Golf Players

Eagle McMahon Is Gone, MVP Signs 2 Rookies, DGPT’s Social Media | EP 52

Tour Life
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2:29 Show Preview
5:38 Brodie Week Recap
9:05 Eagle McMahon Is Leaving Discmania
22:32 DGPT Posting On Social Media
42:20 Discmania Selling Discs On Ebay
55:10 Player Movement
1:00:28 Wild Story of the Week
1:08:43 This Week in Foundation Disc Golf
1:11:27 Listener Questions
1:37:25 Housekeeping

#tourlife #discgolf #discraft #brodiesmith #paululibarri

Oh good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome back to tour life you got myself Brody here silus is with me and Julie is nowhere to be found hopefully all things are good on his side he did text me earlier saying that his power went out some really bad storms going going on

Over there on the East Coast so I hope everyone is well and safe s are you all well and safe over there oh yeah I I’m safe we had a busy well not busy we just had a really it it rained all day it rained all day non-stop so it was just

An edit day you know we didn’t go out in film or anything uh it was it was a dreary one that’s for sure yeah it sounds like the winds are kind of high over there and I I guess it might have just knocked over you know when you get

Those bad storms sometimes the rain gets into the trees which makes the limbs a lot heavier and the wind can actually blow them over into you know power lines and stuff so hopefully all things good knowing Julie he might find a way and pop on here at some point in time if

That happens great if not no worries we will move forward we’ve got a lot to talk about tonight but first it’s Wednesday December no not December what the heck it’s January 9th 2024 holy smokes um I had that all messed up in my show notes wow we’re

Going to be talking about Eagle McMahon he finally made the post that we were all waiting for the disc golf pro tour social media posts we’re going to discuss our thoughts on those player movement a few people have made some uh I I wouldn’t say anything outside the

Norm but we’ll we’ll give you guys all the updates that we have on where people are going or where people are staying we have a few wild stories of the week to get into a handful listener questions and yes we have tour life merch ladies and gentlemen I’m wearing right now if

You’re listening to the podcast go check it out on the YouTube or go to Foundation right now and check out all the tourlife merch I’m wearing the tour lifee hat we’ve got the tour Life RV design and then I’m going to show you a bunch of other stuff that we

Got cuz I just got all this in this is like the tour life w wavy design right here with the tour life on the back we’ve got the Uli horse American flag design on the T-shirt we’ve got another t-shirt here with a different tour life design on the

Front and then we’ve got this was Kelsey’s favorite she loves this hoodie she’s probably going to take this one for me this is the tour life hoodie uh baby blue or um yeah baby blue is probably the right word of saying that we’ve got another tour life this is the logo that

You guys are all familiar with here and then we’ve got this is another sick hoodie we got the tour lifee on the front and then the Uli horse American flag on the back of the hoodie and we’ve got some Uli horse let me get this here we go we got some Uli

Horse beanies here it’s getting cold those will work out out nice and then this is kind of like I’m very curious very curious I’d rather be listening to tour life shirt I don’t know that was a that was a User submitted idea that we ended

Up going with so we’ll see but all of our tour life merch it’s we’ve been doing the show for a year we’ve been probably saying we’re trying to get merch for six months now we finally have it all the tour life merch is available on Foundation sze is pulling it

Up right there you can just go up and search tour lifee or you can go into the apparel at the top and there will be a tour life um tour life thing that you can click on I think that’s as simple as I can make

It so go over pick up some stuff we have more stuff in the works we’re going to try to maybe get some minis maybe some badges like uh bag patches so if you guys have ideas of stuff that you’d want to see for tour Life 2 drop it in the

Comments down below you can tweet me all that good stuff and uh yeah you know you know me and Julie are going to be out on tour this year looking for the tour life merch out there so appreciate all that uh all right this past week was kind

Of not too much went down for me we’re right now in the process of getting everything kind of set up to go back to Dallas Kelsey just had her final game it was the Raiders versus the Broncos now the one thing I will say about the game

That I thought was very interesting if you don’t follow the National Football League Russell Wilson was benched because he has in his contract a injury Clause if he gets injured playing football the Broncos have to pay him $35 million or $34 million it’s one of those

And obviously they don’t want to have to pay an injured quarterback to not play for them so they told him hey we we’re not going to probably make the playoffs so you either need to take this injury Clause out of your contract or you’re not playing now puts him in a weird spot

Because it’s like yo we signed this contract you know at the beginning of year it is what it is but I could also see the side of being like hey if you really want to play you have millions of dollars already you know just go out

There and play so it was interesting he didn’t play but he had his helmet on the entire game like he was ready to go out there uh but never did so that that was kind of interesting but the Raiders got it done we’ll see if they keep Antonio

Pierce next year we’ll see if they keep Aiden oconnell as the quarterback and uh we’ll see what Kelce decides to do she’s uncertain as far as her career and cheerleading goes for the NFL so I’ll let you guys know if any of that changes but as of right now we are preparing to

Get the flip out of Vegas and get back to Dallas which apparently it’s like 30° right now so great we’re going to go right back into um the cold but we will figure all that stuff out also just want to say I know there’s 365 days in a year

I have no idea why I said 356 also silus why did you not correct me what the heck is wrong with you you just let me fall on my sword there last week wait wait what yeah I I completely I completely just said 356 I don’t know it was when

Julie was talking about something and he was saying something about how many days there were and how many wins the person has and I just said 356 and I just did the he I wasn’t here last week all right oh that’s probably why I was probably I

Was producing the show myself and so I had so that’s exact see I’m completely out of it I completely forgot that you weren here last week so uh 365 days you usually this year there are 366 days also for all those people that care five years me and Kelsey will have

Have been married for five years coming up in March so do the math there 365 Time 5 that’s like 1815 did I just do that I think I got that right 8,815 days suck on that all you people out there uh all right let’s get into the first big

Announcement Eagle announces he is no longer going to be throwing dis Mania were we shocked were we surprised I don’t think so why because he posted the video a week before now the question here and hopefully this is something that maybe if he does come on

Tour life when he makes the decision or when he announces where he’s going this is definitely something I’m going to ask him what happened right did he upload the video by accident did he have it set for you know scheduling to post on Monday at 10 o’clock in the morning and

He just messed up the week he did it a week prior which hand up I’ve done this before stus we all know when you’re scheduling videos and stuff it’s really easy I’ve also done this for plane flights have you ever done this for plane fight where you buy the wrong week

I well I don’t fly that much but okay I know you fly a lot probably but it’s super confusing how YouTube schedules it because it’s just like a calendar and you pick the day so it’s easy to just like you know go down a little Notch and

And pick the wrong one so and then also there isn’t really like um when you have multiple videos scheduled which I don’t think he is doing I think he’s you know uploading maybe once a week or whatever it may be but when when you do schedule

It it doesn’t really jump out at you afterwards that hey this is going on at this you kind of have to look for it a little bit so the my thought there did he schedule it by accident realized that he scheduled it by accident and then

Made it private or did he make the post and then dis Mania reached out to him and said hey man listen we’ve got some things that we’re trying to get done we really appreciate if you take that down so we can kind of get these things done

Before you make that post now what did they do in this last week I think they announced the cloudbreaker or something right if I yeah they like gave him another disc to like commemorate his time at dmania it is like another cloudbreaker um okay okay so I’m very

Curious to to hear from him at what actually went down but we kind of saw this coming right we all kind of had an idea and I think ulie hit the nail on the head last week when people are asking you questions and if you’re able to give an answer of like

No this isn’t happening you would just you would just say that all this rumor talk of him leaving discmania if it wasn’t going to happen he would just come out and say I’m not leaving dmania he never did that he never said anything like that dmania never said that did

That so I think we all knew it was going to happen uh I’m just going to read his post real quick so we can kind of maybe read into it on thoughts on what he’s going to do so he says this announcement feels completely unreal after after 9

Years with dis Mania I’m now moving on my entire journey into adulthood has been shared with dis Manas my identity and dis golf has always been tied to the shield which fills me with Nostalgia uh countless incredible moments have been shared with the company I owe them an immeasurable amount because without

Their support I wouldn’t be close to where I am today I’m so immensely grateful for the incredible times and achievements we’ve shared sh together we’ve truly grown together side by side over the last decade and have so much love for everyone who has been involved with this Mania from the bottom of my

Heart thank you this really is and has been one of the biggest and most conflicting decisions of my disc golf career and life at large however looking forward I’m genuinely excited about the future ahead thank you all for your constant support I have immense gratitude for helping me establish a

Life in disc golf and helping dreams become reality this chapter has now closed and I can’t wait to share what’s next if you are interested a more in-depth explanation I’ve made a video on my YouTube channel which some of you guys might have seen a week earlier now Eagle is one of the

People that I will say thought at one point in time I don’t know if they still think this but thought at one point in time they would not be the same player if they left the company they were with there are a handful of people out

There that probably feel that way but I think players are starting to realize that a lot of other companies have great discs as well and it’s not so much on hey I need to stay with this company because I’m not going to be be able to compete at

The level I want to if I go somewhere else it’s more do I fit in with this company is this company promoting me well can I have a good relationship with this company can I make them money that they are then going to to in turn pay me

For making them lots of money those are all the types of questions now if Eagle ends up going to a smaller company that doesn’t have all the discs that might limit his game a little bit but I don’t think I don’t think he’s going to do that right I think those are

Top 50 guys those are top 100 guys Eagle is the top five player in the world he’s going to a big company they’re going to have a full lineup he is gonna have no trouble finding the disc that he needs to find to be able to be successful so

The question is where does he end up where do we think Eagle is going to end up well I think the obvious answer is MVP you look at two things they make their first big signing by bringing on James Conrad James Conrad goes out wins the world championship with potentially

The most famous disc golf shot of all time they make boatloads of money off of that to the point of where they have so much money of hey we can we can go out and get someone else lo and behold a Simon lazat waiting in the wings ready to go he’s been with

This Mania he wants something fresh he wants something new they’ve got the money they offer him a big contract he leaves and goes uh Shay we are live he leaves and we go to uh he goes to dmania well dmania goes from a decently popular company to potentially one of

The most popular companies with Simon lazad you look at some of the numbers on retail of what he’s done you look at what he has done for the disc that have that he has come out that has that he has put his name behind they have made a lot of money and

So now why not just keep with that Trend right keep with the trend let’s bring someone else on we talked about this a little bit they’ve got James Conrad on the um dud what’s the name that James con does James Conrad just throw over mold disc

What is that is that is that just MVP I guess I think it’s I think it’s just MVP and then Simon and then Simon’s streamline no Simon’s aium axium which is the is like the one that we’re thinking Eagle could be Eagle might go to yes

Okay so it’s all right there it looks like it’s just lining up perfectly for Eagle to make a a move over into MVP the other thing that points me in that direction you guys out there listening sending me tweets sending me Instagram DMS letting me know what you’re seeing what you’re finding well

It it looks like eagle has now followed not only MVP but he has also followed streamline on Instagram Eagle doesn’t come off to me as a troll person he doesn’t come off to me as someone that is trying to mislead he doesn’t come off to me as someone

That you know thinks of this as a joke or a fun a fun thing to do with his fans now is this an oversight again I I don’t know how many times I need say say this people people can see who you follow people can see what posts you

Like these are things that people can see now is this an oversight is this something that he wasn’t uh thinking about when he did it I don’t know but it to me if I if I was a betting man which apparently I am because now I’m just

Opening all these cards and hoping that I I pull some expensive cards which silus by the way our card today we didn’t sell it but our exact card today sold for over $11,000 so we’re going to get that thing PSA yes we’re going to get that thing PSA 10ed hopefully

Crossing our fingers PSA 10 and uh if CJ strad makes a run in the playoffs he has got a home game against the Browns if he makes a run in the playoffs there’s a chance that card can go all the way up to like $2,000 so um yeah it’s kind of

Nutty but if I am a betting man which I am I I would put a lot of money that Simon lazah is going to go to MVP it just it just riding on the wall now the other thing where the heck is Ganon bur going right we heard that he’s

Leaving PRI we haven’t really heard much well don’t you think they want to have a little bit of a Switcheroo situation here right they want to try to figure out a way to where Eagle leaves goes to MVP and now everyone’s like oh my gosh dmania they’ve got Kyle

Klein who else do they have have and then all lo and behold you’ve got Ganon Burr Alden Harris coming back um yeah miss something no you said you said Simon lazat and not Eagle Simon’s already at MVP Eagle to streamline that’s what we’re saying yes eagle goes to streamline everyone freaks out dmania

Dmania dmania dis Mania signs gonur and potentially Alon Harris cuz surely they want that they want that group of guys you know they have what they have um they got back right now mhm y but I mean obviously losing Eagle that opens up a

Lot of space for them to to to pay for a big guy now the question I would have is what is Prodigy doing right Prodigy has Kevin Jones and they’re losing their number one guy yeah and Ganon Burr are they doing a complete kind of what we would

Call like a uh not a tanking if you will but are are they just restructuring yeah they’re doing a re a reset of what’s going to end up happening um I’m not sure we’ll kind of see now there were some talks of Eagle maybe going to ineva

People I think are just having that dream of Eagle throwing the eagle I don’t see that happening I I I I just don’t see it happening and the fact that he’s following these guys on Instagram I think that’s kind of a sure sign that he is going there so I I I

Think we’re looking at maybe a week or two from now hearing from MVP saying that they are signing eagle and um I will say still has Isaac Robinson though which I thought was really weird and Ezra yeah which I thought was really yeah yeah for sure I thought I thought

That was really weird though and and some would say that I guess Isaac Robinson might be a and Ezra’s actually younger than Isaac but some would probably say that Isaac Robinson might be a a better bet long term right and maybe I think maybe with the situation

With how Prodigy was working with Ganon and and the lawsuit and all that maybe they thought hey it’s best to probably just kind of go our separate ways or maybe Ganon have always has always been wanting to try to get out and was just kind of counting down the days but I

Think prie putting their money into Isaac Robinson makes a lot of sense I thought he did sign a two-year deal I saw that he just or Pro just posted that he was coming back for 2024 which I’ve seen other players do basically saying like let’s say I sign a five-year

Discraft deal I’ve seen players every year being like no surprise I’m throwing disc craft this year and it’s like well yeah you you have a fiveyear deal so I don’t yeah I don’t I don’t think he restructured it I’m pretty sure it was a two-year deal and I think his deal ends

At the end of 2024 so the end of this year we’ll see if he uh if he gets paid by pry right um so yeah yeah you’re right pry has a good young cast in Isaac Robinson and Ezra Robinson and to be honest Isaac Robinson the year that he

Had they’re probably thinking there’s no shot that we’re keeping we’re able to keep Isaac and Ganon so maybe it was just a long-term play for them of uh going all in on Isaac and Kevin Jones and uh playing it that way so we’ll see how it all pans

Out um other news I want to get to before we go into some of the other player movement talk the disc golf pro tour this offseason has been posting a lot and some people were even speculating that thought space was paying the disc golf pro tour to post

About their signings because of how often they were posting about thought space signings but if you go back to it I think it was just thought space was the only one that was signing people so the disc golf pro tour has been posting player sponsorship announcements contract move players moving from one

Manufacturer to the other when I first saw this it you know it is it is something that kind of is just like ah I don’t why why are you guys doing this but I get it you know whoever the media person is over on the disc golf pro tour you’re

Trying to you know you’re trying to get clicks you’re trying to get people engaged you’re trying to get people to pay attention to the disc golf pro tour which is at the end the day what we all want there’s not a lot to talk about the you know the fact that we’re posting

Photos of Ganon Burr um you know completing an Avengers Lego set or James Conrad doing wood uh you know wood shop stuff you know I give them I I give them uh I give them credit for doing like the baby pictures and like trying to come up

With stuff it it’s tough when you have a lot of the pros on tour they’re very introverts I guess you could say there’s not too many extroverts there’s not too many people out there you know going out and talking or posting stuff you don’t have that

Much to choose from it is the off season so I get it the disc golf pro tour is trying to find stuff to post now my big argument here I guess would be you if you’re going to post players announcements about moving one sponsor to the other then I think you

Have to post every every once you have to post every once so if you’re going to post a guy that’s 15th in the world you’re going to have to post a guy that’s the 40th in the world anyone with a tour card you’re going to have to post

Because if you don’t then that kind of looks like you’re you could be favoring disc craft or you could be favoring Inova and that’s just kind of a bad look if you’re the disc golf pro tour now I got pushed back I I posted this on

Twitter I got push back from my take that the disc golf pro tour shouldn’t be poting this in the at all and yes gun to my head I don’t think the disc golf pro tour should be posting where players are signing that someone is signing with a a

Sock company I don’t think that’s something that the disc golf pro tour should be posting now the issue is the disc golf pro tour is having to wear tons of hats and we’ve talked about this before of where these things I think over time will kind of get sorted and

Leveled out to where bigger media compan companies like an Alti world or potentially a foundation which I don’t even think we really are a breaking news company we we’re not going out and trying to get scoop on stories that haven’t been we’re more of like an

Opinion like we we we share our opinions we share news that is out there and we give our takes on it so the more Alti worlds exist the more of those media companies exist I think that takes the load off of the disc golf pro tour to

Feel like they have to post this stuff so I I did come back a little bit but I do have to push back on the people that were claiming this happens in other sports it does not it does not and I even had obviously when I make these

Claims and posts I have my naysayers go out and fact check me which I appreciate one of them said they dug you know three five seven years back on the PGA tour and they found like one post from the PJ tour talking about Rory maroy who was at

The time the number one golfer in the world um it was a post about him and his relationship with Nike which is also one of the biggest companies in golf that’s basically all they saw they didn’t see a streb a Seb straa say that he’s going to be playing tailor made

That wasn’t being posted on there and if you go to the disc golf pro tour you’re not seeing Calvin heinberg is leaving ineva and is going to Discraft you’re seeing a bunch of stuff on there and uh lo and behold we talk about all this and

What is the PJ tour post this week well the PJ tour post that Tiger Woods is leaving Nike after like 18 years 28 years I don’t know the exact number yeah I think it was like 27 it’s pretty much his entire career entire career as a professional golfer tyer Woods is

Finally leaving Nike in the PJ tour post about it and so obviously I had everyone you know 27 years thank you Robert I had everyone blasting me being like look at this look at this you said Tiger Woods is the biggest golfer in the history of

Golf and it’s not even close Nike is one of the biggest companies in the entire world I don’t know if that is the equivalent to posting someone that is 78th in the world signing with the 20th man the 20th biggest manufacturer those two things are not the same so if this

Was the disc golf pro tour saying hey Eagle McMahon is leaving is leaving dis Mania and is going to uh rejoin Simon lazah at MVP and that was it I wouldn’t I I wouldn’t think twice but it’s not it’s not that so I’ll leave it at that and again I get it the

Disc golf pro tours are trying to find stuff to post I don’t think this is going to be an issue if this golf continues to grow and gets bigger there will be media Outlets to handle this and the disc golf pro tour can just focus on the tour and the

Players and not these contracts and sponsorships that probably shouldn’t be being highlighted okay moving on Dix Mania selling direct to eBay um oh Julie Wi-Fi just came on can I come in Styles can you handle that yeah let’s get him in here yeah can you

Text him and let him know I will uh I will I actually really am curious what Yulie has to say about this topic so I will talk about something separately while we wait for uh Julie to get in in here um what do I want to talk about well

Let’s talk about uh let’s talk about Chris Nar a little bit we’ll do a Christen Nar quick recap so Christen Nar posted her schedule for this upcoming season no surprise to me it is a lot more European heavy than last year the European tour you know I think great

Thanks to Paul MCB Beth is more of a staple during the disc golf pro tour this year and she is going to be a part of it she’s goingon to be missing some big events she’s going to be missing I believe the OTB open the Portland open

The dynamic disc open Idle Wild Preserve ledgestone so she’s going to be missing some big events and she’ll be playing those events uh and she’ll be in in place of those events she’ll be playing um over in Europe I think a lot of people are

Going to do that as well when I went over there a lot of the pros really enjoyed not just you know the travel but they really enjoyed the style of courses over there the fans over there are incredible I think we’re going to see almost I don’t want to say a 50/50 split

But I think we are going to see a bigger split this year than we did in the past now hopefully what this means is this means that the European open this year will be more competitive more the the field will get deeper I think obviously the big names will will be there like

They have always been and I think this leads into good things leading forward because we have the if you remember we have the Champions Cup major which is uh well not the Champions Cup it’s the uh World Championship I’m I’m I’m blanking over here we have the world championship

And I haven’t seen clarification yet I hope they don’t change the name from European open to something else but there are going to be two majors over in Europe next year so there could be a world where we thought man these majors are going to be not as great because

Being over in Europe you’ve got some of the guys that are maybe like top 50 in the world maybe not make the trip and so the field just doesn’t kind of get as loaded at the bottom as it does in the states that might not be the case next

Year so we might be seeing an interesting split which I’m all about I think if they can do it in a way that financially makes sense I think expanding the product from the US over into Europe makes a whole lot of sense I don’t think you you want to ostracize I

Don’t think this golf is big enough to be able to maintain two tours to have people try to pay attention to the disc golf pro tour and half field try to pay attention to the European tour I don’t think it’s large enough for that so we’ll see I think what we’ll end up

Seeing is smaller tournaments being played either in Europe when the American tournaments are going on or vice versa and um I think it could be good things I think it could be good things moving forward to try to expand the market over in Europe um because the

Nice thing over in Europe is yes you have uh soccer football whatever you want to call it but you don’t have American football you don’t have the NFL you don’t have the PowerHouse that is the NFL and so there might be a little bit more room for a sport like disc golf and

We’ve seen it with like a you know Christen tar being nominated for some of the things that she’s been nominated for we’ve seen it with other play pro players in their home countries of Finland we’ve seen higher degree of notoriety or fame or whatever you want to call it over in

Europe than we have here in the states and that’s just because here in the states it is entirely oversaturated with sports so um yeah they don’t have the NBA or the MLB they really just have you know kind of the Nordic Sports and uh soccer which let’s be clear soccer is

The biggest sport in the world um but they don’t have to compete it Yulie brother you made it you have internet let’s go it’s crispy too it looks good wow little snow storm or just a bad uh rain thunderstorm going on over there some kind of crazy bad storm man I

Mean it’s crazy out there I’m not going to lie my my country club one of the holes is a is a river oh jeez we’re posting in the group chat and uh they were posting pictures yeah it’s just flooding everywhere I mean even my even my y

Um sled and yeah like I have a little I I now own a little Lake in my yard for the first time go some koi koifish back there dude yeah a little Pawn shot now yeah go there you go um all right well we’re kind of like we haven’t really

Gotten too much we talked a little about Eagle did you did you have anything to or first off do you want to let the people know what you’ve been up to this past week do you have any news no I’ve been doing pretty M pretty I have this

Stupid little hair on this hat and I can’t get it well I cannot see it I can tell you that much I don’t know if I can see it also Julie did you get your package sick no oh my gosh it should be in the mail so you should be getting it

Soon that looks dope though yeah we got the tour life hats and then we got the uh let me show you the beanie real quick the dad hats are those dad hats they’re yeah kind of I would say and then and then look at this oh those fire beanie the Uli horse

Beanie I need one of those for out here man it’s cold it could snow on Tuesday this is right up your alley too we got hoodies yeah this Uli horse hoodie yeah there’s there’s tons of stuff we need some camo stuff I love the camo stuff looks fire too so like that

That merch uh that merch should be uh getting to you soon and uh if you guys are just joining the podcast for whatever reason Foundation yeah Foundation um tour life we’ve got all our merch up there so go check it out but uh okay did

You we we already talked about Eagle did you my we has been oh I got it um my week has been chilling man not not doing much I leave for a zuka shoot um this coming Monday that’s the only travel plans that I’ve really had this offseason it’s been

Fantastic uh and then it kind of gets started you know I got it I’ve gotten back in the gym a little bit I went um a couple times this week and and what else haven’t practiced that much honestly been kind of cruddy outside so been kind of staying inside and yeah I’m

I’m I’m throwing into the basket and throwing into the net right now which is not haven’t even done super fun but it is what it is but I played a lot in December for filming and stuff yeah I did vlogmas and so I was playing every

Day um I probably need to get back out there but it’s it’s good to take a little break man it is the offseason so but that’s all I got going man what about you what’ you do this week you probably already told everybody yeah I mean my my week was pretty much the

Raiders game final Raiders game with Kelsey let’s talk a little football it’s uh it well do you want to talk CJ strad because that’s what I was talking about our our card sold for over $1,000 no yes congratulations man so we are going all

In on the Texon this uh up because if he goes to the Super Bowl brother I just we got we got something special I just opened up a brand new pack today what’ you open prism basetball yeah basketball nice I found a really cool rookie let’s see what I got in here

A really cool rookie card because it was a also Kelsey is like Kelsey is hooked is she she she she doesn’t do so much like me and we we do a bunch of financial breakdowns and stuff on the channel she doesn’t really care too much about the value of the cards she just

Really likes trying to find rare cards she loves it we’re gonna open up probably we’re gonna probably film a video tonight anyways I got a ASU rookie card that was dope I never heard of the guy but you know that’s my team that was cool to pull anyways um

Steelers how did it how did it happen I can’t believe it I can’t believe down so people that I can’t I can’t believe they got in dude they’re going to get who are they playing they’re going to get white buffalo we’re going to get you’re getting white

Buffalo looks like a mad house right now yeah but here’s the thing we’re going to get wiped we don’t have we don’t have watt it huge blow if we had Watt that’s that’s so sad we could have made at least a touchdown game out of it you

Know maybe like maybe we wouldn’t get blown out by 21 but without him like he’s a heartbeat of that team did you see JJ’s tweet where he photoshopped himself into his brother’s picture and said do you think anyone will notice that would be so I bet he would

Still be a monster oh for sure guys like that they they have to be out of the league for so long before they actually fall off like he he was just done playing he was done getting hit he was he was just done doing two a he was done

Doing that but there he was he did not leave the game because he couldn’t play but dude the guy was going out there with knee bre like broken bones and stuff thaty animal yeah been liking to see him on a lot of the uh platforms though doing his interviews making

Rounds it looks like he’s going to really try to get into the um after game Personality yeah exactly enter become an Entertainer yeah we’ll see we’ll see what the playoffs have to hold uh national championship game last night was an absolute in my opinion being an

AIO State fan it was a dud I did not like what I saw um it sucks to see Michigan I had money on Michigan I loved what I saw sucks to see Michigan win it but you know it is what it is we’ll see we just got

Uh the old miss the old Miss running back just declared that he’s going to Ohio State in the transfer portal so oh wow um transfer portal stuff’s already happening and speaking of transfer portal let give you give your take on Eagle so obviously the video was real um

You you said last week very confidently Eagle is gone and you’re right he is gone where do you see him ending up I mean I think I think there’s only a couple options out there that have I feel like have big enough I guess we’ll call it

Cap space or or whatever momentum kind of going forward and that would be Inova MVP right like th those are the two obvious ones I I would give um I would give the edge to MVP just because that’s where Simon is and it just makes it just

Makes a lot of sense to me man they got a lot of momentum going going they went Conrad then they went Simon keeping are you aware are you aware Eagle uh followed MVP and streamline this week no on Instagram no I don’t I’m I’m not I’m not all queued

In on the social media the twitters and and all that stuff I try to I got I got all my birdies I got all my birdies telling me stuff which I I I very much appreciate um so yeah when I saw that yeah yeah try to keep up with my

Instagram as M as best as I can but that that’s about it man I try to keep it one spot a little YouTube here and there tour life tour life I get caught up on everything that’s going on and everything but yeah I think I think that

Makes the most sense and and and whoever gets him congratulations man that’s that’s a pickup right there I mean he’s gonna he’s going to sell a lot of product he’s going to sell a lot of product I do worry about his injuries and stuff I do worry about his health a

Little bit um over the last on the uh page my kadama the kadama idea he he didn’t say anything about like I’m I’ll let you know who where I’m going to play dis he didn’t mention anything as far as disc golf goes he just said like he’s done with

Dmania yeah kadama my kadama is not dead if it if it goes kadama I’m freaking out also shout out to Oliver holes thank you for the $1.99 brother yeah um all right let’s I want to jump into this because I’m curious about could be kind of Darkhorse Discraft after DGA too those

Guys look like they’ve been making some moves lately I don’t know keep your eye out yeah I mean yeah we’ll see we’ll see yeah be Eagle a disc craft would be wild um all right dis mania this was uh this was actually sent to me two weeks ago

And I just completely forgot to bring it up last week so I want to bring it up now dis Mania selling directly to eBay they wanted to know our thoughts on it so this is this was tweeted out by Russell disolf on Twitter they said what do you think about a manufacturer

Selling one of 10 prototype directly on eBay I don’t know if this is a if this account is legit dmania um and then it has the photo of the EB Ebay listing and it’s the discmania cloudstone Seine prototype Spore and the user is dis Mania store it at

This time which I don’t know what it ended up selling for but at this time uh it was at $767 for this disc with 34 bids now me and you are both in the Trading Card World right there is a little bit of that vibe in disc golf

With discs of where you know you come out with a disc I’m gonna I’ll I’ll say the uh oh IO let’s go Oliver he just did another $1.99 to say oh we got a buckeye fan here um so the get freakies when we first had the get freakies come out we

Did a run of blacks we did 100 black git freakies at Memorial without having any idea what was going to happen we sold them for what we sold them for I think $24.99 or $21.99 whatever it was they sold really well then we were like all right let’s do another color we did

Orange we did like a thousand or 2,000 orange get freakies they sold out after a couple days it wasn’t instant they sold out after a couple days people bought them used them threw them and then it turned out to where a non-used orange get freaky was going for stupid

Amounts of money we’re talking five times six times seven times eight times more than what it was originally sold for now if Discraft would have saw that and said like holy cow what the heck like we want to make that money and if we would have come come out with the

Next color and been like we’re selling these now for $70 that’s kind of scummy I don’t like that right is this kind of the same thing of where you you basically because you control the demand at the end of the day yeah so this idea that because on one

It’s so weird on one side of the coin I’m like who cares they’re putting it up there the person that really wants it they’ll get it but then on the other side of the coin I’m like why why wouldn’t they just like sell it for what

It costs them and if someone wanted to you know if someone wanted to flip it then that’s fine but why is a manufacturer throwing stuff up on eBay well for auction an auction that’s not for charity yeah so my first thought is my first my I have a few thoughts

About it first one is you’re right like there’s a big collector’s Market out there for all kinds of discs which is fantastic for the sport I mean it is awesome for everybody to have their Rarities that go for more if you have your signature disc there are certain

Runs that people fall in love with those ones obviously go for a higher price they’re highly sought after people trade um and sell them all the time right like that that just happens this guy just said they’re trying to sign Ganon sorry Michael that’s that’s funny they got

They got to get the they got to get the money to sign gon that’s good that’s funny that’s funny at at the at the the other side it’s a company who’s trying to make money like that That’s Not My Prerogative I’m not the business owner like you you should be allowed to

Do that now the only reason allow they’re not it’s not you get what I mean like everybody’s going to have an opin you’re saying you’re saying they should be allowed to do it without any scrutiny without the public looking at that there’s always going to be scrutiny in anything that

You do anything that you say anything that you put out there people get mad now that thiss are $24 and they used to be 17 and they used to be 15 and they used to be 11 so that’s all there’s always going to be scrutiny now 700

Whatever dollars I’m in the same boat as you if somebody wants to pay that then pay it I don’t care um I do also believe that whoever buys this they get it it becomes probably more valuable after they buy it so I don’t think um they’re

Losing money by if they got that disc I think they could resell it for more right okay I don’t think it’s losing value to the person who’s buying it so the so the fact of you saying hey if they sold it for 20 bucks I also don’t

Think they’d be able to sell it for that much probably you get what I mean mhm so I do think that the owner of that disc will be able to flip it if they so wanted to for more money that that’s not so the yeah that’s not really my point

My point it looks a little it looks a little it’s the same it’s the same thing with some of these Pros right some of these Pros that have these massive massive contracts that we all know they’re making this amount of money I mean you also can go and look okay they

Made six figures or whatever in prize purses and they’re like selling stuff on their Instagram like it it’s the look of it is really at the end of the day of you know does does dis Mania want to H is it a good look for dmania to have

That look of them basically controlling the market it cuz they make the disc and then like throwing stuff on there on eBay and again some people in the chat are already saying this if this was a thing of like Hey we’re putting this on an auction all the money goes to charity

I don’t think anyone says anything of it if anything I think people think they applaud dis Mania for it or if they don’t mention this at all and they just throw this on their website and it’s 20 bucks and it’s like the first person that find it gets it I think again also

A cool move it’s a bid though so somebody could potentially get it for 20 bucks it’s not their fault that somebody’s bidding it up it’s not their fault they’re they’re not putting Brody they’re not putting the set price on eBay at buy it now for what is the buy

It now that would be that that would be worse SI was there a Buy It Now on it I don’t know if you can look up the buy it now after the fact whatever question right now can you go back wait go back through the bids um

And see see if because it should show you the bids if there was ay now of $25 who cares at that for then then the bids don’t even mean anything like they were selling it for a set price buy it now for this mhm if it wasn’t and they

Didn’t put a cap on it now we can we can move along with the discussion yeah yeah it it was just an interesting thing um an interesting thing to see from uh you know what you would consider a big disc manufacturer I also have it’s all perception it’s all it is I’ve always

Had an idea of I don’t know why a manufacturer hasn’t done this yet and they may have and I just didn’t know a different manufacturer I know that the the uh I know that the companies that I’ve played for haven’t done it yet and that’s come up with a crazy plastic that

They sell for like a 100 bucks and that’s just the set price you know like you look in it’s different because and golf you have your golf clubs and then you use like you you actually buy like the Prov ones or whatever and those are the expensive things that you can lose

And lose in the pond but I mean golf clubs are expensive man and you can get the low set for whatever it is and you can get and you can get you get the high I’m just let me finish the low set versus the high set there’s a quality

There’s a difference quity yes there’s not a difference in quality and let what are you going to do you going to put like diamond put diamonds inside of a disc rubies okay that I could be on that I would be in on that I could be on that

Like maybe put something in there that’s like hey this is the diamond set or whatever you’re saying and it and it is the highest disc that you can buy and it’s like a cool thing that everybody’s like oh you got a diamond in your bag

That’s sick you know what I mean I would be in on that I’m not I’m not really hasn’t done that yet I’m not and again maybe this is a this is a bad this I’m going to say right right now this is a bad take because tons of companies do this but

The idea of like raising the prices on something to make it seem more desirable than it actually is or actually is valued that kind of sucks but like every company every company does that right like these designer shirts that let’s be I mean yeah thankfully Kelsey doesn’t

Really go after them all that much but she has shown me stuff where I’m like that shirt’s $20 and she’s like no it’s 750 and it’s like if it’s if it’s like Lululemon like I kind of get it cuz I have Lululemon stuff that I’ve had for

Like 10 years other stuff no I know but I’m saying like Lululemon like the quality of it at least I know when I buy Lululemon like the quality of it makes it a lot like it lasts longer versus there’s been runs of discs that are just better plastic they’re just better we

Have the run right now of like the the nukes that everybody loves right the like the Blue Bombers we call them on on our uh when we’re doing commentary the blue the Z ones that AB has and the goose man has I think you might have a

Really stable one as well and there’s and there’s nothing like it and I personally if I was them I’ve had discs like that that I would pay crazy amounts of money for like I’m like okay I want that for my bag because it’s such a good

Plastic I would pay $200 for that disc to have one of those nukes in my bag if they could come out with that product and sell it for a crazy amount there is a better quality to that disc for some reason especially at the highest level I can see that you see

What I’m saying if you could figure out how to make a plastic that is just so much better than the other stuff the stiffness the all the where plastic like doesn’t like chip and like uh more durable yes and it would make sense because some of this plastic they just

Run out of it and and you’ll never never see that run again because the the mix that they had for the oneof or whatever it just they they can’t do it again you know what I mean I’m I’m in on that I’m in on that to me it’s like there there

Has to be some sort of value increase that’s the value yeah yeah yeah I’m I’m in on that uh David donates $7.77 says balenci ago and Yeezy disc coming soon designer disc coming soon and and let’s be clear there’s a market for it there is that’s all I’m saying let’s be clear Julie

Too we’re we’re at fault of this of where you have a buzz an ESP Buzz that you can buy for $77.99 you put the Uli logo on it $21.99 you put the Dark Horse logo on it $21.99 50 bucks no just kidding same ex same exact disc yeah and um yeah so

There is there is uh you know we’re at fault it of it too um I just think would I would I like to see everything sell for $17.99 yeah I think I would yes but I mean I guess I don’t know man I’m just saying maybe the market does dictate it

I don’t know I’m just saying a good run of plastic that every that all the pros love I’m saying that the pros love yeah and then if the public wants a piece of that product they got to pay a crazy amount of money for it because of how

Good it really is and there are discs just like that if we could if it it’s just an idea that I’ve had anyways so I brought up the the history on the bidding for the disc oh okay okay there you go yeah so somebody could got for a buck someone could got

It for $1 so there you have it um all right let’s talk some player movement a couple a couple new uh players making moves this past week we’ve got the 2023 Miss golf pro tour Rookie of the Year Silva sarin she’s signing with MVP that’s a big pickup big pick up when I

Think MVP I don’t really think fpo no well I mean Sarah H Sarah H done a a pretty good job over there yes but not as maybe um where she used to be no I I I mean right right well no she hasn’t won a World Championship or uh or

Been close to winning a big event I mean in the last couple years she’s probably been close a couple times for sure yeah just not not the dominant performance that she used to have she used to be like you get her in the woods and she

Was an absolute cont she has a chance to win it yeah and I I’ll say this I’m going to be very interested to see what her game looks like next year because we saw her mess around with a backand that was one of the big things I thought that

Was limiting her game is she did not have a backhand she was a very sidearm uh dominant player and so we saw her bust out a backhand several times last season if that was something that should continue to develop then maybe we do see her kind of get back into the Winter

Circle or kind of get back into um contention I guess you can say but I will say I will say she’s done a really good job of being the you know the face of face of the of them over there and and before MVP got the really big names

You know what I mean she kind of held that down over there so yeah no for sure but I think they’re looking to and again with the Simon lazat money that they got I think they’re looking to just buff everything up right and so now you’ve got Sarah Hokum the veteran uh she’s

Been around world champion and now you’ve got the upand comer Rookie of the Year Silva snin now what does that mean as far as how many events do we get to see Silva out she didn’t really play all too many events events in the the US

Last year so I’m hoping to see more um see her more over here uh but that could be a massive pickup for MVP on the FP side they also got another big pickup with Paul cray I haven’t had the pleasure to play with Paul I have seen

Him on the leaderboard multiple times um he’s had some pretty good finishes and uh I believe he is a US am champion and then for what it’s worth a world ion was he the US World Champ or was he the world am world champion there’s so many

Different things um I think he was also the PDGA Rookie of the Year for whatever that for what’s that worth I don’t think that’s nearly as impressive as this golf pro tour one but he is an upand cominging guy uh he is yes World am just got

Clarification and um he’s got a lot of skills so two really young players picked up by MVP getting getting them in while they’re new could they kind of be on there long term right I think that’s really smart if you can get some of these guys in before they’re super

Established I think it’s a lot harder for them to leave the company than if they kind of are just bouncing around so we’ll see we’ll see how that works out for them 2023 disc golf pro tour most improved player of the year Ali Smith decides to go with s thought space and

Infinite discs then we have Casey white resigning for the fifth year in a row with dis Mania and Tristan Tanner one of the highest ceilings on tour signing with DGA yeah any uh any thoughts on those signings I mean the Tristan Tanner one is is is sweet I hope that that gives

Him uh little extra incentive to get out there and work cuz like you said highest ceiling I think you hit spot on I mean the gap between what he shoots and what he is capable of shooting most of the time is insane and we saw that at the World Championships a

Few years ago when he was you know they stuck him in the B pool and he was dang near winning the tournament winning yeah and then you know we’ve seen it at the Las Vegas challenge we’ve seen it have a multiple tournaments of where when he

Has his best stuff uh he he can win pretty much any event out there so you practice with him and he like birdies every hole it’s crazy yeah no he’s uh he’s very very very impressive so those are the big names we’re still waiting for Eagle we’re still waiting for Ganon

Um trying to think are there any other names out there that we’re waiting for uh Chris Clemens I think we’re waiting for Chris Clemens but his girlfriend just signed with Discraft so if uh you know which was a nice signing as well yeah yes Hannah Hannah

Signs with Discraft but um you know if you go and look at history I don’t know that many pairs on tour that are with different companies yeah so we’ll see yeah we we’ll see um all right wild story of the week I’ve got two of them this week two wild

Stories of the week first one is from Dane Campbell starts off saying a friend and I used to play the same nine-hole course day after day after day it was our intro to disc golf and we loved it more than anything however it got a bit repetitive to to spice things up we

Tried different things to make rounds entertaining one modification we landed on was playing all throws with our eyes closed we were playing this style once in my friend hid an ace it was his first Ace ever we lost our minds but it gets better as we were playing our second

Loop um a stranger asked if he could join us for a few holes we told him we were playing with our eyes closed and he loved the idea he stood on the teapad thought out uh thought out his line and closed his eyes and let it rip boom Ace

It was also his first Ace ever Something Magic was in the air that day and I’ll never forget the joy we all shared I love this game anyway killer podcast guys thank you for all the great content that gave me little chills actually that was that’s a sick story W blind

Ace how long do you think it would take you to get a blind Ace depends on the whole well like let’s just say like an aceable hole like a 270 foot 250 foot right in front of you Ace or aceable hole I bet you I could do it

Within like 50 tries yeah yeah 50 feels like a good number but it’s tough you know what it’s really hard if you go to my YouTube channel actually for vlogmas I had I we did that challenge with uh Simon Drew and germ and germ and I were doubles

Partners kind of to where one of the guys was blindfolded and the other one had to explain be the cadd and take through it I’m telling you I rewatched it I was in tears it was the funniest it was the funniest video I’ve ever been a part of

It was so funny it is so hard extremely difficult the biggest the biggest thing that’s tough is like you it’s very hard to um have feedback right so you need someone telling you okay that was too far right that was too far left but without you being able to see it it is

Very hard to make those Corrections when you throw blindfolded shots it’s actually a pretty good idea for a video I might try it because I’m I’m envisioning pardon the pun uh being blindfolded and you can’t take it off until it’s past until you Ace like you

Can’t like be pick and and watch it go in you got to like go through the whole effect that’d be fun I’d be down to do that I’d probably just do like on a 200 foot hole though yeah yeah just a 500 footer downhill you just

Have to be there for months all right we have a second one this is uh I’m trying to figure out where this was where this was from I can’t remember where I found this um it starts off a friend of mine has recorded over 32,500 throws and has yet to hit his

First Ace we thought it would be fun to see if anyone else has him beat for most recorded throws without hitting their first Ace fun fact his streak also includes second third fourth drives the man has not thrown a disc from a teapad into a basket in 586 rounds post your

Streaks and help him realize he’s not alone I hope so then he has the graphic 586 rounds 10,275 holes 32589 throws no Aces oh man here’s a response I’ve been playing since 199 99 probably 100 to 200 rounds a year I’ve hit chains but never the bottom of the

Basket off the pad I still try darn near every hole nothing yet but the anticipation keeps me throwing plastic this dude been trying a for 25 years oh man 25 years this gu’s trying to Ace you know what I love about that though I love that um it sounds like a

Person who’s not just going to sit there and and be like nope I’m doing it and just takes a day like he wants a natural Ace you know what I mean and I respect that like he it sounds like he’s just out there what courses is this guy

Playing is he playing Iron Hill yeah he’s playing like uh freaking deago like over and over where you get like three chances if you can throw 500 feet yeah I don’t know that’s crazy that’s crazy to me um all right well if you guys take for you I think I think I

Got it within my first week really we Dallas has super short courses and I was playing yeah I was playing like three to five rounds every day yeah and so I was getting you know what is that that’s 56 to you know almost 90 holes a day and

And you know these holes I’m talking about you know 200 250 I think the first Ace what people are saying Alex Clark I think the first my first aches was actually at mord mord Park I believe it’s on my Instagram somewhere if someone wants to dig it up but if you

Have a crazy story a wild story if you will that you want to send in for us to read on the podcast you can send it into our uh intern David at Wild Story Tour atgmailcom that is wild Story Tour and maybe we will share your

Story what’s your wildest story Brody on the disc I’m save that I’m gonna save that to the very end of this podcast oh you got one no like to the very end of this podcast you’re never gonna of tour life you’re never gonna say your wild

Story I’ll say it I’ll say it at the our last podcast which I was thinking about how crazy is that going to be because I don’t think this is gonna be a podcast that we just like fizzle out and we just like stop uploading like there’s going

To be a time where me and you decide and maybe silus is still with us hopefully silus don’t Big Time us but there will be a time he’s going to get a job with the ESPN and leave us going to happen um there’s G to be a

Time where me and you are like all right dude I think I think this is the last year like let’s let’s finish this out and maybe we’re like 65 years old we two old think that’s going to happen I think I think we just find replacements and somebody takes it

Over love that I love that idea but there will be a time where it’ll be our final podcast and I thought about that I don’t have I like that’s kind of weird I don’t have a uh if I start something I’m sure you’re the same I I want to see it

Out all the way and it go forever you know I mean yeah well eventually we’re gonna grow out of it right we can’t we can’t we can’t Lee Corso this we can’t Lee Corso still work is it Lee Corso or is it uh D who’s the guy that puts the I

Think it is Lee Corso right the guy that puts the helmets the mascots on for college football mhm yeah like he you know he is he’s doing his absolute best but he you know he has a very much smaller role on the show now than he

Used to versus you know if me and you are kind of you know we start getting a little loopy we start getting you know we will I’m already getting loopy I know but try to do a two-hour podcast where it’s just me and you like he’s got he’s

Got hosts he’s got you know he just needs to pop in and be like it’s the Fighting Irish and then he go you know everyone goes nuts um we got to try to have these conversations so we’ll we’ll we’ll go as long as we possibly can

Trust me but I look forward to the days where I’m not on tour and we’re that’s my like that’s going to be electric it really is if you think we fire shots now just wait until we don’t have to see these people you know park next to them

And see them and be like hey man sorry I had to talk to you like that but uh it is what it is so um all right this week in Foundation disc golf Hunter Thomas ran a marathon he completed it uh the Disney Marathon shout out to Hunter

Thomas he did it fantastic fireworks confetti very well done make sure you guys go over to Twitter or Instagram and let him know give him a big congrats I don’t think he’s going to be the guy that does the 26.2 on his car like to like let everyone know that he ran a

Marathon um but man hats off that takes uh time dedication sacrifice commitment all those uh buzzword to do so hats off to the guy I don’t think my knees could do it that sounds like a that sounds like a tough time on my like my mind said she

Wants to do one with me so I’m I’m down I love running though Hey listen you start training for one you’ll do one too I think I might stus are you in we’re going to do a tour life Marathon I’ll do it sty you can get in one of those uh you can

Get in one of those bikes you can do it with the bike oh there we go no I would I would like to run it if uh you know if we got a whole crew together I’m sure that’d be a lot of fun we all just do it

We all just start grinding I I I almost be down I think I I will do it I I’ll do it got a lot of people to do it I’ll do it it’s one of the things I wanted to do you said you were going to do it yes I

Started the training during last year and it got to the point of where I was running for for like two plus hours like after my rounds to like continue it and I was like I don’t think this is I don’t think this is smart for me to like be

Running this many so I’m going to be doing like I’m still going to be doing like 5K training and stuff like that during the season but um I think I have to be retired I think I have to be done with tour and then I can do it because

It was it was just too there was sometimes yeah there was sometimes where I was just like banged up and stuff and it’s like I got to run and it’s like that’s not really probably helping my my recovery process so um Again Tour life merch is now live go pick you up

Like yeah this is this is this is my favorite by far go pick you up some tour life merch on Foundation um and then I think we have like five maybe three of your captain Raptors left for pre-order so swoop those up over on Foundation disc and then once they’re

Swooped up find somewhere else to uh to swoop them up the captain Raptor right there yeah I have a I have a video on my Instagram too if you want to see how overstable they are I threw them very overstable yeah they’re nice all right we have some listener

Questions I thought it was just going to be me tonight um so I’m I’m excited to have you answer some of these with me we’ll start off with this one first listener question also I find it really funny youie when I post like um a short or

Something on social media from tour life where we’re answering like a listener question and people are like who cares man why you guys why do you guys always bring up stuff that no one cares about it’s like bro this was a listener question clearly someone cared they’re

Asking us this question we’re not just saying this so hey if these questions suck that’s on you guys you guys got to send us better questions I try to pick the best I got so I thought these were our answers could suck but that’s on us but the give us better

Questions uh is the logo screen printed yes what’s it’s not embroidered what’s the other option um oh maybe like a jersey maybe it’s got to be IR on oh it might be ironed on yeah yeah it’s tough to say it’s tough to say um it’s not it’s you can feel it I don’t

Know if that helps you can feel it I don’t know if that does help this is embroidered this is embroidered I don’t I don’t know if that helps at all but all right first listener question when moving to a different manufacturer this is a good one for you Julie because you’ve done

This what percentage of players new bag is actually new do they reach out to teammates for opinions on the best runs and to snag some season disc or do they be in their new lineup to their liking um usually for me for example I had I like

The flip up game and the and the um beat up stuff because I know that there are some pros out there who can go to the shop get a disc play with it and be really good but there is something to about having a seasoned disc to where it just the

Flight characteristic you know is going to be consistent if you get a new disc there’s a very good chance that the flight characteristic changes within like the first month drastically and that’s tough one playing tournament so I would guess for other people and I know this for myself I got

A lot of used stuff from people that was already beat in through it and was like yeah that’s the flight I want and then I could have a lot of confidence that’s what the way that it was going to be moving forward yeah next question my wife and I

Played a ton of tournaments in the 20 2008 to 2013 we’re really getting back into playing now that our kids are in high school what would you recommend for best current distance drivers we’re still throwing bolts katas Serge SS Etc well without knowing how far you throw how fast you throw without knowing

Really anything I will say I’m just going to gauge off of kind of what you’re talking about I’m going to say that you’re kind of like an average amateur like a you know you play a couple times a week I think a lot of people throw disc faster than they

Should so a lot of people go up to those distance drivers when they should be living in the Fairway world so that’s where I like to see like Avengers SS I like to to see passion I like to see I mean you can try the cicada I’m going to give you all

Discraft stuff the best disc heat the heat is the best possible disc for that type of throw I’m going to be throwing a heat well into my 70s that is just an amazing disc for all arm speeds um I use it it’s it’s just such a good it’s such

A good a Scorch as well it’s like a bump up from a heat I I feel like it goes like heat Scorch which is kind of along the lines of the same as a Serge SS so that might be a nice replacement um for that one anything SS pretty good yeah

And I I would stay away from distance drivers I I don’t think I I think distance drivers only really make sense when you’re at a certain skill level um so once you’re throwing like over 400 feet I think distance drivers come into play but if you’re not able to throw

Over 400 ft your distance drivers aren’t going to go that much farther um than your Fairways so all right next one is it caramel or caramel or caramel wait there’s multiple ways of saying this yeah I say caramel no maybe it’s caramel or caramel or caramel I

Don’t know what do you say oh there’s two there’s two there’s caramel and there’s caramel yeah and I would say I say car I don’t know what I was just doing I think I just made I made two new ones caramel caramel caramel it’s either

One I think I use both I think it depends on what I’m talking about caramel apple oh that’s got some that’s got some caramel in [Laughter] it that ice cream’s got some car you do I want ice do do I want caramel on my ice cream nah I’ll take a caramel apple

Though I think I think I might be might be dependent on the word because maybe I didn’t think it was two different words or it’s actually because what you just said makes a lot of sense yeah yeah I’m because to me like caramel apple is just

Like that’s what it is yeah you can’t say caramel apple no that’s weird all right we learned new things every day comes to stick around life guys yeah great question what would make disc golf a better product all the best players at one in three manufacturers or spread out

The talent people say they hated the Cavs vers Warriors NBA Finals 5 years in a row but they had the most views since Kobe vers Shaq I would say keep it at at a couple I hate these team analogies man I people people love getting under my skin

With these team team analogies but I I think that if we had a tournament which has been going around for Dees going to care but if you had an actual manufacturer tournament that’d be that’d be cool like a uh I’m like this’s where I’m at Julie Let’s either go all in and

Be like the manufacturers are running this sport let’s go all freaking in or let’s go out we’re like we’re in the middle let’s go all in if youie if you win a tournament guess what I get 1,000 bucks let’s freaking go all in and I’ll

I I’ll be your best teammate ever like a like a live golf type situation I I will be your best teammate you have ever seen but this like we got we got we’re on the fence right now man and it’s like you’re right you’re right we to me it doesn’t

Make sense to me it doesn’t make sense so but imagine imagine like a a match play event with all the manufacturers that’d be cool man people would love that because there is definite brand loyalty out there big time brand loyalty to where somebody goes to MVP disc craft and

People are like yeah they came to my team that’s my favorite team that’s my favorite manufacturer there is that out there and you got to play in into that a little bit especially if you want to sell more discs and stuff that that should be a play yeah [Laughter]

I got a yes I’ll take it when changing sponsors do players care about the disc or do they make the business the best business decision and trust that they will get used to get used to the disc and I I I’ll answer this one first I kind of mentioned this a little bit

Earlier where Eagle was in that world at a certain point where he thought he wasn’t going to be able to do what he can do with uh with without dmania there are some players out there that I do feel that that they probably do feel that way of hey this is the dis

These are the disc I know I don’t know what’s going to happen if I leave I think that’s kind of shying away now I think PE players are making the decisions that are best for them business-wise what are they going to make the most money um where do they fit the best

Maybe maybe they’re fourth on the to pole at the company that they currently are at and this company over here is offering the same amount of money but they’re saying you’re going to be our number one guy maybe that’s maybe that makes him more more sense I think that

Is happening more than um potentially in the past absolutely thoughts absolutely no you’re right I I think uh there’s always going to be a number for people to say there’s not a number that’s crazy talk there’s always going to be a number for somebody to move somewhere else

Uh I also believe that if you were to be your best possible player the best possible player that you could possibly be no all money aside you would have an open bag that’s a hot take but I mean every single Pro if they don’t say that that

It that is that’s that’s FAL it’s got to be false there is there is then you have to make the decision okay like for me for example I made a business decision when I left Innova to go to Prodigy they had one disc we went up and down with all kinds

Of crazy disc we had some big time flops when I was with that company I think we came out with like a M5 it had a little divot around the rim it was an awful disc it was an awful disc right that’s what we

Had if I had an open bag would I have been better yeah 100% when I left Prodigy to come to to Discraft I had I had offers but Discraft makes a lot of good discs they make a lot of good ones they don’t make I can’t

If i and and then now we have more disc than we had before right but at the time it was kind of a no-brainer it was like The Best of Both Worlds where I see this going do you agree though open back well I mean the idea that hey you

Either have to only throw these discs or you can throw whatever disc you want which one are you going to be better at yeah obviously the one that whichever disc you want but I think this has 100% to do with the purse earnings the the the tournament earnings if the tournament earnings grow

And get to the point of where the majority of people on tour are making more money by winning tournaments or getting top 10 in tournaments then their manufacturer sponsor now I I think at that point in time it goes from the the spons the manufacturers having all the power now

It goes to the players having all the power yeah because I’m no longer dependent on getting this manufacturer I’m making a million dollars a year by winning tournaments and playing disc golf the $250,000 that I’m getting from Discraft that’s nice but it’s not a make or break for me so when that shift

Happens now I think what could happen is the Players being like you can be my driver sponsor Discraft you’re my driver sponsor MVP I’m gonna putt with your Putters Prodigy you are going to be my mids yeah and ineva you’re G to be my Fairway drivers I see that happening

When people are not dependent as heavily on the um manufacturer contracts yeah that makes sense too that also makes sense and and then if you look across the board I mean you look at the two companies that have the most success at the very top and it’s it’s been dis

Crafted Inova for a very long time they have the they have a great lineup they have great lineups and and if you want me to throw all of Discraft guess what you got to pay right like that’s if you want the whole bag you got you got

To pay so um I don’t I don’t foresee everyone going open bag but I could see a lot more players go open bag when that ends up shifting that direction so um and I think right now the reason why we’re seeing a lot of players go open

Bag is is solely just based off of they’re not able to get the deals that they that they want want or that they they feel they’re valued with the uh the manufacturers that do everything yeah that’s that’s I don’t know for that to be a fact that is my speculation but my guess

Would be if I asked the guys that and girls that are signing with these open bag sponsors or with a retailer whatever it is if I went to them and said hey Inova will whatever whatever this contract you have Inova will be will do exactly

That I have a hard time believing any of them truthfully would turn that down okay let me ask you this I I said I opened up that take with like uh there’s always a number what would be the number for you to have to play with lightning discs

With that exactly let’s just say let’s just say no fast drivers okay okay and like it’s just like like P picture this picture like a a a Walmart a Walmart putter Walmart putter yeah and like just this just something that flies Max 400 feet if you hit it right what’s the

Number you play on tour so so I’m already an average tour player pretty much right in the middle right like I I think I finished 37th last year yep so pretty much right in the middle of tour car tour card players because I think there’s what 80 or so 82 maybe and now

You’re going to handicap me big time so you’re basically giving up your career selling yeah I’m selling out this is 100% sellout and my number would be I’ll do it for five mil for one year five mil one year yeah you wouldn’t do like a a 10e

Five or I mean 10 years for what you talking about who 5 years 10 Me No 5 years yeah I need like I need like no because I’m just that you just ruined my whole I I probably only have five more good years I know so I I I

Don’t know if I would ever okay so then how much are you going to make how much are you going to lose this is good this is good for the public to realize like here’s the other thing now people are like oh sell out you’re you’re just doing it for the

Money and blah blah blah BL that’s 100% false because I’m not help them make better discs no you’re suck with the what they give you okay they’re not so they’re not okay so there’s no paying you to sell these whatever disc they have okay yeah um see because that that means that

There is your value of your competitive nature yeah is worth a lot of money it’s worth a lot of money because you’re not going to go out there and just and just yeah it’s also for me too I’m a little bit I I think this this is

A little bit of a different question or a different answer for other Pros uh like newer Pros that I mean I’ve already had a full career in Ultimate Frisbee so I’ve already done a full like if I didn’t do any disc golf I would have been very satisfied with what I did in

My you know professional sports career if you will so I I think I’m a little bit of a different world than you know you ask this question to Kyle kleene I think his answer is drastically different than mine but I still want to comp at a high level yeah it’s a great

Question I still want to compete at a very high level so I’m willing I feel like I’d be willing to take a handicap for a little bit of time but then it’s like all right let me let me get back to disc that I can actually throw

Properly maybe I’m better once I get back CU I’m like holy cow had to throw all this crap for a while um imagine cash like it’ just be like the most amazing cash you’re just throwing 400t rollers your roller is the only shot you can throw or 300 feet oh geez speaking of

Ultimate Frisbee our next question what with Ultimate Frisbee being quite understable how are you able to find comfort in something so contrasting like the Zone OS and the buzzos um okay so I wasn’t that to to answer your question when I started throwing discs and holding discs for the first time in

Basically I think it was in 2020 it they felt awful it felt terrible I hated the feeling and then every time you gave me an ultra star it’s like all right thank God like this is what a dish should feel like now I’m at the point of where if

You hand me an ultra star I’m like holy cow like how was I ever able to throw this thing it feels big it feels clunky it doesn’t feel good so it’s just a time thing simp simple as that times reps you eventually get comfortable with it so at

The beginning I wasn’t very comfortable with it I’ve told a story on here I threw I think I don’t know if it was your Raptor Julie or Bob just handed me a random Raptor at Memorial which was like the first disc golf tournament I ever went to back in 2020 this was like

I think in March I believe um I threw it and I was like who would ever want to throw that disc that disc is so bad because it was it just was far too overstable for the way I was throwing um where now obviously it’s a disc that I

Throw all the time so it it’s simple as changing my form getting reps time all those things I eventually got comfortable with it last question here should manufacturers really be the number one income of the tour’s top Pros or should manufacturers invest money into payouts more money should they

Invest more money into payouts this is a this is a really good question because I think this is a really easy answer right now the return that you get in sponsoring a tournament versus the return you get in sponsoring a player is not equal they are vastly different I

Don’t know what the numbers is I don’t know what the like the proportion is but sponsoring a tournament you’re pretty much just throwing your money away you really are at this point now if it gets on TV if it gets more eyeballs sure but the impact you have in sponsoring a player

And having that player under your name throwing your disc an entire season so much more valuable than putting money into a tournament yeah unless you’re going to unless you’re going to keep doing it every single year and invest more and more and more and more into that tournament that you’re

Right it’s a it’s a it’s drastically different because then you think about a tournament like the ledstone like that is syn synonymous yeah synonymous with it’s not it’s ledg Stone right it’s that company you know that company that’s great advertisement for them and I think probably get a lot

Of return on what they sell their tournament their website and everything um holding such a prestigious tournament like that or usdgc kind of synonymous with ineva they’ve done a great job of marketing with that and that is like now there’s more manufacturers and stuff coming in and sponsoring it but we know that

That’s Inova tournament I think that there are a few exceptions it in that well let me pose you this question okay okay let’s say tour life was interested in sponsoring something okay and we were looking at it okay we can sponsor ledstone so no it’s no longer the

Ledstone open it is now the tour life open or we can sponsor a player okay if money was equal you know let’s say to do the whatever it was to sponsor to make it the tour life open and whatever we were going to play the player let’s say it was

Equal how far down the list would we have to go to a player where the tour life open was a better return for us because I think it’s all I think we’re both on the same page right sponsoring Calvin having Calvin sponsored by tour lifee and he’s wearing all tour lifee

Meet merch and he’s got discs that are all stamped tour life and his bag is tour life I think that’s way more valuable than having the having one tournament called the tour life open we all agree that yes right now but if you if you hold that tournament and it become like for

Example I played the ledge Stone MH um open 15 years ago when it was just in Peoria and it was called something else I forgot what it was called and it wasn’t it wasn’t what it was now they had have 2,000 players that come to their tournament and spend money they’re

Making more money than Calvin is making Inova from their tournament right yeah I don’t know I don’t know the numbers it’s got to be yeah I don’t I don’t know the numbers exactly but again you that that’s a little bit different because ledstone like owns that tournament right well a

Tournament yeah to me though if we’re really if we’re really trying to compare the two we wouldn’t own the tournament we would just we would just have the naming rights to the tournament well you don’t own Calvin you just have your naming rights on him you just sponsor

Him I know that’s but that’s what I’m saying that’s that’s what you would have to do to make it equal because obviously if we owned our own tournament and we were making money for all the amateurs that were coming in and playing in it and we’re making money off of all the

Merch that was sold that’s way different I’m saying just I’m just saying throwing your name on a tournament and saying this is now the tour life open and we don’t really have we don’t really have that right now because every tournament is is pretty much um yeah you’re right you’re right there’s a

Difference but I I I still think certain tournaments have bring Great Value to having your name on it and if you run it right and build it um in the correct way you can have a very successful Endeavor over years I guess de MO would be a good one right de Mo

They just got um that true bank right like true Bank like they’re not probably making money off of ticket sales they’re probably not making money off of uh someone buying a disc there no right they’re just advertisement they’re just yeah they’re literally just using it as an advertising thing and so um that

Would that would be where I would uh say like if we were using Calvin as just an advertisement right we’re not selling um we’re selling tour life Calvin merch we’re just we could but I’m just saying if we looking at just as an advertisement what’s a better advertisement a tournament sponsor or a

Player like what’s what is actually better for you I think right now I think a top player would be better than a tournament but that’s a it’s an interesting question cuz it’s definitely one to that can change over time because as soon as you know as soon as disc golf

All of a sudden gets on cable TV or something like that now the eyeballs are bigger um could change things a little bit all right housekeeping let’s jump into a few things for housekeeping shout out to all our new tour life crew members we have a whole bunch KL Hutch

We have uh I’m going to miss some of these people I got to go back Nathan Topton big big five um um Andrew MC Bluff I missed you I apologize but I think I got most of you guys thank you all for supporting the channel we really do appreciate it and

Um reviews Spotify went up to 871 Spotify reviews Apple podcast 232 we did have a lot of people messag me saying I want to leave a review on Apple I don’t know how so maybe that is why apple is so lagging behind it they make it really hard to do

It so for the 20 people that did it between last week and this week that figured it out thank you so much everyone that’s left us a re review on Apple and Spotify we really do appreciate it thank you so much our 5K inst Instagram giveaway we’ve been

Promoting this for I don’t know a month or two now we finally hit it Julie and we didn’t just hit it we’re at 5,219 so we we just BW blew past it over on Instagram and shout out to Quinn mlan for the winner Quinn mlan in their uh

Profile it says disc golf is great and the 828 what are C what areal code is that syus what areal code is 828 I’m gonna go I’m going to say somewhere in like Washington oh that’s a good yes 828 saw some of his photos so kind of he

Might be Midwest guy he might beIN Illinois yeah it might be like a Cincinnati or something it is nope it is Western North Carolina oh it’s here oh you you should got Ashville Franklin Hickory Murphy Wayville he he’s a he’s by me sweet all right yeah there you go

So I I did just message disc craft they are going to be sending out those two discs to you so shout out to you shout out to everyone that follows us over on Instagram thank you guys so much we’ll have to do we’ll have to do another giveaway at 10,000 followers over there

This is a away on my vlogmas uhhuh I lost them I don’t know who they are I need them to message me so if you’re watching this and I gave these buzzes to you I sent all the other uh winners out but somehow I lost the two people who did this on my

Live I’m going to be posting tomorrow on my channel a message for them to get in contact with me but if you’re listening right now then hit me up on Instagram or the YouTube giveaways yeah the YouTube giveaways are tough because people can change their Avatar and can change their

Name yes and you can’t message them so it gets real dicey real quick that’s why people hate it but that’s why I do all the giveaways on Instagram or Twitter or somewhere where I can send you a DM and I know it’s you otherwise it gets dicey

Dicey don’t be that guy who messages me and be like that’s me and it wasn’t you that would be you’re going to get a hundred of those now yie you’re going to get of those but I need I need to find those guys they won fair and square they

Uh they were interacting on my on my live YouTube which was which was cool okay anyways um all right uh when you guys get your tour life merch in if you guys want to tweet us or po send us an Instagram or or Facebook letting us know

You know take a screenshot of what you’re getting um that’d be dope we’d love to see that but when it comes in when you get your tour life merch take some photos and maybe we’ll uh syus maybe we’ll grab a couple of them off social media and showcase some of our

Favorites so pick up the tour life merch take some photos out in the disc golf course send it our way and uh we’ll we’ll show show some of our favorites on the uh show whenever that may be I don’t know if they’ll come in as early as next

Week maybe some people will get them next week um so this might be two weeks from now but um syus Julie did I miss anything did I forget anything think we’re good all good all right me and Kelsey are going to open up some 2023 prism baby

Yeah all right we’ll see you guys all next week peace Bye


  1. Why has no company figured out the custom Nike approach and let a consumer choose the plastic, color, rim color, stamp color and weight? You could even add scent or glitter or flecks whatever. Then you get to choose from 100+ artist procured HOT STAMPS ONLY and the artists get % of sale royalties. Seems like a no-brainer. Fully custom = people pay more. There's your $100 discs Uli.

  2. I never have 90 minutes to sit and listen to anything. Thanks for the time stamps!! It helps me tune in. Great show this week!

  3. DGPT off-season content has been good. “They should focus more on the players and the tour (etc)” when them posting about player movements is exactly that lol. Comparing disc golf to any other sport when it comes to content just doesn’t work. If I had to, I’d compare contract moves in DG to like trades, which get posted about all the time. Not a big fan of your take that it shouldn’t be posted, or needs to be posted about every person (as far as I can tell they’ve been posting all moves).

  4. The way ULI just "well see"s brodie when talking about Clemons, confirms to me he's going to discraft

  5. In regards to companies jacking up the price on "premium" discs as a player I don't like the idea. It will basically allow a company to make an over-priced disc and everything else they make cheap garbage. When you share the examples of a disc with a Uli or Dark horse stamp on it, players who buy the signaturetour series disc are people who are paying the extra $$ to support a player they like. Or at least that is the marketing behind it. One of the main advantages of disc golf is the entry price to get into the sport is usually way less than ball golf and a few other sports.

  6. The comparison between sponsoring an event vs player is complicated without knowing the costs. It really depends on how good/popular of a player you could sponsor for the same cost as having your name on an event.

    Sponsoring a Calvin for a year would cost way more than getting your name on a single event. If you can afford a top player, of course thats a better investment.

    If the cost to sponsor an event would only allow you to sponsor a 75+ rank player, the sponsored event starts to look a lot more appealing.

  7. In response to the car-mel vs car-a-mel debate, the true answer is the liquid is car-mel and the hard candy is car-a-mel. So I chew car-a-mels and I drizzle car-mel sauce on my ice cream.

  8. I throw 350ish and my understable distance drivers go 50-75 farther than my fairways, so not sure I agree you have to throw 400 for it to make sense. I also carry overstable distance drivers because they feel better in my hand than fairways and are super reliable.

  9. I would love to see something like every manufacturer on the pro tour is required to provide #1 an awesome course that they maintain each year and that tournament is sponsored by the manufacture, and they should be required to pay a certain amount each tournament so their discs can be thrown on the pro tour, it doesn’t have to be a ton but that’s an easy way to increase the payouts each year, the pro tour has to rely more on the manufacturers to make the tour thrive

  10. I am a Discraft Lover. I don’t throw any other. That’s my preference. When I started playing. The only thing you could get here where I live was nothing but Innova and some Discraft. I bought the Glide and it was my favorite disc in my bag. I had Destroyers,Leopards,Rocs,Sidewinders,Roadrunners. Nothing compared to that Glide. Hurt My Shoulder at work. 7-8 years later. Started throwing again. Everything changed. To me nothing compares to Discraft quality period.

  11. Brody's take on Eagle going to MVP is literally a theory already stated in another youtubers video 🤔

  12. What makes the discmania situation so much worse is that they let everyone know prior to the release of their mystery boxes that you could get free boxes for life for collecting all of these “stones” via buying random boxes. That was a lie. Unless you got these ridiculously priced discs, you had no chance of winning. Discmania is so damn scummy in how they run their marketing.

  13. "is it screen printed?" It could be screen printed, heat press transfer, DTG (direct to garment) print, DTF (direct to film) transfer, those are some of the most common.

  14. I throw rightvaround 350 on a real good drive. Had 2 esp Heats, both were not understable at all, so not a great beginner disc, imo. I give people an Underworld or a Hatchet; immediate full flight for beginners, at least on the throws that aren't aired out completely aired out.

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