This Takeaway Mistake is Costing You Shots

This golf swing position is a hot topic in the golf space. The takeaway is different from the downswing so don’t fall into this trap. Remember we are not athletes or tour players so lets not try and hit golf swing positions that only these golfers reach.

Through less practice than the best in the world we can hit higher, straighter golf shots with this simple swing thought.

“THE GEM” Teaching Aid
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For a golf swing that is CONSISTENT, provides a flat left wrist, compression, lag and more. Steve’s EUREKA GOLF SWING METHOD is now being implemented in 62 countries taking the golfers game to a place that allows the body to turn, the flight to straighten and compression to become a reality.
The starting place is the “iron swing series” offering the set-up of the Eureka Golf Swing canes and a step by step tutorial of the full action.
REMEMBER: as Steve says, “There is a difference between opening your stance and aiming left”.


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Right we’re on this is a controversial one Club face control once you’ve got this and understand why you and players on tour should meet these positions you’ll just strike the ball brilliant the ball will fly higher you’ll have the correct Loft on impact and you will hit more Fairways and more greens who

Doesn’t won that I won that just a quickie before we start let’s get this video to 1,000 likes just click the Thumbs Up Button 1,000 likes more golfers will get to see it more golfers will get the benefit of this video if you click that like button and subscribe

So obviously a bit of a cold one this morning Scotland but that’s okay we can deal with that now from the thumbnail you’ve probably asked yourself what is the correct position when the club gets back to First parallel should the Leading Edge of the golf club be

Vertical or should you lead the edge of the golf club have an angle to it for me I’m not really bothered it’s what happens on the way down why is that important you’ve read in textbooks I read a coaching manual once that explained to me that on the way back in

Order to get everything on plane and things where it should be as the club is at first parallel so horizontal to the ground the Leading Edge of the golf club should Mar up with my spine angle so I’m back here my Leading Edge should match my spine angle so there my Leading Edge

Should match my spine Angle now I get that I completely get that if I’m a tour player that’s exactly where I want to be I’m not a tour player chances are you’re not a tour player you might be a tour player welcome to the channel if you are leave a comment let’s

Play and I take the club back I want to see my club a little bit more neutral the players that I coach I’d like to see the Leading Edge a little bit more neutral so old school toe to the sky and not so turned over why is that because

Coming down into impact that’s where you’re going to be coming down to impact two players that’s where they are but I fully appreciate when you watch the analysis on Sky Sports that they talk about that position there for tour players Leading Edge matching up with spine angle and then on the way down

What happens is that comes out so that has to be timed very very well so you think about from the top of your back swing or from here back to here is less than half a second you have to get that twist out of there tour players do

It by using their body I can’t do that I I don’t have the physical ability I’m not an athlete that gets the body to turn watch this here there okay if if I get to the top and I’m an athlete a tour player my body moves left and I

Turn fully open great there now look at the Leading Edge vertical it’s not there it’s there and I continue the turn to a square impact position and through brilliant that’s using the mass of the body your average golfer unfortunately can’t really get there I struggle to get there most

Golfers will struggle to get there so take that middle man out cut that out so Tour player is here on the way back but they’re on the way down here on the way back there on the way down there on the way down if I was to mimic a tour

Player or your average amateur let’s take a a 15 handicap golfer so middle of the road golfer got back to here in that position Maring up with spine angle then on the way down because the body is not as aggressive in turning and rotating on the way down they get to

Here they turn the best they can from there if I just if I was to turn there The Cliff face is closed and Del lofted so I would have to manipulate somehow I would have to lift the handle up I would have to do some sort of funky move to take that closedness

Out and most amateurs can’t turn like tour players so if they get to there on the way back and produce that on the way down they will they’ll have a closed face and they’ll go low and left and hit a funky one because they’ve not been

Able to present the club face square at impact you’ve seen this before the gam training aid golf’s essential move gem the gem swings the club for you when we get back to First parallel if I take my hands off look the Leading Edge is square the Leading Edge is to the sky

Now Fraser man who designed this it’s designed around amateur golfer to understand how the golf club Works where is the club face where is the shaft and how does it release well it releases through into that position as well so a dress position there are Toto sky this

Is taking the controversy out a lot of people have said that should be there but that’s we’re copying tour players here if you watch the tour players when they come back down they’ve got back to there so why not just go there and let the amateur who can’t move his body like

A tour player return back to there which is where the Tour player is and then continue through and the jam puts me there if I was to stop look Leading Edge to Sky through Leading Edge to Sky because the gem has swung itself into those positions an amazing training I

Leave leave a link in the description below so you can get yourself a gem at a discounted rate click that link use the promo code that accompanies it and your Club face awareness will be much better so I suggest regardless of feet alignment regardless of how the body is

Working I suggest the safest way is to take the club back with toe to the sky toe to the sky and then on the way down when you come through you’re going to be on that position as well so you’re going to go toe to Sky toe to Sky so I’m there

Toe toe nice high elevated ball flight ball went high and went straight why did it go high because it wasn’t Del lofted it wasn’t hooded over turn turn turn turn turn if I can Club points to the left and has no Loft it was neutral turn turn

Neutral so had a neutral face here neutral face on the way down of course neutral impact again nice High Flight why did the ball go straight same answer halfway back my Leading Edge point to the sky halfway down my Leading Edge point to the sky resulting in a face that square

Impact I wasn’t closed and then impact closed low no Loft Po and left I was Square swung through Square closed swing through pointing down going left and the magic of that is I didn’t have to have perfect body action I was able to set the club bang I was able to deliver the

Club Bang into impact which is square and then release into the perfect position exactly what the gam does I didn’t have to have perfect body control even here if I’m all hands and arms as long as I get to there to there I’ll be okay that’s good again so taking your good position

Get yourself there get yourself set Justin Thomas is up here Justin Thomas sets himself up here Justin doesn’t get up there and do this he sets himself up here cuz he knows when he comes back down what’s happening is he’s getting to that vertical Leading Edge position he’s

There they are just repeating good shot after good shot after good shot who doesn’t want that everybody wants that everybody wants to set the club in a position where they can swing regardless of how the Body Works cuz the hardest thing in the golf twig is to get that

Body to work you then take the gem to the next level understanding Club face vertical Square vertical but it starts to wobble a little bit you get a little bit of wobble so then the next level of the gem is yeah okay so now I understand when my body has to move and

If I gently move my body controlling the gem or the gem controlling the body I now have body turn and the face in the correct position so I’m able to educate myself on not only face face halfway back halfway through and square impact but how the body works I can

Then make everything uniform I can get the whole body to work and the swing to work so what is the correct position as per of the thumbnail there or there I would say for 99% of golfers that is the correct position on the way back and on

The way down for tour Pros that is the correct position the way back but they’re there on the way down they move a body position to get to there whereas you and I can’t move the body so we just start there we come down we’re back to where the Tour player is I

Felt as though I was preaching there apologies but you’ve got to get the message across yeah guys thanks for watching thanks for subscribing thanks for hitting that like button we’re over 100,000 likes on this one video by now surely I’ll see you in my next video


  1. Fantastic video. You're really helping me understand this stuff. Can't wait to try this stuff out in the Spring. Thanks again! Dave

  2. Thanks Steve. Simply love your channel, it helps that my brother in law is also from Scotland. The only problem is I can only hit the like button once. 😢

  3. Im giving you a like just for having the determination to get out there in that weather dude, shows strong character

  4. Wow,, 😮 another great video once again, even in freezing conditions. I have a GEM and it makes great sense what you say, I’ve always been taught to have the club face level with the spine angle at P2 but like you say the GEM wobbles. I’m going to give it a go 👍 Thanks for clarifying what needs to be done as an amateur 🎉🎉

  5. Why do you terrify me ? 🙂 , I'd be scared to have a lesson from you as you look like you would break some of my bones if you thought I wasn't listening, like a mad combination of Sam Torrance and Groundskeeper Willie :). Good tips though. * For the avoidance of doubt the first sentence is meant as humour, not as abuse. Mark , aged 61 3/4 , 9 Handicap….

  6. I gave you the 480th like. Liked that you pointed out JT looks for his club facing up. Seen him do this on the telly all the time so wondered why so many teaching videos go on about that spine thing? For me it seems a recent 'fad' but not a given to get results.

  7. Great vid Steve, and exactly what I am working on with my coach who is ‘old school’.

    My problem is a closed face and one of the hardest things to change is that.

    I have a Gem and always hit the ball great after swinging with it but unfortunately return to type fairly soon a day after.

    Would appreciate a vid on the wrist positions – relative to grip – the Gem creates so that these can be understood and rehearsed without it.


  8. Right we're on! This is the first time after hundreds, that I may disagree with you Steve. A pro spotted I had club toe vertical halfway back… me to turn face down towards the ground , as you show, and it led to much better striking and a rare win 2 weeks later! With me, it helped cut out the slice….but as you say if you already hit it straight there is a risk of hitting low and left with closed clubface. No 2 people, or swings!, are the same!!
    Still love you though Steve…..youre the man!
    Best out there. In fact in those conditions…..youre probably the only one out there😂😂

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