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Is Valentin Barco to Brighton a ‘done deal’? – Tim Vickery with transfer updates from South America

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Tim Vickery joined ‘Transfer Talk’ to discuss a number of potential moves in and out of South America; including Valentin Barco’s potential transfer from Boca Juniors to Brighton

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Welcome back to transfer talk let’s speak live to South American football expert Tim vickory joins us live from Brazil great to see you Tim we’re going to start with Brighton because their fans will be listening Keen to know if they’re any closer to signing Valentine Barco what can you tell us well the

Press in Argentina are saying that this is a done deal um barco’s buyout Clause was 10 million US $10 million today this very day it goes up to 14 and baros wanted out and to make himself more attractive he was desperate to get this deal through while that buyout Clause

Was still $10 million so the decision I as I understand it that bcka have had to make is whether they accept $10 million to sell all of him or accept nine and keep a 10% stake but as I understand it as the Argentine press are saying this

Is done right in Brighton fans will be delighted about that or or will they what will he actually bring and is there a potential problem here that he would just be a replacement for pvis estupinan very very different type of player all they’ve got in common really

Is is a left foot and his Stan is an imposing physical specimen on last Premier League game almost used him as a kind of left-sided Center back that’s not going to happen with Baro he’s a tiny little figure he’s he’s a little kind of redheaded flea elusive Runner

Surprise strength in that that left foot that left foot can be useful for set pieces so he’s going to be playing higher up the field I think and he has played at left back but really came more into his own as a as a as a left Winger

Cutting in being free now I think this is very interesting because one of the things that Brighton have done very very well is f positions for some of their Acquisitions I remember when we were talking about their interest in Alexis mallister a couple of years ago and we

Were saying there well he wants to play as a 10 but he’s not going to be a 10 in English football so what are they going to do with him well they found a position for him they really helped him as a deeper midfielder with barle I

Think the opposite will be true I think he’ll probably be end up playing higher up the field ham Andre think’s a few Premier League teams that are interested in him as well would that be a good H Team West West Ham have been linked with Andre is of interest to

Several Premier League clubs would that be a good fit well it’s it’s a amazing to me that this player is still in Brazil uh 22 years old and you think of the central midfielders Brazilian Central midfielders doing well in the Premier League on Douglas Luiz at Villa

Jvan Gomez at wolves Danilo maybe at Forest Bruno gimar uh at at Newcastle well Andre might just be the best of the bunch you know uh reminds me a little bit of a young Javier melano who was so good for Argentina for Liverpool and for for Barcelona uh he he’s he’s fierce in

The tackle covers a lot of space and also he plays for a side that play out from the back so he really has to receive the ball in Precious situations so it’s a real surprise to me that that he’s still in Brazil and that he’s not attracting interest it seems from the

Very biggest clubs and we thought Fulham it seemed were very interested but they’ve got a financial fair play issue while they can’t shift Pala West Ham maybe the latest up but it’s a real surprise that even the biggest Premier League League clubs are not banging on flumin door saying sell us this player

Because he’s that good Tim bourma for exploring the possibility of signing eador under 20 midfielder Oscar Zambrano tell us about him attracting a lot of interest from other clubs as well yeah Luton have been uh in this one for a while but now Bournemouth it seems uh

Have joined the hunt and you can see it from a Bournemouth point of view because a player that they got terrific service out of was the Colombian Central midfielders Jefferson LMA I’ve now moved him on to to Palace and you can see in Oscar Zambrano a young version perhaps

Of Jefferson lurmer very raw but you can understand the interest from a club like bourman do you think he’s ready for the Premier League yet or will it be too soon I I don’t think he’s ready no in fact and he was part of a good Ecuador

Under 20 side last year but he couldn’t get much of a game at First Team level his side there lier of Kito ldu were a good side last year they won the Ecuadorian Championship they won the equivalent of of the Europa League and he wasn’t getting a regular game

Subsequently to that they’ve sold one of the players who was keeping him out so I think there may well be a Temptation there at the club to think well we’re going to sell him sooner you know sooner or later but let’s see if we can use him

For a few months at least so uh uh we’ll have to see what the club decide they want to do with this player but no I don’t think he’s ready yet if if he wasn’t getting a game for a club in Ecuador last year I think he’s unlikely

To be able to step straight into the premier league Tim Ben Baron Diaz join Chef United last week on loan obviously they’re looking to to help or him to fi the void left by Lon and Jay who left in the summer Why didn’t it work out for

Baron Diaz that V roale well I think it was always a bit of a stretch you know just because he’s added Diaz to his surname doesn’t necessarily mean that he can slip seamlessly into Spain you know as a as a wiser man than myself once

Said you can put a dog in the oven but that don’t make it a biscuit uh he’s from Stoke you know he’s uh the so effectively what he’s doing now is is going home you know there might be one or two Sheffield Expressions that he might have to brush up on but really

This this is a player who’s who’s who’s going back to familiar surroundings yeah quite thrown by that analogy that you you’ve just done that you’ve just done Tim that’s really taking me by surprise let’s look back at some deals that happen in the summer let’s start with Mario who moved to Na

And Forest who I really like actually what have you made of the way he’s adapted to life in the league I think Murillo has been the big success of the model that the Premier League clubs are currently using which is to get them early buy them as early as possible now

He’s 21 but he hadn’t played first team football in Brazil for Corinthians until I think it was the end of April when they sold the former West Ham Center back Fabian Bala and then Moro came into the team and it was only something like 25 games before he was sold to Forest

When we were talking about him in the last window I said look I really like this player the one doubt is Corinthians defend very very deep close to their own goal if they defended any deeper they they’d be behind the goal how can he adapt to going higher up the field that

Can be disorientating for young Defenders and he’s passed every test with with flying colors so this from a player who’s coming who was coming in so raw I think this has been an amazing success story well what about matus Frank CU he had to wait patiently to feature for Crystal Palace does he

Deserve more minutes I think he’s getting there I think maybe Crystal Palace fans didn’t really understand what they were getting when they bought Matos fansa because uh this was a player he came from Flamingo the the South American Giants and he wasn’t really a first team player the

Games that he was playing was when they were putting out a Reserve side uh very big Squad very strong Squad so he he wasn’t playing very much when they were at full strength so to ask him to go straight into the Premier League was always a big stretch and I think he’s

He’s had to bed in it seems that little by little he’s winning the trust of the coaching staff at Palace he’s clearly worked hard at the language but this was always going to be one for the long term and now he’s starting to get a few more opportunities I think you you’ll start

To see the the better of him but the idea that he was going to be this kind of Wonder kid who was going to come in in aug AUST and straight away light up the Premier League I don’t think that was ever going to happen Tim always

Great to hear from you I don’t think I’ll be eating any biscuits anytime soon but thank you


  1. I swear Brightons recruitment team just type in google "football manager wonderkids" and then just go and buy a load of cheap ones

  2. Let’s have him! Chelsea will be buying him from us for £120m soon enough, at which point he will lose the ability to kick a football 👍

  3. I can vouch for Barco being a world class super talent in the future he is spectacular in the 26/27 season ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….in FM 2024

  4. This journalist knows about english football and south america pretty well. His footballing insights are great along with his English accent, rare combination of qualities in modern football media.

  5. “Or will he ? What will he actually bring ?” Ridiculous brits live under a rock in terms of football, only look at highlights Barca is the real deal !! He hustles. Unlike MAGUIRE or WERNER or HAVERTZ , who you guys worship 🤣

  6. Is it work experience day at sky sports or something? Who are those guys asking the questions lol

  7. argentine football is actually not slow at all, Barco has a very good speed, I would say he is as fast as Julian Alvarez who is not a slug by any means, but he is Messi with the ball on his feet, he is unstoppable going forward, the only reason he is not a striker is his lack of scoring skills, he is more of a playmaker who is really good at running with the ball

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