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Lucky lucky podcast no boys in the building brought to you by Noah whiskey Anor at premium Aman whiskey Anor and if you drink for all means make sure you do so responsibly got to do it responsibly yo Apple podcast Spotify one second Apple podcast Spotify you already know we reside CFB

Nation presented by Twisted T and Um we gonna get to some things today right a lot of recruiting news Junior Day uh 20 six quarterback look at his film Ethan long commitment will look at his film and explain the impact he has at noted aim in at 25 class already up to 12 commitments class probably has enough

Room to get to 25 26 it’s a pretty large class pretty large class I’ve been saying it all along more than likely it’s going to end up being the best class of Marcus Freeman’s initial classes during his tenure and we’re gonna talk about something that I think

A lot of Notre Dame people can stop saying right so you know what SM what smoking brought to you right here by nor whiskey this is what smoke Michigan wins the national championship I don’t want to hear any more noise from Notre Dame talking about Notre Dame would never win unless they get a top five Computing class you can’t win without five stars Michigan just did

It Michigan just did it they just did it so that is gone you can’t win a National Championship in the modern era thisan just did can’t great defense good running game average Quarterback you can’t win running the ball left you can’t win unless you have a passive quarterback Michigan just did it

Michigan’s defense look real good too I ain’t going to lie but Michael penck you know missed a lot of throws that he’s probably not going to Miss in the future I mean Washington just couldn’t get it together even though there were things that they had in the game that could have changed

The game dramatically I mean that wild Miss throw that he had to Romo do on a blown coverage that would have what was it tied the game up well that see that’s what shocked me is that they’ve been locked in all year those two penx was throwing away from the

Safy yeah he was throwing him wide but he should have threw him down I mean up the field that way he can chase him instead of it’s just hard for a receiver to widen when they’re running fast full speed cuz now you’re like you’re like karaoke running at the

Say is it’s it’s a tough grab but you know I don’t hold too much weight against uh Michael Penning performance last night I think you know eventually he had to play bad I mean that’s just the way a quarterback and he’s played great for 12 games straight went

Undefeated won some tough ones uh and had a bad game I mean he threw the ball 51 times so Kaylin dor definitely didn’t help him well no no no this is something left as a coach at what point that Dylan the the injured running back Johnson at what point did he start to

Hurt wat CU it’s like dude you you can’t do that’s cool you’re out here you’re trying but this n Championship you ain’t healthy man don’t you’re not healthy and we we’re wasting two and a half quarters and without the running game to keep migan on their toes and keep them

Off balance of course they going to Blitz him against home eventually it it it was just unfortunate it was too much and I thought yeah you can tell you can tell that they went away from the Run game cuz they saw that it was ineffective to a whole balancing

Thing I think you had to in order to beat Michigan you had to have balance and even in the unbalance they had a ton of opportunities but you know it gets harder the later you get in the game when uh you can’t run the football so you’re just relying on your best talent

And then whenever you become onedimensional no matter how much talent you have it’s just hard to you know beat a defense that has a beat on you I mean they had they were showing Michael Pen’s different looks cuz I watched the 4K sky cam the espb had the ESPN had which was

Kind of trash because you couldn’t Follow the Ball yeah but it gave you the endzone version which I thought was a good idea until you until he throws the ball out of the camera you don’t know what’s happening you know know yeah so maybe they got to back the camera up

Next time either way I just thought that Michigan just had a tougher front seven at the end of the day and that Washington just wouldn’t be able to hold up enough if the offense wasn’t you know coming behind it with some good with some good plays so yeah in my opinion I thought

That Washington was a complete team but they got forced to be one-dimensional and Michigan played a complete game obviously they played their game which was run heavy good defense field position and then not allowing the quarterback to to make too many Monumental mistakes I mean I appreciate Washington for not allowing JJ McCarthy

To to have a a nice game by being able to nickel and dime their defense to death which opens up the run more so they was like okay we may give up the run but these five yard outs and hitches and these little things that you like to

Throw to get the ball out your head quick we’re not giving that to you and that and I think that was the the formula to beat Michigan was what the defense had planned but conversely Washington’s offense didn’t have an answer anytime you got your n you’re in a national championship game

Throwing the ball 51 times it’s just not uh it’s just not ideal had Jack C throw it 50 times in the fiesta ball we lost now Jack con had 500 yards and some a lot of good plays but you know it just proves that that high volume of throws just doesn’t win

You the big game you know what else I was very impressed you just pointed this out I was very impressed by the adjustments from the Washington defensive staff after the first two touchdowns like they they literally kept giving Michael pennick in that Washington offense ch chance after chance after chance after chance making

Huge plays what McCarthy was like until that second to last touchdown Drive Michigan was what one for nine on third down or something like that it was it was crazy yeah and I think a lot of it too was just a power struggle it was like Washington’s defense has a clutch stop

And then Washington offense gets on the field and it’s just like you can just tell they’re sputtering can’t find uh true momentum and then when they had those big plays they couldn’t capitalize so it really throws your offense out of whack because as a as a play caller

You’re like man I done set up some really great stuff for us to be ahead in this game or to score some points and when they don’t happen you feel like when it rains and pours you can’t get nothing uh to to to fall in syncrasy uh

Especially to build a game plan and it and it becomes hard and then you got to factor in the psychological weight of you being in National Championship game and and the strength of your team isn’t the strength of the game and how do you recover from that if you your go-to guys

Are the ones that’s letting you down with drop footballs and Miss throws and and uh the offense not being the you know dominant factor in the game where it’s easy for a defense to continue to play hard when your offense is keeping up the points right when your offense is

Closing the Gap you gain momentum on defense to get those clutch stops to get the offense back but when your offense is SP fluttering after turnovers after three an outs after fourth down turnovers you know you know it just psychologically it’s a it’s a weight it becomes harder and harder to get

Anything done um and then you start giving up ridiculous runs like they were early on so I kind of knew uh after that first couple scores that it was going to be pretty much Michigan’s game to lose I just like to mention because you know I have to apply my flag Michigan

13 athletes from Chicago I I just want to point that out just want to point that out how many played though oh Brooks Bar played J here played on special teams Trevor Keegan is the starting guard JJ McCarthy uh Trey Pierce played on defensive line that’s six okay okay they that

Means they contributed well y got the quarterback well the quarterback not from from Chicago he from he from the suburbs D lra lra is like the borderline it it’s not like the far suburb you know if he claims it then he then he then he’s a part of it you know

He claim I don’t want him claiming on Neighborville ain’t that what’s out there bur Hill If he if he was in the if he was in the barber shop with me and walked in and say I’m from Chicago I would give him a serious look like that’s right but you know I’ll let

You borrow you know I’ll let you borrow I’ll let you borrow it for it let borrow it but no it is that the first time Michigan went 15 and0 or uh 13 and0 orever was I mean I would have to check the record books uh they’re definitely

The worst the worst of the top 10 Nationals I saw a poll they the top 10 champ 10 Champions yeah they’re definitely number 10 cuz all them other teams was pretty special I just feel like if Georgia played Michigan this year Georgia would have threee easily I that’s that’s

Styles making fights bro it definitely Styles make fight Michigan had the the better front seven the better o line and box box threat defensively like the Pack 12 is the Pack 12 at the end of the day so if they wasn’t going to have the spectacular greatest show on Turf

Shootout where it’s like 45 to to 50 like the Ohio state Georgia game then you’re going to get a game where Michigan wins by you know wins in the 20s now they got to 34 but that was just you know add that was late that was late

Yeah that was late but the game was over when it was what 24 13 no it was over at 2013 bro yeah it was over at 2013 had four straight possessions to tie the game up and yeah yeah and it’s you can’t get it in four straight

Possessions it’s over and and and that’s just how that’s exact L how Michigan wins football games it’s the first of 30 Washington couldn’t get couldn’t cross that threshold and you know you’re not going to beat a team like that with Michigan because they going to play ball

Control they going to run the football and even when you’re stopping them they don’t have a problem giving you the ball back because they play field position so they’ll run it three times up the middle and kick it off no problem even with the momentum with them being up they because

They feel like the defense and field position and your quarterback isn’t going to be good enough so you know it’s one of those things where Styles makes fights and if Washington ever got pushed in the corner where they just had to straight up defend the run and and get the game

To the last possession they wasn’t going to win that but if they had Georgia see that style of fight Michigan would have been in trouble Michigan would have been in trouble so how you feel about now they Advantage would have had to B go ahead no I mean did the Michigan winning going

Into the openness of the expansion make you feel better about Notre Dame moving forward as far as playoff and being able to advance well always felt like because of the expansion Notre Dame would have a better shot just because of seeding all we need you can’t tell me 12 teams are

Better than Notre Dame every year so all we need to do is just expanded to get outside the four and we can challenge if the 12 team playoff was this year here we could challenge all four teams this year if Michigan won the championship this year you can’t tell me that we

Wouldn’t be in conversation of beating them they wouldn’t blow us out and I think we would have had a better showing than Washington because of the style of fight Michigan’s not going to just run the football all day on us so that means that you’re going to require JJ McCarthy

To win the game and I’ll take my chances on that Sam har versus JJ McCarthy late late in the game I think we I’ll live with that than live with a defense that I know isn’t more physical like that’s I know Washington had to be dreading that

The entire time leading into the game is that 100% fact they’re not more physical in Michigan that’s just not who they are so that you can’t escape that factor in a game is one of those things you can’t run from and when and it and it obviously gave them trouble so it gave

Them something that they knew that they had to out score a phys a physical team and when they couldn’t put points on the board it just became a a slow boring choke cold you know was crazy like he missed at least two wide openen touchdowns Michael once he missed those

It was like there’s nothing y’all can do cuz you’re not going to get those shots you have to take advantage of those shots but then you’re not gonna get those shots and you can’t drive all the way down the field on them and then weird stuff will happen right like they

Would make a big play penalty yeah crazy they would have a drive going get a first down and then get back to back pre snap penalty it was just like the craziest stuff will happened and then they have a dude they K de Bo ran a Jet

Sweep a counter Jet Sweep scream to the other side so now he had the running he had the offensive line pulling the guard pulling to the left and had the the center and the rest of the old line going out for a screen to the right the

Jet sweeper I think it was McMillan was coming across was going to get the screen and be wide dud somebody showed it on film at least they would have been inside the 10 yard line his the pass rusher the pass rusher trips it takes out ca if you watch if

You watch the all 22 no scoreboard you would think Washington the game was a lot closer and that Washington just missed completely huge plays that change game there’s nothing that Michigan did where I felt like oh they’re just way better than Washington all Michigan did was just beat themselves and Washington couldn’t

Beat that it wasn’t like Michigan was going out there to beat Washington Michigan was going out there to play who they are cuz they know that they can’t win any other way Washington had to be the Challenger to be like okay the way y’all we can be better than by outs

Scoring you they couldn’t do it and they still came to the fact that they just a Pack 12 team at the end of the day you’re not a physically gifted seven-man box team you’re not you never will be andless the recruiting changes and I just don’t think they can get the the

Physicality all the way in Washington that’s why this is a one-off year and for a 12 team playoffs it positions Notre Dame a lot better cuz all we got to be is better one day and the thing about Notre Dame is is that 98% of the college football rosters aren’t more

Talented than us we’re like the 2% that is like can last just about any game it just comes down to minuscule things niches specific situational things but we can compete with anybody so that’s the thing I love about Notre aame and going into this playoffs is that all

These teams are liable to lose vers us so we just got to get in yeah like you said moving forward Styles make fights and uh I don’t want to hear any more excuses about it can’t be done you talking about well we’re not Georgia we’re not Alabama we’re not Ohio

State we’re not trying to win three at this point we don’t have to be those teams we just got to catch those teams on a good day and then catch them down the line where okay we playing them the third playoff game well hell they done went through some emotional stuff the

First two they lost a few starters they got some backups in okay this our time that’s what make the playoffs so great you you just got to be good one day and that one day through the gauntlet of the second season I think we have the depth

To be able to handle that and it’s going to come down to can Marcus Freeman coach in the biggest moments throughout the playoffs like can you coach these situational moments where you’re third and third and eight and we need a good we need a good

Play we need a good stop we got to make a crucial fourth and for decision do we go for it do we kick it are we going to surprise on side because we trying to steal a possession like these are the things that I’m looking anticipating for Marcus Freeman in the playoffs regular

Season it’s just going to be hard for me to grade anything seriously due to the fact that our team is just better than our schedule we don’t have to go into the spring camp and fall Camp to feel good that we are better than 90% of our

Schedule think about the teams that are we’re going against half of the teams if not a good chunk of teams are going through rebuild periods Mike Norville at Florida state is going through a rebuild period even if he gets a bunch of transfers back in he’s got to go through

A rebuild from your quarterback you got to go through a rebuild with these seniors that you let go on defense that was really good so you’re not bringing back a young Team Hell Miami’s always got quarterback issues so I’m never fearful of Miami until they get a quarterback that can

Last one season now they they but they had just as many quarterbacks as the Browns 35 in the last eight years or something like that so I’m not worried about the schedule I think the teams that we have to face is something where Marcus Freeman can Define his identity

As a coach to get ready for these playoffs and by the time we get to the playoffs we need to have those X factors ready to be put on the bright stage lucky Lefty podcast man so moving forward yo everything is making itself available to a Notre Dame run in the playoffs far

More than you could have expected any other time not that a made it to the college football playoff we don’t have to be perfect no before we had to be perfect which is obviously a ridiculous expectation to to meet every year you’re not a conference so you don’t get the

The brownie points of being in a conference and getting boosted into the playoffs if you’re good so you legitimately have to go undefeated that’s just and then you have to build your schedule to have enough credibility to get in there so you can’t avoid some good teams so that’s why our Seasons

Came down to two or three games every year but now hell we can be 7 and5 and make it well I don’t know about that the lowest we can probably get is what 9 and three no two losses is it eight and four two losses is

It the closest we be is eight and four I think no dud you’re not no no no you not that’s why the Big 10 and the SEC went super jumbo added team so they can get more teams into the playoffs Notre Dame is not making it to the playoffs with

More than two losses they’re not they’re not wa next year or this year next year they’re not making it into the playoffs and more than two losses we will make it we will make it no you have one team coming from each conference you had the

Big 10 and SEC are minimum getting three team minimum a six okay still you get the non power you get the non power five that’s seven you get one non power five school that’s seven that’s seven so that means the other three conferences what about their second place team but

They’re not going to put a a liberty over a Notre Dame Liberty if they they’re the best none power five they get in regardless of Notre Dame difference I’m saying for the okay we agree that the Big 10 and the SEC are going to have three each

Guar I believe that okay whoever whoever makes it whoever makes it because I don’t know if the championship games are going to go away in a couple of years they might it has to Because unless you want put both SEC teams that are in the championship in the playoffs but see

That’s an automatic that’s what has been guaranteed okay so if you are the top two in the conference you automatically make it you automatically getting in so there’s no point of playing a conference Championship Game unless that’s a first round down the road yeah true but it’s so much money tied up

Into the SEC Championship and but it changes that it’s gonna be so much money in these playoffs every playoff is a bowl game essentially and then you have a home and way it’s they can really make some cash out of it but I think that the

Six teams like you said big 10 SEC gonna have six you’re goingon to get your one non power five that’s cele Liberty or you know okay now you got four spots left I don’t think you can find four better teams than Notre Dame with us losing three games you’re going to put

Us in there for the business a three loss not Dame team is still as dangerous as undefeated Liberty the three losses it depends on the three losses you can’t lose next year you can’t lose to Texas A&M Louisville and USC the three biggest games and you can’t lose the three

Biggest games okay you can’t lose three biggest games so what are the three biggest games because is USC a big game they lost Malachi Nelson lost Caleb they don’t got a quarterback now you gonna tell me will Howard is gonna make it a big game no so I

Will Howard is at at Ohio State oh even worse because now USC still don’t got no defense now you ain’t got no quarterback so the kid from UNLV just committed come on come on come on I’m just telling you the kid played well this year I’m just

I’m just telling you he committed to USC they don’t have a defense so he can’t make no tackles so uh so I don’t know it it sounds like we can’t lose any games because none of these games are gonna hold enough weight but what makes it good I mean we take another undefeated Season man um I just I it’s an advantage moving forward unfortunately if not Dame doesn’t take advantage of it I just don’t see a three- lost team independent if you’re in the expansion era being able to sneak in unless they have some impressive win I don’t know who you would if you’re

The 12 team playoff commissioner board who are 12 teams outside of Notre Dame you can put in there if Notre Dame has three losses I just can’t find I can’t find a reasoning that you Notre Dame had three losses at this year and they would not have made the

Playoffs we would have made it over who we would have made it over who I got to see who’s the top 12 you ain’t gota see the top 12 is see the top 12 no ended up 14th in the polls at the end of the season no the D not made it

They’re gonna make a there’s gonna be a selection process and we’re gonna jump teams just like Florida they got jump we would jump a the bottom 11 12 team you kidding me left I know you got that Letterman’s jacket I know you have a degree we just

Talking business come on no the Dame is not making it in with three losses the way things are currently constructed the Big 10 and SEC have set things up bro to dominate half of the selections that’s fine that’s fine it’s 12 spots though so that’s a lot of spots

To F okay so I’mma go down to teams you tell me who Notre name should have been in over okay Michigan Washington Texas Georgia Alabama Oregon Florida state Missouri Old Miss Ohio State Arizona LSU Penn State that’s 13 maybe you say we’re we’re definitely we’re definitely in

Over James we’re just arguing the last two we’re in over Penn State we’re in over pen state I can I can I can see that but now now who’s the who’s the third who’s 12 11 this is the thing this is the thing you can be over LSU and Penn State but that

Still leaves 11 teams Plus Liberty Liberty gets that 12th spot yeah Liberty yeah so you you can argue about them Li is subjective Liberty is subjective we believe me and you believe that’s subjective that’s an automatic bid the best nun power gets an automatic bid oh yeah that’s true that’s true

That’s true okay that’s that’s not even that’s not a debate it wouldn’t be a debate about Notre Dame and Liberty it would have to be a debate about Notre Dame and Arizona in Arizona right yep Arizona’s nice too so I wonder if those boys are going to stay the quarterback and the

Receiver no well they so supposedly a package deal rumored I don’t know if they’ve entered the portal yet I I didn’t see that they officially entered the portal I mean they got a great setup over there I don’t know where they would go to be better than that that’s a great

Setup mhm I mean their offense is kicking ass they got a good coach so and they and they go to shootouts they’ll have a shootout with d near anybody yeah so yeah I I just don’t see three losses being I just don’t see it it’s gonna be real tough

Man it’s gonna be real tough for a three lost Notre Dame team to make it in Lucky luy podcast Notre Dame got a big commitment is 12 commitment of 2025 class well he’s not in Canada left but he is in Connecticut oh my God just as bad stay

Away from the border how about that the north border you can go to the South border but stay away from the north border man you are tough you are tough Ethan long safety out of greenish Connecticut man he’s up there with uh Vince McMahon in the in the WWE crew so

Uh you know just take a look at his film left Chris o it’s a pretty good job man I like this kid long athletic if you watch his f he has some anticipation in his game that is similar similar to a guy that play safety and Notre Dame I’m not going to

Say his name because I don’t want to put that on him but the kid always seems to be a ball Hawk he always seems to be in the area of the football great anticipation might not be the fastest but the kid just makes plays I can’t tell you about the competition up there

In Connecticut there are a lot of people that follow our show that speak for Connecticut and say man Connecticut has some pretty decent High School football but the young man like yo he chose not Dame over a list of schools that are pretty impressive impressive academically no no no some schools that

Were pretty impressive as far as on the football field left man what well you know they’ll like to sneak that in and be like he had Colombia and he had Harvard and yeah that’s a tough decision left come on man colia left you really think we stole somebody from Columbia

Just because he’s from connectic I think that if we’re talking about him taking offers over a certain offer that’s a tough decision for a kid Notre Dame or Colombia hey you know what I can’t I can’t with you bro I can’t final this final five were Michigan Ohio State Michigan Ohio State

Notre Dame and Duke I believe okay those are pretty good choices see this I let let me play into your you know your advocacy of the other side he did had offers from the darkness I told you I like this kid but I’m just I knew this would get Mal going

That’s why I did it Corell dark for them I’m telling you I know I look I see it I see it it’s okay I mean the kid got kid got a future that’s all that mean he got a future so if football don’t work out this brother gonna have a nice

Engineering degree something in the business consultation you know he gonna be right I’m just saying is that is that championship football maybe but you got you know guys like that you got be careful don’t stay didn’t we just say the people that you get evaluation right because wait a minute if this was

Mike Mick bringing this kid in you would have absolutely zero to say zero M Bens wouldn’t bring a kid in like this and you know that he’s a four star left you just don’t like the fact that he’s from the state of Connecticut dude where by the

Way they have pretty good pizza I would take New Haven pizza over New York Pizza mck ever recruited in the Northeast no yes I mean he’s recruiting the Northeast has he actually got a commit from the Northeast ailio aard that ended up in a 24 cycle was is a kid from the Northeast

That he went after oh [ __ ] did you no eventually I think I think he eventually settled on Ohio Ohio kids and then Leonard Moore down in Texas nobody in that DB room is from that Northeast yeah Gino you are absolutely correct the the new not just the Brick

Oven pizzas The Brick Oven sandwiches in New Haven are fire as well absolutely fire mark stop being a tourist man when you come to Chicago go get real Chicago Pizza not that tourist pizza that’s tourist pizza that’s the stuff all of you all eat when you come

In come to the hood we do Pub style pieces in Chicago nobody in on the south side orders deep dish pizza to the crib no one deep dish is a myth for Chicago and nobody nobody eats that stuff dude all I think it’s too much I don’t like the concept of deep dish

I’m like I just get a lasagna or pizza or like a you know spaghetti or something yeah nobody nobody eats that bro that’s why when people try to connect deep dis to Chicago real Chicago people laugh because Chicago people don’t even eat it it no why do you think they ship

It like Chicago pizza places don’t ship their pizza but Lumis and giod they ship their Pizza why because the people that love it are out of town tourist people and tourists so no thin crust Pub style and squares we don’t do triangle slices here in Chicago your pizza has to be cut into

Squares period and those chains that ship their pizza out of town are you the are you a square triangle guy I’m a square guy unless I go to the east coast and then I do the triangle so you like the little square pizzas like the I never had Don I don’t know what

Don is it’ll change your life they got the square little pizzas you know some come in rectangles yeah that’s that style is really good thin thin crust you know yeah you know and then Detroit has their own style where they put the sauce on top of the cheese and

You know it’s everybody has their own man but if you GNA come to Chicago make sure you get the pie that actually represent Chicago you know and not anything else big junor day coming up big Junior day coming up and um left Duce Knight is going to be in

The building man how huge is it do you believe that Duce Knight who’s already committed is going to be coming in for the winter to a junior day that’s pretty huge yeah he’s from Mississippi right he’s from the tip yeah I can see him traveling a lot

Want to be at Notre Dame a lot he probably got an apartmentt he probably living there half the time you know that’s that’s good to have him you know around I think it helps obviously the recruits maybe we can attract Oh Henry receivers yeah seeing that we got we got

We got something that that might want to make people come I’ve seen her done and I think retention is the biggest thing because he’s still 25 so that’s some timeout so Gino’s got to put him under his wing Marcus Freeman’s got to keep sending them you know them daily blast

Emails how much we love him and uh you know and work some stuff out for him for sure but it’s good to see met Jun yeah so you can expect to see uh James Flanigan will black uh Nate Roberts is a tight end out of Oklahoma who kind of backed off he originally

Committed to Notre Dame then he backed off of that Notre Dame never got off of him they stayed on him um Daniel Anderson 25 commits are going to be there and then you’ll see some more offers uh of course Jerome Bettis Jr you know probably would be there and then

There’s a quarterback that’s buzzing in Chicago in the 26 class and I’m G allow you to break down this film towards the end of the show that I think is slowly creeping up on the radar of Notre D slowly creeping up on the radar Chicago yeah yeah this kid is

Uh he’s the real deal left he’s a real deal I think you watch his film you like okay that’s that dude can follow dues what’s his what’s his measurables it’s Jonas Williams 64 210 okay you can do something with that yeah I like Raj Bell’s son diaab

Bell the bell’s all right he not bad I like his little son the bell’s all right he’s been in not the name he’s visited uh I just wonder whether or not we offered right or he just visited no he visited I don’t know if he offer they do

Have two 26 quarterbacks should probably be attending the the junior day as well they should let me do quarterback recruiting I definitely still got to put my application for being left left see no left see you have too much Regional bias left I don’t know if we what do you

Think l l Nation you think we should let left recruit quarterbacks at Notre Dame 100% you have to get rid of that bias though bro what’s the bias you got I’m not going to Canada I’m not going to Africa I’m not going to the Northeast come

Play I’m not going to the Ukraine I’m not going to Russia I’mma stay Midwest I might hit Florida if I see enough Raw Talent skipping Over Texas hitting California and then I get me a guy from the middle of the middle of the country country somewhere cuz you got to get a guy

That’s grounded you know what I mean you can’t get these over inflated super hyped up numbers guys you got to watch film and you got to have your three characteristics you look at your creativity okay your accuracy okay and a way you bounce back from Bad

Drives so I got I got to watch quarters I can’t watch your highlights cuz I’m tired of seeing a bunch of go balls bunch of running around backyard football gota look for some technique in there do you have a skill set you don’t have a skill set just dropping back running around and

Throwing it deep that’s not a skill set cuz I got to see if those skills are transferable and what I want to do on offense so yeah being stingy and being biased is a great way to recruit being sty and being biased is a great way to

Recruit put that on the T-shirt stingy and biased recruit because guess what is the the result is gonna give you a specific quarterback so I can’t knock Tommy too much because I’m sure nobody else was gonna be pulling for Drew like Tommy was but Drew under what Tommy wanted to

Do in his mind was the perfect fit lucky lucky podcast let’s check out 2026 Jonas Williams Lincoln Way East that’s a dime moving to his left it’s another Don kid just transferred from Bowling Brook another Power Lincoln white East that’s where Aaron Bailey went my class Aaron Bailey went to Bowling Brook shout

Out Aaron Bailey went to Illinois yeah he won at Bowling Brook but Lincoln Way East is is just a much better program better chance to win a state championship I say he’s about six I think he’s measuring 63 210 D his accuracy is basically his biggest strength along with his

Athleticism he’s not about to wow you like a jayen milro but he has enough he’s not dece dece KN or anybody like that but like I said his accuracy look that out out route arm strength on the money the threading the needle and Zone coverage I like that his accuracies

There his feet are just a little slow for me never been a fan of slow feet in the pocket but I think he has enough like you said accuracy but I think if anything just more precise you know he looks like he knows where he wants to go with the

Football but things to be aware of once again if your whole tape is you just throwing to a guy running down the middle of the field or on the sideline doesn’t give me much of you know it doesn’t give me much of an indication to are you a

Fit because in Notre AES offense we don’t even throw the ball down the field that much so half of these plays I don’t even think you would consider for us considering we don’t even run that how many times you gonna see us throwing go routes down the field you know that’s a

Good point that’s a good point if we gonna get somebody specific get somebody that’s throwing a bunch of out routes over the middles hooks hitches timing routes RPO stuff I think it’s a disservice to just get a guy that can just throw a bunch of go balls and and run around

Just because that’s not our offense so when you ask him to be Technical and on time and fast feed and three-step drop and reading a bunch of stuff he’s going to look like a fish out of water now if you go to U USC and it translates they’re throwing

The ball down the field they throw it a bunch go routes and screens and quick stuff so you know fit matters but half of these plays we don’t even run at Notre name so it’s going to be interesting to see how and it goes back to why I think I should be the

Quarterback coach because I’m gonna get somebody that’s gonna fit what we do wait a minute you G from being the quarterback recruiting analyst to the court you just get Gino out of there dude I’m sorry but I thought you know I forgot Gino I thought you know what

Whatever I can be the quarterback GM let Gino do the quarterback coaching but I know by being the GM I’m GNA get the right guy so after I get the right guy y’all mold him but let me get the right guy that’s gonna work out once again Jonas Williams wasn’t

Bowling Brook transferred to Lincoln Way East two days ago and like you’re right Aaron Bailey man Aaron Bailey in your class Bowling Brook that bowling book program honestly is one of the most rated programs um in the state of Illinois when it comes to producing D1 power five

Talent on the football field like they always that Women’s Basketball team fantastic they sent multiple players to Connecticut oh they they nice nice yeah yeah they nice nice the boys basketball team is you know they compete but the girls team is usually better and then you know the football team is like you

Know that football team that’s like talented but they just don’t have enough when they match up against the Lincoln Way East or the mount carel so you know it just don’t have better Talent at the end yeah yeah yeah yeah so but they’re good in their little division though

They running in their division yeah Lincoln Way East is in Frankfurt Elizabeth asked that question yeah Lincoln Way East is in Frankfurt it dude Lincoln Way East is like a Texas High School bro it’s like the only High School in the area my daughter went to home with

Flossmore home with Flossmore is is kind of like a junior college high school campus like they have two separate campuses and high school like you have a South Campus and a north campus and they very nice football stadium but Lincoln Way East is like on the scale of

Like Texas High School Football it’s the only one of his kind in the area it’s it’s ridiculous I would like to point out because you you guys thought I was playing did you not see the difference in the Bowling Brook film versus the semon film I showed you left

Yeah I mean I didn’t see the guy huddling up taking some sips of water and time out like it was he was he had special team they had special team that was crazy yo he got like who’s making these tapes like they gotta have I don’t know I don’t

Know but I literally called somebody yesterday like yo we might have a hustle we might need to go around these high schools in Chicago and say hey we’ll cut edit better than that I mean my goodness like we’ll cut up your tape don’t worry about

It just leave it to us they be making hustle tapes you know how they that’s like making a basketball tape of all rebounds and and Diving after the foot of the basketball that’s like man where the scoring at so someone that walked into Notre Dame stadium and got a victory will be

Joining the Fighting Irish as wide receiver kick returner Jaden Harrison from Marshall to Notre Dame on yesterday he is a kickoff specialist averaging 30 yards per kick return this season and he had three receptions for 39 for 49 yards in the Marshall win at noted Dame stadium in 2022

So he is the Third Edition to the wide receiver room for the fight night oh yeah for Marshall yeah so I think they got they they added value they had to add value because there two kick returners left two of the kick returners are now the starting running

Backs right jarian price is running kickoff a was running kickoff you had Jeremiah Love back there running kickoff as well at certain times so now you have to go get a guy so that versatility and also he can play in the slot take he’s pass you know

You put him with Chris Mitchell Jordan F on now you have three to four guys that can take the top off the defense that’s a good sign man it’s a good sign for the wide receiver room and the depth in the wide receiver room and also special special teams your boy

Marty baji has to be extremely happy to get Jen Harrison into the F yeah I mean we got a kick return specialist so anytime you got somebody specific to the job you get excited cuz you know he’s going to have your full attention he’s not going to be one place at practice

This didn’t give you 10 minutes then got to go back to offense so you know he’s going to be a a integral part of making it work every week that is their seventh edition via the transfer portal in the offseason they might try to grab another safety maybe in the

Portal but they may be done left they may be done with transfers they may be done well we got a ton of talent that we still got to you know if we’re done giving out the Willy Wonka golden ticket finally man you got to lighten up bro you you boy you

You you you’re hating on Connecticut I actually like the state of Connecticut man I I’m not ha on Connecticut I’m just saying I feel like that shouldn’t be that shouldn’t be a Notre Dame hot spot I mean that’s like our top three places to recruit it feels like is Massachusetts or in the

Northeast well they did get I mean gerby lambri from Massachusetts bro that’s a pretty good offensive tackle you see what you said offensive tackle I now okay then you need to specify and clarify your hold up and recruiting is it positional by region it’s based on the focus of the recruiting

Team every time we hearing about recruits they in the Northeast I don’t mind if a you know we sneak a Northeast guy you know a Massachusetts old lineman or something but X factors I just wouldn’t rely on that being the hot spot where we get our

X factors where we get our goto our number ones that’s just not a region of the the the country that I think is going to contain your championship winning players I think they have great role players just like the 13 kids from Chicago were great role players for

Michigan so I think it all first of relax first first of all relax relax I’m not about you’re not about to connect Connecticut to Chico relax that’s not happen I thought you like Massachusetts I said I love Massachusetts when it comes to offensive lineman I love Massachusetts when it

Comes to linebackers and defensive Lin I I have no problem with the direction or your conversation but you’re not about to connect Chicago football to Connecticut football that’s a diser well Michigan just had a Chicago o linan Chicago has plenty of Old Line in the Hall of Fame and Canton all over

D1 Notre Dame has had D offensive lineman from Chicago over the last 10 years I wouldn’t come to Chicago and necessarily get a defensive back even though you came here and got Julian love shout out to him shout out Julian love Julian love I mean I would probably go

To California Florida and other areas Texas before I came to Chicago to get a defensive back see I don’t know I like Chicago defensive backs I mean wide receivers in Chicago have turned out to be pretty successful pretty good the quarterback position has being hit or miss in Chicago Chicagoland

Area offensive line yeah defensive line you get one dude every three to four years baby yeah so that’s not Connecticut bro I’m sorry no that’s not Connecticut no that’s not Connecticut I’m sure if we look down the line we find a lot of more similarities and differences like Ohio you know we’re in

A A League of Our Own when it comes to just producing just Hall of Fame great see this is the this is the funny thing you keep comparing states to a city Connecticut is a state Ohio is a state We compare we can compare Illinois to Ohio and massach there’s no competition

But give me a city give me a city in Ohio that you can compare to Chicago well Chicago is a bigger city than any individual city in Ohio I just asked you to give me a city that’s alland Cleveland is a big city give me so per cap per cap I don’t know

Okay well we know on the other side we it’s not even a question about basketball we won’t even we got LeBron James that’s that’s end the story right there first of all we got LeBron James what does that mean oh entire State Ohio is a better basketball state than

Chicago well I mean LeBron couldn’t be there you know he couldn’t been the greatest ever without coming through Ohio so Steph Curry too he claiming that too CU they born in the same hospital so I don’t know if uh there’s something in the water in Ohio or you know they they

Got you know them the mutation Labs out there in Ohio to be creating these freaking Natures you know how that go yeah bring the top five basketball teams in Ohio through Chicago watch what happened what year every year bring them through Whitney Young come down to

Dayton uh every for the for the uh flying to the hoop tournament we done had young come down we have up and SE snatch y’all up hold on hold on now we didn’t have hold on hold on what we gota look at flying to the hoop it’s a great

Chicago team that comes down every year the best basketball teams in Ohio couldn’t beat the best Suburban teams in Chicago in basketball that’s not true we have we got some good basketball te okay Norris Cole came from Dayton that that should tell you enough right there Norris Cole

Two time world champion and a Euro Champion Stacy King is a three-time world champion what do you saying he a have better stats than Norris CLE that’s what I’m saying and he don’t have no Euro Championship you know that’s hard ladies and gentlemen I apologize this man just brought up Euro championships

Lucky lucky podcast um yes he did Jason Smith he brought up Euro Championship let’s go to the tape BR another great visitor for junior day will be 25 safety and he actually is from the state of Florida so left might actually give him some credit cornerback cornerback Dallas golden Mike

Mickens so left probably trust this kid because of Mike mickens but the kid man this kid is super athletic he’s out of the same high school as Keon key Berkeley prep down in the Tampa area man fast quick long man coverage Zone coverage doesn’t make a difference man this kid is just

Fantastic and he plays wide receiver he does it all kick return wide receiver defensive back he does it all these are his offensive that was live though I ain’t gonna lie them games look live that was that was a playoff game now he’s at Wildcat well he definitely fits the you

Have to play five positions before you get offered by Notre Dame so that’s a that’s the check box you got to play a little bit of everything but you know I I stick to my I stick to my guns when I talk about the type of players that we’re getting

Yeah we’re getting some super athletes but our football team is a very Niche fit where you have to shine in a specific role so can your talents fit in a specific role because we’re just recruiting a bunch of R flores’s they just do a little bit of everything R play little quarterback

Receive a slot defense if a team needed it yeah Rico was not this kid athletically man I don’t think he is this kid athletically but I’m saying from the position type yeah you can plug him in damn near anywhere but can he be a Ben Morrison technician within the position to be

Better I think you develop that way faster but the versatility that Marcus Freeman has been able to show by using these multiple positioned athletes like Xavier Watts fell in the right place and he became what he became so you know I think he’s more on online with a Brandon hman except not as

Fast but I think he’ll be a good player once he finds his fit is he going to be a cam har or is he going to be uh uh Kevin Austin you know so I think I think there’s a a way of finding the fit but if you’re under

The right coach like a Mike mickens you going to be in the right position you do uh where’s Cam har I thought cam was from Baltimore that’s not the Northeast I mean I just need geographical uh layouts what does that’s that is that northe Mid Atlantic I don’t know how you look at

Okay I look at it as the 13 colonies minus Philadelphia CU shout out will Fuller what you know you do realize Connecticut is one of the original 13 colleges yeah that’s what I’m referring to as a Northeast the 13 colonies except Philadelphia can shout out well Fuller

You know doing his thing over there but Philly got some good athletes I ain’t going to lie Philly got some good athletes he said one of the 13 in college mine is Philadelphia man I’m put on some sunglasses for just for you with the shades you’re throwing on today’s show

This is not shade oh man you’re throwing a lot of shade lucky Lefty podcast so big Junior day coming up you can go over to IB I think on the Irish breakdown. comom site they do have a list of the offers in the 25 class and some of the

Offers that we be coming in the 26 class on of course March 17th part of gold day so we’ll be looking forward to that with the 26 class big junr day coming up here at the end of January for not the Dame L by commits headline by Duce

Knight who’s going to be in the place to be lucky Lefty podcast any closing remarks left before we get out of here man 25 class looking good man congratulations to Michigan I think uh did everything they were supposed to so you can’t be mad at that you got to be

Happy that they uh faced what they were supposed to and won some technically big games beat Alabama Ohio State you know got the job done oh boy we gotta get to the bad questions we’ll get to those uh Anthony Solomon thank you for the Super Chat thanks for content

Gentlemen We Appreciate You Anthony Ryan LOF this with this GTB question did you ever make a misguided passion shirt for the l l merch store it’s coming I don’t do you want to make a misguided passion I I almost want to stay away from that now yeah we’ve transition you Know you gotta think of a Pete Prova one right right he has to give us one uh let’s see that’s it man great show recruiting chopping it up we’re going to give you patreon is going to drop on January is the last Monday let me look at my

Calendar it’s the last Monday in January our patreon is going to drop and I can just tell you now what you’re going to get you’re going to get exclusive content so that means when I’m at practices because I’m going to be at practices coming up the pro day you get

Exclusive videos live from the practices live from the pro day that will be on our patreon you’ll also get exclusive interviews left Notre D players and then we’re going to be putting other interviews uh Simeon rice is scheduled to join us uh Jared pton is scheduled to give us another interview and other

College football and NFL Gres those interviews will be exclusive to our patreon so we appreciate you we’re going to have one level that is the go Irish level that’s the basic level and then we’re going to have the spin a different level which gives you exclusive access to those videos and those audio

Recordings over at lucky Lefty podcast patreon coming up in January on January the 29th January the 29th is when our patreon goes live and we look forward we got a big interview that we’re going to launch the patreon page with we’re looking forward to that we appreciate your support always

Supporting the YouTube page subscribe thumbs up smash it for us and then hit the share notification bell every time we go live you’ll know it lucky lucky podcast you already know we definitely spend it different you know what you know what time it is [Applause] pedod P

Pedod Junction it’s time to get Petty oh we did a good job executing now you upset with something and fire up the pett coat Junction train I just don’t like you you don’t no what is today’s petty hisor petty Junction Pett Jun Petty Junction Petty story today brought to you by noral whiskey at nor that premium American whiskey nor look man everybody saw you know when the access door on the Alaskan Airlines uh flight came apart fell everyone was safe they landed but Boeing who was

Headquartered here in Chicago who makes that 737 Max who’s had other issues in the past overseas uh with this logistical system um they had two horrific crashes if I’m not mistaken over in the Middle East within the last 5 years with that 737 Max plane and the excuse us that

They’re giving man is just mad and at some point man you just have to apologize correct the issues and move on man and I just want to say the stuff they’ve been saying left is just not good enough and I think they’re doing that because no one’s life was lost so

They’re like talking as if they’re off the hook and it’s like oh where it was just a few nuts and bolts and will like man come on man that’s not good enough listen to listening to a mother who was sitting in a row with her son saying she

Had to grab him cuz she he was being pulled out by the wind and his entire shirt came off and was snatched off by the air it’s just that had to be a chilling 10 to 15 minutes for passengers listen that was that dude just hearing the accounts and just it’s

Not man goinging and their executives are not giving me enough right now that’s not I can’t can you hear me yeah I can hear you I can hear you but yeah that’s got to be chilling I mean I feel like I already don’t like playing so probably not great to see

That happen it is interesting that he’s said they were able to everybody land safe and but it’s crazy that a part of the plane can be blown and midair yeah and it still be stable enough it’s not the movies where it Blow midair and the whole plane start

Spinning out of control so it’s not like the movies but still and of course you know you knew I was gonna put the Chicago Bears on the petty train today man look left says it all the time organizations administrations they choose winning or they choose losing and unfortunately Chicago sports fans the

Majority of the time consistently suffer from their sports teams choosing losing over winning and the Bears once again to fire Luke gaty in the offensive STA and keep Matt Eber flu who for the majority of the time of his reign as head coaches had a bottom five defense when that’s his

Specialty just because the defense came alive not because the Matt EA flu but because they finally got a pass rusher the trade that change things that’s what changed things it wasn’t Matt EA is Matt EA is still doing stupid stuff like rocking defensive tackles into cover on

Third and 13 at the most pivotal point in a fourth quarter on the road against the Cleveland Browns but I digress hey he’s hey he’s just doing that to bait you because he’s gonna come have a tremendous and I’m going to end it with this any organization that never allows their GM

To choose their head coach and for three consecutive coaches gave a new quarterback to a lame duck head coach they’ve done it this is their track record and once again if they choose to draft Caleb Williams they will have a new quarterback with a lame duck head

Coach I don’t know what else to say to all you Chicago fans to all you Bears fans man my apologies because the only thing you have to look forward to is a new stadium in 2028 that’s about it and a Super Bowl in the city of Chicago that’s it

So I’m sorry man I’m sorry you guys have to continue to suffer before we get out of here look it’s a poor frog that won’t praise his own Pond and congratulations to my baby girl Ariel Davis who by the way if here in the LA area she will be

Singing a national anthem at the USC men’s basketball game coming up this Thursday night shout out to you baby girl and shout out to her and the entire cast of pledge change is good the YouTube series they were nominated for the Los Angeles Film Awards multiple nominations her along

With the rest of the cast and crew congratulations man baby girl keep grinding baby keep grinding you got to love it so left ra show for left sd2 miks we appreciate you guys we took a day off at the end of the college football season we’re back and

Better than ever and we’ll be with you tomorrow for another edition of the lucky Lefty podcast make sure that you spin it different


  1. I didn't think the game was that physical from both teams. Defense and offense. And specially defense from Washington. The secondary was playing in the backfield of Michigan's offense. The speed from both teams didn't impress me but I didn't think it was that physical of a game at all . And it's too bad that Washington's quarterback was just overthrowing and missing open players because Washington beat themselves to me, and all the chances that Washington had and didn't take advantage of Michigan's mistakes and non drives when they had the. Washington beat themselves and it's too bad pinax didn't have a good game. And and I don't know why they didn't keep up with their running game with their backup should have took the starter out a long time ago

  2. Washington wasn’t on their game. Penix looked bad on the biggest stage which was unfortunate because you don’t get a do-over

  3. Don't forget we got a new offensive coordinator coming what we did with the past week quarterbacks is not happening in this next chapter so maybe things are going to change within our offense.🤔

  4. Malik talking about Ohio basketball is like Dillon Brooks walking around bragging about his Team USA bronze medal.

  5. See that's why you can't be a quarterback recruiter for US… And I love you cuz you're a brother out here doing everything that they thought we couldn't do. And that's succeeding. But being a quarterback recruiter you're too biased bro

  6. Yeah that's kind of like our city here in town they dropped the ball when it came to removing snow in the morning and then want to make excuses about it apologize move on and do better the next time. You got corporate companies out there are not going to apologize for their benefits

  7. Congratulations to your daughter bro my oldest daughter that's her nickname to AKA baby girl. Congratulations to her and you and your wifey it's always a blessing and a great feeling to see are daughters grinding and doing their thing in this world to Day

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