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Week 10 Recap – 2024 Kicked Off with FIREWORKS – BEG Wrestling Ep 53

This week we discuss the ongoing Ferrari drama, the past week Dual meets and what they mean going forward.. and who would win between Pops Ferrari & Pops Hutmacher?!

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“The College Wrestling Opinion Show”

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Main Show Tuesday’s at 6:00pm!

Contents of this Episode:
00:00 Intro
00:52 Comment of the Week
02:21 Wayne’s AJ Ferrari Thoughts
07:16 Andrew Spey Article – Dual Meet Championships!
07:44 Penn State vs Oregon State Dual
19:16 Is AJ Ferrari Dennis from Always Sunny in Philadelphia?
21:30 Welcome Nash Hutmacher!
22:28 Pops Ferrari vs Pops Hutmacher!
23:31 Nebraska vs Northern Iowa Dual
24:51 NC State vs Oklahoma St Dual
26:11 Cornell vs Ohio State Dual
31:28 South Dakota St vs Michigan Dual
34:22 Missouri vs Virginia Tech Dual
35:00 Other New from the Past Week
41:56 Vito UPDATE?
43:27 Comments Review

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As big as my thigh and I’m not a small guy him or pops Ferrari dude oh oh now that’s a fight I want to say that’s Happ Let’s Get It On All Right folks welcome back to B wrestling we are here and we got an action pack week finally finally

Football’s over yeah wrestling’s ramping up dude this is our time of year folks wrestling is here and finally I made Zach come to my studio yeah we’re on the road we’re on the road up here in Gettysburg my table here another change we’re going to make uh but I can slam

This week you can slam mine all you want my table you got a lot to slam about this week folks we got a lot we I mean obvious things to talk about but first we’re changing it up for 2024 folks no more subscriber of the week we’re going

Now with a comment of the week and you’re going to get a sticker okay it’s very annoying for me to mail out every week I still got a couple left got couple left I got talk about a downgrade I know I know but D you can buy the shirts you know it

Kind of reminds me of Wendy’s when Wendy’s first open their burgers were like this I know you’re like Wendy over there come on you know what the burgers are like now they’re like that well well we’re going to improve it sticker put this sticker anywhere you want that’s

Act like people aren’t wearing your shirts Anyway come on comment of the week okay comment of the week all right all right all right our uh first ever comment of the week winner and you’re going to win a sticker wow um is going to go to one of our biggest fans okay

His Tim M Tim M on one of my most recent Ferrari reaction Tim M an alltime low in sports coverage W Right Between the Eyes there yeah I mean dude m is one of the first 20 people to watch it so wow that might have been

Like below the belt huh all time well I did go a little off the rails there but I mean hey hey you know I don’t have a job what’s going on what I got to do hey I thought he’s over there experimenting with that D going to Final Cut Pro or

Something I’m not sure what’s going on here but well yeah I mean we’ll get into copper boy you have any Ferrari reaction AJ’s all over the place dude I mean yes I have a uh I I don’t want to talk all day about ferar because it’s like oh

That’s what they want they want us to talk about but this fact you know of course we we think that uh chel sunnon might have just been joking with us when he was on Flow saying that uh AJ was just defending himself against a bully okay cha might may just been trolling

Everybody just to get everybody roughed up but there was a video out there where this yeah I mean ex College uh AA winner I don’t know who it was broke it down on way Cory sent it to us yeah and he basically is saying the same thing and then that’s when AJ’s mom

Chimes in here is the real story and then AJ says yes and if they would have seen all the mean stuff said about our family and even the racial stuff and they’re I’m thinking oh oh my good am I seeing what I’m seeing here we’re going

To be victim now we’re going to go to victimville the old uh Ferrari family that that’s the key something happens up there I don’t like what they said I’m victim but hey look AJ you’re the one that pushed the head down 5 seconds after the final match

Ending whistle so you were the one that started this and to me you know what that is Zach it’s it’s a punk move I’m all for you know that’s that’s have some more theatrics big personalities it’ll help sell the sport old guys like me we like it like the old days you know

Everybody was look I’ll bend and I’ll give you the your big personalities but when you start disrespecting your opponent and doing punk moves whether it’s spanking them on the mat and that goes for Bo too you because somebody out there is saying well you didn’t mind

When Bo did it to Valencia Bo nickel even that Bo’s a nice dude but that was when that kind of bothered me when he did that to Valencia you just beat the dude I it was kind of funny I must it was kind of funny oh it’s funny cuz it was on your

Team yeah it was kind of funny it was my team and I’m sure the Iowans then they’re seeing Arnold out there spanking Arnold wasn’t that too many spanks I think Bo only gave one or two he was he had eight or nine he kept going only

Allowed two or three what over three it gets weird right or two is it two I don’t I think two I think more than two is weird cuz if I do a three tap all of a sudden I know what’s going on here two is the line yeah two listen here’s what

I don’t like the yeah going to the victimville dude that’s not the Ferrari brand they should be doubling down right I would double down if I was the Ferraris on this is what they this is what they want give her time we’ll be oh I tell you we’re in for some uh well

Days of her lives coming up this week or this year in Iowa because Days of Our Lives yes wanted to be there for it I mean thank goodness our inside investigator copper boy is there somebody said boy you started the a podcast at the most perfect time didn’t

You the what brand is doing over there in Iowa bringing in the Ferraris bringing in the Arnolds bringing in the wow you’re right you’re right we got something to talk about over here Days of Our Lives how do we word play a Iowa for our lives I don’t know all right uh

Any final thoughts on this whole Ferrari well just the whole naming of the of your price to other teams which AJ did and Santa was on here a couple weeks ago whining I’m not going to start you can stop on hitting the I’m not going to

Start you know you guys know how I feel about that whole thing yeah well copper Bo predicted he never wrestles at Iowa you know I could see that’s that’s not a bad prediction we don’t know what’s going to what’s the ad going to do what’s you know there’s there a lot of

Pieces of the puzzle that it’s not in place yet as far as AJ out there and how’s that make Iowa feel AJ’s like uh I can I’m not loyal to Iowa somebody got some a better car than this I’m coming and it’s like first off well the coach

Or university aren’t supposed to even be anyway I like the uh Lord by the way I think AJ’s on Clash of combat podcast today which would be yesterday when this comes out can you do that this no all right uh all right we had some

Big dual meet TR ones no we had some big dual meets this past week that we got to talk about a lot okay um lot of results before we get in interesting article out of Andrew spy dropped uh on Sunday night Monday morning on how all these dual

Meets actually are just meaningless you know we I do see the value go read Andrew’s article um very interesting good arguments du meet Championship a dual meet championship and you made that case oh yeah that’s an obvious no-brainer we need a du otherwise these dual meets what what is the point but

Anyway let’s get into some of them uh I didn’t know if there’s anyone particularly you wanted to start with probably Penn State at Oregon State the be start there record setting crowd 8540 people yeah in Oregon oh that was cool and I’m glad Penn State uh uh match

Up with Oregon State because Pendleton’s doing incredible things out there Oregon State’s one of them programs it’s going like this and I absolutely love it one out out west there and yeah it’s I tell you that’s a tough team forget what that score was that is a tough little team

There he’s got and they’re just going to get better and I love it I love it all of a sudden it looks like does Penn State have 125 figured out oh yeah I think so I think so now Tech techically Braden Davis has one more competition left before they have to officially

Decide to retain his red shirt but as we’ve kind of talked about before with little and doll coming in and with uh heck Desmond they just signed Desmond like get him out there now right yes he we he this is a perfect time to use the

Year and I tell you right now I’ve not I don’t remember seeing a more babyfaced tiger in quite some time I mean he looks like you never ever wrestle a guy where he came out and you thought this is going to be fun yeah and then bam all of

A sudden you weren’t dealing with some well that’s Braden Davis yeah this kid’s got some mean knocking off number 17 uh Brandon Kaylor or number 14 I think at least Flo’s it was number 14 and he’s got a couple ranked wins now and you know that 125 is just so wide open and

It continues to be a mess oh yeah I mean we had other upsets uh how about uh vaness replacement here kak got the KN at 149 took out number 14 Nash Singleton oh kak kak and Braden Davis the thing with kak I’m almost like I don’t I don’t

Care if it’s David Evans or kak I love them both and they’re both about that close to each each other uh of course kak beat uh David Evans I think in overtime at the one uh black night classic but uh kak beat number 11 so um

Yeah like what would you say his true ranking is right now along with uh Braden Davis I would say I would say for kak if you’re if I’m ranking he’d be in that 11 range he’s got to beat some of the bigger dogs before I move him up any

Higher but he he just beat a very good wrestler and um he obviously knows he’s going to take some losses and probably Braden Davis probably is going to take some losses but I tell you right now anybody either of them two wrestle they’re going to give them a fight and

They’re going to win pull off some upsets percentage chance uh for both of those to AA well going into the season the best chance we were thinking as we were thinking uh uh Robbie Howard I was thinking it a slim chance Robbie Howard could AA as it

Turns out uh I maybe more time uh I’m not saying Robbie Howard’s completely done he may be back and be an AA before he’s done but right now Braden Davis looks like he is the man for that spot and I give him a better chance of aing

Than I did even thinking before the season started my chances of Robbie Howard so 12 is a plus for Penn State there’s no doubt about it okay now we took a hit at 149 there’s no no doubt about that we probably had a a a national champion or

A national runner up there but kak if he everything goes like it has gone in the past 12 years kak will be at his best come that the Nationals and kak at his best can definitely pull in a like a seventh or eighth place well they might need it if

They’re going for that goat team that’s true um that’s true couple people who did not look like they’re improving Levi and Bo Bartlett yeah and you know with Bartlett I you know I watched that match and I thought okay I gotta you have this expectation in your head that Bartlett

As he’s becoming one of the leaders of the team he’s going to just naturally be one of these dominators like a no or a nickel or that Penn State has had it’s not ever going to be that with Bartlett Bartlett’s aame is is his reshot his his

Defense to someone else’s attack on him that’s when he’s absolutely at his best so a lot of these guys that are below him it’s going to be close scores they they know that they’re going in with the same game plan I’m not attacking I know how tough he is and you’re you’re GNA

Have very close matches like this I I can’t even I thought about that Bartlett match and I thought okay did he wrestle badly poorly he wasn’t he he didn’t close the gap like I hoped he would but he’s probably at the spacing he wants to be absolutely ready to score as soon as

This guy attacks now we’re going to see close matches by lower rank guys uh you know maybe unranked guys when they’re wrestling Bartlett if they go in with that type of game plan the match is going the game plan to be the thing is Barlett has showed that he can be offensive uh

And really attack uh driven but we don’t see it all the time I think when the really good wrestlers out there the woods and you know the other top five guys wrestle Bartlett they’re going to be attacking Bartlett so um I think so that’s to his benefit right yeah yeah I

Mean he’s got to close the deal and uh you know it’s tough to stop Woods that’s going to be tough but my my initial thing with Bartlett was um I I’m not going to overreact he’s had a couple close matches um he’s obviously one of the most athletic wrestlers in the

Nation I mean the dude is no doubt makes you wonder why he’s not more offensive I know I know right but Levi didn’t look great took couple aate Tak SS to get a victory well you got to give it to him where he fought back you definitely have

To give it to him there and then the other thing that you have to remember is to me this is just to me I could be off course here last year he was completely free Zach no one expected anything no pressure almost the underdog in any of

The big matches and it was just have go out and have fun he comes into this year he’s a returning runner up he’s he’s ranked number one and he’s feeling the heat of that now he could deny and say I’m not but obviously and the thing is

Is that it just makes a wrestler look more confined or more conservative or you so quickly get into that I’m I’m gonna try not to lose this sort of mindset I like if wow with kale the coaches and even Bonnie they’ll have him ready I mean to me that was kind of the

Perfect match you learn just like you would if you lost a match but you didn’t lose so he’s going to learn from that and he’ll be fine it’s you know over there at Penn State they stress it so much about just keep this in its right perspective it

This is fun this is a game you hear someone say that’s a game that sounds weird in wrestling it does doesn’t it it does you know but in all seriousness if you want the best out of a wrestler maybe that’s the mindset you need well I

Tell you what leave I better hope uh mess and Brink ain’t bumping down because oh Ming Brink oh my goodness where did that come from oh my goodness and that Fallen oin wow yeah and that was like only the third time that really didn’t see that coming third time

Anyone’s everever bonused um was it arguably the most surprising match of the week yeah and I mean he did it with such ease That 160 5 folks is just going to be incredible uh between otou and Carr and everybody’s got otou and Carr here the only thing I’m saying is there

Might have been some people that join them right now I would say affir gaug is or tools here maybe cars here I think there’s some people that have joined car and mess and Brink in my opinion is one of them but even like Al Al Al Alle neck

Yeah sorry folks alick that guy he man he is I would not want him on my side of the bracket because I’m convinced he could possibly beat anybody I really and everybody forgets about humidi humidi is I mean that’s one of the most dynamic wrestlers in all college wrestling and

This is all in one weight class a fun I didn’t even mention like like you know Ramirez heck you know because of Ramirez beaten Carr it’s very possible we may see otou and Carr in the semis yeah that’s true it could work out that way now messen Brink has to get some big

Wins he’s got he’s got to beat hit huh but it could end up being like Ramirez and messenbrink on the bottom side I’m not saying Ramirez could get by hitti or and I like I said alesnik he’s the Wild Card he’s one of them guys where he

Could come through and win this thing and I just wouldn’t be shocked anyway I’m done sleeper fantasy pick folks sleeper fantasy pick the only other notable match there uh true X lost well I got to mentioned something and that is Carter 19-3 over Whit Lake Whit

Lake in six years of wrestling has never given up a bonus loss and then Carter comes out and just wow wow Gabe made a mad I was going to say what do you think Gabe Arnold was as he’s watching that maybe I shouldn’t have been doing

Spanking St maybe I need to Cog this down a little bit me talking Carter I’m GNA be a four-timer and I mean Gabe Arnold what was that overtime that he needed to get that takedown against Whit lake or was it right at the end of the match I can’t

Remember I think it was overtime um and Carter goes out and dude Carter on it manhandles it wow I hope he spank wow Gabe but I admire Gabe you know even when he at the end of the match and he’s know Stu I like that well no I don’t

Really like it I can accept that you can I can accept it yes what about what about the jump split little fingers is that acceptable at the soldier salute that acceptable that is the strangest thing it’s ever happened in the the history of college wrestling

It was yes it was oh my goodness and it reminded me of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia oh yeah yeah when Dennis this is uh as wide as you if I’m going wide and I’m being honest with you I’m maxing out about here that’s not bad but check this out go go

Go anymore that’s it but that’s pretty wide right Dennis does the split I can go lower I can go lower he had his short shorts on but uh but yeah that TRX if you’re going to lose to the guy you better do it now TRX

Has to get his offense in gear he does I can’t say enough about Brooks if you want any opinion on Kirk kirkit uh between I say the inside track for the Hodges between Carter and Kirk lit you say well what about O2 okay that’s not a bad I do I think otou can

Dominate everyone no I don’t and we obviously know car Carr could beat otou and who knows with otou and mess and Brink you cannot tell me OU’s going to dominate mess and Brink it ain’t gonna happen no so I think as far as bonus points and all the points you need to

Get to be the co the Hodge right now Carter could just this is just my opinion Carter’s got the potential to just roll well he deserves it the whole year and quite frankly I think Kirk has shown he has the potential just roll no Brook he really huh Brooks no shot Brooks has

Hyley and dude that’s going to be a war I don’t think Brooks is going to lose but as far as bonus points at the end yeah Brooks is a half step back and there’s some other great wrestlers but that’s just my opinion Nal I thought

Looked his part hang on hang on Kirk but have you seen the uh Corn Husker polar bears back yes hold on Kirk yeah Nash Hutch maker hot hot mocker hot mocker hot mocker I wrote I wrote it h o t m o k e r because that’s how the flow guy

Pronounced it and I thought straight off the Nebraska D1 defensive line dude look out have you seen him he never lost in high school slowed things down what you putting them in the National semifinals or something he’s in the finals yeah what he he beat a guy that just got

Out of junior high school or something last week and all of a sudden we’re ready to give him a trophy look he’s a big he’s a big good dude I really liked him I liked his smile after the win I liked you know there’s there’s an old

School guy his dad did you see his dad I did his dad’s huge I want to see huge his arms as big as my thigh and I’m not small guy him or pops Ferrari dude oh oh now that’s a fight I want to see let’s

Let’s get it on can we run a box oh oh that would UFC Flo come on Flo we he just gave you gold that’s how we find out if they’re real muscl or not let’s send them up against pops Ferrari against pops how do you say hot mocker

Hot mocker I even love the name dude Nash Nash hot mocker hot marcker the polar bear wow yeah hey that that just more excitement more excitement for the college wrestling season thank you man’s the the kids’s not afraid to go yeah throwing around offensive line I

Got to give it to keer too you know that’s tough to do you just got done football believe me they worked hard he he’s kind of like man I could use a break right now he goes from hard into insane as far as practice so yeah he’s a tough dude all right

Speaking of polar bear Nebraska 1817 win over Northern Iowa controversial pin by alred at the end we’ll show the Highlight quick it’s a fourpoint lead he’s going to get a count oh he called the holy cow he called the fall oh that’s a tough call yeah I seen that and um anything

Else big take away always there outside of the polar bear I mean uh the thing is is Hardy and Rob lost and quite honestly what happened I shocked I don’t know what’s going on with Hardy can I just say that I’m not saying he won’t be back

And at his best come time this is you could still say this is early just cool the Jets over there Wayne you’re getting all excited over nothing okay but Hardy did take some losses I didn’t expect it would and quite honestly I didn’t expect

Rob to to lose but maybe it’s a case of uh let’s give some credit to the other guys that that pulled off the wins you know but I was shocked at that be honest yeah um I I pton Rob that loss surprised me yeah I thought pton Rob was yeah back

100% but no doubt uh all right other matches that happened this past week uh number four NC State and Oklahoma state record crowded NC State yeah some big matches seven ranked matchups in this one that was a great du yeah uh highlighted by uh Travis upsetting Ed

Scott yeah yeah who seen that who seen that also Jack defeating Jameson at 141 and he’s like alleck continuing the roll and I I tell you um record I was record crowd iow was got themselves their hands full with Oklahoma State and hold Oklahoma State and John Smith he’s back John Smith is

Back he’s back maybe we should start a tough team he’s got there and you know all the times we talked about who could possibly be trophy guys and I I’m not giving up on some of these the cornels of the world although with Cornell you know what going on low went down with

Injury that hurt them they all a sudden they got a weak spot they didn’t have and then you had a couple other weights that I just man things aren’t going like I had pictured like Cornella what I’m not saying it’s almost like Hardy I’m not saying he’s doing bad don’t get me

Wrong Cornella you’re you’re awesome right but whoa yeah Cornell losing to Ohio State uh with at with came down in the last match with Felman getting a take down [Applause] late um full breakdown by the way by Kevin Sur on our Facebook dude he K nailed thorough breakdown Kevin absolutely

Nailed it and the point that Kevin brought up Kevin Shu brought up that was so glaring and this is kind of we’re we’re turning into Mike gray Bashers because Mike gray you kind of messed up there the scores three to three okay coming from Fernandez your guy already

Has 35 seconds of riding time you’re against Feldman that’s all no the whole world over here we all know Feldman’s better on his feet than your your guy Fernandez and we all know Feldman’s struggling on the bottom and Kevin went into great detail explaining this so

Three to three 35 seconds riding time on your ter on your side your choice third period And I don’t know I can’t say gray absolutely was the one that made the call maybe Fernandez said no coach I can get out going down I remember uh W’s face from Penn State did that against

Dake in the finals one year and nice but anyway um yeah that was the wrong call and it lost Cornell the the D the D because predictably um uh Dagon uh Feldman got the takedown where I don’t think Feld could have got out he couldn’t have got

Out it would have got the riding point would have won the match and the duel no brainer there but how about hot chaparro is back well you know and I fola looks good too which that is really good to see fola he was not himself and we Now

Understand why the shapy shyro shapy wow is it not evident that he was hurt previously no are you sure cuz no Corell said and they said when they went and checked them during the match no concussion here it’s a whole different wrestler from what I saw a couple weeks

Ago it what’s really weird though is I guess he just got it for Christmas or something uh Shapiro now has this uh extra protective headgear extra padding all over his head you know oh no no concussion here no concussion look the other way nothing to see here and uh you

Know ah yeah the kid obviously took a concussion now and now they’re just please be thank goodness B talk about stop talking about nobody else talking about stinking B would you guys just shut up okay just shut up let this all die down let the dust Settle yeah that

We literally he should have told shyro how about not go out like hot fire dude unbel knife through butter please shapy cuz that was that was all the proof I needed you know uh some people say well shapy has G his problem with gas tank

And that sort of goes back to what kind of touched on with Levi a lot of pressures on shapy right out of the gates uh more so than someone like leevi not as much now that he lost that’s true now he lost dude he don’t care now um

You know and I’m sure most of his conditioning is conditioning but you cannot tell me your mindset how much stress you’re carrying with you out in the mat stress will wear you out man and if you were just Loosey Goosey having fun and um you all of a sudden you got

Energy Galore but I don’t I don’t think shapy gas Tank’s going to be a problem um we’ll we’ll see I know one thing I got to see thanks to Kevin also the the andonian shyro rematch and andonian gets the takedown which that was incredible shyro gets the reverse and that was

Incredible and as this was unfolding you could see we were in well then we were in for a lot of fun here and and donian yelled out and his knee and he couldn’t uh continue and Zach all of a sudden there it’s like taking Santa Claus out

Of uh uh Christmas for the little kids I mean andonian is all of our fun all of our fun the funest wrestler to watch the most entertaining wrestler out there now we got like a Gomez now coming on he’s entertaining too he had his his first match and there’s others humidi I could

Keep going there’s others but andonian is the king of entertainment of exciting matches every time you you say well what’s one of your funnest matches you’ve ever seen like most of the time it’s going to involve andonian yeah like five out of the top 10 are andonian yeah

Andonian in there and uh so we’re pray we’re praying get well soon yeah get well we need you in March heal up please you mentioned Gomez though let’s move to Michigan getting upset money not well spent outside of maybe Gomez Gomez got the win but um Michigan loses to South

Dakota State good thing these dual meets don’t matter right yeah things haven’t gone the way Michigan I’m sure had it penciled out uh sha buret uh had that you know well you know how he’s got injes Jack rabbit’s got a pin from uh cardinell at 133 and a tech from Sloan

At 197 de austino apparently that was a major injury haven’t seen him since yeah that’s true um like will they can they get healthy for when it really matters when the big Duss are you know at this point there it’s back to your article a lot of these teams really don’t care

Care about the D and that is a shame that is Just sh I’ll go back to uh Andrew article man his argument is that dude this is that’s the change we need to truly help grow the sport because if you break it down to just the ratings there’s just not enough content that

Matters in wrestling to get the ratings you need more things that matter and a dual meet Championship Not only would provide you that dual meet national championship event all these dual meets would matter more spay couldn’t be more benching everyone because all of a sudden that match matters and a great example of

That is freestyle we we’re talking about the greatest wrestlers in all the us but look at the stands that’s because you’re rooting for a guy individually and but boy you bring in that team ele element yeah and all of a sudden I’m rooting for my team and that really is where the

Excitement is going and give a reason that the coaches want to win every duel you know we busted on Gray for not even trying to win the Iowa State d well you know what does he get if he wins every do nothing he’s probably more injured wrestlers right maybe maybe

Maybe like if I was a coach why would I even I don’t care I’m just waiting till the national championships I want everyone healthy that would be the only thing that matters well I tell you I’m glad that Spade’s out there putting articles eventually it’s going to take a while

Because it’s hard to get the the big wheel rolling is that how you say it Andrew spay I say spy all right I think it’s I me dud we just unbelievable we don’t even try it sorry Andrew D that’s a great article though and very and thought thoughtful

And seriously if you’re going to break it down logistically how to grow the sport yeah like that’s the kind of stuff we need dude it’s like systematic changes there yeah but and I I just do it NCAA do something NCAA moving on yeah Missouri beat Virginia Tech yeah

You have any comments uh some matches let me pull mine up EX for Missouri Is For Real yeah dude yeah Dragon the tiger guess what the most exciting match was uh Kaden Moore pinning Latona no it was it was andonian and merer and I know I mean there’s

Andonian again come on Bryce heal up man we need you my goodness but yeah that was great and I tell you uh we wanted to see a tool bump up to see Russell Lewis but didn’t get it yeah I tuned in just to see it but a couple other major

Individual results that just of course [ __ ] him over teamer all of a sudden I was going to talk about that some Iowa State results also uh btia over Colton Schultz I know Iowa State I know I know and the thing is is that one was shocking chittum over teamer was

Shocking but I tell you the thing with right move by chittum dude is we kind of thought you kind of had him in that super superstar uh freshman or got overshadowed all Theo messen Brink I kind of had [ __ ] chit him in that category also he got overshadowed you

Know he got decked by endodan and everybody kind of poo pooed chit him ah he’s just another good really good kid no I he still might be one of them super Superstars um I know he’s very good same with like a Caleb Lin D on K I’m not

Sure how good that kid is yet um I don’t even know what the status is somebody could fill us in with the comments what is he red shirting this year I I was too busy double clutching and changing gears to look that up this week but yeah and

I’ll tell you another guy I got to mention Vinnie zeran remember he beat Levi last year it was the only loss Levi had until he he met o Conor OK Conor o Conor yeah but uh and I thought well what was Levi out to lunch or something

Right then or something you lost a Vinnie Vinnie who Vinnie zerban we know who Vinnie zerban is now because he’s probably gonna end up uh seed ranked top five coming in this week and he’s for real hasn’t lost yet and at 157 he has a real chance uh look how

Levi beat him last year and Levi didn’t look great this past week uhoh same with you know same with buta at Kirk you’re talking Kirk on a h you know by the time the end of the season comes it’s going to be too late he’s going to be too much

On everyone’s radar but a week ago I would have said as a little tip for your fantasy guys you know where you got them later picks you got to you got to look for some like a Cooper Flynn at 125 there’s a good fantasy pick um just beat ceran sudden victory yeah

Or Vinnie zerban but I everybody knows about Vinnie zerban now so there’s a lot of guys I one thing I’ll tell you right now Zach my my strategy I’m picking 125 last everyone’s going to pick 125 last I know I know it’s like 20 guys could possibly be

Champon Davis is one of them is that too much of a stretch I don’t think so no I don’t think so at all but um all right any what else do you have to talk about this week well we got to talk say something about this Baylor Fernandez

Who got C kicked out off of the northern col from the roster yeah and he was a a cheap cheap shot sort of guy using illegal moves not caring if he and we’re back to punk punk moves no respect for your opponent and uh you know us old

Guys we’re not just fuddy duddies Zach no fuddy duddies yeah we got we got something we have some peanut butter here uh that sticks to your ribs when we start talking about show respect to your opponent and wrestling really does well in that area but as we’re evolving and

This new UFC type of uh theatrics are going on I noticed that that’s that’s put a stop to this right now any kind of disrespect of the opponent spanking in your face pushing head down after the match is over AJ um oh by the way

AJ versus Brooks AJ how are you GNA get your way out of that one what how are you going to explain your way out of that one when that happens and you might have to take it three times he I don’t think he’s man enough to take it three

Times three stumpings by Brooks three in a year yeah do you think he could he can’t take that his social media presence is going to take I think three REM matches would end without a fight if he loses all three I know we got some excitement going or I quit the

Team that was unfair that ref gave him a take down I’m done you know we’ll have something happen but to to go out be a good sport take your medicine three separate times from Brooks I don’t I don’t I think the chances of that happening are very slim

But I mean that’s the thing AJ didn’t even look that great no and copper board reported he’s been just in the wrong room he’s been in the weit room the whole time when he should have been in the drill room yeah you know and the

Other part of me is I like guys with big personalities and I have nothing against AJ I did get a little testy soon as he uh pushing that head down is what made me angri you should have been elimin or disqualified immediately right then not over the slap or whatever or the double

Birds or whatever I I don’t know what that was but um enough with AJ it’s how about Steves I love it stevon we have till the 16th to find out if this guy’s wrestling or not if he does not wrestle uh I don’t know if do they put

Odds on you I don’t I I’ll have to ask M Iowa guys on the betting sites do they got odds on odd because kirkov just went boom if uh if Stevenson’s not I’m not so sure Kirk L couldn’t give Stevenson a good match right now that guy looks for

Real Zach yeah Kirk caught a fire all the time dude where did that come from he God I was calling him slow at the end of last I know now we’re we look like fools over here even having any doubt over Kirk Lite that guy’s an animal I

Mean you bumped him up to what basically you’re number two pound-for-pound behind Carter I’m telling you I well we’ve seen what he did with Hendrickson or the second ranked guy now we the polar bear uh can a guy that hasn’t wrestled much are we going to see that match this I

Hope so yes we probably will Nebraska yeah let’s go dude all right all right uh let’s go into some comot hot marcker and oh man I can’t wait I hope I hope he blows up dude you know I’m going to have we might have to make some hot mocker

Shir yes yes dude yes all right right get into some comments review here um if you have anything else go ahead and jump just one last thing I want to touch on and that is veto uh lot people were from our sources we’re hearing it’s an injury

That he’s going to be gone for three weeks so if you hoping for this uh Ryan Crookham rematch coming up in a week or so not happen I don’t think it’s G to happen uh the guy well I think it was Kevin that that mentioned that then so

Far Kevin’s bat in 100 so quite The Insider there yeah he’s batting a thousand as far as being accurate and stuff so uh some people speculated well veto’s not out because he’s trying he’s trying to get down to 126 pounds which that’s got to be tough

On a guy like veto he’s already skinny Zach not skinny but he’s just cut he’s I mean not a lot of body fat there no I bet he wish he could have some of wood I got right now because it would come off like that and he probably has to work

Like a maniac to get a half pound off and he that’s quite a drop so I don’t know really dehydrated I don’t know that’s back to we may be seeing uh Spencer when Spencer Gilman being the the main comp you say well don’t forget Zayn Zayn’s was a a representative for

Last year great year for wrestling but yeah just crazy but yeah I’m okay I’m I’m done anything else there that’s it comments review um no particular order here user ec2 and a lot of numbers and letters I love your show and I think it’s great for the sport I want to offer

A suggestion I don’t know if it’s even possible with Wayne’s work schedule in a the time I’m sure it takes to put everything together but have you consider taking the show Sunday night to Monday so you can cover the matchups and tournaments from the previous weekend

Even if you can’t post a show to Wednesday or Thursday here’s what we’re going to do yeah we’ve been talking about it we gotta make some changes I spend too much time editing going forward this show might be a little less edited yes yes little less editing yes just it but more

Promptness the thing and maybe more shows the thing is is your editing is a big part but depending on the content of the episode sometimes doesn’t need it I spent a little extra time on the awards show yeah little later on that I really enjoyed forward dude we’re going to get

Better we’re going to we we’re going to make tweaks so we appreciate feedback like that that was very good I like that feedback thank you thank you Frankie Cal uh not happy with Drew on last week’s show guy in the Nike hat he’s a hater B is awesome and represents a wrestling

Community awesome B should call him out and KO that bum who who said that Frankie Let It Go Frankie Let It Go baby tell him dag on Drew who do you think you are casual fan Drew you’re going to have a hard time finding anyone knocking bow in the wrestling Community peeing

Yeah peeing on our uh statue over here Drew or I mean uh Bo no we’ll see about Bo actually what Drew is bringing up is true we haven’t seen him take a hit yet um I think Bo can take a hit just off of how everything I’ve ever seen but we’re GNA

Find out we will find out all right uh Eric Von mainin best match has to be Ed Scott vers andonian I mean antonian everything every every time antoni’s in there every time I mean kid is unbelievable Levi andonian I mean you just keep going um andonian I I have no

Clue I can understand how he gets hurt a little bit every year you talk about a wild man out there dude throwing it on the line oh I know uh I I tell you that that kid I he’s turning into one of my favorites now I’m really praying that this isn’t a serious

Injury same we said it STS and Starsky another great episode I’m earnestly awaiting the next funny comment competition well guess what we’re doing it every week now to start the show there you go there you go um and you know what maybe I’ll chip in something

Um you know a lot of times football quarterbacks as they’re coming off the field they’ll have a sweat soaked um uh wrist ring and and headband and what I could possibly do there is I can maybe you know I get hot this sweater by the

Way is making me hot we’re Ino we always got to have a fan going here yeah um I could have a uh that it this literally sweated while I was making the podcast we’ll put that in an envelope and send it to no that’s talk about me going off the rails

Dude now we’re both going off the rails someone needs to keep the Train on the tracks dude oh my goodness uh how about bt1 1919 I think AJ needs to hop in the truck for one one day with Wayne his attitude his attitude will change immediately uh oh that would be very

Very interesting because in all seriousness I understand what he’s doing here a little bit and in in a way you could say well that’s brilliant he’s building this uh social media base and uh he certainly is uh getting eyes on the sport isn’t he he yeah and all this

Stuff you know I think he could be a little cooler like the ride drive up in the car like can’t just be a little cool about it because that wasn’t cool 665 this is where wrl become Legends well okay I but I respect what he’s doing just tweak it a little bit don’t

Show any disrespect to you even for Brooks after he beats you don’t show Brooks any disrespect Brooks is going to be there with the He he’ll put his arm around you if you want you know he’s a nice guy there you going Brooks you know Penn State watching Penn State not one

Of their guys you know Kale’s got he runs a tight ship over there kale runs quite a tight ship yeah there’s no nonsense going on you know the one piece I missed on the AJ car thing first of all I do do a second take cuz did you hear yes

665 his voice do it again you got to be a man voice 665 and I missed no it was like 665 665 yeah woohoo baby I trying to think of a h yeah that was funny dude I love it com dude here you know why he can’t do that he can’t do

This that’s unbelievable all right Eric day did these guys win national titles this year carfix or Woods any of them yeah Woods Woods is real woods is real um I said my that Woods would never win a National Championship and at this point I think Bartlett could keep it

Close and possibly but probably unlikely because Woods is tough Mendes I know he took a loss and everybody kind of wrote him off oh well Mendes I still think Mendes is Mendes is his biggest threat but um I might be wrong on that one Woods may win a title you know how many

How many years has it been since Iowa’s won a National Championship uh individual National Championship it’s been a couple years or has it been the 90s no I’m just kid I’m just kid I’m just getting under Town skin now all right speaking of wrong dates uh Thomas dble said Bo graduated in

2019 yes we weren’t thinking that what we were ra by like 20 years I know I know what I know but it seems like yesterday right yes and also uh Bill prior to clarify that video it was Terry not Tom yelling oh who got her bigst apparently that was Tom how unbelievable

Is it that they are that identical dude I know but what seriously dude that’s crazy uh baby brand says chitam got out of the trailer park just in time I mean I don’t I think Chum’s Gonna Make some noise before this year’s over Lee said our uh award show best episode ever

Wants to buy shirts we’re putting them up on sale um and I got to say something right now um you know I enjoy this podcast you know that I enjoy recording a podcast but really what I have fun with what I really have fun with is our

Facebook page which now we’re up to maybe 160 members and I encourage that’s where our good material I really encourage you guys to come join us because we got a multiple very knowledgeable poster there’s not it’s no trolling going on and it’s I mean well I

Troll well that’s some out of me I’m the only troll really I love I absolutely love reading the stuff that people are putting up and it’s also the place I used to always go to all these other wrestling sites and I have a uh an itch and want to say something about

Wrestling I’d have to go to one of their sites now we have our own site yeah and cool I don’t even go to other sites I’ll read other sites what’s going on but uh some of the posters that we have are obviously very knowledgeable and I learn

A ton off of them and I really really enjoy beg’s Facebook page we got to get you more active on the Twitter but uh speaking of you mentioned trolls I’m the only troll one final comment here from our newest biggest fan Tim M and this

Was in response to uh my riding the bike copper boy chasing AJ Zach this kind of comment this kind of content does nothing for the wrestling Community down down down down or reporting on wrestling stop with the stunts the dress up parties the dress up parties do you see anyone else that has

A huge following playing makeup oh hello thinking Zach we hold on Tim one final beg shirt I’m giving out for free baby and it’s to you even size I mean just good stuff that is that’s great the thing is I was thinking when I first

Seen it I thought Zach here we got this re very rable uh reputation everything we say is correct and every name we say is correct and everything we’re correct all through and then you with his jokey Moy stuff and it’s pulling us down and you know what I

Don’t even show you it before I put it out you see it for the first time no I see it with them and the thing is I think I don’t even if it pulls out comments like that bam bring it on baby keep them coming let’s go keep them

Coming what we do bring it on here at BG wrestling until next week see you guys


  1. Hamiti is an awful matchup for Ramirez. Ramirez is 0-3 against Hamitti. He has gotten pinned, lost 14-4 and 15-11 (match he was up 9-0 in ).

  2. Fix weighed in this last dual at 130.3….Kinda tells me he sucking down to 125….If you had no indication that Mesenbrink was that good, ur not watching….Levi is trying to work through a shoulder injury. Although there were duals of higher ranked teams this week, how many points do you think Penn State lays on a team like VT? Kerk will pound Nebraskas new found HWT.

  3. Voted for you guys for “stalematie: new content creator of the year”. I recommend everyone else do the same over at stalemates.

  4. I always enjoy the edits they're hilarious; however, no stress if sometimes you guys have less time! We come for the great discussion and excitement of the channel! Keep it up!

  5. I have absolutely no idea how Vito gets down to 57kilos or less! I went to world team trials in person, and I was absolutely shocked how big he looked! More than any other wrestler he shocked me at looking massive for his weight! I'm 6ft 1in and 170lbs-180lbs and he looked as big as me haha. He claims he doesn't have a problem cutting down, but I think it's absolutely insane he can make it!!!

  6. Don’t let the haters get you down. You do a fantastic job and you guys are hilarious! And I would let it roll also. Don’t worry about the editing. And as far as AJ. I don’t think any school would be dumb enough to sign him.

  7. Carr won't beat O'toole ever again and I think O'toole will big brother mesenbrink. I do think Mesenbrink is the only guy that has a chance against O'toole though

  8. I don’t even think Iowa can justify adding to their roster. Can anyone figure out a way to justify adding him?

  9. Hey Penn State Homer's Mark Hall played the victim card when he got Carvered remember. They were saying racist things in the stands that's why I lost. Did you mock Mark Hall?

  10. There is absolutely no excuse for Beau Bartlett to not be teching these guys. He just needs to change his mindset. With his physical gifts it's too damn easy to take people down. He is just in his head about it.

  11. Keegan O’Toole vs Mitchell Mesenbrink isn’t as exciting as you might think because they have wrestled over hundreds of times together already.They went to the same high school and have wrestled at AWA for many many years. They’re good friends and they know each other’s moves and tendencies. I would predict a low scoring match.

  12. I previously commented Penn State does not do very well after holidays they give them some flexibility on weight, and they come out a little bit sluggish by mid January, and especially by the end of February they will be rolling 12:47

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