korean pair will play I think the Chinese pair pretty pretty solid like they don’t often drop too much yeah however the Koreans yesterday they had a very close game closer than maybe one would have expected on paper they were

Significantly higher ranked than the Japanese pair they played and what they’ve done in the past so well against the Chinese pair is really slow the pace of the game down and as I said the Chinese pair they like to play kind of fast and furious style of biton and when that’s nullified by

The Korean style of play then that’s where they sometimes find some some difficulty so they’re going to have to do that again today so TR to together on the way over quite a loose net shot there from H your Tong yeah I think they’re just testing

Out as they do as soon as they get into that fast and furious as you said at that pattern they also have the ability of course to move through the gears so another one of these pairs that even though they might be facing match point it’s really not out the question for

Them to pull that back from there good start from Kim Jong here mistake yeah they don’t look settled just yet few uncharacteristic errors from the Chinese so [Applause] far oh talking of mixed doubles that’s massive Roar is for he in time from Singapore could have just asked Detra and subi on court 2

Made the semi-finals incredible performance by the singaporeans and with Yao Jamin also in the quarterfinals this has a great week for Singapore so far yeah fantastic so meanwhile we have our first R 24 Shots and that’s what you’re talking about if they can start if the Koreans can start engineering rallies

With 24 30 shots in it then that’s what’s going to really throw spanner in the works for shangi Wayan yeah and he looks like he’s JY way is struggling with his length on that back line currently which is actually the opposite way around that we saw in the women’s singles that’s exactly

It it’s just been blustery conditions all over that Court safest thing to do is just play midcourt to midcourt won’t get you very far but we’ve not seen the Chinese on the attack too much so far especially in their favored position which is Dungy way at the back

They’re doing a good job so far of pushing Hong to the back court look at this 81 combination of body shots combination of a high line being played by Kim and Jong look at them both settled in midcourt and you’re right just doing enough to rattle the defending Champions

Wow wow that was really there for Jong to win she got the really hard one back that’s right that was the tough part of the job was here not happy with that you’re not going to be happy with that well Jong Lan is looking very Lively at the net right now K one

Ho powering in and this has been a fantastic start from them 9 2 not just solid but actually a little bit aggressive as well didn’t have to do much to read that one that was very long but you’re right he seems to be especially from the partnership a little bit muted

He seems to be a little bit jaded in terms of what we usually see from him which is bouncing in in one step left to right just haven’t been able to click yet but we’re expecting that to happen I doubt before the first mid game interval yeah the Koreans so far have

Done a fantastic job of not lifting once to toy way not had a single overhead shot which is where he is so dangerous so they’ve got their game plan spot on so far the Koreans they’ve taken that 113 lead at the break Second second J J so 11 three Play We have had a couple of long runes but generally speaking 14 points 5 minutes it’s been quick short and sharp but it’s also been going the way of the 4 11 that’s more so what that type of Ry is

More what we’re used to seeing the JY way pushing it hard and then using his unbelievable athleticism and speed to cover both sides of the Court the flash when it comes to getting around that cor and he wears red as well [Applause] another rally that they’re coming in on

The attack now Wong at the back and you did say their preferred partnership as with all mix doubles I guess with the uh female player up male player at the back but with these two and a couple of other pairs as well they’re kind of interchangeable they’re

Not as strong if one strong is at the back but still effective yeah that’s why they’re world number one and why they are have been so dominant of so many years now is that they are such a versatile pair I actually think the the Koreans also are

Very very strong in the what we would call the reverse formation Kim wanho it seems to be that if you push through to him when he’s at the net it’s almost like like the valley is over he is so good at then just keeping that pressure going

Yeah and J is a fantastic wom’s doubles player so that’s why that formation does work so well for them 13 well once again good pressure at the net here CH as I said looking Lively on that side right side she Prov the difference [Applause] again

There a good angle spotted by J way as Usual left it a little bit too high shangu way still little bit I I I don’t want to say unfocused but kind of lapses of focus and that’s for him a bit too high and an easy kill for J N Wang Chong has been at the back pretty

Much every rally match I think they need to try and find a way for hang trong to maybe rotate in towards the net a bit quicker than she is doing currently it’s also this High Line that the Koreans are pushing so there isn’t much reaction time when it comes down to

It 15 so things definitely that’s one of the first times I think I’ve uh not seen uh Jen Jen Shi way smiling in the first game he’s he’s definitely got something on his mind and it might just be this very uncharacteristic score line oh ready for play Serv over over close

167 great idea straight through the Middle it’s all kimho at the moment J just waiting patiently be brought in there we [Applause] go that was a great point and that was that traditional setup of strong in the middle and Kim wo just arcing around behind kimho at the moment is doing a great job of switching up the placement

Of his attack so it’s across the body of of one player and then fully across the body of the other player really makes the the Chinese pair feel like they don’t know where his attack’s going to go and it puts them under even more pressure just see the body language from J not

Happy with that on right [Applause] China and on my left shin that’s better from jeni way over n or a little bit more familiar I guess that’s what he usually does yeah using that explosive speed this is what oh as I was about to say this is what I meant what we meant

At the start where the Koreans are so solid where we might be thinking that the Chinese aren’t playing quite so well or what we’re used to seeing from them the Koreans are doing a fantastic job of not giving them cheap points up until I was about to say that and then he hit

Return in the net that was the first Che point though I mean literally they’ve been they’ve been solid and good value for this 1910 lead good pressure on that return there service over 119 well if p could come back from this position it would be Shang Shi hang but

I would have to condition that response with Serv over a full strength J way would be able to do it right now I think there’s a little bit of talking too they have to do and it’s good to see that world number one’s such a glittering record that they can still have days

Like this 2111 and Kim and John being very calm and composed about a very very good [Applause] Start For 5 1 20 second so back on court for game two and I mean there’s definitely something going on in that in that Chinese Camp there kind of a very somber mood to that interval I know of course they did just lose a game and that was the first game

That they’ve lost all week and the manner in which they lost that game is probably a bit concerning but now is not the time to think of that yeah not a great start from the Chinese but let’s see the speed that they come out with in the second

Set nice pin Point sh through the corner 1 service over delicate little push from 2 2 one Kim wo again good angle there just to see those long scoring opportunities he knows that the the Chinese pair don’t want to lift so he stood so high up the court and then when

He when the Chinese do these midt push is he’s so early because he’s so high up and ready for them right 3 2 good smash placement there right into the the right hip of the right hander of kimono that is the most difficult position to get a smash back from into

That right hit yeah close to the body and that body defense that’s him SH now back up at the front of the net this is looking like the spark might just ignite a bit of a comeback [Applause] here great from one sh just changed the pattern of play at

The net two yeah the last three points has gone from what felt like J N in the first set she was on top of the tape and above the above the tape whereas now it’s hang Yong just putting so much pressure on J and at some point now I

Would expect that John is not going to feel comfortable playing quite so many net shots she feels like H your tongue is going to kill everything that Presence at the net yeah 72 service over 3 7 rotated to the front they’re certainly moving better now they look like they have a lot more patience yeah they’re willing to hit three four five shots until they set up that final net kill and that was a great shot there chy way great vision 8 three that’s just you know that’s seeing

Things like a fly seeing things before it happens just running into that space and then time restarts 20 seconds 20 seconds F definitely feel like wow Chong is dominating the net now she’s really stepped up yeah I mean what a [Applause] turnaround oh we see oh we just missed that one we have seen it happen before yesterday as well I was once again actually in the commentary box and and I was singing the Praises as you would of chenin Chen and J fun then chensing Chen actually had an uncharacteristically Strange Day where

She wasn’t getting half the shots you would you would have thought they still won obviously but was a tougher game for them and I think that’s what we’re seeing now for jeni way H Shan a tougher match for them unbelievable in that first phase of game two 115 at the break over 7

[Applause] One 20 seconds Court 1 20 Seconds so back on court for the second part of game two 11 this quarterfinal Session One on day four Malaysia open if you just joined [Applause] us just wi just drag that Serv over 6 11 she with finally couple of lifts to work With strong start from the Koreans after the break feel like they’ve increased their Pace a little bit from that first half that second set [Applause] yeah 15 that was always going to come back with interest really Kim was ready in the right place it looked like there was

A bit of confusion here between the Chinese pair I think hang trong thought JY way was going to stay in and take the net but he was already coming off to take the rear C and let her move forwards shot very SHP very 9 11 is over

169 and now it feels like what hang Chong was doing so unbelievably well in the first first half of being dominating that net yeah now the Koreans are early on everything they’re adapting well to what he’s coming back and so whatever Sparks have come back that

On Shong ignited in that first phase of play now it’s a different I was about to say ball game absolutely not yeah Shuffle game that’s come back too high easy for J 12 [Applause] 10 12 [Applause] 16 great anticipation by Jong n really when she came in and took that shot that

Was the defining Point yeah that one she stepped in and she moved forward so quickly anticipating juny Way’s crosscourt shot and then Kono just [Applause] waiting oh difficult for Jung and she’s done well again she’s done so well again this is wonderful to see from the Koreans they

Knew that that pressure was coming in and now they’ve upt it again 12 all ji way wangong not really in critical trouble yet I mean the pattern of play obviously is indicating that things could be trouble but they don’t want this score line to be getting up to 16 17

18 start risking the match itself over have to engineer a point run if they can here [Applause] here bit of confusion again good rotation bying Champions it’s a fast rally but the Koreans were in step with it they slow it down they’re winning they speed it up they’re holding their [Applause]

Ground feels like with every shot the Koreans are playing they just taking one extra step forwards every time and they’re putting the Chinese power under more and more pressure over 33 shots out 13 couple of big points coming up now yeah [Applause] absolutely 17 such a great variation of [Applause] pace

Oh with all the effort that both of the ladies have been putting in at the net it was good to see this toe totoe stand off such a good vision from hang at the end there you could see jna she was having she’s being forced backwards she

Took one step there and as soon as she took that one step it drops it at the front look at that just can’t believe it 39 shots now the longest rally tally surely changed so 1513 imperative for the Chinese pair to springboard off this try and snatch the second game8 [Applause] good [Applause] 163 over 19 16 service over take that give a Time got the neet C quite difficult for CH to do anything from that position nicked in now nice te you kind of get the feeling that jeni way needed to do that because there were multiple attacking points coming or attacking

Fronts coming from the GS either a big shot from mid court or the back from Kim wanho or CH and just lurking I think there’s been a big difference in this set from the Koreans in that we saw hang yach Chong at the back court a lot in that first set yeah

Whereas now it seems to have gone much more of a a midcourt game where no one really wants to lift too much we’ve got here again hang y Chong and they’ve had success from it getting her to the back yeah that has work well 15 17

Obviously she is very strong at the back and she’s a great great all round player but her prefer position definitely at the Front 16 bit loose 16 17 this is where things get very tight indeed one point good switch of attack there you can see J she was running back as as they had hit that shot we’ll see it here it’s really hard to control your defense or even like reach it yeah when you’re

Getting back into position been caught out a couple of times like that just by the sharp eyes of over not you see that nervous service from what a point to give away a service [Applause] fault he’s tied up at 18 and this is what I mean about risking the match they’re not doing it intentionally of course nobody would do that but they haven’t been able to plug up those mistakes and now they’re beginning to bite back crucial point for Kim just a couple of inches low

19 18 [Applause] that’s what we’re used to seeing from the Chinese thunderous smash from jungy way and then interceptions at the net from Hong [Applause] Chong well if you’ve never seen Jang Shing way and I can tell you this isn’t as fles with brilli coming through and

Now they get two game points to level up the score I myself I’d love to see a third game it’s almost a cliffhanger it’s like I just have to know where this is going to end up brilliant absolutely brilliant that’s looping shot by way so 218 and the defending

Champions one game have done job one which is set up a Third For 3 all quart 1 20 seconds quart 1 20 seconds so here we go this is it third and deciding [Applause] game as they’ve both received some very animate coaching advice love it when the coaches come in you just see them even if you don’t understand what they’re saying you just

Tell by the way they’re moving love and we saw looking also more animated there yes definitely definitely there certainly looked like they picked up their Spirits it was completely different situation in that first game that’s nice by J N over one [Applause] love still is pretty fast paac 34 minutes on

Court so far into the third deciding game another fantastic placement of Smash there yeah just can’t retrieve as easily from that position challes called out what well I think he’s going to be lucky if he gets anything from this that looked from up here like it was shading out but never

Know could be edge of the line they challenge pretty fast yeah and here it comes knowedge to the line challenge unsuccessful clearly out one challenge remaining service over two one Play service over 5 4 play well he knew what he was going to do then over 2

All you can see how early was there moving in yeah I think you read Kim wonho’s racket position that he came in with fairly straight arm it’s really difficult for Kim wo to then punch that over D’s head falling back a little bit two over 5 long at the back again thir

Over quick points kick off this third Sil that’s the second net cord return in a row from the Koreans that was ambitious all challenges called out well I didn’t expect the challenge to come from that me neither I mean uh honestly I was just about to say that

Kim H was looking a little bit upset with himself he didn’t really have much option there wasn’t there wasn’t really any kind of other option he could play and if he had have pulled out um an on the line winner from that well that would have been really

Exceptional still Chong n his partner is Faithfully for a challenge but clearly clearly out for all sh Ser good reading of the game there from John she held her ground she knew that or anticipating that jungy way was going to push it back straight 9 [Applause] six oh nice pick up there oh amazing [Applause] defense that’s what happens if you standing ground first two-point lead but

Incredible stuff from Kimo I don’t know how he got half of those shots back again slow down time you can see things a little bit bigger but that was one and in his last shot just Hong just leaning a bit too much well I think after that uh incredible defense from

Kimo I think that you know Hong Shong was probably just a little bit off wanding I think they they expect to win that point 41 Shots over for a mixed doubles play six heading into women’s doubles territory isn’t it you got 41 and this game has been so fast and furious so far

Yeah even in between The Valleys both pairs are almost taking no time I think maybe that oh that doesn’t look good does it I think Kimo and J in their game plan they’re m match plan which they had before they got on court I think they would have expected jangi

Way wangas Shong to have come back if they did in the in their in their kind of precognition of what’s going on they’ve done that and I think now they’re going to try and match their Pace in the third so this was all still kind of part of the plan they they

Really don’t look like they’ve um dropped their heads or sagging their shoulders At All by losing that second game yeah I would agree when you’re playing the world number ones and you win the first set with a score line like that 2111 I think you would be a little

Bit silly to then just think they’re going to let me win the next set to the same score line I’m going to go further and say you’d be crazy I think you were very polite you have to be on a different planet based on the stats of these two 76 turn it over

S oh nicely jumped in there’s that aggression again moving forward [Applause] six that was probably a bit bit too loose and a bit too obvious from Jung way both men are doing a fantastic job in this game of moving forwards again couple of opportunities that would have been winners but the

Careers it back and that is in that looked close it looked very close no challenge coming 9 six three-point lead biggest we’ve had in the [Applause] third ji way one of the fastest players on that back line couldn’t get there in time [Applause] It’s a great vision by J oh great coverage stick with it keep those rallies long that’s the name of the game now for the Koreans 10 they’re doing such a good job of making Dy way move and push him around the court and then hang Yong feels like she needs to come out and and help him and that’s where it exposes some of the gaps 37 shots now so really in these last couple of

Games have been averaging least 30 35 shots that’s good angle from Kim 116 up and they had to fight for that fantastic run from the Koreans K on the defining point 20 seconds coach return to your chair well the back on court for the all important second phase of game three and that somber calmness about the Chinese pair is back let’s see what they can do here this is an import very important first few points out of the break

Yeah and one of them gifted by the service ER 11 but what we do know the Chinese pair are extremely good at is comebacks never Rite them off there was any pair they could turn it around from here that’s good pressure from shangi way keeping it nice and flat going a

Little bit steeper on the angle with every shot [Applause] oh was very good wonderful another great piece of Defense everything just keeps coming back oh that time to Relentless pressure from h 9 the Koreans did so well to survive the pressure up until that point but they just couldn’t just about turn it away from the rackets which meant the Chinese could keep that pressure [Applause] going over 17 Chong again D forward War sh has done that two or

Three times now and you can see from the huge smile on her face she’s not used to doing that it happens it’s called being human doesn’t happen very often obviously to them but still but it was a great yeah they set themselves up perfectly and that shouldn’t discourage them from trying to

Do the same things again and again Chong n has been in great form that oh that was good much steeper this time from and into double digits for the defending Champions over 13 thank [Applause] you next point I remember it was 116 at the interval 14 10 and that’s 1410 just

Stops that little mini run of points and again kills that confidence of the Chinese Fair back down to zero they’ve got to start [Applause] again strong just seized was good Relentless attack there I think that’s all they got left now I mean let’s face it 14 [Applause]

Again we have to stress to any other pair this would be a far more serious situation that’s gone long over that was definitely the right shot just a little bit too much juice on it but they desperately need to start closing this Gap now so oh yeah and running out of points

Uncited well actually that’s going that’s not an unsighted call which would be a free challenge this is going to affect the challenge count for jenin hang and this is their last challenge if they get it wrong oh is dangerous it’s not just the situation it’s the it’s the Allin situation as to

What’s happened it and it was in and it was in unsuccessful no challenges remaining you just heard it Kevin emphatically saying no challenges remaining so they have not got the benefit of Hawkeye and they have to turn this round and Kim and Jong still in a very good position

Yeah they’ve got that fivepoint Gap called too high service over 12 16 very nervous now I have to credit Kim Jong-un for being so calm up to this point but now she’s beginning to show oh a great shot such an amazing shot 13 16 thank you what a shot just flicked off

Backand such good power to be able to do that but then also racket control to we’ve seen a lot of lifts and power shots go out the back that side so have the right amount of power but not too much he he waited well so down to three points again good shot perfect

Placement they’re being careful and it’s working 16 there Rising rally [Applause] again W that’s got to be longr I think and it was wonderful to watch but that 17th point 14 on has arrived for the Koreans please welcome theal off great vision again from jut J at the end

Stepping right up was the longest rally you’re right 50 [Applause] shots I think we must be in this in this last game averaging raply 30 31 based we we had a 40 we had a 47 we’ve had 50 17 well how important is this [Applause] ser oh what a time for a late

Take Empire Sanka s judge fult who faulted yeah he absolutely faulted wait guys nice tce nice well Kevin B with a lot of theou the her foot touch the net her foot her foot touched the net her foot touched the net her foot touched the net was it that you your foot touched the

Net they kept playing it’s a controversial call foot touched the Net post The Net post her foot touched the Net post yes yeah that’s that’s that’s a fault yeah service over 185 what a call at what a Time 53 shots it was the longest rally but really

That’s a f negated because hang Shong has been deemed to have stepped on the net post which is part of the net and you don’t see it very often but here we go yes yeah oh that’s close her foot touch yeah no her foot touched her a lot earlier I

Called the fault a lot earlier play on oh oh that’s I called I called it that’s close I don’t want to call that earlier well if they were line judge in a questioning mood before that’s even more for jeni way to think about I don’t know we I think you

Need to have all sorts of different angles the the crowd are getting vocal about it as well as you can imagine the coaching staff very concerned and what’s more important I think for the on on the play is how are they going to come back at 1815 down in that head space he

Doesn’t look happy he doesn’t look happy at all Well 185 the determination has been made uh any further protest or protests or conflict is just going to risk a yellow card and a warning really how can they come back from this now though that’s what we’re talking about 1915 we got to really refocus have to do it

Quickly I just get a funny feeling we haven’t seen or heard the last effect that I think that’s going to be echoing in time for a bit and a huge round of applause for their next point but they are up against the [Applause] wall [Applause] one with his second seated defense works out

[Applause] [Applause] well again the Korean soaking up the pressure 17 19 it’s a great work rate from the Chinese there they were everywhere work rate that is the term that’s definitely the ter and this is a very important point now oh yeah yes [Applause] indeed [Applause] that’s been what a shots match points three match [Applause] points absolutely [Applause] pinpoint

Oh it’s great play by Kim and J unbelievable they were really careful in that final rally but in the end it’s the net cord that pushes it wide and the defending Champions ousted in three in 57 minutes what a match how about that for a last [Applause] Point by to

Literally 18 21 21 17 explosion of joy for them yeah very happy with that had all the drama that third game it had everything didn’t it and as I said I’m sure we’re going to be hearing more about that controversial call but for now Kim wano Chong are through to the semi Finals [Applause] [Applause] So back at the Malaysia open and it’s been a real treat for the fans throughout the week as you can see lots of signing sessions happening around the axat arena but on court we are at the quarterfinal stage and look at that jeni way hangang defending Champions alster 2-1 by


  1. 感觉郑思維現在打时有闹情緒,对黃雅琼似有不满,这样的话会对双方都有影响,2024年奧運难了。

  2. Watch the top of the net post at 59:41, next to the umpire's left knee. It wobbles at exactly the time Huang's foot lands. Umpire made the correct call.

  3. It's not the umpire fault at all in my opinion, he has called the fault so much earlier but both pairs didn't listen 😂😂 even the coach from Korea noticed about Yaqiong foot touched the pole of the net. Umpire is very close to the net, he got the vision from above the net as well. so he could see it clearly.. To all Yaqiong/Siwei fans you need to calm down, don't throw such dirty words to the umpire. The game was great despite the incident 😃

  4. I am proud of Jeong and kim pair ! What a fantastic match. They showed a great defense and smart placement. I am a fan of Jeong.❤❤❤❤❤ 앞으로가 더 기대되는 팀이네요. 너무 자랑스럽습니다. 🎉🎉

  5. 觉得雅思今天状态很不对。个人感觉从第一局开始就没有什么轮转。混双基本都是尽量轮转让女生在前面封网,今天感觉基本他们没有这个想法,甚至很多时候都特意让雅琼在后场进攻😅

  6. Huang said after the game that she didnt feel like touching anything, it's possible that she touched and possible no. But they accepted and respected the umpiring, no one is wrong or blaming the other side, It's a very good rally tho…just enjoy the game la

  7. Compared to world tour finals, the Kim and Jeong's placement and coverage/coordination has improved SO much already. 46:54 Just wow

  8. 第一局,刻意让雅琼到后场思维前场封网,比分结果实在太难看了。第二局稍稍平衡一点。第三局站位比较正常,思维拼了几个杀球,其实是想赢球的。

  9. Definitely a debatable false call, but can we please have this male commentator learn players name properly? 55:14 straight up called her Kim Jong Un? Thats just disrespectful and its always him.

  10. even though she touched the footplate of the net pole. i dont think its a fault. the blue net pole is inside of the field. its on the white line. the foot is even PAINTED in white so it would blend in with the line. so the footplate should be part of the field. cause its hard to see the footplate if that part is in white when u lunge in. if its illegal to step on then why not leave it blue ? they should ajust this rule its absurd

  11. Korean pair played really exceptional good in this match. Their great efforts should not be stolen from unsatisfied response of their opponents at a fault call.

    Korean coach also did a fantastic job. His strategy worked and of course with the precise execution by his players.

  12. Kim/Jeong's play style now reminds me of Seo/Chae's, good offense but even better defense. Such intense rallies this match

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