Tee Breeze Golf | Does Ryan Hold The Crown? Match #3

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Today We Played 9 Holes (Match Play) At Browns Run Country Club.
Ryan Has A 2 Up Lead In The Series… Can I Make A Comeback??


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Look like Elvis look oh that looks good go in you but I love you I’m trying I’m trying really hard this dude doesn’t need a tea it’s t Breeze Golf and he doesn’t use one get in the Hole this dude’s so good you’re telling me there’s still a chance you may have done it everyone just tied it up what’s going on everyone and welcome back to the Channel continuing our series from what we had probably what last winter yeah so that’s how you know you know what the floppy

Ears mean it’s cold it’s cold yeah it about 35° when we got here today where we at today brother we are at Browns Run Country Club uh but we’re starting on whole 10 9 holes Par Four mhm like what 400 yards something like that so right’s

Jail too far left is jail our goal today is to put the ball on The Fairway get on the green make a putt oh that is so good that flight was just so nasty do it for the people oh you said right was jail that’s flirting with the white

Staks buddy that’s not your normal do not my normal deod it’s not come on man all right so my ball ended up on the other side of the road there I did not know there was a road there never played here before so I’m taking four from the Fairway

Oh that is a beaver tail and it’s lovely weather for a cart ride together with you well we found Ryan’s wall yeah okay let’s go are you serious let’s go be good look like Elvis That’s a par Out of the Woods baby let’s go that’s a par out of the

Freaking Woods put it on the scorecard it’s okay this next hole always gets me so here we go R4 291 but it’s like 250 to the woods this has to be executed perfectly no Dro straight down that going to be so good I’m going hybrid yep perfect well it didn’t draw

But it was dead straight no it was in the Fairway yeah maybe no you’re good I was thinking punch I might have a I might have a window no you definitely have a window a it’s chunky oh it was blocked out chunky it’s a full P if the if the

Wind carries it depends if you’re trying to spin the ball back or let it bump and run at this point from the last hole I’m just trying to hit the ball straight there he is I’m back baby come on on come on get in the hole oh just

Short a little short found something there that was a golf swing yeah and another thing too today we are playing our game but we’re playing another game and that is fall golf with the leaves everywhere oh hey Ryan I found your ball also comment down below what is the

Coldest temperature that you guys would play golf in this is about it for me my old bones can’t take it anymore oh just give it away I’m going to go pitching wedge but I’m going to bump it what how do I flub a pitching wedge couple of par puts here couple of

Parkis Hy bab What I don’t know this one’s going in no it’s not hit me oh that’s it’s not good oh how do I let that happen to myself that was your chance definitely not how I’m wanting to start this video two down Ryan’s already two up in the series next hole part three

152 yards I don’t know if The Nine’s going to get it I what’s what I have is a nine got to get after it here oh Skyball get in the bunker whoa oh my gosh yeah I’m grabbing an eight eight iron in hand oh that might turn out just

Perfect sit yep oh it did come on back in the game again jeez old pets oh oh no did you try to punch it I tried to do like a little kind of punch fade little thing and Scoot it up and let it roll roll towards the hole and you just

Sliced right under it’s got under it yeah oh that looks good go in oh it died can’t catch a break you know what they say kids can’t win them all got muddy balls well you know what they say clean your balls kids all right we got a little dribbler here from Ricky to

Lucy oh wow that thing snipped well hold on it’s not over yet let me let me see if I he did that’s what you get for putting that a turn oh my gosh well I was trying to in the in the round right there you know tell me there’s a

Chance I pulled it I pulled it I am victorious on a hole with a bogey though like like you’re welcome Merry Christmas yeah yeah yeah I I I don’t deserve to win with a bogey I was like on a par streak and then we started freaking rolling this camera and it

Added shs if you guys are having fun I’m not just kidding I am par fizzle 500 thrizzle yards y for shizzel oh oh he blocks it and it is right field everyone he may have gotten lucky I got lucky oh my gosh oh I tried to get every little piece of

That doing it for my people out there watching DOD but I teed it up on this grass oh he does it come on baby good come on that is so good right down Broadway I mean are you kidding me this dude doesn’t need a te it’s t Breeze

Golf and he doesn’t use one don’t even use one baby come on oh the irony let us know in the comments down below what club you want me to hit DOD or three iron after review they went with don’t be stupid hit your wed are you ready for this oh and he gets

It but I can get home from there and it’s in the Fairway oh absolutely oh my three iron would have been 100 yards further than that but did it for you guys I have to I’ve got 290 yards and I’m not going to make it with my hybrid

You know what I’m here to feed you guys content oh and he duck hooks it oh I’m man another Fairway Buck fitt what’s the wind doing it’s like icicles burning my skin going pee PE wedge big pee pee into of the win oh should have hit the nine hang on no hang

On heard it bounce I heard it you scared the birds away you’re scaring this bird away too giving it away looks like it Buck dirty too got a pea wedge in hand oh and I why am I am I hitting it so fat look at that thing that thing is

A gorgonite what was that off Small Soldiers oh yeah hero shot tucked pin if you hero this out you win the hole like I give up no sit oh good line oh it’s so good that is so good oh it oh my gosh this is for par so maybe

Yours is for par right yeah wow for we both butchered what are we doing today I don’t know oh too much that’s not bad there that’s it that’s not bad from there the right line hit it a yard too far for the win oh is that good

Yeah don’t play Oh My Gosh and he does it don’t play with me it’s too easy it’s all right I needed to make that for me for me Par Four yeah so most likely I’m going to slice this into the crap so let’s not do that we’re dead straight knuckler

Knuckle ball the heck I’m in play oh absolutely I’m getting home it’s falling it’s it’s moving that’s gone it’s gone wa I don’t know how we’re finding these balls on this crap we’re getting lucky today think that Now’s the Time to hit the pitching wedge

But I think this will I think this will do oh I’m blocking it out right for some reason I don’t know why this window of trees I have to go through not very ideal oh it kicked right I heard it over there 63 from me give me a break man Ah grass caught it yeah pull my club bit that’s good go that’s so good I’ll take that Rail Runner no that good or you want me all right this is the win oh this guy he’s a natural at this point I’m not even keeping score we’re just going to tally

It up we’re just going to play to play right now cuz I have no idea who’s up about 170 oh is it got an eight oh every I got the right yeah you do you every opportunity you are you’re M you’re making me work for it and then

I end up butchering it and sabotaging my own stuff so I got an eight as well oh be the stick short it’s dying look at it oh that’s so short it looked like it hit a force field wall and just came down oh that hit the brakes oh good shot good shot

Oh it’s coming back par putts par go oh dang it no way barely even touched it that’s crazy okay that’s yours yeah I won off of a freaking Boogie come on it’s not what I want to do we’re playing the worst golf that we’ve played

In a while I think you’re up one up one with three left yep most it’s about to be good simply pipe one down the middle he got the rights it’s going towards those trees right there yeah it landed right in there I think wonder if I can hit better

With the tea probably that’s why they call it tea Breeze Golf all right the merch using the tea this time par 4 what about 360 380 good talk yeah 390 that was bombed well you’re in the middle right in the middle of the Fairway that was hit good right where

You want to be right where I want to be baby come on there’s a chance you’re telling me there’s still a chance you got an idea not a good one no way oh it almost made it to the green get out of here almost made to the Green

Let’s Go hero shot literally turned out perfect that was dangerous if I hit that tree was coming right back on my face I got nine iron buy that yeah down perfect middle the green that’s pin High that’s what we love to see everyone your shot paid off that’s in a little divot that’s

Fun go go oh turn wow I cannot believe that turned out that well dude I was like sunk in a little divot right there that was so far down in the ground oh I got a birdie look make you a birdie would you you’re due for one especially one like

This hammer oh he might have done it he may have done it everyone walking in baby walking he freaking do for one come on speaking of you’re W oh my gosh that’s a bird that’s a bird I just tied it up I love that I

Love to see that that’s hey you said it I was doe for one I felt it I’m over here scratching a par out of the Woodworks and you just flip a coin and get a birdie right there from downtown as soon as you said you’re do for one I

Like in my veins I was like oh yeah yeah yeah of course your honor straight off of the birdie train choooo well this is a Slinger like at least 500 yards I think 502 and we got chickens howling in the background I hear that howling holy

Shoot shortcut yeah I tried you see me yells like blowing out the flim and trying to get all of the hit simply wrap this around the trees oh yours is even better than mine actually you might be with me after it bounces that’s in the Fairway baby

Boy’s go this dude’s so good yeah says 249 from the cart all right I’m going hybrid keep drawing baby keep drawing wow you cleared it yes wow I never saw wow if it drew like five more yards it would have been perfect wow that’s what we do on this channel right there that’s

What we do going to play like 220 is yeah right there get you something beautiful here you know what I’m saying match the shot with the hair For oh Ryan I did not want to see that you are in jail get in the hole you are kidding get in the hole you seven iron got to make me work I hate you but I love you I’m working I’m trying I’m trying really hard oh are You come on down a Ty oh I cannot believe this just happened that’s crazy from over there behind that tree oh it stopped downhill hit me Alice everyone my morale is like broken whole 18 everyone this is what we has came down to this is what dreams are made of

You got to thread the needle right here oh hang on okay I’m good cuz you got to go left because everything funnels right that Tre left all right we’re going to have to draw this one oh the sling has slung that’s going to be perfect that

Was hit good and Ryan’s got 143 I’m really worried about hitting a uh a real like a golf shot and hitting that Branch I’d go with like a eight or something and just kind of just run it up oh it did no oh no at least you took it at least you

Have green to work with over there that’s the plus side all right 107 yards I do have an opening but I’m flirting with disaster on the left just hope I can pull this off I was com back oh short short yeah I almost want to go 60 oh bite

Bite oh it did it did a little bit but it just caught that slope on the other other side yeah I hit it a few yards too far oh oh my gosh no got ourselves a good oldfashioned putt off that’s a line got to make it free

Ball wash oh I do have to make it you’re one up I’ll do it oh oh my god oh I wanted you to make it I wanted to playoff hole well guys thanks for tuning in it’s been real fun for one of us that was a good

Match came and now he’s three up I’m glad we got to do our series again all right everyone well we’ll see you on the next Channel till then thanks again till then thanks again once again you know all that stuff all that stuff yeah yeah all right see peace

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