Golf Players

Did Jameis Winston Just Convince Us That It Was OK to Run It Up on the Falcons?? | Rich Eisen Show

Rich Eisen reacts to the New Orleans Saints decision to stick with head coach Dennis Allen after missing the playoffs.

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Arthur Smith his final public appearance as head coach of the Atlanta Falcons was to undress verbally Dennis Allen you didn’t need to read lips because you could hear it the microphone of him getting so angry at Dennis Allen that the one-yard touchdown that Jamal Williams scored when it was

4117 it was 17 all by the way at half it was and the Saints scored everything unanswered the Falcons fell apart and Arthur Smith probably knew that this meant the end of his coaching career and he did not like the respect to have Jamal Williams score and have the Saints

Celebrate like they just won the Super Bowl when I think it was apparent that the saints were out as the division winners too they still had an opportunity to make it as a wild card and Dennis Allen says I I I understand or I I hear you basically is what he

Said to him and then we find out later that jamus Winston who was in the game as the backup because the game was already decided he’s the one along with the rest of the team that decided to give the ball to Jamal Williams who had the most touchdowns in the League last

Year signs with the Saints and had zero going in so it was important for him to score and we found out that they went rogue Dennis Allen called a knee and they handed it off and here was jamus after the game just you know being jamus the play was was Victory but I

Also explain to Da that it was a team decision and uh and I think when you have the A Team morale and I asked the guys I say guys like what do what do you want to do we know how much Jamal means to this team and and I understood from

DA’s perspective so I I I give him that yeah but da didn’t condone that at all you know he he didn’t however uh we decided as a team to do it and man we got an interception to the one yard line yeah you know like so if if if if we

Would have scored would it still would have been disrespectful I think it should be for God especially when the scores are already 4117 uh so I I I don’t know how how much worse it can get uh but I got a ton of respect for Arthur Smith and the coach

That he is I think they do some incredible things I didn’t mean to I didn’t want to disrespect that was not my intention uh my intention was to lead the team that I’ve been with the entire year and we made a collective decision that we wanted to get one of our guys

Who they fight with Blood Sweat and Tears every game in the end zone and uh I’m going feel good about that he should he should go join politics that was great so actually he convinced me you sure I’m fine with when a head coach listen that work I understand that but

The head coach said take a knee right and so he doesn’t disrespect the coach and say he said oh I heard him so he’s got the coaches back don’t blame the coach blame us and blame and don’t blame us for being disrespectful blame us for just being a team makes zero

Sense no disrespect to the other coach no respect to the other coach to my coach just to my coach but no no a second but but but when it all comes down to it it when it all comes down to it I heard what the coach said so I

Immediately asked the guys what do you want to do what under what structure does that actually exist on Planet Earth as being okay in case you’re wondering how that’s going to affect Dennis Allen’s future Ian Rapaport during the commercial break reported Dennis Allen is staying the head coach of the New Orleans Saints

Wow so did say Don’t run this play or you just say take a knee take a knee which means don’t run another play did jamus then say well look we want to get Jamal touchdown got it right so we’ll find out if jamus is still the backup

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  1. I don’t get y Jameis is catching heat wen he CLEARLY FUCKIN SAID WE AS A TEAM MADE THE TEAM DECISION TO HAND THE BALL OFF😊

  2. This shows what we already know: Dennis James Allen is NO head coach. He's incompetent, he was hired with a losing record, and he'll leave the Saints (God willing it will be SOONER rather than later) with a losing record. Just watch the players. Ray Charles could see that Allen is not respected.
    Get him outta here! No real Saints coach apologizes to the Flatlanta FaiLcons for anything.

  3. Under what structure is this ok?
    How about democracy?
    Winston brought democracy to sports. Maybe one day we can look back and say this was the moment that started the democratization of all workplaces.

  4. The whole point is they were in victory formation Had they ran a play it would’ve been different but it’s still disrespectful and how u lead the league in touchdowns last year but had to wait til the last game to get one pretty lame if u ask me not only as a falcons fan but as a sports fan if that was basketball they would’ve been fighting

  5. No this falls squarley on Dennis Allen and his complete incompetence.

    You bring in a guy who led the NFL in TDs last year. Then you as a coach decide your best chance of winning is to keep him as far away from the endzone as possible.

    Ive been in meeting rooms where we as an offense look around at each other trying to figure out what we could do that would work. I guarantee you the offensive players sat in those meeting rooms thinking to themselves "You know coach, Jamaal did have 17 TDs last year, would it really be that bad if we tried getting him the ball more?"

    Then it comes out that Dennis Allen told them "No" when the saints players asked him if he would allow Jamaal to get his first TD of the season on the last play of the season. Yeah I'd be frustrated to if my brother went all through Summer conditioning and lifting, minicamp, then practice and in weekly meetings doing everything right only to be told in the final moment "No I dont want you to score". And yeah I myself am not upset in the slightest that the Saints players said "Screw you Dennis Allen, we're getting our guy a score since you've refused to let him try all season."

    The only person Dennis Allen should be blaming is himself. I mena shoot you have both Kamara and Williams, theres no reason the run game should be as anemic as it is. Shoot the Lions have 2 guys w/ around 1,000 yards and 9+TDs, wanna know what runnung the ball like that helped them do? It allowed Detroit to be a top 5 passing offense for the second straight year. Dennis Allens incompetence created this situation and its Dennis Allen's incompetence that should have gotten him fired as soon as the clock hit midnight on Sunday.

  6. It will be interesting to see if teams take this into consideration when Jameis wants a job next year.

  7. Where does it say you must take a knee in the rule book? I understand about not following the coaches play but damn this is not Golf you don’t stop playing till the end. Stop crying about that they wanted to score, your participation trophy is down the Hall in the Ladies Room!!

  8. I love Jameis Winston as a player and it’s very convincing how he explained that. He should be a starter in the league. He’s better than whatever we had in Minnesota after Kirk went down.

  9. Coach called a play veteran QB understood the situation and ran an audible for a TD. Standard/normal football occurrence.

  10. Jameis just proved that no one who participated in that coup has respect or reverence for DA. I think that’s more of a reflection on the coach than the players.

  11. Why are people skipping over the fact he said he had the most TDs last year but ZERO THIS YEAR! Maybe the coach don’t respect the RB as a person and the team had to show the RB some love

  12. You dont line up in victory formation and then punch it in!! Its wrong! Rival or not. Winston …Its not your call. You dont get paid to make that call. Winston your a disgrace to the game and undermined the coaching staff. Classless!! Cut him Saints.

  13. Winston couldn't convince me that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. He has all the class of a vulture with vd.

  14. Arthur Smith feel better if he got everyone a "participation trophy?" There's not a mercy rule in football.

  15. Reminds of a game in the Late 80's between the Bengals and Oilers where the Bengals were up 59-7 and decided to go for a field goal, which they ultimately made. 62-7…

  16. Run up doesn't exist, games have a time limit, score as much as you can within that time. If the other team sucks (Falcons, and they do) tough titty.

  17. Then line up the play normally then. To fake the victory formation is bush league and makes the TD meaningless

  18. Points scored is a tie breaker in regard for making playoffs. the offenses job is to score, the defenses job is to stop them! If a quarterback fakes a slide and continues to gain yardage, is that being disrespectful? I don't see a problem!!

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