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Highsmith, Porter Jr., Killebrew, Herbig, Cole on preparing for playoffs | Pittsburgh Steelers

Alex Highsmith, Joey Porter Jr., Miles Killebrew, Nick Herbig, and Mason Cole talk to the media about preparing for the Wild Card Round game against the Bills, the win over the Ravens in Week 18 and more on Monday, January 8, 2024.

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What has Nick herbick done to prepare himself for yeah he he’s someone’s who’s been working all year you know ever since he got here you know from from the first day of OTAs he’s came in he’s worked hard and everything like I said every time he’s come in he’s made a play

And he’s made some type of impact play and so um for him to be able to come in and step up you know he’s he’s built for these moments and I’m excited to see what he does you expect Buffalo to to to handle you now TJ out do you expect

Different kind of yeah me I’m just um just excited for the for the opportunity for the challenge and just know that um you know I’m just going to go in there just you know get after and just continue to rush and so I’m just looking forward to um just getting there and you

Know hly obviously can’t wait for Sunday you know it’s it’s only it’s only Tuesday Tuesday right now or Monday right now but um I’m just I’m so excited to get there and and get ready to go Alex there other bets that have come in here why is Marcus worked so well with

You guys yeah cuz he he’s just he’s just awesome guy in the locker room you know he’s not only a great player on the field but he’s also a great teammate great leader as well he’s he’s a veteran he’s been in this league for a while and

He’s he’s been doing it at a high level for a while so for him to come in here and do what he’s done um you know has just been awesome for us and so I just look forward to just continuing to build that relationship with him and just it’s

So awesome you know seeing the way he comes in and just you know provides you know great Reps for us when it com how’s the feeling in here the mood today it feels good everybody excited we in the playoffs so uh we just got to get to work and keep stacking these days

What’ your dad say we in now so we got to work playoff peasy definitely what did you have you played a I mean like when it comes to a quarterback that can run especially when you’re on the corner like that and if you see an a quarterback of that size that’s going to

Be a pretty unique challenge for you right and the Run game support yes definitely you just run support even scramble rules just cuz he could leave the pocket and create something with his leg to get the guys open downfield so it’s definitely a lot to goes in the

Game when you got a A mobile quarterback with like him with a strong arm that could get the ball anywhere at any time so it’s definitely going to be a fun matchup and uh I’m ready for it Joey sorry if you’ve already been asked this but you know the challenges of Stefan

Dicks how much how excited are you for that matchup and at the same time What challenges specifically does he pose a receiver of that caliber uh I said this before he’s a he’s a top wide receiver in the game a lot of respect to him but

Uh you know I feel like I could I can hang with the best of him I feel like I showed that on tape so I’m definitely ready for this match up I know he he’s a he’s a good wide receiver that likes to talk so I’m I’m going be ready for all

That definitely Joey does that make your job a little tougher with a guy like Allen and covering a guy like digs cuz he can you know he has so much time back there and he’s making you have to stay on this guy for a while uh yeah but

That’s that’s what I do for a living you know I look for these type of matchups and they got a good du over there and I’m I’m going do my best to try to disrupt that and uh like I said before I’m ready for these type of matchups

I’ve been looking for this all my life so I’m just ready now is is Allen unique just because he may run but he might lower his shoulder instead of slide yeah I mean I don’t know how tall dude is but he’s like 6’5 something to something so

He’s definitely a big guy he likes to hurdle jump truck people um definitely a freaking nature and I feel like we prepared for that we got guys that can handle that so you mean it’s football at the end of the day so we’re going to just be playing it’s a while since you

Guys play with KZ to get him back what impact do that oh man it’s a it’s definitely a a locker room booster you know already when I came in I heard him already down the hallway so everybody’s happy that K’s back you know he’s uh he’s a great part

Of this defense and uh we’re excited for for him think make it back this week too yeah I I really don’t know uh I would hope so but um just having him back on the field too would bring another spark to the defense so uh we’re going to rock

Out whoever we have on the field and just continue to play good ball do you feel like he was close going to Baltimore Minka um I really don’t know I don’t really take care of those type of things sorry if you’ve already been asked this too but just what excites you the most

About your first playoff game in the National Football League oh man it’s my rookie year you know uh this is something I always want to checked off on the list playing in the playoffs and uh it’s no better way to do it in the playoffs versus a good team like that so

I’m just like I said before I’m just do my job and try to do it well and uh put another guy on the list Joe how how were you guys able to do it I mean it looked Grim after the Colts game how were you guys able to get back in this position

Uh like we always had talks with our DC and everything we played great football before we played winning football football before it’s nothing impossible we just have to get back to the basics communicate and uh play Fast football like the Steelers do and I feel like the

Past couple weeks we’ve been doing that to offense been stepping up special teams been stepping up I just feel like we play playing good football in all three phases of the game know big special teams play can be in this Stadium uh going back a couple years

Especially now in the playoffs um in terms of your guys attention to detail against them and their units I mean how on your screws are you for this one oh we’re on them um I I think the attention to detail is heightened uh you know we have a lot of

Moving pieces right now as far as injuries go um but uh we are we are very focused on the uh task at hand I can speak specifically for special teams um you know Buffalo has a has a great unit you know we saw an explosive play just

This last game um and so we are we are on our screws as you put it you know we are we’re we’re going to be paying a lot of close attention to to to who we need to focus on and uh honing in on this game plan that Danny presents to us

Today is is that uh consistent with them especially in their return game to take chances like that sure no doubt they have an aggressive group uh they’re very well coached and so it’s going to be a it’s going to be a tall task for us how

Do you describe the mood among you guys I mean you know yesterday playing a little bit of the waiting game now hey you’re in the playoffs feels pretty energetic in here um I would say it’s a it’s a lot different than other teams that I’ve been on when I say teams I

Mean other you know times we’ve been in the playoffs feels a little different um you know there’s a lot of excitement a lot of energy and so I’m very optimistic with how how we’re going to go out and play this this weekend that energy excitement is that what feels

Different or is it more I can’t really put my finger on it I just think uh across the board it just feels very cohesive and uh I would say as a team you know it’s really exciting in this building today and I can’t wait to see

How this week uh plays out did I feel like a switch was kind of flipped the last few weeks did it it seems that way doesn’t it um it definitely seems like uh you know this Steelers team that you’re seeing play today is a lot different than maybe even at the

Beginning of the season um and I think that might come with experience I think that comes with just uh the camaraderie that’s being built But ultimately I’m I’m really just encouraged by everyone seems to have each other’s backs and you know next man up mentality is just it’s

Been it’s been on display sometimes this league is so about you know getting hot at the right time is that I mean taking that momentum into the playoffs like how you know is that a huge part of well yeah if you’re going to pick a time to

Get hot I guess uh right now is the time to do it and so I’m excited to see what we do was it a relief going into the night game knowing you were in as opposed to sweating that out possibly oh yeah I a lot of us watched it Togethering espv L and I mean look what happened we would have needed Buffalo to lose and then they won and so uh it was it was super exciting I I rarely find myself rooting for another team but uh that’s that was the case where were you

Watching it uh we were just watching it together I don’t want to say where but it was you know we’re hanging out oh man you know what you should ask miles Jack that question we did I think it would no he’s he’s a great energy um you

Know he’s he’s all over the place and so uh he he brings experience he brings professionalism and uh he’s just he’s just a great great guy to have in the locker room you mentioned injuries and next man up you know is that a it’s obviously not positive here but you guys

Have been through it all year how much does that help kind of replacing some of the guys in him that potentially will be out for these games right I mean yeah we’ve had injuries all year I mean shoot I just mentioned miles Jack he was he

Was at home you know handling a hockey team and got a call you know what I mean and now he’s here in this locker room interviewing right across the way and so you know it’s it’s it’s the NFL but um I think it’s Steelers specific that

Everyone is prepared to step up if their if their numberers called I mean I’m I’m playing Dy line linebacker last game you know what I mean like it’s insane but it’s just one thing that you know we have to do and so we do it with a smile what me the safeties to

Potentially get M KZ huge huge it’s exactly what you would imagine you know you you want to have a cohesive unit all together and uh when guys come back off of injury off of suspension that’s exactly what we get cohesive unit speaking of filling in how

As a group how do you guys feel in for TJ potentially not I mean that’s a that’s the thing I mean he when you lose a a player like TJ that caliber you know it’s not necessarily about um you know trying to replace everything that he

Brings to the table because I mean he’s you know he’s TJ watt it’s hard to replace that but what we can do is uh divvy out the responsibility amongst the guys who are who are playing and uh I think everyone is up to the task to to

Step up and give everything that they have and that’s what’s going to be expected of them so can you say how many of you got together got together yesterday to watch that game oh all the DBS watched together I mean it wasn’t anywhere crazy it was just you know we

Were just having a lot of fun and uh you know that’s just what it was a lot of guys were watching Jags Titans yesterday obviously but were you watching Bill’s Dolphins trying to already start studying knowing that you know you might see some of those guys from Buffalo um

Yeah I don’t think we were too much locked in about it um I think we’re going to get in the lab tomorrow uh you know make sure we got our game plan locked in um you know and just take it all in what they call you no that’s just something me and Jack

It’s like an inside joke that’s something how how are your teammates kind of re are they reacting to you any differently just knowing that your role is about to increase at the most important part of the season I mean not not really I mean you know we we kind of

Had a bond this whole year um and and I think that they they believe in me which I appreciate you know a lot of guys are just tell me hey we believe in you like it’s your time to step up how this team I you know obviously TJ too is telling

Me that I’m so just having that support from from a bunch of the guys especially guys in the room my coaches um know I’m just excited how much has it help that you guys have had that next Manan up and you’ve been dealing with injuries here

For half the season now yeah I think it it it’s at every position you know you could look at every position that we’ve had injuries at um guys have came in and stepped up regardless if they’re here or if we brought them in on a short day

Notice you know people have stepped up they made the most of opportunity um and I just think that that that’s coach Tomlin you know just preaching the standard is a standard and you know the train is going to keep moving regardless we we seen you obviously make an impact

With your pass rushing how confident are you in run stopping and that side of the game as well I mean I’m I’m just a football player man I just go out there and you know whatever play they call I’m going to go play to the best of my

Abilities might be a Snow Game it’s probably going to be at least a windy game um I guess you get all the kind of warm weather playing out of your system at Wisconsin or you you like these games or are they still kind of you’re like

I’m from Hawaii I don’t want to do I mean shoot yeah I played at Wisconsin so I mean the weather is never really a factor um I mean at the end of day it’s just football and we’ll be playing in the same weather as them ni you mentioned you mentioned opportunities

How do you view this opportunity personally um I mean it just comes down to you know your preparation and hard work um and when the lights come on we’re going to see uh the preparation hard work come to fruition in terms of size and strength getting Allen to the

Ground how much of a challenge is that I mean he’s a big dude um you know we played him once before um but he’s a big dude he’s hard to get down so we’re going to have to bring it think if TJ can’t play this isn’t the first time

Your defense had to overcome a pretty sizable loss how do you guys kind of do that do that again I mean like I said you know coach Sal been saying the whole the whole year the standard is a standard um so I I think we’ve done a great job at every position regardless

If it’s TJ or not um stepping up and filling into bigger roles sorry if you’ve already been asked this do I okay sorry if you asked this but just for you how excited are you you’re playing your first playoff game as a rookie in the National Football you’re going to crazy

Environment I mean that that’s just stuff you dream about when you’re a little kid you know you see this on TV you know like wildc Card Weekend like you see that so just being able to be a part of it um you know I’m trying to

Leave my mark are you going to you have to watch that type of game by yourself or with a group I’m going to make sure a kids are in bed by 729 and I’ll be watching with my my wife wife from Michigan almp too so we’ll be watching it together how about the

Jacksonville game which you guys all get together and what was the reaction when you saw I was again I was just watching that at home um kids around the house with my wife and uh obviously it’s what we needed I was very happy that happened so we weren’t staying up till 11:30 at

Night watching the Buffalo game um go to bed early and get some sleep so um it’s uh it’s exciting how much of an initial Scouting Report did you do yourself in the Buffalo game did you watch any of it I didn’t watch any of the Buffalo game I

Watched some of it this morning though and uh man we know this is a good team we we played them last year knew was a good team there’s a really found sound fundamental defense and it’ll be a big challenge for us how much of a relief

Was it to know that you guys were going to the playoffs before it got to Sunday Night Football big relief again I it was nice to be able to go to bed at a decent time and I had to stay up and stress over that game but um it was just good

To know we’re in um it’s been six years in this league for me now my first time in the playoffs so um I’m excited we’re excited and we can’t wait for this opportunity how do you just describe yeah the feeling the fact that you know a couple weeks ago things weren’t

Looking too great after the Colts game and now you guys are here fought claw your way back you’re in the playoffs this game is crazy the the the highs and lows in the season are are so dramatic um five weeks ago it kind of felt like

The world was ending and uh here we are with a chance to to go on the road and get a playoff Victory so I know it’s been a while here in Pittsburgh that we’ve had a playoff win and um you know we’re going to do everything we can to

Get it done this week Mason what’s the key to keeping your way of going that you guys yeah you know I think we’ve kind of had this recipe for the last last few weeks now getting the Run game going and it opens up some shots and stuff staying

On Third and manageable for the most part and um that’s always been the re recipe we’ve just been executing we see if we do execute how how it works um so going forward that would still be the recipe given the circumstances how bad the weather could be just played in a

Lousy weather game of slightly different variety in Baltimore but is it possible you guys are be leaned on again the passing game can’t really light it up through the air weather circumstances yeah you know uh that’s just this time of the year going to play a a road playoff game in Buffalo

Um I didn’t expect it to be sunny and 75 so um it’s it’s what it’s all about it’s just playoff football um elements are going to be part of it and um we’ll have to handle them as well as they do so all year we na what’s the identity of this

Team it looked like you know it was some some misses along the way that’s been the case why has it why it been more successful of I think as a the wear and tear the season goes on the The Run game becomes ever more important and we’ve

Talked about it since the beginning of OTAs and training camp how as the road gets Narrows the season goes on um The Bigs are going to make the difference in the game um and we’ve seen that uh and late in December when the weather’s crappy um you have to rely on the Run

Game and these last few weeks we have and again we’re going to need again in Buffalo is it gratifying that to know that when you they know you’re going to run it you know you’re going to run it you can still be successful that’s the best part about playing offensive line

When you can do that how about their bigs up front defensively uh again super talented group um think I said they’re a fundamental group but they play within their defense super super well um and again it would be a big challenge for us with it heart bed not know it you knew

You were in where you going uh no once I knew we were in I slept like a baby um I had no trouble sleeping so maybe the best sleep I’ve had in a while so um no I I I knew the uh you know by that time

We knew we to go to Buffalo or KC um we knew the weather’s going to be crappy either way so um I slept just fine how did you find out this morning Buffalo uh I got a text from Dy our Ops guy and said that we had meetings today

And we were play Buffalo at Sunday one


  1. Great interviews…these boys are ready! I’m impressed with Killebrew, he’s a dawg! I wonder where he bought that skull cap? I want one!!

  2. Have faith in this team. Never say one and done. Let’s go Steelers and let’s pound the rock. Hea we go.

  3. I know we're the underdogs, but you have to acknowledge that the steelers worked hard to get this far despite our season prior to recently with Mason Rudolph help. Buffalo has a great team, but the steelers will try their very BEST !!

  4. Let’s Go Steelers!! Mason you got this for you can throw dimes !! I got faith in you and God has your back so light it up !!!

  5. Like to see the cornerbacks and safety to play the ball more than the receivers and get the interceptions !!!! Amen !!!!!!🙏 !!!!!!

  6. JPJ is class on how he praises his opponents and is excited for the match up. Kid is confident and is going to be a stable here in the secondary for a long time 💪

  7. As Herbig gains weight and muscle, he will become a dominant outside linebacker in this league. As he becomes better at setting the edge, he will shine.

  8. Steelers we did it we are in the Dance Time to make this happen we gonna need everyone to get this win against the bills get to work JPJR time to put ur fathers trash talk to use bud your the best DB outside of Minka dominate diggs you can do it we don’t care about the tape I want you to dominate you and that secondary better doninate .

  9. Wait Kazee is back good secondary need to make it work It’s time to ball out Mika JPJR , And last but not least Her-big and High-smith everyone need to be alert and talk to each other .

  10. Playoffs are here finally. It's now time to dig deep an let the Steelers Gods guide our path to the Super Bowl,,Hang on,, its going to be a wild ride. Don't fall or jump off the Steeler Band wagon. This a moment that will be remembered forever. We will rise to the occasions an hoist above our heads the crown jewel the SUPER BOWL, Get ready an LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!

  11. Can we talk about Killebrew being a top 3 ST player in the league while also filling in and doing a good job on defense? This kid is a BALLER and doesn't get enough love from our fans.

  12. steelers are going to win….. in the last 3-5 years whatb has thew bills done in the playoffs? well i will tell you they folded, sucked and blew it… There past says it all all those superbowl appearances and they won none… LETS GO STEELERS

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