Golf Babe

Was this Racism By Top Golf? – EP 137

We have a good one coming your way. Today on the show we discuss more DEI at airlines that will make you not want to fly anymore, in Urban Decay Top Golf was accused of racism because they wouldn’t let their customers drink lean, in Cringe of the Week there’s a trigender person who is a man a woman and non binary at the same time, we’re obviously going to cover the Jewish Tunnels in NYC, we have a Henchman of the Week, we teach you how to avoid a Terminator situation, a door dasher left a nasty note to a none tipper, and as always stay until the end for Uplifting Gold. All this and more it’s Fleccas Talks The Podcast episode 137, ranked the best new podcast of all time!

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All right welcome back to flas soxa podcast episode 137 today on the show we’re obviously going to be talking about the Jewish tunnels then new data came out about Dei at a major airline that’s going to make you never want to fly again then we have a trigender person in this week’s cringe

Of the week you’re not going to want to miss and last but not least is Top Golf racist they were accused and wait until you hear why all this and more it’s lunus talks the podcast episode 137 ranked the best new podcast of all time because words it just worse until

Action actually start and action speak louder than words but at the same time words speak louder than AC because sometimes it’s the right thing to do right very cool St the podcast featuring Richard all right one for one on the intro as always guys this week’s episode is brought to you by fleas have you been on the fence about joining well we have a very big announcement for you starting today there will be a bonus 30 minute bonus Land episode after every

Public episode we drop on YouTube so if you weren’t sure about joining before now is the time that’s an extra hour of content exclusively to Fleck a .c members every week 4 hours of exclusive content per month and if you join today you get the backlog of all of our past

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Show operate on a high level we couldn’t do it without all of you fuckus is the website now let’s get into housekeeping all right thank you to bonus line for sponsoring the show thank you us thank you us AKA you it’s very important to join bonus land because

Without bonus land there’s no they might kill us there’s no Mainland there’s no Mainland without bonus land we don’t exist without the members and we’re grateful fuus is the site all right first things first we have a very important housekeeping it is Friday I

Don’t want to say I have six pages of housekeeping but but there’s a lot and I it’s spaced out and I use big writing looks pretty small text looks pretty small to me all right first things first um there’s a lot of of appliances using data that don’t really need to be yeah

It’s slurping up all your data this tweet says what the [ __ ] my uh LG washing machine using 3.6 gigabyt of data per day and the guy posted the chart uh and it’s LG Smart laundry 2 and then mimic cus had a decent tweet about it that sums it up he said I wish

I could explained to every appliance manufacturer that there’s a massive hole in the market for normal appliances that have no touch screens and no Wi-fi connectivity I don’t need a computer on my stove or coffee maker yeah that’s it and guys we’ve said it before and

Obviously we’re going to say it again we need to constantly be watching the Terminators that’s where a lot of the clues are I agree yeah I’ve been watching Terminators I saw Terminator 3 the other day and it makes a lot of sense uh and obviously the tech demons

Are deeply embedded in our systems yeah and and our computers Even in our bodies we’re going to get to that a little bit later but that’s why you need to get the heavy metals out yeah sure heavy metals in the demons and the bad guys they like

The metals the metal is more them than us we’re organic Metals not so they get these inorganic things in an organic body and then like in Terminator remember that guy kind of yeah I don’t know he’s kind of slurped into other things and slurped around yeah yeah yeah

U we’ll get to that later though um also something I’ve noticed speaking of Terminators you bring up Terminators I think you did speaking of Terminators it’s interesting that for something so advanced when they face off they need to like fist fight each other it’s a brawl in

The street yeah don’t you think they would be like and then like hacking into stuff and like shutting things down and like taking over the other guy’s body and like controlling the computers well I understand the first Terminator getting sent back he needs to like blend in find humans kill humans uh imitate

Humans but the second Terminator they send back should be like a specialized robot machine that only is there to kill a Terminator he’s got like an acid gun and then like a particular bullet that just kills the other Terminator it should just be like and then shuts the

Terminator down but for some reason they have to fist fight each other is weird I have the same note for Transformers yeah that’s true you’re this huge Advanced Transformer thing and then here you are punching like a human would punch doesn’t make sense to me all right let’s

Move on new pilot Dei stuff at United Airlines so this has been going on for a while but this information just came out and it’s very important stuff so United was the first Airline uh to say that they wanted to have like up to 50% of

Their new pilots be women or people of color uh We’ve showed this before on the show the end of the all-white male cockpit and basically United had a new class and their goal was 50% and uh in 2022 we welcomed 200 students to the academy and celebrated the graduation of

Our inaugural class of Pilots that includes 51 students with nearly 80% being women or people of color so the goal was 50% women or people of color and then once they put it into action the graduating class was 80% women or people of color so they’re shattering

Their own goals and that was for uh a United flight school that United owns and do we think these people are qualified or do you think United is trying to push an agenda at the cost of their consumers and the safety of the people on the planes I think it’s the

Latter yeah yeah and it’s funny um there was a text from a pilot uh it was going around on Twitter that kind of summed it all up can you read it yeah this and hold on let me actually look at the context this is from pachy Keenan getting DMS from Pilot World confirming

That things are bad but this one is really scary um and it says every airline has an informal pilot assignment program that makes sure their unfireable Dei problem children are always paired with adult supervision these programs are maintained by aging Boomers who are immune to the Kool-Aid as those guys

Retire and their numbers drop too low to stop the true blue Dei believer every flight will be a roll of the dice and eventually there will be uh be one with two defective Dei pilots in the cockpit pray for the people on that flight they’re going to need it very

Interesting so they’re kind of like stuffing them with the Boomers yeah like everybody every random newcomer who uh was Dei hired is put with like a former Air Force veteran with 4,000 flying hours you know or even more yeah that’s interesting so I was thinking maybe some

Advice to some airlines out there like yeah so have an idea that kind of would work for the existing Airlines anyone who wants to have a reverse Bud Light experience for the next five or so years you come out and say hey we’re XYZ Airlines and we hire an employee the

Most veterans of any other Airline o and then you hear that and you go ooh I’m going to fly that Airline only forever because I know it’s safe and they actually have standards mhm and then on top of that um it’s like a little chirp

To to us a chirp to your your boys that only like the right wing can hear so you put this out there in the universe it seems innocent and whatever but it’s like a secret sound only the right wing can hear and we’ll go ooh you’re not

Doing Dei you’re one of ours we’re going to fly with you yeah like what are those whistles that dogs can hear and or like the high pitch whistle only a dog can hear it’s like it’s like a dog whistle exactly exactly exactly like that no

That would be a boom um a boon I think United is in trouble like I have a credit card for United and like I have status at United and I’m trening away from that and this is the class of 2022 these Pilots that they were talking about so it’s like they’re in the

Process now oh yeah they’re in the pipeline and uh like they said they’re probably stuck with some former US Air Force guy who flew missions in Iraq you know uh and thankfully there there’s adult supervision as they put it right now yeah exactly so the air United this

Time to short United I kind of um because United isn’t really accounting for the skills that matter when flying an airplane like IQ yeah doesn’t matter to United of course but there are times when IQ does matter so it’s like IQ does matter when you’re a woman at the sperm

Bank and you want to pick a sperm donor for the baby you want to have yeah all like and that that’s the thing we were discussing before the show aired is like leftists sometimes use IQ and sometimes don’t yeah and uh so sperm bank all of a

Sudden IQ matters right exactly or if you’re if you’re trying to get a criminal off and not charged yeah when it his IQ is too low he’s not a real person exactly when it comes time to sentence the violent criminal all of a sudden IQ matters right or even like looking into

Uh the distribution of certain groups like Joe Biden’s uh cabinet I think it’s 50% Jewish people yeah that’s because of IQ they’re so smart the IQ is so good and you can say it then okay but then IQ doesn’t matter I guess when I don’t know you’re manufacturing an airplane yeah

Boeing when you’re when you’re on the assembly L IQ doesn’t matter then it’s just Dei just hire whoever right anybody can do that or when people come to the Border yeah oh it doesn’t matter Guinea come on in it’s all the same they just want a better life yeah um yeah and we

Actually have a clip of the manufacturing team from Boeing and this is the is this Boeing I think this is a different company that Boeing uses yeah uh spirit Aerospace or something like that uh I don’t exact I can’t exactly see it so they’re doing a corny like Tik

Tock here’s the thing they always do a corny Tik Tok where they’re showing you exactly what’s happening and it’s kind of like a gloat and here they are it’s all these women all these 5 foot5 women and they’re the engineering team oh yeah good for them great let’s go girls it

Says yeah so that’s who’s building the airplanes the airplanes are getting blown out there was a update to uh the air the boeings yeah this was from James Lindsay uh about Boeing and how they’re implementing Dei and basically Boeing’s corporate filings with SEC reveal that in the beginning of 2022 the annual

Bonus plan to reward CEO and Executives for increasing profit for shareholders and prioritizing safety was changed to reward them if they hit Dei targets which is crazy so it goes from performance and how the company’s doing and how much money it’s making and how efficient everything is and it gets

Changed to now Dei if you hit your Dei goals all the executives get their bonuses and you know how easy it is to like oh man I can pull this lever like like oh if the company’s profitable x amount then we all get big bonuses it’s like that’s uh macroeconomic factors

That’s uh you a bunch of different factors like the interest rate everything like that but to hit your Dei targets all you got to do is go tching pull the lever and hire a bunch of semi-qualified individuals and uh oh I’m hitting my bonus tonight and they’re

Really squeezing the people at the top where it’s like you’re making a few selfish people go oh is this easy to make sure we get all of our bonuses mhm what are you going to not do it and also what’s upsetting about this too in terms of like the broad scheme of America

Right like Dei obviously is worthless for an airplane company right America’s GDP is like 10% software right so that’s just you know people clicking on a computer people in Facebook people in Silicon Valley blah blah blah right and then we have this whole other section of our economy that’s like Financial right

New York people trading bonds back and forth uh you know financial planning pensions 401ks blah blah right and then Boeing is like one of the only companies that we actually have that’s a defense contractor actually building giant airplanes in Seattle right and then oh let’s let’s chop away

At this one until we got random uh a mix of racial and women in here just because like we can right yeah it’s like one of the few things we actually make and that [ __ ] pisses me off and Nikki Haley’s on the board of Boeing so Nikki Haley did

It she did it doesn’t it make sense she’s always talking about being a woman she said Being a woman vaccinated and [ __ ] trans kids she’s always talking about that [ __ ] yeah so she did this thanks Nikki uh there’s also an Alaska aines video that was going pretty viral

Um this is what they’re up to G Gary when I said gay you say gay Gay G gay when I say gay you say gay not even good content when I say gay you say gay ready to go fly the airplane he didn’t even get that right it’s it’s like when I say

Red you say blue red blue there’s an opposite they’re just saying gay a bunch of times and you know what I will say this flight attendants have always been gay or for a long time of course but there was the front of the plane was all

These military guys with 130 IQs in the back of the plane was a couple twinks it was no big deal that’s a good point but now they want to get the Twinks in the front and they want to get the weird minorities or whatever they want to get

The Twinks in the front of the plane I know and the women and that door locks you know those military guys they go thanks Jeff and they lock the door and they have a mustache that’s so true and now the twink’s yelling gay in the terminal what’s going to happen when a

Terrorist takes the plane over and there’s no capable men to fight it off there’s a terrorist in the cockpit the guy’s going to go o cockpit yeah I know mine in the gutter oh yeah disgusting oh you just entered the cockpit they going be like uh yeah and then also on top of

This they’re going to make this so bad flying is going to be so bad that they’re going to say oh AI needs to fly the planes now well that’s kind of where we are thankfully the time where we’re doing this the plane basically flies itself but the troubleshooting and like

The issues it’s like the issue that can be like oh we’re the sensor’s off this the sensor needs to be turned on and off and a military guy who literally has flown over fua goes okay no big deal somebody else is like what it’s beeping

At me like this is my first time this didn’t happen in the simulator yeah so it’s going to get bad and then when the AI needs to take over it gives us more vulnerability abilities to Terminators all right it all comes back to Terminator well page one of housekeeping

I know all right moving on to page two St Paul um similar thing with women and women of color here’s a new story you’re going to like I think you’ll like this story history was made in Minnesota’s capital city of St Paul today or should

We say Hy was made you think I like that you think I want to hear this you think this is a story I’m going to like St Paul’s new city council was sworn in this afternoon made up in entirely of women and get this six of the seven

Council members are women of color and they are all under the age of 40 four of them are new members and say that affordable housing and access to child care are some of their top priorities congrat so that’s what they’re doing that’s the top priority is getting all

These women of color into the St Paul school board yeah and then no it’s it’s the city council not even the school board not it’s worse than the school board and they love saying diversity but then they’ll they’ll brag about getting seven women like on a city council

They’ll brag about the all black cockpit and it’s like so diversity never really mattered you just wanted your team in right yeah exactly diversity would mean a nice breakdown of different groups represented it’s just as long as it’s not just white men they’re happy with

What it is and they call it diversity to get that in also when people get the get power and like the the flip has been switched and it’s an all women city council they want to talk about child care and affordable housing right and it’s like you know what cities do police

Fire department roads and like street signs like they always go beyond the scope of what they’re actually supposed to be doing right like Chicago or or New Orleans anybody the mayor needs to go to France and it’s like potholes real physical tangible stuff in the City Federal covers everything else State

Covers the other [ __ ] that’s a good point so so this is like a little sneak behind the sneak peek behind the curtain and it kind of tells you that the city’s probably falling apart part elsewhere mhm and we actually have another video of a teacher from a St Paul school

District who’s really having a hard time cuz the stuff he’s experiencing in the classroom is like nothing he’s ever seen you been a teacher for 25 years in this District have you ever seen it this bad never never before any kid that would have threatened a teacher would have

Been gone that day that right now no questions asked walking off the job weeks ago for what he says has and hasn’t happened inside Washington Technology Magnet School in St Paul 8th grade math teacher Bruce ringman describes a toxic environment absent he says of any real consequences for kids

Who cause trouble when a student can tell the principal to f off nobody has anything anymore what I say as a classroom teacher doesn’t matter what the behavioral specialists say in the hallway doesn’t matter what the security guard says doesn’t matter what the social worker says doesn’t matter

What the counselor says doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter if you want to just take your anger out on teachers in St Paul schools you’re welcome to do that yeah so now the I walked off the job yeah the guy walked off the job the kids are doing whatever they want and there’s

No repercussions there’s no tools for any teacher to actually discipline someone because everybody gets a passing grade at the end of the day they just shoehorn the kids through and this is eighth grade it’s not like the bad seniors you know it’s not 17-year-old [ __ ] it’s like eighth graders are

Already given lip yeah exactly just another white man now he needs to shut the [ __ ] up yeah he needs to [ __ ] retire and then let some you know twink handle this and then it’ll keep getting slipperier and worse and the kids continue to learn nothing uh moving on

Similar to putting people into Power who are not qualified MH uh there’s a Down syndrome person who was in Parliament in uh yeah mar mar galaran makes history as Spain’s first parliamentarian with Down syndrome and look at her yeah so Elijah used to say the future is disabled as a

Joke 2018 and he actually got it absolutely right I know he nailed it he wasn’t kidding and now Society is just a make a wish society and it’s for fat people disabled people homosexuals and illegals and blacks and blacks right blacks people yeah and that’s that’s kind of the thing we’ve completely

Switched they’ve done the Indiana Jones switch from a merit-based society to a charity-based make a-wish Foundation the whole world is Charity yeah and I don’t know what like people voted for this I don’t that’s what I don’t get I think it all started they got guilted yeah they

Got guilted they got guilted it was like a oh that would be nice they got made complacent and then guilted yeah and then uh I think it all started when they started doing the sign language guy on TV that’s a good point they had Clos captions yeah they had subtitles and

They brought that guy in and they keep him in frame too he’s like takes up 20% of the frame and it’s weird and then it just gets you thinking oh yeah 20% of what I’m seeing is about disabled people or less fortunate people yeah and then

It gets your brain into like a victim mode and then you get guilty I’m once you’re guilty You Get Charitable oh I’ve had it so easy someone else should fly the plane yeah like what are you talking fly the plane should there’s 328 Souls on board

You know that someone else needs to fly fly it all right well it’s a charity we’re giving everything away speaking of exactly that uh immigration yeah we have a little immigration section there was a school I believe in New York uh that is now closed because they need to house

Illegal immigrants in the school so they’re doing remote learning for the kids and then I heard the remote learning actually is like optional and not even really happening yeah it was uh Madison high is temporarily closed in order to provide housing for thousands and I think it was 1900 or between 1900

Or 2,000 illegals uh they brought in the Cs I think we’re going to play the that in the background brought in the Cs they’re busing in the migrants because of a a winter storm that was coming so yeah got to displace the kids and yeah exactly like you said all classes will

Be remote please log in into your teachers Google classrooms for your required assignments the completion of your assignments will dictate your attendance for the day teachers will be available via Zoom if requested by prior email so nobody’s even in charge it’s just work from home on your computer

While the illegals fill up your school and if you do the work you get the attendance for the day that hey if you’re a kid I mean if you’re a kid that’s good sh it’s not bad it’s not bad but if you’re a parent you’re [ __ ] pissed right exactly um and then another

Thing to note that uh somebody said the area surrounding James Madison High School voted red in the 2020 elections so this is not like oh yeah you know you get what you vote for this is an area that’s being almost punished by the uh displacement of their kids right there’s

Stuff in the people in here yeah and I think people are noticing too I get a lot of DMS about this doesn’t it feel like they’re getting as many people in as deep into the country in these pockets in these significant areas in these swing States in these swing

Districts they’re loading them up with all these illegals and it feels like we’re at the buzzer so the buzzer is about to go it’s 5 4 three and everyone’s just loading them up as much as they can before the big event now what is the big event I don’t fully know

But I kind of have some dreams about it all right let’s hear so I had a dream that they were going to use the illegals to vote in the election this election and they were going to play it off in my dream they played it off like oh they

Are so scared that Donald Trump’s going to deport them so they they just did it and they voted and they broke the law but they didn’t really know they’re just scared people they feared for their lives they didn’t want to be deported back to where they fled from don’t you

Know they’re seeking Asylum let them vote let them vote a little bit and maybe the voting isn’t necessar I mean obviously they’re going to vote for Joe Biden but maybe their goal isn’t even to get Joe Biden elected that way or whoever the Democrat nominee is uh maybe

The goal is just to botch the election so if the election’s botched now Joe Biden can say well we have some election irregularities we need to figure this out and then Joe Biden can stay in office for longer yeah nobody got the Electoral votes required to to secure

The presidency so I’ll just stay in charge and also in my dream which is weird it felt like everyone getting loaded into these cities these illegals was like like a gunpowder in a barrel and it wasn’t for storage oh it wasn’t stored properly there’s a fuse that went

Into it wow and I and maybe you know how George Floyd was the Black Swan event of 2020 yeah and so much came from that what rippled from that that’s what I think could happen in 24 uh imagine an illegal immigrant George Floyd situation and then all the

Illegals take it to the streets in the millions across the country and then China cuts the power oh puts you in a purge situation pretty quick yeah which could be the goal okay so that’s kind of what my dreams were about they’re going to botch the election and vote because

They’re scared of getting deported by Donald Trump let them do it and then uh also they could be used for like uh military purposes basically once some sort of event happens they’re all going to take it to the streets show their numbers and then what happens I don’t

Know can you defend yourself do you have a gun in a city probably not exactly and I mean there are already several States like voter ID and paper ballots aren’t really required in-person paper ballots aren’t even required Arizona clearly states that no proof of citizenship is required for federal elections it says

It right there same for California so you could just show up and kind of vote and then California has this other piece that’s called an RBM which is remote accessible vote by May so you can just print something out at home and return their Mark selection uh

By mail using the postage paid envelope included and yeah you know checks and balances right yeah exactly anybody can get that so a lot of these people are here with no means of working they probably have a couple hundred dollars until they run out and then what happens

When they run out they’re not going to go home because they already spent their life savings getting to America so they’re kind of committed they geted they get drafted on your home invasion fantasy team and they start working together they’re starting to get desperate and that’s coming soon and

Keep in mind too A lot of the people that come across the border are murderers and literal rapists yeah I know Trump said that and everyone got mad but here’s the graph yeah this is known uh border patrol migrant Encounters in 2023 and then there’s just

A chart that’s I I don’t know what this data is based on but I think it’s like a rough estimate just divided by obviously you have three million people coming in there’s going to be a certain amount of murderers and a certain amount of rapists so these are all people that

Came in and from all different countries and then the yellow is rapists and the red is murderers so anytime you see it high in the graph that means that that’s how many people encountered border patrol on their way in yeah and keep in mind if you’re a murderer and a rapist

You’re probably not going to go through the official path to America and encounter border patrol you’re going to say hey I have a horrible record I’m going to sneak in with the coyotes in the middle of the night hey I’m a horrible rapist trying to get into

America should I talk to border patrol or show my ID to the border patrol who’s going to look up that and see so that’s who’s coming across that’s what we have to deal with uh and then keep in mind too with these population shifts in these swing districts and important

Areas you’re going to get redistricting and that’s kind of like a little secret agenda they have but not everyone knows to keep that a secret and that already happens people get counted in a census people like uh different states have higher populations and so like oh maybe California needs an extra electoral vote

Right and here’s uh rep IET Clark from uh who’s a Democrat obviously from New York talking about the restructuring saying the quiet part out loud I’m from Brooklyn New York we have a diper that that can absorb a significant number of these migrants and I that you know when

I hear uh colleagues talk about uh you know the the the the doors of the in being closed um no room in the end I I’m saying you know I I need more people in my district but just for redistricting purposes and those members could not

Suppos say that you’re too dumb to know you’re not even supposed to say that part out loud yeah ex somebody get her behind a behind the wheel of an aircraft you know get her behind the controls you know who I’m mad at after all this who the de the not the radical

Democrats because obviously they’re [ __ ] and we always knew they were yeah the Democrats who think they’re smarter than everyone and then didn’t vote for Donald Trump because he’s like I I couldn’t do it morally he’s such a bad guy I need to vote for Joe Biden and

Then everything we said was going to happen happened and then those people who think they’re so smart for joing for voting for Joe Biden now must feel really really really really stupid I don’t think they reflect that much and I don’t think a lot of this stuff is shown

Being shown to them you know that’s the sad part A lot of these videos and content it just bounces around the right wing and we go oh my God that proof is so [ __ ] bad look at the guy he’s literal he’s a child rapist and then all this [ __ ] here’s border patrol letting

Him in and like shaking his hand I know and then Fox News is like Joe flacko having quite the comeback or like NBC rather not Fox but like you know they they don’t show it so uh you know some people are just blissfully unaware how wrong they are and then they’ll do

Things like change the definition of stuff so then like and then they’ll go on CN CNN or MSNBC and go illegal immigration is actually down under Joe Biden and everyone goes oh wow these rightwing people are so stupid they say it with a straight face and it’s should

Be a crime yeah well let’s lighten things up we’re still in housekeeping it’s a very important housekeeping make sure you guys tickle this post help us juice the algo leave a comment leave a comment again then start talking about what you want to talk about I want to

Hear some more comments about where we can talk about IQ and where we aren’t allowed to talk about IQ cuz I think that’s a half fleshed out bit and I want to finish that so where can we not talk about IQ and where can we because they’re playing it both ways good call

Very important do that like the video notifications on PO box if you got something good for us chill chill if you got something good for us PO Box it all right ’90s NFL drip this picture came across my feed look at that that’s Americana Jack look at the guys in the background local

PD Marlboro uh advertisements in the back so good this was where we had it we Peak we peaked that was Marana make sure you guys get those jackets before they’re fully gone um all right we’re moving on to kind of like henchmen type stuff there was a uh henchman of the

Week is this guy it’s not even hard yeah he he destroyed the competition this is it there he is guys you all need to be doing this everybody needs to get this outfit go now stop playing the episode why haven’t you done it close YouTube go there was

Tell people not to watch the show you need to be doing exactly that we’ve told you and then there was another guy who kind of discovered his style and it’s borderline henchmen uh related but you’ll see here this is him looking normal POV you found your

Style and he just looks cool as [ __ ] now I would argue this is not henchman this is boss level aspirations so I don’t know that’s a good point could be a hybrid that’s very cool stuff it’s a very cool guy yeah I like that guy I

Support him me too all right let’s move on Aaron roders is off of Pat McAfee show for the rest of the year yeah uh Pat McAfee and well mostly Disney obviously right that’s who owns ESPN Disney ESPN yep so they they they said no more uh Aaron roders Pat McAfee was

Happy and agreed M and said no more because he doesn’t like all of the Flack he gets when they talk about certain issues like the Maxine or covid or you know certain things in the NFL that are a little too political yeah and uh he

Took kind of the weak route like yeah I don’t want the heat just keep dumping the money over here just keep dumping the Disney cash I those Disney bucks yeah which you know is fine and at some points but it’s like wasn’t Aaron Rogers your friend your buddy and a piece of

The show like a weekly reoccurring character and just because Jimmy Kimmel threw a little hissy fit you you’re you’re backing down so that’s literally what happened it was a Jimmy Kimmel response um but you know maybe it’ll maybe it’s sustainable maybe Pat McAfee can you know keep collecting all the

Money and hopefully nothing is violently polarizing in the next 12 months that needs to not be talked about yeah Aaron Rogers if you’re a show Watcher please reach out and tell us yeah I dm’d you and you didn’t open it but if you need a

New show to go on I know one yeah it’s called fuckus talks the podcast yeah if you want to end your NFL career you can be gu here yeah we can do it right now um all right moving on uh disease X WF kind of alluding at a new thing yeah

Breaking the world economic Forum will be discussing disease X on January 17th as part of their annual meeting in Davos uh with fresh warnings from the World Health Organization that an unknown disease X could result in 20 times more fatalities than the Corona virus pandemic yeah Pat mcafe is going to be

Like oh this guy had a lot of first downs or whatever he talks about yeah um well to be fair Sports it is a sports show we’re not we’re not totally clowning on MCA but it’s like yo stand by your boy you know stand by your boy

Uh you have a great operation Everyone likes Aaron Rogers and anyone who’s against what he’s saying in the Flack you’re getting online is either fake or like stupid people who aren’t serious check for Palestine flags and [ __ ] like check for stupid [ __ ] because probably Bots yeah or it’s or it’s Jamal Hill

Yeah that’s it you’re more your audience is more of us than them that’s I think a big part of the gaslighting the uh the manosphere type [ __ ] like the men’s sports thing like you get a a couple whiny women yelling about something and it’s like who do you think’s watching

This yeah who do you think goes to the NFL games and you think it’s like way bigger than it’s like gambling white guys that’s it and you think like the whiny voices you hear are way bigger than they actually are you go oh man half the people are getting mad about

This nah it’s just a bunch of stupid [ __ ] yep all right let’s move on diseas X though though I do think there is a timeline where there is a real virus released and it is actually more dangerous and deadly and then everyone goes we’re not doing this again I’m

Ignoring all these whatever and then everyone actually dies and they blame all the Maga people unfortunately there’s no way to know so you’re just either going to die or not so good luck but they’re going to try and blame the magga people we’re getting kind of negative right now we’re going into a

Negative Direction let’s be positive it’s not good to be a negative person as we know and this next clip uh tells us exactly that as well I agree which guy do you like better the positive guy yay I like that yay what’s go hey good to

See you again or the negative guy I don’t like this I don’t like that I don’t like this the negative guy no I like the positive guy don’t you better don’t you better don’t you he drooled he was drooling but that’s an important message guys you

Know sometimes I think about that cuz we are uh a somewhat negative show you know when uh the times we’re often calling out problems that we see in America and I think that’s part of the reason why people like this show is because we’re laughing about a lot of the problems and

We try to make it a bit but you know this guy’s got a point this drooling old guy with horrible teeth and a weird demeanor he’s got a point and a mental problem possibly quite possibly yeah stay positive you got to stay positive you got to be a happy warrior right as

Says and uh you can learn from anybody so we can learn from that guy even though he’s a skitso yeah all right let’s move on we have to pick up the pace a little bit the bird trap you want to skip the bird trap if we’re picking

Up the base a little bit n we can don’t have to skip it all right we can kind of maybe cut to the action there’s a bird trap here’s shown how you throw some seeds down here come the birds watch this here come the birds greedy greedy Birds come the

Birds and they’re slumped got them got like four of them yeah that’s crazy I know and it makes you wonder which traps are you falling for in your life or you let the demons in you laugh at the birds you say hey they fell for the Trap

That’s stupid what are you falling for everyone’s falling for the traps and maybe your trap is oh you got to eat seed oils McDonald’s Uber Eats Uber Eats he you had that one for a while you fell for that trap for years I got out of it

Yeah you just did broke out but I was locked up yeah all kinds of traps people are falling for trap tells you jerk your dick not good you don’t want to do that a lot of traps you need to even not falling for and that way the demons

Can’t control you this next guy explains it pretty good this is basically what we’re talking about this is where you lose me a little bit humans play the Char character of you in this simulation like you play the character of Mario in his world it’s the

Same exact thing you know how you put on a headset to go into a different reality you are the headset demons are putting on from a higher Dimension to come into our lower Dimension just like you are a higher dimensional being playing Mario as a lower dimensional being you’re

Going from 3D down to 2D and demons are coming down from 4D to 3D to play you that doesn’t ring true to you one could make an argument I think it rings true and also obviously a lot of it is getting the invite the demons have to be

Invited in yeah so if people invite them in with temptation or heavy metals or toxins or seed oils or all kinds of bad stuff then you bring the demon in and let it play like a video game but the truth is you have authority over the

Demons and the demons know that but they try to get you into a mindset far away from that truth so they can come in tell you jerk your dick it all goes back to jerking your dick thank you there’s a lot of Truth in there all right our last I agree with

You our last piece of housekeeping we have to move fast but we are at the JW tunnel section okay so um the Jewish people were building tunnels in Brooklyn underneath their Temple yep uh the Sho the synagogue technically counts as tunnel maxing which is Under the

Umbrella of henchmen maxing I know so we can’t be fully against it but but we’re fully against it because we are fully against compromising Integrity of structures yeah which is the base case like like even you know the there’s some Jewish conspiracies right there’s some uh oh what’s that mattress the child

Trafficking like you know maybe I haven’t seen anything yet really crazy uh but at the very least it’s an enclave of people who believe they’re Above the Law of any sort of like City or building inspector or anything like that and just we’re digging tunnels right yeah like at

The very least it’s an enclave of people who who have zero effort to assimilate who live a different life and dig illegal tunnels underneath their synagogue yeah exactly at the best case it’s a bunch of pesky teenagers who made these tunnels and no one knew about it even though the people getting arrested

Were fighting the cops and coming out of the tunnels and were adults and not Teenagers by hiring Mexican laborers right yeah yeah and then at the worst case it’s like a child rape assembly line under the ground that’s the worst case so there’s the Spectrum and the truth is somewhere within it I’m

Assuming yeah uh Kaa um what’s her what’s lives of Tik Tok ch um she said this who we normally like but this was kind of an insane post she posted the disgraceful teens who dug underneath the well-respected synagogue did so on their own after being explicitly told not to they went against

Synagogue leadership gen Z was taught that nothing is more important than their feelings and now they’re emboldened to act entitled and spoiled with zero regard or respect for others we keep seeing this time and time again in all our institutions we must fix the broken education system the future of

Our country depends on it so it’s the education system so it’s gen Z and the education system that conspired to dig these tunnels and she even got community noted like many people were seen entering and exiting the tunnel Additionally the riot at the tunnel entrance suggests there were many people

Involved in the operation people got arrested people were like what are you doing you can’t stop this yeah ex almost borderline fighting the cops she blames it on the teenagers and said no one else had any idea but then people of all ages were coming out of the tunnels and then

When the cops got there people of all ages were fighting the tunnels fighting the cops over the tunnels that they knew nothing about until a few minutes ago yeah um yeah so there was a reporter who actually called this uh months ago he tweeted uh can you read the original

Tweets yeah he said I swear I keep hearing Yiddish under the floor in my NY apartment I live at ground level and we have no basement uh and then he said there are Jews living under my apartment I hear them it’s like they are digging or something for the record I live at

Ground level and we do not have a basement yeah and he said some of you owe me an apology I is this real like did this guy really do it I think he did the Jews they’re in the tunnels baby Sho are in the tunnels get worse

Here every day yeah we had a couple juice songs where was the other one uh to the tune of the it’s a final countdown it’s the Jewish tunnels but yeah doing it in Axel Rose voice like the Jews they’re in the tunnel baby Welcome to the Jungle but we have

To be careful because you can’t make jokes about Jewish people which is insane because like Jewish tunnels it’s like you got to make jokes that’s it that’s what we’re here for that’s the whole point of the tunnels yeah there was a couple jokes that were made and

Then people got really upset um this guy right here posted the guy coming out of the sewer and goes someone dropped a quarter down there and then someone goes 33,000 likes in counting almost 3 million views on this anti-Semitic sentence it was never about Israel it’s pure hatred towards Jews you can’t make

A joke nobody can make a joke anymore yeah exactly you can’t make a joke about Jewish people and money because the Laughing The Laughing At The Stereotype could be step one in a multi-step process that ends with a Jewish Holocaust and then CJ Pearson has to

Hide you again then you have to get hidden by CJ Pearson so Jewish people in money stereotypes are based off of nothing yeah you absolutely can’t even mention it can’t even mention it because if people laugh next is the Holocaust yep it jumps that’s literally the

Argument for why you can’t make a joke about a Jewish person there’s another joke that got made too um the guy coming out of the sewer and then someone said oh he saw his shadow six more months of Palestinian bombing yeah which is a good bit and then here’s

The New York Post subve Chabad boys spark holy war by digging a legal tunnel under Brooklyn senor ogue it’s like yo let him cook New York Post is going to do a a pun filled headline you got to let him cook exactly speaking of bombing pal everybody needs to lighten up a

Little bit yeah right well me very there’s a bunch of groups that need to lighten up the most people make fun of us we make fun of each other we Christians get just body blows and mention a quarter about the Jewish tunnels and all of a sudden everybody

What it’s what are you talking about Jewish people and money there’s nothing there there’s no correlation no one acts a certain way with yeah so do you want to kill us all like what you that’s the leap that’s the crazy leap you want to put us into a

Holocaust yeah what I just made a joke you guys said you do 10% tips I mean that’s what happens um and then speaking of bombing Palestinians um well there’s another joke yes did you hear the parking meters go straight into the tunnels but you

Means you want to kill all the je yeah I guess so that’s the next step um and then speaking of bombing Palestinians San Francisco voted 8 to3 for a ceasefire yeah so and there was a video of them celebrating yeah with all mass they’re all like women of color and

Homosexuals wearing masks yeah so sorry sorry IDF you guys need to stop San Francisco voted that you stop some guys on the front line like boom boom boom boom boom boom it’s like what’s the hey radio call came over San Francisco just voted 8 to three cease fire cease fire

He drops his gun and like walks back yeah uh oh China just voted to close our border our Southern border you got to do it thank you China thank you for the vote um and then oh Tel Aviv they just voted to clean up the Streets of San

Francisco no more fentol we got to do it thank you Tel Aviv you know like what what is that there was a a sign in Time Square that said a ceasefire is anti-Semitic yeah so be human stand for Israel ceasefires are anti-semitic and ceasefires are anti-semitic because you

Need to keep bombing because the people you’re bombing even if they’re not the terrorists themselves they’re terrorists adjacent and they support the terrorism and it’s it’s embedded in their blood from a young age so all these people are irredeemably horrible no matter how old they are men or women they’re all bad

Because they support Hamas uh and then on top of that Netanyahu tells Western countries hey you guys need to take in these people from Palestine they need help you got you got to absorb some of these people it’s like the people you just said were so irredeemably bad and

Was justified you blowing them up yeah and much and much the same way racism doesn’t have any meaning anymore that’s racist this is racist it’s going to be the same thing if you keep using anti-semitic like in these contexts you know so as long as the Jewish people can do

Whatever they want all right let’s move on should we do the nany mace clip yeah let’s just do it because uh we has a good point to it yeah it’s a simple point right um first of all my first question is who bribed Hunter Biden to be here today that’s my first question

Um second question you are the epitome of white privilege coming into the oversight committee spitting in our face ignoring Hunter Biden Hunter Biden is White Privilege that’s why Hunter Biden Hunter Biden doesn’t get in trouble because he’s white white he’s a white guy he has white privilege and this is a

Republican Nancy mace using the left’s language and people are like oh this is good oh we got them it’s like they don’t care they don’t actually care about white privilege they just use that to rile up people against us yeah not actually concerned with this when you

Say oh this is white privilege now you’re doing it they go what are you talking about yeah you know why Hunter Biden got all that Ukrainian money cuz he’s white he’s just a white guy he’s a [ __ ] white guy so he got all that Biden bucks like at a time too how dense

Could you be like and people celebrated this they were like yeah get them Nancy it’s like you’re using you’re arguing with like the left’s tools you know and use their language and a thing they made up to discriminate you and then you say oh yeah well you do it too yeah it

Doesn’t make any sense especially at a time when people of color black people especially black criminals are leted off now more than ever mhm so it’s like him not getting in trouble with the law is not a white thing I think white people get probably more trouble than ever

Before obviously let’s go to the twin sister Superstar and then we’ll be done with housekeeping all right yeah we had to get that Nancy mace one out there because that pissed me off like piss me off too we got aora the superstar in the house my twin sister she’s going to be a

Famous rapper aora the Superstar want to rap yes I know that I love to look at books I know that my that’s it thank you thank you for that she loves to look at books there you go she’s a superstar and honestly should have been an uplifting she could go

Viral and make it that’s the bottom end of that bell curve that we were talking about exactly you tell that person hey if you make a rapping video you’re going to get 10 million views make a whole album they’re going to go wow wow I must

Be a good rapper it’s for the other reason you’re so bad that it’s so good all right well that’s the end of housekeeping moving on to cringe of the week before we do nothing I was going to do an ad read for fleas you guys know where to get flexus merch yeah

Fus I’m wearing it right now it’s easy show watch your hoodie those who know no those who have it are the best supporters Fus is the website all right cringe of the week transphobic to not date a transwoman person this should be interesting yep yes General preferences are always

Transphobic you’re welcome no but seriously deciding that you don’t want to be intimate with someone because of the generals they have is transphobic particularly like if you think about in this case this means that this person is not open to dating trans women which invalidates their womenhood not only that it makes

Assumptions about the way the trans people are going to want to use those genitals the idea that trans people use the body parts that they have in the same way that CIS people with those same body parts do is transphobic say it with me genital preferences are always transphobic general or genital genital

Genital preferences are always transphobic so like we said we said this before anything short of sucking them is bigotry yeah it’s transphobia and that you have to suck them and also for the record preference means like what you choose between multiple acceptable options so it’s like I like Diet Coke over Diet

Pepsi that’s my preference and if I get to this the restaurant and they say we only have Diet Pepsi I go okay I’ll take that and I’ll enjoy it just a little differently mhm but with this this is like getting to the restaurant and they

Go oh we don’t have Diet Coke but we can piss in the can for you yeah uh uh we’re not even a restaurant we’re just going to punch you in the face yeah we don’t have Diet Coke but we can Sucker Punch you you can lose a few teeth

Um and so here’s another point that I had so obviously the videos are getting more extreme you have to suck them if it’s a [ __ ] you got to suck it you know that type of [ __ ] ladies [ __ ] but so we’ve made this point before that like uh

Trans people like who have heavy plastic surgery big bolted on fake tits and stuff like that they are giving they’re ruining it for women who have plastic surgery so now if you see kind of a fake woman you’re like uh and maybe she’s a little taller maybe she’s 5’11 or

Something you go I don’t know right that’s a good point and so we’ve we’ve kind of brought that up on the show before and this person with the uh I think I assume this is a woman trying to be a man just based on the voice right

Yeah yeah yeah um so this person made me think of another one fat people with no facial hair you know how you get fat and then your face kind of loses definition and you just don’t you you’re kind of like a blob and you lose your jawline you lose all your

Features you’re B basically 10% trans if you’re a fat person with no facial hair fat people with no facial hair and over plastic surgeri women are all 10 are both 10% trans each yeah open the door to potential trans M exactly that’s a good point that happened to one of the

Kardashians which one um oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you see how she’s all plastic surgery out and she looks like selan Murphy yeah Kylie Jenner looks like selan now and she’s got like this wax face now mhm that could be a man’s face or she could be man the whole time

There’s people that think of the Kardashians are all gender flopping witches yeah I’m not quite there yet but I’m not there yet I’m open to some compelling evidence yeah I’m not there yet but we all know which direction I’m heading as the days go by it’s like

They’re dangling a hook in front of you and you’re just a largemouth bass like waiting to swallow that exactly Jerry please all right let’s move on to the guy the trans guy who gets aroused by wearing the dress this should be good he doesn’t really say that though but he

Does okay okay okay okay so this dress has literally been teasing the gemy for the last three months at Walmart just staring at me just like you know you want it you know you want it and I finally caved so I want to do something I’ve never done in this hat before I’m

Going to pause the video I’m going to put this on without even seeing myself in a mirror and I’m going this is going to be an actual blind reaction to how I look in this so let’s go do it okay I just put it on I have not seen anything so three two

One oh I love it oh I love it so much oh my god oh it was on discount enough so I’m like I’m getting it and it was worth it oh my God I’ll see you later guys he’s gonna get bricked up from that see you later

Guys I’m gonna go stroke my [ __ ] put lotion on my dick cuz this is my fetish that’s what’s going on and I finally got the dress that I’m going to really crank it to yeah that’s what’s going on there what do you think about that whole operation I would spend the dress money

On the dentist first a that’s easy right that’s the easy [ __ ] out of the way secondly I’m going to give some advice to trans people right I know we’re not typically the people who give you advice you’re on the Reddit groups posting a before and after pick and then everybody

Goes yes you look so much better I’m not delusional he’s not delusional we don’t give delusional people advice right if you’re trans don’t buy [ __ ] off the rack at Walmart that’s a good point you’re an absolute Beast you got the apples shaped body you’re all Barrel chested and [ __ ]

If you’re trans and you’re and you’re want to have a better life which you know no difference to me I’m not getting involved you can’t buy [ __ ] off the rack you need custom tailored [ __ ] yeah and it’s going to be more expensive you need to accentuate you need to accentuate

Your man body yeah into something that’s fake you can’t just throw on a silk dress off the rack at Walmart that just went on sale pretty much strapless there was a uh meme from Toy Story that kind of summed all this up and it kind of makes sense because watching this as a

Kid you don’t think of the bigger lessons but it says Buzz has exist you just read it Buzz has existential crisis and gets depressed immediately goes trans what did Pixar mean by this remember yeah had like a thing where he was broken he like lost his arm was all

Messed up and then he became a lady that doesn’t come from nowhere yeah I they should cut that scene out I know they will we should bring more attention to it yeah all right let’s move on to the trigender person this is our last no they’ll double the scene they’ll go back

And they’ll make it like he was trans that’s what Disney or whoever Pixar who who’s they make him [ __ ] a gay guy in the most recent Buzz Lightyear movie they made him kiss a man no there was like a lesbian character or something there was like like Buzz Light Queen and

There’s like some black lesbian Buzz Lightyear girl that yeah okay close enough ballpark yeah uh and then the trigender person our last trans cringe this one after the the person who makes you suck them this is boring to me yeah I identify as trigender this is my trans

Identity and I am a man a woman and non-binary so you know take that bar again man woman non-binary I just take up the whole bar oh I get it it’s boring you gota you got to keep impressing me on cringe of the week you know yeah so you’re a man

You’re a woman and then you’re neither a man or a woman you should probably teach us to the kids yeah we should probably get a lesson to the kids as soon as possible also what should we do with Palestine how about International yeah monetary policy should we lower rates

Increase rates what are we talking here we all good at the border or what should we do this person seems to have it figured out inflation cool enough can we can we start easing off the gas it’s funny cuz I will never interact with this person yeah like if I’m checking

Into a hotel and this person goes next in line I’m just going to stand there stare up into the right corner pretend you don’t hear them until a more reasonable looking person calls me up I never have to interact with that person that person is invisible to me they have

No rights that’s true that’s like their fear their greatest fear having no rights you’re trying to take rights from trans Fe it’s like well you’re nothing you’re nothing you just said you’re all of them so yeah exactly well let’s move on to our non-r cringe the door Dasher left a

Nasty note so here’s what happened the door Dasher thought she got no tip so she left a n nasty note but then when she got to the door the person who received the food had cash for her which is better than tipping through the app because then the Dasher keeps all the

Money yeah it’s no tax obviously so we’re going to we’re cutting two when the door gets open yep hello ignore you keep that why because I didn’t see a tip on the app and I put a little card in there so please keep that I’m sorry no I just had cash please take

It’s okay it’s okay cuz it’s okay thank you have a good night and then the note says lucky for you I didn’t bother the food but next time consider tipping your driver some fat delivery driver woman is threatening the sanctity of your food that you paid to get delivered yeah and

It used to be you get a tip based on performance so you did good job you were timely you did it right you got a good tip and you were rewarded for good service now if they don’t see a tip they threaten bad service they go like this

They it’s like a battered wife they go next time there’ll be no next time they’re flinching you yeah so we need to go back to tip after the interaction I think that that’s probably why people tip zero and then there was no accountability well I don’t know this

Whole it that it’s the only context where you tip and then somebody knows what tip they’re getting is delivery driver Uber Eats apps type [ __ ] that’s why I always tip a couple bucks more than normal so they feel like they’re on my team yeah oh yeah boss I’m going to

Bring you this stuff but then that was the old me I don’t even eat delivery anymore he does eat seed oils anymore we don’t eat seed oils so these people are like seed oil deliverers they like the people that run the fenel across the southern border basically yeah to a

Lesser extent deliv delivering the poisons to America so stop ordering Uber Eats is the point such a weird dynamic threatening you because I didn’t my screen didn’t tell me I was getting a tip so I threatened to destroy your food or something and ended up being the

Opposite the lady was being extra nice giving you cash so you don’t have to take money and get taxed through the system I don’t know and she goes sorry I left you a note threatened to spit in your food basically yeah all right last piece of cringe let’s go to the subway

Rat king yeah I got nothing to say about this either but you guys just need to see this we have nothing to say but you need to see it rats are running out of his little blanket you get up close and you see all the moving in the blanket

You oh my God and they all run out 30 rats he’s more rat boy than you I know I’ve lost my name but you don’t want to get it back no interest he can have it yeah yeah I don’t have anything for that I just wanted to show everyone that how

Disgusting that is all right should we show the disgusting gyro Kebab thing too no that’s going in bonus land all right all right we’re moving on don’t get too down or too depressed moving on to Urban Decay it’s going to get a little bit worse before so much housekeeping

There’s a lot of housekeepers so we’re speeding through yeah it’s all right we have one page of urban we’re keeping it 100 we’re right of course of course we’re right on schedule all right Top Golf is racist now [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah see what the [ __ ] going on

Man dropping this [ __ ] in here it’s pouring lean that’s what we doing man F 31 all right all right y see what’s going on damn so we can’t play golf why we can’t play golf cuz y making you racist n so so we said we was going to put the drink up and we can’t do it I say we put the drink up so so so we

Can’t golf damn you can’t even drink liquid heroin at top golf at the top of your voice on camera anymore pouring it on theen on the green on the tea box loud multiple people filming causing a scene you can’t even do that anymore can’t even drink coding and just go to top

Golf with your boys anymore next to the kids and if someone says something to you you have to ask them if they’re being racist yeah [ __ ] white supremacist country here guys [ __ ] racism man what happened yeah that that’s tough 400 years later they still got us in

Chains can’t even do the liquid heroin and you know if that guy died or got [ __ ] up and fell off of the he T he did a golf swing tumbled off fell off the net they would sue Top Golf yeah his family would do a press conference Top

Golf needed to secure that something and it’s like you’re getting a drugie out of your establishment who was open about it and they say you being racist yeah can’t even do liquid heroin at Top Golf anymore all right let’s move on the package Thief is this actually could be uplifting but

It’s just good to see dispatcher 19 I just saw somebody on my ring camera de two packages headquarters to 2011 caller is not home but saw this on the ring camera he took a box and a parcel camouflage jacket white hoodie gray sweatpants Black Backpack excuse me hi stop right there stop what

Stop running back toward St John boom citizen helps so they got him yeah which is actually crazy I thought if you called the cops and said someone stole a package off my porch they just go okay we’ll look for him and then you never find him or they wouldn’t care or they

Wouldn’t even be looking for yeah this is Yonkers New York and I kind of thought the same thing where it’s like all right we’ll let someone know but hey they still got people patrol cars out there and if you give them a description to a te and they run into that guy

They’re going to get him that’s actually great news yeah it’s uplifting gold but not all hope is lost not all hope is lost I thought that that kind of interaction never happened and your packages were just stolen off your porch and that’s too low level for cops to

Care yeah but they’re running after the guy and tackling him it’s nice you think he would just run and they go ah it’s not wor we got a runner he just stole an Amazon package who cares so it’s good to know I’m actually um more reassured and

I’m a bigger believer in police now yep that’s good news all right guy in DC got sucker punched yeah um been in DC for a we this guy posted on Twitter he’s posted a bloody uh handkerchief or tissues whatever paper towels been here in DC for a week and just got randomly

Sucker punched in the face by some guy on the Metro as he was getting off the train despite having not exchanged a sing Le word with him I’m going to be fine nothing seems to be broken but my wife is totally freaked out as she should be you got sucker punched yeah

Exactly uh what did the guy look like somebody said black male 30s or 40s medium height medium build some facial tattoos said Phillip yeah well you can’t say that you’re not supposed to say that we can he’s just a guy yeah he’s could have been anybody could have been any I

Didn’t get a good look at him what color is he I don’t I don’t know and so this we were discussing this off camera but to me this is is the worst version of a crime right the random Sucker Punch Yeah I understand someone stealing the packages yeah I understand someone give

Me your wallet he wants the stuff he wants money he’s got no job he’s pathetic you know he’s doing a crime right good point but this there’s only two lanes it’s a white man hate crime black guy sucker punches white man or it’s a completely mentally ill random

Crime right yeah and in both of those instances that person is even more dangerous than someone who’s like robbing right CU robbing you at least have a goal and you thought it out this is just random Mayhem violence exactly so like this guy should be the top

Priority cuz if it’s random he’s going to do it again if it’s a hate crime he’s certainly going to do it again police resources need to converge on this black 30 to 40’s male but cop are busy chasing down Amazon package thieves got to find a way to complain

About this can’t get it right I mean yeah that’s a good point this is a no motive General random violence which is like very dangerous exactly and you’ve seen it before with the sucker punching an old Asian woman in on the streets of New York uh you know those are the most

Dangerous people and those are the ones who should be taken most seriously right yeah that’s a good point all right let’s go to the stolen laptops out of Chicago a while ago we talked about a school district getting laptops in the hood Baltimore it was Baltimore Public Schools I think they bought multiple

Million dollars worth of Chromebooks and we said that they’re going to do SoundCloud rapping on it they’re not going to learn anything they’re going to sell it they’re all going to be gone they’re going to be broken yeah giving Chromebooks to people who aren’t even at their current grade level in math or

Reading and so this is kind of an update Chicago was giving Chicago as a proxy for Baltimore gave us a sneak peek into how right we were tens of thousands of laptops iPads and other electronics are missing from Chicago Public Schools an inspector General’s report found 77,000 devices were reported lost or stolen

During the 2021 2022 school year total value $23 million the devices went missing after students took them home for remote learning during the pandemic CPS spent $2.5 million on tracking software but did not use it saying it was flawed our work uncovered an incident where there were a pair of $2 and5

Million on track you software and it didn’t work they didn’t use it I don’t feel bad about my botched options trades anymore yeah it was flawed $2.5 million and they didn’t even use it 77,000 Electronics computers and iPads are gone it sounds like all of them and I think there was a

How many did you buy 100,000 dude and I think there was even a tweet that said like one brother like two brothers were responsible for like a disgusting amount of money but I don’t have it in front of me but it’s just oh I reported it

Missing AKA I stole it or I’m using it at home now I’m not giving it back back you know exactly so a blatant lie to your face um so Baltimore will be on the hook as well for a similar amount of money it seems like these public schools

In inner cities are just endless money pits yeah and it’s like I think there should be a rule that you need to at least do math at your level before you give a you’re given a Chromebook right that’s a good point they were giving them to any anybody and I guess this is

A little bit different because it was uh during Co I guess in 2021 but the schools were closed down too long so they even need it exactly and then it’s funny because all the progressives they’ll say like oh all this money going to the military or wherever it could be

Going to our schools they already have plenty of money New York’s Public Schools it’s $38,000 per student yeah is how much like it’s like a full-time job money comes in per student you could assign that kid to one person for 40K a year basically yeah and do a lot better but

Yeah 38,000 per student and everyone says well they need more money you think giving more money to these schools is going to do anything different different I don’t think there’s been a time where we get less yield on our tax dollars than ever and that you know that

Includes defense spending which is one thing the federal government is actually for right you know um but in terms of like we used to pay less taxes and get like the highway system and different sort of actual buildings and the kids were all good at school and the kids

Were all smart and now we’re getting the least yield ever and the kids just steal a Chromebook and they become a SoundCloud rapper and then they get got 10 times by a Glock with a switch that’s how it goes last piece of Urban Decay supporting your local vendors this guy’s

Making sandwiches and he sells them for cheap and it’s good alternative to obviously the soaring food prices yeah he’s right outside of the stadium so you hit him before you go in and yes it’s the same but this one was like Hey I H and mustard and cheese ham cheese must I

Said boom give them to me at the end of the day we buy more expensive stuff inside the stadium we support them why not support support the street vendors man they’re out here so if you buy a ham and cheese WAP from the guy outside the stadium that’s where it came from all

Right let’s move on uplifting gold don’t get too down don’t get too depressed we have some uplifting gold that’s undeniably uplifting the guy trying to save his awning from a tornado this is Americana looks like he’s on an RV man versus nature he doesn’t want to lose the honor everyone get the

Car oh man how much could an awning cost this is lowbudget twister he was about to get sucked up for an Dawning $900 I don’t know risk your whole life for that yeah uh but that’s your obligation as a man it kind of is you got to do one type of

Thing like that when stuff gets ugly MH all right let’s go to the guy who went a long time without showering this is a funny bet par Parker what’s the longest you ever been without taking a shower like a week I would say disgust me [ __ ]

Okay you disgust me and then he just walks off and that’s disgusting yeah I mean we got to give a shout out to these guys the duh guys yeah they’re funny they’re funny they were the ones who did the what’s your biggest achievement that we played last or Tuesday and he goes Bo

And he’s like [ __ ] Y’all yeah these guys are pretty good it’s a good it’s it you could tell maybe they’ll cross the line eventually but the way they’re doing it right now is very funny yeah these types of interactions you see often times that people don’t don’t know how to do it

Correctly and they’ll be like annoying or antisocial the guy who grabbed the macaroni like that’s not funny exactly but these guys do a good job of keeping it 100 and being actually funny purely word play actually funny I like those guys all right let’s go to the girl who

Cleans the airplane bathroom there’s this girl I don’t know what her thing is but she goes around and volunteers to clean disgusting bathrooms at like Walmart and the gas station and she’s doing this one on the airplane come with me to the airplane bathroom sh we have

To be quiet because we might take a long time to secretly clean this bathroom look how filthy it is I love it the dirtier the better if you ask me but I need to clean fast people are starting to get suspicious have I been caught oh no do I

Have enough time to finish cleaning I can’t leave until it’s beautiful nothing will stop me okay almost nothing I wonder what this brown crust is on the flush button it’s probably chocolate I love chocolate the captain has turned on the F and you what find remain seated with

Your seat Bel securely F thanks for following my cleaning Transformations it’s uplifting you know there’s certain people out there Society needs you know the dogs at the pound that are going to get put down CU they’re 13 years old and then people go adopt them so they can

Live the remaining months or weeks of their life in like Comfort yeah like that’s not me that’s never me unfortunately I wish I could but it’s good that they’re are people out there who that is so they can take care of these animals and these animals aren’t

Alone yeah people with like a 10 on the empathy scale yeah I have like a not a lot of that I have like a one yeah I don’t even fully know what empathy means yeah um but this it’s the same thing it’s the same type of people it’s good that we have

People looking out for certain parts of society I’m I have a different Mission I have a different job assigned to me I guess that’s good that these people exist it’s crazy to me that where where content has come you know yeah all right second to last clip of the show canoli

Rangoons shit’s disgusting yeah so they’re making canoli rangoons and you dip them in chocolate I don’t like it I think it’s just giving another Italian American dish to the Chinese okay we don’t need to do that canoli were great as they were all right I got no comment I think this shit’s

Disgusting and it’s probably all cooked in seed oils and it poisons you yeah absolutely that’s disgusting all right let’s end the show on something truly uplifting this guy made a YouTube video and it was titled being ugly my experience um five years ago and he’s

Just like a not a greatl looking guy he probably needs to go outside in the sun a little bit more and then a girl commented on it and said I actually think you’re kind of cute and I mean it yep and then they met in real life and

Then he got married to her there you go and that’s it and that’s the that’s what it could be for everybody you just need one and everyone wants to talk about especially these podcasts and these social media groups want to talk about like the dating environment and how bad

It is out there and like what the dating landscape is dating landscape doesn’t matter if you just find one yeah and then you can get yours and go good luck everyone with a horrible dating landscape don’t care goodbye you press the ejector seat button and you’re gone

With your wife and it doesn’t matter what the dating landscape is or how girls only like this or certain guys don’t like that doesn’t matter you find one and you get out absolutely so that’s it that’s the end of the show too we are done another podcast in the books I

Thought it was a good show it was a good show you know nothing crazy I thought uplifting gold still needs some work we kind of have this thing where it’s never actually really uplifting I know and I’ve been trying to show more and better stuff but you keep never you keep never

I just keep focusing on housekeeping and then cringe and then Urban and then upli it’s like it’s like a redheaded stepchild yeah it’s neglected when we’re looking for other content so but if anyone wants to help we need a henchman who only does uplifting gold for us yeah

Boss we got this new angle I got the new hey they sang the national anthem and then everybody clapped hey hey boss check this out the baby took his first steps you’ll never believe what happened we need an uplifting gold henchman that’s a great point so sorry for

Phoning in but we’re going to we didn’t even phone it in it’s just we we get a little and last week’s was good I was already told to stop phoning in uplifting gold and I thought I made a change and was doing all good but yeah you know good episode nothing crazy not

My favorite actually one of my least favorite episodes but no big deal um can’t win them all all right see you later for bonus land we’ll see you guys there in just a few minutes if not we’ll see you on Tuesday oh I love it and it was worth it I’ll see you later guys


  1. I went to Madison High in 1998 and it was an absolute warzone back then. Xray machines, metal detectors, pat downs to get into school, teachers arrested for dealing drugs, sleeping with students and carrying guns. I was just about the only white who wasn't Russian. Constantly chased by thugs and harrassed. Guys, I failed gym and again in summer school because the dungeon of a locker room was not safe to go into. I am not surprised of the current situation. An absolute 💩 hole of a school.

  2. Been impatiently waiting on Friday to get my Fleccas Talks fix. Little tickle for the algorithm and some juice for overlords who controls them. Also never apologize or feel bad for 6 pages of housekeeping 😂👍

  3. I thought Nancy's hunter Biden point was a bit… was it not sarcastic 😕 I'm naive and totally understand I just assume they're making jokes. Whoops.

  4. Are both of you going to ignore the woman who ordered the door dash? ….. Not going to lie, I'm a little disappointed that you won't even acknowlege that angel.

  5. Re: The shower segment. Most people would end up with infucktions 5 min in the bush due to over soaping/showering. Btw.

    And who doesn't like a deep fried canolli?

  6. The downsyndrom parliamentarian is the equivalent of voting for a downs for prom queen except they forgot this is a job and this person actually has to be able to do the job🤦🏻‍♀️

  7. Saw a picture that made me think of this podcast. was multi-panel, in each panel it showed some animal in captivity, looking at some painted display of their natural habitat on a wall. In the last panel was some normal guy scrolling on an adult site. Stuff is toxic to humanity.

  8. Just got my sweet, 31 year old sister into you guys! She said you guys just taught her the term "DEI" even though I've told her about it for years. 😅 Fleccas and Ratboy, gettin shit to sink in with the youths. 🙏

  9. “I don’t have to taste a dessert to know it is not a brownie. The same can be said of the modern American congregation of lactation specialists.” John Furngully – radiologist

  10. Fun fact: a very tiny percent of Down syndrome people are not mentally retarded. Does the article state that the Spanish MP is mentally retarded? I do not recall the percent m, but it is way less than 1%.

  11. Some people have to go to work after the show airs, so it's more than a few minutes before we see bonus land, but also, we aren't stuck waiting until Tuesday. It's like an evening dessert.

  12. This is why I don't really support Governor Greg Abbott sending the migrants out to other major sanctuary cities and states, granted states aren't being given any other real option and are limited by the Federal Govts policies. But they're ARE clearly dumping and spreading millions of unvetted migrants and third world migrants into the country, an spreading them throughout the country into every major city. Then you've got this talk about "disease X," by the Davos Group and the World Economic Forum. So here they are right in front of everyone faces, planning out another pandemic. When covid vaccines and boosters have already weakened, an compromised peoples immune systems.

    An whether third world migrants are bringing in new diseases, or whether it's a lab created disease and/or virus. Americans may be far more vulnerable to this then the migrants, who haven't been vaccinated. Except for those who they're requiring to be vaccinated, when coming in. So if Americans aren't divided enough already politically and ideologically, add millions of migrants who also don't care about America at all. It's hard to actually know what side some of these migrants might land on, because some may be more Conservative and pro America's ideas then American Liberals are.

    I believe that there are "several plans at work," culminating a perfect storm and an attack on America from all angles. Possible economic collapse, pulling Trump from the election or even canceling the election, due to "unforeseen events." Including "disease X and pandemic," civil political conflict etc. The plans always have some level of unplanned backfiring, but as the Israel conflict continues. We also see a political and ideological divide of people, so there's allot going on. Whether migrants are used to vote, up against continued support and handouts. Verse very likely deportation, while anti American Liberals align with the illegal migrants. They're definitely pushing to max out everything this election year of 2024.

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