Golf Players

“It does not get any better than following Tiger and Freddie” Justin Thomas’ advantage in Augusta

Justin Thomas talks his relationship with Tiger Woods, his chances to compete regularly again on Tour and what it’s like playing practice rounds alongside him at the Masters.

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But you talked about like hopefully we just get the best product I’ll take you to another topic and this will help get the best product and that’s your boy Tiger Woods he got everyone fired up saying there’s a potentially there’s a situation where he might be able to play

Once a month you know him better than anyone is that a reasonable expectation you think I know I’ve learned very very quickly uh to not put anything past him I mean I remember when he played the Masters whatever a couple years ago I I didn’t think there was any way he was

Playing for multiple months and next thing you know he like I’m playing he like yeah you got it he’s like no I’m playing it’s like then he was there he’s playing so it’s it’s it’s hard because he he really can that the how his mind works and mentally how he’s able to just

Go to another place that nobody’s ever been and he’s also able to push through things and just focus on the end goal um as opposed to maybe what’s going on but I also I think that he he knows that you know he’s not 25 or 30 and he can’t just

Take a couple years off and and he wants to keep playing he’s he’s a competitor right so um I hope that’s the case I know myself and a lot of guys would love to see him more but uh I know he would love to be out once a month more than

Anybody yeah that would be incredible to get him out there play a tournament a month obviously all four majors but like for you I mean growing up idolizing the guy how much do you cherish like y’all play a lot of practice rounds together at the Masters I mean it’s you him and

Freddy Couples in the gallery I mean it looks like a Sunday final group Gallery out there how cool is that for you to experience it’s it’s very cool I I um I try to not look look past it or I mean I try not to take uh take it for granted I

Mean I’m I’m very very lucky one not just because that you know we’re friends and able to spend some time together but that I’m able to you know play practice rounds like that with those guys you know that’s that’s one of the few weeks that I have really no

Shame uh big timing anybody to say you know like I I’ve I remember I had a couple years ago and I hate to Hate to throw him out of the bus but you know steuart hagad I played junior golf with for a long time and he won what seemed

Like his 15th mid am a couple years ago and he’s like you want to play pract I was like yeah you know we’ll see when we get there like it was a while back and it was like Monday he was like you want to play tomorrow and I was like I’m

Playing with tiger and Freddy like I’m sorry this is just for for for my own well-being and actual prep preparation for the golf tournament it does not get any better than literally just following tiger and Freddy Around Augusta so I had absolutely no shame saying that and I

Probably won’t in future if we keep keep to if we keep doing it stough break stee just hang around that first te there’s some uh sectional qualif I remember s and I either last year or the year before Monday first day there we’re walking past the big scoreboard and we

Walk out and I mean it opens up to number one Fairway and it is just lined and there comes you tiger and Freddy and we’re like why don’t we go over to the second yeah we don’t this is a disaster like the Beatles yeah the good thing about those practice rounds every year

Is I think the first te opens up at eight at Augusta so it’s you know depending on the weather that time of year you can get some storms you get like an afternoon shower and we’ll be texting the night before like when you want to go be like ah looks like in my

Storm in the afternoon like why don’t we go go off at 8 it’s like okay and you get the range and like there’s freaking 20 people on the Range and I’m just like everyone’s looking probably that they’re they’re all trying to go off first first

Off one and I my head I’m like I feel pretty good that we’re going to be the first group off here today DEC because somebody in my and it’s sure as hell is not because of me let’s see if we can squeeze off here see if they got a

Little slot there’s been so many guys over the years that have tried to get close to Tiger Woods to pick his brain to gain some information I don’t feel like very many have been successful but for some reason like you’re the guy you see like he’s called you his little

Brother I believe like and you’re the big brother to Charlie what is it about the way you guys interact that you think that led you to become the guy that Tiger’s probably the most open to of anyone in golf I don’t know I think we I mean it’s I

Think when we just when we get together and hang out I mean we just enjoy enjoy the the company but we enjoy that we we’re very similar competitors like we we um obviously I’m not at all comparing myself to him and and what we’ve accomplished but like we both hate

To lose and we both like to work hard and we both like to you know if we’re playing with a friend like we like to beat them in a chipping contest putting contest but also I think both willing to learn and I think I don’t know potentially he just sees some kind of

Qualities in himself uh in me in that but um I don’t know I mean I think he he also knows how much I I respect him and his family and um I don’t know I mean I do understand I’m I’m very very lucky and like I said I I don’t take it for

Granted because it’s uh it is it is pretty cool sometimes

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