Don’t Turn Your Hips In The Downswing

Many golfers start their downswing by turning their hips which can actually cause major problems. The hips play a major role within the golf swing and can influence either good or poor golf shots. Using your hips correctly like I do in this video you can hit the ball farther by swinging easier. You’ll actually add speed!

If you turn your hips to early you lose power. Use this great tip and watch the tour players all use their hips correctly within this video and you will son have effortless power and lag within your golf swing.

Don’t turn your hips to early. Feel the slide and then turn them when the power is need just like the pros.

Head to GFORCE GOLF via the link below for all the information on this fantastic golf swing trainer.…

For a golf swing that is CONSISTENT, provides a flat left wrist, compression, lag and more. Steve’s EUREKA GOLF SWING METHOD is now being implemented in 62 countries taking the golfers game to a place that allows the body to turn, the flight to straighten and compression to become a reality.
The starting place is the “iron swing series” offering the set-up of the Eureka Golf Swing canes and a step by step tutorial of the full action.
REMEMBER: as Steve says, “There is a difference between opening your stance and aiming left”.


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Do not turn your hips in the downswing good morning do not turn your hips in the downswing now that sounds strange that sounds against everything you’ve heard on YouTube everything you’ve read in magazines and every golf instruction DVD you’ve watched but you don’t do it you don’t turn your hips in the down

Swing and I’m going to explain why just a quick serious note before we start thank you so so much to everybody who clicked that subscribe button and we’re now over 100,000 subscribers that that was always the goal now let’s get to quarter of a million let’s rack this up

To 250,000 if if you’ve not subscribed already please do I bring content twice a week for you guys to try and make golf better for everyone let’s get 1,000 likes on this video as well the more times you guys click that like button the more golfers get to see my content

And that’s what keeps the channel alive also check out my website Eureka golf so if I start my downswing here and turn the hips the club gets thrown out the way the Turning of the left hip the left hip turning immediately away the Tommy fleetwoods explained and he said that when he

Starts a down swing the first thing he thinks about is getting that left hip that trail that lead hip to turn behind him when you watch him in slow motion he actually moves towards Target before that turn occurs so rather than turning immediately with the hip something else

Has to happen and why does something have to happen well it has to happen in order it has to happen in order to make sure that club stays more behind the body there now if I turn the hips this club Dives out this way gravity takes it

That way and of course we cut across if I can move my body in a way that keeps the club more behind here then I’m going to hit the ball much purer every single time with probably a right to left ball flight okay Steve I get that so what is the swing thought

Well the swing thought is your lead pocket moving to Target from the top moves to Target the hips will open up if you do Eureka golf swing for example where I stand with my feet open and I get to the top and then slide my left pocket to Target it will naturally open

Up easier because they’re going to adhere to my feet line now for a standard golf swing with a square alignment up to the top left pocket towards Target as the left pocket goes towards Target the club head stays a little bit more behind the hands for longer and then from there of course

It’ll naturally open up it will naturally open up as long as you get left hip to move to Target before that opens up do not open the hips immediately I’ve got the ultimate training aid to show you this this here is a 7 by GeForce GeForce golf it’s got

A super thin shaft on it super flexible and it’s a great way to train the body because you have to swing the body or pivot the body to feel the club head behind you now if I if I go hips first with this thing this is very awkward

It’s supposed to be if I go up to top and go hips first turn the hip the left pocket behind first you can see that wants to bend this wants to curve down here doesn’t it wants to dive out there or jump out there we know that’s wrong

We completely know that’s wrong but we still do it because that’s what we’ve been told in magazines and on YouTube that’s what we’re supposed to do now if I try and line myself up here somehow take my address position and from the top there just think about left

Pocket just little soft swings just to there left pocket and you’ll see the club stays more behind just a little soft one left pocket boom Club stays more behind me left pocket to Target brilliant you can feel the lag there are left pocket to Target to feel that club staying more

Behind there so I’ve got to the top I’ve moved to Target and of course that’s encouraged this to happen and then from there of course the hips are going to naturally open up if you can get yourself a GeForce golf seven iron to feel that was really good got that one

Straight to feel that it’ll make a massive difference we’ll go face on then of course does this work with driver of course it works with driver so now face on is obviously where the magic happens because I’ll draw a line on here and you’ll see the hip move before the hips

Open up um the sun’s behind me I appreciate that it’s maybe a little bit hard to see but I’ll draw the line in there up to here the hips move keeping that club behind me so I’m there leading with the hip every time now these are just little soft shots

We’ll get back to the fuel s in just a second up to there hips leading the shot that’s power that’s lag that sustains the line of compression that gives you lag and you grab your normal 7 iron we’ll get to driver in just a second I’m sure you can see how this

Works and as I say when you watch all top players all the top players in the world if you watch them they all get into that position they all slide there’s a lateral it’s a lateral rotation up to the top lateral means slide rotation pivot so it’s a lateral

Then rotation so the lateral so the lateral happens then the rotation but it starts off lateral and turns into lateral rotation so both happen at the same time after the lateral after the lateral there was quite a lot to take in there I appreciate that here you go normal club now so now

We’re heading Fel shot i’ get the top of my swing then from there I think about left pocket to Target I’ve got an open stance that eure golf swing which is going to assist this there wonderful now where I finish in relation to that line there you’ll see really really good really feeling

That lead lead pocket moving towards Target to start my down swing lead pocket it’s excellent you can see when I’ve done that I’ve not driven the knees I’ve not done a lateral slide with the knees I’ve just thought about the pocket moving to Target and there pocket there pocket absolutely pure so driver

Can we do it with driver of course we can do it with driver GeForce do a driver too o we’ll get to that GeForce driver in just a second so my normal driver now here we go same thing my swing thoughts the same up the top left pocket to Target there

You there you are it won’t be as exaggerated because ball positions further forward felt great could feel my left pocket to Target lost my teeth have to snap T’s because of this [Applause] mat again up to the top all I think from the start of the down swing is the left hip

Left pocket slides to Target good again let’s get the GeForce driver so now down the line G oh GeForce driver down the line that’s a very high te to be fair up to top and from there I’m thinking hip hip to keep that a little bit behind lead pocket lead pocket so I’m

There lead pocket it’s great you can really feel the lag with this you can hit Fel shots with this really feel the lag it’s good I use this I don’t play Fuel shots with this but I use it as a training aid for people to feel exactly this so not

Necessarily hitting balls but just feel there there there of course that’s very different than that that that there there keeping that club shaft flexed because that’s what lag is lag is stress on the shaft I’m there and I’m stressing this shaft to start the downswing really stressing the shaft

Then you move onto your normal driver little tailor made burner then you can get onto fuel ones I’ve felt it enough now to play full shots there we go Absolut bust it and I could feel there that the left pocket had driven that downswing so do not turn

Your hips in the down swing control the left pocket then let them turn


  1. Thanks a bunch I have been playing for a long long time. Needed this reminder about the hips, probably will again. Get rid of the countdown it’s distracting.

  2. Awesome video Steve…. Thanks again for the simple tip…. Just wondering what your angle of attack is for your 7-iron or what you strive for…. Thanks

  3. Nice one Steve, very clear instructions on that very important part of the swing, starting the downswing. heading to the driving range asap

  4. Terrific video, Steve. I believe golfers who are learning new/different body "feels" over accentuate everything. The body will move correctly if we simply allow it to. Granted, there are setup and checkpoint keys to learn and engrain. My favorite saying comes from Harvey Penick, "If I tell you to take an aspirin, don't take the whole bottle". 😅🤟

  5. Thx for the video, you are making many good vids which are simple and easy to follow. I'm a Canadian viewer where many lefties reside, likely from our hockey roots. I'm right hand dominant but from the time I first picked up a golf club I felt I needed to swing left which was the way I took a slapshot, it just felt natural. The point of this comment is to say that I appreciate the effort you seem to make to use the language of lead arm and trail arm, instead of left arm and right arm. This makes following along so much easier than having to constantly in my mind switch left to right and vice versa when a teacher is using those terms. You sometimes use left and right as well but seem to do so less often than many others. I am aware that the vast majority of golfers are righties so teaching is mostly focused on using left and right. I wish all teachers of the golf swing would make more of an effort to recognize this issue and help the minority of us lefties a little more with this simple change in their language use, it goes a long way. It's one of the reasons I am subscribed to you. Cheers mate!

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