The Golf Swing Right Arm Motion – Clarified

#Moenorman #toddgraves #gravesgolf #singleplanegolf #singleplane

You can purchase my Best Selling Single Plane Golf Swing book:

The goal swing is a sum of parts. The natural motion of the body is connected. That is why subverting a position into the motion can sometimes be detrimental to the motion.

In this video I discuss the trail arm motion and how the right arm naturally moves with the body.

You can purchase my Best Selling Single Plane Golf Swing book:

About the Single Plane Golf Swing.

Starting at address on two planes where the arms hang straight down at address, the Conventional golf swing is complicated. Because the arms are hanging straight down, a conventional golfer must lift the body into impact creating stress on the back.

This upward movement to accommodate the two planes is unnecessary.

The Single Plane Golf swing simplifies the golf swing by eliminating the need for the upward movement by starting and impacting on the same plane.

So here’s the question should you keep your right arm close to the body well the answer is yes and no hey welcome to the channel today it’s interesting because when when you’re a golf coach and instructor and people see things in the golf swing it can they get

Conceptualizations in their head of how things should be in a golf swing and one of those things that you see a lot in really good golf swings and especially Mo Norman’s golf swing is the right arm being close to the body and people say Todd should like keep my right arm close

To the body and my answer is both well yes and well no and how could it be both right and it’s because I in a golf swing you’re not trying I’m mon Norman and and I and nobody tries to keep their right arm close to the body but it is close to

The body at certain places during the swing because because what happens is there’s Motion in the golf swing there’s rotations in the swing and so what happens is that the right arm becomes close to the body as you rotate so let me kind of walk you through the the

Movement of the right arm during the swing what I believe should be occurring in the right arm position how it’s actually working and then then you decide how you how you interpret the right arm being close to the body so a lot of times I like to demonstrate this

Without swinging a golf club so so if you look at a dress obviously the right elbow right right arm upper arm is not close to the body but when I take a back swing the arm is going to fold and you’re going to see it the elbow is

Going to get closer to the body but my body is also in a rotation but my elbow is not tuck tuck against my side there is a space between my arm and the elbow here at the top so you can see that it’s not stucked against my body it’s folded

Up and because of the length of my lead arm there’s some space here between the elbow and the body so so that’s where I think people sometimes they get kind of caught up in the fact that should I tuck my arm down well it just needs to

Naturally fold up I call this like a shoulder height position because that’s where when I get the club on Plain it’ll be right here at this nice shoulder height position now here’s where people kind of get thinking that okay now I got to tuck the arm down and they they tend

To try to pull the arm close to the body the problem with that that thinking is that is that the body is going into a rotation as well so my my torso is moving into a rotation and so when the arm comes down the elbow starts looking

Close to the body because the the upper torso is in a rotation so it would look like this here I’m at the top then I transition I start coming down and notice my body is moving into a rot ation and now look at the elbow looks

Very close to the body however if I was to remove rotation of my torso see how the elbow’s away from the body and so this is the chicken or the egg stuff that happens so much in golf instruction it and so somebody’s like they see this

On video and they see their arm away from their body like oh my arm should be closer to my body the answer is no you should have more rotation in the Torso so in other words people are trying to go okay they’re not rotating correctly but they’re trying to get their arms

Close to their body and you run into all these issues it’s why it’s so very difficult to answer the questions until you know the metrics of movement of somebody’s body the golf swing is really and we’re going to talk more about this in another video the golf swing is a matchup of

Mechanics in other words what you see in a golf swing is you’re seeing the positions of the body rotations of the body tilts of the body and this is what what you’re what you say well the elbow looks close to the body now that’s because the Tilt and rotation and

Everything is in place and so those are the things you need to be looking at is maybe what’s causing the elbow not to be against the body or if you had the proper rotation the elbow’s not against the body you know the club would be over

The top so I’m just kind of pointing out to you when I swing a golf club here I do not have I am not trying to keep my arm against the body I think thoughts like that especially because the swing is is in such fluid motion it’s

Happening in such a quick period of time you can’t outthink your golf swing you can’t think during your swing Because by the time you’ve had the thought the time of having the thought the swing’s already over so I’m not doing that when I swing a golf club my goal here is to

Set up in in the most simple fashion I can on the single plane and then hit the back swing position to where I’m stable and in a really nice on plane position and then quite frankly is to swing through and get back on plane on the through swing and in that in that

Process from here to here my body is rotating and the arm goes into a position which yes the elbow may look close to the body so again the conscious thought of the elbow staying close to the body I think is a mistake because I think that that you’re trying to force

The club into a position that it should happen naturally in the motion so my recommendation for you if I have if I have a tip for you here is to make sure you hit it correctly at the top because because when you start lifting this arm

Or or the wrist position maybe that’s a discussion I should have with you is the wrist position affects elbow position so if you look at my wrist and I take this wrist to the top you can see that it it basically makes this hinging action this direction and this direction and that

Folds the arm a lot of times if people don’t get the proper hinge the elbow it affects how the elbow moves and now their elbow is out of position so wrist position and how the wrists work watch when I take this club to the top how the

Wrist is set in its position affects how the arm it’s all connected and that’s really what I’m talking about is things in the swing are very connected and so isolating one little thing if another thing is out of position that’s where you can run into some difficulty so here

We go so here we are I have a 700 in my hand very important for me to hit the proper address get that arm folded up in the back swing my lead arm can be you know straight a little bent I don’t care but pretty nice and straight hit that

Plane in the back swing and really no thought at all because if I do this if I start coming down that elbow naturally moves into in front of the body because the rotation the elbows in front of me and then I release it and it straightens out that’s

How the trail elbow should work in the swing I hope that helps has a lot to do with the right wrist position and that’s what’s that’s what’s really affecting how the arm works as well click the Bell icon give me a thumbs up hope you enjoyed this video I’ll see you

In the next one


  1. Excellent tip, Todd. It's all to easy to let well-meaning would be teachers convince us that coming down from the top of the backswing, we need to keep our upper arm and elbow so close to our ribcage that if we put a towel, ball or whatever in our armpit it would be snug and not fall to the ground during our swing. But if we keep it too close and mistakenly uncock our wrist prior to impact we lose clubhead speed and distance. Yes, the main focus should be rotation, pulling up leading side lateral and avoid prematurely straightening the trailing side elbow until what feels is past impact – that's the exaggerated illustration you've shared in your videos that Moe taught the world through his clinics.

  2. Thanks Todd. My condolences on your recent loss. This is very good stuff, but …. in the video's you recommend we watch every day Moe (I think it's there) says "the first move (of the trail elbow) is straight down" (him and Hogan felt like they could put it in their back pocket) – or is this more of the "feel vs real", stuff?

  3. Hi Todd. I’ve been trying to quieten my wrists. This has helped me a lot to ensure I actually rotate my body correctly. However, I get the idea from this video that I should be doing something with my wrists rather than just bending the right arm. Am I missing something?

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