Golf Players

Is Tiger Woods On Foreplay The Biggest Guest In Barstool History? | Wednesday, January 10th, 2024

is Tiger Woods appearance on Foreplay the biggest guest in Barstool History? Where does it stack up agains the Tom Brady/Dave Portnoy interactions.

00:00 Intro
2:00 Tiger Woods On Foreplay
9:40 Big East Rankings
15:00 Lamont Paris
22:20 Chiefs Odds
28:15 Halftime
30:00 NYC Rats
34:00 Nebraska vs Iowa State
36:30 Michael Jordan’s Dad Case Retrial
42:00 Retiring Jerseys
47:40 Gary From Queens
52:30 Michigan vs Everyone + The Town
1:01:00 2 Min Drill


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Eat a burger eat a burger put it to rest Daddy’s at the W till 8 hours and D’s watching XXX down in the [ __ ] basement get that out of my face you punch the burger I’m going to throw it did you go to therapy yes yeah we changed it we’re back

Up come on you got a lot you got a lot of Bobby Knight in you you got a lot of Bobby Knight we seon two places all right uh when Wednesday January 10th Trent day congratulations Trent 10 years uh also Fourplay Tiger Woods so uh un unbelievable when that dropped

But not but not that unbelievable in the sense of that they own the golf Market uh but when you talk the last 30 years who has had the most impact on one sport there is no denying that people signed up to play golf because of Tiger Woods

Like those guys like golf golf became mainstream all these guys should have to pay a big to Tiger Woods based on how much they’re earning the purses are going up you think the FedEx Cup would be $10 million if it didn’t hit a boom like this no granted there’s inflation

But like everybody owes something to Tiger Woods thanks Joey B Jesus sorry sorry sorry I’m you canceled every comment du’s mic is so [ __ ] loud he’s a producer running the show um yeah so unbelievable that he got him great to see him kind of mix it up like that’s

You know there’s there’s this thing golf is set in their ways of these old takes and it’s got to be this and you can’t have a speaker on the course and you can’t do this and you can’t like it shouldn’t be fun and this well why not

It’s the only sport you could play yeah you can go play basketball here and there you go play softball this is the only thing that connects people out there um it’s really the only thing you can do so yes you should have fun you should respect and it’s and it’s you

Know I guess they think because the people who disrespect golf are the worst in no way is foreplay doing that they are just loosening the tight ass things that they’ve had on golf forever so unbelievable video him hitting it off his knees was a [ __ ] joke an absolute

Joke do you realize the physics of that like if he threw a football 50 yards from his knees I get that because you have arm and you have torque and you have no legs you have no no no just more the physics well that too that that but

The physics of the club I was surprised he even like think about it if the club is I don’t know four feet long like on a normal thing you’re just coming and and you’re compensating for the other with three it just doesn’t make sense like I

I’m not physics I’m not good at science but you get what I’m saying there’s no way you’re losing that power I feel like he would thud the ground but of course he knows how to do it so I was talking to Brandon Jones uh one of their

Foreplay producers by the way who is the nicest guy in the world the man the man Jonesy is the best all those guys and I was asking about the video and I was like he showed me the clip of him Hitting off his knees and I was like oh

My God like he must be yoked up right now and he’s like dude obviously you can see in the video but he is on another level like in the weight room because he couldn’t do legs for so long so he just has that jail body where he’s like an upside down

Triangle never heard well no the thing is yeah the thing people like oh he’s not an ath bro do you realize like what goes into that and your body he’s in phenomenal shape he’s also a psychopath because he tried to get into the Navy Seals yeah yeah in the middle of his

Career tried to get into the Navy Seals Prime of his career unheard of um BOS I told you this too I think on pick Central but I just get this out for these listeners it is crazy that growing up for me the two people that I know got

Canceled first was Tiger Woods for cheating on his wife and getting with a million woman and Michael Phelps for smoking weed yeah and both are legal now yeah well well shouldn’t say one but legal it’s always one’s legal one’s legal yeah they’ve been legal it’s just immoral it’s just hilarious to be like

They got canceled then like everything that came out it’s like ah yeah you take it back Fair uh Tiger Wood’s not on enough those [ __ ] flight lcks no he’s not he’s he would never he knew his he’s a he’s a good [ __ ] guy yeah yeah they canceled the

Gatorade my brother saved the bottle for a long period of time they cancelled Gatorade like his Gatorade deal they the tiger Gatorades and he like like [ __ ] that like he talked about it on pck Central that’s why it’s crazy that Nike got out because Nike stuck by or he got

Out of Nike because Nike stuck by him right Nike did stick by him well they knew I mean that’s a catch cow like that [ __ ] ain’t you know he yeah he basically set up Nike’s whole brand like the two of them are paired together yeah he got

Jud I guess you can yeah what are other videos like barol videos or barol interactions that are on that level of athlete to respective sport that’s covering grety the fact that they got Gretzky the different things with Dave being tight with Brady Brady interacting with these certain things it’s a little

It’s a short list though we now we kind of know who’s behind Brady’s thing but Brady knows who Dave is and they interact and they’re at the parties and Robert Craft and all that like so the big four you could say LeBron but LeBron will never interact uh like I think down

The road maybe there’s a podcast here that could get LeBron yeah um it’s not even close I think there’s one who two now who could get him I think there’s two podcasts who could get him I Jason said pick Central I would love to but no I think two really really good

Ones if you do the math you could probably figure out who they are but uh I think they could get them uh but yeah it’s Jordan it’s Gretzky it’s tiger and it’s Brady in terms of individual athletes now could Mahomes be better than Brady agreed but

Like the larg light and we got three of them yeah like legit think there’ll ever be any type of like Jordan crossover you think he’s cognant of he’s got to be right to some degree may maybe he recognizes the degree but like how much is a guy like that scrolling social

Media by himself you know what I mean also it’s so we’re so he’s so done before we started when he was basically ending yeah his career so there was never like that interaction I think maybe he’s probably seen some blogs that was written about him I think the beer

Pong one stuff like that you think yeah but here and there maybe I like he’s one of those he’s the big I never would have thought Brady would have saw it I never would have thought tiger would have cared to do this you know what I mean so

Like things change over the 20 years people ask me like who would be your goat I I have like individual ones like obviously you know meeting the two people from say by the Bell just because I’m obsessed with that uh patas and met like growing up with that Grant Hill is

My favorite player growing up but I think like if you say white like true true white well I think you have to go I think for me it would have to be Jordan just for the sense and I didn’t even love Jordan it’s just for the sense of

Like what do you want to do I would just love to Shadow him and like learn just watch him devour a basketball game or how he approaches that you know what I mean like just the knowledge of basketball with that you know i’ also if

He was down for it there’s a lot of questions you could ask him maybe off camera in terms of the the gambling yeah gambling stories of Jordan would be crazy like I don’t even think you need to touch actual basketball I mean he’s never gonna pop listen there’s two guys

There’s two guys who know what happened to his I’m sorry three guys who know what happened to his father his father David Stern and Michael Jordan yeah and one of them’s two of them are dead and the other guy ain’t gonna say it so facts that’s just

How it goes but that’s the most compelling story to me like there’s no the investigation went away do you know this shety when did the investigation go away we did it on uh one of the first weeks of the show uh four days two days two days yeah two days like it’s insane

It’s that’s that’s the one to me that like they took out a cigar and a bottle of whiskey and we’re like all right how do we make this go away like it’s the scene on when he shows up and he’s like and they get high and they’re like let’s

Figure it out like you know with meden so that’s that’s it I think he he wanted to go play baseball but anyway yeah Jordan I think would be just that presence or just even shadowing him for the day you know what I mean so my I talked about it

My brother went to to the players and tiger even post Prime just the people watching and the people locked in to Tiger like every move dude moving a te moving a ball like insane the presence he has in golf is uncanny uncanny so it’s crazy but uh yeah nuts great great

For them I I they also kept it on the wrap so I don’t think a lot of people here like knew about it yeah they filmed it in November I think I I didn’t find out I only saw cuz I saw Brandon editing it yeah you want it to be perfect so I

You know I don’t blame him with that but that’s I also healthy debate like would you want to take a shot in front of him obviously you would but you you also you look like an idiot like there’s no way I would have been able to get off the te

You know so um is what it is but uh awesome awesome video go check that out on foreplay unbelievable get with tiger Let’s uh let’s go second quarter now and let’s get into the calls perfect bring them up duges Andrew Philadelphia what’s going on man I on

Yeah hey Rico what’s going on um just wanted to ask you a little Big East question um kind of rank them and there’s a lot of teams going around obviously best no question um best conference in basketball right now um just give me a little ranking a little

Bit what you think I know I mean just the way about you kind of said that I still think the big I still think the Big 12 is pretty legit very legit I should say but yeah the Big East top to bottom has very few weaknesses at the

Bottom but that’s because they have less teams but go ahead what am I ranking the teams you’re saying yeah I just want to hear you’re ranking honestly a little bit about Sean Hall um yeah they’ve been playing great uh yeah they’ve been playing best ball I think I’m going Yukon one kraton

Two Marquette three Johnny’s four seen hall five Providence six zavier really you got Providence over Butler after Hopkins goes down uh well I still want to give Providence credit for what they’ve done we’ll see tonight with St John’s but yes Providence in a can I stick up for you

Really quick yeah I think guy actually I’m a big Providence Bryce Hopkins guy he hasn’t been playing his best ball this year in general yeah but he’s out now of of course he’s a presence off the floor but they still got pieces Devin Carter Josh adoro yeah to be honest with

You Butler’s not Butler hasn’t really hit the radar yet I do I don’t think I’ve watched a full game of theirs B got a tune in they’re they’re getting it he’s put it together they be they will beat anybody in the country On Any Given night all right yeah they’re St ma yeah

So it’s respect they beat anybody on any any given night they they they could go 0 for 12 in the Big East and they could beat put Butler on the radar you know how it is a lot of teams a lot of mid Majors I like watching you know so so

Butler has not fully been on the radar I’ll be honest with that uh and then what’s the bottom Georgetown Providence Georgetown depole and who am I missing did you say Xavier Xavier in there as well stinks yeah I like Sean Miller a lot though good defense I like him a lot

I thought he got a bad draw last year in that tournament who’ they get in the second round Texas oh I mean that’s [ __ ] horrible right it was no sweet 16 right yeah they had pit or wa maybe pit second round no they I’m going they’re a three

They beat a 14 they lost to Texas in the sweet 16 they lost to Texas in the sweet 16 they beat the 11 in the yeah pit pulled the upset I had them in the bracket buskers and then uh yeah they yeah so Xavier Xavier’s also got some

Rough draws they lost didn’t they lose on like a buzzer beater as a two a couple like they’ve you know I know it’s much oh yeah I mean yeah they’ve this is the tournament they’re victim of the tournament so yeah that’s where I’m at with the Big East gotcha and uh another

Question I had about you know Ed Co I know he’s your guy from uh bench mob I know you guys took had him on there but what’s your stance with the PC and the Georgetown thing I don’t know if you ever spoke about it on this spot

Uh I say it all the time I mean like yeah it sucks he left in conference but for an African-American coach who grew up idolizing John Thompson Georgetown was the spot you can’t deny that so if he thinks he maxed out at Providence I know you guys have your theories of like

Other [ __ ] that was going on and this and that and you’re trying to whatever it’s not really my place to speak on that uh I did that once in my career didn’t end well so I’m going to stay the [ __ ] away from that um but yeah I like

Cool he’s a gentleman I think Georgetown is a big time name for an African-American coach it sucks it’s in the conference you look at that area like I think New England’s got a good area for basketball I think DMV has a great area for basketball so the

Prestige he took a shot you know I I don’t think you could blame a guy for taking a shot so you forgot a team by the way sorry who Nova just want to shitet forget NOA say that top of the conference bottom of the conference lower middle lower lower middle I think

They I think they finished closer than one that’s that’s crazy that I forgot Nova they stink right now anyway I know but it’s Nova man it’s no finished closer to First than last really yeah yeah I mean I still like the pieces there I think they just got a gel I like

Kyle Neptune saw him over the summer had hung out with him years ago but uh yeah I listen I get it you guys are going to be angry and it’s GNA be you know but you gotta once a guy maxes out like how could Brian Kelly leave Notre Dame he

Left Notre Dame for LSU which which has more Prestige Notre Dame Notre it’s reversed Notre Dame I think has more Notre Dame has more prestige in terms of University but he maxed out there yeah like he got you know it’s some and again he got them to playoff got to a championship game

Like sometimes you just you hit a level there you got to change it up so once Justin Mo comes back like I look at a guy like Scott drew I think Scott drew might be leaving soon he got him all he can get I think Mark Fu should leave

Like there’s nothing wrong with the change up there are times where guys make a change up uh and it’s completely you know they’re dead wrong but um we’ll see I don’t know I I get the hostility but I I liked [ __ ] obviously and and I think you can justify why he left so

That’s where I’m at with that gotcha thanks Rico no problem give me the next one Tom Charlotte hey Rico can you hear me yes I just wanted to uh ask you a question South Carolina fan here uh saw your blog earlier I’m just confused what why is Lamont Paris getting all this

Hate towards his comment yeah I think all right so when it first came out I think there’s Pro if this was a newspaper I’d probably have to give a little bit of a attraction um I think the way oats phrased it was that they were doing a lot of talking so

He didn’t narrow down necessarily to a a specific person the different things I saw was that Paris was the one who was saying the SEC is not ready for us as it turns out it was a player correct yeah it was St the player okay got Vander got it so that’s changes

Things to a little bit but again I was kind of just reporting on what was heard a little bit early maybe should have waited um but you know we’re in the internet we’re in a we’re in a fast type game so I do think the players were talking [ __ ]

I think maybe Paris was saying something or yeah Lamont was saying something um I think either way then the play you can’t deny that the players were pretty dumb for shooting their mouth off though we agree like I’ll give you that I was a little wrong I was a little wrong in who

Said who said what but the players come in and they’re shooting their mouths off after one good first half like Bama take the bias aside and you know my elephant trunk off the table for a second game what they were 13 and one going in that game they were they were feeling a

Little bit high but then give me your best give me your best give me give me your best wins though agreed 13 and one but give me your best wins I think we we beat Little Sisters of the Poor couple week ago yeah exactly so again South

Carolina wasn’t even on my radar when I and that spread was kind of a a screamer but yeah listen I think people were qu quick on B like you know you seeing Aaron Torres friend of the program he’s weighing in on you got six guys who shoot major amounts of Threes at close

To 40% and just happen to shoot bed in the biggest games of the year that turns out to be the fluke I looked I equated it to this you probably saw it in the blog if you have a 90 average in school jet ski okay but you bomb the test that

Actually shows me it’s more impressive you have a n you still maintain a 90 average because you really kind of have a 99 average you’re still carrying the weight of a 55 on a test you bomb you get what I’m saying like over the course

Of eight tests you have a 90 average but over the course of seven tests you really have a [ __ ] 99 because we throw that away you know so like for them to maintain 40% from three after bombing in three two of the biggest games they shot pretty well

Against Purdue two of the biggest games and some other game I didn’t even factor in Ohio State and clemon those are big losses too they shot like [ __ ] in those games too so the fact that they bombed out and they’re still maintaining 40% is very very very impressive and it’s not

Just one guy it’s not like oh you know uh Griffin’s going or Sears is going six guys who shoot major master of Threes holding close to about 40% and I think you’ll say this too the the whole sorry the last thing the whole oh they shoot too many threes a lot of

These threes are via wideopen kicks from dribbling into the lane like we talked to oats about it this is when I flipped on it I was like all right it’s effective shots like it’s yes I think they do shoot a large volume of Threes

But a lot of them are open man a lot of them are off kicks a lot of them are off set plays coming off [ __ ] like they don’t shoot a lot of they shoot a lot of Threes they shoot a lot of good threes yeah I mean on and off the court

They’re shooting um they they’ve always had good Shooters um Jesus but yeah I mean Alabama is legit yes I I think again this is goes to the port like Marty was talking like Houston is if Houston takes five or six losses we should worry about that you take five or

Six losses in the Big 12 that’s [ __ ] par for the course like duude pull up what’s what’s been the record for Big 12 winners the last couple of years in terms of standings does the winner have three to four losses almost every year don’t go crazy but like you click the

Kenpom and like you can you can go back and but I think losing four or five games and we just saw Texas had eight losses nine losses they were a two seed like you’re G to take these lumps I’m just looking I’m going to do Ken pal I

Don’t know if the the Big 12 team won but I’m going to do the highest is is it concerning is it concerning that Alabama lost F five of their biggest games Arizona Purdue kraton Ohio State and Clemson 100% but they’re about to go potentially get four or five more key

Wins that are better than a lot of conferences uh you know you rattle off Kentucky Auburn’s pretty legit Arkansas is struggling but it’s a very hard place to play uh Mississippi state looks really good uh who else am I missing dues Missouri is a hard place to go play

Who else is Florida’s tough who else is at the top of that conference oh SEC yeah Tennessee Tennessee is very difficult like top five I said Mississippi State yeah I mean we’re going to you’re going to collect a lot of wins here so yes Bama is very very legit Arkansas’s no no

Sleeper I said struggling but no sleeper Big 12 yep go ahead we lost him no yes yes yes all right yeah so uh sorry I was looking up your big 12 question uh to have that answer yeah like after the 20 season because it was obviously shortened yeah

Every every like basic top Ken palom team that I’m looking at had five five plus losses in the Big 12 I’m saying just Big 12 Conference losses I gotta look into that who the guy who wins The League every year team who wins The League every year how many losses they

Have in the big going 16- one in the Big 12 is [ __ ] freaking nature [ __ ] it just doesn’t happen you’re going to take three to four regardless yeah just how conference play is we also got to change our mindset a little bit after we had the conversation with Marty

Today it’s going to change out the conference is bigger so the new Norm of losses that happen agreed he like him saying 30 and three guarantees you a one but 28 and seven doesn’t playing in a better conference was a crazy statement to me I get where

He’s coming from but I also think 30 and three playing a garbage conference doesn’t prepare you enough as 30 four makes you a three you know what I’m saying like 30 and three uh in the AAC Houston we were talking about for people that didn’t watch the pick Central Marty

Was arguing 30 and three Houston gets a one seed but now if they go 30 and like eight or nine they might well they wouldn’t be 30 but 27 and you what um but whatever agreed I just I just think here here’s how I look at it and this the same thing with

Bama sweet 16 games is or tournament games is what you need to prepare for like playing like we we all get it everybody has the buy games playing Bowling Green and playing uh who’s a bad [ __ ] team Southern Miss Q4 teams it’s it’s we all do it it is what it is but

The games that matter and this is why I want these conference games to be played now and later in the season to judge teams this is what you want to do you want to prepare your team for the NCA tournament the more games you can play

Of Do or Die mentality I think the better you are off so Houston’s doing that that’s where I’m at give me uh give me one yeah go ahead give me one more so you load him up uh pton Cedar Rapids hey Rico what’s going on today

What’s up so I was uh at the Hilton Coliseum last night I got to see the big upset for Iowa State over Houston uh so I’m still pretty buzzing from that my question is a little bit of NFL quick and I do have a college bet I want to

Discuss with you tonight uh but in terms of the NFL look I know there’s no such thing as a for sure bet I’m no dummy I’ve been around the block I’ve I’ve done this gambling thing for a while but hear me out here the Kansas City Chiefs

Do you really think that the 2023 2024 Taylor Swift Kansas City Chiefs end in the one and done and the Wild Card I’m not seeing that I’ll say this man they as much as all right put it this way uh I got a buddy of mine needed a ride

In college on a Thursday night and aim messaged me and said uh can you drive us dead sober I’m like no problem I screwed up like the headlights or something like that we get pulled over by a cop and a buddy makes a joke at my expense he goes you know the

Only guy the kid in the back seat I didn’t know that well he goes is he GNA like pass this test he’s like yeah he well he goes I know for a fact he didn’t drink like whatever he goes but if anybody’s dumb enough to to fail this

Thing based off opinion or whatever it might be him so the Chiefs have the test the answers to the test and still might be so bad that they [ __ ] it up they lost a rigged game they might lose a rigged game that’s how [ __ ] up the Chiefs are

But I agree with you um and again I I listen it sucks they’re playing the Dolphins because I want to see Frank succeed um and I don’t think I’m prepared for Monday morning with that or maybe Tuesday morning when he gets back but uh I’m still kind of rooting for the

Dynasty of the Chiefs even as bad as they are like I don’t think you know I talk about teams with juice that’s why I was excited to have the Cowboys in the defending champs that’s I said it with Georgia like as much as I hated Georgia story you know I don’t really love

Georgia but three-time champ like that’s keep the guys with the Rings going and then get upset in a championship game you know I like to watch them get dethroned in a championship game Super Bowl’s have more buzz like let’s just let’s have a a Super Bowl with a buzz

You know because there’s been some Duds or ones you don’t really care about or just no juice you know um so yeah I think that’s same thing like not a huge Yukon guy like love to staff love Hurley but like not a DieHard Yukon guy like

You know fan growing up like some people I think Yukon should get back to the final four this year I think that’s buzz like have have the dynasties the NFL has been predicated on dynasties the 70s Steelers the 80s 49ers the 90s Cowboys to a degree and then um blankin who was

The Dynasty in the in the two thousands technically two decades oh it was the Patriots okay dug’s a slacking he’s got the thing on but yeah it’s a patriot so like you look at your 50 40 4050 years in the NFL that’s what we do like we like the dynasties NBA Warriors Bulls

Like go back to that [ __ ] it’s just how it goes um I I kind of like this Chiefs storyline I I want to see the Chiefs keep going but they to your point yes they’re super super [ __ ] up but I think they they do they will

Get some calls we’ll see how it goes we’ll see how [ __ ] up they are give me your college basketball bet before I forget that yes um last night went with boy State plus two at home I said was a w a good Pi that was a really good

Pick and tonight I’m looking I don’t you know I don’t think they necessarily should be favored in this game but Mississippi State tonight has some serious Firepower that they brought in this year from a already good team last year Chris Jan is an Iowa guy Loris

College grad D3 school around year so I love him I love what he’s doing don’t get me wrong Rick Barnes is one of my favorite coaches in all of college basketball tonight tonight I think this is a serious test Mississippi State I like them plus two and a half that game’s where in

Tennessee it is in Starkville oh interesting yeah that’s the game of the night it’s kind of like what game last night yeah Iowa State Iowa State yeah what what what kind of team is Tennessee defensive fight what Mississippi State Rock fight in in 10 seconds can you also

Sum this up real quick you mentioned you were at Iowa State what is the allore of uh Iowa States other than the magic like is it an iconic Arena why is it like Iowa State’s on my list I want to go there obviously but like yeah what

About it other than the fact that they just pull they keep pulling this magic um I liken it to an NFL stadium that I really enjoy Lucas Oil very familyfriendly okay good um just good good to access easy to access you’re not crammed over people and it just has a

Good environment obious you said Iowa you said yesterday Iowa nice you just get a good feel when you walk in there and of course you got the magic it’s loud as hell in there the fans are die hards it’s just a fun good environment if you’re a diard college basketball fan

If you want to take the family out good for everybody yeah I Iowa State weirdly has been in my life for 20 years like they’ve never been fantastic but the two teams I remember rooting for them to win a championship just randomly was Marcus

Fizer in 98 or 2000 I want to say I think 2000 yeah cuz it was ISO Championship I think it was 2000 just watching as a little kid and I liked uh Marcus fizer and I liked that Iowa State team and then like 13 years later I do

Think they would have got to the final four with George Nang um hyberg was unbelievable that’s why I like him at Nebraska like Iowa state has has been one of those teams that I just kind of like like from a distance so I respect respect it you guys been pretty good

Obviously had the you know you Stacy there was [ __ ] nuts um hyberg so no yeah yeah hyberg so really good stuff going on now oelberg is pretty good over there too so uh yeah interesting it’s on my list I would love to go so let’s go

Great call by the way let’s go halftime and then uh and bring it out perfect let me just hang no sweat no sweat I think we got a video you want to open up the third second half of that video or you got that for halftime I have a different

Video for halftime got it I’m not a comedian but you’re doing part of the show you are you doing the January 31st show no you’re thinking of moo oh moo right Mo’s a comedian I’m no no oh so you’re not so and what are you producer

I’m a social guy okay Stu has lost his keys with his car just idling outside the restaurant in the course of like 5 minutes the keys are gone seems like we may have a dilemma still yeah but what we have a dilemma yeah we’re trying to find the [ __ ]

Keys they they fit through there though they they have to be in the [ __ ] car they have to be in the car because the car starts I don’t see them yeah I know I believe you did they fall or something Maddy we need help you finding the keys I

Guarantee it’s one of your pockets got to be what are you crazy my pockets are right here there’s nothing in my pockets listen if you want to grab my dick just tell me hey lost the keys they’re in the car they’re somewhere in the car so I

Just move the car and then it should start again so what’s but then we got to watch someone not going in and steal in the [ __ ] car and he just parked he just parked which bag that bag in his hands it’s in there it’s got to be in

There there you go there we go all right first problem I’m a half there’s something mentally wrong with me is it marijuana so listen I have done more with less than any person alive um the marijuana absolutely has something to do with it six BLS today five dabs it’s a tough

Day right after that he goes to JS he’s like where’s my key where’s my uh phone JS like yo still like with all du respect I’m not your [ __ ] holder like six bus a day I’ll do that to what a rocket um Lord I’m absolute lunatic do

You let’s pull this up if people have this call I also I think it just hit uh the blog of scheduled for 4:30 I’ve been doing the Tik toks all day it’s 25th anniversary of the premiere of save of uh not Sopranos I did my favorite not

The top 25 not the best not the roast rewatchable my favorite 25 episodes so you want to call in say what’s too low what’s too high let me know I also think it’s pretty cool the thing HBO’s doing the 25 seconds of the episode Yep this is the most disturbing

Thing I’ve ever seen all so we’re just going to get loaded up picture pcture real quick sound will hit okay the your sound on this do in New York City but it’s unbelievably gross so you don’t know where they’re coming from from there and now this reveal oh boy oh my God y

Y oh had you not seen that I I just saw your blog and I just threw it in there I didn’t even look at the video so the the healthy debate that I have in there obviously like the guy’s rough on his luck but like we live in New York you

Don’t you don’t ask qu like why is the guy going over and when you saw the first three rats that’s a dead end it’s not like there’s a street or there’s a [ __ ] staircase my only thought is maybe he imagine there a dead guy stay the [ __ ]

Yeah I guess he’s a good like stay the [ __ ] away dude that what was the the guy ching with the rats underneath the blanket and of course I wrote in the blog I take there’s two buses I can take one takes me to like eight blocks away

Where I can walk down and a avue and over blocks or I take the 34 uh one of them get you uh right down on like wall and it drops you at you take a 10-minute ride and you go right to 28th yeah so every day I’m like hoping that the one

Where me to walk and even when it’s [ __ ] pit dick cold out i’ rather not at the end I only have to walk I walk from like off the corner to here but it’s taking that Subway you’re just like na waiting to hope nothing [ __ ] gross happens somebody walks on naked somebody

[ __ ] has a chicken somebody takes a [ __ ] on the thing this was [ __ ] nuts man of all the sub and I’m not like some [ __ ] kid from the suburbs or like you know I haven’t seen [ __ ] we don’t take like but everybody’s got a line [ __ ]

400 rats coming out why would the guy approach it and then he stays there and documents it why is he not running the [ __ ] away crazy that’s that’s how the bubanic play gets started you’re just why would they under what were they doing under how’ they stay under there like what they I

Mean it’s unfortunate he probably was dead he could have been dead yeah they don’t really see the guy after but dead or just passed out off the drugs but I don’t know man that’s that’s what are they what are the rats doing under there did he have like a big block of [ __ ]

Food it could been eating him like I feel like a rat is not past eating a nibbling at a corpse I don’t know dude was he alive who moves the blanket the guy who’s filming I think yeah I don’t know whatever I don’t even let’s see pull

That who moves the blanket so we don’t see his off hand right no no the guy underneath the underneath moving so he’s the Rat King yeah exactly so there we go so we know he’s not dead but that’s good but crazy I don’t know why you would approach that but uh nuts

All right third quarter let’s fire him up all right let’s see who we got let’s go uh Ben from Omaha Ben what do you got hey R hey Rico hey healthy debate so I saw Darren Rell that scumbag he tweeted out a a tweet today about Mr

Relevant Bowl which is just the two worst teams in college football um playing in a bowl game at the end of the year my question is what is your score prediction for Nebraska versus Iowa State for the debut in this bowl game and do you think it’ll get

Boring seeing both of these teams playing the same bowl game every year I don’t think Nebraska was Mr Irrelevant they weren’t the worst well no they suck they they are the worst team and they’re going to be the worst team for years to come Nebraska yeah they suck screw scre the all right

But not the worst team in the country though I gave no I think they are I think they are I don’t know man I think well they’re up there I mean Iowa State might be a little bit worse but I mean it’s gonna be those two there’s non

There’s non power five teams worse than them I think that’s pretty safe to say no I don’t think there’s a team in this I think the Kenyan team that you got you’re right you you your hatred for Iowa State Trump’s all man you you win I no

Breaking you on that one um but no I don’t think they should play that irrelevant Bowl guys will get hurt so whatever but you got to respect them Double Down serious question though do you think teams would even accept that bowl game absolutely not it’s a risk for

Guys getting hurt what’s the the you’re you’re basically being mocked about it and it’s also typical Revel like oh there’s money to be made and they can make money for like shut the [ __ ] up dude Just sh do you know anything shut the [ __ ] up we just expanded the playoff

For teams that want to matter for playoff games you think we’re adding bowl games for teams that didn’t qu like shut the [ __ ] up the worst guys the worst also I will women’s basketball uh I don’t know what the spread is but Hammer Iowa versus Purdue women’s basketball Ken Clark is

The Beast yeah I think the women’s final four could be like we had the Blue Blood final 4 the first one I ever went to a couple years ago with uh you know Villanova and who’s a new blood Kentucky I’m sorry Kansas Duke and North Carolina

We could get that in women’s I hope this year the four story lines I think it’s LSU Iowa uh [ __ ] who was one like South Carolina probably South Carolina Yukon Yukon and Yukon yeah I think there’s somebody else who’s probably better but uh just give me those four give me all

The the story lines and all the stars sounds good thank you Rico big problem thank you very much uh all right Jessie give me two more on the third all right let’s go to Ray and Breezy Point oh hey Rico how you doing bud good what’s

Up uh two things one healthy debate that guy had a second blanket and the Rats were between blanket a and blanket B for warmth for the [ __ ] sleeping under it okay excuse my language but that’s just my hypothesis what I was actually calling to say was in regards to your talking about Michael

Jordan I just went on a rabbit hole and one of the dudes is up for one of the dudes that was uh convicted of killing Michael Jordan’s father is actually being um retried because they’re saying that the other guy who actually murdered him lied to get out from under the death

Penalty and the whole thing was delayed by covid but the guy’s hearing was in December of 2023 and I can’t find anything as to whether or not it happened or what happened during that hearing online but his uh the the one of the two guys like the you know whatever

North Carolina innocence Network I don’t know I didn’t do anything yeah I wonder if those guys actually did I I don’t know it’s two kids just stumble upon them and do it’s a seems like they got paid it’s crazy like I think they got offered that old

Internet question of hey do 20 years in prison and at the end of it we’ll give you uh I don’t know 30 m 30 one guy the one dude who admitted the one dude who admitted he was involved claimed the other guy who said he was innocent and

That he was only called in to help move the body that guy was never allowed to testify and that’s like kind of the impetus as to why they’re allowing this appeal right is because the guy like the one dude who’s being allowed to appeal his uh or or his sentencing and his

Being found guilty was based solely on the uh testimony of his alleged accomplice yeah it’s I don’t I didn’t know any of this happened but apparently right before Co well there you go why is it why is this story not being covered why is this not a bigger thing you know

What I mean I feel like it was all that’s what I’m very calculated like I think these guys got we told we’re never going to find the guys who did it because they’re in you know they’re in the mafia or they bookmakers or they whatever who did it um so like I don’t

Know why they picked two kids maybe they had drug charges or something I don’t [ __ ] know oh those two kids were already under investigation for a series of armed robberies in the state of North there you go so it fits it fits the it fits the narrative so that they got him

And they say all right take the rap for this or they had him by the ball and maybe they were dumb kids and they convinced them I don’t know but uh I don’t think I don’t think those are the two guys no that that seems pretty universally agreed upon but yeah the one

Kid who claimed to be innocent like they say that he had learning disabilities that like the cops bued him into there you go yeah I mean we yeah whole we saw we saw that with the yeah the way cops can change things very Pro police but there there definitely is I

Mean I’m read I’m not allowed to be not PE police what’ she say I said I’m from Breezy I can’t not be Pro police yeah yeah well you got the dinks you got rules against the rules and Breezy yeah you got the dinks down there too don’t forget about that but uh

Be Pro cell phone because it sounds like you’re talking through a fact sign right now bro that’s that too that’s Breezy man that’s how it works uh but yeah you sort in the Duke case you know they and they went after they [ __ ] manipulated well to-do white kids what do they do

What is a what is a guy with a bad background try to due to an underprivileged K kid of color there’s some [ __ ] up [ __ ] out there no denying that so again if you see what they did to kids of of white privilege at Duke they’re definitely things they could do

Now again I think that’s 0.1% of police for the record just for a fact just but there’s also things like that with anything like not everybody who collects the money at a toll booth is a good person not everybody who works in media is a good person like across the board

That’s just how it is so don’t just think that’s one profession that’s where we’re at that’s all I’m going to say on that every profession has good people every profession has bad people I think somewhere along line we all got [ __ ] up that think because you’re this or

Because you look like this or because you do that people then associate that with good person bad person look at what’s within I know it’s very cliche but like no matter what good the correlation between why you’re a good person and a bad person between your religion race sexual orientation this

And that means nothing you’re either a good person or a bad person so figure that out out same with uh you know occupation so good good call man see you at the Sugar Bowl well say yeah I’ll see you at the Sugar Bowl brother it’s good bar real

Good bar um real good bar next one do you know what they call jety the stores down in Breezy the summer the summer stores and the winter stores because one’s open year round it’s very like they got the two bars in Breezy they call it the Bedford Shuffle you go from

S from I forget the other name I think it’s the bney they somebody’s going to have to edate me on that see what the chat says but it’s uh sugar bowl and you walk down Bedford a and you go to the to the other bar that’s like the beach town that I uh

I go to kisman on fire has the kisman in and the kisman out yeah yeah Breezy is they the cops in rock like they have the dinks like the volunteer police so they kind of can do whatever they want like and then they have to come in it’s it’s

Breezy’s an interesting spot volunteer police I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of that before it’s an interesting Breezy is an interesting spot are they strapped are they carrying no I don’t think so so Breezy is an interesting spot but a lot of fun but good time uh

All right give me this one we’ll go fourth quarter let’s go Al Chicago Al happy Wednesday debay team I got a quick one for you and uh want to get your guys’ input on it but um making a new way to retire professional jersey numbers with the lack of loyalty across

All sports I think it’s going to be pretty hard for teams to start putting numbers up in the rafters you know try to make it away and this is just quick thinking here but make it like a fan vote every 10 years you throw 10 guys in

The mix and say all right you know here it is pick one guy we’re going to throw him in the Rapters one guy that comes to mind to me being a Chicago guy is D Roose he comes to mind or Kirk hrich he was almost a career guy here still

Believe he holds Career threep Point three-pointers made here you know just throwing around the league like you have OKC with Harden Durant Westbrook I know they’re only there short exent they’re young but they kind of got that franchise off the ground you know yeah I don’t know if you retire their numbers

But I do think we’re in a difficult spot the more and more Sports Go goes like what the [ __ ] are the Yankee supposed to do what about un retiring as you retire a new one you have to unretire an old one I kind of like that wrinkle uh yeah

I mean there’s something or Prestige of your number hanging from the rafters but I think we’re in a we’re going to be in a tough spot down the road because like then what you know like what are teams supposed to wear like a team like the

Cowboys is going to retire a lot of numbers and then is it are they going to go oh well we can’t retire a number because uh we retired too many well how the [ __ ] that fair like a guy like Michael somebody could blow Michael Irving out of the water and you don’t

Retire his number you know what I mean like it’s it’s tough it’s tough I think maybe we we should have gotten front of it way back when and not retired numbers and retired any but now the you know the toothpaste is out of the tube and and

Just did a did a Ring of Honor you know like let the number hang but guys can wear it and again like you can Pro protect it like unless a guy really really wants to wear it um you you just kind of protect like nobody wears 88 at the Cowboys unless they get

Special treatment nobody wears 31 at the Mets but yeah I think we’re the Yankees like that’s and that’s their goal their goal is to retire one to 10 there’s only 10 [ __ ] there’s only 10 [ __ ] numbers each each thing we’re g we’re going to knock out only 10 sets we’re

Going to knock out a whole set of numbers I feel like also like if Yankees are always going to get guys from big money but I feel like you probably got to be a little pissed when you’re going not pissed but like like damn I’m going

To get a shitty number I’m going to be like [ __ ] I don’t know 91 uh I don’t know something that’s irrelevant agreed yeah I mean it’s I think after a while like if sports sports are going to go on for like what another 400 years who knows if

The aliens take over I don’t know but like what are we gonna do it’s never going to end agreed so like we’re going to run out of numbers I think we have to reinvent shapes maybe on the back yeah yeah I like that yeah I I just just just being from Chicago I

Know what we did to Derrick R is Shan great player wish he would come back but you know I I think he deserves his name up there and then I don’t know how puckhead you guys are but like the the dynasty the Hawks had like all those

Starters their numbers up there too but well that yeah a championship changes things like if the Knicks won I think Starks gets his number retired uh Oakley would have got his number retired potentially may I know you know he was problematic to a degree but like maybe

Mason then you look at like all these guys that would have got their numbers retired via one Championship you know um in the chat David Biven tell the debate should the Falcons retire Michael Vick’s number probably not but but but uh I think they should I think they should because they’ve

They’ve never like the Falcons have never been like super hero yeah he’s the best player they’ve had but you get all that [ __ ] backlash I feel but I feel like he sat down did his time he should be like fine yeah but again it’s a lot easier to

Not retire like also you’re thinking about it’s and this is unfair he’s number seven that’s iconic like that’s a quarterback number you know like so do we want to lock out guys from Seven like I don’t know I think we we the toothpaste is out of the two but I think

We should go backwards and just do Ring of Honor because like a guy like John Starks like he should be in the Nick’s Ring of Honor you know what I mean so like David David David David Wright David Wright’s number should not be retired I think or will they re

Are they going to retire Su I know that’s another good New York debate is that one I thought about but you know it’s it’s be the Ring of what did that person mean to that City yep what did that person mean to that City at that

Point in time you know it’s like kind of like the Resurgence like he was the guy yeah you know even though the pieces around him Wen great you know everyone or everyone loved the NIT or the Mets because of him you know he deserves some recognition whether and maybe it’s not

The retirement but the Ring of Honor there should be more Ring of Honor agreed there should be more ring of honors a stadium like a everybody should have a museum in the stadium tore through it like in facts and uh artifacts and [ __ ] game warn jerseys and different things and teach your kids

Play a video and like uh iconic moments you could pull things up or like even fun things like a random Moment Like spin the wheel and it shows like a you know whatever even have fun with it a little bit like the Luis Castillo like drop ball I don’t know there’s but yeah

We we should go backwards from from retired numbers to Ring of Honor it’s a great call Great call uh all right fourth quarter Dukes how many you got four let got four four nice load them up I gotta go to the Johnny’s game tonight DD tell you you did probably St

John’s with that Gary Queens I don’t know what else Gary has Gary nothing has change I I love you Gary but nothing has changed from yesterday to today unless you can nail the exact school yes it has okay what changed oh yes it yes it has healthy

Debate I don’t care about being ranked in 25 as long as we’re number four in the BOS Big East rankings I don’t I said I mean you’re things have changed you’re a good team you’re a good team I never Deni I never denied you can get there

I’m thanking you yeah I’m thanking you I never denied you can get there it sucks though because I was planning on going to the game but you know one of those kids of mine that was sh Nerf gunes yesterday got an ear infection today now I’m on my way home

Um healthy debate though the Slate tonight is great it’s a f TV night there’s so many games yeah I Happ I’m watching it from couch let me take a look maybe I guess I I didn’t assume I got I got a hungry dog parlay for you okay someone already mentioned it

Mississippi State at home against Tennessee that’s a rat gotta bet Mississippi State Old Miss with beard at home against Florida small dog take them okay um NC State over UNC I just think that it’s a game they get up for unc’s been riding High they’re due for a slip

Up yeah there’s a lot of teams that I want there’s a lot of teams sorry there’s a lot of teams I want to inspect tonight I want to like inspect watch I want to really lock in on Carolina I want to really lock in on Mississippi

State I want to really lock in on St John’s and Providence like I really want to inspect these teams in big spots uh Mississippi as well you guys were you guys were ravor before but I think why are they only getting four and a half at home against Yukon that’s another fishy

Line I think you got yeah um I agree with you the last thing I was GNA add this go ahead kingan’s out I think he’s been out so like that changes up he been out what CH that Chang like did you watch their Butler game like the but Butler

Are like Butler’s a team yeah Yukon took looked like a team that their small ball looked good towards the end but they looked in trouble for a majority of that game well the Johnny smoked Xavier and they played Yukon tough so I think I

Think Xavier has a chance I I no I agree I think Xavier is a very good defensive team I think they’re a top yeah I agree I I like the I’m just saying it’s four and a half recap the hungry dog again just give us the three teams so Mississippi State and Old

Miss NC State and Xavier those four okay four teams okay okay I would substitute Old Miss I like Clemson tonight I have V on my radar as well but I don’t have enough eyeballs on him I don’t I haven’t seen him enough yeah exactly that’s the thing

You gotta CH you got to pick and choose who you want to watch you also gotta hope is definitely fishy though you gotta hope a game that’s on your first radar turns into a blowout like Duke last night it was like all right I’m obviously gonna want to

Watch Duke turns into a blowout quick see you later and now I’m locked in on the other games exactly I had Utah State the whole way too so um all right uh have a last a last healthy debate for you guys and jety I really want to hear

Jet Sky’s opinion it’s a music one I was just listening in the gym today uh healthy debate rank the five members the five original members of gunit one through five so who is it it was 50 Cent Lloyd Banks Lloyd Banks uh Tonyo Young Buck and who

Is the who’s the fifth Mike Jones the game oh the game yeah okay okay are we saying obviously in terms of like as artists what was the game’s [ __ ] Banger just like or love it but 50 wrote it no he had another I thought game had

Another one hat it or love it the most famous song he has but had for me no all right do you want us to to do it or game in 50 c had one yeah yeah I do okay so I think it’s in terms of rapping

Ability 50 Cent Lloyd Banks the game uh Tonyo Young Buck Westside Story go listen put Westside Story in the back of the booth it’s not even in the top five I know it’s not Westside Story Is How We Do Westside Story is a is a bang how we

Do was we were playing that before basketball games in high school that was like do on on the warmup music oh man and Lloyd Banks on fire too that yeah I don’t want to get canceled I don’t want to get canceled how we do is

The one I was thinking of such a Madden song Westside Story is a banger though sleeper I don’t think it gets I I discovered it later it’s one of the best instrumentals Westside Story is a banger um yeah game is legit so J give the five

Give the five my five was 50 Cent Lloyd Banks the game Tony AO Young Buck Young Buck okay exact same man exact same Geniuses have you guys ever heard that song Too a it’s not by any of these guys but it’s AO F yo it’s the remix from

Scarface no have you heard that [ __ ] another Banger hey yo Andre nicoa yeah bro Banger Banger all right dudes empty him up Gary great call thanks Gary Gary’s like Chris Michigan I was gonna he was going long but I was gonna give him a question too go ahead hey Rico

What’s up I’m gon need you to I’m gonna need you to focus here I’m going to rip through a couple then I’m going to go back to listening all right the town is a grossly underrated movie it is healthy debate mon taal I actually feel bad for the guy after the

Documentary right agreed Michigan fans are [ __ ] idiots with this Michigan verse everybody thing you cheated twice and you’re still gonna play the victim card hit hurt Kirk herb Street off TV I’m tired of his bias towards Ohio State and the final healthy debate Florida State couldn’t get in because their

Quarterback play but I watched two [ __ ] play a squirt gun fight on National stage McCarthy threw 18 times healthy debate how did I see fla State going in there with their defense and watch those two [ __ ] idiots have a sword fight yeah I all right Rico take

It easy pal all right I still like herb Street uh the town is probably top 20 in the last 20 years for me 15 the town was [ __ ] great I also heard a story that the first cut I heard this on a podcast I don’t know how true first

Cut was like three and a half four I wouldn’t mind that I wouldn’t mind seeing like they made it and they kept being like chop this chop that they still do director’s Cuts anymore movies I SN SN cut oh yeah why don’t why don’t yeah offered both versions of that you

Know what I mean or like I feel like that’s something that went by the way I was streaming but yeah the town is Town’s really really have you ever seen the movie Green Street Hooligans I have not yeah I just rewatched it last night and

I used to love it it’s about um Elijah Wood he’s an American Harvard student he goes to visit a sister in England and her brother or her husband’s brother is like the leader of a firm which is like a the basically a gang of football supporters that fight and Charlie hunam

The guy from s Son of Anarchy is a leader of like the gang and when I was little I used to love it and I rewatched it and the acting is [ __ ] awesome you know who got me into it troops when I used to work with troops on the streams

I think that like what somebody brought it up their holigans yeah they’re all West Ham supporters I watched the documentary I forget the guy’s [ __ ] name name was the infancy of Netflix um damn I wish I [ __ ] remembered the guy’s name but it’s about

A so I’m not a soccer guy at all and it’s about him like making cuts and eventually ends up in like the Premier League I’d have to go look it up no it’s not B to Like Beckham but then I also oh she’s we’re [ __ ] brother n Google all right Google this quickly

2013 Netflix soccer documentary and let’s see what comes up but I also heard the Beckham thing is really good maradon also I have a yeah it’s a white it’s like a white played on did you did did you uh it’s a white guy did you use

Netflix when you had to get a DVD delivered to your house no I wasn’t that old I wasn’t that old I I have and they had a thing called GameFly too anything come up with that trainer what’s that it’s I’m just looking at IV this is Netflix in 2022 said 12 soccer films

That are worth their weight and goals so I’m going to look at maybe I would imagine it’s about like a white guy oh wow I think he’s kind of famous and it was 2013 that’s when I watched it I know for a fact is it definitely a white guy

He’s talking he talking about like I Antonio G no okayi road to Wembley no back of the net no this guy definitely white no hand of God this is aradana I believe no holy goalie Jesus is in the in between the pipes not a white guy not a white L not

White I’m telling you it was on we’ll find it we’ll figure it out we’ll figure it out soccer oh the soccer football yeah yeah just get this off this list is pissing me off but uh all right empty the clip here and uh Ultras is is it

About these guys no it’s not I’d have to find it fit iny I’ll text the guy maybe uh you know what he [ __ ] his dog died this week I’m not g to bother him yo re you got what’s up yeah right sorry I just didn’t know if you uh had

Heard me yet but first of all I kind of just want to it’s not really a healthy debate but I wanted to ask you I don’t think you really want to see Frank win man I thought he was about to punch you in the face whenever you were playing

That song on Sunday during the stream like when he this was after he had got up in Jack Max face yeah and then no but it listen there’s a difference between a little Showmanship and some poking all right well let’s put it this way like I lost a massive Survivor pool and

Frank was singing songs and laughing and cackling 5 seconds later so it’s a little and again it’s not Revenge it’s just you give it and you take it like you give it and you take it if you if you I do think early in his career uh

There were a lot of people who poked and prodded and like got Frank for the reactions unfairly like they knew what they were doing we me and Frank have a lot of very civil conversations I like talking about sports I’ve hung out with him outside of work so yeah I mean to

Have a little fun on the stream that’s kind of part for the course at any point if Frank was like hey that’s like disrespectful I wouldn’t do it but I think he knows that’s kind of how it goes so you know five seconds of a song

I was rooting for the Dolphins for him I’m rooting for the Dolphins Saturday even though I just said I want the Chiefs Dynasty to Ste going but uh yeah me and Frank are tight I think you’ve seen that with a lot of dynamic this year you know he did the this is bartool

Video for me we’ve hung out like Frank’s I I like Frank a lot I think he’s in a great great spot uh he’s putting out unbelievable content I think on the streams he’s great because he’s you know we joke around like it’s not always he’s not always he’s really he’s not dialed

Into a complete 10 unless his team’s playing like on a random Sunday night he is not you know obnoxious and out of control and like over the top just for the sake of it what was that for uh Rico when it was like a Sunday night game

Right and his team wasn’t involved and the Devils were on right and he’s freaking out and then the next night he comes in he’s just quiet for the first like 15 minutes someone’s like Frank what’s going on like you’re pretty quiet today he’s like oh none of my teams are

Playing I can be like he’s Bas like I can be normal exactly yeah yeah yeah so you know that’s that’s how it is so yeah I like Frank but I do want to see him win I just was poking up a PR him just a

Little bit Frank I love frank I want to see him lose okay yeah it’s good me and him are like a little rivalry he talk [ __ ] about the Patriots like like you and two are cooked Hees dude and E is so got like when I I’m not even kidding

Rico when I saw the stat of like the Dolphins are 0 and N since 2017 when playing under 40 Dee weathers there was legit 0 and N but two two and seven against the spread I saw too d I didn’t know they were 09 regular straight up

God so Rico there were tears coming out my eyes he is going to the way that he’s going to be screaming at Nicki smokes that like the weather is his fault the Dolphins curses on him like I don’t really because we’re in this [ __ ] I don’t really watch streams like on my

Free time I’m going to be locked into that sh those two should each get three paintballs to shoot at each other during that stream Frank dude Frank would use but he would but he would use him in the first three seconds I meanwhile Nick yeah exactly Nikki would be like the

Minute Frank says his game’s over and they rattle off a 30 yard run Nikki would rightfully so use it he would Sprint his out but like yeah is I don’t those two those two are yeah Tua is cooked those two are something so we’ll

See but uh all right empty him up uh I gotta find the name of this movie we got one that just called in do you want him yeah put him through yeah put him through you’re on hey what’s up Rico what’s going on Andrew in uh the state of

Washington um I was wondering would you rather be a white dude with a little itty bitty dick or would you rather be a black dude with a big old hog start off in the comments later uh call the day I think this is uh don’t answer it’s so yeah it’s you

Just don’t answer it but there’s one answer it’s a black dude with a big old dog yeah there’s uh yeah it’s like the Shane Gillis bit it’s like in eighth grade when the like the first black kid could dunk and all the white guys like oh okay [ __ ] I’ll set screens for the

Next four years yeah exactly uh that’s yeah that’s the first one we’ve ever had to pass on so all right give me the uh last one no it’s done two minut that’s it two minute drill all right okay if this was uh early society would you be more of a hunter or a

Gatherer never shot a gun gatherer although feel no theore all right put it this way put it this way I want to be a hunter but I think we’re all sitting there it’s like and I’m shooting and I’m missing I’m missing I’m missing after a while people

Like yo we got to eat bro go gather berries so I think I would want to be a hunter and get quickly assigned to gather okay you’re a new addition to the crayon box what color would you be in y oh man um so I guess you have to invent the color

Kind all right what about do we have this what if they had a perfect match and it’s kind of hard with the the the uh the point of a crayon but what if we had a true tie dye color that’s cool when you do it you can yeah

It it no it it’s true tie dye all right lgbtq friendly agree uh what would you do if you could control the weather would you make it hot all the time cold all the time what would you do no I think I I think I would still like mix

Up the weather is there a temperature you wouldn’t go below or above yeah uh well no I think I think I would still cater it to like in the fall I would still have like football weather but I would never let it get below 50 put it that way or like

Maybe some days I would put like 40 oh there’s a little chill in the air and like put on a sweatshirt put on but I would never let people get into 5T of snow so yeah I would lean towards hot but I would I would lean towards Hawaii

80 84 and Breezy at all times all right here’s one that I that I like if you were stuck on an island for I don’t know 5 years would you rather spend your time with a traditional mermaid which is woman up top fish below or reverse mermaid fish up top woman below you’re

There for 5 years you’re going to have some needs that need to be fulfilled and the woman up top can’t necessarily do that completely can’t do it completely but can definitely hit a lot of triples he can hit triples also the top was not to complain

To you you’re making out with a fish you don’t got to kiss who said you got to kiss her you got to look uh uh and this is like Beyonce bottom I think I might just stick with the fish on the bottom traditional mermaid traditional mermaid okay wow

It’s a tough one right but after a while she’s gonna stop agreed just still yapping that’s a great way to end it all right that’s a good one from jety healthy debate uh like And subscribe go ahead dug what do you got super chat oh no I just saying I was going saying

Peace peace all right say yeah I’ll [ __ ] the fish too yeah exactly uh all right great show uh see you tomorrow


  1. Great show. I’m available for any Breezy-related inquiries. Family has been there since the beginning. Bowl to Blarney, the Bedford shuffle lol

  2. The answer to the question is no. The foreplay guys hyped this video up to be something monumental. Like something. Never before seen on the internet. It was lame! Frankie was 6 when Tiger was in his prime. He doesn’t know Tiger. He’s a bandwagon fan cause of Riggs. This whole video was wayyyyyy less than what they said. It’s just a shame Frankie and Trent never watched Tiger is his prime but claim to be HUGE fans. It’s all an act

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