In this video, Mike Pitt teaches you an outstanding drill that will help you improve your iron game. If you want to hit your irons pure, understanding that the lead leg is a post that the body should rotate around. The lead leg in the downswing should feel like it is twisting into the ground which will help the body rotate more efficiently. Mike goes over the lead leg drill, where the golfer will drop the trail leg back putting 95% of weight on the lead leg. Not only will this teach the golfer how to rotate, it will produce a ball first and ground second contact.

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All right all right golf pit fam welcome back to the golf pit the place where everybody gets better and today we’re tackling your irons all right I have got an incredible drill for you guys to help every single one of you hit your irons purer further and straighter and the

Best part it’s super simple it’s called the left leg drill it’s a drill that I’ve had a countless number of players not only practice but also take out on the course and it promotes all the good things in our golf swing now here’s the thing if if you are

Somebody who when you view your swing from face on you see excessive knee movement back and forth you see pressure shifting side to side this drill is going to change the game for you okay now the truth is when we are making our golf swing and we’re at impact we want

About 80% of the pressure on our front foot okay we want to feel this left femur over the left shoe rotating around that like there was a metal post so many people move off the golf ball and when they move off the golf ball like that they now are forced to move laterally

Back through it okay this changes their low Point heavy shots thin shots this changes their Club face left shots right shots okay so this is a drill again that every player we have ever used it with got better immediately so here’s how we do it we’re going to set up to the golf

Ball we’re going to take our left toe and point it right at that golf ball we’re going to take our right foot which would be normally you know on our regular width of stance and we’re going to drop it really narrow okay we’re going to move it back I’m going to feel

About 95% of the weight on my left foot all right and here’s the deal I’m going to keep it there all right now I take some shots where I’m just having all this pressure on my left foot my left leg stay stable left femur over left

Shoe I’m going to feel some chest highe shots just rotating around that left leg okay it’s going to give us the ability to turn the left leg back and around ground almost like we were swiveling our left foot into the ground do a couple more left

Toe at the golf ball drop the right foot I’m going to make just some chest highe back swings here and really what happens I get good contact I get a straight start line and the most important thing I get a lot more of divot after the golf ball okay when

People come in there and they move back and now they move forward the club has to release and we get div behind the golf ball we take that opportunity away this drill does two things for us it number one helps us turn and stay more stable on our left leg it doesn’t left

This left hip or left knee dive okay number two it now allows us to open up around that left leg because we’ve stayed steady on it in the back swing all right so this is a drill that’s working not only on your back swing leg structure boom but more importantly through the

Golf ball now watch my foot okay when I’m doing this drill there’s a couple ways I’ve seen people do it correctly and incorrectly okay first let me show you the incorrect way here’s somebody doing it left leg drill okay left femur over left shoe not much happened down there okay

You could look at my left femur stays over my left shoe but notice how there wasn’t very much rotation okay what we want to feel with this drill is we want to feel like our foot is almost trying to bust out of our shoe we want to feel

Like we’re trying to dig a hole in the ground with our cleats in our shoe okay we want to really engage it so I’m not using my left leg and just staying there I’m really feeling like my foot is digging into the ground putting some pressure and turning around again

We’re simulating impact where boom I’ve got 80% of my pressure here and now I’m turning through the golf ball okay this is going to give us great control of our low point this is going to give us a good stable Club face because we’re continuing to rotate and

Again I mean every one of those High straight shots right there so guys this is a drill that you can even use on the course all right I really don’t care what club the only Club you can’t do it with really is a driver okay we’ll talk

About that again but the driver is the only shot in golf where the ball’s suspended in air if that ball is on the ground we need to make sure we have our pressure in our front foot and we’re rotating around it in order to get our most efficient

Strike so when I finish the pressure should be on the outside of the left foot a little bit more towards the heel that’s going to help my toe kind of pop up and ensure that I’ve rotated around this lead leg and not just left it there

And swung my arms we do that five or 10 times we get that sensation now let’s add in the trail foot as I get set up I get my more normal ball position we know we’re bumping our hip getting my left femur over my left shoe and now with a

Shorter iron I feel about 70 or 80% here and about 30% there now here’s the thing I’m going to try to maintain the feeling of the left leg drill for me if I’m hitting an eight ironer below I literally feel like I only have one leg I’m

Getting in here and even though both feet are on the ground I don’t need to use that trail leg very much I can keep my pressure forward I can turn back boom there we go now as we get into some longer clubs this is where the ball will

Move forward the stance will get wider and I’ll tell you what when you have the five iron in your hand you’re only going to have about 55% of the weight up here okay but you’re still going to be rotating around it boom bump the hip staying behind the golf

Ball working through it guys go home give that drill a shot it’s going to change the way you strike your irons if you like the video please be sure to comment subscribe like It he


  1. Nice tip Mike thanks, id like to see you talk about fairway woods set up and intentions when hitting from the ground and off a tee. thanks again

  2. Senior golfer been doing this for years, after back surgery. It has made me a better golfer. Much more accurate and just as long as I ever was!

  3. Nice, I like the fact that your heel works toward target a bit in the back swing. Then you shift pressure into that heel purchase until you strike the ball. That to me look like a clog in a gear that notched up a tooth. Without that purchase it wouldn't insure a ball first strike. 👍

  4. Best advice I have heard is start with your weight 60-40 with your weight on left foot. As you take the club away try to keep that weight distribution the same. It stops swaying and generates better strikes

  5. I’ve been playing golf for two years now. Im 52 – 27 handicap- yeah you read that right. Recently discovered this drill by default. It has made a massive difference to my ball striking. Loading the front leg. it did cause a bit of reverse pivot, which I had to correct. But once corrected – I can now hit any iron relatively well and address the ball with confidence. I am looking forward to regularly playing in the low 90’s. My contact is MUCH better.

  6. if you swing with no lateral movement, what do you start the downswing/transition with? What is the very first action? Having trouble understanding what to do, if it’s not a shift in weight. Thanks man 🙏

  7. GP. Always appreciate the instructional drills that can be done on the course while playing the game. Entirely enjoy your golf instructional videos generous of you for sharing.

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