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HIT or MISS : Assessing the BIGGEST January transfer rumours…✍️ | Saturday Social

James Allcott & Flav join Smithy and Joe this week on Saturday Social. With the January transfer window now open, we get the guys to discuss some of the biggest transfer rumours so far, and decide whether if they would be a hit or a miss…
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Saturday social brought to you by EA Sports FC with PlayStation 5 the Janu transfer window is open we love this don’t we a lot of rumors starting and some deals that have been done as well the Saturday social whiteboard is out there it is uh what is the plan for this

Item I’m excited about this very very simple we’ve gone through the week’s news we found some of the biggest transfers and transfer rumors that are said to be happening you two are going to have the task of saying whether that transfer would be a hit or a miss so if

It happens exactly very simple okay first up let’s talk about Jaden Sano to Dortmund now this is progressing all the time the latest that we believe is that it might be a loan rather than a buy obviously former Dortmund player uh Manchester United jayen and Dortmund all in conversation uh Jimbo thoughts this

Do you think this will happen firstly and what your thoughts on if it does I think this yes I think it will happen yeah I think everyone wants it to move forward and uh you know tenh hasn’t backed down on on his position on this Jon sanche obviously can’t get a look in

Can’t he’s not eating with the players at this point so he needs to sort of kick on and play football and I think if he wants to sort of kickart it quickly go to someone like Dortmund where he’s obviously you know knows the areas played he loved all those things fans

Love him there it’s a safe place for him to go and start again because he needs to start playing football not in the squad since August the 26th so it’s a long time without football of course man have had big injury problems as well and he’s still not featured yeah no no

Absolutely he’s good enough to and he should be playing for Manchester United and whatever’s broken down has been a personal issue and the uh between him and T should they have solved this should he should he not this shouldn’t even be happening his role as a manager

Is not only is it ensuring that results happen you’ve got to manage your playing staff this situation is ridiculous and it’s part of the reason why ten hog should probably be removed from manager of man united in my opinion he should still yeah I think so you shouldn’t be

There and that’s why a loan option is is important and and ensuring there is an option to buy because when ten har nevita leave you would include an option to buy I wouldn’t I wouldn’t if if I was Manchester United I would do do everything to not include any kind of

Option to buy I think so if there if there isn’t an option to buy is that saying something about Eric tenh har in terms of his future because he’s been he’s very clear he does not want him anywhere near the squad so does that put his future in doubt a touch okay where

Where we put it on the board I don’t know I think that Janes Sancho obviously is a fantastic player there and I think he needs for his own development given that he’s only 23 years old to be playing football every single week and at brussa Dortmund like you said is

Going to be very very loved if he goes there smashes it his value suddenly there’s no go right through the roof even if he doesn’t make up with man united it doesn’t benefit man united for there to be an option to buy if they want to sell it inid the

Summer a good summer then there’s no option much much lower than if he had an I lot of people about the price tag obviously they bought him for a huge price tag 73 million obvious the fact he hasn’t played now his value would be less obviously if he does go on loan and

Does well then presumably the value would would inre and yeah you’re right actually and it can’t really get any lower can it no because he’s literally not okay good I want to see him play in football good player next up put him slightly higher in case two lines Jim go to Flav

For this one first yeah next up and this is kind of almost breaking news some people might be waking up and seeing this for the first time yeah hello no this isn’t Sky Sports News this is satday social team overa could be joining Tottenham hot spur seems like very very reliable reports suggesting

This is a six-month loan deal Lo looks like a loan this one doesn’t it yeah I don’t hate it at all I I think underrated um and are you laughing I think he’s there’s a lot of a lot of people searching their whatsapps right now trying to find some

Receipts agree with I talked to Flav a lot and and Flav Believe It or Not doesn’t sit on the fence especially when it’s something that he can get his claws into and I would imagine if I went into my phone and searched there might be some stuff that we could dig I said

Something in 2020 right I did say something in 2020 about te o Vera being a waste of money right but that was my job as a Tottenham fan back then my job now is just to look at this in the most positive way and I’m if the question is

Brian Hill and richardon for the next six months or the next six weeks rather when son’s away then why can’t he be the answer I think this is a pragmatic sensible um free loan with an option to buy and why not it’s interesting about this one because it only we only saw

This very quick before we were on air but a lot of people Chelsea and Spurs fans particularly talking about it’s a lot of people saying in terms of Andre system he can play on the left he can play up top as well so do you think

They’re almost looking at if it is a loan and there’s no money that’s that’s passing poti you know there’s not a huge transfer you almost think there’s not a lot to lose here what is there to lose we need bodies the system that posu plays is evidently given the amount of

Injuries we’ve had it does have wear and tear on the squad so we do need bodies son isn’t there now it’s important part thing to remember is that humon is away and if we could he offer something that Brian Hill cannot and Rich and something different from richardis up top and the

Answer is yes let’s ask James what he thinks not not about whether he believes what flab is saying is true but what you you think is a neutral about this deal I I think Flav has a point because the thing with Andreu and I think the

Players he’s trying to bring in and and we’ll get to another one later in this segment is that he likes people with energy he wants to play with energy can he press oh he can press well if he press he plays yeah so and I think if you have a center forward

A CER of he had it at Celtic where you have a center for who works so hard and it can create a lot for for other players also with the philosophy with an is it’s about getting Bodies In The Box and so as long as he’s not the only body

In the Box you might not have to worry as much about his finishing prow it’s more about the energy that he brings to the team so I don’t I don’t think there is much to lose he’s not the future but he could be a good stop he a pragmatic

Sign go have a hit then yeah okay look at that reacting to news straight away as it happen what I will say is it will there’ll be no middle ground people will go that’s a disaster or wow and you’ve done it again okay we’ll see next one’s an interesting one

Joe Calvin Phillips to Newcastle only made four premier league sub appearances this season that’s 89 minutes in total forget he was England Player of the Year only a few years back wasn’t he regular for England um but a lot has been made about his game time fascinating press

Conference with pep actually a few weeks back saying about how he feels sorry for him he rates him but obviously competition for play I’m so bored of pep pep guarda apologizing to Calvin Phillips like you signed him play him if you’re that sorry get him some minutes it’s like all you

He about four or five occasions pep G’s gone I feel bad about it I feel sorry for yeah you should because you brought him in haven’t played him 50 million pounds on him yeah I wonder if the the apologies to sort of bump up the price a

Little bit as well because he’s such a good he’s such a good player we just can’t seem to find do you like the fit Newcastle though so my feeling with the Newcastle thing is obviously they’ve had a lot of injuries I wonder if do they

Need a right winger a little bit more or another Center back a bit more than than a midfielder he he does make them better but it would mean maybe leis Miley has less minutes um in terms of areas of the pitch where they have enough bodies that’s an that’s an area where

They do have some bodies so from that point of view I don’t totally get it but in terms of a player with energy who is quality I love him as a player he does make them better but I just think they should probably be focusing in a

Different area if they’ve only got so much money to spend within going back to that one then hit or miss what what are you saying for that one I think I think if he goes there he’ll he’ll he’ll be fine he’ll do well enough um I think he’s you know proven Premier League

Player I just don’t think they need him more than other areas of the pitch that’s so you’re say Miss I think it’d be a hit I think it’d be a I think it’d be a hit I just don’t think I need him okay into the hit he

Goes have to say we’re seeing a lot of positivity around the January transfer R so far that we’ve talked about next up pin what a player it’s another one fantastic player yeah I mean always if you ever go on uh you know stats websites and you can find out on like

Tackles and things like that he’s miles out in front like the last two years with filam he such a loss for fulam if he does go it’s interesting because he nearly went didn’t he in the in the summer um great player and good enough

For for a b good fit for B in terms of the actual transfer for you yeah and also I think say you’ve got you’ve got kimich there Greta is good but I think that’s area where you could bring in a different kind of player and pinho could

Be that guy that Destroyer that goes and and and and wins the ball cuz he’s not as good in terms of sort picking up the ball and starting things but that’s Kim’s job so uh I like it is it is it too much money he’s a little bit older

Isn’t he well they’re asking according to reports upwards of60 million pounds cuz he signed a contract didn’t he yeah he signed a contract when the move from B to Bayern collapsed he signed a new contract but you know some reports saying it’s more maybe more likely in

The summer than January this one you’re spot on about stats most tackles won and jwes won in the Premier League last season concede for conceded 1.3 goals per game with him starting since his Premier League debut concede 2.9 per game when he’s missing really huge difference great St no no doubt he’s an

Incredible player and he can understand why why they want him they have just dropped a lot of money on Harry Kane and they’re not I mean they’re really well run um by Munich but but that’s massive investment in January it’ be we’ll be talking about Eric D no doubt in in a

Minute come that be a stop gap for it’s another hit for me then it’s a positive start this Saturday morning no one disagrees with that i’ got to say great placement from James as we very very particular about Jo and I on the show next one we come to Flav next reveal the

Magnet James because this is what I know Flav wants to talk about Conor Gallagher linked with Tottenham now he’s played 22 of 23 of Chelsea’s games this season stats wise been one of their highest performing players uh Captain as well on many occasion a lot of people are

Surprised if this were to happen because Chelsea and Tottenham don’t do a lot of business what are your thoughts on this do you think it will happen firstly uh no I don’t think it will I I think Chelsea will end up keeping him um and

If there is an option to sell him in the summer it’s the same problem solved Chelsea do have a situation where they have to generate money each summer because of how much they’ve invested going forward and homegrown players count as 100% on the p&l sheet so selling galagar makes sense financially

For Chelsea as a as a statement this is huge managed to take Chelsea’s captain that a massive shift in what Tottenham and Chelsea are as football clubs um I don’t actual Captain though obviously re James is their Captain sorry has he not been Captain this season no he has been

Captain this season but you know Rees James is the captain yeah yeah but in his absence who’s who’s been Captain I understand that but like I if we were to sign him this at this moment he is Chelsea Captain he’ be comeing to Tottenham he’s good enough to

Be their Captain he started every uh you know every other every game by one um as a broad idea it is an odd thing to have even if he’s not the sort of main man Captain whoever’s a captain of a football team is generally one of the

Top three four players so for Tottenham to just go and take it Paradigm it’s a paradigm shift between what Chelsea Football Club Club are and what Tottenham have become and if we can take their captain from them that that is a massive statement for Tottenham um the

Other issue is for no that’s it there’s nothing else the 40 million is a lot of money um and he’s I I think is a good player he’s he’s does he start for you Conor G does he start if everyone’s fit probably not wow itum we haven’t had one

Game where everyone’s been fit there that get fit which is obviously going to be the plan we’ve got we’ve got he it’ be him or B enor you’d imagine that be competing um basuma is our six if he’s ever fit uh and play comes back to form

And then you’ve got Madison in that three so it will be in terms of competition play for places important homegrown player is also there’s a massive equity and that and if you look at the ones that are available in Midfield or those that haven’t moved recently there’s nothing there other

Than Conor Gallagher to to to pick up and for 40 million it would solve a lot of problems going forward could this be another hit it won’t happen but I I can’t see anything other what you what do you think I think if they can do it it’s

Immense because it’s not an 11 players sport anymore you need players Off the Bench and he has so much energy and he can play different positions if you can do it for 4 million yeah I agree with that when people say where would he play it’s some not critiquing the question

It’s a valid one but like man no one ever says that with Man City by a player because they have two good players in every position so that that’s what you want to become if you want and that Midfield at Spurs is constantly moving yeah so yeah next one next one so many

Hits Tony to Arsenal next now we have to caveat this with the fact that brenford have said that you know we don’t want to lose him Thomas Frank’s been very very clear if he’s going to be moving it’s going to be for unbelievable fees quoted million so let’s say this injured

Injured and this is off the so let’s say this is 100 million because I think we got to be fair to brenford here and sort of not disrespect them so you take the price T into consideration I think you got I think you’ve got to because otherwise we’re not going to be talking

About our rumor 100 million pound means that he needs to return 20 to 25 League goals for 35 appearances 21 goals last season he did scored 21 goals for br AB only harand and Kane scored more Premier League goals last season he has he definitely has the ability to do and in

A team like Arsenal where he’s going get so many chances he needs to he has to deliver that um would you pay 100 million in January personally because of what he’s done previously on social media I wouldn’t want him at Tottenham uh I wouldn’t want him slating off my

Football club while he played for them like he has done with brenford but Arsenal I can see it working because those are the thoughts of Flav James what are your thoughts 100 million is a lot I mean how many better obviously we haven’t seen for a long

Time but over the last couple years he’s been phenomenal I always I feel we watched the game together yesterday we were chatting about him and I was saying like with deam rice when he was at West Ham there was a lot of people didn’t realize just how good he was and I feel

Like the’re same with Ivan Tony lot of West H fans say that actually about theas and they frustrated when everyone’s going oh wow look he’s gone up and he’s not he was he was amazing there but you just get a different kind of SP same with Kane at B actually a lot

Of Totten fans say we know we know this I know you’re how many how many great Strikers are there in in would you rather pay a 100 for Tony or a player we’re going to come you later 130 for aan I think I think you go I Tony i’ if

You want guaranteed Premier League goals I Tony okay so you suggesting this another hit for 100 Mil a lot of money it’s a lot of money but he could be the missing piece for Arsenal that is the thing is it it’s the striker the guy that you can guarantee goals to get you

Out of trouble to be that cheat code when you need a goal and he has he really does have everything you’d back him for the Golden Boot if you got your into Arsenal do you think Arsenal would win the league if they signed Ivan Tony in in January thisas that’s a big

Statement by the way you backing for the god of boot when harland’s in the league uh I think he do he close he’s that good I would back him for it next year okay all right is it another we haven’t thought this item through we you know what if we don’t get

Any misses then we don’t get any misses but I think we will later on um Ry dragus for Tottenham Center back link with Spurs heavily linked 21 years of age uh playing for Genoa Napoli also linked with him um this has been for every time I read the sort of updates

Changing constantly yeah do you think this will happen Flav uh I think it will happen um I think it’s it’s crucial to Tottenham that we bring someone in at Center back he’s the only one that’s actually been linked since to TB uh transfers sort of faded away um I got to

Be honest I don’t know a great deal about him before but I know that he played football with um Ben enor and and kki and you got ptii there as well he’s no doubt behind the scenes orchestrating this if Spurs and poy won him then uh then I want him but it’s a

Risk is it a risk at that Fe hug 21 only not a risk if he’s good if he if he turns out to be average then yeah that’s true then obviously it’s he looks good like YouTube videos looks good yeah they always do they don’t problem he look I

Looked into his stats he he seems very effective in the opposition box um from that so from that point of view obviously that that’s great to have um the fact that Juventus were happy to let him go is a bit of a red flag for happy to let B go though

But and then it’s genua who pick him up that is a bit of a alarm Romanian Player of the Year also you know that’s that’s the huge markup on 5 million in the summer to 20 25 million now Al I guess one positive weirdly is do you

Want someone who’s gonna come in and take vaner van you’ve got your Center back partnership haven’t you so really he’s a backup he’s a backup but like they they’ve played 10 games together yeah they’re both yeah the amount of injuries we we’ve got Ben Davis who’s

Just got another hand I get you need the numbers but let’s make decision this then I re just just to sort of get something over here I don’t think he’s going to change the world going to change do what you think’s right here I don’t think so the

Only I I don’t know why I’m want to help with that but but I’m going to say hit because it’s Spurs but there is a risk with him in that if if vanen and Romero do stay fit that he doesn’t get any minutes and uh so so but I he get

Forgotten that’s all but I I don’t think I think profile wise and and him being a backup I get it but there’s no one there guys we got plenty of time should we do the next I don’t see a problem yeah let’s let’s pick up the

Pace a little bit Brett and Diaz Jimbo you have seen a lot of him Championship yeah he’s uh I mean he’s he’s great if they go back down um he’s not played a minute in the Premier League I don’t think um he’s a he’s a

Big lad as well on that left hand side uh he’s gone to v um it’s not worked at all for them I I like it k for for him going to cheffield United I think it’s good fit there and what I think it could do is it could facilitate Archer scoring

More goals so you got a little bit more quality up there on the left hand side bit part player and a failing sort of vale team this season yeah it’s not really wor for him I did I was listening to um a video on him and saying that

Generally he doesn’t start very quickly at clubs so that’s not great I don’t think he will keep them up um but he’ll be great in the championship when they go back down and he’s big he’s a big lap yeah 47 goals and 177 outs for Blackburn

But no goals in 20 poces for vill Royale so it’s not really started against on loan though remember so yeah we talk about the championship effects might not actually see them if he goes back to Val roale that’s true that’s true I think I don’t think he’ll keep him up okay then

Is it a hit okay sadly I’m first Miss it is we’ll go to the next one Eric Dy to Bayern Munich this is another one that was bubbling this week one of a number of center backs they’re looking I did read interesting report from Thomas Tule

Saying he we believe that he wants to get a center back that can also play in the DM role which is why the interest is there obviously Harry Kane’s spoken highly of him but not getting game time for Tottenham only one start for Spurs this season compared to 31 last season

Used a lot under the cono system not so much under POA kogo yeah what are your thoughts on this one for but yeah it’s persistent thing is if we were playing a low block then he it would probably be fine as a squad player for Spurs interesting that Bayern Munich would

Want to bring him over is he coming over as we talked about before we started but is is he the Jonathan wils har Kane everyone needs a m maybe har just needs a mate D’s going to over there Google it you young a lot if he’s if they he can

Play as as a as a DM um he hasn’t played there for about four years so it’ll be interesting but in it’s not like the one thing I’ll say is is you know he’s going to potentially go to Bayern Munich and you know would be de you you look atano

Kim you look at Mat The leag Who that his injury problems this season probably fourth choice there but Tottenham also like you said have had injury problems consistently is that just another player out in terms of depth and he’s only going there to be depth yeah I mean for

Us it SS we we what what is it solving for you but in that is it’s not fit for purpose for Tottenham um there’s no point in playing him he’s in the one game he started against wolves and I I love to criticize him because I’m a big

Fan of you were good for 85 minutes this is first fans have turned so many Spurs fans have turned on Eric Dyer if he’s as bad as most Spurs fans say he is no I’m not saying that that’s what most bird this will be a disaster no it will be a

Miss right but he’s not it’s certainly because Bayern Munich or open Play open football they play just as high line as you yeah right right so he would in that system get exposed he’s too slow to play it and I’m allowed as a Spurs fan to say

I’m grateful for his service but he’s not quite fitting into this system I think Eric D for the kind of career he’s had he gets hammered he gets hammered by Spurs fans all right let’s get him up on the board then I don’t think you can’t

Say he doesn’t get hammered by Spurs I think it’s okay to critique performances hammered is the wrong word um right next up next up who have we got Victor OS Chelsea yeah now obviously just signed a new contract important to put out but does have a release clause in it 130 mil

Again this is a player that would cost a lot of money and a club that have spent a lot of money already yeah and and having to sell players reportedly yes well that that was it you know when we talking about c g that that’s the thing

That as much as you’re taking the captain Changing of the Guard Chelsea need to they have to sell their homegrown players because you get all the profit from that it would seem so to spend 130 million on a guy who is a an amazing Striker I think again on paper

You would expect it to work but what about the Chelsea curse Joe what about the Chelsea yeah they time and again it doesn’t seem to work that said I think that is the kind of strike you want to go and get 130 million is a lot though

Just this is the last one we’re doing so yeah the uh the money doesn’t add up for me because of the way the situation they’ve got themselves in in terms of money committed over the next eight years or so but if they can get him he’s

He’s well class best one of the best number nines are about they need they need Nicholas Jackson ain’t the one so yeah so You’ have as a hit okay if it happens 100% yeah so there we go there is confirmation of jimb Jimbo Jimbo wants to be Miss spend that much money

It could be catastrophic for the club apologies you want miss you want I miss I think I I’ll go Miss just because of it goes okay because you can’t be spending that kind of money right now very easily swayed there by the way I’m Happ because of the player you can’t be

They can’t keep spending that that’s and as we say it’s your your agreement your list uh there is confirmation we’ll have a look at the board of the January transfer SL rumors signings who you think’s hit who you think’s Miss let us know home what you think of them


  1. Juve let go Romero to genoa and was picked up by atlanta to become the best serie A defender. So juve letting go dragusin isnt a bad thing at all.

  2. Ivan Toney's 28 in March; plus you make his goal stats look a lot less impressive if you remove penalties.

    I wouldn't want Spurs paying £100m for him. Not saying he won't help Arsenal a bit; but for £100m, I wouldn't mind Arsenal being that desperate.

  3. Horrendous take on the ETH and Sancho situation. Both Pep and Pochettino have criticised their players and nobody had a problem with that. ETH did nothing wrong.

  4. The comparison between Toney and Osimhen was ridicolous. Choosing Toney due to "Gauranteed Premier league goals" doesn't make any sense. If Osimhen can score goals in Seria A, then he can definately do it in the premier league as well. It is about looking at the qualities of the player and making it fit in to your style of play.

  5. ten hag is a lot of things, but let's not pretend that sancho's been a saint in their falling out. arriving late, sleeping in, partying or playing fifa til the end of the night, not to mention undermining the manager with that post on social media for 5 days?! or even not apologizing to eth which would've meant coming back into the main training squad. this is a good move for sancho so he can get his head on straight, hope he stays determined bcoz he was a great talent and we've had one too many of them wasted.

  6. Werner is a proper Tottenham player. He will look like he is good, get in the right position in front of goal and them chunk it high and wide.

  7. Osihmen is one of the best number 9’s about and for €130 mil it’s not bad considering we’ve seen other dead players go for more

  8. If Jadon Sancho weren't british, this narrative that "it's Ten Hag's fault" would be totally different.

  9. Newcastle need a number 6 urgently which is why there going for Phillips. Bruno doesn't play there as he prefers to push up and they don't have a natural holding midfield. Get your ball knowledge right

  10. Palinha to Bayern?
    What about Kevin Laimer? 🤔

    How does Toney get such praise after just one good season?

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