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Craig Houlden discusses all of the latest Liverpool transfer news and rumours

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I thought somebody said quadruple did you say quadruple I didn’t say quadruple maybe it’s time we start talking about a quadruple because ladies and gentlemen is it on is it possible dare we of course we will that’s what we’re here for we’re here to talk about the FA Cup

Draw we’re here to look ahead to the rest of the transfer window and what we can expect from it we’ll talk about Salah we’ll talk about mbappe we’ll talk about quadruples cuz you brought it up remember it wasn’t me I’m sitting here mind my own business I come in and all

This oh quadruple Craig let’s talk about it your wish is my command my friends my fellow quadruple ites I I don’t know what else to call you uh loads to get through tonight I hope you’re in good form why wouldn’t you be the reds are absolutely mustard at the minute and um

That FA Cup draw was not too shabby so Liverpool are at home in the fourth round of the FA Cup against the winner of Norwich and Bristol City I think one of the Bristol clubs so yeah there is that and I always look for these home

Draws when the FA Cup comes up or The League Cup because I automatically think of the people in the auto cup scheme getting an extra game and you know sometimes people that’s they’re the only games they get to go to so that’s the first thing I look for but then you look

Around the FA Cup right and you look at who else is in there and there’s some very very tasty games which will eliminate some big teams and we’ll of course go through the draw the Highlight I suppose is Spurs against Manchester City and then Chelsea Aston Villa two

Huge games which will knock out two good teams from the competition making our pathway that perhaps a little bit easier those games are going to be played weekend of the 27th by the way and we’ll go through all of that as well we’ll talk about um The Exodus from Saudi

Arabia but as we always do when we lose a great in the game we try to make sure that we bring it up and we talk about it here on anfield agenda and France beckenbauer has passed away unfortunately I think 78 years of age and look we talk about legends of

Football a lot and and we have to pay homage to those who came before us and he was certainly one of the greats and it’s very sad to hear of his passing today and of course our love and best wishes go out to his family and everybody in the German Football

Community on the loss of what is just a huge presence gone over the world of football so yeah another sad day unfortunately for the greater football family but rest in peace Mr France beckh and BAU and his legacy will absolutely never be forgotten um simple thing as

Well like I’ve got a pair ofid just tracksuit bottons that are a Beck and bow style that’s what they’re called so yeah it’s um it’s another sad loss as I said but we do of course pay our respects to who somebody was a footballing great so where do we want to

Go tonight it is Bristol Rovers Thank You Phillip appreciate you filling me in on that one mate um um yeah I didn’t know if it was Rover City and um either way it’s a good draw I’m happy with the draw so look I guess I guess I want to get your thoughts so

You guys have most likely seen the Ramy abas reply on social media where he says you don’t know or you don’t know anything or something along let me get the exact wording of it because I don’t want to get this wrong where is the comment so Ramy abas

Isa was replying to San un who given out what he called an exclusive on Muhammad Salah where he said that Muhammad Salah wants to depart Liverpool for another adventure in Europe and Spain is a a likely destination and he said you just don’t know now how do you read that

Because it’s a very very clever post from Ramy abasa because is it like you don’t know or you just don’t know I don’t know how to interpret it but he’s very good at playing these little games on social media um I wouldn’t say that this dude is right with his story I

Don’t believe it same way I didn’t believe the multiple times he said and Bae had already signed and agreed to go to Madrid because that fell true a few times as well so I don’t believe the story but I am intrigued that uh salah’s representative deemed it enough to I

Guess have the conversation or at least bring it up do we think that this is him probing at Liverpool to maybe you know hurry up and get to the negotiating table or has Muhammad Salah made up his mind and whatever his future may be so the Salah stuff yeah look we’re

Going to talk about that now and that’s where we’re starting off the stream but I want to know what your thoughts are on that like do you think that Ramy abasa is Just sh shouting somebody down who he thinks doesn’t have a clue what he’s talking about or is there more to this

Is it the start of a bit of a saga there I say it he means you can’t tell that’s what is a Deno reckons um it’s a tough one to gauge because if it was his if English was his first language I’d probably feel like he means

You just don’t know what’s happening you know you never know basically is how I’d interpret it but I’m unsure if he meant you don’t know as in shouting down the person or shutting down the person so yeah do you think we’re going to sign mbappe said

Chris first Super Chat of the day Chris thank you so much my he said because if we do we might have to sell Salah plus the money you give them in PSG gets paid 6 mil a month keep up the good content thank you so much Chris so I think in order

For us to have a conversation about mbappe if we are to have that conversation I yes I firmly believe that that would have to be if Muhammad Salah moved on I don’t think there’s a world in which we look at the mbappe stuff and think we can

Bring him in and keep Muhammad Salah but there’s another question that I think needs to be asked Chris and it’s regardless of what happens with mbappe whether he goes to Real Madrid whether he comes to Liverpool or whatever he might do how on Earth are Madrid affording this because there’s not a

NeverEnding amount of money and they’re a football club that is already you know committed a lot of money to redeveloping the stadium they’ve got huge earners in there and huge superstars in and they’ve paid some good money for them so I’m also starting to wonder why is it

Certain clubs seem to be able to do whatever they want uh and other clubs have ffp issues it is a very strange situation and I can’t get my head around it for instance you see Nottingham Forest Everton having minor breaches and having to answer questions and then you

See Chelsea and Manchester City and others particularly Chelsea in the last window or two been able to do and spend what they want and seemingly they still fall within the ffp calculations it’s it’s one that I just can’t get my head around so in answer to the question

Chris I’d be a lawyer if I said to you I haven’t allowed myself to dream about it a little bit I have do I think it’s likely no but what you’ve said is the only way it could possibly happen um but what else confuses me about the mbappe

Situation is the articles that I’ve read suggested that the offer that Madrid have put on the table for Killian mbappe is one that will see him paid less than Jude Bellingham so my question there is how much does Jude Bellingham earn because I’ve seen figures ranging from

260 270 Grand a week up to 400 Grand a week so even if it’s at the top end of that am I supposed to sit here and also believe that kilan mbappe is going to go and play for 400 Grand a week because I don’t think that’s going to be the case

If that was the case we could absolutely afford mbappe so there’s a lot of questions around all of this that just don’t really make sense to me at the minute uh United are winning one nil are they well done well done you’re Brea in a league one team Lads well done fair

Play to you sure that’s it now should polish the trophy up and give it to them 10 hags and Messiah um they must be bribe in the Premier League I wouldn’t be surprised well Madrid have got nothing do at the Premier League be there is a an ffp

System in La Liga where clubs have to put their their Wade Bill and their expenses and then they’re told how much wiggle room they have but I just don’t believe that mbappe is going to go to Real Madrid not be paid extortionate sums of money I don’t believe it for a

Second uh Mr MH Craig you’re a gentleman and a scholar always awesome to be here thank you so much my man the comments lately lad I was saying in my Discord group the comments lately have been amazing I’m genuinely so so humbled and proud to think that people are starting

To think of me in in a kind way H because it means a lot to me I maybe that’s always been there but maybe I I used to focus on the negative stuff a lot more and I’m trying my best not to do that now because there’s enough good

Stuff that they’re the comments I should be giving my time to um but anyway sorry I kind of digressed a little bit there I want to just address top of the league for a minute if I can so I’m going to have to restrict how much time

I can commit to top of the league we’re still doing it I’m not pushing the channel away but I’m going to have to commit my time to anfield agenda because I feel like there’s momentum building with our channel here and our community and I want to dedicate my time to it as

Much as I can because it’s where I should do it’s my family future it’s Connor’s family’s future potentially Ben’s family’s future I just want to make sure I get it right and I don’t [ __ ] to bed so I’m going to be going hell for leather and you can expect a

Different amount of cont content now on unfield agenda so what we’re going to do is a 4:00 live show so we’re going to be live between 4 and 5:00 then you’re going to get a news video that’s going to come out at half past 6 then you’re going to get

A live stream again a half past day and then you’ll get a 12 midday video the next day that’s what you can look forward to on the channel moving forward because I just want to make more content and chat with you guys more and fully immersed myself in all things Liverpool

To try and build the best community we can who’s better vvd or CBA come on now there we go again and you’re a Liverpool fan dude um obviously it’s vvd but I I got a little bit of a pain in me hoop listening to Arsenal fans and their nonsense and their

Bitterness and their super comparisons so we had to listen to the sacka salad nonsense for long enough and now I think maybe they’re starting to discover that maybe that’s a stupid conversation this celba van djk one again I don’t mean to knock CBA because he’s a very very good

Defender absolutely but like this I used to like Arsenal fans and I still like a good few of them but I am blown away by the is bitterness the right word but the no I think entitlement is probably the right word like for a club that have

Been away from the very top of the league for quite a while the sense of entitlement that some of their fan base have is a very strange one to me I mean I guess I kind of experienced it when I went onto the kickoff and I had that

Little to-do one there with the Arsenal fan but then you know I’ve only ever really interacted with Lee Gunner who you know I like Lee we got on great I think Lee calls it as he sees it doesn’t always speak for everybody but I likely

Is a guy so that’s only be my real interaction with an Arsenal fan but then I see some of the other stuff over the past few days and they I don’t know where they get it from like we’re supposed to be arrogant and entitled as Liverpool fans and I tell you what I

Don’t think our fan base is anywhere near um as deluded as some of the Arsenal fans are because there a lot of sound Arsenal fans as well but last night we beat them right and I don’t know if you guys noticed this but you look at the media Liverpool dispatch

Wasteful Arsenal and I’m just thinking where’s the credit for klopp there in the media because how I seen that game was Arsenal with a better team in the first 45 yes they were somewhat wasteful but klopp made the changes and showed his class and the team showed their class in responding to uran’s

Tactical changes and we deservedly run out winners and I don’t see that in the media I’m seeing more excuse making for Arsenal just give us the damn credit we went to the Emirates made our changes both teams went relatively strong and we beat them fair and square we should have

Beaten them at anfield but we are robbed of a penalty and I’m just starting to get a little bit annoyed with the lack of credit for Jurgen and the lads this year cuz we we should be a talking point you know we’ve come back from a terrible season last year

Invested well in the market those players are starting to show that their character and their worth and this team once again have proven that they have steel and a backbone and can you say the same about Arsenal because we had to listen to The Dean Roy crap and he’s a

Great player but he’s one player and Arsenal are still soft they rolled over L yesterday and they couldn’t they didn’t have the stomach for the fight they just didn’t whatever way Arsenal fans want and neither are these Spurs Spurs Go full spursy as well but every

Time we have to listen to it right in the media this London bias of [ __ ] that quite frankly annoys me do I like Robbie from aftv I don’t know Robbie I’ve never had a conversation with the man um so yeah I certainly wouldn’t say it’s it’s in my

Place to speak about him I don’t know him so um that’s the the honest answer do I like the style of content on AFV well I’ve always been open about that and said it’s not really my cup of tea but I won’t judge anybody on a personal

Level because I don’t really know him so uh I simply don’t like mbappe’s attitude and I don’t want that at Liverpool said Sebastian so right Sebastian I think that’s a good jump and off point for a conversation and I I don’t think you’re alone in wondering about his attitude

Right but the way I’d push back respectfully with what you’ve said mate is again I think by saying that and even as I said I thought it as well we’re kind of making out like klopp’s a bit of an idiot and klopp wouldn’t bring or even look to bring somebody into a

Dressing room that is Galvanized the way it is with leadership and and ruin that with a diva so if and it’s of course a huge if we got to the point where killing a bat Bay to Liverpool was potentially possible I would be fully sure that Jurgen klopp has looked over

That side of it and knows what he’d be bringing and what type of person he’d be bringing to the club so I wouldn’t worry about it if it happens because I trust the manager on that one uh let’s be real the best possible situations in St in a PSG in Wast in his

Career it’s scary to think of what that Madrid team could be like like mbappe Vinnie Jr Rodrigo valde kaminga Shu manyi Bellingham a fullback that they bring in so let’s say somebody like uh I don’t know what’s the kid from Bayern Munich again Alonso Davies I mean

That that is that’s a Harlem Globe Tres type team so yeah that’s scary uh hate Everton or United more what level of hate so I don’t really go as far as to say I hate anyone I have respect for both those clubs as institutions but I

Have a sporting rivalry of course now I get a lot of grief from Everton fans I understand that a lot of the time because well I invite that grief onto me let’s be honest but you know did that’s the fixture for me that’s the one that

It bugs me if we win or lose that’s the what I would consider my Derby H I didn’t grow up in the city of Liverpool so you know I don’t have that connection with family members or schoolmates or work colleagues supporting Everton so I don’t have to listen to that crap on a

Monday morning if I went into work so I’d say United for me I think I’ve always viewed everon as kind of I want them to stay in the Prem because I wanted for the city of Liverpool to have two premier league teams but I’ve never really viewed them

As a threat whereas you can look at United and their history with RX Ferguson stuff and think of them being a threat to Liverpool winning stuff right loads of news to get through so are we on for a long stream tonight because I feel like I am so if you are

Coming in late or settling down I think we’re here till 10:00 anyway folks so if you’re going to stick with me let’s have a long stream because there’s a lot to get through and I’m in a very chaty mood so let’s talk about Fabio cavalo for a

Minute and I’m sure we’ll go back and explore the salot and mbappe stuff again over the next hour but um it looks like well pretty much confirmed he’s going to go on loan to Hull City Liverpool have been impressed with how Hull have moved on Tyler Morton’s game with the way

They’ve managed them and of course Hull just below the promotion places or the playoff places in the championship feels like as good a place for cavalo to go and play so he’s going to have a medical there uh there’s no option to buy it it’s just going to be a straight loan

Deal and I think it makes sense you know could he have gone to a slightly higher up Club yes perhaps but it is about making sure the kid gets minutes and develops so I truly truly I truly believe that the club will have uh learned their lesson from what happened

With the liick situation and yeah hopefully he gets minutes Craig Andre and firmino to Sheffield well I will move on to speak about uh Andre in a minute because there was some interesting stuff coming up over the last day or two about the Fulham situation with Andre so it looks like at

The moment no dice for Fulham in that regard so he’s still there now is he still there and have Liverpool still got an interest don’t know is he still there and Liverpool will’ll keep an eye on it and see if the window goes don’t know there is a report that says that

Liverpool are still interested I don’t know if that’s the case or not I’m what I’m saying I don’t know I’m not trying to shout at and down I’m being genuine I truly don’t know but I wouldn’t say it’s our biggest need right now I think we need a center back

That’s what has me the most concerned but it is going to be weird if we don’t see Andre move because at one point you had Liverpool you had Fulham and a couple of other Premier League clubs looking at them you had certainly looking at him in Sera a and now when

He’s available and the windows open and fluminense have played in all the competitions they’ve won the coule liit theor they went over and were knocked out the club World Cup or sorry they were beaten in the final of the club World Cup um he’s there to be bought and nobody

Really seems to be pushing ahead with it so I don’t know what’s going to happen with him I don’t know if maybe that game against Manchester City turned a few people off because he wasn’t very good in the game against Manchester City and I’ve watched him playing a few other

Games and he’s looked far better than in that game where positionally he looked suspect at times um but also Endo you know Endo hendo’s been really good uh Henderson please stay in Saudi Arabia he threw us under the bus said General comment well I’m going to speak about hendo now because

You brought him up and the first thing I want to say about Jordan Henderson is he’s not going to be coming back to Liverpool so we can you know rest assured now on that one Byer Leverkusen were one of the clubs he was named as being offered to so this piece

Said Jordan Henderson has offered himself to Bayern Munich and Bayern lusin as he attempts to leave Saudi Arabia they’ve by Leverkusen have said he’s not in the conversation there that’s been reported Again by I think Sky Germany um the next thing about Jordan hen oh Florian platberg said Jordan Henderson

Is not a topic of discussion buer Leverkusen the next part about that situation with Henderson is that he could have to pay up to 3 million quid if he came back to England because you have to be out of the country for 12 months or if you come back into the

Country you end up paying I think like 45% tax so the article I read said if he came back to England just 6 months after leaving Saudi he may have to pay about 3 million quid to hmrc in tax but the really interesting part about this story

Is the one that I’ve seen uh transfer sector on social media or on X have said many players are already considering leaving Saudi Arabia they’re put off by the climate the culture the low crowds and women’s rights for their wives and partners a real Exodus could take place next summer

So my question to that is what did they expect when they went over like let’s look at the things that they’ve complained about right the climate I mean it’s not hard to figure out what the climate is going to be like in Saudi like I mean a quick Google search would

Tell you your information there the culture again you know I’m sure they would have went over had a visit you know talk to these clubs beforehand a bit of research would have probably told you if it’s a cultural fit for you or not uh the low

Crowds I mean yeah I can see that being a cultureal shock if you’re used to playing in front of 30 40 50 60,000 people and then you’re gone over there and one week maybe you’ve got 12 or 13,000 the next week you’ve a few hundred I get that uh and the women’s

Rights for their wives and partners I’m very again is it a shock that certain rights that maybe women take for granted in Western Europe aren’t the same in Saudi is is this a shock I just I I I just feel like they got greedy a lot of these people and

They seen the numbers and were blinded by everything else and again that’s understandable you know there’s some big sums of money been mentioned here but the reason I bring this up tonight and the reason I’m having this discussion with you guys is is this the death now of the Saudi

Pro league like is there only a specific subset of players that maybe will this will appeal to in the longer term so maybe people of a certain Faith or people of a certain cultural background or people of a certain point in their careers or single or I’m just wondering will the Saudi pro

League ever be able to really do what they want to do which is become a major power in World football you know we’ve seen the influence they’ve had on other sports like boxing and golf and stuff and to be fair they’re a lot easier to take over than football and

It will be interesting to see if they’re able to keep this up or not if it becomes another like China where it was good for a few years and then ultimately it faded away so what do you guys think about Saudi like this says up to 10 players could be considering

Leaving uh Craig you need to get back on the kickoff too much disrespect to Liverpool and our quality oh I’m on there F on the 18th of March I’m going over for the lon Manchester United game um and don’t you worry you know it I’ll

Be sticking up our corner and I’ll be uh I’ll be fighting our cause don’t you worry about that my man um so yeah I will be there on the 18th of February so you can pencil that one in it’ll be the same as China said Tobias who do you think we sign in

January so I think that the there isn’t the plan to sign somebody that’s what I feel but we’re also not ruling it out so I feel if we had had somebody we wanted it would have been done early and what Paul Joyce tweeted is kind of exactly where I’m at as things

Stand do dot dot no plans but we are a club that will look at an evolving situation and maybe something tickles are fancy but I tell you what else though ver of vanu B really gave me a wakeup call because if one player got injured right now we’re

In a bit of trouble with center backs yes we’ve got on Beck back but there’s no guarantee that om Beck will be able to do the job Gomez has done at left back so let’s say we got an injury to Verge there’s no guarantee that we can

Just drop on Beck in at left back and pull Gomez back into Center back and that EV will be Ticky Bo cuz because we don’t know now also granted robo’s probably only a few weeks away so I’m unsure I think if we do do anything it’ll be a Defender but it

Might be a case of let’s see how we get on over the next few weeks really and the big thing for me as well as the Salah situation and I keep talking about this because it’s not going to go away and I say this to you guys every time there’s an international

Break or an International Tournament and players head off the stories start to come out the rents start to get a bit braver and a bit Bolder and the leaks that you don’t get when they’re back in England or in Europe really start to come out and I feel like between now and

The end of the season the last thing that we can allow to happen is a distraction about the Muhammad Salah situation um it can’t become a talking point every single week it can’t become a frustration it can’t become a distraction cuz we could be on for a memorable season it’s

A long way to go a lot of football still to be played but we’ve got a a relatively safe draw in the FA Cup which would put us through to the fifth round if we won that we’re in the semi-final of The League Cup first game on

Wednesday of that we’re top of the league as things currently stand and our destiny is in our own hands with that and we’re into The Knockout stages of the Europa League so it’s all still there for us to play for and I don’t need any more distractions

Because I don’t care what anybody says there have been times where Muhammad Salah and the sad om Mane stuff and the contract it was a distraction and it took up too much mental energy for everyone so I just love a resolution to it whatever it

Might be I feel like we just need to know now you know is he going to sign the New Deal is he going to leave are we really looking at mbappe are we waiting to see what Mo thinks before even making him move for mbappe is there something

Behind the scenes that we don’t know about with mbappe I’m just it’s just tiring it’s tiring constantly talking about it because it’s a big thing right we’re talking about a player who has Rewritten the numbers at Liverpool in the modern day but I do think some

People are also a little bit blinded by his age at times and I don’t know if he give him a new deal what would be what would you be comfortable with on that deal so for me he has one year to go I feel like if we throw another year

On top of that that’s probably the sensible option so we’d have two years to go but then are we just kicking the headache down the road a little bit to say we’re going to have this again next year so when we get to January of next year and he’s into the same situations

He’s in now are we going to have this conversation all over again so I just I’d like some resolution one way or the other to know exactly what’s going to happen uh Beck was done the best player beat Rangers were looking to get him yes they were looking to get him Jamie they

Made a an inquiry as to bring it on back on loan is there any truth about Somerville from leads not that I’m aware of but it again I am not saying there isn’t truth to it I just haven’t seen or read anything on it myself uh Craig if we sign nobody in January

Who do you think the summer signing will be so even that Matthew there’s a couple of unanswered questions there that we’d need to know Thiago situation is his is he leaving with his contract up if so do we need to bring in another midfielder Joel matip he’s had a contract in the

Summer what did the club do there now I’m pretty I’m pretty steadfast in the belief that I don’t want Joel maew getting a new deal not because I don’t rate Joel not because I don’t like Joel because I don’t think it’s sens of POS for his age with the injury he has and

The fact that we have a ghetto a jail free card at the end of this season uh I feel like we should absolutely help him with his rehab and all of that stuff but I I don’t think it should be to the detriment of availability of players for us and mat best case

Scenario is not going to be around first half of next season probably so even if you extend his contract you’re then into the point of arguing will he ever get back to his level um is he going to be the same player when he comes back will he like ver of

Van djk admitted doubt his body for maybe a year it there’s a lot of stuff that just doesn’t make sense it just doesn’t seem worth the risk to me um so I’d look for a center back in the summer other than that probably a midfielder but if you move Trent into

Midfield then you’re talking about a fullback so these are the questions that I think we don’t know the answer to because I think we have to get to a point where Trent plays in Midfield it has to get to that point now because it’s been too

Much faning around not to do it you know we’ve tried it he looks comfortable there yes he’s in this hybrid role but let’s get to the point where you just play him there now and figure out what we do at right back uh Thiago is done Thiago is our

Martial look I’m I’m agreeing with you all Thiago is up at the end of the season and again I feel like the natural point to end this time at Liverpool is is then um yeah so I don’t expect he go to get an extension I think it would be

Stupidity to do it particularly if you look at the wage that he’s on you know he’s one of our higher paid players I think he’s on about I think he’s about 200 or 220,000 a week for what right now you know and know nobody wants to be

Injured I know it’s not his fault but still not any use to us is it really and that’s 10 million quid the year and that’s 10 million the year that we don’t have to pay after the summer so doesn’t make any sense to renew that we’ve got the conversation with quean kellerer

That we’re going to have to have as well is he going to want to move on and play first team football what did Liverpool do there Jean Luigi peluca or Jean LCA puga is on loan at same Pats in the league of ARA now which is great myself

And Connor are going to make sure we go and watch a little bit of him playing for same Pats to see what he’s like um and Alis is the one for me regardless of what happens with Muhammad Salah I would like us to be in the conversation for Alis next summer

Because I just think it makes sense all around you know even if Mo stays my opinion on MO is that he’s better Central as he gets older I’d like to see him involved in the action areas more and Alis say seems like a perfect readymade Premier League proven young attacking

Pacy player the only concern would be he’s picked up a few injuries this year that maybe have uh stunted his development a bit or maybe cause you concern about if he’s going to have these issues moving forward um we don’t want Salah to leave I mean I

Get that mate but also you can’t just keep saying I want them forever because at some point you have to make a business decision on it and I I I I don’t know what’s going to happen I don’t I I’m trying to sit here and try to give you a Viewpoint of what

I think happens with Muhammad Salah but all I can do is tell you what I would do if I was in charge of the club that’s and honestly if if an offer of a 100 million came in in the summer with one year to go I’d probably find that hard to turn

Down if I was running the club because you’re immediately going to go and have to reinvest that and you have to think longer term you can’t always like us fans think here and now and that’s right because you know we’re only concerned about here and now we want stuff to happen right now

But sometimes you do have to look down the line and also our owners are cheap [ __ ] we can’t forget this so it’s not like we’re a Manchester United a week and go yeah we’ll keep M and we’ll go out and drop 150 million we know John

The Henry’s not wired that way so the idea of giving a 100 million to urgen klopp you know what he could do with it but also the idea of keeping Salah for two more years and winning more stuff with klopp that’s very appealing as well uh stay leave Liverpool always have

Respects from him of man that’s not even Up For Debate Muhammad Salah if he left tomorrow would be a Liverpool icon Legend absolutely right up there with with the greats no are he has done that that is established that is his legacy and he’s earned that so yeah I don’t

Think that’s going to be an issue there’s no nobody ever going to look at that and not respect him or think that no he’s the man’s a legend uh arguing with a Spurs fan I say Prime soon was better than Kane it’s a it’s a pretty tough argument to have

Different era different position and also sometimes it’s just a bit of what you like isn’t it as a football fan keep Salah for three more years yeah again I I’m somebody who’s at peace with any option here the only option with the Sal situation that I don’t I think is unacceptable is to

Allow him to run down his contract and go for free that’s the only option of the three that I’m it’s just a nonstarter that it’s just no no extend them be that two or three years in total I can get on board with that I can see

The point of that sell them again as I’ve said I can see the point of that I can see look into the future I just can’t see a world where we let him run down his contract and leave for free that would just be Madness uh did you hear that there is no

VAR in the semis of the caribo cup yes I actually I only read it earlier on John because um the Riverside middleb ground doesn’t have VAR or the cameras or whatever the equipment is needed then yes there’s no VAR for the other so even though 75% of the grounds and the games

In the semi-finals will have it the rule is if it’s not available everybody in that round and it’s not used so yeah Novar uh don’t know whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing but look we’ll find out Wednesday and thank you for your Super Chat by the way John

Appreciate that when does his contract end it ends in the uh end of June 2025 so next summer not the one coming up the one after uh we have a quick look at the FA Cup draw and its entirety so just really quickly to fly through these it’s West

Brom against brenford or Wolves West Ham or Bristol City against forest or Blackpool Leicester city against Hull or Birmingham Sheffield Wednesday against centry the first of the really big ties is Chelsea versus Aston Villa at Stanford Bridge ipss switch against Maidstone United uh then it’s us Liverpool versus Norwich or Bristol

Rovers next big tie is a a doozy as well it’s Spurs versus Manchester City at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium then it leads against Plymouth Chris Crystal Palace or Everton against Luton or Bolton Newport or eastley against Wigan or Manchester United likely to be Manchester United now and sheffields United versus

Brighton and then Fulham Newcastle so three decent games in there um which will knock out Premier League side so Fulham Newcastle somebody’s got to go Chelsea Villa somebody’s got to go and um Spurs City somebody’s got to go so that’s even done well for us because the

Pool of threats in the competition is weakening so yeah it’s uh it’s all coming up milhous I think Salah will stay as long as klopp is still manager said laser Shar I think that’s I can see where you where you going with that mate yeah um could you see a contract extension that

Aligns up to when klopp leaves yeah I think that’s I can see that as a possibility uh deino said let him and Club leave for free together at the end of a beautiful chapter it is but we then have to think about how we fund the next chapter see that’s where sometimes I

Think our fan sentimentality interferes with the logical business brain of a football club so the idea of letting your manager Go for free that’s fine you know manager serves his contract if he goes that’s fine but the idea of losing the final part of that front three of

Firmino mané and Salah for nothing and having had those three at the club and only brought in 30 million quid for them in total that just feels like bad business to be honest with you probably a dumb question but why is far not at the point where they can take

The equipment to club like middlesburg for one game I would imagine it’s quite complex where the cameras and all have to be mounted and viewed so yeah I mean if it was so straightforward it probably would have been used in the championship another ground so I would imagine it’s cost prohibitive

Uh what else we got do you think middlesburg can beat Chelsea no not over two legs with the second leg of St for bridge I think Chelsea’s class or Squad depth will tell over two legs uh look at man united lose well they’re winning now aren’t they they’re

One n up from what I can gather from the chat who scored their goal by the way I didn’t actually see who scored it Club has two years left yes I know we were talking about Salo when I said his contracts up in the summer of 2025 KS

2026 interestingly the same as um oh D thank you interestingly the same as Javi Alonzo at Leverkusen do you think carvalo is a future at the club no I don’t like I don’t know this but it feels like something happened and I don’t know what it was and plop said

There was no Fallout but it feels like he was a bit salty when he first went to leig and it feels like there was the whole plan of why we signed him and what to do with him just felt weird as soon as he was brought in we’re like okay here’s a

Player and I was expecting him to push on like Elliot in all honesty but the loan at liic was pretty much a disaster so if he’s not getting in leig it’s going to take a lot to turn around to start getting in at Liverpool so um I think for britti Rano who said

Liverpool do view as having a future as a club but I guess we’ll have to wait and see who he gets on with Hull in the second half of the Season uh Ashley dly thank you for your Super Chat my friend said Craig I hope you’re well although he’s not at his

Best how lucky are we to have the best right winger best center back and best goalkeeper in the world oh yeah extremely fortunate mate um the spine of our team’s incredible and that’s Testament to what klopp was built there you know bringing in Allison Verge

And Salah being at the club and you can add Trent into that conversation I think now as well because Trent Trent I don’t know how we got from Trent being that player that played against Real Madrid that I was scratching my head that he wasn’t even running back and he looked

Like he was so disinterested to this Trent that like felt like he went in the summer and came back 10 years wiser 10 years more mature 10 years it’s like the experience just grew over that summer and now he’s a leader and he’s he’s just becoming

A catalyst for what we’re doing um so that’s brilliant as well but yes we’re lucky we’ve got a great spine of the team and Allison Becker man is just so good just yeah it’s great that the big money signings that we made there just worked

So well now look I know Darwin was big money and I know that that’s still to be decided but you know ultimately when clappers drop big in the market we’ve got value and Allison and Van dijk Have Been Just Bargains so what do you guys think about

Trent what what’s going to happen do you think the club bring in a right back and Trent’s future is going to be in some form of Midfield or do you think the way klopp utilizes them now is likely to be the way we play moving forward and that

Canady or whomever’s at right back just covers for Trent obviously Salah does great work covering for Trent as well as does whoever’s on the right side of Midfield be that soas Slayer Elliot they’re also very good at tuing in and covering but he feel I feel like he just wants to

Do it at some point klopp and I think we’re going to get there uh James ponter let’s not forget Trent still only 25 getting so much criticism at a young age it’s difficult for anyone to cope with so yes and no the England stuff was really weird like seeing Southgate

Just not really want to utilize Trent seemingly felt weird because it felt like at some point yes he was some inconsistencies at times but just you you can’t not have a player with that ability playing for England it just felt stupid so yeah that whole England stuff

Was was annoying for me I think some of the criticism of Trent was deserved if I’m being honest with you you know we can’t say he didn’t have a time where he he was shy because he was you know we don’t want to say these things but that

Game against Ry Madrid will forever stand out in my mind where modrick ran past him and he didn’t even chase back and it was just like he’s just given up but he’s not that player anymore he’s not that guy anymore and he’s definitely now a leader an absolute Bonafide a

Leader of that dressing room uh eventually Cam said frong in Trent Midfield with the ability to shift back the game called for it so we’re talking about all this right but what about Bradley you know we have a right back at the club who potentially could do this role like yes

Fong’s played more games yes rong’s more established but we’ve got Calvin Ramsey we’ve got Connor Bradley we’ve got option and Bradley showed when he came up against Arsenal he didn’t look at all out of place did he he looked like he belonged there so I wouldn’t rule out

Bradley being an option as well if if klopp does want to move Trent into Midfield and somebody said when’s Trent’s contract up same as Muhammad Salah he’s got a year and a bit to go and Trent Trent Verge and mo are the three most likely next to be spoken to about contract extensions

Based off what the media are saying anyway only one match for Connor yes it is but that’s CU he was injured um and he got games in preseason as well and played quite well the early part of preseason so yeah yes it is you know we can’t be certainly saying Connor

Bradley’s 100% the answer but he certainly deserves to be in the conversation uh Craig do you think we could have used Bradley in future matches news Trent and so Midfield of course absolutely uh and I think I’m expecting Conor Bradley to stay at Liverpool for the remainder of the season and get

Opportunities so yeah it’s up to Connor Bradley now now if he can stay fit and I hope those injury concerns are behind him he’s got the tools he’s got the energy um and he certainly seems to have the backing of the manager so let’s see what Connor Bradley can do it’s going to

Be up to him now what about Ramsey teams he disappeared with Preston so there’s talk that Ramsey could come back maybe this month uh between injuries and I guess just not being selected yeah it hasn’t gone great for him at Preston um there’s not really much more I can add

To that that’s just where we’re at with that situation but I hope like by cic that whatever these injury concerns are that it’s not a constant thing and that he can move past it because we’ve got some really talented kids at the club like you’ve got Connor Bradley you’ve got Bic you’ve

Got K Quanza you’ve got om Beck you’ve got um the kid that came on Bo um Bobby Clark uh um there are options there for us moving on great talent puga on Lut same Pats now as a keeper so that’s that should always be the aim

To bring through the kids but they have to show they’re good enough H God bless you all said love you bro keep up the good work from South Africa thank you somebody messaged me yesterday to say that when I read out one of the nice commenter that was nearly

Crying it’s kind of true like I I come from a family where I was loved by my mom and dad definitely but I was never like the proud of you kind of it wasn’t the conversation it was always kind of me doing my own thing against the world

And to hear people say you know that they look forward to the streams or that I make their lives a bit more fun or anything like that I take that as a huge compliment and endorsement and it Mak makes me feel good as obvious as that probably sounds but it makes me

Feel good about myself because I’ve always told you I’m My Own biggest critic and I’m a I’m a very insecure person but yeah lately I’m immensely proud of everything and very very content and happy and also where is it don’t forget about the Boston show don’t forget about the Boston show we

Are 22nd of March in Boston if you’re in that neck of the woods please do get yourselves The Ticket Master have a look come and see us and I’m almost certain I’m going to be in Vegas in October but not for a work thing just for a a lad’s

Trip we’re all proud of what you’ve built but we built it that’s the thing that’s we built it yes me and Connor were the drivers of the channel but it doesn’t exist without you and I’ve said this to you guys from day one when people say to me about our Channel

Yes they talk about the graphics and they talk about the streams but the community in the chat is the thing that keeps coming back to me from other people other content creators non Liverpool fans cuz it’s different and it’s different because of you because you don’t put up with it you don’t put

Up with the trolls you don’t put up with the [ __ ] nor do we we get rid of them because this is our space this is our little world where we get to be vulnerable and we get to have fun and we get to talk about mental health and we

Get to talk about Liverpool and I get to go choo choo about mbappe and Bellingham and yeah it’s our little world and nobody gets to [ __ ] it up for us we’ve built it and it’s ours and I like that we’ve done it despite everybody closing doors in our face despite the mainstream media

Never looking at unfield Agenda never quoting unfield agenda never giving us any credit they can deny us all they want but they can’t deny the numbers they can’t deny the community and they won’t deny us cuz we’re doing something we’re building something special together the community and me and Connor

And everyone and I I gen don’t know where this ends up but my God I’m excited to see what happens why not make a hang out the Vegas trip I need excuse to go to Vegas oh dude Vegas would be for whoever wants to

Show up man Vegas is going to be fun I’m going with Brian LFC USA but just me and him um so yes if we’re going to go to Vegas if anybody’s in Vegas or that neck of the woods then absolutely we want to meet up same about Boston even if you

Can come to the show hit us up let us know you’re in that neck of the woods and [ __ ] be pleasure to have a drink or go out for dinner or meet people CU that’s that’s the joy of this nothing make me happier than when we did the

Dublin show and I got to speak to people afterwards and I got to hear how they watch the channel how they got to watch it you know who they interact with where where they’re from and it just makes you feel proud because it’s the real world

Version of what we’re doing you know the real people that have given us this platform it’s nice to shake your hand and say thank you to you like uh would the sign on fee for mbappe cost more or less than what Ben White spends on spray oh I’ve often wondered about Ben

White to be honest with you and I’m not going to get into looks or anything like that but I thought I when I was reading that question out frit Frank I thought you were going to say would the sign on bonus for mbappe be more or less than

We’re likely to get for Muhammad Salah but that’s not where you went but it wasn’t it I I would say it be a slight bit more than than the tan but does anybody believe that he’s going to get less money than Jude Bingham by the way because that

That I I’m not believing that even if I take Belling I’m being At His Highest wage which is reported about 400 Grand a week There’s no way I’m thinking of B’s given up what somebody said maybe four to six million euro a month all in to go

And play at Madrid for 400 Grand a week find that hard to believe I find that about bit as hard to believe as I find the Holland transfer fee to Manchester City hard to believe as in yeah that’s the headline free but tell us the rest of the story tell us how

Much Daddy got tell us how much agents got tell us how much of ass signed and ony there was tell us about the bonuses yeah there’s a lot of that [ __ ] that just doesn’t add up to me but we’re not innocent of this either so the headline figure for Mo has always been

300 to 350 Grand a week but that’s not what Ramy Abba said when he was over in Harvard is it he said that Muhammad Salah makes approximately a million quid a week all in so maybe we’re just all I even and just see those figures and we’re guilty of it as

Well uh only four months ago you said you didn’t want mbappe to Liverpool now you say you dream of it watch chains the attitude issue exactly what other people’s concerns were were my concerns we’ve always said the same thing mate look it’s unlikely it’s not very Liverpool

And when all the drama was happening and all yeah I have to say same as everybody else had had concerns about his attitude but the more I sat down and thought about it the more I thought I’m doing klopp a disservice because if I got to

That point as I’ve said klopp would have looked into that so it is a dream same way it’s a dream that any of the biggest players in World football puts on a Liverpool shirt and no matter what any of us say and people will genuinely not want mbappe at Liverpool there will be

Liverpool fans who like nah don’t need that distraction but nobody can deny that it will give you a buzz or the stature of the club would change overnight and we would have gone from a huge Club to a behemoth of a club again and the the attention of the world will

Be back on Liverpool and there are also other aspect of it that just kind of like the Bulls are buying an mbappe shirt just think about that yourself and on imagine you want a balandor at Liverpool as an example like but I love that you call me on these things because you’re absolutely

Spot on three four months ago I would have said exactly what you said I would have said but three or four months ago I I guess I was I was a different person as well but yeah I think my opinion has probably changed because the likelihood of Madrid maybe

Is has decreased a tiny bit in my brain and then when I think over the conversation like something about mbappe appeals to John W Henry it does whether which is really weird because we all know John W Henry’s cheap with regards to the the money he spends at

Liverpool but he also really wants mbappe and has done a lot of stuff to try and get him five years ago and now when he’s on a free although not a free if you’re ever going to make that move from if if John W Henry was ever

Thinking lightle moment this is the time to go get this kid it’s now like this would be the [ __ ] or get off the PO Time full duck or no dinner like it’s now or it’s never and it’ll probably be never like but mbappe’s M’s agent yes so he changed

Back um I think he did have different agencies I think now his mom’s taking care of his Affairs again um but look the whole thing is just weird I find the whole situation weird like it feels like Madrid are almost too scared to open up themselves again in case they get hurt and

Embarrassed because it was a big embarrassment that they didn’t get mbappe the last time you all remember the TV shows in Spain and it was just it was like it was a formality it was going to happen and it didn’t and I told you that Madrid wouldn’t go away with it

Even though they said that that was the end of it no once he flashes the bit of leg they’re there again but they don’t want to be embarrassed Florentino Perez doesn’t want them to to take the piss out of Madrid again so I don’t know yeah I don’t

Know even for three four years just to have them around even for two or 3 years like imagine you kept mbappe to his what is he now 24 25 imagine you kept him to his 28 and then sold them elsewhere kaching you’re going to make a a load of

Money and we would have had the fun of watching mbappe imagine the head’s melting of other fan bases like tomorrow you wake up and you hear Liverpool have agreed a deal with Killian mbappe for killing a b to join Liverpool in the summer you it won’t have been five minutes where he’s overhyped

He’s no good Madrid didn’t want him anyway he’s shy he’s just a poor man’s garnacho all that stuff would happen straight away because people’s heads would be falling off and they’d be trying to undermine it yet again for Liverpool and make out like he isn’t the

Superstar and I I kind of I wouldn’t mind that bit of [ __ ] housy I wouldn’t mind to to watch it watch opposition fans heads explode cuz it’ be the most UN Liverpool thing ever for us to do that I’m buying a shirt straight away as

Am I 100% I I won’t wear it but I’ll want it I want to own a shirt that says mbappe and whatever number at Liverpool absolutely I’m buying the shirt anfield agenda minion for Life Craig e was top G thank you my man appreciate you uh has spoke as Craig

Spoken about sasay injury and no the only thing I know Ezra about that is I think the expectation and maybe this has changed but I’ve not seen that until the country yet the expectation is that after the game on um Wednesday you should be back for the next one so there’s something I’ve

Never spoken about really about anfield agenda and I want to just talk about it now for a minute do you guys have any idea how satisfying it is to to be told for years on social media that I’m an embarrassment to the club that I’m not welcoming the city of

Liverpool that I’m a laughing stuck that they hate me that I’m a a wool that I’m and then to go on a couple years later and look at all these people keeping track of everything I do and say and known that we’re the most viewed Liverpool fan channel in the

World and I live in Ireland and that people despise me just for that just because I’m not local and maybe because they think I’m an [ __ ] that’s okay but the satisfaction that we’ve taken from being able to do this despite barriers being put up in front

Of us all the time like I’ve never had an opportunity to do a TV program or an interview about Liverpool Football Club with an outlet or the big podcast or any of those of everything that we’ve built together you and us we’ve gone from the ground up our own way with no

Help from anybody and I think it’s about time you start to get some goddamn respect for what we have built because I say it again we are the most viewed Liverpool fan channel in the [ __ ] world and I’m an idiot from Ireland and you’re all idiots wherever

You are from and we’ve done it together and we’ve done it with one simple thing by not talking down to people that’s the big secret of anfield agenda it’s always been the secret of anfield agenda I’ve said it from day one I’m sick of seeing people look down

Their noses at American fans or South African fans or Australian fans and thinking they’re inferior [ __ ] fans cuz that wasn’t my experience of overseas footy fans my experience was people who got up early to drive to bars to watch with their mates people who in Australia went into bars late at night

To stay there for 3: 4 a.m. kickoffs people who traveled and saved their entire lives to come over for a game only to be told that you’re the [ __ ] problem in the stadium that the [ __ ] atmosphere is your fault that bugs me and it’s always bugged

Me so I wanted to prove a point and I think we’re proving the point there’s more of us there’s more of us that feel this in franchise than look down our noses are and by the time people realize it’s going to be too [ __ ] late because it’s done

We’re here and we’re not going anywhere as a community together so big up yourselves for that because I know it’s not that doesn’t apply to all of you I know it doesn’t I know there are some of you who are locals who are sound and have always been with us and I don’t

Mean to tear anybody with the same brush but I’m I’m not [ __ ] lying lad this the satisfaction of getting to this point after being ridiculed Ked mocked laughed at threatened there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t wake up and smile and go nearly a quarter of a million of us

That’s a beautiful thing and thank you all for that because it just it proves what I’ve always known about the club we’re an amazing collection of people from all parts of the world and we don’t choose to fall in love with Liverpool you don’t you don’t choose to get the book but

When you get it my God you get it and I remember Melbourne cricket ground and You’ll Never Walk Alone and thinking wow [ __ ] I remember being over in Tampa and speaking to Tampa fans who may never get the anfield but love the football club and want to know about the culture

That’s what the club is that’s where we are and I think of us as an kind of unofficial International supporters club and you’re always going to have a place here and you’re always going to be welcome here nobody’s going to disrespect you unless you disrespect respect somebody

Else it is a religion that’s probably the best way drew that yes it’s probably the closest thing I’ve had to religion in my life anyway um I I I I’ve often tried to think how how do you explain this like imagine aliens came down tomorrow again and said to you explain

Football why why do you like football explain this why are you all so obsessed with 22 people running around after a bit of inflated leather on a patch of grass I don’t know I still can’t explain it but it just hits different maybe it’s the tribalism maybe it’s the part of

Belonging and feeling with something I don’t know but God it’s weird isn’t it h much respect for me never give up thank you my man appreciate you um right more talk Alis so fito Romano was speaking about Liverpool maybe signing another forward and he said I’m aware there has been

Speculation about Liverpool making a short-term loan signing upfront to cover for I think Mo uh for now there’s nothing concrete and I personally believe they have a very good squad so look we’ have a great Squad and as things stand I would agree that signing a forward right now the need for

It probably not there yet but in the summer if somebody’s going to be in for a Leisa I I do want it to be us I want us to be at the table because he’s the Next Generation even if you have him and Salah at the club and even if Salah

Stays two more years so what Alisa is still going to be a kid by the time Salah leaves and he would have been a kid who’d be climatized and and used to the Liverpool ways and system at that point so I hope he’s one that we do

Trigger in the summer cuz I’m really I’m really starting to fall for is that the right word I’m really starting to warm to the idea uh Ty car said don’t like terorist we take all the money and support elsewhere you’d be as relevant as the French league without our support I’ve

Never understood that [ __ ] comment about locals being the problem cuz it’s not even rational to me or not local sorry overseas fans being the problem it doesn’t even make rational sense to me cuz my simple question is if overseas fans are the problem who the [ __ ] owns the season

Tickets because I would imagine at least half of anfield the season tickets maybe more and if the overseas fans are the problems then why aren’t the season ticket holders and the people who are there every week making the noise how is it always just everybody else’s fault the truth of the matter is

It’s a multifaceted problem some of it is people flogging on their tickets for excessive money some of it is a lack of people who are familiar with each other or that know each other being in the same sections some of it is people who are in the cup that probably should be

In the main stand or the the king Kenny stand at this point yes you always won the local heartbeat inside the football club and there should always be a pathway particularly for the younger r to get in and watch games and fall in love with Liverpool but it isn’t as

Simple as going foreigner bad Foreigner goes to the game with an umbrella and a a selfie stick and just doesn’t look at anything and just takes photos all day CU that’s [ __ ] that just is not the case so get it really RS me when I see the lazy old AR foreigners overseas fans

All your fault really h uh local only attendance cannot produce enough Revenue to be able to buy the players the locals from outside the city they want exactly look you want the club to have the connection with your city of course that’s nobody’s making that argument of course Liverpool should have a great

Group of local fans that pass on the traditions and the songs and of course heritage and stuff like it’s really important at a football club of course it is but football isn’t what football was 20 years ago regardless of blaming anybody it just isn’t football isn’t the working

Class sport it was when we were in the ’90s it’s changed it’s evolved like you could still buy tickets on the gate for the Champions League quarterfinal I think in 2005 football is doesn’t like that anymore football’s big big business football’s a commercial entity and unfortunately that means that a lot

Of people are going to be priced out of going every week it’s [ __ ] it sucks we’d all love to go all the time but you don’t have a Birthright to go all the time it’s not our fault like people assume that overseas football fans are all minted or

Something like do you think any of us like paying over the odds to go to a game of football do you think any of us like having to go through travel agents and uh corporate entities to flog our money and get given what we know is like

A 60 70 quid C for three 400 quid no but you do it because it’s your only [ __ ] option or you don’t go if you don’t go you’re you’re a sofa fan who sits at home and does nothing if you go with you’re the problem you’re causing the touting you’re denying locals the

Game it’s it’s a no- win conversation so unless you’re going to have that conversation with many of the really rational downto Earth local fans and there are many of them you’re just banging your head against a brick wall uh Liverpool would not Premier League club if it weren’t for the

Overseas fans there’s many Norwegian fans gone over every week yes loads loads and same from Ireland and same from other parts uh I think I missed the Super Chat sorry let me go back up I think pump there you go sorry mate I apologize for missing this one thank

You Mark for pointing it out to me said any recommendations for a good Pub to watch a Liverpool game in Dublin me and the family will be heading there around the time of the Brighton game leave it with me pump leave it with me and I look there are it’s depends

What part of Dublin you’re in um there are definitely two or three bars in Dublin City Center that are known to be frequented by Liverpool fans I just don’t drink and don’t going to the city center so don’t know them but leave it with me and I promise I’ll get you a

Recommendation mate H you won’t be short trust me man Liverpool are very well followed over here so we’ll definitely be able to sort that one out and figure it out for you uh Che welcome anfield agenda FC buddy thank you appreciate your support uh footballs for everyone around

The world woke up 2 a.m. the morning to watch Liverpool from Australia yeah it’s mad it is mad like sometimes I think I don’t know if I could do it like could I get up at half six or seven in the morning to watch Liverpool I don’t

Know I’m being honest I don’t I’d like to think I would but would I record it and not watch it no not look at social media R and watch it when I get up maybe but yeah it’s mad most locals are not ask where you’re

From we all bang to the same drum so David absolutely there’s a a huge section of local fans who are welcoming friendly and give the city of Liverpool the great name it has a welcoming City with fun and that’s been my experience but I can’t sit here in

Liate and saying there hasn’t been a lot of at least people who pretend to be locals who don’t um use the same lazy throes but you are right mate most locals when you go over I sound and Liverpool is one of the most welcome and friendly fun cities I’ve ever had the

Pleasure of being in so I’m not here to knock locals I’m just trying to defend the position of of my audience who probably feel like they look down their noses at by some people at time and sometimes it is the the minority that are the loudest mate you know I

Certainly know with my own trolling and my own abuse that I received it was a very vocal section of the same group of people that were just going around being negative towards everything uh the clown it in there’s a shell from Jesse Quinn is a Liverpool Pub thank you

Jesse om Beck really looks like a decent player yes thank you for changing the conversation so on Beck so actually to know what the preview is out at the moment for the Fulham game so I’m going to tell you my 11 and see what you guys

Think right so this is the 11 that I’ve gone with Keller her in goal don’t come at me we know it’s his competition so Keller her in goal I’ve gone for Bradley at right back Gomez at left back Verge if he’s um okay after his illness and Canady in the center back positions

Trent in the number six because let’s you know we want to see it don’t we and then I’ve gone for Elliot and grenberg you could easily go for Elliot McAllister or Jones and Elliot but I’ve gone for grenberg and Elliot on the right Diaz on the left Darwin and in the

Center jot that’s the 11 that I would like to see against Fulham um I think in the second half against arsenal we seen that Diaz can be impactful on the right hand side I think Bradley would have the energy to go up and down that right flank all day and

Keep an eye on Anthony Tony as well or excuse me um what’s the D’s name again Anthony [ __ ] what’s his name again Robinson sorry gone blank there for a second um yeah and I think a home is a better idea to play Trent there with the crowd

Behind them in a game that we should be looking to boss anyway so hopefully that’s the 11 I think that we’ll we’ll maybe see um penalty for United of course wouldn’t be a game but a penalty um so yeah that’s what I think what what

Do you guys think for an 11 for the game against Fulham would you change it around would you put gakpo in interested to see what you guys are thinking what’s the Salah news it was the conversation about his agent mate um putting the comment underneath a journalist post to talk about Muhammad

Salah wanting to go to Spain and he said you just don’t know and I’m just trying to figure out what people think that means H I’d have Jones instead of Graber I think the reason I went with graen is just to give Jones a bit of a breather

But look I’m at a point where any two of Elliot Jones grenberg and mallister I’m sound with in all honesty any two of those four in those two positions and I’m all good I just because everybody’s not happy with team mallister in the six and Endo started to step up although he’s away

This feels like a game where we could try Trent there um and gravenor could drop in and cover maybe if Trent goes a bit further forward who we United playing Wigan Wigan away in the FA Cup acting by Bruno I haven’t seen it I’ll take your word for it but of course

They’ll be very open and honest about that you know same where they were when J had his which was actually a foul uh Craig I’m going to the game on Wednesday I’m from Dublin it’s my first Liverpool game 12 years old so hopefully first of many you’re sitting in the main

Stand well brilliant stand to be going to firstly branice uh so what I love um and I would be interested to know if when you come back you feel the same when you walk up the steps Bice and so your ey line changes as you come up the pitch starts

To come in first see the top of the stand and the pitch starts to come in and then it just feels magical you get to the top of them steps and the it’s a night game so the lights will hit you the cold winter air will be there and

There’s just something magical about it you can’t explain it and it never gets old anytime I go up them steps and I met with the pitch at eye level and you look around it just it’s special so I’m sure you’re going to have an amazing time I

Hope we get the win um but yeah good game for your first one and um nice one main stands it’s a beautiful stand as well uh Robbie said defo going to Wembley if Liverpool makes it so I’ve only ever had one chance Robbie to go to

Wembley and um I was in a supporters club and we were playing the one we played Villa in the semi-final and I said the option was if I go to the semi-final I couldn’t go to to the final but if I roll the dice and pass up to

Take it to the semi-final I could have got the ticket to the final so I thought to myself we’re playing Villa they’re not very good at that time I rolled the dice didn’t work out well for me did it so that was my chance to go to embley

Out to window uh but I’m kind of glad I didn’t go to be honest because we lost the game and I wouldn’t want my only trip to embley to have been to see Liverpool lose to Villa with Gabby I think it was Gabby Bon laor scoring it

So part of me was a bit relieved but another part of me was sad because I was almost convinced I was going to get to go to Wembley for a final Brighton have signed Barco that from H bcka that’s a good signing that is a good signing oh they’re [ __ ] clever they

Are clever Brighton if it’s the same Barco which I assume it is the left back from Baka he’s a good player he’s he’s a good player you’ve been there loads of times for England playing yeah I’m fascinated with stadiums Robbie I love just going to see

Stadiums whether I go to a game with them or not like I just love the architecture and the structure of a stadium Brighton do some good business yeah they do they definitely do um it’s a good signing how much was it if you don’t mind me asking what was the

Was it a with an opportunity to buy or did they just go buy him uh Craig do you think Madrid are starting to get the media to spread the narrative that mbappe’s career would be incomplete if he didn’t join well look we now Madrid have mouthpieces in the media that they they

Use to put out their propaganda is probably the best word but I don’t know maybe the allore of Madrid is for most people like it’s certainly worked with bellam and it’s worked with Ronaldo and it’s worked with bale and it’s worked with many because there a super Club

But I don’t know if M I think he’ll make up his own mind whatever he wants to do and I don’t know if he’ll be swayed by pressure doesn’t strike me as the type of personality to bow down to pressure so I’ve no doubt Madrid are putting the

The the narrative out there because this narrative has shifted from we’re not going back in from to we’re going back in from him we’re giving him a contract off of the stair for the first two weeks and if it’s not answered in the first two weeks of January then we’re pulling

It and now it’s will given to the end of the month and it just seems like to know what I’m going to say it they’re entitled ourselveses I’m going to say it that’s Madrid to me are the embodiment of entitlement because go back if you have Twitter and look at

Madrid fan pages before they signed B him and so many of them he’s overhyped he’s English shy we don’t want them uh we need players in other positions blah blah blah fast forward he’s saving them now and he’s an absolute Superstar and remember when they signed uh Hazard people are holding up

Signs and we want mbappe like they some of the most entitled [ __ ] I’ve ever had the displeasure of seeing on any form of social media any recommendations for where to buy tickets I wish I had a shortcut for you but I have a bit of an end thankfully

With o now but other than that it’s just I as everybody else I had to pay travel agents I had to pay the club for the corporate tickets or the hospitality packages I mean you can take your chances and go maybe the night before the game and have a look around the

Local pubs and maybe somebody can sort it out but I don’t know is the honest answer mate it’s a 10 million deal for Parco again that seems like good business opinion on team o verer to Spurs the joke’s almost right themselves like the most spursy player in the world going to

Spurs I feel like he would have done better at United cuz I feel like there’s more of a position from there with the way that they’re playing um but if I’m a Spurs fan I’m certainly not going to be displeased that you’ve got more options now because son’s obviously away for the

Asia games um and he’ll give them another attacking option so I wouldn’t be displeased about if I was the Spurs fan particularly just alone uh on take Master oh oh wait I was talking about your show what our show have we got a show coming up in Boston

22nd of March with tickets on sale Ticket Master right now toinho there you go uh how many Madrid fan the way Madrid fans treat their players to is gross yeah they’re entitled and so’s Florentino Perez they’re all delusional in my mind think an will get the best said of

Teo verer yeah certainly seems like he’ll be a good man manager for him and you know verer he has all the attributes needed to do well just for whatever reason didn’t really work out for him in the Prem and that reason is he picked the wrong club like many other people sooner

Or later people will start to learn not to be lured by the Chelsea [ __ ] good reason to be they usually get whoever they’re after yeah they do but I don’t know can any player there ever really feel like they’re loved by the fans because remember this is the same fan base that

Turned on Ronaldo and although I’m not a fan of Ronaldo with what he did for that club and what he won with that club to hear people boo him [ __ ] unbelievable to be honest with you uh that’s right Craig imagine turning klopp down especially if you’re

A German do you know what I mean I couldn’t believe that imagine turning down the chance to go work with uran klopp because of a call with Frank Lampard and now look Frank lampire I’m sure is a nice man but he was an unproven manager and you had the chance

To come and play for urgen Club in front of the cup for Liverpool and you turned it down I I I it was a weird one I don’t get it uh Craig not sure Barker was 10 million I want to make sure I’m not misguiding you what I said saw around

7.9 so maybe it was like 10 million euro or dollars or something and it equates to it but either way anything 10 or less and here’s here’s the joke I guess I’ll be interested to see what Brighton sell him for in a year or two when he

Probably get sold for 40 or 50 million to city or Chelsea or somebody else who do we get in the draw so we got the we’re at home and we’re up against either the winner of the norwid versus Bristol Rovers I can never forget remember which Bristol it is

Bristol Rovers yeah so whoever wins the replay between nor and Bristol r as Liverpool play them at anfield in the fourth round uh Madrid no different to City they were caught in fin for accepting taxpayer money on record seemingly of no ffp worries it SS yes and also that’s

Where there’s a driving force behind the Super League because they want to get out of jail free card and all the money that goes with it so I kind of agree with you there’s a lot that stinks in modern day football and I can’t say clearly enough how big

This Manchester City situation for the premier league is because they cannot surely just let this [ __ ] slide you know whatever about them being found not guilty on some of those charges none of us should be able to accept that they’re clean fully compliant and clean I don’t

Know who they’re trying to sell that to but I’m not buying it and I’ll never buy it I can’t I can’t lie to you I don’t care what they say about City I don’t give a [ __ ] if they’re found innocent I don’t believe it it’s as simple as that

Because I’ve seen enough with my own two eyes and looked into enough and read enough of the leaked emails to know that they’re taking the piss and my belief and I’m just one man with an opinion my belief is that behind the scenes I would expect that there’s a lot

Of political toing and throwing and pressure and talk of future investment in the UK and have a look I’m almost certain that there’s an article doing the rounds recently that said in the last 12 months that there was a 10 billion investment in green energy in the UK coming from Abu Dhabi

And it all stinks to high hell to me because where the World Cups have gone lately and the way football is going and the greasy nature of it all somebody has to stand up and go no the league needs to be protected English football in the Premier League needs to be protected

And I hope that there’s no political interference but no part of me will ever believe that there isn’t like you’ve seen the stuff yourself even that was linked that said was it the tourism Ministry or something in Abu Dhabi had emails the English Embassy or something like that

Like it all seems grubby to me uh Craig what do you rate Melbourne cricket ground is it in your top five stadiums you’ve been to I’ve never been to it mate when I said I remember it as in I remember the video whenever were in preseason at the Melbourne cricket

Ground I’ve not had the pleasure of being to Australia buddy I’d love to go though um but yeah look stadiums like that look when we’re going over to Boston in March did I mention we’re going over to Boston and Mark tickets on sale now for the live show 22nd of March

At the House of Blues Foundation Room Ticket Master we’re going to the new Engle Revolution Chicago game so we get to go to Gillette Stadium which for me as a a new NFL fan is amazing I know it’s not an NFL game but I get to go to

An NFL stadium and have a look around so that’s going to be class uh mate what exactly have I said Gary with the mbappe videos that’s embarrassing so tell me where I’ve said mbappe signning Gary or tell me where I’ve intimated that mbappe signed it because you’re saying it’s embarrassing

And that’s no problem mate you’re entitled to an opinion but what have I said that’s embarrassing because to the best of my recollection my friend every time I’ve spoke about mbappe I’ve said I fully expect him to go to Madrid it’s very unlike Liverpool but I also

Can’t ignore Gary that John W Henry did fly him on his private jet that we have kept in contact with him for five years that mbappe’s family is a fan of us these are facts mate and they’re not my stories they’re just facts so respect respectfully if you think

It’s embarrassing you are free to go watch elsewhere my man but I know what I’ve said and that’s all I can really say who’s your NFL team so I did pick one recently um but I again I feel like I’m infringing on the right of actual NFL fans but um Houston are

Yeah I like Stroud I like I think he’s going to be fun over the next few years to watch so we’re going to go we’re going to go Houston um I couldn’t bring my weirdly I love the 18east stadium or is it the that’s the Dallas one isn’t it the AT&T

But there’s something about Jerry Jones that just seems very [ __ ] entitled and very weird so the idea of like an NFL team that’s kind of the opposite or at odds with him appeal to me so yeah that’s that’s where I’m at and also I’d love to get over to

Texas just for a holiday at some point and again to see both stadiums if I was ever over in Texas I’d love to go and try and see both of the stadiums as a Baltimore Ravens fan you made a bad choice look mate Lamar Jackson oh my God like if he stays

Injury free surely you’re got to be the favorites to to win the Super Bowl this year because he’s the best quarterback in the league right now I don’t think there’s even a debate Josh Allen’s so much fun to watch because you get two two different people

You get one person where you’re like the [ __ ] did he just do in a bad way and then you’re like oh okay so you’re just doing it all now Josh that’s it you’re just running for 13 yards to get the first down and you’re just dragging them

Over the line so yeah look I’m only a couple of years into watching the NFL my man but I know two things I know if you’re a Chicago Bears fan you’re in for heartache I know that the Broncos must be very difficult to follow as well but uh

It’s it’s something that I’m enjoying really getting into over the past few years and it works with my late time frame as well with how late I stay up uh deino said Craig it be my honor and privilege and pleasure to take you out for a meal when you come to Boston you

Inspire me every day need to repay you I will sleep with you um yeah of course my man I’m I’m trying to plan a meal for the Saturday night Theo so the show’s on the Friday night and then we’re going to the New England revolutions game which is a 2 pm

Kickoff local time on the Saturday so I’m hoping that we can organize a dinner out in Boston on the Saturday night for anybody who’s in the area for the show where we could all meet up and go for a for a meal and a chat and a couple of

Drinks I’m going to be there for six nights anyway so one way or the other sir absolutely we can make that happen be my pleasure uh Malcolm said no signings this month is my personal prediction yeah it’s kind of looking that way in it to be honest Lads but

Look I’m going to go and grab a shower and spend some time with the the misses and uh I will see you guys tomorrow so 4:00 we’re going to be live in anfield agenda for a bit of a new show then video coming out at half six back live

At half eight and then another video out at midday so that’s going to be what we’re going to try to do now so we’ll be live twice a day 4:00 and half a um yeah appreciate you guys as always and don’t forget drop a like on the video if you

Can only 400 likes come on now let’s get that up and do hit the Subscribe Button as well and I will see you guys guys tomorrow have a lovely evening thank you for your time bye-bye


  1. I have watched and followed anfield agenda for 5 years now continuously l am still young as of age but learnt alot from your interaction. Thanks alot

  2. Mbappe is not the right player for Liverpool, he will take a huge chunk of the budget and can see his prima-Donna attitude de-stabilising the team, he’s not a Klopp player and won’t fit into the system. I hope we don’t sign him

  3. With the kind of salary Mbappe earning, LFC could use those weekly wages to buy a centre back, a defensive midfielder & a young striker to replace Salah when he moves on.Mbappe weekly wages would put a strain on the clubs budget.

  4. We should do everything to get Salha to sign another contract as he would be hard to replace but if he wants to leave then we need to find someone and I hope FSG behave them self's by giving Klopp what he needs to get someone.

  5. Have you seen what true geordie said about Klopp he needs to be banned from YouTube and all the rest of media you should see it he's lost the plot.

  6. I don't want the quadruple. Last time, we only won the FA cup league cup. Was anyone happy with that? I know I wasn't. I'll settle for the league title please. I wish Jurgen just played the kids in the other competitions except Europa.

  7. Guys hear me out…. This window we just get a CB. Summer we look into the Joshua kimmich as his contract will be up soon and could get him for cheaper. Kimmich or Onana is a very good shout. Thennn we meet Olises release clause but loan him back to palace for a season whilst we let Salah either play out his final year or we offload him, regardless there would already be a replacement for Salah just in case

  8. With Van Dijk’s illness, and Quansah coming off the pitch for a few moments yesterday I feel like it opened some eyes to sign a CB in the coming weeks.

  9. I have heard people saying that Mbappe "just plays striker" if he goes to Madrid but I don't think it's that simple. He has played his whole career scoring goals from the left. Vinni is exactly the same player. It doesn't make sense

  10. I'm surprised how well Mo has adapted to loosing some pace. I was a sell him guy before this season. Now I'm seeing how he is playing and thinking he can score and play smart through balls like he has been doing for another 3 years if he himself is motivated. CL next year is a massive motivation for him. Loosing 100 ml by not selling Salah is not such a loss IF we are winning titles, if we're not winning it's a waste.

  11. No matter how we look at the draws, the corrupt world will want a Liverpool vs Manchester City Final, that is just the way it is, corruption. Mo probably has two years left in him at a level of what he is now, but that is speculation only, he is an athlete, looks after himself, but i would take the cash, and take it now while we can. As much as he has respect, the clubs future must always be taken into consideration, players age and the club has to move forward. Get the 100 plus million while it is available.

  12. I still have faith in Carvalho to get into this team. I was so happy when we signed him and he just needs a good loan spell at Hull to get his confidence up

  13. Don't demand respect, Craig. Just keep being humble, continue to grow the channel, and it's bound to come. And yes, I also feel hard done by the "tourist" comments, but it's not always black or white, as you so rightly explained in this video.

  14. I'd like Mbappe at Liverpool but LITTLE/N O CHANCE we sign him. A potential Mbappe arrival would make Nunez and Diaz up their game and start scoring goals cos they'd be aware they'd be bench warmers if they dont score lots of goals

  15. Sala. Should move on he is still a good player , but age waits for no one ..and imo he has lost a yard of pace .we need to move. On and bring someone else in .. mbbape imo not the answer , and I think he will go
    To Madrid ..

  16. I only saw one thing. With VVD and Salah we draw against Arsenal at Anfield. Without them, we won at Emirates. This is what i see. In our mind we think we cannot win without them. We need changes. Here we go

  17. Craig im from the black country and for 15 years had a season ticket i followed home and away and abroad nobody could tell me im not as loyal as them just a pity i can't afford to do that now but been supporting liverpool for 46 year now

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