Golf Babe

Black Women & Golf | The Green’s Ladies Golf Club

Welcome to the Green’s Ladies Golf Channel! 💚⛳️ Hear from one of our members her personal story and what led her to join GLGC.

We are real black women behind this channel and platform. We want to help you learn the game of golf and make it your hobby of 2024. We are based in the Philadelphia Region and support women throughout the Philadelphia, Delaware, and South Jersey area.

Message us on Facebook or Instagram at “Green’s Ladies Golf Club” if you have any questions as you learn this game and grow in it. We are HERE for YOU 💚⛳️

Hello everyone hello ladies I hope you are all doing well um I uh wanted to go live I am a member of the GRE ladies golf club and we have be uh we have been so much more active on our social media Pages we’re just getting started we are

Not going to slow down we are just getting started and um we’ve been seeing just so much wonderful feedback from our Facebook page from our Instagram page really this Instagram account and so we wanted to just have more engag we wanted to show up more and so um again my name

Is Miss Genesis you’ve probably been seeing my face behind some of our our new content rolling out of just talking about just some foundational things when it comes to golf and we have a new video series coming out soon I actually just got off the phone with one of the greens

Ladies golf club members and we’re going to be talking about golf balls because that’s something that I will tell you when I first got into golf no one was talking like the basics like which golf balls do you buy and all that all that cool stuff so I wanted to talk about

Three things that I think is so important if you’re you know new to golf getting back into golf there are things that as black women uh when it comes to golf no one’s talking about and a lot of that has to do with the fact there’s been such a huge lack of representation

As black women in the game of golf and um I wanted to share a a statistic excuse me that I saw just reading and doing research that was just shocking so in 2021 this is you know kind of in the midst of the pandemic um there was a

Whopping 3% I just want hear that number 3% so out of all the recreational golfers only 3% were black 3% and that does not even include whether we know how many were women or men now of course we’re just going to automatically assume that out of that 3% the majority

Definitely probably were men but I’m not going to make that into an assumption but I will tell you this as someone who’s a member of a country club in Delaware I’ve only seen one black woman actively playing on a consistent basis at my go at my Country Golf Club okay my

Country club um so seeing other black women is not the norm it’s just not the norm right and a lot of it also has to do with representation right um seeing seeing each other but another thing too is access access um education when it comes

To the game of golf a lot of times golf was not something that as black women we grew up knowing about right it was something that traditionally white men grew up knowing about right you you went golfing with your father right but as black women we didn’t grow up with that

Right and we just shared a recent reel on our account talking about AIA Gibson she was the first black woman to join the LPGA and that was not until 1964 so you know it took a while and even now there are not a ton of black female

Golfers that are part of the LPGA which is the ladies professional Golf Association you know we’re starting to see a lot more diversity but even the word a lot isn’t a lot but you know what we’re going to take whatever we can get we’re going to take whatever

Representation where we can see other black women so I wanted to share with you three things again that I just want you to think about you know this year our goal as a platform is to make golf your hobby in 2024 that’s our goal is to

Help you make golf your number one hobby for 2024 it’s a sport that you can play for the rest of your life think about that this the one sport you can play you know you may not be able to play a play pickup basketball when you’re 80 but you

Can play golf when you’re 80 right um and so here are three things I just want you to think about number one I want you to think about all the um the new things you’re going to learn within this game this game has so many things that you

Can learn about and so you’re going to enter a world where maybe things that weren’t accessible to you or maybe you know you just didn’t know about you’re going to learn right and I think that’s something that is fun to embrace is a a new sport or a sport that maybe you used

To play or heard of or maybe your spouse your boyfriend a guy in your your family played but you as a woman you were just like yeah it looks fun I would love to swing a club but I don’t know anything about it well don’t allow not knowing to

Prevent you from learning and so this year we’re going to partner with you we’re going to support you we’re going to be in your corner to help you to learn to love the game of golf right number two have fun here’s something that we just posted

On our Facebook uh uh page just now which is the majority of golfers are not professionals believe me I’ve played with a lot of golfers guy golfers they’re not professionals you know you know you may be like oh I pick up a club and I miss the ball I’ve seen that

Happen a lot okay I’ve seen that happen so the thing about golf is you want to have fun and many times when you’re new to golf you’re so focused on getting everything right that you miss the uh pleasure of just learning to learn the game right don’t get all on yourself if

Hey I swung the ball and I missed it so what okay or you know what I forgot that I it was my turn enough is really where the pleasure but a lot of it was because I was um and so when you are acts right

Okay there you go Wi-Fi um but you know I’m again for me I I grew up as athlete um Golf and Tennis were my sports right and so when I came back to golf um it’s been o over eight years ago oh you know and for some people

They’re like okay like you know shouldn’t take you fast no it it took me two years and even now you know I’m still learning I have 18 handicap I play from the white teas I think I’m pretty good but I have a long way to go and I

Probably will not get to my goals for like a several years guess what that’s what it’s all about just learning enjoy the game so number one again you’re going to learn this year we’re going to help you to learn number two we want you to enjoy the game you know you also want

To enjoy the relationships I have had so much fun I’ve played Nationwide over um you know I’ve built relationships at my country club I built relationships through greens ladies golf club I’m a proud member of glgc okay I am a proud greens lady and um I have been a member

Since last year and it has been amazing on how much pride I have as a member of glgc honestly more Pride than my country club more Pride yeah way more Pride because um I’m with a whole group of black women okay um and so the relationships and then two the cool part

Too is you know you get to play in tournaments and you know invitationals and charity fundraisers and you meet more people who are learning to play the golf just the game of golf just like you I’ll tell you a funny story I was at a uh

Tournament and this guy you know he was talking all big you know he was talking all big and uh you know um I was in the group right behind him he was talking big you just talking big and he takes his first swing he misses the ball you

Know and and I was thinking to myself you know what that’s what the game of golf is all about man talk big but guess what you just here to have some fun meet some new people and we just all started laughing because we realized like you

Know who are we to be you know super serious and you know none of us are professionals we’re not getting paid to play this you know um and so it’s just about having fun and meeting people who are loving the game just like you number

Three the other thing I think that is so important especially following this Channel and other platforms is that connecting with with other black women I have been surrounded by black women my entire life and it is such an amazing thing when you see representation right we talk we talk a

Lot about that but you don’t realize how important it is until you go somewhere and you know you don’t see yourself anywhere on the course and then you see another black woman you’re like yes okay awesome right well imagine what it’s like when you’re learning with a whole

Ton of black women and so that’s why this year uh through greens ladies golf club we are making it our mission to go hard and this is why you’re going to see so many we’re running ads or running new videos we have new content coming out um

Because this is the time we’re in a pivotal time right now and I’m all about timing right we’re in a pivotal time where you know access is opening up so much more for black women we are uh you know entrepreneurs we’re just doing so many amazing things and so why not make

Golf a part of that a success Journey for you why not make golf that one thing that you learn or or just become better at and you actually connect with it and you again you’re not focusing on perfectionism okay A lot of times it’s black women you know we’re like

Superwoman no not this year okay we’re going to learn how to just have fun okay and enjoy the game a bonus thing too for me um of why this channel is so important why we really want to connect with you show that we’re real you know

So why going live was great showing you that we’re real we’re real women real black women who are loving the game of golf but one other thing I think is a bonus thing to talk about and I’m going let you leadi just go enjoy the rest of your night for me

Um my story when it comes to golf was one of you know I was in the circles golf Circles of you know the country clubs and all that again I’m a member in Delaware but there were no black women except one there’s like one black woman

Ranch told you guys about that I often felt like I didn’t fit in even though I played golf in high school I played High School varsity um I never felt like I fit in because I never saw myself and because I never saw myself when I um went to Atlanta for

School um at Spellman and I came back home I stopped playing golf for over eight years I stopped playing golf for over eight years because you know what’s the purpose of some at least for me for playing you never see yourself never see another black woman playing you know I

Wasn’t going to play um and so I stopped playing and I put it off and then the pandemic I picked up a golf club and I told myself I don’t care if I don’t see another black woman I’m going to learn golf for myself and so that’s

What I did I drove up to Villanova area if you’re from Philly you’re familiar with the Blu root H went on the blue root okay and I drove right up into Villanova area uh signed up for Golf Tech lessons I invested I was researching like where do I get golf

Lessons this is why we’re going to be so adamant about helping connecting you ladies with wherever you live we’re going to find somewhere for you to learn how to play golf okay now we also have some clinics coming up ourselves but you don’t have to wait for us to get the

Clinics together we’re going to be your golf cheerleader okay you let us know where you live I’m going to tell you where you can go get some golf lessons okay but anyway I drove up an hour every week of sometimes 2 days an hour just to

Go up an hour to come back for my golf lessons Okay that’s how dedicated I was during the pandemic I was like as a black woman I’m going to learn how and I had played in high school but I completely lost my touch didn’t know how

To play anymore so I drove an hour every trip for these golf lessons again sometimes twice a week because I had practice sessions too and I was atam I was like I’m going to get this thing 3 months later I picked up up I got my

Game back started picking it up but then I had to start playing like actually playing on a golf course again I had not played for years um my father he he was like yeah I’ll take you out but you know he had his own thing my mom you know

They’re they’re like in their love world you know so he he was going to take me out just a little bit right so I had to start taking myself out and I didn’t know what to do and no one looked like me no one was anxious to help me either

Okay um people just assume that I knew what to do I would show up and I’m like yeah my tea time is 12:00 where do I go who do I talk to you know it was like what I I would go on YouTube right hey Mount Laurel hey Tina how are you shout

Out to Mount Laurel love Mount Laurel it’s actually my favorite top golf location okay shout out to M Laurel um but you I didn’t know what to do you know T I didn’t know what to do and so I realized that I knew I was not the only

Black woman that was having these same thoughts I knew I was not the only black woman that was like listen I’m all about the country club but I also want to play and I want to actually know what I’m doing you know and so that’s when you

Know through golf uh greens ladies golf club we knew that there need to be more representation for black women in the Philadelphia area I live in Delaware um but I’m you know I’m I don’t claim Philadelphia because I you know I can’t claim it because I’m not I don’t live

There but I hey look I’m a greater Philadelphia I’m going to Philadelphia right so we have our members are from South Jersey are from Philadelphia are from Delaware um and so we wanted to now focus on building a greater Community whether you’re a member or not and we’re

Going to talk about membership when we open back up for this season this spring but we want to spend the winter time equipping you with that so I say all that to say you know it was so important for me to be around other black women so

That’s why I joined GRE ladies golf club because there were also diverse ages and I’m 31 but for me I I’m not I I wish I could say this but but I am not in that group that you know wants to party all the time I’m not that group I’m the group

That let me I’m going St I’m a home person okay I want to come home okay you know um you know I I like the older crowd I don’t know that’s just that’s just me that’s just me okay I’m I’m inita Baker crowd okay Patty Lael

Crowd and so I also wanted a group that I was a part of that also was a mixture in in age you know I didn’t just want to learn around girls and women that were my age I want to also learn from the 50-year-old from the 70-year-old who has

Been playing for a long time and can share with me the traditions and the history of being a black woman in golf we have members who have been a part of G GGC for over 30 years they have seen the changes um the of historically in Philadelphia you know they know the

History and the roots of black women playing golf here in the Philadelphia area I want to be I wanted to be a part of something like that and so that’s why we’re so passionate through glgc to be a platform and so again I just want to show my face again I’m Genesis everyone

Calls me Gigi uh but I again am a member of green ladies golf club we’re going to start going live on this channel on a consistent basis at least once a week bringing you things that we believe that you should know about we’re going to be

Breaking down the bag we’re going to be breaking down for me it’s the fashion I I don’t know if you can tell I’m a girly girl when I I’m going to let y’all go but when I first when I first uh got back into golf you know King of Prussia you know king

Of press is like right there you know and so you I’m I’m I’m a shopper and you know I said to myself you know I know we did a real that said don’t spend a ton of money in your golf bag well I know that lesson because I was the one that

Went out and dropped the tooth I listen I was like listen I have to be motivated you know so I bought the golf shoes the golf skirts the dresses and I will tell you this it was a great motivation to go out there even when I was not playing

Well I knew I looked good and I’m telling you when you look good you may not play good but you feel better when you look at your pictures and say I looked good you know and as a black woman I did that I did that I look good

I did I play well no but I look good right so we’re going to be talking about for me I love golf fashion I love too we’re going to be interviewing different golf actual like professionals right who can share with us more of the professional tips we also have some

Coaches lined up oh my goodness yeah coaches yes who can help us really learn and so again we just wanted to say hi let you know that we’re real like we exist um you’re going to get to know some of the other members on our lives

And content um so we just hope that you have a wonderful New Year enjoy your New Year cherish excuse me the ones that are in your life cherish those relationships um and you will see us very soon here on this channel and on our pages so again

If you’re not following us yet be sure to follow us here on Instagram as well as our Facebook page we just started ramping up attention on our Facebook page so we’re going to also have some live streams happening over there so be sure to head over to Greens ladies golf

Club on Facebook and listen if you have any questions DM us we are like real like we’re real black women like real women here on this Instagram so if you have any questions DM us ask us any questions you may have again there are a

Few of you who also reached out um on our comments about lessons so I do want to say this before I go if you are a a black woman that’s like listen I need to get signed for some lessons somewhere this is the winter season so the winter

Season is really a perfect time for you to practice you know indoors it’s it’s really cold so practicing Outdoors may not be the best plan but again from my personal experience I started my lessons indoors at a golf Tech I trained for 3 months and it was a best investment that

I ever made um and then by the time I went outside I had basics of like my swing there’s some things that are going to help and also to Top Golf I know people make fun of it but I actually I’m going to share this one real soon that’s

Where I was going I would go during the day I would go and I would just after lesson just go and hit and so we’re going to also have some ways in which you can connect with us and you know just get out there but again DM us if

You have any questions or you want lessons let us know let us know where you live we we do need to know your actual

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