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BOOM! LSU Lands 5-Star RB | Best Since Leonard Fournette?

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Matt Moscona reacts to 5-star RB Harlem Berry committing to LSU. Moscona breaks down the player resume for Berry and recaps the long list of LSU running back success

Photo Credit: Sam Spiegelman – On3Sports

You found it your home for the best content on your favorite team the fighting tigers of LSU do us a favor subscribe to the channel leave your comments below and be sure smash that Like it was not in any way unexpected I I guess that’s a double negative I should say it was completely expected but it happened on on as we all anticipated it would on Wednesday five-star running back for the class of 2025 Harlem Berry out of St Martin

Episcopal in New Orleans was at the Under Armour All-America Game he be the first underclassman ever to make his announcement at the under arour All-America Game doing so on national television and this is how it sounded so after my CN year next 3 or 4 years I’ll

Be taking my talents to the University of LSU well you know go play a ball out uh he did drop a university of LSU it’s all right young gu nervous all right take it easy Muse back off all right hey whoa whoa whoa I didn’t say anything see you there rolling your eyes

But the big moment man big moment was he 16 years old national TV nervous I get it uh he’ll get it he’ll get it congrats to Harlem Barry the number one running back for the class of 2025 now when you look at LSU um as they move forward you’re talking about you’ve

Already got coryan Moore committed for 2025 is the number one receiver now you’ve got Harlem Barry the number one running back for 2025 committed and in just two days on the sixth Bryce Underwood the number one quarterback number one player in the country is set to make his announcement and it

Certainly for all intents and purposes feels like it’s an LSU Michigan Battle there so Brian Kelly who they said he couldn’t recruit and I don’t know if he can but what he can do certainly is build a program and build staff members and uh a structure around his program to

Get the best athletes uh he has made certainly a priority keeping the best players in Louisiana in Louisiana that certainly happened this year in 2024 10 of the top 12 players in the state for 2024 are signed with the Tigers and next year you’re off to a

Great start already and maybe as I look at the Harlem Berry commitment it it continues a trend of LSU getting back to what we have been accustomed to seeing from LSU running backs over the years uh LSU has always had NFL running backs for as long as I’ve been alive for

As long as I can remember watching LSU football if you go back to Harvey Williams I mean you can go through the years and name off all the backs that have just been a pipeline from Baton Rouge into the NFL you know into the 90s where Kevin Faulk and Cil Collins rondy

That great great team those great teams with those great running backs on it Dominic Davis shyon kery Skyler green who of course played more receiver but there was a a pipeline that continued throughout where you went to Adai and Hester and kein Williams and you went into the Spencer Weare and Michael Ford

Uh Kenny Hillyard teams to Jeremy Hill Leonard forette Darius guy Daryl Williams you know Nick brette was the one guy that in that mix that didn’t necessarily translate but he was a thousand yard rusher then you went to Clyde who was a first round pick T Ty D

Ty Davis price who was drafted by the 49ers but after TDP in 20120 you’ve had this this run of Misses um John Em’s career as has been well documented is a insanely talented guy who’s just had his career derailed by injury and then obviously the academic issues that’s so

Unfortunate but Trey Bradford Armani Goodwin for what for a variety of different reasons guys that just didn’t pan out at LSU at that position so you go into the portal and you get Noah Kane and then you get Logan Diggs who Logan Diggs certainly looks like an NFL back

And we’ll see if he’s back another year but I mean you got Josh Williams a former walk-on was your leading running back in 2022 and and I I I always say this with the caveat that I have immense respect for what Josh Williams has done coming

From Houston as a walk- on took a shot on himself grinded away and he’s been an ultimate team guy look I mean look at the Wisconsin game the other day that 98 yard Drive I mean Josh Williams on second and 10 got a nine yard run then

On Third and two was hit behind the line of scrimmage and got you two yards so I’m not in any way disparaging Josh Williams please don’t misunderstand I’m just talking about projectability at that position where LSU throughout its history even if you want to go before Harvey Williams talk about Dalton hilard

Gary James Charles Alexander I mean it’s Jerry stoval Billy Cannon I mean the list is long and illustrious LSU’s never lacked for talented people to turn around and hand the ball to and to run and they’re getting back to that point you Logan Diggs this year Assuming

He’s back in 2024 is an NFL running back Caleb Jackson Trey Holly they certainly look the part don’t they you got Kaden Durham committed for this class that’s a guy that looks like an NFL running back a future NFL running back one of the best running backs in

The country top running back in Texas and then 2025 you got the number one running back in the country in Harlem Barry committed that that room looks like an LSU running back room again and that is a major salute to Frank Wilson who has a great eye for talent talent to

Identify those skilled rushers but then also the ability to get them here even in spite of the competition or maybe because of the competition to push him to be better it’s how you ended up with G and Fett and darl Williams all on the same team in the same

Backfield love to see it that that’s a position that LSU should always be fruitful always you should never look at LSU’s running back room and say man who’s going to tote the mail it should be more of a question because of how deep you are there who’s

Going to win the job not necessarily do you have someone to do it and they’re getting back to that point which is awesome to see so Harlem Barry commits to LSU for the class of 2025 and that 2025 class already in the top five in the country which is seven players

Committed and they could rock it up again in a couple of days if in fact they do get a commitment from the number one player in the country Bryce Underwood hey thanks so much for watching please leave your comments I love to interact and be sure to hit the red subscribe button

Below f with you let f with [Applause] you with you


  1. With the number 1 receiver in the class of 2025 committed to lsu, if we can get Underwood to commit to us , then we would have the number 1 QB, RB, & WR committed to LSU for the 2025 Class!

  2. How do yall not get him saying University of LSU as a nod to Leonard Fournette? Even his top 3 were Texas Bama and LSU.

  3. Speaking of running backs, the 1982 recruiting class included Karl Bernard, Garry James, and Dalton Hilliard. All 3 played in the NFL. They were so highly touted that Gil Fennerty , a future NFL transferred to assure more playing time.

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