Why You Can’t Stop Standing Up Through The Golf Ball




Ultimate Guide To Rotation In The Downswing

Complete Guide To Shallowing In The Downswing

Ultimate Over The Top Fix Guide

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If you’re doing this standing up through the shot and no matter what you do you cannot stay down and fix that problem well this is the video for you cuz I’m going to show you the exact reasons of why you stand up cuz you’re only going

To fix this problem if you can identify the reason why or the root cause to why you do the issue so I’m going to get into the five main reasons to why you stand up and a fix for each reason so let’s get to it so number one posture so

Common now this is the same for golfers who struggle to let say rotate through the golf ball if you struggle with down swing rotation this applies the same to you but very much so for standing up going through the shot I see golfers set out to the golf ball way too flexed we

Can call it so with so much hip hinge little bit of a curve to the lower spine here a little bit of extension and a dead straight back to where the armpits are in front of the toes there so this will cause the pelvis to shoot underneath the body whether we see it

For a player in the back swing or we see it for a player in the down swing cuz if that pelvis starts to shoot underneath the body that is going to make the upper body move back stand up and come out of posture cuz when the pelvis moves

Underneath the spine goes into extension so if the pelvis goes under spine has to get straight upper body has to move back out of that bent over posture so for golfers who are trying to do all the drills in the world to stay down through the golf ball with that poor posture

It’s never going to happen imagine you’re on a tight rope this is a great analogy on a tight rope trying to balance yourself you’re over a canyon if you fall you fell into the canyon if you’re in this position what is your body going to do cuz the weight’s going

To be too much onto the toast too much in the canyon it’s going to quickly move backwards to rebalance itself the same thing that’s happening to the golf swing you will always have that quick popup no matter what you try so the way to fix this is getting yourself in better

Posture so what I want you to do is to have a little bit more of a posture like this so where you can see here pelvis is a little bit more tucked underneath me just a slight Bend in the knees much straighter lower back no lower back

Extension here and you can see now I’m gradually rounded with my upper and mid back there so this is going to help me to one when I turn be a to stay in posture and then be able to move the pelvis back chest down going through the

Golf ball to be a to stay in my posture it’s going to be far easier for you to do the little way to do this is to stand pretty much with all my straight legs again so tiny Bend in them and stand dead upright hold the club out in front

Of you just like this so dead straight back now what I want you to do is get the club Behind the golf ball with just relaxing your mid and let’s say upper back so just relaxing mid and upper back so the club Gets behind the golf ball

Boom and there we go pelvis is still underneath me I’ve got that nice back structure now I’m in a better spot if let’s say you got long arms like me and you want to take a little Shuffle back you feel a little bit too close

Absolutely you can do so but don’t do it compromising your posture so get in that posture do that routine and you’re going to fix one of the root causes you’re going to have a far better a time staying in your posture so guys a brand new course is now live on my skillist

And that is fixing your early extension master class and in this course absolutely everything you need to know about how to fix early extension and everything you need to know about early extension and what causes it so we get into the root causes everything that causes that problem and in depth and

Then we get into exactly what to do to fix each one of those root causes with the optimized practice structure and with all my students you see let’s say from my YouTube videos here where I do videos on how they fix their early extension those crazy big gains they

Make in a very short space of time it’s the same practice structure I’ve used with every single one of those students I’ve achieved massive success in fixing this problem fast early extension is only a big issue in the go swing if you don’t know how to tackle it when you

Know how to tackle it it is very straightforward and I’ll give you all the tools to be able to fix it in no time in this course so there’s a link in the description that takes you straight to my skillist page so the website of skillist and if you scroll down you’ll

See online courses it will be right there brand new course absolutely brilliant there’s tons of info in there it’s absolutely going to be the most comprehensive guide to fix your early extension that you’ve ever seen online so number two and that is what your right arm or Trail arm is doing in the

Back swing and how it influences your posture in the down swing to stand up so what I see so many people do they move their right arm back like this like they’re starting a lawn mower so getting that elbow to where it quickly shoots behind the middle of the body the seam

Line and then gets into this internally rotated shoulder position so just where the elbow is pointing behind you how this can cause you to stand up and lose your posture is as you start to move down one the right arm the trail arm is going to be stuck behind your body so

It’s going to be behind there so one way from this that your body can stand up is to fire the right arm to get back in front of the body that straightening coming into the golf ball but if you did that without coming out of posture you’re going to massively have the club

Go on the outside of the ball line you could fat it and you could shank it as well so if you to hit a good golf shot there to make way for that right arm to get back out in front of you again you have to move the upper body back out of

Your posture to be able to hit the golf ball so not functional at all another way for golfers when they have that movement of that right elbow being behind them from the L mower back swing it can cause because of that internal Trail shoulder right shoulder rotation

That causes that is a main driver of a steep shaft in the down swing when that shaft is vertical because of this again for you to hit the golf ball solidly you have to Resh shallow the golf club you have to shallow it later so standing up

Coming out the posture will’ll get that club Resh shallowing but again everything’s going to stool out going for the golf ball you’re going to stand up you’re going to pop out out the shot so our way to fix that issue is to have a much better movement of that trail arm

A good little drill I like to do with students to train this is hitting balls with one arm but you get your left hand and you put it behind your elbow so all you’re doing there you’re now preventing this Trail arm this right arm from pulling behind

You so cuz your hand is blocking it so all you’re going to do from there is swing up and swing through keeping that back of your left hand back of your lead hand behind that elbow and just stopping it from going behind you then you’re

Going to be a to stay in posture way easier and you could hit some little balls doing it so I just hit one here of course you’re doing it with one arm so it’s not going to be the best shot into a net is going to be brilliant for this

Just keeping that arm in front there we go and then of course you could get a bunch of reps in there and then from there what you can do is then have that same feel replicate that into the golf ball so that same feel let’s

Say I’ve done a lot of reps here with just the right arm only and there we go a much much better shot so the third reason to why you are standing up going through the golf ball is again rooting from the back swing so this is why I’ll see some golfers get up

To top of their swing and their head lunges forward so their head’s moving closer to the golf ball down and forward whenever you move down the golf you also move a little bit forward unless some side Bend is applied to at the same time so going down and forward so why does

That cause you to stand up because of course if you have moved down and closer to the golf B more forward you have got to then raise back up to back out the way cuz if you went more forward and down and you stayed there and turned all

The way the weight’s going to be too far into the toes cuz wherever that head goes the weight’s going to go also so then as you turn down you probably lose your posture but that club’s going to be way too far outside the ball line You’ll

Shank it again so you have to have that head back in up to make way for the club to pass through the golf ball for a good strike very clear as day one the way to fix this is a lot of repetitions via doing this so what we want to do of

Course keep yourself in good posture so I’m into my very muddy net as you could already see from the mat so it’s rained non-stop for a month and a half so I’m lucky I could even get out and film so here we go stand against a wall doesn’t

Have to be a netting can just be a wall about half a club’s distance or so and I want you to then get a club Put it across your shoulders you could even grip it short like this here and I want you to turn and make sure your head is

Not hitting the wall on netting so you can do that then for the down swing and turn through so make sure that head’s not hitting the netting get the feeling of that that’s going to be absolutely brilliant cuz you’re going to get feedback straight away and you really

Have to do a ton and a ton of reps doing that cuz if you can keep that head in a better front space here so it’s not moving as far forward of course now there isn’t a necessity to stand it up to get out the way in that down swing so

A ton of that drill the wall drill there I do this with a ton of my students who have this issue it’s a very common issue and then you’re going to be able to stay in posture way better not stand up so number four and that is your Club

Face so again this can be back swing or this could even be down swing so this is your Club face is too closed or too open so let’s say open first now if you are in your swing let’s say here early in the back swing your Club face flares

Open to where the toes over pointing up to the sky or God forbid behind so from there if you keep and maintain that open Club face through your swing what’s going to happen if you stay in your posture the club is going to be way too

Open you’re going it miles right so the body standing up why that happens from this is because it’s the body putting on the rotational brake so the brakes for your rotation to be able to square up the shot cuz if you stay down on the golf ball and turn it’s going to go

Right so you have to back up out the way to have the arms pass through so they could either have time to early release which squares up an open face or lots and lots of forearm rotation which also squares up the face so that is again

Open face your Club face angle can make a huge difference to how you move through the golf ball if you are having a nice square face so here in your early swing you can see that club face is matching my spine angle maintain that going through the swing I can stay in my

Posture nicely that club’s going to return to the ball Square so for closed face this is really common for golfers standing up really really common so coming back let’s say again in the early swing club face pointing down towards the ground so many golfers are trying to

Play with a really strong grip cuz they’ve been told it fixes a slice and it does fix a slice it get the club face a little bit more closed to path absolutely but you’ll have a whole host of different problems come from that I’m not a fan of fixing the problem but then

Replacing it with loads of other problems so this is one that you’re going to see it’s going to come from a really close face so Club face points towards the ground in the early swing and up towards the sky and then we can see if that club face remains closed if

I stay in my posture and turn the club face is just generally going to be too sharp I’m going to hit it way left so that’s where players will have to stand their body up they’ll have to come come out their posture stand up through the shop because that makes the hands move

Higher and when the hands get higher the club face opens up so then you’re going to hit it more towards your target cuz it’s not going to get too open might do in some cases but more than likely it will just get you to where It’ll point

Down the target but then you’ll be reliant on how well can you stand up you’ll always stand up from there so again the fix for this first and foremost make sure your grip’s okay so you can even know strong grips are really hard to make you know them work

For players only the top players can really make a strong grip work really well because of their athleticism how fast they can swing and how good they can turn but you can swing with every grip you can do but the easier way to do

It is just to go standard so go with a two and a half knuckle grip I would always recommend to buy a grip trainer for a lot of players so standard grips in two and a half Knuckles on that left hand and the right hand there the V

Between your thumb and the meat of the hand pointing towards kind of like right armpit area if you can do that you’re going to have a much better chance to have a square face there’s loads of reasons wrist angles could be a reason for having Square closed or open so but

Main number one is check your grip first and foremost don’t overlook the basic things so have a nice grip nice and standard that’s going to help you have that square of face and that’s going to make it easier to stay in your posture so number five this is something I talk

About all the time on the channel and that is making sure your hips are not going towards the gol ball in the back swing so you can see pretty much all of these are faults that originate from the back swing so a lot of players obsess about getting into good downswing

Positions but their back swing is quite honestly terrible to where it’s causing these issues to happen and the hips are a huge one I see this every single day in my lessons every day so and this is that right hip As you move back in the back swing slightly and gradually moving

Towards the golf ball if your hips move towards the golf ball more underneath the body as you start the down swing the hips are going to continue to move underneath you and then what’s that going to do as we know that’s going to make the spine extend so that’s going to

Make the upper body go up and back that standing up coming out of your posture so if you move that pelvis forward there is no chance that you are going to stay down on that shot no hope so youve got to get that right hip working more back

You have to do it so having that right hip work more back is going to help the hips stay back in the downswing you’re moving into flexion which is the opposite extension which is the opposite to standing up so flexion staying down is not is absolutely sorry what we want

What we don’t want is extension SL standing up so we want to move into more flexion here so let’s get ourselves to getting that right hip really turned back there and then that’s going to make it easier to stay and get that left side moving back to stay in our posture when

That left hip moves back that forces the right the upper body to move down and that’s staying in your posture so a little drill to do that is one up in using a little bit recently cuz of course you’re probably all thinking of people been watching my channel

Regularly you’re thinking this is the chair drill for sure and absolutely that would be great but this is another good one so again it’s very muddy Club everything’s really muddy look at my shoes state of them so unfortunately that’s unavoidable with how my net is so

Grab a club grab an old wedge here so what I want you to do cuz we’re going to Target this hip stuff in the back swing put the club underneath your heel so your left heel then I want you to get the club to where

The shaft has got a little bit of a gap between your right calf and the shaft there so if I’m moving forward in my back swing with the hips that gap between my leg and the shaft is going to get greater it’s going to get bigger so

What I want to do I want to get that left leg moving more towards that shaft there so that’s getting my right hip to move more back to be able to do so so if I can touch that shaft behind my right leg there with my right leg

That means I’m going to be moving that pelvis a little bit more back so having that goal is going to be absolutely brilliant just a small Gap and then hit that with your right Cal in that back swing and your hips are going to be staying back and you’re going to have a

Much better chance to stay in your posture so those are the five root causes and a fix for each one of them so next time you’re at the driving range or you’re practicing film your swing have a good look at it look at these points

There see if you’re doing any of it and let’s say if you’re even not doing those because there is more reasons to standing up absolutely these are just the main ones in there there’s always a link in the description to get my help online with online lessons on skillist

Which is the main and only way that I give lessons now is online via skillist it’s the best way to have lessons full stop so I’ll be able to help you out Absolutely I’ll be more than happy to help you with your game if you need my

Help so if you enjoyed the video click that like button if you want more golf instruction just like this hit the Subscribe button and hit that Bell button too to be notified every time I put out a video


  1. Thanks for my posture training/correction. Only been doing it wrong for years and reason for sore lower back. Thank you. Swing will go to pop now haha

  2. Great vid. I've been afflicted with second one (elbow stuck behind which forces me to steepen in transition).. Started fixing it by feeling my hands moving away from me. I guess It's just a feel but if it works..

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