Collin Morikawa X Grant Horvat (Unreal Golf!)


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All right guys we got Colin to my right here and we are going to play five holes today and you’re going to caddy for me yeah I’m the best caddy you’ve ever had have you cadd before nope never cadd best cadd though five holes and if we

Have a shot under 50 yards or something I’m going to have you hit it I know you don’t want to make full swings back you hurt your back how’d you do that we’re in the gym uh did this 3 months ago memorials kind of final round stuff um

Just like old man stuff like picking up things bad posture uh things that you know I obviously have to watch hurting my back is never never fun I mean You’ seen every injury um throughout a lot of professional golfers but backs are the

Worst injy so I got to watch what I do I want to be out here hitting with you guys but uh but yeah it is what it is I’m going to take a few days of rest and we’ll be back out perfect right edge of the green so like just left of that

Really tall tree okay winds here I I’ll straight I’ll get you your wind I’ll get you your wind don’t worry about that all right down down on the right about 5:00 y I want to aim just at that tree right to the P I love it I think that’s good straight

Bounce I hit it good okay I like it that’s a good caddy right there see if he didn’t pick up that wind I would actually I would have missed it a lot more to the left it’s never the cad SP never huge announcement I’m going to be

Giving away a qi1 Max the most forgiving driver in the world to one person all you got to do like this video subscribe to the channel and drop a comment you’re going to want to watch the rest of this video it is crazy shout out to Colin

Morawa make sure you enter to win this driver let’s get right back to the video I know all the guys they live here in Jer but you’ve never thought about moving to Florida I am not a Florida guy I’m I’m very against Florida yeah you know I mean compared to California it’s

Hot so I actually live in Vegas now okay which is actually even hotter right um the golf out here is unbelievable like people love I I can see why and I think it does help your gol game if you do move out to Florida I just I can’t do it

Pace of Life out here is too slow have you have you played like medalists and bears and all those uh I’ve been D I haven’t been to bears but I’ve been to medalist okay um I’ve been to a few other places out here just seeing some

Guys you know working on the game but yeah I can’t do it let’s go the one on the right let’s try and make yeah front right see we can go five birdies in a row yeah all right one 119 119 to that pen downwind 119 downwind yeah I mean

Down off the right I think the greens are pretty soft I’d say like a 114 shot 5 yards a win yeah one yeah what were you feeling do you feel your numbers if you give me a number like that I can I can feel it okay Colin’s got the caddy

Talk too he just like knows it’s crazy cuz it’s almost like I play golf and I have a caddy yeah there’s a little more win yeah 113 6 yards okay we’ve seen we’ve seen better we’ve seen better that’s that’s not on me where were you where were you aiming there was

I aimed right I was trying to aim right at the pin you’re not used to missing the green so it’s like it’s probably weird to see that ball miss the green what I I think because like you had to take a lot off yeah you just completely

Stopped your body I didn’t keep the club and you just like let the club just kind of go I felt that I didn’t feel like I kept my body moving left that’s I feel like with my game my driver is my number it’s my strongest above in the bag I

Feel like my wedge is right there where I where I lose a lot of lot of Strokes like just not close enough yeah no no I mean that’s I think it’s committing to your numbers right like figuring it out for me obviously like people have a clock system right but it’s those shots

That are in between cuz if I gave you a full wed shot I mean what was that what you hit 5 52 and I it was like a smaller swing so like if I gave you a 56 and said hit it hard and go back to your

Stance like it probably would have been more committed though you didn’t have the feel of the shot in your hands before you actually hit it you knew that you had to take a lot off so I do the same thing so like a lot of people will

Go cuz I don’t really my practice swings in my golf game are just kind of like half right like I don’t really take practice swings when you know you have to take a lot of distance off you kind of just you think it’s almost easier in

A sense but it’s not cuz it’s a very tweener like 56 might have landed just short unless there was a big gust so you almost have to play a shot so if it gets too if it’s a really big tweener that’s when I start cutting it that’s why I’ve

Always cut the ball even on a wed shot so like on a wed shot like that I’ll just try and cut it because like then you can get aggressive and just try and like feel that you’re going to cut it if you have more Club it’s way easier to

Cut it right right cuz you just kind of like you kind of just hold on to the face so just do that never actually thought about cutting a wedge I always try and draw my wedges like Zach Johnson like that kind of when you’re that’s

Like a not a specialty shot but that you have those tweener wedges where you’ll find those numbers and like you don’t this isn’t terrible but you also don’t want to be here right you’d much you’d much rather have a putt I would to be honest I would just putt it no chip it

Chip it okay chip it yeah cuz we’re trying to make it it’s straight uphill you’re trying to go for the M nice nip I think we got that one Colin guys there’s a lot of pins out here today um I think they’re doing I mean

This is the PIN we were going to so there’s a lot it was it was I’ll I’ll second that all right guys well after the first hole we are even Par Four more holes to go yeah that’s c yeah I’m blaming everything on the caddy today

All right fault what do we have a par is this our next hole Yeah I think we have a par three coming up all right hold let me let me get let me get the dist here here I’m slack I’m slacking on my job can’t believe I’m doing

This in my head I feel like I can help people but I mean you’re so you’re good enough to where like it probably won’t make that big of a difference I got it no guess guessing no guessing what’s up with your slope your rang finder is messed up you

Need a new one says it’s nine oh there we go all right 125 said it was N9 yds downhill what are you feeling here 55 how far did your 52 go at Max 120 Max yeah what sure yeah like 120 sure you don’t hit it farther I would definitely

I would definitely hit I would definitely hit Gap wood but if you only hit a 120 then then no I would play this no 125 126 let’s play I’d play the number play the number to 128 so still like a tweener pitching wedge for you again it’s not a full one it’s still

Just the 52 is just not going to get there and i’ I’ve made that mistake too many times all right commit to the shot commit to the feel don’t forget about the shot commit to the feel of the shot as long as you have the feel in your in

Your swing 128 is just below full no no no hold on I’m going to call you off call you off good caddy that’s a good oh it’s down send the 52 no no no it’s fine you don’t have to send it okay oh good great shot I think that’s

Close that was a good hey that was a good back off that was clutch I was about to hit that does they know when to they no one to call you off cuz that was like I was ready to hit it it’s pretty good better than mine it’s definitely

Not better than Colin he never caims his Gres yeah that’s we play with Wesley Bryan me and M wle that’s terrible and he like ripped me for it why cuz he I mean he was saying the reason I can’t flight my wedges is because I don’t have

Clean grooves is that true well yeah you don’t get spin they’re caked you ever bought a brush or no like nothing yeah it’s a tough look it really is I’m really I’m like baffled right now I’m like you know after a long range session I’ll use the

Little thing but like during a round you’re playing 18 holes never cleaning GR so like you don’t even need a towel pretty much yeah I mean wow this is shocking this is this is how we’re going to even go lower this is how we’re going to go lower Wesley’s pulled me to the

Side Wesley’s one of the better WB players I’ve played with absolutely and he can like spin him back from like 40 yards crazy stuff all you got to start cleaning them I he looked at my club and was like what are you doing you got to start cleaning them yeah that’s that’s a

Rookie mistake there it is it really is and I mean a good caddy would tell you oh come on let’s go that was such a back off look at that such a clutch back off switch and you wanted me to hit that 52 and I didn’t want to hit it no I think

You can hit it farther I think you can hit it farther yeah I mean no one’s putted on these grains they’re perfect this right here though is the putt I mean do these putts are they just automatic for you a putt like this I’ve gotten better at these yeah so I use the

Claw like you I heard you don’t take practice strokes so no practice strokes cuz they once again they don’t do anything unless you actually are feeling what you’re doing right to me it doesn’t help um think a speed thing for me just like dialing and feeling the speed but

What I did I so I won about a month ago in Japan okay and I’ve been using aim point and what I would do is I’d line up my ball roughly at my aimo spot and then just feel it from there got I would never go off that aimo spot by too much

And if they were different then I knew something was way off and I’d back off you want to feel confident I mean how do you read putts there not too much thought that goes into it I think we know it’s definitely going to go left

Okay so you know you can play yeah I love that just inside the the right Edge great caddies my cadd is I mean I don’t have a normal caddy today usually when you have a normal cadd you don’t get that worked up but I didn’t want to

Miss that in front of Colin so that was good that’s a good birdie guys we’re we are now one under through two holes couple more holes to go but I’m telling you I feel I mean Colin really did help me There All right guys we are on we are heading over now to the third hole of the day and apparently this is Gil hans’s dream Green Design it’s crazy it’s I mean I’ve never seen anything like it I think I I bet you at some point someone will have

A hole in one on this hole we’ve seen it done we’ve seen it done before on part fours but I think this is one of those holes that someone’s going to get done yeah yeah I I mean it’s going to be crazy cuz yeah wait till you guys see it

I think it’s it’ll be pretty shocking with how much slope there is yeah and I feel like we’re going to be maybe one of the first two people with this video to show this golf course apigy and maybe in the world and I don’t think this will be

On camera no before this video it’s do you just hit and see which pin we there’s three pins we got to pick one we got to pick one pin for the guy your you’re call where’s the pin you know how like the green like slopes to the front

I want to have the the hole in one pin I think it’s the one far right or no it’s middle I think it’s red no Middle’s up front Middle’s up front so Middle’s very narrow there it can come in from the sides okay but the back ones have the

Back slope where you can almost play it off the back slope let’s go right okay let’s go back right one it’s got to be what two 275 280 310 310 that’s a perfect famous par 4 here we’re going to the right pin 310 this this hot here for

You standing here yeah this is disgusting yeah I hate Florida is tough man what are you doing here where are you trying to I think the hole in one you need to land it pretty much on that tree just right at the red pin okay I

Want to feel it start at that okay Way’s going to help it so I like teeing it up far the right okay further to the right all right yeah I don’t like for me I hit a cut and I don’t like these left trees so gotcha our I think our Miss no we’re

We going to stuff them oh my gosh Come on come on I mean it’s rolling up on it exactly on the pin so what’s it what’s it look like on the Drone stop it it’s going to come back stop it did it get to the back of the

Green it’s coming back right now as we speak let’s go 25 let’s go you could actually hit that shot a few times and if you hit it just right to the pin it would actually come back what a drive yeah how do you feel

After that I mean in front of you I feel like I all right how many hole in ones do you have I just made my first one at the tail did you see the 100 hole Pike the is that where you made your first with Michael block yeah ever yeah ever

65 yard now does that count 65 yards no it counts I think part three courses count okay it was a tough cuz like I wanted it to be on a nice long hole but yeah no but I mean it’s at to the beach it’s true and you saw it go in right saw

It go in one hop dunk and we all went crazy it’s my first one how many do you have seven zero in tournaments really never made one in turnament yeah that’s going to feel awesome when it happens yeah I tell I tell my caddy I only want

One if there’s a car but I I’d take it anytime I it’s going be cool I’m we’re going to play this clip back when you have your first one it’s going to be perfect so I know you went to the claw and I was just saying like the reason I

Switch cuz I feel like this right hand gets hty did you feel the same or it’s the same thing for me I mean I kind of uh I’ve had troubles obviously my putting my putting a little iffy uh here and there especially in the early part

Of my career and um I finally felt kind of consistency this year with going back to the claw I actually went away from it last year um but going back to the claw for me like you said it takes out your right hand right so like your right

Hand’s kind of stable and even though that’s our more for a lot of people your more dominant hand right at the end of the day it’s like putting is a pendulum there are there are handsy players right you look at a brand sneer and you look at like Jack Nicholas right they do

Break very handsy right but for me I just couldn’t get my speed and consistency down so I essentially just think of this extending all the way to my sternum does sorry not my sternum to my belly button right as if I were using a belly a belly putter right and that just rocks

From there so everything rocks from my belly button and almost chest right there gotcha so you don’t keep it like pointed you don’t keep it pointed there the whole time no but it’s it’s kind of just an idea to take away your hands so like the claw takes that away um making

Sure this is set here that takes it away and just as if you were to putt literally Palms together that’s like a great drill I always do I like that I know this is right to left so if aim Point says it’s left to right so are you

Feeling it in your feet right now I’m I’m that’s exactly what I’m doing like you’re feeling essentially the percentage slow you know if this was Zero 1% 2% 3% um and you’re feeling it in your feet it’s pretty much like I learned by some people can do it both ways I always do

Better with my lead foot so like do you ride skateboard or snowboard I I ski that that probably doesn’t but if you were to ride a SK skateboard which foot would you ride forward a skateboard regular I feel like I was Goofy when I

Skate when I was a kid so right so right foot forward yeah I was right foot forward so like I you should try so I would put your right foot down and then you just kind of feel like as if you’re riding that way so now you’re just

Feeling it so you’re just standing you got to practice at zero and then you you will learn what 1% 2% 3% is build the system and it’s pretty much just practicing a feel in your feet so that’s yeah it’s I feel like that would matter like the shoes you’re wearing would

Maybe depend so you have to keep wearing the same shoes you got to you got to keep that and then obviously you are I have to calibrate the speed of the greens downhill all that type of stuff so let’s let’s just guess we’re roughly

At about an 11 so it’s got to go I mean got be up there so I’ve got you going now you remember this is where this is a starting point right right so where where did you my two got me right here if I was playing that putt that’s

Exactly where if I was just feeling it got it so this is so that this is exactly what I would do I would now line it up to this and then essentially when I stand over it I kind of feel it you stand up and you’re like okay well that

Feels High I’m going to go a little lower or that feels low I’m going to go a little higher but at least I’m roughly within the general area of where I was reading my a point you have a line down but now you can always adjust you don’t

Have to be married to your line some people do that but I think if you’re a field player you want to just kind of work your way off of that okay we need to work on speed yep hit it right through it right through

The brake I think we had a good we had a good shot at two perfect go really solid start here I I I don’t think this course is considered easy I don’t know if it’s hard know nothing about it so we’re going your one no mine not mine at all

Two under after three great start Here 290 to cover the bunker wind is in out of the right 13 2:00 so I don’t think we’re covering I don’t think we’re covering no we’re not we are definitely not not with my game I I mean with the wind and you playing a draw let’s just

Okay just left of the bunker started just left of the bunker and just let it rip Beauty kind of a safe line for me no that’s I think that’s great I guess we could have taken it over the bunker I don’t know I don’t usually hit it seem seemed pretty good I

Think we had a good drive I think we’re just on the LA I hope I gave you a good line you kind of ripped it no if if it was 280 to that bunker 290 290 to the back to the back Edge yeah oh oh oh oh

Oh to the back I think we have way more room too there’s not as many trees do you prefer to hit a lower bullet or what do you how far do you hit your clubs what do you have so I hit this this goes about 25 220 so that’s not going to get

Definitely not enough so we got to hit the hybrid 100% okay hybrid it is we can eliminate the Flor iron I just brought it up there cuz I sometimes when I hit like a stinger with it you know real low I just think it’s it’s such a new golf

Course that we’re not going to get any roll yeah you can the fairways are a little bit over seated yeah it should come out pretty low off of this down slow 230 to on the dot to the pen 230 exactly the hole I like a two 43 shot

Okay 43 that’s perfect that should be this full straight at it wind is directly in you that so good right all right it’s fine thought that was going to fade a little bit right on a little bit enough the right just a tick I mean look at this guy he is he

Was born to be a caddy since he doesn’t clean his clubs I’ll just kind of like that think been hit two times you’re good it was for me when I I in college I used two irons all the way and then you switched to a hybrid oh I switched to a

Hybrid I switched to a hybrid uh 2020 waste management and I made four Eagles in a row on par fives in the tournament so four par fives in a row right I made yeah four Eagles in a row using that hybrid on on every and then

You were like from there on out you were like and then uh then it went downhill from there oh okay now now I have a fivewood okay so now you’ve gotten rid of your hybrid yeah and you’ve gone to a fivewood now I’ve gone to a five I think

Five Woods are the easiest called in your bag that is crazy I’ve never really heard of because you just don’t really like take a divot you kind of it just like there’s so much B and it just and there’s so much loft that you’re not

Trying to hit down on it you know the ball’s going to like flop up so you’re just swinging super level and it just comes off like so good that’s crazy now this shot with the grass we’re dealing with just because it’s a little thick right yep and I don’t know how it’s

Going to react on on the screen but I would go high with this I would go high and soft I would aim left and let it feed to the right I know it’s going to work its way to the right there’s a big slope there you’re going to Plate off

The slope or no I would probably try and land it just on that Fringe area and let it just trickle down to the PIN to the right I mean it’s a hard shot how I I 100% agree how high are you going with a shot not crazy I’m not taking like a

Full swing but I’m going I love it mid swing y kind of bounced it into the ball a little B that’s fine though like that’s the miss you want yeah just Square it on me you know it’s kind of hard to trust when you open the

Face up but how would now how would you play this in a tournament I would kind of do the same thing I mean knowing that the lie you obviously have to look at the LIE right it’s a little fluffy so it might come out not as spinny as you want

Just cuz there’s so much grass right but I would still play it for there to be rough like a decent amount of spin right um I would know that if you do land it short On The Fringe it’s going to kick out to the hole so I’d kind of just kind

Of try and land it just past the Fringe okay with kind of the same shot you played just a little bit of height I probably won’t take as big of a swing as you did um knowing that if you do come out with spin it’s going to be just fine

If you don’t need height oh my god oh killed it that was cool I thought I thought the Fring I thought the fr would kind of release a little B you went right for it too yeah I mean I’m trying to aim a little bit

Left of that but I think the slope for me I would never really play it just because at the end of the day if you’re trying to Hole it you don’t really need to use yeah oh my God so good so close that was player B though see his Club made a

Different sound than mine cuz he really did use the bounce there I could hear it just like there was a different noise it made cuz mine squared up so your shot was a bigger flop shot so that’s why I was a little afraid when you said flop

Shot cuz you said you’re not trying to hit it too high right but for you when you thought height you thought okay well I’m going to take a bigger swing there is a balance of height and spin if you go too high you’re not going to get

Enough spin so that’s where for me on that shot I was going for more spin how do how do you hit it lower and spin for me I have to keep the ball forward back ball like up here back is never good so the people that like you you know people

All talk about draws I can’t do that just the way my hands work through the ball right keep it almost outside your left foot and you’re exiting left I’m actually left I’m like almost cutting across it that’s so cool which is like the opposite of what a lot of people do

But for me it finds the bottom if you can learn where the bottom of the club is yeah yeah that’s it’s the best it’s the best feeling I think you got I think you got me on the first one that’s see now this is all feel for me as it should

Be at this point like this I just set that line like I feel like it’s out here and I feel like I got to let it fall in I actually just blank ball it so you don’t even line it up I don’t even line it up because there there’s so now this

One the greens aren’t that fast but of course like a austa where there’s so much break yeah and you can make it at 50 different lines at that point you just have to commit to what you’re doing so this one I’m fine with but do you

Like that line is that high or is that low so this is where I feel like when I’m over these putts and I have a line I don’t really know like I’m kind of I can make it seem good but I like blank I like the blank ball and you just all

Feel let’s try it let’s do the BL just so here it’s like I don’t even want that I want to feel it feel it in my body speed is number when you have a putt breaking more than a cup speed is all that matters easy Colin’s coming on the bag

Guys we are making a run for the tour and Colin will be with me by the end of this video 2024 well guys that wraps it up for today’s video that’s three under through four holes with colins thank you so much man you’re I mean that was awes

Ni that was impressive golf I’ll be honest that was I career know career sometimes you got to step up and you did just like 2024 Q School yeah 2024 you’ll see us there guys hopefully you enjoyed that it’s really cool to have Colin on the channel but make sure if you’re not

Subscribe to the channel hit that subscribe button also hit the little notification Bell so you know when new videos are coming out but till next time peace


  1. Grant love the content and pls help i slice my driver off the planet.

    Let’s test that fargiveness 😁

  2. I am a big fan of you ever since you were on Good Good. I could really use a new driver. I’ve been using the old taylormade burner driver and could use an upgrade. Big taylormade guy, and love the taylormade players.

  3. Yo!!! Plsss that driver 🥹.. your vids are the realest by the way, you don’t show only the good shots. 🤙🏼

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