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Ross Davis Interview: South Korea’s Asian Cup Hopes/ Klismann’s Tenure So Far/ K-League & Much More

You are joined for the second installment of season two of the Football Chuggu Podcast series. Your host is Pearse McLaughlin and I’m joined by a very special guest in Ross Davis who is a K-League Analyst. In this special interview based episode we ask Ross’s insight into South Korean players based in Europe (Hwang Hee-Chan, Kim Min-Jae, Son Heung-Min, Lee Kang-In), Hwang’s impressive form in the Premier League, Where next for Hwang Hee-Chan?, Kim Min-Jae’s Stellar 2023 and can he better it by winning the Bundesliga and the Champions League?, We discuss Oh Hyeon-Gyu, Yang Hyun-Jun, and Kwon Hyeok-Kyu’s Celtic careers so far and will more K-League players follow in their footsteps?, Who impressed in K-League 1 last season?, Jeong Ho-Yeon (K-League 1 Young Player of the Year) where to next?, Gwangju FC manager Lee Jung-Hyo will he move abroad and aim to get to the English Premier League?, Detailed background on K-League 1 new boys Gimcheon Sangmu FC, South Korea’s chances at the AFC Asian Cup in Qatar, and a look at Jurgen Klinsmann’s tenure so far. Stay tuned as more episodes like this will be forthcoming and make sure to follow watch and listen to all the latest podcasts on Football Chuggu website and our Youtube channel as well as other streaming platforms.

Hi so welcome back to the the football tro podcast I’m your host Pi mlon I’m joined by special guest in Ross Davis hello hello how are you yeah I’m very good yes so first Ross I just want to ask you um just give a little bit about yourself your background where you’re

From and what you’re doing yep so um name’s Ross Davis and I’m K League English on um Twitter and my other handles as well and um from Northern Ireland I’ve been living in Korea uh on and off I since like 2010 and then like covering the K League

Um a bit later than that and then working as an analyst uh on the league since um like 2018 uh and then do a bit of writing myself and um mainly on on Twitter uh covering the league as well but um I work for a couple of different companies

Covering um like uh previews and reviews of games and stuff um as an analyst and um at the minute was kind of double jobbing for a while but I’ve just quit my day job so um ad the minut it’s just looking after the the Wii one who’s off

School uh but hopefully um in well in the new year now uh kind of looking to do other stuff as well related to uh covering the league and um like um on my substack and writing and covering the Asian cup which is coming up as well uh

That kind of thing yeah that sounds really good exciting um so I think we’ll start off um obviously the the most kind of talked about players that have played in Europe like the South Koreans so I think we’ll start with um what you’ve got hang Chan son hman Kim and J K in

And I think the probably the most breakout St this season has been probably hangi Chan in the Premier League with Wills yeah um just kind of want to give you kind of your opinion on that just kind of why that’s probably happened and how and basically how far can you

Go why can um yeah well he’s getting links to like big well you know no offense the was like B clubs you would say um I think in the in the media I don’t know how um truth that is since he’s just signed a new contract for Wolf

So um I think he’s he’s doing very well in that system there I think it’s come about I think down to like trust you know when he first came in um to wolves he wasn’t playing much or sub appearances but um under Gary Neil especially he’s been trusted to start

And uh just the way he plays and he’s not even playing in he’s natural position he’s playing kind of as a number nine and um you rolling down the channels doing what he does best with his drag backs and cutbacks he’s uh doing very well and fits their system

Quite well with his pace and then um there are um um forwards are also playing well so obviously that helps and um um I think just keep keep doing what he’s doing um you know obviously hopefully that works out for Korea as well his R is a bit different um on the

National team and um at wolves when he when he gets back hopefully um late February or mid-February um hopefully he’ll be able to just keep doing what he’s doing because um he’s been in terrific for him uh this season and it’s um delightful to to see how well he’s

Been doing yeah because I’m correct me if I’m wrong but I think he started when he was in the keague was was it poang Steels uh yes just as a youth youth player so he never played but um yeah and um they’ve obviously got quite a a

Famous um youth setup and um I think still follows the team he says um um but yeah I don’t think we’ll be seeing him in in theay which is not a bad thing given how good he’s playing and H but it’s good to hear that he ke still um

Keeps in touch with the league and still watches I think occasionally as well yeah that’s point to here um so similarly Kim and J he just got just won the KFA player of the year um Al season breakout year in terms of obviously Napoli one in the scet for in

33 and he’s obviously B do you think he can do one better in terms of winning the league and potentially the Champions League this year uh certainly um you know him and hurricane have’ got all the weapons I think the probably the thing that they were lacking um was that

Striker and uh I think he’s fitting quite well um different pressure I guess than Napoli they were more The Underdogs and um if yeah they’re not doing that amazing uh but um if you look he’s stats and stuff and some of the the passing percentages and stuff he’s he’s fitting

Quite well uh and he’s obviously an excellent um Center back and hopefully um well one of the best in the league and best in the world even um and um think maybe with like took them took a while to um get into Europe and trusted and kind of setting things a

Light as he did in v and in that was amazing he’s been amazing for a number of years um it’s was quite a joy to see like someone else win it other than son of Min who’s obviously the obvious choice and fully deserves it every year

But it was great to see him kind of recognized um and getting that award and he he’s obviously um one of the best players in in the world in that position yeah because I think let’s see if someone like Kim andj I think he’s got a bit of everything he’s he’s strong

In the air he’s got a big tall athletic frame he’s obviously very strong in PAC and I think with obviously matis still I think that will be quite a formidable partnership at the back and obviously he’s obviously partnered next to Kim yungan ofan hundi and obviously for the

National team and I think that again is another good partnership and I think it’s can only um stem good success for both club and Country M yeah sorry who who was the player there was it and Kim y yund who won the yeah and yeah yeah more a veteran though but um

Yeah very a good player yeah it’s it’s our brand player and um he’s been the Catalyst for Osan in terms of winning winning the leagues if he hadn’t a come back to the league I they would want it and when he plays they’re not as good and um yeah’s yeah

He’s 100 cap plus veteran for the national team as well and um it’s just a bit strange at the minute because um you know he’s kind of lost his place uh recently um for Jong s um which means Kim MJ is playing on the on the left side um still equally

Good really but um it’s not not as balanced or it’s a bit different and they obviously have less experience as a partnership so um I think you know in the latter stages if Korea get there which they should um it might be tested um and you know hopefully uh works out

But it would be a fear I think um if clington chooses to go that route um I think we’ll maybe find out um with the last friendly with what he’s thinking but I imagine he keeps uh Jung sunun like he has been playing and then Kim MJ

Alongside yeah so what do you think of obviously um the difference in son hmen it displays this season compared to last season obviously changing position from the left to more Central similar to obviously hang Chand do but obviously different club and Country um and obviously he is getting a bit older now

So he’s 31 years old so he’s kind of not get the lightning P one but as you know with son he’s get that great finishing on E so composed and he can pick upy space what do you think his development this season H for Tottenham um

Yeah and great yes stepped up uh really with Harry Kane and his leadership qualities which is something quite well known with the national team he’s been captain for quite a while now and um but maybe um yeah it’s interesting to see him do it in in the Premiership

Environment as as well and he’s um adapted to that and tooken it on board and and these um in these post match interviews as well speaks says the right things and I think when when they lose they’re not too damb and you know he’s he’s quick to um kind of get everyone

Going again so very impressive uh from that leadership point of view and on the pitch yeah just doing what he always does for Tottenham um even better uh maybe uh you know with Kane not being there you know different spaces are there um tactically as well um I think

Settled in well with the new manager of course and I would say it’s similar with um Korea he’s he’s probably playing um yeah I think he’s playing more as that kind of same style that he would for Tottenham um bit more of a free role um

As part of the front two uh whereas for bento he was more he had a bit of a free row under Bento but more still on the left side um of like a 42 31 but um clings now doing like a 442 um and he yeah he’s able to drop deep with

Um Cho gusang and Le up and Wang Chan um you know and then eang as well so they’re quite flexible um going forward and they’re all playing fantastic as well and obviously um they get on very well um I think um off the and yeah very exciting going

Forward um you know I’ve just been thinking in my head like uh if Korea come up against um like a Japan or someone where they’re not going to have the ball much I wonder like a Hy Chan and Son him in front too what what would

That do and I think that would be quite an interesting one because um the skill sets I think would work quite well and H Tang can maybe do more of that running behind if if Sun um drops deep or um yeah I think could could be interesting

To see but there’s there’s not really enough time or there hasn’t been enough time to practice it maybe or uh might be a bit risky but something something that maybe we might see if Kingsman decides to take a bit more of a risk yeah so obviously we’ve obviously

Um I’m based in used to be based in Scotland from Scotland we’ve had a few South Ken PS over years probably the most notable ones are Chad and K young the Day 2010 I recall um so nowadays we have obviously Celtic um o youngo and yang and one which we haven’t really seen

Much of appearance yet competitively um so what do you think of of their progress and obviously both named in the Asian Cup squad and you think Scotland is a market for ke league players to come as a stepping stone to like bigger leagues like the Premier

League H yeah definitely think it is and um you know even Kong Young’s the example there and he’s um went on to Swansea Newcastle and all and um Can can be done and obviously like traditionally Celtic would sell on to the Premier League or other leagues as well so a

Great great step in stone really and good to see Celtic taking advantage of the the market and H having a go um bringing in these players and um bit I think um the oh young goo one was um not not really a surprise I thought that was

A um good sign in and kind of build in a lot of boxes that Celtic needed but um he obviously hasn’t um played that much and it doesn’t get many starts and um scores um maybe not not as much you you would like but uh still still playing

Well and developing and um obviously when he first came over um maybe didn’t have the language and he’s working on that as well still it’s it’s a slow process and I think you have got to be patient and it’s good to see that s are being patient he gets regular minutes as

Well and then for the national team he’s um in and around the squad which is great um and then for um the other two Yang and Quan I think that was bit bit more of a surprise um the Yang one he was been he was quite

Badly out of form um for gang onean um um yeah it’s seems like a long time ago but was actually last season um and yeah maybe he still needs that time adap and he I think he shows glimpses um but obviously um hasn’t um got too many starts as well so

Similarly um a bit of a concern but very young uh again language needs time and patience but it’s good to see him get into the career Squad as well and just as a kind of sign of he is developing um and then Quan is a bit of a um concern

Obviously I don’t know um I don’t know what’s happening really with him um I know he did play a couple of friendlies and maybe gave a ball away a couple times but you know still adapting and getting used to it so hopefully um oh I’ve seen him getting on bench a bit

More so hopefully it’s just a case of they just being cautious with them and giving them time the SLE yeah I think still interesting in terms of all three I think they’re all at different stages like like you say all is obviously with the stri K go for the has is quite small

Diminutive all with his always his physical backs into Defenders and he loves um a toss with Defenders and get cross very good in air whereas I think he obviously knows he’s like second fiddle to K go but he’s like the second option where is Yang he’s he’s very much raw Pace trickery

But sometimes he lacks belief a little bit I think obviously gang Wong who were really threatened to them playing in the Champions League group stages they can be a massive jump up and then similar to he played what was it um Busan e park in

The k leag 2 to then Cel and I think he played a couple I think was B Bal um and big even the P friendly he gave he gave a goal away he’s not been seen and obviously made it the bench recently but I think for him maybe a lone

Move for him really yeah so moving on um we’ll talk about obviously the K league so who impressed you last of um the teams yeah well it’s goby Guang do um they’ve just released the kind of salary figures today and they’re right down at the bottom so they’re playing um on on a

Budget really and um just yeah um impressed stylistically um quite unique you would say in their style very modern inspired by man city as the manager e Jung would tell you um and uh yeah very impressive to do what they did and um to qualify for the Asian champions league is

Amazing uh for them and um definitely uh more than they were expected to do just coming up um from the K2 the previous season um well yeah two this first season back and then po hang as well finishing second um was a great achievement selling their best

Player um and then kind of restructuring the team and um um playing the same way but yeah brought in some very good um players and yeah deserve second um just unfortunate they couldn’t push the tit in usan a bit more um you know they they had a very strange season where they

Started on fire um setting records in terms of uh wins uh wins in a row at the beginning of the Season uh and then the second half of the season they were quite poor um but they got over the line so it’s hard to be impressed but you just got to

Remember that they were so good at the start of the year so I would say those three teams were the most impressive yeah I I I agree I think like you say they set records at start and I think at the last second half of the Season it

Was like lots of losses and draws and at the end they just got a WIS just to see over the line because they could have easily I think at one point they were 20 OD points ahead of the second place s yeah yeah down to like five or six

Points and they only won it the last couple of games of the Season secured the title and I think I don’t think they’ve got a big budget the biggest budget proba be was FC so uh biggest budget for what sorry the KE league is it is

It John book and then oan and then I FC s third poang were down in ninth I think which is yeah big drop off yeah that’s what I’m saying like massive drop off like considering like you touched on that sold the best player and they some

Managed to just push all the way and then I was like w i remember watching them in the KE League 2 last the previous and I wasn’t I wasn’t really impressed I thought they were pretty poor very organized structured but they weren’t great um and I think they’ve

Been Bey fresh air I think they’ve being a bit more expansive some young players I think OMG is a good player and obiously fantastic yeah as well in Center Midfield and yeah e min’s got into the Korean team because he’s played that well yeah yeah yeah

Very good yeah see I think he been pretty good for Albania as well yeah he’s had a fantastic year um he he’s unfortunately he won’t be coming back but he yeah he deserves he deserves his move um but hopefully they get a bit bit of

Money for him yeah as well and yeah team Teo let’s S as well he’s he he was very good and obviously come comes with a big reputation but um yeah deliver on the pitch and yeah just everything fit quite well but um be hard to um yeah repeat

That so it’ll be interest to see what they what they do um in the window yeah so I think that obviously getting a third place finish I think is the big team’s always it’s repetition meing that kind of good form I think next season if they get top six I think

That’d be an amazing achievement because obviously they’ll have asan champions league as well the manager is very ambitious and you know he talks about winning the league which I I really like um like he he reaches for for the the heavy Heights and um wherever they could do that you know

It’s it’s hard to imagine but um if they did it would be um you know not not quite ler winning it but um it would be quite very impressive yeah so really you talk with the manager um jungho um so I heard that he’s been learning like Japanese in English and he

Talks about wanting to kind of follow a simar path to obviously boss now and Pa but he went to from Australia to Japan yeah then to Scotland then to the Premier League you think that is a realistic possibility for him to follow maybe go to Japan then to Scotland like

A last league in Europe then potentially the Premier League um yeah it’s a big big jump um um I think um he’s he’s probably already outgrown um Guang ju um I’m sure he’s not been short of offers as well from other clubs I’m sure um FC so were

Looking at him as well but end up going with Kim gong which is equally good appointment really um yeah I think he would have to go elsewhere um in Asia and probably imagine Jaye would be a stepping stone I gu um you know I think he’s learning

But is a difference between learning it and then obviously being able to use it on on the pitch so it’s a big um or training pitch or whatever um to get his ideas of course but his style you know matches the way that a lot of teams want

To play and um I’m sure if he’s able to conquer that um you know it could could be possible to to end up going um abroad maybe the M or somewhere I think even if he went to the J League unless he totally um rips up you would imagine he

They would need another English speaking maybe country where he’s able to do it again but it’s a long road but you never know hopefully it’ll be amazing to see and Al you mentioned obviously K one Young play um j h young who’s obviously with a move to in the Scottish

Premiership um so do you think he will stay at guangan season or do you think he’ll move to Celtic or another club in Europe um I think he’s been linked to Copenhagen um they’ve had some interest in them um yeah I can’t see the Celtic move um coming through I don’t I don’t

Know I think um maybe it’s not the player at the Celtic needs um he’s like a number eight um kind of player so um not not sure whether he’ll move this window or maybe wait until the summer I think would be maybe more realistic um he’s also been linked to

Like osam earlier in the in the uh in December and I think that that kind of move would would be good to see and H he’s another one who’s maybe um outgrown gr you but um just in terms of the siid of the club but he’s still obviously

Under a very good manager to be to be learning from and E jho has said that he’s he’s not ready to make that move there’s a bit of a um yeah a bit of m games going on I think um so I don’t think it’ll be the worst thing in the

World if you were to stay the next um kind of six months and then seek uh maybe a move to Europe in um in the summer yeah exciting Talent he’s a very Talent um I love to see him in the Asian Cup squads to be honest just freshing

Things up a bit but no yeah because I I think players in that position he plays are a bit older now or they playing probably less so nice chance just to fin up a little bit Yeah Yeah learn learn from I think that’s you know I don’t

Want to be too critical on the eve of the Asian cup but I think there’s a lack of um forward thinking planning ahead successors which I think would in the end help the national team even even in the short term so yeah get get I would

Get him in to the squad and get him learning off the likes of EJ song and stuff but well so obviously next season we’ll see um gim CH sangu who have just been promoted to the KE League one uh can you tell us a little bit about them

I know they’re kind of a military team when they service go on loan but that’s all I know you tell about them yeah yeah they’ve been in gim Chon for maybe I think three years now one I think one year in the K one and then one in

The got really well they had to go down uh because they changed City they used to be in Gru um quite a while ago he uh the J book Legends was playing for them then and then they went to sang um sang 2 and then uh they game J on maybe it’s

Fourth here coming in now um they have been a bit of a yo-yo team I guess uh under uh a different manager this time and yeah they’ve got the all the best players I suppose who who need to do their U milary Service uh it’s quite in

A amalgam of of a squad is um doesn’t always work well or players uh kind of finish their loan halfway through the season and sometimes that’s the best players and the ones coming in are not as good which happened um in the 2022 season really and they ended up getting

Relegated and just kind of falling falling off um um in the latter half of the season um and yeah this this squad that they’ve got um is quite quite good um and got yeah good um um good bases at the back and Kim Kim J W is a good

Player isang Min good in W do J ofan um so quite a good spine um maybe lacking um a striker um but they’ve got um the Young Young Jun who was in the E20 World Cup did very well um but yeah be interesting see good to see them back

And the top division I think it’s good when these players um have to do their mey service that they’re able to you know play in in the top top league and um yeah it’s quite always an interesting setup but can always be a bit random um at times as

Well yeah it’ be interesting to see because obviously the last kind of big name play that I had obviously when International Duty um the military service was obviously Cho Gung you mentioned um he he was there and then went back to jum book go then the World Cup happened and then he just

Exploded yeah and that an exposure that you could probably have if you go to like gon or and you get experience as well yeah a lot of players have improved and oh ohu was another one who went early and um he kind of um you kind of get stronger because you’re not really

Doing anything other than um training and uh watching football and uh playing football I mean and eating um stuff like so a lot of players come back like CH gong came back um he seemed to come back taller and definitely more physical and yeah definitely helps um

Develop um the the players um a bit and um yeah it’s yeah it’s quite quite a good setup uh really to be able to do your M service and play football yeah so I think now we’ll move on to the the big one is the Asian cup so the AFC Asian

Cup um in Qatar 2023 will take place from Friday the 12th of January until Saturday the 10th of February South Korea and group E alongside bin Jordan and Malaysia um how do you see this group panning out and would failing to progress from this group be um catastrophic H yeah

Definitely uh yeah they would have to uh walk back to Korea not not just uh Kingsman but uh even the players would would yeah it couldn’t happen you can’t imagine that happening um it’s not going to happen uh but um that does create a bit of pressure uh on the players that

They’ve got the group stage but the group stage is um just a um something you have to do to to get into the final uh the next round and and stuff and it’s just something you have to navigate and unfortunately as well you have to kind

Of navigate it by winning each game if they were the drop points they would be uh quite heavily criticized um as well and um don’t don’t need that kind of pressure um these are not easy games uh I don’t think any game is but um yeah

They have to win and kind of win comfortably as well to appease um the even even the fans are quite demanding in that that respect I think but especially the media are very critical and I think they’re sharpening their knives for um clingman um as well so hopefully they get the three wins

Progress um to the next round where um I think it looks like they might play Iraq which is interesting since they’ve got the friendly first against Iraq um so kind of a double header really um maybe if all things work out uh and then when you get into like the quarters

And semis it gets very tough and you know uh I we’re all dreaming of a maybe Korea Japan um bino or semi-final or something uh be a lot of pressure on on that game would be very exciting to watch and quite interesting to see what

What happens but uh far far away far off from that so first you got to navigate the early stages and get into The Knockouts and then um you know come up against the the top teams but exciting um looking forward to it uh they’ve got great weapons uh going forward they got

Players in form they don’t I doubt they’ve ever had these many players playing at this level um in the game if you think Kim and J and eang in even as well as the prip boys and they’re they’re all in great form and and um no

No excuses really I think they’ve got a fully fit team uh no excuses not to be in contention and hopefully win yes so you think like the final is a bare minimum um yeah well it depends um who’s the is it Japan Australia Japan I think

Um Japan I think you the best team there and the way they’re in very good form yeah and Iran um s Saudi Arabia Al I don’t think they’ve been that impressive under um manini and obviously Korea beat them in the friendly in Newcastle um so I think Korea very

Capable of beating them all um just the main question mark will be uh what happens when they play Japan because they won’t be able to play the way they would against any other team I think they’ve got to adapt and um yeah they’ve got to maybe get get lucky or just rely

On um one of those great talents going forward and Kim and J hopefully at the back uh keeping it tight because um yeah be interesting so jgen cinman got off to a rocky start in charge sou career obviously failing to win any of the first five matches and since he’s been

On um a five match winning streak scoring 19 goals and conceding zero have you been impressed by this turnaround and you think the media scrutiny in the beginning was a bit over the top um yeah you got to be impressed um by the turn around and the last um yeah

Five games has been very impressive not conceding of course um playing quite well um that away game in China was like a tricky tricky test and uh they absolutely dominated that games who the one by more um and yeah they have our home friendlies and even the ones away

Were quite good as well maybe except the Wales game which I think was just a dull drab affir but beating tabia as well one of your Rivals for the Asian cup you know kind of was his first win and turned things around and um you know you

Got to say that they’ve been very good since then so you’ve got to be impressed um you know the changed the system to what uh from what vento was playing they they don’t play the same way as well they’re less of a possession heavy team

And more free flowing I would say in the final four in the final four which sounds kind of like what he wants um and in in the start you know there was a lot of criticism in the media um about lots of things including like playing style

No no one really knew what Kingsman ball if you want to call what that was or um you know he had to answer these kind of questions in in the press conferences and then he stopped doing the press conferences which riled up a few people

And they were out to get him really and he wasn’t spending that much time in the country as well which is a um an easy stick to beat him with really um so I think it was a bit over the top but at the same time he hadn’t um yeah he broke

The record for the first Grand new manager uh to go um yeah was it five games without a win to start so you know there was just cause in and criticizing them uh I think the method of the defeats and the you know especially conceding late against El salador at

Home um doesn’t look good in any shape or form so uh yeah a little bit of both um I would say but he’s turned it away they turned around and um you got to back him at the minute but uh I think he’s like one bad result or even a

Mediocre result away from being heavily criticized again um so we’ll see you know’s he’s talking the big game he’s talking about winning the thing which is what what you should be talking about and you know I do like that myself and um it the only um the only downside to

That is you’ve got to then go out and do it so a lot of pressure uh under uh at the minute so we we’ll see how he goes uh but it could be um if it goes really badly yeah could be um you know maybe

Even the end of his tenure um I wouldn’t be too surprised yes so if you think if you wins the the Asian cup and obviously going the World Cup um if he qualifies obviously for the World Cup which he should do um how far do you think you can take South

Korea in the World Cup yeah in these adopted homelands America um um you know Korea always um aims to gather the group which um rightly or wrongly is um you know expected um and then just depends on the the draw really last time they got Brazil and probably

Um didn’t really give it a good enough go um either but you can’t really argue that they should be beating Brazil so you know um you know you you aim you aim for that second round game and I’m not sure how the next World cou will work of

How many rounds there will be or yeah last of 16 um or whatever but yeah definitely getting out of the grip is uh a must and you know if if the players are in As Good As the form as they are now you you would hope maybe a quarter

Final would uh be possible or you never know okay uh so if so if obviously it doesn’t go well and like you say he has one bad result after another he feels to qualify from a group he gets sacked from his position who do you think would be the next South Korea

Manager uh well manager would or would it be someone it’s Korean um it doesn’t seem to be much clamor for a Korean manager um at the minute um which is you know rightly or wrongly um so you would imagine that they would stick with a maybe a European uh base

Manager and they might go with maybe one of the people they were um looking at so um what was this is it the former GFI manager was it Moreno was heavily linked and I think they spoke to him um about the position so you might imagine they

They would go down that route um you know might be too soon for the likes of H Kim gong uh who I think he definitely working towards that uh and if he does something special with FCA then you would say he deserves it um Chad would

Be a risky pick but um I think people would be behind it and would be interested in it um maybe giving them give a go um but I’m not sure if they they would you know take that risk um really and then we spoke with the gr manager as

Well might again be too early for him yeah well um thanks so much Ross for coming on the today’s special um Korean episodes where we talked about obviously all things league and South Korea um make sure to check out today’s episode on the football trer website as well as the football chug YouTube

Channel um it’s also available to stream on all um podcasting platforms Spotify Apple podcast uh Samsung podcast um you name it is there um I’ve been your host Pi mlot thank you Ross for coming on again it’s been an absolute pleasure to have you um and H hopefully we’ll have

More special content like this in the future and um 2024 a big year for football Chu thanks for listening until next time see you later bye-bye Bye You

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