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Who Will Replace Nick Saban at Alabama w/ Bruce Feldman | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

The Athletic’s College Football insider Bruce Feldman joins the show to discuss the strangeness around the Nick Saban retirement after completing a full workday and interviewing three assistant coaches, who could replace him, and did anyone see this coming? Following that Mina Kimes joins the show to discuss more about the NFL.


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[0:00-14:24] Bruce Feldman, Nick Saban’s retirement

[14:25-36:42] Mina Kimes, NFL talk

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It is really nice to see Bruce Feldman again I have not seen him in a long time Bruce Feldman as I remember at ESPN the magazine uh was the king of ab work and core work uh just uh ripped uh in terms of abdominal abdominal strength he’s the national college football Insider for

The athletic and a sideline reporter for Fox Sports so we will get his expertise here on Nick Sabin it’s good seeing you again Bruce thank you for making the time for us good to see you Dan that’s a long time since those days of of extensive core work so but I’m glad I’m

Remembered for something as positive as that what was the core work you want to go through it as you join us from Heaven uh yeah I it was just a lot of stuff where it felt like I’d wake up every morning and do a ton of ton of core and

A ton of abs and everything else and realize there’s probably more to life than ABS uh yeah there’s college football and that’s that’s the only other thing and everyone here is super titilated by what’s happened here with Nick Sabin so were you surprised by this was Alabama how surprised was

Alabama you know the timing was a little was a little strange cuz this had been you know there had been little Rumblings about it you know here and there for time to time and then uh yesterday morning I was leaving the TV studio and I got a text from somebody going heads

Up I heard Sabin might be retiring tonight and I was like whoa and then I texted somebody else and they’re like yeah there’s some some something out there but they didn’t know there was going to be tonight you started making calls and then you know as you know you

Don’t want to be wrong on that story and was not able to get it until Chris low was actually able to uh confirm it and everything I had heard from people that I had tried to confirm it with earlier in the day was it wouldn’t surprise me and this is the kind of

Thing where they were like I hadn’t heard that yet but then you started hearing more details about how because there was bad weather around the country especially uh you know trying to get their players back to Tuscaloosa that they were supposed to have a team meeting the day before so

This would have been um on Wednesday not not yesterday and um or on Tuesday not yesterday I guess and so that didn’t happen and then it got pushed back but he was talking to coaches about prospective jobs that he had to fill on his staff so it’s kind of crazy the way

That played out the way it did you mentioned that and it’s been reported that he approached yesterday like any work day he interviewed a coaching candidate and then five minutes later broke the news to his team I need to know the candidate that made Nick Sabin quit football altogether um there were supposedly

There were three actually that I know that he had talked to two were receivers coaches one was a special teams coach and I for you know it’s it’s crazy because one of the one one of the guys said it’s weird I’ll be always be able

To say that I spoke to Nick Sabin on his last day of work but explain this to me Bruce that’s super weird like what are you doing doing like how do you not know you’re retiring later that day like what is that I that’s the part I really don’t

Understand because one of the people I talked to about this it was another coach who’s close to sa and he said you really kind of putting these guys out there and exposing them in a really awkward spot because as you know when people interview for jobs especially they don’t get them

When they’re working for somebody else they don’t love it that they that that it came out that they were sniffing around now one of the guys I talked to was one of those three was like yeah one of his his offensive coordinator had reached out to me we had a conversation

He kind of downplayed it to the point like it wasn’t like he was really interviewing for the job but what is he gonna say at this point can you please explain to me what is happening with the analysis of Nick Sabin when we have a

Cons census that he is the best ever and I don’t know who you would put second or where you would put the distance between first and second who is the second best college football coach of all time o I don’t know maybe it’s bar Bryant I I

It’s it there’s such a gap and I think part of it Dan is because the sport is wired way differently now than it was in the days of Bear Bryant um you know Joe pno you can go down the list of of guys who you know whether it’s Tom Osborne there’s just a

Lot of other hurdles that you have to overcome first of all now you know back 50 years ago you could basically collect uh top recruits and have like 200 of them just to keep on your roster so somebody your rival can’t get them can’t do that anymore you’re also dealing with

Another level of like entitlement and challenges that come with dealing with 18 and 19 year olds with social media and all these other headaches um quite honestly there are coaches you know I would say this and you know this era back in the90s you know Tom Osborne had stuff with Lawrence Phillips especially

Where I think if one of those things were to happen in this day and age the coach isn’t able going to keep the star player around or it may really come back on the coach and so Nick Sabin was able to fly really close to the Sun in a way

That none of his peers have been able to do it the other thing that and I mentioned this today one of the stories that I did at the athletic that got a ton of traction was a few years ago when it was known as like the war’s Dan story

It was when Dan Enos bailed out of being the offensive coordinator and Sabin couldn’t find him and it really the story got into how Sabin has this uncanny ability to keep replacing assistant coaches because if you go through the list of whoever has had a great run it’s usually a short run and

Then when the staff changes or the dynamic changes things start to fall apart you you know even with with Bobby Bowen he lost a bunch of really good assistants who ended up becoming head coaches and then all of a sudden the balance changed you know obviously we

Know Miami you know it’s up and down with who’s there and who isn’t there with Sabin he was almost like placing guys who was like yeah that guy’s a good coach but I need to get him out of here let me get him hired someplace else so

It’s not like doesn’t look like I’m firing him I mean it was just remarkable how he was able to balance it and the other thing that I think speaks to you know his greatness was we did this story a few weeks back on what exactly went wrong with Jimbo Fischer at Texas A&M

And one of the guys who worked for both him and Sabin had said you know what Jimbo didn’t really want to hear from anybody else he thought he had all the answers Nick Sabin would talk to anybody because he was constantly trying to get better and constantly evolving and had

This you know growth mindset that is very different usually when people reach a certain level so I I think that’s a credit to him and why he was able to stay ahead of everybody for so incredibly long do you have any insight as to why after this season was there

Anything in particular that maybe swayed him do you think if there was any sort of different result in the postseason maybe he’d have stuck around longer or do you think he just felt like it was time I think he you know was a part of his age it’s also the college football

Calendar is is so crazy right now it’s so manic in terms of how everything is crunched together you have the transfer portal you have those are newer things but it’s also you know it used to be you know back not that long ago national Signing Day was

The thing it was in early February and then you moved on now it’s just it’s an earlier signing period everything is crunched together I think it’s hard for him I also think it was hard for a lot of people around him you know when I started calling around to try to confirm

This yesterday something came to mind I was at the Rose Bowl last week and after the game I was around the Michigan locker room waiting and um sa and had just done his postgame interview and he came from his press conference and he was in one of those little you know golf

Carts and he had to stop cuz there was a cluster of people in front of the Michigan locker room down the tunnel and it was a little awkward and he kind of did this like pageanty wave and had this smile and it was kind of like a almost

Like a awkward smile and it was not the expression I was expecting like Urban Meyer you know pizza box look where it was just totally defeated and I thinking back I wondered did Nick Sabin know at that very moment I’ve just coached my last football game and and I’m moving on

Does he have any responsibility to have a succession plan and how is Alabama going to get raided now in terms of players leaving I heard he’s going to have some say so and input into what they do from here and they’ll have some good choices but again who’s going to want to replace

Nick Sabin the pool they’re picking from whether it’s Steve sarkeesian who worked for him at Texas Dan Lanning who worked for him is now at Oregon um you know Mike norell at Florida State a lot of those guys you know there they didn’t you know Steve sarkees replac Tom Herman

You go to Alabama you’re going to replace Nick Sabin you’re always going to be the known as the guy who replaced Nick Sabin and I think if you think Ryan day has a tough job because Urban Meyer went seven and0 against Michigan and even though he’s like 60 and six all you

Know all time there and people want his head imagine what it’s going to be like if you’re in Tuscaloosa so I think that is a hard hard deal for him going forward and you know it’s like because of the way the portal is set up there is

A window now of about a month where players can move around that’s why one of the reasons why I was told the ad when he met with the Players yesterday said give me about 72 hours so they’re going to try to work really fast to have somebody in place so their roster and

Their commits do not do not start bailing I think I think a lot of people were expecting that Jim Harbaugh might be the name to announce he was leaving college football this week where does the Savin news leave uh all of that mystery around the Michigan team yeah

It’s definitely become a back burner thing it was crazy you know obviously with you know first Pete Carol then saan and now bellachic those things have taken over I mean I still don’t think Jim Harbaugh is coming back I mean especially now that he’s won won a

National title the one thing I’ve always heard from people who are close to Jim Harbaugh is that he really longs to win a Super Bowl he came close his brother beat him you know He restored his you know his Alma moer he took down Michigan I mean took down Ohio State you know

Beat them three times dominated the big michig and Michigan perhaps Michigan as well both of them took down somehow on both of them ready and slip Lucy what were you laughing at in the middle of that Tom Herman oh just the general replace Tom Herman the general

Idea of replacing Tom Herman that uh can you tell me is Nick is Nick Sabin is he replaceable like how does this one work because is that that is that a good job I mean it’s a great job in terms of the recruiting base in terms of the

Resources and the other thing I’ve heard this from people who’ve worked there is you have a direct shot to get whatever you want done all these other jobs even if they’re big jobs have some kind of bureaucracy lack of alignment above Nick Sabin has cleared that out now Nick

Probably never got told no especially towards the end if you go in there and you’re you’re not Nick Sabin you may have a little more resistance in how things are but I think that’s going to be a big selling point especially for the guys who have been there and so you

Know on that point it’s it’s a terrific job but if you’re Steve sarkeesian you’re a Texas you just got him to the playoff and you’re still built to you know you got a lot of guys coming back you’ve done some of the heavy lifting to

Get it out of the ditch I mean I don’t know if it’s from this standpoint because money is you know whoever gets this job you already have an insane amount of money that you’re probably getting paid or if you don’t take it you’re probably going to you know the

One thing I feel very confident about Jimmy sexon is going to get a bunch of guys paid off of this in the next couple days I mean that’s that’s sabin’s agent he’s also the agent of Kalin dor he’s tied with some of these other guys who who worked in

Tuscala but just the idea of the shadow of Sabin I mean if you don’t win a National title in like four years are they going to be patient with you it’s a 12 team playoff making the playoff doesn’t sound like such a great thing

When it’s 12 teams as it did when it was four I mean this is a little like the LSU job you know Brian Kelly won 10 games the first year he beat Sav yeah that’s great but the last three guys who coached there all won national titles

Nick Savin did it Les Miles did it Ed oon did it if you don’t do it soon they’re going to run you out of there and I think that absolutely holds true if you you don’t win big in Tuscaloosa pretty fast very quickly cuz we’re almost out of time if I were

Hypothetically flight tracking which airports should I look at around the country that may have flights incoming to Tuscaloosa uh those places are going to be very discreet but I would say Dan Lanning at Oregon you know he’s a ga under Nick Sabin and coached thund Kirby

At Georgia he’s got a massive buyout way bigger than it’s been reported we found out he’s one I think they have interest in I definitely think they have interest in SE star in at Texas maybe Mike norell we know Florida State you know wants to leave you know its own situation maybe

Mike norell realizes that’s a better situation from what I have here um I feel like Kalin dor is a great coach he just has no SEC ties and I don’t know how how much that matters but he has Jimmy ston now as an agent and that could carry a lot of weight there

Dion I think Dion’s a year away to be honest if this had H hung on you can’t I don’t know if you can hire Dion after 4 and eight maybe if he goes you can’t no no you can’t no no you can’t hire him after 4 and8 Hire sarkeesian who was

Drinking on the job like drinking like let’s do that that’s the way to do it a guy who was who was drinking at work in the morning ah he’s fine now okay good but I think they’re looking at him as the guy who just beat them in Tuscaloosa

This year that’s all that really matters no flights out of the boulder Executive Airport anyway so uh Bruce thank you for being on with us we appreciate it sir thank you guys the news is coming in Fast and Furious never ever stops uh yeah we know that bill bich is

Speaking now but given the nature of our on demand show we’ll try to I was on uh first take this morning and I always like being on first take on like breaking serious news days because you just never know what the debate will be

So uh c a little bit of uh who’s who’s greater Sav or bellich you know who is who is uh I said bellich just because of how hard it is to succeed for that long in the modern NFL are we recording or are we just having yeah we already started

It’s it blurs it blurs the line you never know around here are we recording uh you know it’s we like the organic uh hell so uh what do you have back there that you’re waving around Jessica this is the present that Mina sent us for Christmas oh my goodness uh we’ve got a

Present for the entire group all right let’s is that right Mina who’s it for specifically it is for the entire group yeah you want to it’s for the studio all right let’s go ahead stand and while you’re doing this we will keep an eye on you and in the

Interim Mina I will ask you can I ask you a question that we debated earlier because Dan looked at me funny when I said that personally I felt that Washington is a better scenario than the Chargers even though they have a finished product at quarterback they’re picking number two they have brand new

Ownership over there lower expectations and a and a quarterback potentially on a cheaper contract I think Washington’s not a bad spot for Bill Bell check yeah I I think it kind of depends on in terms of those jobs whether you want that total blank slate and what your timeline

Is because it’s going to take a second in Washington the defense was really bad this year and for some reason traded away both of their AG rushers instead of just one montz sweat who’s been awesome in Chicago and Chase young uh they do have the most cap space in the NFL you

Know so so there’s stuff to rebuild with but it might take time as good as we think these top two quarterbacks are you seen many examples in the NFL recently of rookie quarterbacks struggling at first so again like you know if I’m like a bich or I don’t know one of the

Younger coordinators who are been considered there’s a lot to like about that job but it might take a second and for ownership I think you really need someone who you’re going to hand over the keys because you’re kind of starting from zero there I will say that the fact

That they have a very good wide receiving core already puts him ahead of where Carolina was which is what came to mind when I was thinking about a similar situation we’re going to do a little unboxing here Mina okay I’ll do a little but if you had to choose one from those

Two jobs which one’s better for bellich just one word uh is it I’d say the Chargers yeah just because I think the you know with the quarterback situation already being resolved there and I think he can fix the defense even though they still have to add a lot of pieces

Defensively he’s been awesome since 2019 the Patriots defense first in points per game here we go no you guys like it no worky yes we love it what a surprise this is a great gift is it from your mom or is it from you it’s from me Jess so

You don’t think it’s cringe Jessica um is Billy Gil here today because well he’s not here asked that um because oh no Billy threw a couple people back here under the bus last week on mystery crate because he took the heat for that take which was not really his I don’t know

Whose take it was nobody’s owning it right now well I thought you could put it next to the uh that fancy espresso machine you guys have uh Mino which is the best job for bellich Chargers are a different one like if you say I believe he’ll end up at

Blank I I I I I do like the Chargers for him I think he can fix that defense there’s still some talented players they’re in a really like to Mike’s point they’re in a really bad cap situation they’re going to have to let go of two

Of the big four you know both sides of the ball but um I I think with belich just given the lack of success he’s had over the last few years offensively with his highers and with the quarterback selection and then the players he’s drafted uh stepping into a team that of

All of the openings clearly has the best quarterback situation makes a lot of sense you mentioned sweat and I believe he led two teams in sacks correct uh that that can’t that cannot happen very often what uh which of the games this weekend is the one that’s most

Interesting to you because I love Rams Lions I believe one one of those teams could absolutely get to the Super Bowl and one of them’s going to have their season ended Rams Lions is the one that I feel like I have the least feel for

Dan I think it’s the hardest one to pick more than Chiefs dolphins in that weather more than Chiefs dolphins in that weather like that that weather to me makes Chiefs Dolphins impossible no it makes me lean Chiefs I mean uh that and more so than the weather all the

Injuries in Miami which are just absolutely brutal at this point with Rams lions like both of those offenses should be able to move the ball on both of these defenses both of these offenses match up well with these defenses the Rams defense not great at stopping the

Run here come the Detroit Lions the Lions defense allows the highest qbr in the NFL to quarterbacks throwing to wide receivers well the Rams have some wide receivers so for me that one it’s it’s hard to pick because of the sort of equality on that front and also because

Both of these quarterbacks played very well this year but occasionally we’ll have the multi- interception game the case of Stafford as good as he’s been so if something like that were to happen I think it would make this game hard to predict and then there’s all the the

Juicy narratives going into it as well we love talking football with you but you’re good at the societal stuff so your uh your Viewpoint most recently on Aaron roders as the first stopping place the first stopping place of where he wanted to reveal more of himself to

America when he was the State Farm Insurance man was going to you to have a magazine story written about him and then since then everything has gone you know the cover of that story says I think the title line is Aaron Rogers unmasked it’s from

2016 well since then he did win a I think at least one MVP so it didn’t all go to [ __ ] I’m just saying what from State Farm Insurance agent to guy who wants to be seen by the public to now this is the way that he’s seen yeah um I

Was thinking about this it feels like a million years ago Tuesday when he was talking about uh because so many things have happened since then but like when I when I was watching him Dan I was thinking about that question and I was thinking about I think a few weeks ago

You asked me what changed with him since you met him and I sort of gave a throwaway answer part because I I really hate pretending like I have unique insight into any athlete that I’ve spent like 24 hours with you know just because I did a story on him so there’s that but

Also I think I was like H you know seems like he spent a lot of time on the internet kind of waved it off and I and I I think that was mistake on my part or at least I regret it watching him I regreted it watching him

Tuesday because you know watch him I think it really drove home what is at stake or like what is the meaningful thing about the story that transports which is the sort of normalization of conspiracy theories and I say that not to criticize Rogers character or whatever but really just to kind of

Criticize the substance of what he was saying to criticize the sources he was throwing out I mean the names that he was bringing up uh I don’t know Alex Baron for example the former journalist we said him his name um I don’t know if you guys are familiar with him he’s a

Guy who’s been consistently wronged proven wrong about vaccines and their efficacy and their danger he has been misleading and how he has used studies I’m sure some of the same studies that Rogers has read the authors of those Studies have refuted him you could ask any credible scientist doctor public

Health expert and they would refute him but when I was watching Rogers and he said his name I wasn’t surprised to hear it because the people who believe the things that I think Rogers now believes they they always site the same people you know it really is group think kind

Of masquerading as independent thought and it’s not just on the fringes of society I I I think as evidence by the fact obviously that one of our most famous athletes is now believing some of these things but I think a lot of us have people in our Lives who have gone

Down similar RAB I know I do rabbit holes who are sort of tempted by the idea of feeling like they know something that the rest of us don’t who when they’re met with skepticism or criticism as Rogers was and I think this is at the

Heart of a lot of this they doubled down they’re still having these debates while the rest of the world has moved on and I feel like you know the fact that that’s not just on the fringes is worth noting and it’s worth always checking those points when they’re made and not

Just laughing them off the way we so often do because you know I I understand that there’s this inside baseball media aspects of the story that are interesting to you and others and there’s the rhetoric battle but to me like I was watching that what I felt was

At stake was none of that it’s this ongoing devaluation of facts and expertise and that bothers me and it bothered me that I didn’t actually answer your question the first time you asked it because I do think what he said was emblematic of that sorry that was

Like a monologue that’s okay Mina um Rogers has he owns a lot of bad opinions he also owns the Chicago Bears um can you explain what the hell the bear strategy is and why they’re keeping their head coach but firing their offensive coordinator and what they’re

Going to do with Justin Fields what are they doing Mina 50 seconds or less Mina uh they’re keeping him because the defense really turned around and they did turn around they were playing really good football at the end however I don’t agree with the decision because whether you’re sticking with Justin fields and

Going to your third offensive coordinator or you’re draft ing a guy it restricts what you can do offensively because you’re not hiring an offensive coach and also because of the candidates who are available I mean this is like an alltime option uh or Buffet of options rather when it comes to head coaching

Candidates to to take with to stick with e yeah we lost uh it was fighting the zoom was fighting the zoom was fighting he was trying to get there we’ve been getting hits and you you froze on Eber flute yes we’ll come back with Mina

Kimes next my bad we are psyched so tell us why you’re psyched where you’re psyched how your psych tell us I think every single one okay that’s not true Pittsburgh uh Buffalo is not good but every single one of these games outside of Pittsburgh Buffalo is a good game

Every single one of these games you can make a case for an upset um start to finish I it is wall to–all bangers if you ask me to make an upset I think I could do it for every team um maybe not I do it for Pittsburgh I

Could make an upset case for Pittsburgh Jess all right let’s do this uh 15 seconds at a time make all the upset cases we’re going to give you only 15 seconds on each one oh 15 on each not 15 15 on each are you ready to start uh you

You seem pressurized right now go ahead and start all right all right let’s do this are you going to queue up the you want me to queue myself up here I want you to cue yourself up three I’ll keep it a countdown and then I’ll give you 15

Seconds and tell you where it’s time three two one okay the Texans simply put CJ Stroud uh he is the best quarterback on the field he has shredded all kinds of defenses he’s been incredible Under Pressure obviously the Browns defense is excellent but if there was one Young

Quarterback I would trust to solve it it would be CJ strout and Nico Collins I don’t think that um they’re gonna win Splash oh right sorry sorry yes 15 seconds yes back Miami yeah um here’s a case for Miami the Chiefs run defense is really bad and add a cold game yeah

They’ve struggled in cold weather but they still run the football really well they run it really well to the outside which is something the Chiefs have struggled to defend I think Devon hen could have a big day day if they commit to the run and come up with some

Creative Solutions for what they have to do on defense what’s the next game buffalo buffalo Pittsburgh three two one uh aside from the you know maybe Josh Allen will go get the Zoomies and turn the ball over Pittsburgh is really good at running the football they come out with multiple tight ends they’re

Ground in pound and the bills defense does struggle a little bit to stop the run at times you came in you came in look at her she’s getting better and she’s proud of herself three do I need to give you the game or you got another game three

Packers two right we’re on the Packers one okay uh everything I said about CJ St you could also apply to Jordan love but I’ll say this the Cowboys defense while they’re are very good struggle to stop the run Aaron Jones is back looks good got a lot of yards after contact

Last week and I think that the Packers young group of skill players actually will’ll be able to hunt matchups with Dallas I think you were early there I think you cheated there Mike I think I feel like you did three what game are we

On right now uh well this is up to you actually three Cleveland Cleveland all right Eagles bus he never prematurely splashes three two one uh have you watched the Eagles lately I don’t really need to say anything else that’s it splash I mean that’s good it’s it’s

Excellent analysis I’ve got to admit it we skipped the game didn’t we did you do the Browns I don’t think you did did you do the you did the Texans are the under oh the Lions the Rams and lions the RS are underdogs three two one Jared gof struggles Under Pressure

Uh this rans pass rush is actually heated up it’s not just Aaron Donald the young players Kobe T Turner Byron Young have been getting after the quarterback and then the other side Matthew Stafford at his Peaks is playing as good as any quarterback in football and as I said

Earlier I don’t think the lion secondary has answers for those receivers are there any more games did we miss it did we that’s it those are all the games Okay thank you uh go ahead Chris Cody um with the dolphins and Tua what do you think about them this offseason doing

What the Rams did when they had Jared gof realizing we have a fine quarterback is there a what I’m ask the question is is there a quarterback out there that the Dolphins could make a move similar to what the Rams did to get Stafford like who is their M cousins even though

I think he’s a free agent uh it’s not Kurt Cousins I mean the thing with uh two on Stafford and Goff is the analogy would be like okay Shawn McVey wanted a quarterback who he didn’t have to scheme up offense for who could create on his own who could

Whether it was you know um on extended plays or just the straight drop back game which is where the Rams offense went once they acquired Matthew stav he would just get in empty and dissect defenses does Mike McDaniel want a quarterback like that as good as his

Offense has been with two I think it really depends on who’s available because there really aren’t many quarterbacks who have Stafford ceiling who are capable of doing everything he did um I I no one comes to mind but but the thing is you never know with the NFL

Somebody could get Surly and want out I don’t know but when I look around the league I don’t see a similar option for Miami certainly not one who presents an upgrade it’s definitely not Kurt Cousins who is much more like Tua than Stafford Mike Ryan was making the argument on

Behalf of Pete Carol the big retirement yesterday because we’re under selling and under appreciating that he won titles in the pros and in college and just got engulfed by Sabin and bellich you’re a Seattle fan and I was shocked I was shocked by him being let go were

You I was shocked and I can tell you A lot of people in the building were shocked as well because P Caroll wanted to stay this wasn’t a mutual parting of ways um he as recently as Monday or Tuesday was talking about how he still

Wanted to be the coach um I was shocked because you know jod Allen is the owner now she has mostly sided with Carol you remember the act the split with Russell Wilson all the reporting around that choosing between Pete and Russ and John who’s their GM John Schneider but I

Wasn’t totally shocked when you sit back and you look at why this team has struggled and struggled is is they’ve been the playoffs they went to the playoffs the year after Russell Wilson but why they have fallen short especially compared to you know the Rams

And the ners and it felt like every year it was inevitable that those teams would beat them uh it was because of the defense which is Pete Carol side of the football it’s interesting right because in with belich case it was because of the offense which is not his side of the

Football but he aired in the players he picked and the coaches he brought in Pete side the defense has been bad for like six years now ultimately the defense is why they’re not in the playoffs um I may have made fun of Jess’s Steelers but they ran all over

Seattle uh in a very humiliating loss so I think you when you look at it through that lens you can understand why ownership thought okay well we’ve given you six years to turn around this defense we’ve given you trades you trade for Jamal Adams you trade for Leonard

Williams you Draft Deon Witherspoon and it’s still looks bad and so I think um you we think about it that way it makes sense one of my favorite moments in Mina Kim’s history and in show history was us going like 12 minutes Beyond where the clock found acceptable when she was in a

Mall in Minnesota on a zip line giving a take waiting to get the payoff that ended up sounding the football take on a zip line ended up sounding like this do this they have to maintain a rush in the fourth quarter not like the Falcons and I guess help do oh my God

Us it is amazing by the way that there’s no video of this uh there is not but we are like a blurry screenshot Juju Juju had a great idea though Juju suggested that at the Super Bowl because there’s a zipline over downtown uh you know Fremont Street

That we should have a Mina kimes give a take football zipline challenge the best take wins some sort of prize on a zipline you were terrified there correct I I I’m afraid of two things I feel like maybe I shouldn’t reveal this on the internet one is spiders and the

Other is Heights I hate I get why why am I afraid like someone’s gonna drop a spider on my front door oh God please don’t do that nobody mail me a spider um I do not like heights I could be at like a rooftop party and you would find me

Dead center in the middle I will stay far away from the ledge I hate looking down I hated every second of that I don’t know why I agreed to do it um and I’m just glad it’s not on video because and I’m surprised I didn’t pee my pants

Honestly because I was so afraid the whole time I don’t understand this fear of spiders just kill it step on it get it out like scary It’s A Primitive fear a little tiny thing the way they move is upsetting Yu that’s what it is it’s the

Um multiple legs all moving at once I just don’t like that I a documentary on the engineering for like a spiderweb you ever see these things work you’re always like you ever wonder like how did you get the thing way over there I’m sure that’s a documentary you would spend a lot of

Time you think how you get the other string way over there I’m sure I’m sure you would spend two hours uh on a documentary of that kind with that is the content Jeremy you wanted to offer Mina an apology because uh Billy did betray you Billy publicly said snitched

He he said that you were the one who criticized uh that you were the one who criticized Mina Kim let’s let give me a moment Mina first of all we don’t know each other that well so I want to issue this apology because when we all saw um the sign

Behind you you made fun of it just admit it dude we were all it was you chat no we were all chatting back here um and as one of the young people on the show I would just like to issue an apology on behalf of Lucy for her totally making

Fun of you oh my God that is not how that happened so Jeremy said that’s a very Millennial sign and I agreed okay I’ll say that I did agree and I’m sorry but then I said we should make Billy ask about it that’s exactly what happened and he did it and

That’s his own fault he should not have listened to me how old is Jeremy I’m 28 on the line aren’t you a millennial you’re you’re not a you’re a Zoomer you’re a millennial I’m in between technically there’s you know there’s like that three-year Gap where you can

Kind of claim one or the other born in 1995 anyway this is ruin the show Jeremy go sit go sit in Kansas City and don’t ever come back like just go sit in you I I’ve been trying to tell you Millennial energy he said I ruined the show he did

Put it on the poll please you did at lebit show did Jeremy uh ruin the show what was your favorite story me know we got 20 seconds left just your favorite story from yesterday all the sports [ __ ] that happened 10 seconds um oh my God I

Mean I the the Pete Bell say and stuff all dropping within the span of 24 hours like I know I was just I started this with like a long very preaching monologue about conspiracy theories but that’s what where my conspiracy theories would be like do these all guys all get

Together are they on a chat did they all decide


  1. Dan is pretty sympathetic when it comes to substance abuse with everybody except Sarkisian for some reason, then he’s a real piece of shit about it.

  2. Two of Nick Saban's national titles at Alabama came when it did not win the SEC. The rules have been very convenient for SEC schools with ESPN showing "Gameday" (which has been the SEC Kickoff Show) for 20 years), and acting like the SEC has been the be all, end all in college football. It's because viewers have been brainwashed into believing so. The rules have always been different for SEC schools. No other program would have had a shot at winning one national title without winning the conference in the last two decades ever. It was not right when Nebraska went over Colorado. That's the only other example. When humans decided this, it's complete nonsense. "Best ever" discussions are subjective.

  3. Everyone tried to laugh and say FSU had a culture problem but now Alabama wants their head coach 🤨🤨🤨

  4. There’s not a lot of great candidates available right now. Sark and Smart have their own programs but I said awhile ago Deon would be so much fun to replace Coach Saban even if we don’t win every year. He’d recruit like crazy, have more resources for better assistants than he’s had, and might give Alabama a few years to find someone else when Deon’s NFL opportunity comes knocking.

    Prime said he picked Saban’s brain a lot and the old man always took time to answer his questions. I’m selling myself on this and I think it’d be a fun roller coaster.

  5. Can someone please tell me the schedule of this show? I have only watched a couple times since they left ESPN and really want to get back into it! They live stream 4 different times?

  6. Is dan really trashing sark over past substance abuse, while he's in a partnership with someone who was fired over substance abuse 🤦‍♂️

  7. Stafford is not appreciated for being as tough (crazy?) as he is since his rookie szn at DET. He was the London cyclist in European Vacation. Bloodied and broken and apologizing for being tackled. Go Dawgs!

  8. This guy acts like he holds a high standard when it comes to journalism an ethics. The truth is he'll do anything for clout even dressed like an idiot I remember when him and his corny ass crew used to try to piss off telephone interviewers so that they could hang up and they can go viral this guy's always been an idiot used to try to do the same s*** on his TV show pisses guest off

  9. Can we just permanently mute Jeremys mic? The dude is so irritating and is truly not funny.

  10. “Normalizing conspiracy theories”

    When all the 911 conspiracies were proven true, and Snowden showed us it was used to to up the USA into a surveillance state, it’s weird to be upset that people don’t believe surface level information.

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