Troon North Pinnacle Golf Course Vlog

Todays rounds is at the beautiful Troon North Pinnacle Course in Scottsdale Arizona. The course was in immaculate shape and featured some amazing holes. Both of the courses here was absolutely stunning while being both challenging and fun. These should both be on your list of courses to check out in Arizona!

Hope you enjoy this 9 hole golf vlog as I had a ton of fun filming it!

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Polo I wore in this video is from Breakfast Balls. Get your here:
All-Day Polos

Glove I use is Invictus Gloves. Use code CBG10 for 10% off

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[Applause] you’re kidding Me All right guys welcome back to the channel today we’re playing True North the Pinnacle course going to be playing the front N9 it’s about 3260 from the gold so let’s see how we do wasting no more time par 4 here using my Freewood try to get it out to the center of the

Fairway nice little easy swing all right we’re in good shape there bit of a spinny slice but that worked out well well all right got about 145 yds to the pin here bit of a false front it looks like so I don’t want to be short but there is a bit of wind

Behind me so going have to play a bit of a soft nine here hopefully that’s a club yeah great shot that better stay it looks like it’s pretty close to not staying all right about 10 ft or so here for birdie I think it’s pretty straight I might aim for the right edge

Here just missed it all right not a bad par to started off apparently this course has ranked either top nine or 10 courses in Arizona so so far it looks like to be in great shape and the scenery is gorgeous so we’ll definitely see from the next hole just how beautiful this

Place is all right second hole 379 y par 4 for some reason it looks a little daunting off the te here I’m not too sure why but going to use my for iron there is a bit of trouble up ahead so I don’t really want to use much more than

This which should leave me to about 150 yards out so hopefully we can put this straight up the pipe well that better hang on oh I heard cart path or a rock or something that was an ugly swing I don’t deserve to keep that ball into play well

Wasn’t lucky enough to get a good bounce and find my ball so I had take a drop shot so one and two out going for three about 180 yards out into the fan again so playing my five iron going to kind of lay it off a bit cuz it does play to

Around 200 so hopefully it’s a right Club oh my God I’m terrible at this game what the hell was that well I guess I definitely should have practiced a little longer on the Range cuz my swing just feels completely out of whack but whatever shortterm memory all right well good

Thing I stopped my bag full of balls before this round cuz I’m already down two in one hole here all right so about 66 yards out using my 58° hopefully we stick this close and mitigate the tremendous losses here so one and two out three and four out going for a five

O get up a bit way short that wind just I should have played it like an 85 yard shot with that much wind oh well all right well pretty hefty putt here for double bogey not a great start but it’ll mean that we’ll just have to start playing better

After this so hopefully I can get this one close where it’s a little triple or even put it in how did that not break left crazy all right three over through two not the way we kind of wanted to start but but time to fight back all right ho

Three Par Four about 425 yards going to use my driver this a pretty intimidating hole pretty tight up there but my internal dialogue right now just please put it in play keep coming in just up the left hand side pretty sure that’s good it’s it’s pretty

Close but I’m pretty sure it’s fine all right well we barely kept it in play here but thankfully it’s out here so about 125 yards out wind is coming from the left to the right so using my pitching wedge about a 90% swing here for

Me ah blocked out to the right and I think it’s short just left my face open yeah way short all right little chip in a putt all right so just off the green here there’s a massive slope coming towards me so I’m hoping to get it up on

Top of that Ridge heing my 58° here all right not bad I’ll take that all day all right another par so three over through three so not too bad mitigating the blood so off to Hole Number Four Hole four here at Par Four about 400 y w

Is on our back so I’m going use my three-wood here it’s a bit too narrow to use driver puts the bunkers in all that crap into place so hopefully we can put this one up the center of the Fairway that was a weird strike but it ended up working out very

Well just at the 150 Mark I really tried guiding that thing I was terrified all right got ourselves about 165 yards out going to use my ad iron here with the wind a bit behind me haven’t been hit my irons too well so I think this should be

Perfect amount of Club let’s try to put on the dance flare be the right club right on target hopefully it was the right Club well that was definitely the right club I’m like not even 16 in from the pin a tap and bird for the

Kid oh those feel nice so that puts us back down to two under or sorry two over through four so we’re off to a better start now all right fifth hole 500 yard par five here going use my driver try to put up in the Fairway wind is a little

Bit behind me so that should help uhoh pulled the living crap out of that thing thankfully I didn’t hear any broken glass or anything you know sometimes when you’re standing over a ball and you’re like you should step off this doesn’t feel right well that was one of those times I

Don’t know why I didn’t step off but oh well all right well in typical fashion another drop shot so now I’m going to play a seven iron up to the 150 here perfect strike all right well hopefully we can uh hit a nice approach shot here cuz I

Definitely don’t want to get another double or triple that’s for damn sure all right so about 160 yards out wind again behind me so I’m going to play the exact same thing I did last shot or last hole I should say with my eight iron

Where I put it to about 16 in away can’t quite see the pin from here but it’s just behind this bushy thing I think next time if I played this course I’d try to lay up a little bit to the right just so I have a better Vantage point to

The greens but let’s try to stick this puppy close be the club I struck that pure I’m hoping it’s not too long well I don’t know if I hit the pin or what but that ended up being a terrific approach out that eight iron is on today kind of looking like a

Little bit of a left to right break here this is all about Pace definitely left to right break this should be a huge par save did that turn left oh well well definitely would have liked that par but at the end of the day bogey after that after that horrendous

Drive isn’t the worst thing in the world three over through five on to the next all right well hole six here par three 176 yards going to use my six iron pin’s kind of Tuck I’m just going to aim for the center of the green here hopefully that’s the club

Yep just enough got a putt for bird a long one but it’s a putt settle holy all right well sorry for being so mute there these guys let me play through so I didn’t want to hold them up by talking at all but that was a shitty three putt would have definitely liked

To have taken that taken that back and took my time a bit more but whatever off to the next hole let’s see what we got all right 4 over through six got to stop getting these bogeys and got to start getting some more pars again so 408

Yards using my driver looks pretty damn tight once again but hopefully we can put this in play oh yeah that’s what we’re looking for right there center of the Fairway well that was definitely a spinny drive because I’m only at 150 yards so 150 using my

N9r in here it looks like it’s front pin let’s try to put this close be the club get up not a bad hit just a bit fadey and spinny and end up being a bit short but in all things not the worst shot in the world so just a little chip

In a putt now for par all right well I don’t know if there ended up being wind up there or anything cuz my drive was short so was this Iron Way short almost 20 yards short now we have a tester here much room to really land this ball going

To have to kind of Pop It Up land it soft sip sit oh great chip sit I’ll take that all day I think this is pretty straight I’m kind of a little nervous from the last two holes though cuz I have not been able to read these greens

That well I think it’s just inside left but firm oh oh boy you know I ended up going Center cup there so I deserve to lip out I guess damn that’s a wasted stroke all right well five over now through seven well I really don’t know if there’s much more

Of an intimidating t-shot than this one par 3 176 yards but from this angle it looks like there’s like 10 yards of Landing space but I’m assuming it opens up up there wind right to left going to aim this right at the and see what happens hopefully the wind just kind of

Straightens out my fade a bit thick it better get up all right well I didn’t see it land but hopefully it made it over that bunker I think I just forgot to press record I was way back there on the green pretty hefty putt decent weight here but

Not the greatest read so now I have this knee knocker here for par I think it’s just inside right Edge you’re kidding me two backto back lip outs oh putting is killing me today putting is killing me all right last hole ninth hole par 4 383 yards uh using

My Freewood been a lot of these little Landing areas and then you have like these uh these narrow kind of Hazards in the Fairway so can’t really use driver on a lot of these holes anyways see if we can put one in the Fairway that’s a good

Miss right off my toe but I think it’s right at the 150 yeah just short of the 150 all right 165 yards out now to the pin it’s kind of tucked behind that bushy thing so I’m also into the wind so I’m thinking a seven iron should do it I’m hoping it

Does we’ll find out wow that was a real spinny steep swing it’s going to be way short not a good shot there came way over the top landed way short and now we have a ton kind of green to work with I’m not going to putt this my putting

Hasn’t been too too good today so my chipping I feel has hasn’t been too bad so I’m hoping to put this one close so we can tap it in for par oh boy how bad am I at this game just brutal okay well thankfully it held up

And didn’t go down there but jeez that was brutal all right this is a nice delicate shot here I’m going to have to pop this up and let it roll out it’s kind of going downhill towards you and the camera hope I can make a nice shot here oh my God

Again oh my God I’m just stick handling what the hell has happened complete mental collapse oh boy well that’s Golf and it’s a four-letter word all right hoping hoping God I put this close oh boy time for some lessons time for some lessons and a beer this is for

A double a little left to right breaker oh boy well that is not the way I wanted to end this video but if you stayed till the end I apologize for that terrible golf but I do appreciate you watching so we’ll see you guys in one of

The next ones don’t forget to hit that thumbs up don’t forget to subscribe and we’ll catch you guys in the next vid


  1. Nice vid!

    It’s reminders like this as to why I should have taken up golf as opposed to getting married.

    The course was always guaranteed to f@ck me

  2. Beautiful course and great content. I highly recommend you do little half swings then increase it to a 90% swing. This has really helped me with my overswing problem and you only lose 10-20 yards of distance with a 90% swing.

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