Golf Players

How To Find Faster Golf Swings – DON’T HOLD BACK

Stop holding back with your golf swing and hit the golf ball faster

This video talks you through WHY and HOW to hit the golf ball faster and harder in the right way

Aggressive Golf Swings
This golf swing can cost consistency if the body can’t handle it or isn’t used to it. 110% effort in the golf swing is too much.

Perfect golf swing effort 👌 95% is easier to reach and maintain

Complacent Golf Swings
These golf Swings can get lazy and fold in to a bigger area of variance day to day 70% effort can drop to 50% and raise to 90% one day to the next

I don’t think that golfers swing hard Enough when I say swing hard enough I actually mean they don’t swing fast enough I don’t think golfers are using the top end of their Spectrum for their maximum speed I don’t think they’re tapping into their true power through the golf ball because they’re being too careful now there is a difference

Between swinging hard and Swinging fast if I swing hard I might use my body to pull that club into the ball and get into some really bad angles that don’t help the ball get propelled to the Target swinging faster is a different story if I swing faster I’m trying to

Get that club head to get rammed through the ball I’m not trying to exert myself from the body as much so I see a lot of golfers pull the club downloads leave the face open hit some clunky shots into the ground and not actually launch the

Golf ball what I would rather see is faster golf swings where the club head gets flung through through the golf ball I don’t want to go at the golf ball I want to go through the golf ball the more that club gets along the turf instead of into the turf the less

Resistance there is on the strike and on the potential distance of the shot as well as consistency so if I use all of my might and all of my efforts I feel really strong and powerful if I bring that club into the ball if I go like

This I feel really powerful but that is not functional so please please consider this now motion that I like is the thought of throwing the golf club throw I’m not getting stuck in the mud I’m not getting stuck in the turf I’m getting through the area of the golf if I’m

Throwing the club and I get through the area of the golf ball and I Mis strike it I’m still going to get that ball launching towards the green and towards the target if I Mis strike it I’m still going to get most of the shot that I was

Trying to generate if I swing through the golf ball I’ve hit that thin but I’ve still got it going up and towards the Target and sometimes the thin shots aren’t actually that bad they might cost you a few yards but they’re still going at it if you’re going to

Miss the target Miss closer to the Target now sometimes people swing slow and smooth and they think that is the success that they get on some shots where they swing really smooth really slow yes they strike it nice but it’s because the body stayed Center they

Rotated very well it’s not because of a lack of effort it’s not because they’ve been so smooth it’s because their body stay in place in my opinion when that golfer tries to give it the beans and they try and give it more speed more Pace more effort and they get something that maybe

Slides or jumps they get those excessive movements from that effort into the ball that’s when the problems can come in so a good drill for this is to put your heels touching each other and then I want to be able to hit the ball as hard as I can from my heels

Touching and maintain my balance if I can get to a stage where I can touch my heels stay standing up when I’ve hit it as hard as I can then I’m going to be in pretty good shape if you put your heels together and

You swing it as hard as you can and you fall over no problem we just know we’re trying to get to that end goal of being able to do that when we put our heels together it forces us to rotate I can’t slide my weight back and forth so I

Can’t fall off the wagon as easily I feel like there’s three layers of a golf swing there’s aggressive which might be too much which is where you jump out of shape you fall over a little bit and that’s what causes the bad shots the bad strikes the bad directions then we fall

Into something assertive where I get through the ball without holding back but I maintain balance you could call it controlled aggression and then there’s complacent where I’m trying so hard to be smooth and rhythmical that I just don’t get through the ball and I don’t

Get a good shot I can’t get my maximum potential if I’m too relaxed on the ball so feet together heels touching swing hard find your balance and I’ve just hit the same shot as the other one nice give that a go see how you get on don’t hold back


  1. Needed to see this, Fred. Had a shocking start to a round yesterday and everything became swinging hard and too fast. More fats and tops followed. Need to relax and get the assertive swing going to hit those controlled (& enjoyable) shots! 😆🤞🏻

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