GOLO Golf Dice Game – Chambers Bay

Welcome to the GOLO Golf Dice Game Tour. I’ll be playing the GOLO golf
game using scorecards from around the world. Have you ever seen or
played this dice game? It’s great fun and easy to carry around.
Now, Let’s Play some GOLO.
0:00 Intro
0:15 Rules
2:15 Front 9
4:52 Back 9
7:17 Recap
If you have a golf course you want me to play, Leave it in the Comments.
I’ll give you a shout out as well.
Golf Course Information:


6320 Grandview Drive West
University Place, Washington 98467
GOLO Golf Dice Game:
GoLo! The Golf Dice Game!

Well hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the first goo golf dice game today we’ll be playing Chambers Bay real quick the rules there are nine dice we’ll be rolling five white dice for our Par Four holes two red dice for our par threes and two blue dice for our par

Fives we have to take the lowest score each time we roll we’re going to be playing 18 holes so that’ll be 18 rolls let’s see how we do first gol course Chambers Bay let’s take a quick look shall we it is a par 72 36 on the front 36 on the

Back two par 3es on the front two par fivs on the front two two par threes on the back two par fives on the back with five par fours on the front and five par fours on the back now ladies and Gentlemen let’s get started with the first goo golf

Game and if you haven’t already please thumbs up leave a comment down below and subscribe let’s get started you might also notice Freddy Couples here be our official for the round today hole number one par [Applause] four once again we are playing on the official

Goo board that I want at the PGA golf show in Orlando Florida many many years ago all right we had a par on the first roll on hole number one hole number two also a par four well looks like our lowest score in this one is a birdie next up a par

Three there is a chance for a hole in one oh our lowest score in this one is a bogey four not too good not too good all right next hallway par five oo double bogey seven not looking good here ladies and gentlemen all right hole number five Par

Four oh come back with a birdie that’s going to help number six a par for back to back birdies we like that hole number seven and a par all right rolling down to Hole number eight which is a long par five oo a triple bogey par fives were

Not kind to us today and hole number nine part three oh my is a six that is a very tough finish ladies and gentlemen all right so our score for the front nine is we’ve got uh 7 11 18 21 24 28 36 a 42 on the front ladies and

Gentlemen all right we’ll be right back for our back nine stay tuned we’re at Chambers Bay goo golf dice game all righty ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Back N here at Chambers Bay in the goo golf dice game number 10 Par Four let’s see how we do

Oh start off with a double bogie not what dreams are made of all right hole number 11 back with a birdie very inconsistent round number 12 part four and here we take a par okay first part five of the day could use a evil oh no looks like we took a triple bogey

Eight that is tough all right number 14 part four AAR all righty first part three of the day hle number 15 and we take a par on that much needed all right last part four of the day hole 16 oh triple bogey par fours are eating us up today ladies and gentlemen all right part three 17 an eight an eight on the part three ladies and gentlemen that is

Insane and in part five we take a six all righty well thank you all for watching let’s see how we we did we’ got the nine 13 21 25 28 35 43 of 49 on the back that is a brutal round ladies and gentlemen but I would like to say thank

You all very much for watching the first goo golf dice game here at Chambers Bay stay tuned our next round will be coming up very soon once again thanks for watching if you haven’t already please hit the thumbs up leave a comment down below and subscribe let me know

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