The SIMPLE Way To WEIGHT SHIFT In The Golf Swing || 4 Quadrants

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In this video, Adam and Todd go over the proper way to weight shift in the enitrie golf swing (takeaway. backswing and downswing) using 4 quadrants on the ground using alignment rods.This is a very simple way to feel where the weight in your feet should be when the hands travel to the top and also in the downswing. Try this simple drill and notice how the weight shift will become second nature.

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We hear weight transfer and 99 times out of 100 somebody shows up on the driving range with me creating that with lower body movement swaying into the right side trying to shift back into the left side and I always tell people I learned from Todd listen if I’m spending time

Swaying and not turning my my arms are going to be lifting to the top without my body’s turn if I spend time sliding excessively well what’s getting the club from back here down the line of the target my hands when we swing 100 and something miles per hour or whatever

Speed we’re swinging in this direction there’s going to be a little bit of movement towards the target but with the right setup and the right back swing none that you actively have to be working hard to try to create it’s more of a result than an AC exactly right so

Let Todd run through that yeah so so ultimately I mean like you like we said where does your weight belong it better be on the balls of your feet so like if you’re looking at me right here I see so many people that one they walk into it

First I think this is a common amateure mistake they walk into it they step in Too Close they take their stance they’re like this and then they set the club down and they’re back on their heels and I always ask people can you lift your toes if you can that’s a problem right

So if I walk into it and I get my upper body set my arms underneath my shoulders there’s a little bit out there but basically adjust my left adjust my right you should be able to and not a lot but you should be able to just gently lift up your heels

Meaning that there’s more weight positioned proportion toward the balls of your feet I have this broken down to four points of the Swing now I always say there’s three components of connection Club in front of hands hands in front of center of body and The X Factor where the pressure is at the

Given time the hands and Club are in those spots as we talked about ideally it’s arriving at the top with my turn finishing right so here’s the big thing I showed Todd this today I broke it down into four quadrants ready and what’s cool is you can actually illustrate that

Like this you can actually create the four quadrants like this right here okay Quadrant One 2 3 and four number one there’s the pressure number two there’s the pressure in transition number three there’s the pressure and through impact there’s the pressure I think that’s really bright isn’t that a

Cool is that a cool way to explain that so you know you’re one two and guys here’s the thing I feel like I’m in a position of strength right here as a result of that I I think the Hideki drill is just a great drill stopping at

The top why well because guess what if you’re disconnected from the ground up or one thing gets there without the other you’re standing there at the top going I can’t hit this but in my position right there like a bow and arrow being pulled back to maximum

Tension I could hold that thing for 5 minutes 1 hour no relevance to how far that golf ball goes or the arrow goes so once again you know 1 2 3 4 one 2 3 4 You know I would take something like this and I go well how do you work on

That in a drill form okay well here’s the way well I would break that down real slow I’d go hold on right so that for me was able to brain a chance to feel I was feeling it you know I was feeling that that that movement throughout the swing now you

Know the more aggressive version of that that my players do a lot is the set go but a huge component of the set go is having that weight in the correct spot so that I can turn to the top and then unwind I go into my golf swing and I’ve

Got a lot of data Force platforms you know pressure mats and such you see great players they’re standing on the balls of the feet till really the arms are about rib cage high this is such a huge point for our players then you know they’re getting everything in in front

Of them and then they have room to make their big turn let’s say their big turn to complete their swing so really where are they hitting their heel they’re hitting the heel as their arms are completing their swing now I’m on the heel now I can go this way your brain’s

Really smart about balance right and so if I’m about to fall off a cliff what am I going to do right exactly so a lot of times when people get into their heels early right then they recover by going to their toes late absolutely so we want

To start on the balls of the feet with some knee for I want to stand the balls of the feet so I can get into the heels late do you know how many times I see this on the Range the straightening of the right knee and the dropping of the left

Shoulder oh I hate that move right there 100% drives me crazy but here’s the thing what’s important to understand is the weight is moving down the inside of my trail foot as a result of my turn I’m turning that pocket back and that’s what’s moving that weight back there now

What I always tell my players is you’re not restricting your lower body and then turning I don’t like to break up the swing like that that’s very piey he always told me it’s just a one two motion but what I learned was I’m keeping my trail knee flexed we always

Talk about this never is there anything athletic done when that thing’s straightened out you alleviate that ground pressure right so here’s the big thing if my knee stays flexed I can now feel like I can make a big turn but that weight crawls back into my heel it will go from

Here to here yeah and you can see your knee is changing positions it’s not that we’re saying it doesn’t stay there not at all we’re just saying we don’t want to lock it out absolutely you know and I always talk about loading we talk about loading we’re talking about loading the

Quad and the glute well if I lock the leg I can’t use those muscles absolutely and I got to use them a downswing it’s possible but it’s hard hard so I’d much rather be kind of here then as I coil the hip goes back well then I’m getting

Good load in the quad and the glue you can see that’s power right there so important to understand that this stays flexed of course it’s going to move back a little bit with the pocket moving back but I’m turning as I’m turning a lot from here it’s funny when you watch me

At the top of my swing you’ll never see daylight between my legs but the reality is I feel like I made the biggest turn I possibly can it’s just I do a nice job because you’ve taught me to do this of keeping that knee flex and my turn is

Happening from here I’m turning from here while keeping that maintained and that allowed the pressure to work back into that heel as a result of my turn and not simply starting back there which once again causes that disconnection from the ground up I split up my feet 50/50 if

I’m standing straight up and down 50/50 I tilt for with no knee Flex I’m like about 100% on this side I flex appropriately I’m feeling more 7030 personally now Nick FDO used to always practice his set position with the balls of his feet being up in the air like

This to help him feel the takeaway not be back here too soon now most golfers who set up with the hip behind the ankle rather than the hip joint being over the ankle set up with the majority of their weight back and as Todd would say you

Can lift your toes as opposed to only being able to lift your heels and just wiggle your toes okay huge in the short game as well so when you’re sitting back now the majority of the weight is back here we think about this not only does it get the takeaway inside and decrease

The leverage here so you don’t hinge the club properly but connection from the ground up is not ACH okay ideally what we want you guys is we want the pressure to be here this is what he saw with Patrick calay and then it works back into that heel so the same

Time my hands and golf club arrive at the top the pressure is loading into that heel if the weight’s already back here I’m halfway back and the pressure’s already there we start back here guess what none of that’s possible I’m already starting in quadrant 2 before I’ve even

Taken it back to the first position so having that 70 30 60 40 having that hip over the ankle having those shoulders tilted past the toes like Todd always taught me that really helps me now if I feel this knee stay flexed and I feel the pocket and the

Shoulder turn together I can feel everything sequentially go back in that heel as everything arrives at the top at porac golf we take a lot of pride in having developed some of the best and most consistent golf swings on the planet we do this through Simplicity our

Full swing master class will take you on a step-by-step easy to understand process on how to get your golf swing better than ever join the many before you who’ve utilized our full swing Master Class to take their games to the next level and Beyond


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