Golf Players

Ryan Dzingel | Coming in Hot LIVE – January 11

Everyone’s favourite guest and one of the best to ever do it, RYAN DZINGEL, joins the show once again!

Fans, players, management, basically EVERYONE is on edge with the Senators season struggles but Zinger joins the the Coming In Hot crew to try and lighten the mood.

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Time now for coming in hot with Brent Wallace Bobby Ryan and Jason York happy Thursday everybody Brent Wallace alongside Jason York and Bobby Ryan nice to see you guys to finish off uh our positive week if you will no you gotta be positive to start the show at least I don’t know we’re we’re bringing on an Bobby we got an orinary orinary

Bastard coming up here he’s not happy with us not gonna be wait uh and he may be gone by the time we get to him uh one sec uh before we get to him I want to take care of some business so we don’t interrupt him because there’s some great stories for

Him to tell us as usual uh so let’s get right to it shall we this show is always brought to you by Battlegrounds ax throwing it’s batl grounds uh no practice needed coaches we’ll show you all the ropes you need great for family couples corporate groups listen book a

Team building event there uh kids 12 up can throw a company by a guardian uh unlock the ultimate birthday party team building event we having a great date night with your significant other at battle ax thrwing booking now at there are 265 Lancaster Ro is near the Science and Tech

Museum and as always our show is brought to you by our friends at Bei the heav heavy civil general contractor and both the public and the private sectors when planning your next project consider them for your aggregate supply needs which are equipment rentals aggregate top so sales anything Hol and floating and

Concrete formwork you can find them at bonish Excavating tocom give them a shout at 613 432 11120 Bei is helping to shape the Auto Valley all right gang listen up it’s time to learn the pro pose coach bend and snap beautiful form nice arm extension facial expression can use some

Work all right let’s see it the prop pose what’s that guy doing I think that’s the bend and snap that’s a whole different deal charm home of the pro Pose Zinger could have been that guy in the commercial yeah that guy’s painful in that commercial without without further Ado all the way from Sunny Arizona where it is 6:02 am uh Ryan Isle my friend welcome to the show I was thinking about actually leaving because that would have been

Awesome but I like I like you guys not Bobby but thanks for having me yes Sunny Arizona it’s a pitch black right now so hey um I I gotta ask before we do you have an Instagram wall behind you on the in your office all right you’re making fun of me

My wife makes money you know I got is that what that is what does it say Zinger golf there you go buddy that’s my wife my wife and then couple jerseys over there but oh is there a s Jersey excuse me is there a s Jersey on the wall

No there is there is show us is yeah there it is top right top right that’s the jersey that you you got to wear that one when you got traded back there right yeah I talk I love that Jersey I talk a lot of smack but obviously it was uh you

Know I’m forever grateful to Ottawa so yeah I loved it and that was my favorite Jersey I never got to wear it yeah that was actually when I wore number 10 so it was kind of weird but uh yeah I love that logo and I love that Jersey yeah I

Missed the black and the red one that the boys get to wear now too I didn’t get any of the good ones I me it doesn’t matter what you wear it’s not gonna look great you know so don’t worry about it hurt with me right now six o’clock in the morning uh

You know what awake we’ve been awake the same amount of time Ryan I don’t I don’t have it in me either I’m gonna test how ornery you might be today I see the Ohio State jersey behind you of course you played at Ohio State uh you did wear the

Fishbowl which was interesting but that’s not my my issue I’m just curious when you see a photo like this one um what comes to your mind yeah I lost a lot of money on that game so you know I don’t really care about football but that what kind that guy

Didn’t even show up penx J I thought that guy was a stud and he let let me down so I knew they were going to win I just just need to cover five and a half you know oh man it’s a tough one yeah does

It how tough is it to see Michigan as national champions yeah Ohio state was like my most fun time I’ve ever had in hockey and and I made you know so many friends to this day and uh just remember like showing you that photo just some of

The stupid things we did on the I that was against Michigan State and I U one of my old teammates was on Michigan State at the time and was a hattick and I was like throwing my hat at their bench like just being an idiot because

You could you could just do whatever you want so the photo before that I that was I scored and I went by their bench and like threw my hat into their bench so that was just being an absolute idiot and you had no consequences yeah you don’t have to answer for anything in

College exactly so that’s why you wear that Fishbowl there’s no consequences so okay Z you you threw the hat right in their bench yeah I scored I took a slap shot I I literally remember this like I don’t have a great member like I told

You guys before with a lot of goals that happened in hockey but I was coming on the left side took a slap shot went far right and I turned around and like right to Michigan State’s bench it was at Ohio State and literally right to their bench I just like

Like and then yeah and then you’re getting like a little scrum but there’s nothing in college so yeah I threw threw my hat at their bench oh that’s beautiful so good McKenzie McKenzie mcran told me that story uh last year he’s on St Louis Blues now and he

Remembers ripping my chain off in a scrum and uh I literally I never forgot that he ripped my chain off and the scrum after I shot I shot a puck after the whistle literally after that right there goalie and and then the scrum happened and he ripped my chain off and

That and that was him I’m like holy cow that’s crazy 10 years ago so I can honestly I could just picture five foot six of Ryan Dingle being a cocky little arrogant thing out there oh yeah you’re you’re such a nail gun huh I beat up KY

I took my visor off at or my fishbowl off at 16 never put it back on big by big guy well yeah I mean when I got to Bingington you know their excuse from Ottawa was you know Ryan doesn’t play tough enough you know he’s I’m an All-American with Johnny gjo and Jimmy

Hayes but somehow I’m in the AHL and they’re telling me I’m not Tough Enough so next thing you know I had a agent named Eddie Ward and he was like you know what every time Pierre walks in that door you fight so like Pierre would walk in kind of let his presence be

Known before the game he would walk down in our locker room and then go up to his seats so every game you know I I remember the announcer would be like oh and now our top goal score is fighting so I would I would just try to scrap I

Just I just try to scrap because they told me I wasn’t tough enough you know meanwhile like Bobby said they didn’t have enough contracts for me anyway like there’s no room that was just your excuse so I started trying to fight started trying to fight and my dad I’ll

Never forget to text me hey you’re not tough he literally he was sick of hearing it from my mom my mom was was crying and she was sick of me fighting I’ll never forget it my dad’s like can you stop fighting you’re not tough and I wasn’t I was just ducking and

Chucking it’s so F it’s so so funny in the miners away everybody knows when the GM shows up like it’s and then then it goes right through the room and guys start going so as soon as you knew you you you just fought yeah I mean we had a

Lot of tough guys like we had some we had Mark Frasier we had some very guys that was when like all the guys from the NHL started trickling down at the AHL and uh so yeah I would just try to find a guy decent my size and then just grab

Them whenever I could so yeah I remember just yeah like I didn’t know what I was doing no I going through the lineup going through their lineup you’re handpicking your guy right before the game I get this guy well then it kind of got down to like people like thought

That I was willing so then I would get like the sneak like not the not the like tough guys but the middle tier guys that are my size but can are actually tougher than me so then I was getting beat up a little bit but eventually got up there

So what who do you know who your first AHL fight was first man I do not I’m trying to think I know I know some of them like I know I know which guys they F but I couldn’t tell you my first one okay I was curious yeah I remember me

Holding my hands like super weird all the time like there’s videos Clips I have no I look like I have no idea what I’m doing like I’m holding my hands like that I’m squaring off like I’m not just grabbing guys I’m squaring off taking my

Helmet off like I had no idea what I was doing uh in when you went to Arizona your first couple games you played Columbus you were fighting guys like cam ainson I think is one if I maybe not uh no fought carali I fought carali and

Then I fought uh another guy but yeah he and I was thinking why you just played with the was there were you upset with them or were you just car car hit uh car hit clay Keller a little weird obviously he’s our best player and he’s one of my

Good buddies so I just threw a uppercut from deep down south and tried to put him in a coma but I missed him and just over SW this if you see the video I swung this thing missed him by a good foot and then we both fell down banana

Pill well I I remember like literally grabbing him and you could see in the video and I’m like hey you’re going to have to fight somebody cuz I thought the hit was worse than it really was it wasn’t that bad but he kind of clipped him when he was coming across the middle

I’m like hey you’re gonna have to fight someone and you’re like like I’m a pretty good customer like you I would take me over a lot of other guys in the bench he’s like yeah you’re right that’s amazing amazing that’s how you that’s how you get any fight you want e hey I’m

Not that tough you got me go ahead you pretty you got a pretty good chance here well Trevor Gillies told that to one of our Fighters I think I told you guys that story he told us that one of our Fighters like man you look good I

Think you got a good chance you know I like I like your lefts that you’re telling some other guy that he’s got a chance any that’s nuts Trevor with me Trevor Gill is one of my favorite people man that guy was crazy absolutely N Nails what do you you’re playing a lot

Of golf who do you play golf with now this guy you I love how you guys set him up like you know it’s like these the the people are watching this show have no idea how you set him up like you’re just trying to bait me into answering some of

This stuff so I playing with my boy Phil kessle yesterday and that’s all I’m gonna tell you what did you shoot they’re gonna call me S if I tell you guys everyone’s going to call me a sandbagger I’m a five handicap I went 7378 we played Whisper rock and Arizona

Country Club and I made eight birdies in two days and everyone’s going to call me a sandbagger now that’s said I didn’t know I didn’t know you learned how to putt I will slap you you’re one of the worst golfers I’ve ever seen like you’re ugly to watch you

Got nine country clubs and you still stin I have a terrible swing my swing is terrible yeah but but I beat it around and I I never said you wouldn’t slap me I said you’re a sandbagger why would I play a sandbagger it’s does me no good

Give me a donation I need a little donation but anyway Phil yeah Phil I’ve been training with Phil and and it’s just shocking to me that he hasn’t got a deal and uh the guy the dude’s actually in shape all we do is argue all we do is

Argue work out play golf skate wrestle like I’ve been messing with this guy as much as I can because he’s he’s hilarious but it’s shocking that the guy doesn’t have a deal 40 points on 12 minutes on a Stanley Cup team and Iron Man streak and then doesn’t get a deal

So yeah it’s a little it’s it’s absolutely baffling especially with a guy’s name like that like why wouldn’t a team like just sign the guy you know they have they have a bunch of distractions you know bring him in with a big name like that anyone even otta I

Mean it’s crazy I don’t know I mean the league is changing so much and you know I feel like the GMS and coaches want to control everything and he’s a guy that you know he’s got a big name and you know big personality and who knows I’m just I’m speculating but it’s actually

Crazy I don’t know what your thoughts or guys are on that but I thought he was I thought he was dun Zinger so he he’s actually out there oh yeah train train five days a week we train five these probably like literally we’re running yeah two days ago we were running and do

We do cardio like four or five times a week we he skates every every day we have a chance we’re literally skating with u18 teams U6 teams and for me I’m you know who knows I I didn’t want to go to Europe and I’m probably done but for

Him 40 points last year on a Stanley Cup winning team on 12 minutes and Iron Man streak and if you watch his look at his hockey DB like Bobby’s it’s it’s just insane to look at it just looks like it looks like figures from a you know like

A video game it’s just crazy so kind of baffling to me that he has yeah that he hasn’t popped anywhere especially now that you’re kind of at the halfway point of the season um and you know what you’re G to be like why wouldn’t somebody throw a million bucks at him or

Whatever league minimum is it he’d probably he’s probably a veteran league minimum yorky so he’d be a million I think right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Bob do you know do you know Kess I’ve known Kess since we were um 14 we I you kind of lose touch but you play against them

And you always say hello and stuff but um yeah we were actually supposed to live together at the US program and then I went the other way and went to Owens sound um I played World Juniors we played Olympics so we’ve always been around World Championship so yeah um

We’re friendly enough yeah great I I I remember when he was a rookie I was in Boston and he was supposed to live with me too it was a year it was a year he got sick I couldn’t believe because he was he he was he was I got to say fat he

Just had the same body when he was a kid like he looked like he was 40 but I don’t know I don’t know why people get caught up on that like the guy’s a freak in the gym like yeah he’s had you know that like he had cancer and I’m assuming

I don’t want to put words in his mouth but I’m assuming you know with your testosterone levels and stuff like that with the cancer in the area that he had it and removing what of you know whatever else it was like it just sucks that you know I don’t know why that’s

Even a problem the guy the guy’s productive every single year and the guy skates like the wi like why do you why you try to put him in a box with somebody else you know that’s why I have a lot of friends in other sports and and there’s so much there’s so much

Better in those Sports than hockey at at you know creating what the person needs you know my one of my best friends is the pitching coach for the Guardians now and he was out visiting me we were just talking and he’s like man like this the

One of the best prospects had a great year last year and they’re like what did you do and I literally walked in and said what do you need and the guy was like man can you just leave me alone like the last three years everyone in interjecting something about my game

Just can you just leave me alone and when I’m doing something wrong let me know he goes goes perfect I didn’t talk to him all year he had the greatest year it’s like why why you poking Phil you know just leave him like he’s going you

Know so who’s who’s who’s winning in a race right now straight line Zinger you you you were philth I’m an absolute cheetah so I mean you don’t back you know I got the the laam I was playing with a torn labam and and two herniated BS and I’m healthy I’m a cheetah again

You know help score goals Soo proud about that other questions I have for you uh one is uh you played golf with Rob rle uh so I’m curious uh what’s the biggest celebrity you have met h i mean like extended period of time he’s probably up there like we did a TV show

Slash like little series clip with my it was my wife not me they they could care less that I was there but it was with my wife and pxg and yeah this that dude’s uh you know he’s obviously a high high-end actor and stuff so uh he was he

Was crazy he was like a he was a military guy I think he was a marine like his background is crazy and then he just like he’s talking like a normal human then he gets on camera and he’s just screaming like sh shot him in the penis like just starts screaming and

We’re like and I’m like what like that doesn’t even you know it doesn’t even make sense how good I mean obviously he’s an actor so it’s good but uh I mean yeah I’m I hang out with more athletes you know like that’s where I always I’ve

Always tried to hang out with guys like that guys are similar to me so yeah he’s probably the the biggest actor that I’ve ever been around for sure he’s an interesting guy I’ve I’ve he spent a lot of time in Idaho at my my place that I

Used to live there um and was starting to come up a lot when I was kind of moving on from the area but he gave some speeches at like some military type stuff that we Idaho is very patriotic in that sense so there’s always something he gave some speeches and he’s one way

And then soon as he’s off the camera he’s the most or camera or microphone or whatever it is just like a really downto Earth quieter guy but just found a niche I guess right and that’s exactly who he is on camera but he was nothing like

That off the camera yeah he was yeah he was cool like we we we did like a couples playing together series and he would he would he would like bring guys out like he brought Brian eracer football player he brought a couple Marines he did a couple other things and

We just got to play a couple holes with them and and uh you see how good they are like even my wife like there was like golf carts everywhere right with cameras everywhere and I like didn’t even like what I don’t know what to do with my hands like from that one movie

Like I’m like sitting over here I was so awkward like if you watch the clips like but you probably wouldn’t know but Bobby could tell because I’ve been around it for so long I was just so awkward like these guys are so good it’s one take and

Like he just makes things up on his in it like they have a script and then he just makes it up I’m assuming he has it queued up but yeah these guys were awesome I mean it was it was a cool experience we went to Scottdale Nation

Which is like a million bucks to get in like the course is nuts and uh so the course was awesome and he was awesome and and yeah so it was it was a cool cool day nice Bobby’s about to join that course next um yeah I’m done I’ve

Down in 2014 you took a shot from deflected from Eric Carlson into your ear um and I’m just Cur I don’t know if I’ve ever asked you about it because we saw it happened to ardam Zub this year it’s happened other times I’ve Cody CeCe had

His head almost took a Deion Fu shot to the Head where he caused stitches uh I’m curious of what that felt like for you we were it’s the only time by the way uh gbsh called you a warrior so the quote from that day is I’ll be honest with you

Guys what a warrior because that was not pretty like this is multiple lacerations stitched and restitched I think the doctors had their fun with that one so to see him come back was pretty impressive and actually come back and play hard seems like he didn’t always

Play hard uh it must have been killing him because that kind of reconstructed they kind of reconstructed a huge part of his ear and the back it wasn’t pretty yeah like I was it’s crazy you brought that up I was just talking about that with a couple baseball players we

Went out you know had a drink last night and they were talking to me like what’s the craziest thing that happened to you and I took that video and showed them and uh I think I you know I got the whole front side stitched up the whole

Back side and then they had to reattach it um and I think his name was Dr Chow I don’t Bobby could Don Chow Don yeah oh my goodness this guy’s the most this guy’s the most amazing surgeon I’ve ever seen in my life like he did my face too

When I got slashed in the face and you can’t even see it anymore like they said it look like mashed potatoes and I’ll never forget that I probably had a concussion too so like ghee call me a warrior I don’t even know if Guys these days could even be allowed to play like

I was face first on the ground out cold yes and I think I had 38 stitches or 40 stitches and I remember I’m laying on the ground and Bob skates up I literally it’s funny it’s Bobby he’s like you good bro you good bro and he looks down he’s like

Oh I don’t even know I don’t even know what it looks like right and he’s screaming like oh and and then I think D nobody freak out yeah and then do comes and I remember them touching it and I could feel like yeah I could feel like my ear moving and it was

Just like yeah and then yeah I played I they stitched me up in the first and the half of the second I played the second and third period and that was one of the worst like with no Tor all nothing like it was one of the worst pains every

Because like you don’t like I don’t wear an earpiece like nobody does usually but then they put one on so every time I was skating or got hit it would just rub against my ear yeah plus the wind too the wind when you’re skating like that was always when

I get stitched up here oh it was brutal wasn’t it but I remember I actually remember seeing that that that one and then the borrow off ice injury was one of the worst I had ever seen were you on the team then Z yeah h no I don’t think

Actually it was when he hurt his ankle or whatever it wasn’t playing or something with Robin me and Robin Leonard were there and JG Paso and like he hit an electrical outlet and sliced his leg and it was just I remember watch it like I just you

Know borrow too but that aside when you flipped over and I saw your ear I was like oh okay we’re we’re I was like we’re in it things like hey what are we doing you guys want to go to dinner I’m like no I can’t you’re scare the hell out of my

Two-year-old hanging out with you yeah I wish I wish I had the pictures for before because it said it look like mashed potatoes and then he literally made it look like yeah there’s a video on YouTube how with the Stitch when it stitched up it looks completely normal

It just looks like a stitched up year and yeah that that was like like solid amount of pain too you know usually when you get hit or something happens like I feel like you don’t remember it or you know you know it’s not that much pain like all my other injuries weren’t that

Bad that one was just painful you know Jer is unbelievable but he uh I like bedside manner is not that great because he’s just like here’s what’s happening and I remember remember how many times I had to get shot up with the finger and every time like I dreaded it I had more

Anxiety about getting that needle in the finger because how B it hurt when the when the first one went in to playing and like at that 25 minute Mark he’d be like he just walk through the be like Bobby like just grab me on the way by

I’d be half just walking like this and then he’d be like okay so I’m today we’re gonna stick it in here here and here and I’m just like go ahead brutal brutal but about like how hard our game is you know in football too like being on the

Sideline or watching these guys play it’s like man I wish sometimes I wish I played you know baseball or golf or you know you don’t give enough respect for what you go through and when you when you look back and reflect on it some of

The stuff is just nuts you know even by Carl never apologized Carlon owes me apology guy T takes a slap shot right to my head like what are the odds you know there it hit Matt Boles stick Carl like that was going in what are you doing yeah that’s exactly what

Carl would have said what car said the amount of times he hit me when I was standing in front on the PowerPoint he’s like if you had just moved it’s going in I’m like I can’t see the [ __ ] man I’m just moving around trying to get in

Somebody’s Lane don’t they say adds it adds a little speed to if it gets deflected right so I’m assuming that thing came off a little hot so it’s heavy I’ll never forget the sound man I got lucky though I got lucky so if you guys watch there’s an actually a crazier

Clip I get I took a slap shot to the Head from Hoffman and it’s on YouTube too it’s actually crazier than this one I didn’t get stitches or anything but I probably would have been paralyzed so I’m in front of the net and I’m looking and I’m looking and they’ve SE it I’m

Like oh no Hoffman like like he he doesn’t care like he doesn’t care like he’s just letting that thing eat like he just he doesn’t know where that thing’s going and it’s it’s a missile right and I see it seam and I’m like oh no and I just go like this I’m

Like I’m like ducking because I know I’m gonna wear this or it’s coming ey so I kind of tried to turn my head like this and he took a slap shot off the back of my neck it hit my top of my neck and hit

My helmet and you can see in the video My One and my eight on my back of my helmet my numbers blew off in the air so they slowed and you could see my numbers like floating in the air they like an inch lower you were probably you know that’s off your neck

100 miles an hour right to the spine where did Hof stay at where did Hof say after you got an apology he’s a nice guy he probably apologize but yeah no Hof would Hoff would have just sorry yeah that my bad that’s what you get they they they put me there

Because they want me taking that one timer yeah no off off’s a nice guy he wouldn’t have been but yeah he just lets that thing eat you know and I couldn’t see it I don’t think it got deflected you can see that video it’s crazy like

It the last the last clip slows it down and the 18 is just floating in the air it’s crazy so uh I have a couple questions one is you talk a lot about baseball uh you were an allate baseball player in high school oh my Goodness just curious why you didn’t go the baseball route uh you’re a handsome fella in 2010 absolute stud in 2010 but uh I don’t know I think uh I don’t know I think I like B baseball more if not better than I mean more if not the same

As as hockey and um I think my dad was a little too involved in my baseball career and he knew what he was talking about too much and he was he was a really good baseball player he was a stud he went to Louisiana Tech and I

Think he just was too involved and I was trying to get away from this guy and do my own thing so I think I chose hockey I mean he was always he was always my coach and he was always hard on me but obviously that’s the reason I got here

Where I’m at now but you know I think I was just trying to get away from him and do my own thing you know I’d go three for four he’d be my first base coach he’d be talking on his breath oh what a terrible swing and I’ll never forget I

We we we ran it like because we had a coach that was from the M Mo like it it was crazy how it worked out it was in high school and he was a Christian dude and he just like he said I felt calling

To come back to the school and he was so highend for our school it like made no sense like to this day it was one of my best coaches ever Willie BOS and he ran everything like it was like we were in the MLB like when you get out at first

Base you put your helmet and your stuff or your gloves and your whatever in your helmet give it to the first base coach and somebody runs your glove out it’s just like little things right little things that you wouldn’t do in high school like guys would just run in grab

Bubble gum and it take a while like everything was to the tea so I remember my dad like talking under his breath one time I beted 610 in high school I think I literally beted 610 like I was I was one of the like I was it was insane and

He would be mad at me I’d be three for four and I’d roll over and he’d be talking under his breath used that first base and I’ll never forget it I put my helmet my gloves in my helmet or I put my uh gloves into my helmet and went to

Hand he reached for it as he was you know he’s talking to me under his breath saying something I just threw it at his feet he was so mad like because he went to reach for and I just chucked at his feet he was so mad and his best friend

Was our head coach too Willie he was so mad but they couldn’t say anything right this is mid game and I thought I could get away with it they were so mad that they made me run p the polls uh after the after the game and they forgot about

Me I ran PLL the polls for two and a half hours just two and a half hours because and they literally to this day they said oh we forgot I ran for till it got dark like two and a half hours I’m just running and uh it was still worth

It to this day that just the feeling to just give him that one just I love it for all the car rides for two hours I had to listen to his BS you about how you know when my little cousin goes in the car rides now I go to all his hockey

Games and with his with his dad and I just go can you shut up I just look over it just he just he doesn’t want to hear it just just shut up right like I know what he’s going through I don’t know how to be a dad yet because I’ve been a dad

For only nine months but I know how to be a son I’m like can you shut up you don’t know anything you know that’s I try to get him going because I’m you know all the all the car rides with my dad oh Zinger how were how were the the

Hockey car rides it was only baseball no he was like he was almost worse in hockey because that’s why I wanted to get away and go to like Lincoln he was almost worse thaney because all these dumb parents right all these hockey parents are nuts so he probably just fed

Off that he doesn’t know anything so he’s learning about hockey and trying to do what’s right for me right he was trying to help me out what’s right but he’s probably getting taught the wrong thing you know it’s that’s what happens a lot with people it sucks they don’t

They don’t have the right opportunities or don’t have the information correctly and you know he was probably trying to do right by me but oh man these hockey parents sucked and they always thought they knew it and and yeah we’d always be getting in scraps on the way home like

He said his best speech ever he was giving me a speech for like three hours we drove to Wisconsin and home and he goes I look back you guys’s out snoring completely I go you think I was sleep I go you think I was sleeping I was I was

12 years old I was faking it I was leaning against the window shut up oh just a couple more years till your little guy gets involved and you got to deal with it all over I just get it started with Chase I go to the rink I

Put a chew in I go around the corner where there’s nobody and I am the most unapproachable person in and I know Wall-E does this too I I make sure I’m one of the most unapproachable people at a hockey rank I just I I kind of have a

Brood face that I turn on and go stand in the corner every time I have a tough time doing that like I need to learn how to just put on a face that says don’t talk to me you know I I’m over here giggling all the time yeah I don’t want

To be I don’t want to be approached to I just don’t want to I don’t want to do that to my son you know I want him to compete like if he’s not trying hard or whatever I want to you know I just want

Him to compete but I don’t want to be I want him to figure out his own life you know let him let him do what he wants to do so I hate when we’ll have another training camp you come down with me we’ll go to the rink every day for a

Week and nobody will talk to you yeah that’s good I mean I I just think it’s funny when dads are always like you know he wants to do it he doesn’t want to do it he’s for he likes what you like you know what I mean every day my dad’s like

You wanted to play hockey I go you took me to duffers guys they’re all drinking beers you’re laughing you’re giggling you’re having a great how am I not gonna like it we’re in the locker room with all these dudes having a great time like

He’s like oh you loved it I go you you presented it to me I loved what you love you know right so hopefully I can direct him into golf you know I don’t know I think ah I’m not sure it’s any better oh God yeah so the good thing about

Hockey sometimes is it’s surrounded by glass so you can’t always hear the parents yelling like basketball you’re right on top of them they’re in a gym you can hear everything or golf you’re right there you talk in your back swing D would go on both sides right he

Would go on he would watch whever we were shooting he’d go stand right for the net oh no out the glass move your feet now but leave me alone the best the best one of the best things when I was coaching there’s this kid I

Won’t I won’t say his name but his dad yelled at him every fraking game and finally the kid had enough the dad’s just barking at him from the stands finally the kid looks up he goes will you shut the [ __ ] up and the whole the whole rink went quiet it was it was

Awesome if I would have did it I would have got my ass kicked but yeah we would never know who you were yeah but yeah I would have got killed if I did that uh just do you ever talk to I don’t know who you may have as friends in San Jose

We talk about Ottawa struggling San Jose’s lost 12 in a row have you has Bobby anybody do you guys have friends on that team that have talked about what it’s like that’s tough uh no but yeah that situation was so weird for me right like I’ve had so looking back at hockey

Like reflecting I’ve had some weird situations like I like I told you guys earlier I get picked up by them and it’s at the deadline right and it is like whatever eight to 10 teams that put a claim in they’re all going to playoffs and San Jose’s not right and I get

Picked up by San Jose and I’m like what like why you know and I play four games or five games on the first line with Couture Play Good 20 minutes and then they wave me I’m like why did and then I can’t go to somewhere else because the

Deadlines pass I go they didn’t you know their GM was sick at the time and I think it was just I don’t know what they were doing like I I I don’t know sometimes I’m sure there’s a master plan involved but sometimes I feel like these

Teams in these places just don’t have a plan like why would you pick me up like there makes zero sense like we’re not going to make the playoffs we’re not winning and you got all the young guys you want to play eventually and so we play I played five games like okay we’re

Gonna call the young guys up now thank you for your services thank you Zinger Zinger you’re speaking to the wrong people listening about having a plan for a hockey team trust me I know my dad’s been said oh the set are coming up I said okay

Bobby and my dad settle down guys you’ll see saw this writing on the wall trust me Zinger was actually the one of the first person I because I had them in the playoffs we did a full show on this and I was like they’re gonna make the

Playoffs this is their year and Zing goes they’re gonna be horrendous I was like you might not used that word but you were like they’re not gonna be good you knew it he was one of the first to know it once it’s a full dumpster fire

It just needs an absolute reset and then Bobby telling me Pierre’s not going to answer my call then two days later the guy gets absolute canned you know this gu’s tell this guy’s telling me oh he’s not gonna answer your phone call two days later gone the whole

Thing’s getting the whole thing blown up I I remember when you were talking about when he used to go to bingo and like come through the room so that you guys would know he was there or whatever do you remember and every coach that ever plays or GM that ever plays probably

Does this in Nashville but remember when he was just he was just a scout for us but he would always find a way on the Nashville trip like most G GMS and Scouts and he would come in and like say hey good morning boys whatever and then

Kind of go over to the he would pull that thing open the fridge and then slide a Red Bull up his shirt like because he hadn’t slept we were like we know you’re hung over okay you don’t need to hide it nobody is judging you it’s natural nobody over

Everybody like and kind of like walk out slow and you’re like buddy just take the Red Bull nobody cares yeah you know you know how you know how I feel about this guy so don’t get me started but I didn’t want to fire you up but I

When you talked about the way you used to walk through the room I used to think that because actually I’ve played with numerous people that have done that in organizations hold on hold on pier Pierre used to steal a sneaker Red Bull out of the fridge yeah and he he’d be

Like trying to hide the fact that he was hung over so he would just you see the Red Bull like this and then his hand would go around it it would just go like up the big coat sleeve and then he’d walk like this out you’re like just take

The Red Bull man nobody cares we’re not judging we’d be doing it for you too he’s a nerd get out of here beat it I know you gotta go and and but I you played for DJ seven more minutes you guys you’re only paying me for 30 minutes what’s going on here overtime

Bobby Bobby Will Buy You a golf membership wherever you want um yeah he’s been saying he’s gonna send me wine for three years I have nothing Cricket hey I’m not allowed to have in the house it’s Tak it’s a big Endeavor to go all the way up there to get it now

Why you send it to me I hold it for you yeah don’t yeah okay yeah um this week I’m sending one I promise all right see that your your thoughts on DJ Smith when I know you didn’t play a lot when you got here for him but

Um what did you think when you got here yeah compared to the other systems you may have played yeah that see I don’t I just don’t want to I I try to now I try to be more you know um intentional with what I say and I try to you know think about

What I’m saying and like that whole situation was weird for me like I told you about Pierre like one day I want to know if this guy just traded me back to you know to screw me but so I got there and I had the 16 16 day quarantine and

Then everything was spiron I told you I scored seven goals in seven games or whatever and DJ was always good to me like like he was he was always goofing around with me he’d always grab a coffee in the back and I was at like the stall

And he’d walk in he’ be like hey Zinger best 9 minutes of your life tonight and like it was kind of funny but I wasn’t that boys with them at the same time so I was like yeah like he was trying to be good to me and nice and funny but at the

Same time I’m like dude I’m at the midpoint of my career here and like I have seven goals and seven games and I’m not getting to play like you’re kind of pissing me off but kind of being funny at the same time so no he was always a

Good guy and and you can tell I like guys that played right like he just you gota he didn’t get all the way up to the you know he didn’t have the greatest career but man guy was a killer and like I so I respected him um but I was just

Shocked how long he like I saw like the stat about him and the you know other coaches that had the longest tenure with ever with the team and it’s crazy what did he have six years or five five years yeah so there was like seven guys and

All the other ones had been playoffs or Cup winners all that stuff yeah yeah so like like it’s just crazy I mean I I think I was talking about coming back and coaching one day and I’m like man all you got to do is get into a team where they’re absolutely tanking like

Look at look at uh look at bear in in the coyotes like his his record is insanely bad but they don’t have anything you don’t have anything to play for right they’re just kind of giving you this three-year window and then kind of after that you’re kind of screwed you

Might not get another job because they look and say while this guy stinks but you get literally three to five years of free coaching like I don’t know what Bear’s doing out there like he just gets to keep going like every year and they’re not trying to win so it’s just I

Don’t know I think sometimes you get to a situation and who knows he could have been the best coach ever if he was in the right situation didn’t have this team but yeah you got if you look at it either way either he he got five years

And got paid or now you know you look him as a head coach and say oh he’s not great but at the same time there’s a lot of other things around him that were the problem you know but I will point out Arizona just one point out of a playoff spot at the

Moment they stink watch this you want to talk about I I live here I don’t want to get shot but yeah no no that’s last question I have for you um you uh back in the day when when Alfie was part of the organization as a senior

Adviser you used to go to him and have onni sessions do you think he makes a good assistant coach oh yeah like so I don’t think he really had like working with me he was working with his vage had a lot too and I think the Swedish

Connection like and I was best buddies was the vage head so it was nice I get to just kind of listen to these guys and kind of go out there with them and I didn’t get to do that many sessions with him but man he he’s just it’s like Bobby

Like you just pick his brain and they’ve they’re at such a high level and played at such a high level they see everything like better than everybody else like when I told you GB making me lay down on the ice about where to shoot a hockey

Puck it’s like buddy you didn’t score 10 in in Triple A like I’m not gonna listen you like Alfie just these guys being able to pick pick his brain and it’s it’s all dependent on the guys like if they want to go get information from him

He’s just going to he’s just so much information so man I that’s the kind of in the MLB that’s what they do right they get guys that play and they put them in the situation like Barry Bonds is the hitting coach why because guy’s the greatest hitter ever like there’s

There’s no shock on that like why wouldn’t Bobby be an offensive skill coach like in audible you got an offensive guy that or the coach is an offensive guy or in Carolina sometimes there was an offensive guy that was a d guy and I’m like what we what are we

Doing here like how simple is that to just you know get a guy that was in that role you know what I mean and yep I I feel feel like they they think that they can learn more things than actually know by playing like if you put Bobby Ryan

Into a situation with guys that want to score on the power play their power play is going to go up like as long as they want to listen like he knows what he’s doing you put Phil kessle with young guys that want to listen they’re they’re

Going to be better so yeah like Alfie is on Al Alfie I could see him being the head coach if he wants to and killing it one day you know it’s it all depends on what Alfie wants right I think he’s one of those guys same with Justin Williams

In Carolina it’s like what do you want you know those guys have been around for so long and and do things so well it’s like wherever you want it to take it and where you want it to go it’s going to go there so yeah that’s a blessing that

They have Alfie now and it’s going to help all those goal scorers a ton you know yeah uh yes well let’s hope they can get this thing turned around um I was gonna ask you about which engagement photo shoot was better yours or Bobby’s but I’m going to save that for another

Time uh but uh can you believe can you believe he fooled another lady like this is like what is going on oh my gosh that’s it benefits you to be wealthy because I’ve been telling him he’s ugly and he’s just fooling people every I just makes no sense makes no sense to me

All right you’re out you’re not making already now I’m like warming up now I’m like now it’s almost 8 o’clock and now I feel good like you kidding me now you’re K beat it told me only a half hour that’s it see you pal I appreciate it see you boys thank

Thanks just W he was just getting going yor you to yeah I could see it turning though it was all going to be at me so we’re good I know I know I got tickets take shots I’m ashamed I’m ashamed to admit it but I’m I’m going to see

Madonna tonight what taking one for the team boys taking one for the team guess there’s nothing else going on in sville tonight no it’s in Toronto we’re going to Toronto it’s a birthday party so I’m going it’s okay all right you flying down yep yeah flying down flying down

Then we’re heading to Florida uh tomorrow what a life you lead huh oh yeah Lifestyle Rich and Famous Wally we’ll hold the show together I haven’t traveled in I haven’t missed the show in a while I won’t miss I’ll be on I’ll be on from sunny Florida Monday Tuesday

Boys by the way Tuesday Frank cell is joining the show um I gotta get through a couple things before we get uh before we let Yorkie go uh there was tons of stuff I built a whole show and I forgot that the zingle is coming on so now I got all this stuff

I gotta get through all right yeah listen we uh we we we said we were talking about that Calgary trade like six months ago that’s old news everyone’s on it now talking about Lind Holm and weager I know you had lindol and Rasmus Anderson before everybody came out it’s old

News uh let me get through to today’s hot and cold performer which is brought to you by door Dash as always uh get everything you need even at the last minute uh movie theater popcorn anything you want just open the door Dash app and enjoy a perfect movie night on your

Couch or like I did the other night get some sushi uh choose what you want from where you want with Double Dash on door Dash you can order from multiple restaurants or stores in the same delivery without additional delivery fees for a limited time get 25% off and

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Valid in Canada subject to change terms apply the sends finish out their road trip tonight in Buffalo this is I’m going to pick Tim stz as the cold performer but I will point out he does have eight points in his last 14 games however and he does

Lead the team he’s tied for Power Play points which happens just to be three and he is the team leading forward in ice time but he has one goal in 14 games and he’s a team worse minus 12 the point I’m making we need tin sta to score

Goals we need him to figure out a way back into the offense to figure out scoring goals because that’s what we need right now he’s on Pace for uh I think some ridiculously low number I don’t even think it’s 20 yeah he’s been bad um he just hasn’t

Found any kind of Rhythm and he looks dejected they always they it’s funny they you see him at the end of the bench every game right right now with the the face of a young kid that’s just lost um we’ve all been there it’s it’s ugly I

Mean just the simple play about giving up the empty net goal that turnover there like that’s just things that don’t happen to Timmy when he’s when he’s feeling any kind of confidence so you can tell he’s shot um that being said you I mean it’s funny too when you’re

Like well he’s still got eight points in his last 13 whatever it is and it’s it’s like he’s still leading the team in this this and this when you’re just so accustomed to him being so um so damn good that any kind of that any kind of

Um I guess slip in numbers really really makes us kind of isolate him but um you know he hasn’t his guys around him haven’t been good uh Brady’s Brady’s struggling so they’re just going through it together I have no doubt that they’re going to pull out of it but um he’s got

To find something you got I I’d like to see him get back home for a couple games and get some rhythm again home M Advantage um but yeah and he’s I mean you know he’s he’s got seven goals he needs to shoot the puck more I said it

The other night on in or Twitter whatever it is X now um he takes too long to load the pill Yorkie like he’s coming downhill he’s just taken too long um and I know he’s trying to pick a spot but he’s he’s changing the angle in

Negative way too often for me and then he’s just laying it off the pads like I think when you’re struggling and you only have seven goals compared to what you feel like you should have you start to make decisions slower yeah whereas his shot is so good just get that fcking

Snap that thing man just just you know don’t think it’s like the old it’s like remember Bull Durham don’t think me don’t think just thr just just throw so sah Marshall now got to do something but just do less everybody we so Bob you you know this I know this

Anyone that’s played at the highest levels knows this when you are playing well there’s not a lot of stuff going on in your head no it’s called It’s called The Peak Performance Zone and like I’ve I’ve talked to a lot of different mental coaches psychologists it’s just the game

Just flows and it’s getting into that zone when you get there Bob you just feel it right oh yeah you just you just Bo it’s like I’ll be a little bit po poetic here it or just organically happens for you on the ice right now

He’s got so much [ __ ] going on in his head so to Bob’s point when he loading that puck he’s like oh [ __ ] I got a score I’ve only got six goals man [ __ ] if I missing that here like there’s just he’s got a clear another baseball movie

Here clear the mechanism the old Kevin Coster movie there when he’s a pitcher and it’s just this game is so much between your ears it’s scary it’s scary and right now there’s a lot of [ __ ] going on I I there I’ll guarantee you there’s friction in the dressing room

Right now because when you’re losing like this that’s when guys just it naturally happens and he’s gonna get out of it but people thought they hit rock bottom last week it hasn’t happened yet like Rock Bottom might be I don’t want to be negative they got the Sharkies

Coming up here like Co like they uh but but to the point with Timmy he’s just it’s it’s a mental thing it’s 100% a mental thing it’s not physical yeah sure every probably a little bit hurt but so is everybody um and the unfortunate

Thing is he’s a he’s a he’s an O2 which is a 2002 he’s a young guy learning on the job in the toughest league in in the world and there’s just there’s just not a lot of 200 foot players down the down the middle for the Senators so you’ll

Continue to see him make mistakes and you can see jacqu right now too he’s frustrated like he’s trying to get his Point through like he is he’s at his wits end right now so we’ll see when they get it figured out but I I I I’ll

Say this gu last thing I’ll say they’re gonna have to make some kind of move because this can’t this can’t continue like it can’t continue so the uh management team stos bonis uh are out on the west coast uh which I think we should just point out I think is a

Veteran move because there’s a snowstorm in Ottawa so yeah I would have gone to the West Coast too sorry honey we got to do some stuff in La yeah Anaheim Tampa playing we should go check that game out so I think it’s a very smart move uh there is uh I know

We’re GNA get to it uh I have Wendy’s coming up in a sec but uh jacqu marttin said after the Calgary game you know like you got a choice either you sulk or you take it and be a man and want to get better I mean that’s the choice yeah uh

We’ve got some good talent we just got to play learn to play without the puck be more efficient with the puck it we make it too too easy for the opposition which is exactly everything that has been said does this start to resonate the more you say it in the media or does

It perhaps go backwards I don’t think it goes backwards by any means um I don’t know it feels like he’s starting to try to single guys out with certain comments without saying their names is the what is kind of what I took that one as I don’t know if that agreed

Across the board but I feel like he’s starting to talk to some players that are silking yeah we need to have more sorry we need to have better performances from certain guys yeah we’re not talking about Parker Kelly no no he was good again really

Greg was very good in that game um oh he’s good yeah he’s a good player tereno was good in that game I thought um at times Berard Docker was good so I he’s talking to his highend guys and he’s and he’s trying to do it delicately by sending a message in the

Media without saying names but that is the next step isn’t it that’s where you go from there uh as the history Playbook would tell you Yorkie yeah no he’s he’s talking about Timmy he’s he’s talking about Brady he’s talking about like I don’t know the last

Game of the neutral zone that the uh I think it was the the insurance goal that Calgary got like it was just watching the mistakes that’s going on in this game like man we could do a whole other hour on this but no that’s Bob’s exactly right you he’s doing it subtly he’s

Trying to get his a point across and uh we we we’ll see what happens against Buffalo because man it’s just like the vice scripts are just tightening on these guys they need something they need something good to happen that’s that’s the that’s the bottom line something

That’s the only way you get that’s the only way you get out of this you need some lock but you just you just you need the things to start I people don’t like bounces they need the bounces to start going their way so I do have a positive

Before we go and that is brought to you by Wendy’s and our Wendy’s did you know which is uh the Wendy’s daily face off Survivor pool uh shots on goal goals against average points per game can make or break your week but don’t overlook the bpmm Wendy’s bacon portella mushroom

Milk sure it’s not easy to it may not help you win weekly prizes with the Wendy’s and daily Faceoff fantasy but unlike your prediction it never disappoints so try your luck and don’t push it because the bacon Porto Bella Mushroom Melt is the only way back for a

Limited time and if you miss it you won’t get a second chance sign up at the today and sponsored by Wendy’s and the Wendy’s app Wendy’s we keep it fresh so I found positives this team from the blue line has scored 23 goals already in this season through 36

Games they’re on Pace for 52 which would be the most in scoring 67 goals uh back in 0809 so there there’s a positive there we go yeah some BS there’s there’s no doubt when you have three guys like Sanderson Shabbat to a Lester degree and shabot zero goals yeah but just the way

He moves the puck right but I’m that’s a surprise to me that I would think if he starts to heat up as well anyway I you know what chabby is not much of a goal scorer he like we’ve said that a couple years in a row he had one real good one

Where I think I don’t know what his high is or whatever but yeah but other than that like he’s kind of been lower in the goal scor he’s just a really good Puck distributor but at the same time he’s ch’s playing I mean that guy can play some offense defense sure on but

Um but man he he got a good shot and he’s around the net and yeah Dockers just Bob but Dockers just throwing pucks and they’re like ricocheting off fing candy machine guys head in the net like yeah it’s because you know what he’s getting he’s getting Karma because he’s

Been good and he’s and he’s I thought I thought he he’s not getting his stick lift he’s not getting his stick lift anymore at least uh last thing before we go quickly it is the final game of a five game Road Trip Ottawa is in Buffalo

Tonight time for a lock of the day you can make it quick um I’m telling you right now I’m taking the Ottawa Senators once again I mean I’m just pulling away with this thing I’m catching I’m gaining ground here look at me 16 12 is this

Game in Buffalo last game yeah yeah yeah uh I’m taking the Sabers um is it a trap game for the Sabers where they where did they play last night did they play last night no uh play the night be four I was GNA say they played it they played last night right

Wednesday no so they’ve been sitting there since Tuesday where they they lost to Seattle on uh the nth uh Tuesday and that game was probably in Seattle because was it in Buffalo yeah all right I’m taking Buffalo they’ve been sitting at home yeah me too yeah honestly until they win

A game I don’t know if I can I can’t I just can’t take them right now what do you can’t trust them can’t trust them no but they’re going to score that’s the point they’re going to win they have they’re going to come out of it they gotta beat somebody and they beat

Buffalo on Christmas Eve in or sorry New Year’s Eve in Ottawa uh I think they can do it despite I hope you’re right I’d love to I’d love to come on Monday and talk about a w I’m out of here Wally okay all right guys I appreciate it we’ll see you on Monday

Safe travels Yorkie I want to hear all about honor take care see you guys thanks guys see you


  1. Chow did my ankle after I destroyed it going into the boards Play Hockey. My right foot was on backwards. He is amazing. He did a great job.

  2. When Calgary had the puck in Ottawa’s end, they had soooo much space, when we had it in the Calgary end, zero space… Ottawa struggled so hard to give and take passes anywhere on the ice… painful soul sucking hockey!!!
    No point in winning now but they’ll probably go on a winning streak just to screw up their pick…
    Tank you!

  3. People should take notes on Phil Kessel. I have said this for years and seen the results personally in my limited career. You can definitely overtrain and having a low BMI can become a problem down the playoff stretch. If your body has limited reserve it seems to catch up to you and injuries and exhaustion become an issue.

  4. Another beauty episode with Zinger! I hope he hasn’t ran out of stories and will be back!! Love the vibes when he’s on. Man oh man did I need that this week.

  5. I would like the Sens to sign Phil Kessel, obviously lets make room for Pinto first, but having Phil would be good for the locker room and also piss off some toronto fans. win win.

  6. 😂😂😂 I thought Zinger wasn't coming back for 2 years based on the last pod. I havent watched yet but already know its gonna be a banger

  7. Ottawa looking for veteran guys…sign Phil and bring back zinger for a 1 year. Tell me they wouldn’t help Chucky out.

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