Golf Players

PulpMX Show 568 – Chad Reed, Cooper Webb & Phil Nicoletti w/ Daniel Blair in studio

Host: Daniel Blair
Guests: Cooper Webb, Chad Reed & Phil Nicoletti

00:00 Intros/Race Discussion
29:45 Chad Reed
57:30 Phil Nicoletti
2:05:35 Jason Thomas
2:13:30 EKS Brand Tear Offs
2:30:50 Cooper Webb
2:57:35 Race Tech Rant
3:24:05 Cade Clason
3:55:13 Evan Blair
4:09:30 Tweet at Tits

STP in and get ready it’s show to time I just don’t like the guy the guy’s just a douchebag yeah welcome everybody the PO show presented by fly racing and decal Works coming at you it’s Monday January 8th we have some racing to talk about

Anaheim one always the race of the year in my opinion and great to have a good friend of mine here in studio to talk about what we saw what happened what was good what was bad what were we wrong about what were we right about lots to get into tonight

As the 20124 Monster Energy super cost series kicked off at Anaheim super awesome uh 50 year of Supercross as well which we’re going to celebrate later in San Diego but uh yeah man great to to have you listening and watching tonight 72 586 7857 got a call you want to talk to

Myself you want to talk to my co-host about Anaheim or whatever else go ahead we got a great show lineup for you tonight we did our racer Rex review show myself OU JT all three of us said this gentleman was the surprise of Anaheim Cooper web and we’re going to have

Cooper Webb on the show tonight man uh he’s in California getting ready for San Francisco round two so Webb’s going to call in and talk a little bit about his opening round and the changes he’s made and how he felt and how his trip to Indonesia was and all of that um look

Good bad whatever it is Phil’s going to call in after every race so Phil’s calling in he didn’t get to race he was a recipient of the first Rider to score zero points and make a main event making history again Phil nicoletti so we have

Phil netti on the show and then uh a man who knows a thing or two about Supercross two-time Supercross Champion Chad Reed will also join us to give us his thoughts from the couch and maybe on the new 22 out there uh which has got to

Be weird for him a little weird for me got to be super weird for him to see Freddy noren out there so Reed Phil Webb we’re GNA squeeze in Kade clayon we hope later on in the show as well depending on what he’s up to but uh for now thank

You again for watching and listening PEX for all the codes to save everything else we just added a new code for you people you know the name Etha they’ve been around for a long time Adam scen cillo jet Lawrence uh you named the Riders over the years well ppam x 20 is

Now the code to save it Etha so thank you to the folks at Etha for coming on board that information and more is under pamex thank you to those guys for coming on use the code and save get some cool underwear and all of that fly RAC and decal Works X

Brand goggles we got the RAC Tech rant later on we have the Brown goggle te offs rol a cheres Michelin Firepower batteries and chains Maxima USA Pro filter o RW Ogo Power Sports Atlas neck Braes guts racing FMF guys at FMF doing big things out there and uh we’re happy

To have them on board with the show Works connection pop x 20 code to save it works connection we have a PR launch start device to win CU jet Lawrence won using his from Works connection we’ll tell you how to win later motorcyc get data w a wsope piston EVS

Lifted trucks Factory chassis parts MTX braking troll training all on board with us tonight and uh again use the codes and save people we’re just trying to help you and uh you know it’s it’s a great thing all around so with me in studio he was at A1 in a

Really weird capacity I’m sure for him Daniel Blair what’s up buddy how are you I’m good what’s happening Stephen just one of the fans man one of the fans bought a ticket or you got a free one you got free tickets no more than that I I bought over 80 of them 80

Tickets we did Main Event Moto we had a uh get together and we put out a spreadsheet who wants to go kind of feel it out and there was a lot so uh hit up Feld and asked for a bulk deal up in the 511 section okay and I think it was 88

Tickets we ended up buying and uh yeah I watched from the upper deck at Anaheim 1 really yep just one year ago down on the floor giving your analysis you know all of that yep and and one year later you’re up in the 500s I’m in the 51s

Dude and it was honestly I mean have you ever have you ever watched him up there have you ever watched a Supercross from the top no you got to probably put it on your list all you founds that there you I mean some of you do that’s what you

Where you go and let me tell you it’s it’s actually really good you can see everything and the mood up there is different and you don’t feel that claustrophobic cuz you’re not down in the middle you’re kind of up above it so uh we had a good group um good friends

My son Evan he’s with me here tonight he he was with me get on later maybe maybe we’ll see we’ll see um but dude honestly it was it it was it was rad for me anybody recognize you and be like hey TV guy yeah I mean honestly I went to the

Bathroom before the 250 main event and that was an experience by itself yeah um but no it it was really really cool and uh kind of kind of some closure to be honest for me yeah cuz I mean I was down there or in the booth for 6 seven years

I haven’t watched a Supercross outside of a monitor in forever and I wanted to go to my roots and feel it like a fan and it was honestly one of the radest nights of my life dude that’s cool loved it yeah it’s not something I’m going to

Be doing you to do it just once just I mean I do yeah no because you you watch it from your seat with your friends you have your view of it but it’s it’s different up there it looks different it feels different and I will say right off

The top because I haven’t experienced this from not on the floor is the opening ceremonies and I know it’s some people complain it’s not as good and it wasn’t dark it was whatever but the whole show is like an A+ show like they do a really good job I was entertained

All the way through it didn’t feel as slow as it does sometimes even with the headset on so it moved it was a it was awesome few years back I went to Anaheim and I did these Transworld Bike Bandit videos in 2009 okay about how to work on

Your bike how to change a tire how to do all this stuff and uh uh I saw a guy at Anaheim like two years ago he’s like hey Bike Bandit guy and I’m like yeah man and he’s like uh oh those videos are great I watch them all the time they

Help me you know learn things how to work on my bike and I’m like oh that’s cool he’s like what do you do it now no way knows you from that all it just took a break he just walked away for a while and he came back so I’m wondering if you

Got that like hey uh I had a couple I had a couple people that were like what are you doing up here like as if maybe they didn’t know yet or something uh there was a couple confused ones but um for the most part it was really cool and

Fans were receptive up there and look at you just a different Environ theyy the tender sucked up there dude yeah terrible not great no we we had tenders review them last year oh you know from up there well I think it’s the same as any of the regular concessions but I

Mean I hope they’re better downstairs the 5’11 was rough was it on the tenders but no it was it was a great night I got to see things from a completely different lens um CU you know for the last however many years you I watch what

I’m allowed to watch in my box yeah now I have the whole track to choose whatever I want watch whoever I want which I did which we’ll get into but man you just see it different so it was cool Main Event Moto uh you got that you got

You launched a new pot I guess is from what I what I see like a new YouTube show um it’s just a short kind of quick one we just wanted to do something a little bit different and it’s a it’s a tight um 10 minute rough kind of very

Like no fat little show just with a different vibe and style so uh something new for this year but yeah just my my time has changed so I’m able to move things around in life and throw a new show out there to do that so yeah just

Having fun man great great to have you here uh looking forward to talking Anaheim one with you and then web Phil and Rey so not a bad lineup uh Chad will probably drop some bombs on us uh you know Phil will drop some f bombs on us

And then web Webb was a surprise of the of the race we’ll get into that uh taking your phone calls over there in the corner almost coming in late like real close to the buzzer but he’s here everybody the pts legendary I’m here I’m sorry I was almost late uh I’ll never do

It again okay thank you buddy y uh I got a rant later on I need your help with I’m actually really curious about this cuz I asked you before and you would not let me in on bring to you live on the show I would do my best uh working the

Camera angles over there and uh doing everything for palpa X it seems like lately palpa X fantasy as well the Travis marks hi marks Stephen what’s going on how are you I’m great matth Matthew mccon over there just FYI I’m never apologizing for almost being late

Yeah you might get one from me for being late but almost n I’m out Steve you good you good with the hair what he’s doing I mean honestly the one thing I’ve said to these guys is like hey man can you come each week and wear a sponsor of the show because

You’re going to be on camera I’m wearing my hood ton neither one of them FYI neither one of them did it that’s an Etha hoodie right there okay you’re fine I have a uh uh under my Puma okay thing so unbelievable I actually stole this shirt

From Frank let’s get Puma on board yeah yeah we got Puma on board big big Puma guys um look uh we were uh we’re waiting to Launch this until today and we got it out there uh I teamed up with the folks at Feld once again they are giving me my

Own race Friday night or Friday afternoon in Denver working on the verb guys uh to live stream it again but yeah the Yamaha ppex lcq challenge is back it is uh available to buy tickets you can win a 2024 yz450f we got 20 other great

Prizes as well uh thank you to RAC Tech uh thank you to guts thank you to all these companies Works connection that step up Rent All help us um so we’re going to talk about that all year long we’re keeping track of the points in the lcq just like we always did Daniel

Probably won’t help me this year I won be there to help I don’t think I’ll be at that one no no I actually I have I have an issue with your race okay I went on Twitter today actually it’s X now I don’t know if you know that it’s X um

And I already see you right away early just laying it out there that the dog’s not allowed to race yeah yeah new year new stank why you can’t let him start over and start fresh and just just do his thing no I I felt like what he did to me was

Really wrong and it affected my wife it affected me and because of his fans and so it’s forever yeah I just I don’t I don’t uh I don’t forgive I’ll I’ll say hi to him I got another against stank I just don’t want him in the race like I

Just just yeah I know he’s your buddy but okay all right it’s fair it’s your race um you’re you’re the AMA for that race I I am the you are the AMA for the race yeah it uh uh looking forward to that uh so tickets you can buy the

Tickets appreciate everybody for doing that and all the money goes to these privateers so really uh thankful they were able to do that and it it if it stays stacked like this that thing will be a dog fight this year because Hunter Lawrence leads right now Hunter Lawrence

Is a points leader uh we can get into that that’s going be fun but no I I this the the class is so stacked that’s what I one of my big takeaways was how stacked it is but the LC Qs are going to be good all year because of this field

So no your R should yeah I’m looking forward to that man we’re going to pump that all year long and talk about that as we go so um Daniel Blur by the way brought to you by the folks at decal Works love these guys uh for the service and quality that they

Provide when it comes to the ter when it comes to stickers Uh custom stuff your logos can be put anywhere they have they’re sending me a um because I have the Anniversary Edition Yamaha M it’s purple they’re sending me a purple sticker for my FMF can they even make

Stickers for FMF exhaust so thank you the guys at decal Works popx 24 is a code to save bringing you Daniel Blair uh he’s down there uh working with orange Brigade and working with a a ton of kids and decal Works supports supports the sport through Red Bull KTM

Dudes and more so thank you to Folks at decal Works use the code save some money they’ll send you cool proofs and all of that so thank you to those guys all right Daniel Anaheim one I want your biggest surprise good and bad like either class whatever just your biggest

Surprise good and bad man I mean I listen to review show as I’ve told you before it’s my favorite show um we didn’t really fight too much I really thought the freeze start thing was going to get JT uh going yeah I thought he would be he’s probably in the same spot

As me is he’s he’s upset that he can’t be that upset about it because he didn’t really do anything wrong which is unfortun I mean to me that start is like it’s kind of a greasy move what he did it’s greasy it it’s GFF I think what it

Is more than anything because because he I mean I was up in the 5’11 so I have a good view of it on my phone and he had it the whole whole time and they knew he was there the whole time and this it was a gamble that didn’t I mean how many

Times have we seen a factory Rider pull that start from the lcq like he dnfs the heat he’s on the outside and he’s got a horsepower advantage and and he’s a factory Rider and he sends it deep well and it sucks it it sucks for Vince

Because he has done so much to deserve so much hate but he also gets it when he doesn’t do anything just because he does have like this evil force field around him I think where if you get within range you just fall over I mean I when

You can take out Hunter Chase Malcolm and Kenny all in the same night and not even be really responsible for it that is like voodoo magic Next Level yeah and how about just starting off the year and Heat won like that I I mean like just

Four no actually it was 4.8 seconds in I actually clocked it and it was Kaboom in the first corner but he actually didn’t really do anything wrong so um okay so biggest surprise good and bad biggest surprise I I I I’m with you guys that’s

What the point I was going to get at is uh web and and you know he’s he’s your typical not a one guy and he kind of fights through it whatever but it was speed he was just fast qualifying yeah qualifying and you could tell like it

Was it was with a lot of purpose from the beginning you know and there’s always that thing with him hey he just kind of gets into it and don’t worry about what he does during the day night time no it was like from the beginning

He wanted to be fast and he was so that was my my positive yep uh my my shocking surprise was Eli and it’s Anaheim one so it’s you know you give the pass and he’s he’s him so you benefit of the doubt but but dude from 511 when you don’t have to

Look through a monitor and you get to pick who you want to watch for five laps at the late stages of a moto and it looks like that like it was a weird look straight up and I’m gonna give him the benefit of the doubt Eli but that one

Looked weirder than a normal weird one he he he just he I don’t know he he didn’t look like so ready or I don’t know it was it just looked way different I saw Cooper go by him I assumed he made a mistake Justin Cooper Justin Cooper

Sorry I assumed he made a mistake but I was told that Cooper just tracked him down yeah just was going faster chipped away and got there and then um that’s surprising now in the past I don’t know what results Eli got but in the past he

Has said I had arm pump and that was all I could do and I don’t I don’t remember any particular races but he said that when he’s just ridden around and maybe this was one of them he had one last year that was like that was it was a

Super bad one it was the same thing he didn’t feel right and he just pretty much said that’s it I’m not doing anymore than this he took it but I I mean okay if that’s the case then that’s fine but can you do that anymore I mean

I I feel like jet just changed things a lot like the whole thing oh just get through January and wear them Outlet I don’t know if that’s going to be the thing anymore and you can’t be giving up that many points and be realistically thinking you’re in this like if he

Doesn’t like get it going right away I don’t know if you’re coming back 25 on a kid that’s doing stuff like that so to me it was just concerning that it it seemed way off and I don’t know if the Sport’s going to allow for that whole get

Through January thing anymore it doesn’t I don’t know I think you got to be good from the beginning now and that was not good so 21 other guys saw jet grab that start and was like we got problems dude I’m not I’m not kidding like five

Minutes in it was weird because you know everyone’s pumped up which by the way the whole going dark at night with the laser light thing good move a little reset you know kind of rebuild the tempo yeah that was something new for him it was cool and then jet hole shots Jason

He gets by jet stuff s like all right here we go and I’m not lying in five minutes it was so quiet up there and everyone you look left right dude they can all in their face you could see it and it was like the reality was uhoh

Like this isn’t supposed to go this easy and then I watched him make some mistakes he he almost went over the BM after the sand once re I mean almost went over it yeah but outside of a couple little mistakes that looked too easy it wasn’t great racing at Anaheim

One in either class wasn’t wasn’t great racing uh track was pretty basic you know basically from talking to the Riders after the Finish until uh after the second set of whoops that’s the only spot you could pass they were just like there’s nothing else you’re going to do

From any from anywhere else well the Rhythm they because they’re making mistakes and then the BMS back and forth after yeah that was it after that it was pretty much fall the leader and just pressure hope so yeah you kind of had to you know if a guy didn’t get that three

In you could do something there but most of them got it I kind of thought at one point to if Webb gets around Anderson early does web have a little bit more of a burst to gohe and keep it more honest and then be there late so I was curious

If if if Webb got by Anderson if there was maybe something to be done because Anderson was just a little slower the whole way he just kind of was just like a tenth or two of and but he was impressive too I’ll say Anderson and Webb were the two most impressive to me

Because you just wonder are you guys like the title guys from the past that can’t keep up with this new thing that’s going on with Chase and jet and speed and all that but no they they they seem back and that’s really good I how about Anderson doing troll training now is

John wesling Alex Martin yeah yeah yeah Way’s troll Training Guy dude way to go Alex right out of the gate dude on the podium yeah right not not too bad so check out troll everybody uh we saw what they did with Grant Harland last year and now they’re

Working with Jason Anderson and John wesling is going to be more of Anderson’s guy uh Alex’s partner but uh yeah super smart guys and they can really help you out TR check them great Anderson was good Anderson was good that was the other that was 22 Anderson like just the complete package

Y yeah it was it was it was good um seon will take that third he was he was ju for for Chase seon he was just okay if Jet doesn’t win I think Chase Leeves are pretty happy with it you know solid night no problems got the third

Get the points we’re good let’s go to the next one but I think the jet winning makes that one feel not as good for him if it was Cooper Anderson he’s like okay all right that’s fine this is good mhm but I think think everyone’s leaving there a little like uhoh because that

Was the first one and I mean technically outside the SMX races I mean he didn’t lose an outdoor now he hasn’t lost to Supercross so he’s I don’t know it just it feel it feels very changing at the guard and total pivot you take your Victory lap is this where you take your

Up no I’m look I I was early is this going to happen now I’m still waiting for an apology from you until I get that I can’t brag soon as you tell me I was right that’s all I need to hear I think I said that I think I said it marks I

Think I think I think did it was with attitude and weirdness sure it wasn’t as do all things come from Steve so that’s true um okay so the the surprisingly poor the poor surprise was Eli toac yeah yeah and it was more it was honestly

More visual to me it was less the result like ninth and whatever no it was actually like I watched for five laps straight and it just looked like someone that maybe either wasn’t ready or wasn’t concerned that they were losing like 10 I mean he’s double digits down already

Yeah so to me that just looked very weird and I my hope I mean as a fan I think it would be absolutely awesome if he came back and won and just put that legendary ride on everybody and said you know last year was not fair here I am

I’m back I got it but to me I just I’m going to go one more round and just give him the benefit of the doubt because he’s Eli and he’s a boss but dude that was it was worse than I think people think okay so we kind of touched we

Touched on this in the review show a little bit but and look um it was Jet’s first 450 Supercross okay but he also raced 14 races one of them in a stadium against these same type of Guys it’s so different from like hey it took McGrath nine races and Stu five races and Chad seven races and so on and so forth it just feels different like I get it he’s got the record cool right on like we we’ll say that we’ll we’ll go

With it but it’s just not Apples to Apples to me the guy’s a 450 champion mhm perfect season as a rookie yeah like I don’t know like Well here here’s two things this is why it doesn’t feel as big of a deal cuz I mean obviously

They’re going to make it a big deal and I did see the Clips in the broadcast they have to I mean it was it’s a Monumental feat the problem is is like I said five minutes into the race everybody acknowledged that it was like this is a reality check and then I’ll

Tell you one other thing that happened there was nobody surprised no well that’s that’s why this doesn’t feel as big because no one’s surprised and here’s another thing that I I caught which was very weird maybe it’s just Upper Deck okay maybe it’s a people here but when

Jet fell in the heat race y everyone cheered oh yeah everyone cheered and I thought why would they cheer it’s not that they don’t like jet it’s that they wanted Cooper to beat him already the two-time champ yeah was the underdog against the kid in his first heat yeah

And they wanted Cooper to beat him and I did too because I already felt like like the like the the upper deck was like well Jets got this and we want anybody to be already though before even Checkered Flag so to me that’s why it

Maybe doesn’t feel as big like oh he won his first one because everyone already gets it yeah and I’m telling you the fans already are looking for a two-time champion to beat him in a heat race hopefully on his first that’s just crazy to me but I think that’s the reality

Yeah yeah maybe maybe uh look the kid was the kid was amazing he was great that start starts are great I never felt like Anderson got kind of close I never felt like he was going to get J I never was like oh no no and he got close that

One time jet made a mistake and he got a little close got like 2.3 or something yeah Tory could see him um but jet I was watching him too and it was it was managed yeah he was fine he was not up there going oh my God I’m going to win

He it was he was playing around a little bit he was fine uh we got a call on three Zach wants a Zach has a question about Phil what’s up Zack hey how’s you guys doing good what’s your question oh I was just gonna say kudos to nicoletti for handling that

Uh post no start interview yeah classy of Phil right he didn’t he didn’t even drop a very classy I know was very impressed it it was amazing that’s what you know sometimes you just think you know Philip Philip will surprise you every now and then you know like yeah

He’s probably stoked he didn’t have to jump the triple in anymore yeah he’s like done yeah no you’re you’re right Z I’m an East Coast guy so I just wanted to call in and give kudos to Phil and bummer that he didn’t make it out on the

Start oh okay uh all right sounds good thanks man why why didn’t he what happened uh yeah bike problem yeah just on this like starter or something uh yeah I think it a throttle body issue so thanks buddy uh all right uh Daniel B her in

Studio uh Chad Reed coming up uh Cooper Webb Phil nicoletti as well uh 250s let’s talk ju guu yeah orange Brigade kid right uh you took him away from Blue crew when he was a privateer blue crew guy last year he showed up did really well at the Futures and then you

Uh you grabbed him yeah uh man I got to tell you what that was that was pretty rad for me too up there because I I did have a little skin in the game on this one and normally I don’t right I’m I’m just announcing but this is different

This kid he was part of our program last year and he came on and I mean his whole story from the beginning till he moved on to the pro team it just happened so perfectly and it it’s it’s crazy because it’s a kid that was so fast for a couple

Years and you could see this top end speed but it was it just never worked he always had something he’d fall or bike problem so it was like this fast kid that just couldn’t put it together since he’s been on the pro since we signed him you know almost a year ago everything

Has really just gone right it’s like it’s been buttoned up between Dave milsaps who’s been the perfect person to be next to him y um Carlos and Ian the way they’ve took him in and handled him it’s different I mean obviously Carlos is very involved with very involved

Because I mean he’s Davy’s he’s Davy’s guy and you know Carlos is a crew chief and he’s and I I will say I think there is a a a real understanding in the building that the 250 program has got to step up I mean they’re putting a lot at

It you could see in RJ success too y but with Juju they they’ve done everything so careful and perfect with him that I expected Anaheim to go well did you okay but not that I did I did not expect him to Ho shot and lead and look like he

Belong that was all early for me so um but then when it was done I was like yeah I don’t I don’t I don’t doubt it because everything around him has been perfect for almost a year now it’s he was impressive he was calm steady super

Calm like got a little tired but dude that’s fine like it’s your first Supercross like you’re battling for a podium kid was great I mean against against guys that have done a lot of prolapse too so you got 42-year-old RJ Hampshire and 39y old Jordan Smith I mean the the

Mental uh ability and physical ability and everything that those guys have over a kid like Juju is phenomenal like you know as a racer like they’ve got so much more advantages so many more laps so much more experience like yeah yeah and his and JuJu’s temperament was pretty

Good like he was up there and I never felt one like he was out of line or out of control it was they got him and he took it and it was fine I mean it was really mature and uh and he’s only 17 he was the fastest dude he wrode B practice

Obviously first Super Cross he was the fastest guy overall after the second sessions and I think he was third or fourth overall combined after three sessions so that was impressive and so are you is this just is RJ is this what we’re going to see is this is this

What’s going to happen with RJ like I mean that’s what he hopes that’s what they hope I hope to well I here’s what I can tell you is RJ is seems different um I talked to Nate Dog about it this morning too I went to the offices today

And talked to Nate and he said he’s so relaxed and calm and just chill and it’s almost like he’s just grown all the way up and and not like he’s always been a mature guy but I think he settled into the role as like I’m the I’m the best in

The class now I need to act like it and he was the he was the Craig from two years ago or the nickolls or the in the fan like the the older guys when they get it right they become kind of indestructible in the class and they

Just do every Moto almost the same and so yeah that’s their hope and I I man I think so and and if Jordan ends up being like this polished version of him too yeah we could have a nice little old boy fight there in the 250 West so RJ told

Me uh big improvements on the bike big improvements on the bike in the off season and and and he told me like hey you know me I I I’ll I’ll shoot it straight with the bike with you and and he will he has so he has public so I

Believe him when this isn’t a typical Rider saying oh my God my bike’s so good like RJ is he’s like I said he pulls no punches and he said the bike was good it is I mean they’ve they’ve been working on it you know this is third year now

With that model um and I I think at least in the 250 side engine has been just massive improvements and and we on the amateur side we’re kind of Downstream from that so we’re we’re kind of getting pieces of their past you know what I mean and we just got an updated

Version of our amateur bikes and they’re insane I I mean they’re like so perfect for a 16 17y old kid and then the Pro bike is just like the better version of that it’s they’re they really did their work and um I mean they’re ready to win

With RJ and then they got the young kid with ju guu but at the same time like 250s I think is still going to get loose like shimota should be better yeah Schoo got fourth really worked out from it was a little bit of fortunate fourth he got

A terrible start in the heat you know terrible start in the main event so yeah not not a great night for Joe I he’ll he’s like seon he’ll take that fourth and be like hey I got out got out of here got here with some points right but

It was it was quiet for him I was expecting yeah I he was kind of my expected to like really like shine at the opener and kind of like slap him around I thought kit was going to win I thought this was going to be K’s night I

Love the way he put in his in his last practice kit put together like I don’t know six out of seven heaters or five out of seven heaters like the guy was just on it and I love when guys practice like that that just shows me that you’re

You’re confident you’re ready he was coming out early too and and hit the front yeah you could tell he he he he met what he was doing so uh interesting Daniel Blair here from Main Event Moto orange Brigade and more uh thank you to the folks at rental for coming on board

The show when you look at jet Lawrence he’s got his rental bars on sprockets as well Monster Energy Kawasaki rental products and Red Bull KTM rent all products right you know the name you know the game they’ve been around uh for a long long time they got more

Championships than all the other brands combined and whether it’s mountain bike products chains sprockets grips bars rals got you covered um what’s your what Your reference crossbar or no crossbar crossbar crossbar oh yeah okay I’ve been running no crossbar lately fat bar yeah 997 crossbar I just feel like for my as

Shitty of a rider I am I get arm pump and no crossbar helps my arm pump I don’t know if that’s true does it or is it mental I don’t know we can ask this guy on the line though he might know uh brought you by renthal two-time

Supercross Champion Chad Reed what’s up Rey how are you man what’s up boys how you doing does a crossbar cause arm pump or where you at with that like I run no crossbar on rol because I feel like it helps my arm pump I’m not the right person now I’ve

Literally went a whole career never having AR never had AR right that is true but I will say I raced a vet race last year and it’s the most gnarly arm pump I’ve ever had and I thought it was a myth all this time and thought every teammate that ever complained about it

Was a p but yeah uh anyway it’s real I had it but I I had no cross bar so maybe I need to go back to cross weren’t you riding twinshock bikes or did you actually ride a modern bike I did not ride twin shock bikes I thought you

Might have wrote a twin thought I I know the RTM okay all right all right um hey welcome to the show thank you for calling in appreciate it love to get your thoughts on this uh let’s start with this though you’ve been there as a defending Champion switching bikes and

Showing up and and all just like Chase ston now I think we know through the great find and Chase sort of admitted it his offseason was a little rough on the new bike getting used to it um and then you know he he’ll take that third but

What’s that like coming into a race with number one on a different brand I mean you were an Uber confident guy confident guy so I feel like you’re deaf but maybe take us through that a little bit who I think it’s always yeah I think I mean both of them can be split

Into two right I think that you know the past Champion or you know the reigning Champion has a weight to it and then you know add going to a new team um I think that that is even a little bit compounded more I mean that particular

Group and team uh was the same group that I went and you know partnered with after you know when I was Champion so um you know they’re well they’re well seasoned guys I think that they um you know seems like the offseason went pretty solid for Chase so I’m actually a

Little bit surprised to hear maybe those comments but um yeah yeah it was a little rough from people I know that that are around it it wasn’t wasn’t all roses with the new bike so interesting yeah yeah I guess I I was always we were so busy in offseason and you know with

My own stuff with the kids and stuff and I don’t yeah I guess normally I actually love to hear it and listen and all that kind of stuff but I I was busy with my own with the kids so what caught your eye um look jet I don’t think that’s it

Like Daniel and I were just talking about it I don’t I think we’re all just like okay yeah he won like we just saw him win you know all these races in the fall so I don’t know if Anaheim 1 win was that much of a surprise but was it

To you and if not what was your surprise from A1 Chad yeah not not really taken back too surprised by jet I think uh you know I think that everyone has said it more than more than enough and I think it’s real you know I think that probably

The biggest surprised with jet for me you know since I haven’t been on the show or vocalized that is you know as a 250 riter I don’t know that I would say he was great you know um but as a 450 Rider he’s he’s considerably better in

My opinion you know like I think he’s the full he’s he had weakness on a 250 like when I watched him there was things that he needed to really be better at and and he had holes in his game and you know stepped to a 450 doesn’t normally

Fix all those holes um and and he’s he’s exempt from that up until now and it’s really really impressive to see what he’s what he’s done so um on the jetl side of it not surprised at all uh scares me to think how easy he did it

And I think that at any minute he could have rode away um you know I’m not a big believer of a you know guy going and winning all the superc crosses because I think Supercross is very very different than Motocross but wouldn’t surprise me that the guy runs in clean house this

Year you know yeah just because he’s such a not even he’s riding bility is one thing but he God he’s such a great starter too yeah um anyway off of that I would say the biggest surprise for me is I I hate the word stacked you know like I think that

It’s a bunch of really good writers in there but the gaps and the time between everyone was was much bigger than I stacked class would you know be for me um so yeah it was it was interesting actually to watch it and and you know

Kind of be a little bit removed from it than I normally am normally I feel like I have a little bit more of an understanding kind of like just knowing where everyone’s at and seeing it and but yeah like just I don’t know I felt more Fanny you know like just being able

To like I didn’t get to watch any of the Day stuff cuz we were busy and practicing and everything and then so just kind of just to take that sit on the couch and and watch watch the guys do their thing it was it was actually

Fun to see um Chad when you’re talking about jet on the 450 I I was watching that too because on outdoor you could see that he used all the bike and used every bit of it to do his thing which is obviously used excessive skill I kind of

Felt like Supercross might limit a little bit of that and you know it would take his ability away to do too much because it’s so tight and small you don’t get moving too fast but did back to your B uh bike Point did you feel

Like with him on a 450 now that there’s just no rest uh restraints and he gets to kind of do everything easy where I feel like he did have to kind of work on the 250 to to pull it all off and be him

But on this I feel like with if it’s the power or what but it almost seems like a video game now like he’s just playing with excess and he doesn’t have to really try as hard as he used to on the bike yeah he 100% is what I see you know

Like I I kind of have maybe the the opposite of what you’re saying like I think his abilities and his te technique and skill were going to be more beneficial in Supercross so I think uh yeah I I I just can’t see anyone that’s close right now you know like I

Think that there’s false hope uh for how close everyone was in the early or you know to the Midway point but I really just think he’s he’s he’s very clever you know he’s clever at being able to gauge that um but then you see you know

Like the race coup put a wheel on him and you you know the game love it or hate it you know the game and so when CP does that it kind of is exciting because if if he doesn’t do that or if everybody doesn’t start doing

That this is gonna get really boring do you do you think Chad and I I’ve kind of grilled your old mechanic there Lars at Honda a little bit and I just I think Honda’s got something off starts off great uh since the greats have come in especially in Supercross it seems like

The Red Rider guys have a bit of Advantage now they’re using the get stuff you know um as far as that goes but there’s there’s more that you can add to it um I don’t know I feel like Honda has some technology off great now Hunter Hunter got a god- awul start in

The lcq and you know so so maybe my theory is just out the window but when you look at jet starts and again a lot of it is the rider I get it but I feel like Honda’s got something going on and can’t get anything out of Lars obviously

But they got that thing perfect man they I would yeah I would agree that they seem to be good but then like when you go back to Kenny’s days and Chase was kind of hot and cold like you said uh Hunter hot and cold um you know freezy

Is really solid off the greats on of Honda um and also jet has just been unbelievable through outdoors last year and um but I mean when you look at like again I don’t think that Jet’s heavy necessarily but like he’s considerably much bigger than most of the lights guys

And you know whether you you know if you believe it or not it seems that maybe the Honda was always a little more underpowered than let’s say you know the star bikes or the PC bikes at least what they claim um you know and he seemed to

Always be able to whole shot so I do think that his starting ability is next level too yeah it it seems pretty pretty nutty uh at times like I we did a stat uh my guy looked at watched the races and at the white stripe of 22 motos

There were two out of 22 that jet was not in the top five at the white stripe you know yeah it’s just it’s phenomenal and if you if you have that and then he obviously doesn’t have any Fitness issues that seems to be just fine so if

The beginning and the end is covered then it’s just the 20 minutes in the Middle where again I it just seems like he does everything that everyone does the same thing they all do the same obstacles but he does every single part of it better well he’s in the corner a

Little harder out a little sooner a little lower it’s like every little thing comes down to turns you know like he’s I think he’s really good at scrubbing and I think that his style probably uh hides a lot of how good he is at jumping um you know because he

Kind of looks effortless but I think he’s I think he’s pushing and and doing much more internally that like that he’s doing um to do what he’s what he’s achieving but the turns he’s just roll speed is so much better than everyone else uh Chad you’ve also been in the in

The in the uh path of what Tomac did a champion you know wouldbe Champion guy not having his best Anaheim one um you know it’s a lot of points already down like Daniel said you’re already down um you know over 10 points right um what do

You what do you you know I know they didn’t show Tomac a ton but uh you know I think he had arm pump I can’t really get to the bottom of it I’ve been kind of SN snooping around with some texts and stuff but wasn’t a good night for

Him uh how how does he regroup or do you or I guess do you think he regroups and just gets back to where he is or is this a sign that uh the panic button could be needed I I have multiple kind of feelings on on on Eli and it’s like I he

Looked very much like what I would say prear and you know Eli where he just just something was missing all day and he couldn’t he couldn’t get couldn’t get it fixed you know where last year he may have a practice all too that looked like

That but he’d always able to pull it out of the bag when he needed it you know where he he didn’t he didn’t seem like he had it um going off of my own experience I don’t know if this is Eli’s planned last year or not but when you

Start getting to the end and in you know the the Inner Circle and and all those things when you’re like okay this is it you know and again like I said I don’t know if it is his last season but it seems that it’s possibly his last season

He acknowledged that yeah that this could be it yeah he did say that and so I just think that there’s so many emotions that go with that and I I underestimated those feelings and emotions and anytime you get a good start or a bad start it just seems like

The emotions take over like if it’s good well then you just want to win so much that you ruin it and then if you get a bad start you’re so mad and you ruin it and it just seems like I don’t know sometimes like it yeah like the walls

Coming in and like it all going away was was harder than anyone could have ever explained to me so I hope that that’s not the case for Eli I hope it’s just a long layoff and and he’s just a little rusty around the edges and you know a

Couple of the comments I’ve seen is that it was Anaheim 1 it hasn’t always been the greatest one for him so he’s trying to brush it under the rug and Come Out Swinging next week and I I for a guy that was so fun to watch last year and

Is a a real deserving Champion I would really like to see him up to speed and and race jet like I would like to see 2023 Eli against jet I think that would be really fun for all of this for sure uh 702 586 pulp you got a question for

Chad Reed uh multi-time Supercross Motocross champion on the line brought to you by renthal thank you to the folks at renthal for bringing Chad on the show appreciate that Chad where so the average age of the 250 Podium was older than the 450 Podium um a couple of the

Gentlemen in the 250 Podium has children they have children um well do you does it does it do you care Chad do you care about that sort of part of our Sport and I mean you were a guy who would famously was like the only ride I could get was

Yot otherwise I would tell them to off I want to go to 450 class you know right away um so you were like one and done does that bug you or does that do you shake your head at that or are we just like hey man they’re making a great

Living and they they’re not breaking the rules and good for RJ and Jordan and their and their kids so I no it doesn’t bother me and I do believe that East and West shouldn’t be a thing anymore I think AG far beyond that point I do believe that guys like

Joey saachi should be allowed to race and I don’t believe that our sport is big enough nor long enough to ever limit an athlete or a guy that you know to pay the bills and that’s that’s my true feeling on that but our sport in general

If you take you know this is what scares me about like I think that when you look at Ricky James myself you know and like basically everyone post Jeremy when you really looked at what everybody had to go up against like I you couldn’t really see anyone really going after that 72

Number but when I look at the field and we calling it stacked like the average guy is in their 30s you know like all the good guys all the factory guys are 28 to 30 1 and I just think man like in the next 5 years who who who comes and takes or

Answers the Bell to to Jet I don’t I don’t see anyone being able to do that I mean Hayden I think is our only hope at this minute yeah hayen could do it for sure but I see what you mean like these dudes are making 300K in 250s and are

Like I’m good I’m good I’ll just stay down yeah that’s for me that’s not like I’m good you’re trying to get something out of me that but I but I have the opposite feeling I just think as a 450 class it’s a it’s a very you know and and I don’t think they’re

Old and I don’t I’m not saying nothing bad about it gez I raced until I was 38 and I still wish I could line up today I really do um I miss it like anything I miss the training I miss the grind I miss travel I miss it all so um I think

These guys should do it as long as they possibly can so I love that our sport is seeing people go into their later years but when you see a generational badass like jet come along with you know with some people on maybe the let’s not even call it the downside just the level

Outside you know the the the the plane maybe man it’s just it’s a little scary when there’s no one coming through it seems and Chad it seems backed up like like the dam is full you know the whole sport is backed up right now like normally these guys at 28 29 they start

Moving on out but you’re right there’s like seven or eight of these Factory guys that are all still legit and they’re all in their 30s which means the saachi and the maath and the rjs and McAdoo of the worlds are kind of left either out of a ride or still in 250

Because they’re all there’s nowhere to go like RJ and mck they’re all good Riders but they can’t beat Anderson and Bara and Craig and these guys are like still killing it in their 30s so to me the whole thing is just back yeah it’s just back like not ready you know like

Even a Christian Craig like I think he brings so much to the 250 class and I know it’s our future and it’s our younger class but I just think he brings something to it like like when I looked at the 250 class it was on the weaker

Side you know like I mean gez I can’t believe that everyone’s on the East it’s crazy that I’ve never seen such a lopsided Co you know Coast I mean star has Five Guys on the East I can’t believe it but um yeah so just I don’t know something’s different something

Something things changed maybe just people got hurt in the offseason and that’s the way it the chips all fall but it was it’s interesting to see how it’s playing out yeah I’m not like you know look Feld and the media which I’m part of I’m not sitting here and you won’t

Hear me say most stacked field ever well first of all DV would smack me in the face DV hates that which is great but like I’m not going to say that either like it is stacked it’s good there’s a lot of Champions I get it like when you break down the name

They are all very good Riders and I with res good res they’re all got really good resumes but but when you see the the gaps in the times and and stuff on the weekend it was it was considerably bigger than than you would expect yeah

And so I’m just you know I feel like every year most years there’s also Champions there’s also great Riders and and I you can’t really judge one way or another like in 1985 uh that year I believe there were nine national champions on the line you

Know what I mean uh for Anaheim one or whatever so like I’m just I’m not going to be most stacked field ever guy I won’t be that way there’s no way to really measure that there’s tons of years that are full of great guys so just it depends what your expectation is

Stacked is it stacked with names yes is it stacked with guys who can win maybe not well or you know I think what people want to talk about is it’s stacked with um guys who have rides no private teers and that just means there’s more teams

Or whatever teams come and go like I I don’t know there’s a lot of good teams like I think the bike’s like and I think that the the fact that the bike rolls off the showroom floor so good now you know the KTM group with having three different manufacturers you know they’re

They’re a large organization you know Triumph coming in ducatti coming in it’s actually a really great fun time for a sport you know like it actually offers more rides and and maybe that leads to a real change and there isn’t such a thing as an East West thing and whatever and

And maybe I’m wrong but I just think that I think our Sports big enough now that and enough teams and manufacturers coming in to play the game that we could I think we could handle it easy solution 250s just no East no West just full championship and then go Futures East

And West there it is welcome everybody I like that I like that all right we got a phone call we got a phone call for you Chad here from uh from Nicks on two Nick go ahead uh what do you want to ask Chad Reed hey Steve thanks for taking my call

I know this is ridiculous Chad number one ride or die here okay yeah when I I’ve been around for a while RJ when he retired I had nobody cheer for who do I cheer for he tells me Jeremy Jeremy retires who do I cheer for he tells me

Chad Jeremy told you this Jeremy Jeremy like told you this to your face and same with Rick Johnson no no no oh um I asked when Ricky Johnson retired I asked him who do I cheer for yeah no I’m saying RJ told you personally or like was this in a

Magazine article or like yeah yeah he no he told me personally oh okay that’s I was just like oh that’s cool so they personally told you who to CH for okay could you build a report with them over the years right sure and then Jeremy told me

Personally to Chad before Chad even got here Chad if he remembers I’ve asked him like six years in a row because you have to try to guess when they’re going to retire yeah yeah took a while time right it did last time I asked him was uh Lo

Last round l Vegas Supercross he said I’m still not retired sorry bud now without being Tate without being Tate because that’s a given who do I cheer for now that you’re gone Bud Freddy okay Nick all right Nick Nick all right thanks we we’ll put you we’ll drop

You and then Chad you can answer Nick yeah go ahead uh I think you know it’s a high one to answer on a radio show but you know whatever but I think uh you know I think there’s so many good guys I think that you know Jet’s

Obviously young and he’s I just like I like what he means you know he seems like a good kid I don’t know him great you know I don’t know him super well but he’s always happy he’s always joking around he’s he’s always you know I think

And obviously he puts the work in um and same with Hayden I have the same feeling about Hayden so out of those two I’ll let you choose I can’t believe that I can’t believe that Jeremy didn’t tell tell him to you’re for Tim ferry over chat but that’s but whatever

Tim so I was with red Doug on the weekend oh boy oh boy uh yeah Beck RAC Beck we were on the same gate drop we were Beck was on one end Tate was on the other and uh yeah we were we were there racing we’re our kids were racing each

Other it’s pretty funny yeah that is that’s really good and I I’ve been saying on my show Chad I’m going to have a hard time with Evan because obviously I held him as a baby and I was mechanic and now I got to ask Evan like how’s

Your setup how’s it going like me man I need to quit um and then before you know it Tate might be there too yeah yeah know exactly I need to get out of here uh by the way speaking of Freddy what what yeah Chad I need to know how

You feel yeah how do you feel man first off how does Ellie feel well we know how Ellie feels I want to hear from Chad though Ellie’s still mad I retired and on a regular basis it I told Freddy I’m like hey man no fan it’s still kind of weird dude and he

Goes I get it Freddy’s the nicest guy ever Freddy’s like I get it I’m like it’s still weird man so it is weird and it’s like you know the hot thing is is you know like obviously it’s a number and it goes away it is what it is but it’s the

And and not that I’m really trying to race races anymore but like sometimes you think ah man it’d be fun just to do something stupid and you know get into shape and race a national or something and it’s like the thought of not being able to run your number

Actually makes me yeah like makes me like I’m like ah I don’t need to do that like it actually it’s almost like a real it’s like the books closed now like it’s kind of weird yeah uh hey any uh any anybody reach out to you about coming on

TV and doing some stuff obviously Ricky James are there and uh you know Jeremy was supposed to be on the booth this weekend um he didn’t make it uh votto’s done some stuff when it comes back around to Florida you think you’ll get the invite or have you is it something

That you’re interested in at all uh I text with mu and uh preder on you know Saturday morning but nothing nothing on the business side of it as far as like you know that I was more just you know good luck for the year and kind of just

You know checking in with those guys but um I hope so I’m wide open honestly I’m I’m working hard so that I that this Daniel Blair guy I heard he’s pretty good and he’s he’s pretty powerful I’m hoping that one day he’s going to you

Know have my cell number and he calls me to offer me a ride or something but yep um anyway no we’re just grinding away we’re doing the uh we’re doing all the races we got five weeks straight I think we got a weekend off and then we got a

Couple of other races so we’re we’re really busy I I really hope to get to a Supercross or two um you know Mountain Motorsports has got a you know a couple of new big dealerships in Alabama so I maybe you know do some activation uh around that in Alabama or something like

That and then yeah kind of like obviously I watch the TV show and seeing what wegs did with uh with RJ maybe uh maybe that’s an opportunity where I could you know do some stuff like that and obviously you know like for me I’m I’m

No I’m no longer with wsx so um I was gonna ask you that yeah so you’re yeah so my my time there’s done um so maybe maybe maybe someone will call you now maybe somebody will call me maybe uh maybe maybe I won’t get blackb anymore

But uh I don’t know who knows but um I haven’t made that actually it’s the first time I’ve really said that out loud to the world but um they uh yeah and that don’t actually know that maybe I need to tell them yeah you proba probably should tell make them aware

That they don’t have to blow black B me uh listen I I wish like I said to last time you were on here talking about I wish Adam and all the guys the luck uh I hope it works out it’s more money for rers more races to watch it’s it’s it’s

A cool deal um now you know will it ever surpass USA super cost no but that’s okay um are you riding at all like are you what’s the last time you rode I’ve been riding a lot oh okay all right well when I say that let’s be let’s keep

It a little bit like I’ve been riding a lot in the backyard on like with Tate um Tate Tate really learns and takes information on from a visuals aspect and so um I actually really my goal is to get a 125 it just gives me a better

Understanding of that power of weight is what he has and so you know right now he’s 13 and he’s starting to get hormones and starting to flex on dad a little bit so now you know got the excuse that I’m on a 450 and that’s why

I can beat him so I need to I need to downsize to a 125 so I can still kick his ass and keep it keep it real you know come on Daniel find a 125 somewhere just find one you you you got around talking to the Reed Family come on we’re

Working on it they’re coming all right yeah yeah yeah get get some I mean you guys have eight million bikes yeah just kind of riding and and like that’s what I want to do more in 24 like I felt like last year was a honestly it was a real

Rebuild building year like I I got hurt at the end of 22 and it it was a much longer period of healing time than than I ever anticipated I was in Australia for four months and I never anticipated that um we were homeless until June um you

Know you were in an RV for a long time do you have a house do we I don’t even know do you have a house I yeah like January to June I was in an RV I know I was worried about you yeah and uh but no

We’re we’re we’re all settled back in back in Florida and and you know the kids said well T Tate the most is Chasing the Dream you know like he’s he’s really saying it and K puts you know a lot of work into it and Pace has been swinging golf clubs all day

So so we’re we’re just grinding away and and loving it and you know the sport of motocross and Supercross is is uh you know it’s within our family stronger than ever honestly like you know like it’s it’s pretty damn cool like when I went to jump on the phone like I said oh

I gotta jump on the call or whatever at dinner time and yeah Tate’s like oh what and I said yeah and he goes like that pulp show and I’m like yeah and I’m like how do you know what pulp is and he like it’s pretty funny and he’s just diving

In you know and it’s like he’s getting to the point where he recognize and he’s like oh that’s cool and I’m like yeah don’t worry soon they won’t be calling me they’ll be calling you they’ll be calling me to talk to you no listen I

Had we had red dog on last week and I got to talk to Evan and I Brian and Hayden you know yeah it’s it’s a lot man it’s it’s a lot it happens yeah life comes at you fast uh but before we let you go Chad we do have maybe a new

Potential new job for you on the line uh here because this gentleman may may need a riding coach something down the line uh Phil what’s up nicoletti hey fellas what’s happening well re’s on the line need a coach or does he need a mechanic I can or is that too soon shots

Fired Jesus right off the bat you can only do that with Phil on the phone oh I know I got to be me for two seconds that’s cool yeah it’s uh yeah it’s well deserved I don’t know I mean what are you do in that situation Chad

There nothing you can do listen I don’t know if Chad would have handled that interview as well back in the day no there’s no way Chad was going to handle it that good you know kept walking no no way let’s keep it let’s keep it into perspective at your age I

Could have handled it like just true true but the peak Peak 25 Chad is walking off no no I’m I’m walking off very very disappointed I had people like Steve Mattis working and over look at my bike here we go W up hey worked it worked fine at those like three or four

Heat races Timmy beat you in I think maybe three or four I don’t know um I think we beat you uh speaking of dnfs or speaking of Mechanicals Rey I think we beat you the night your seat fell off in Minneapolis I think Timmy put it put it

To you that night too yeah I was sick that night with no seat yeah I still see that one in the night time I just wake up it’s like a in the sweat it’s like the one one you know like there’s those ones that you that you just like that

Cost me a title that’s the one yeah yeah really did yeah when you think about it that way sure absolutely that would have been great what about San Diego when we had a fire drill and we had to we blew up an engine in the heat race or

Whatever it was the gearbox went out I think oh yeah that was uh that was rookie just revving the bike in the pits and the gearbox went didn’t it or did it go on the track it broke no it broke on the track um kind of crazy like when you

Look at like the weekend and you know hunting not making the main event and it’s like all the things that you’ve had happen and thankfully I went 265 races never missing the main and but it’s like all the moments when you’re like oh crap anything could have happened you know

Yeah no yeah it is funny right Phil like it’s well actually Phil we had somebody on social media that said your luck is changing Phil because the old Phil that thing would have happened on the track and would he would have died so no and I I thought about that driving to the

Airport Saturday night I’m like dude my luck it would have bogged on the face of the Finish Line you know so I’ll take it for when of Happ did it happen uh did it happen on the parade lap it did I went to do my parade lap started so weird and

I did it it bogged and I’m like what the hell my mechanic H it and radio to the guys and yeah I you know the bike was warm everything was good it first rthm Lane it was still doing it and then I just I had to come back I’m like there’s

Yeah something something’s jacked up so inor you know what happened can you say or you I I mean they can you know kind of comes back to something with the throttle body you know um you know it just you’re stuck down there you got four minutes to try and figure something

Out I mean there’s not there’s nothing that’s what I said like the kids are like no like the kids are all like that’s Phil and I’m like y I said they said are they going to wait and I’m like they’re not going to wait they’re not waiting I can get out

There and stand in front of that gate and they’ll still drop the just over right yeah it’s part of it all right Rey uh thanks man thanks for the time appreciate it uh love to get your thoughts on A1 and uh yeah man good luck

With everything um I hope to see you in uh Phil round two getting yep I’ll go get him thanks Chad see you bud have fun see you guys thanks Chad that’s Chad re everybody brought you by rol Phil nicoletti brought you by orw Offroad pulpex is the code

To save get your bike to the track with style and performance from an off-road Warehouse uh they are staffed by aible experience team plus they install everything they sell from suspension kits tires Wheels to steps bed accessories and more Phil knows all about orw guys they do a great job use

The code to save at pulpex Offroad uh I said to Phil hey Phil uh 9:00 p.m. your time question mark and he goes yeah and I said Thank you and he goes can’t wait just great you jinxed me on Saturday man why you said we’re gonna have you on the show

Whether you do good or bad oh well if you do bad we won’t we won’t have you on but if it goes really bad we got to have you on yeah yeah yeah it’s good point you got a good point you me sucks it sucks man uh

For sure because I also tweeted earlier in the day I said Phil’s 12th right now he will probably uh start around there and work its way up to eth in the main event like that’s just I called your main like that’s how I felt like you were du like right around you know

Freckle and those guys right uh the way it was going and that’s probably what you would have done but yeah huge bummer have you ever had that happen before Phil on the line no no I I can’t say I have if I did it would have been with 1110 uh

Yeah but uh no I can’t I did have some issues with uh jgr bike one time but it actually kind of worked out okay we’re able to unplug maybe we did unplug DPS or kill switch and then end up working so I was fine um but that uh we

Exhausted all those options and yeah there was there was nothing I there nothing I could do Daniel You’ ever had that happen no I mean I’m man I’m from the old school bro carbs I I not a lot of this weird electronic like confusion

On the like if the bike goes out back in my day like we knew what it was pretty much like you guys have a lot of mystery when this stuff happens I had a bike uh 2001 Glenn Helen uh concrete starting pad right so you warming your rear tire

Up um and uh Kelly Smith just I’ve got the rear fender in my hands and just seized and then he’s looking at me and I’m looking at him I’m like we’re done dude we’re done like all hope is gone did you hear that the gate is dropping

And then so pretty much the gate drops and we just got roosted we just got covered in dirt and to add insult to the injury yeah it’s great good times actually no I got to retract that I do remember Indianapolis I actually 2012 was 1110 I I refused to race seain

Because we were frying regulators and the bike was just shutting off oh yeah yeah and then I just told him like dude I’m I’m not racing this thing you know um and we couldn’t figure out why and then I had to go back to the coil I don’t I don’t know anything about

That but uh one thing led to another and then we ended up uh kind of figuring out I think actually think Dan Bentley helped us out a little bit with it so um what you think of the uh what’ you think of the track uh it was an easy A1 uh the

Track crew guys even you know told me that they took out the dragon back even they thought that that would be a little dangerous so they took the dragon back out overnight uh they they they really wanted to ease you guys into it uh uh was it too

Easy uh well you can say it was too easy but I still didn’t go quad quad you know um which I should have you know I just being a yeah just typical being a um but the rest of the attack was super basic um for what it is um that Dragon’s

Back was probably the easiest dragon’s back of my 17 years riding on a Supercross track I like and yeah I mean it was totally totally fine it had options too like the guys in the inside and outside were doing like a different tap and over I actually thought it was

Cool and I showed up on Saturday it was gone yeah gone and I’m like okay so wait so we have a Finish Line That’s seriously like jump in the Grand Canyon and then we have and we have a triple quad quad going along um the side

Of the stadium like what you know so I don’t know I I guess B didn’t want the dragons back there they were paranoid but I’m like dude you’re doing a dragon’s bag to Flat nothing can really there’s nothing to really you know and I you could ask 99% of the guys and

They’re fine with the dragon back but if you ask them to fix that rhythm with the quad in it I bet a lot of them would have been like uh yes please you know um so yeah I don’t know it’s kind of yeah I mean the whoops are small but they did

Get a little bit tricky curs secondy rough yeah they were kind of curvish you know so uh yeah it was just uh I don’t know we’ll see how it goes in sand Fran you know I think they’ll progressively get more and more technical but that finish line was a Booter that

Was a Booter yeah that was sending you how uh distance-wise did you get from anybody uh I don’t know but obviously go down there for press day and I’m looking at this thing and I’m like what you know like why the whole offseason building all this hope it had to be it

Was 67 it was a triple right it was 65 67 something like that I’m sure I don’t know but whenever you put a Gap in between there it doesn’t look like a triple you know and the lip was big it was big the lip was big and you couldn’t

See the landing coming out from the the corner and the way the sun was on it you couldn’t see the face because it was just all shadowed so all the ruts and like the kickers and stuff oh yeah God’s face was on the takeoff of that jump and I was just like

Every time I came around and the first time I hit it on press day was like H I follow I don’t know who I followed but I’m like I don’t know if there it’s same thing when I followed Hunter at Atlanta yeah yeah yes and I’m like

This ain’t it I got to give it a little bit more and I’m glad I gave it a little extra pepper because if I didn’t I would have hung a wheel pretty bad so pretty pretty decent judgment now you did do the three in twice not super clean but I watched

It not super clean but yeah but I just such a I mean a but it’s uh there’s no there’s no way around it I literally probably could have got second in my heat race if I just yeah probably I no I would have all three guys passed me in that section

Yeah I know Freckle I Freckle almost landed on you and freck fre he no Freckle should have landed on me I’m in the way I don’t want to tell you what he told me no you really please tell me he said he’s too old to jump

Those jumps that’s what yeah I know I I actually had a long chat with FR he’s like man I’m kind of glad the whoops are small you know you know he didn’t want to jump to Triple quad quad either you know but he still did it you know uh

Pass that point in our lives man I just was like Hey Freckle thanks for not landing on our guy Phil and he was like yeah he made that joke about it so yeah uh listen your guy Coupe um he was the surprise for all of us like myself JT

Oued Daniel uh won the the heat qualified really well which is a you know not always something he’s great at and then probably would have got Anderson in the main I think but if not he ends up on the podium anyways and we saw him in Paris and he was just he was

Just in Paris Cooper Webb good good a one man that’s your guy yeah I mean uh I think we talked about this I don’t know a couple shows ago but you know last year Paris 22 he got his ass kicked and then showed up at Anaheim and got on the

Box you know um and it was in the title hunt all year and this year was kind of the same thing got his you know ass handed to him at Paris and then showed up at A1 and was fine but I was down there I rode with him on to uh last

Friday before A1 um I went down to Tallahassee and I watched him do his 20 plus one and he was on point and their track was gnarly and he hit his Mark and then you know he looked fit and look trim again and yeah he’s back on point

You know uh I think it’s a it’s a really good version of Coupe that we have in 23 is he as good as jet speed wise I mean I don’t think so and I think even Cooper agreed I I don’t think he has jet speed

But for a 17 race series I think he’ll he’ll be there till the end he was he was impressive man he looked really good uh and so yeah I guess like just bad on us for doubting him are bad on us idiots for yeah but you guys do it every year I

Know why do we do that why why are we just idiots I don’t know every every year it’s just like you know on Coupe year after year and then he still got a you know I mean I don’t get it you know I get it I on

Him too but yeah but you on yeah but not not with his racing ability you know like I you know it’s pretty obvious what he’s capable of so yeah um yeah he uh he did okay and then when it comes to this jet guy like is this what we’re in

For like REI just was on and said he would not be surprised if he just ran the table I don’t think Rey meant every single win or maybe he did I don’t know but like it was good man it was good yeah and when he when C pulled his 5-sec

Lead that he had in the heat race you know obviously jet was a little a little bit flustered kind of missing his marks but when jet did hit his his marks that 5-second Gap went away real quick it did you know it it it went away real quick

And he was on Coupe now coup is really good at you know being riding defensive you know for guys like Eli and Kenny and stuff like that but jet is just so fast and coming out of Corners he shoots out like a cannon um I don’t know how you

Defend on something like that and not worry you know without worrying about going forward you know um it’s going to be a new new challenge for Coupe to be able to try and defend on on that sort of speed you know yeah I I I I

Liked what he did in the heat though he had no problem going in and giving jet a little something in the corner and being like no I’ll take this and that it wasn’t dirty or overly aggressive it was just like no you just don’t get to have

This and and I like that and to me it did make things a little different because Cooper knew he had to run with it like he went and sprinted and then Jet was a little awkward for a minute and it kind of It kind of disrupted him

So and Chad even kind of hinted around at that a little bit um when he was on that got they’re going to have to like find a way to like get into his head and weird it up somehow because if if they just can you I mean they’re going to

Have to figure out something I mean here’s the truth and NFL proves it all the time bad teams can beat good teams sometimes if they just game plan correctly they’re going to have to game plan Jet and figure out some because it ain’t going to come from just beating

Him in skill so Cooper’s probably the best position to actually do it because he plays games and usually backs it up so my hope is that yeah this was this speed that he has is like a 17 round speed and he could be in there and make

Things weird because he’ll be the one that would probably willing to do it so I like it yeah Coupe did that to jet in the heat race but then in the main event jet took what cop did to him Jason yeah yeah and he and Jason you

Know I think think he’s one of the best to play that cat and mouse game and that’s not between bam and Jason is not someone that you really kind of want on your bad side to you know around with with that sort of stuff but like he

Went in there and Jet hasn’t really been known to do that you know or really make contact with anybody to pass somebody and he did it and he got he got the hell out of Dodge you know so you know he used that what happened to him you know

For himself and kind of pounced on it so and I think he was managing that race at 75% you know I I hate to say it you know um and he just kind of rode around yeah yeah it is scary like if and we saw it outdoors more so than Anaheim

One but when that dude needs to make up some time he can do it in three quarters three quarters know I mean the for instance okay a section that was kind of basic where everyone was doing the same thing was the sand section jet the sand I swear he was just

Like hovering over the sand if I tried to do what jet did I would be cartwheeling off into the concrete you know like I I just don’t know how he can stick it jump three sand rollers and it’s just amazing you know Phil how about this how about this if if

This track would be considered easy right it had the big Rhythm and the second set of whoops was kind of whatever but if this was on the easier side do you think if the tracks harder and more difficult that’s better for jet that he’s even better than this or does

That bring people back in if it kind of closer yeah like what happens if the track’s tough because that was pretty easy track compared to what we saw last year a lot I think I think it gets I think it’s gets harder for the competition so it gets even hard because

Yeah because I mean four lanes of that track were straightaway you know I mean when you consider the Finish Line the Super Cross triple the straightaway coming across the start going back to start going back across the start into the stand the start going or the straightaway going

Across to the Finish Line like dude there’s a lot of flat straightaways you know it’s just like you you add rhythms into all that stuff and the way you know sounds like I’m you know jerking jet off but it’s just like if you had rhythms into all that stuff

Where he can push through and I don’t know it’s going to be tough you know so I’m really curious to see Eli though get back on the rooll yeah what do you think of that that was my next question like we asked Chad Daniel said Eli was his

Biggest poor surprise um look he’s Eli Tomac it’s one round I I probably he’ probably had arm pump I get that uh Y is he gonna is he just back to where he needs to be next weekend or are you on defense a little bit no I I I I have to

Say by you won’t see the true Eli until maybe A2 okay you know I think it’s going to take four weeks but he needs to be third you know if he want any chance in the championship you know what I mean um it’s going to take a little bit

Because I mean even for me alone and Daniel you know when you come back and you’re out for that long and you miss gate drops and that intensity I don’t care what he does in Cortez and you miss that many races against like because every gate drop you miss you’re you know

Against jet or chase or those guys like they elevate their game a little bit you know um and then you miss those gate drops and you come back and you’re so far behind the eight ball even though you think you’re prepared but you just lose the race tenacity I guess you know

Um that that’s what I’m worried about though is if you actually look back last year like Eli probably had one of his ratest Seasons but it was his ability to take advantage of moments and and Rise he wasn’t Beast mod it wasn’t that and in fact if you look back in pure speed

Like Chase was kind of working him in speed almost every night well if jet ends up being a better version than even that I mean Eli’s not going to all of a sudden go back in time two to three years and go beast mode guy that’s why

I’m wondering is what’s the ceiling now what will he even allow himself to do now and is it what Jet’s doing like I don’t think so man like I don’t think he’s would be willing to take chances like that CU jet don’t care he does whatever he wants Eli wasn’t even doing

That last year let alone a year later after an injury so I I I’m I’m a little suspect on what this next month looks like yeah and obviously again it’s A1 so you can just throw everything out the window because everyone prob I maybe Eli had a completely different setting than

What he did last year and that’s what he ran at A1 and who knows he might just go back to something that he was running last year and put it on for this weekend and he might come out and win you know like who the knows that could just

Be as simple as that like you don’t really ever know um I mean this race is just an anomaly you can’t really you can’t you can’t go byy it you know so his his worst races last year he always bounced back and one too his biggest

Wins were always after his very worst on yep there was another one that was like got smoked and then came back and smashed him so yeah I’m I’m rolling with it’s Eli it’s round one it’s fine and I’m going to give him the benefit of the

Doubt but I I would say my my spider senses are up right now that this is like this could be possibly a more often look uh off-road bringing you Phil nickel lady in the show po C PPM XX they got stores all across America but go online

If you want a part for your truck uh Jeep Overland UTV all that kind of stuff uh pulpex is the code to save they sell everything from suspension kits tires and wheels to steps bed accessories and more they install it as well you see the

O RW on Phil’s ass that’s what this is uh off-road Warehouse orw also sponsoring Dean Wilson who did you see the tube of the takeout Phil oh I did I old Dino Dino Dino actually FaceTime you as it’s fr Friday morning uh actually we got a uh actually did Dino’s goggle deal

For him he’s now a ride y yeah so that all that all happened on Friday um so he’s a part of the factory ride crew um and then he actually FaceTime me last night were bullshitting about it I’m like dude I don’t know I mean his race

Is ruined at that point in time anyway yeah I don’t know why he just didn’t go ape because at that point in time it’s like dude it’s over man you know like I don’t give a you know you know what it reminded me of uh Vince’s move on Joey in the world

Rounds did you remember yeah it was it was the classic meet you at the end of the BM you have no idea and I know you’re not letting up and too bad for you that’s it was it was a classic yeah so I can’t believe Dean has let it go

This long to be honest with you multiple times too now I will say we talked about this earlier this the heat race start by Vince and let’s talk where you’re at this Phil I I don’t really have a problem with that it’s a little greasy

No that’s to me that’s fair G okay all right all right so you’re you’re with us on it’s just the worst part is it’s because it’s Vince you know if that was AC or AP no one says a word everyone says Hunter why yeah why did you let up

I’m not sticking up for Vince because I really don’t give a you know but that’s just that that’s more of a racing thing could he have faded it out a little bit yeah okay you know um he did pinch it off pretty pretty hard you know

But that’s if you’re a racer you kind of have to do your due diligence on both ends if you have the whole shot or if you’re right behind them to kind of be able to read the corner of what’s happening so um but the fact that

It was Vince made it 10 times worse and and then obviously in the main event with mooki and Kenny I’m like the 125 is right there cool figure you know so uh by the way Travis look this up Eli got six at Anaheim to then

He won at Houston he got fifth at Tampa and then first at Oakland so yeah and then eighth and Indie and third at Detroit yeah H bounce backs yeah he had bounce backs um yeah it is you know old Vince gets a a bad rap for well

Everything but um the start I was fine with I and you know what JT didn’t lose his mind either I was really he was really yeah I don’t I don’t yeah I just I just lose my mind that it was Vince doing it not just you know I just can’t

Believe like what is dazzy thinking man when you’ve got jet win his first one and then on Hunter you have like months of months of prep and 4.8 seconds into the season Vince comes crossing over and he’s flying through the air like welcome to the 450 class and the first thing you

Do is meet Vince in the first Corner that’s what I would say like welcome to 450s man yeah I mean I just how do you even process it other than I mean I don’t know but I will say though the lcq cuz I watched hunter in

That one and I I feel bad for him because he was being so careful trying not to die and he he was getting crossed all over the place so he was a little too careful but I know what he was doing which was just not dying and it just

Didn’t work by a couple feet but it was a rough watch be honest with you I don’t I don’t know I you sport don’t never know I mean hunter did go down pretty hard even in that lcq the way he was riding I consider Hunter he’s pretty

Elite to me you know what I mean um he’s an elite Rider but the way he was riding in the lcq didn’t look like he was an elite Rider like no I thought the crash that front that that first turn crashed something got taken out of him whether

He did ding his head or something because obviously it’s an Alpine Star helmet and his visor is off so it’s really kind of hard to tell how hard he hit his head but he just yeah I don’t I don’t know it’s good job for K Cade wrote smart but I’m with you Hunter

Hunter yeah Hunter didn’t look no no and listen yeah Kade got in that’s the name of the game dude you know I mean I I don’t care if you’re getting paid a millions of dollars or making 40,000 like lcq is an lcq but the I I really want to know the thought process

On Hunter going to the inside um yeah yeah going that route yeah because it’s you get down in there it’s kind of suicide you know what I mean I mean if for some reason you miss a shift or whatever you you got no wiggle room you

Got nothing to say that to RV all the time cuz RV was an inside gate guy and I’m like dude stop it chaos happens in yeah you got to be perfect man well especially in lcq man I think about who’s on the outside of the gates in

That 4D lcq if I’m him I’m going out with those dudes like no matter what you’re on a factory Honda yeah you could do fourth gear start or first gear start with no whole shot device you’re probably going to be all right with them yeah but the inside one mess up dude he

Just I watched him he rolled down the start Tre with nowhere to go he just rolled nowhere to go yeah he’s you’re you’re you’re at that point and like you really you know and I don’t I don’t know maybe because they never really had to be in those situations so

It’s hard to really have a thought process like that you know but yeah to know what to do because it that’s an art in itself to be able to read those types of guys what they’re going to do you know because when you’re going up against guys like Kenny and jet and coup

And those guys it’s kind of like pretty easy to tell how they’re going to form or where they’re going to push to or where they’re going to let off you know versus those other guys in the lcq like dude you go to the outside you get a

Little bit more wiggle room if you get pinched you have you can move around a little bit more like yeah inside is literally a do or die in those situations yeah uh Phil your teammate Garrett marchbanks I talked to him on track walk uh man he looks he looks fit

He looks ready to go I know troll train is helping him out and he’s doing a good job with that I feel like his race was just a an eh like not great but not bad like just eh uh yeah well I yeah I mean

I mean obviously I had my issues so I didn’t even watch the race I went back got undressed and I headed to the airport got on a red eye and got the out of Dodge um G did okay he obviously got screwed um oldenberg hit

The gate kind of dead last and he come from pretty much yeah dead last all the way up to seventh but G didn’t ride the way he does at the practice track which is kind of common G is one of the best practicers that are known to man you

Know I’m pretty sure he would take down stew if you put him up for a one laap battle um but he still is a second off from where the leaders were which I know he can get to um but he hasn’t raced a super cross in two years you know he

Didn’t race at all last year so uh he’ll be better next weekend so I thought it was fine it was fine good he came through he passed a lot of guys he was kind of with Joe for a little bit uh um he he did all right got in there got

Some decent points and then uh he he’ll move forward I I know G can run with you know Smitty and those types of guys so that’s not there’s no doubt in my mind uh all right phone call from uh down under Tomo Jin how you going filo what up

Homo oh not much just uh watching the delay on the TV through the phone it’s it’s a bit difficult so hey I’ll just quick couple of questions for you then I’ll get off uh wsx much difference between setup for there and the American track and do you think

It actually it helps you going from that series to an American series uh yeah I mean it’s the the tracks are quite different uh World Supercross was a bit more mellow compared to AMA even though Anaheim was a mellow track it was still more technical than what a world Supercross

Was um I could get away with a little softer setting with wsx um and the tracks in a may obviously get a bit gnarlier as far as rded and you know chewed out so they’re quite they’re quite different yeah yeah um so like with jet and that they’re really efficient with

Their throttle and stuff jet Kenny Chase Direct that’s helping them set up the bikes I watch a lot of the 250 Riders and they’re revving the absolute tits out of their bikes and it’s almost like they never settled the chassis and that down on them so you reckon that that’s a

Area where just massive advant manage for Jet and chasing that the elite guys maybe not Tom yeah to tomac’s not that way for sure he’s he’s wide open like B well he’s not he’s not bad level but he’s aggressive yeah yeah I mean I don’t

Know I I think there’s a certain way to ride to ride a 250 um you know I I guess it’s really hard I mean that can make a break if you’re a good 250 or 450 guy because you you can’t ride the 450 like some of these kids ride a 250 there’s

There’s no way well I think El Eli can’t because he’s so damn strong and Tall but he’s you know but yeah for the most part nomal roxon and and yeah jet they they ride a 450 about as well as you want to ride it yeah yeah like you

Know behind yeah Kenny was behind me WX yeah yeah I mean Kenny was behind WX and I can’t even hear him yeah yeah you’re like is he on a stark or what’s going on yeah just a quick round with Daniel I’ll get off J just going

Judu Bome whatever his name is is he under strict instructions to stay away and avoid the Star Trek truck at all possible costs and do not make our contact with Bobby Reagan um no I mean funny story if you want to go back in time but last year after Anaheim 2 when

He kind of had his little breakout and showed all the speed he was in the start truck that night and he chose KTM I heard a story just a few weeks ago a guy who has a ride now not like an elite guy but a good guy

Bobby called him up yeah come on out ride the bike and the guy’s like I got a ride yeah we’ll get you out of that don’t worry just come ride the bike like the guy’s like ah no I’m okay Bobby I’m good but like this is the attitude we’ll

Get you out of it don’t worry just come ride the bike just come test ride like I don’t know what the hell yeah it’s the weirdest thing ever I me yeah no that’s not a lie that’s how that’s not how it goes I I know it’s not a lie I mean that

Happened at minos’s this year with two of my writers yeah no him and L Langston they’ll figure out a way they’ll they’ll get out of that thing they’ll they you know don’t worry about it so no two of my writers were approached multiple times at Minos after they yeah told them

That they had a contract but still in front of our truck yeah doesn’t matter thanks Tomo you man can I gu seeo to can I can I guess the two Riders of mine yeah yeah for ponnie and fower no no not one of them fer was one of them

Okay I don’t even know who you just said right there I don’t know who I don’t know who those people are that you just said you will soon give it a year or two you’re going to know Austin uh Austin gave us $999 on YouTube and ask the

Question do you think Jet and Hunter covered up the weaknesses of the CRF 250 because Joe couldn’t get off the gate and struggled to come through the pack and so you know big problem for Joe this Austin says he’s not on Mitch’s PC anymore I don’t I think the Honda is a

Great bike so I don’t yeah I don’t see it that’s going to I think I I need to see a couple more races before I Judge Joe all the way right that’s yeah Phillip I mean I don’t I don’t really know Joe I can’t really say I’m a fan of

Joe but he wrote good I mean he came from way back and still almost got a Podium you know barely missed yeah barely missed it and he was a ways ways back and I don’t know if I’m kitchen or ven you know more so kitchen not ven I

Thought ven did really really well all day um but kitchen should have been you know again it’s Anaheim he should have been a lot closer to Smith and them you know or closer to Hamshire in my opinion does it bother you that the the top two in the 250 class have

Children I mean if I had my together I’d probably have children too but Phil if he’s mad that the top two are old and PHS I got him by a couple years in a different spot I feel like I got I got him yeah a lot different spot

And much older you know uh how speaking of star how is uh how is your brother-in-law how’s he looking how’s he feeling just give us a little how’s everything going with Enzo uh yeah I mean I think he’s doing okay um you know I went down I stayed with Coupe last

Week so I actually you know obviously saw Enzo yeah it seems to be doing okay good he had a little bit of work done yeah he had a little bit of work done yeah and his uh problem that he had going on with his hand I don’t know if

It’s fully fixed yet or what what the deal is but he is riding and putting in his time so good they race here in a couple weeks you know yeah looking forward to it yeah I don’t know I’m kind of kind of curious to see see myself

Kind of wish I was racing him but I’ll leave that up to germa take him down yeah can we get a germa update that was my next question can we get a germa update how’s he feeling I talk to germa twice a day every day okay um he’s uh

He’s doing okay he’s riding good um you know his his arm is so gnarly you know um but he’s he’s actually riding he’s riding okay we uh we actually got lucky enough we can go ride the Triumph track so we went down there and rode with jik and obviously Evan so that was

Really nice and uh ger was finally come around the past couple weeks so speed’s coming back and whatnot and for you to ride the Triumph track like you said and we saw some Social Media stuff from you there is that just because of hwit like just you’re just hwit loves you and

Scuba like um well it’s funny h and scuba both didn’t like me for years um but now we are really I mean we’re okay I mean he would gave you a CO that was we think was stock KU Cuba not uh scuba uh youu gave me a shitty Co that barely

Ever ran you know um so after 2018 we kind of repatched everything and you know we uh we became okay and uh yeah they they let me and germa go down there you know and ride so it’s uh it’s actually pretty badass so they got they

Actually got a lot going on down there with the facility and what so it’s uh it’s pretty cool to have club and then four hours away you got trium so like if they get rained out they’re more than welcome to come ride with us and and

Vice versa so it’s it’s nice uh Moto 14 on YouTube says what did Phil think of jets five into the turn um I don’t even I listen I can’t even go three out of a quarter and Jet’s going five out so uh yeah I mean dirt bikes ain’t meant to do that

That man um I’m glad they pushed the single out because you know obviously there’s other guys going to be going for that as well um so that I mean you can’t lie that that was just insane look what happened at La as soon as he went onto the table they all started

Doing it too I mean he’s going to be the one that bait him into stuff so better to take it out to be honest with you I I think that the one at La was a little bit I think gnarlier than the five really huh wow not yeah I just be yeah

Just because of the repercussions of the Quad onto the table off like went long yeah yeah if you went long or you kind of got a little bit of an endo you’re going into the face of that Super Cross triple like see you later dude and that 5 hours just like all right

Either you cased it and you rode the front or like I just didn’t obviously it would have been bad but definitely not as bad as the Flor onto the table in La before we let you go we got we got Nash Nash gentlemen what’s up Nash Bill the Moto Gods spared you they

They spared you we’re all happy with that yeah could have been worse yeah yeah but I I really think I everyone I think we had the answer Daniel I think we have the answer here uh if we review the security footage if you get Bacci to go to the security footage I really

Think that you’ll see a Jason W Gant possibly mechanicing on that bike because maybe maybe touched it I mean even if we touched the grip Phil I mean a guy can’t adjust a chain on a y no incredible no not a chance if I would asked re to unplug my

Kill switch he would have went crossey had no idea what the to do it’s a good theory Nash hey yeah hey like hey that’s my theory and I’m sticking to it uh Phil I’m confident you’ll be the Phoenix that rises up from the ash as always yep and uh Daniel real

Nice kid Clark Robbins rode with my girls on a turn track New Year’s Eve great family great kid Kudos on you getting and and getting them onto the program awesome thank you Phil kid from Jersey uh Clark Robin yes I saw him at Loretta’s 125 school boy he’s fast yes

Sir he’s a gas Gast rider for us now never heard of you will You’re Gonna Hear Steve they’re all coming just I got a whole pack of them coming I’ll be out of there’ll be a pipeline there there’s a pipeline Daniel being built it’s being built it’ll all it’ll all come together

For Phil’s riding school cheers boys get him thank you yeah Phil’s riding school Phil and wymer are going to do riding schools that’s what we worked out I think it’s good as long as there’s as long as there’s cl’s involved I’m cool let’s go that actually be a good time well

Phillip look like I said we had to get you on if it went really bad so um that’s that’s what we do on here on the yeah uh yeah I wish I had a little bit more for you but uh yeah I didn’t get to really see the main event or anything

Like that so it was kind of uh yeah I don’t know it’s uh that’s definitely definitely mad but there’s there’s not much I think you handled your interview really well that was a good job on that um you know yep you you got that’s on the broadcast they they went right to

Him they went right tot will did Will did yeah yep that’s why it was nice JT would have came up it would have that would have been great yeah yeah JT would have really triggered me but Will’s a sweetheart kind she helped probably it together yeah she lessened a

Blow for me so it was fine Bondo probably like JT go get wait yeah well get fil JT presented him with a number one plate the last time he talked to him true was uh yeah it was okay so I’m yeah ready for S FR go are you doing press

What are you doing press at which races do you know uh yeah why were you asking about press times we’re uh because um I might go this weekend to press I was thinking about you going I I don’t know uh no we’re uh we’ll do San Diego and A2

Press okay all right yeah thanks Philip it’s worthwhile all right sounds good see br all right that’s Phil ncti brought to you by andw hey I went mountain bike today with James listmore and I got the MTX breaking pads in my intense taser and if

You’re a heavier guy like me just super strong that’s why I’m heavy just super strong muscle weight yeah muscle weight uh or if you got a KNE bike or whatever uh even you got a regular bike but the MTX brake pads work fantastic a cod is

Pulp X to save uh available in over 800 Power Sports dealers as well make your mountain bike brakes better more power better modulation while remaining dead silent two compound one for uh ebound bikes that’s red another for Trail Riders and Racers that’s gold I like the red ones these are inspired by Motocross

And Power Sports MTX code is pulpa X to save thank you to those guys all right everybody go to commercial break here Cooper web still coming up Jason Thomas as well uh maybe your kid yeah maybe maybe see how he’s acting see how he’s acting he might come

On and join us a little bit uh and then Kade I think we’re going to have F find time for Kade cuz dude brilliant last turn uh maneuvering by K placing so I mean he defended Hunter Lawrence and put him in put him in the stands at the

First round absolutely all right be right back after this everybody Daniel Blair Steve Mattis see you after the commercial break at our ride started in 1999 with a commitment to making your next ride your best ride we take pride in having a huge selection of gear accessories and OEM parts for Moto

Street off-road ATV and UTV riding is what connects us and makes us a family from the track to the trail tarmac to open roads we’re all connected because we ride and that’s what is all about we’ve got your back our unrivaled and dedicated team of Gearheads are willing to go that extra

Mile no gimmicks just high quality Parts the best customer service in the industry and free shipping on all orders over $79 our passion at is to ensure your next ride is your best ride this is our invitation to you from riders for Riders visit us at You likely know RAC as the suspension and engine tuner of choice for the world fastest privateers but what you may not know is behind the scenes RAC Tech is the trusted source for many oems and Factory teams throughout the motorcycle industry for nearly 40 years RAC has been producing High Performance

Suspension and engine components and services right here in the USA racetech doesn’t just specialize in Motocross in fact they have many off-road Hill Climb flat track road racing and Super Moto championships on the m antle as well not a racer but want to smooth out the ride

On the street or add some performance to your Harley RAC Tech offers a full line of suspension Solutions including industry-leading built to order g3s custom shocks all RAC Tech products are 100% guaranteed to exceed your highest expectations don’t wait experience the gold valve advantage today by logging on

To don’t forget to mention MX when ordering for a discount love the guys at Works connection they continue as a 10year sponsor of this show because yeah just like you they’re committed to the sport for 33 years they’ve been designing and distributing Leading Edge performance products like Elite axle blocks Elite

Clutch perch Pro launch start device for Performance Radiator braces and skid plates for protection along with a shock pump attack hour meter and more for maintenance Works connection great guys up there in NorCal and super cool company I’m we’re stoked to be uh associated with them when you take a

Look around the AMA pitch you’ll see worth connection Proving Ground for products under the canopies of Team Honda HRC Star racing and other top teams and they the best part of this whole deal is if you use a c PPM X20 you get 20% off your order visit your local

Dealer check out and uh ask them to see the worst connection product line for 2022 great company great products check it out thanks to Works connection for coming on the show pulpa X20 the code to save with over 80 years experience manufacturing Power Sports Pistons right

Here in the USA wise Co has evolved into a full range of performance components for dirt bikes and other Power Sports machines whether you ride a two- stroke or a four stroke wise Co has a variety of Pistons from reliable forged Replacements to the performance focused racer Elite Series wise Co offers race

Proven components for the rest of your engine too from garage body engine rebuild kits clutch and valve train components USA made racer Elite connecting rods and their cv4 thermal protection line wise Co is proud to be a technical partner with Factory Honda HRC for the 2023 Super Cross and Motocross

Driving professional level product development that gets pass down to you visit your favorite online or local dealer or to find products for your machine it’s time to elevate your life at lifted truck we put you in the driver seat of your dream truck today lifted trucks is your

One-Stop shop for brand new custom trucks from every major manufacturer full factory warranty available financing and a hasslefree ownership experience experience what are you waiting for visit lifted trucks Today Factory chassis parts established in 2018 is the home of the original high performance FCP racing engine mount kit designed to improve traction handling cornering and feel used by top level Racers and race teams worldwide including Phoenix Honda Justin starling the f&h mxgp Kawasaki team Rock River

Yamaha and many more CNC machine parts out of highquality aluminum and titanium they are easy to install and bring drastic improvements right away stopped by fcpr to learn more and order Today Maxima racing oils was created for worldclass Racers who challenge the limits of possibility their demands on equipment drive us to look Beyond conventional ideas and to exceed industry standards it’s in our DNA to identify problems formulate Solutions and execute at the highest levels of competition case in point the

Championship winning factory Kawasaki race team longtime Maxima Partners who extensively use Maxima throughout the bike Maxima’s usamade products exceed Joo requirements and can be used in all motorcycle Brands Kawasaki h Honda Yamaha Suzuki KTM husqavarna and more Maxima racing oils experience the difference visit Maxima for more

Information I’m Cooper web and I choose ogf I’m Christian Craig I’m Dean wison I’m Aaron finger I’m Jerry Martin I’m Nate Thrasher I’m Shane maath I’m Hunter Lawrence my name’s J Lawrence I’m Jordan Smith I’m tow ains Serge Hamshire I’m Hayden Degan I’m col Nichols and I

Choose oio and I choose oio and I choose oio I’m Tom I choose Ojo and I choose Ojo I choose oo I’m Jen fanes and I choose [Applause] Ojo in 1990 my dad Jamie Greg started guts racing guts stands for Greg’s Ultra trick seats cuz I was just a little kid

That wanted a trick seat and if you’re out there looking for a trick seat go to G your local dealer or motosport and place your order support the people that support pulpmx you can use pulp 2022 for 20% off at guts FMF racing is proud to celebrate over 45 years of fun building every FMF exhaust right here in the USA owner and founder Don Emler may have started FMF racing in his garage 45 years ago but Don is still Hands-On in our 100,000 ft state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Southern

California fmf’s goal design and manufacture the world’s best performance exhaust 100% in the USA Under One Roof FMF is a proud sponsor of the Lucas Oil Pro Motocross championship for over 25 years hi it’s toax super fan Dylan here the only thing I’ve love more than

Seeing Eli win whoa wait Dylan sorry to cut you off like Steve does his callers and guests but a lot has changed similar to your favorite Rider being on a new team the new Michelin starcross 6 tire range provides significantly improved performance and durability designed to

Win the new Michelin star cross 6 tire range offers up to 16% more traction when new and up to 19% more traction when warn in comparison to the previous generation this means consumers will not only benefit from improved performance on their first few rides but that this performance increase will continue

Throughout the extended life of the tire Michelin is a legendary innovator in motorcycle tire technology and thanks to Michelin silica technology the Michelin starcross 6 tire range provides up to 11% more durability than the previous generation this means consumers will enjoy the significantly improved performance throughout the increased

Life of the tire take it from me as I too have to buy my own tires this added value is great news the new Michelin starcross 6 tire range is available in six versions specifically sand mud medium soft medium hard and hard versions with the naming designation corresponding to the type of terrains

And conditions where the tires were designed to win another Innovation is the Michelin adaptive design with specific positioning of the tread blocks in three zones Central Intermediate and lateral zones with the single goal to offer exceptional grip for the front tire and exceptional grip traction and Longevity for the rear to learn more

About the new Michelin starcross 6 Tire line and all the quality products that Michelin offers for motorcycle segments that Steve cares nothing about visit motorcycle and then visit your local dealer or online retailer to choose Michelin product to maximize your riding experiences also too make sure to follow

At Michelin motorcycle on Instagram and Facebook attention Riders welcome aboard the allnew Atlas vision we hope you enjoy the added Mobility quicker flight time and additional views please follow along long as we outline the safety features of this revolutionary device the first thing you will notice is the

Added headro the four and a positions no longer come with Annoying restrictions so feel free to move about the cabin quicker flight times can be achieved by unmatched Comforts and unencumbered movements yes we’re built for Speed and comfort and now available to all customers is a 360 panoramic view go

Ahead and look around the cabin these new angles are available at no additional charge located on the underside of the frame is the gold standard of impact absorption D30 in the event we accidentally take a trip to endon we suggest that you remain with your neck in the undere extended

Position and allow this proven material to do its job by reducing the forces over 50% better than ever before although the Atlas vision will not be noticeable it will be there when you need it if you are riding with a child or someone who requires assistance secure your vision first and then assist

The other person with a prodigy tyke or BR we ask that you keep your brace on until your moto is finished we remind you that Atlas makes flexible neck protection tampering with disabling or destroying the product is prohibited by the limited lifetime warranty you will find this and all other safety

Information in the user manual located online at Atlas at this time we ask that you remain standing with throttles in the wide open position with your elbows up and hips fully unlocked whatever that means on behalf of the captain and entire crew thank you for flying Atlas vision enjoy the

Views from beginners to seasoned vets race teams project builds and magazine tests decal works Miss is to cater to those who love to ride upholding the true definition of quality service and knowledge visit decal and use promo code pulp mx23 to get 20% off your Custom Graphics

Decal Works number one for many reasons at Motorsport our ride started in 1999 with a commitment to making your next ride your best ride we take pride in having a huge selection of gear accessories and OEM parts for Moto Street off-road ATV and UTV riding is what connects us and makes

Us a family from the track to the trail tarmac to open roads we’re all connected because we ride and that’s what is all about we’ve got your back our unrivaled and dedicated team of gear Gearheads are willing to go that extra mile no gimmicks just highquality Parts the best customer

Service in the industry and free shipping on all orders over $79 our passion at is to ensure your next ride is your best ride this is our invitation to you from riders for Riders visit us at Maxima racing oils was created for worldclass Racers who challenge the limits of possibility their demands on equipment drive us to look Beyond conventional ideas and to exceed industry standards it’s in our DNA to identify problems formulate Solutions and execute at the highest levels of competition case in point the championship winning factory Kawasaki

Race team longtime Maxima Partners who extensively use Maxima throughout the bike Maxima’s usamade products exceed JSO requirements and can be used in all motorcycle brands Brands Kawasaki Honda Yamaha Suzuki KTM husqavarna and more Maxima racing oils experience the difference visit Maxima for more information it’s time to elevate your

Life at lifted trucks we put you in the driver’s seat of your dream truck today lifted trucks is your One-Stop shop for brand new custom trucks from every major your manufacturer full factory warranty available financing and a hassle-free ownership experience what are you waiting for visit lifted trucks

Today hi it’s toax super fan Dylan here the only thing I love more than seeing Eli win whoa wait Dylan sorry to cut you off like Steve does his callers and guests but a lot has changed similar to your favorite Rider being on a new team

The new Michelin star cross 6 tire range provides significant ly improved performance and durability designed to win the new Michelin starcross 6 tire range offers up to 16% more traction when new and up to 19% more traction when warn in comparison to the previous generation this means consumers will not

Only benefit from improved performance on their first few rides but that this performance increase will continue throughout the extended life of the tire Michelin is a legendary innovator in motorcycle tire technology and thanks to Michelin silica technology the Michelin starcross 6 tire range provides up to 11 % more durability than the previous

Generation this means consumers will enjoy the significantly improved performance throughout the increased life of the tire take it from me as I too have to buy my own tires this added value is great news the new Michelin starcross 6 tire range is available in six versions specifically sand mud

Medium soft medium hard and hard versions with the naming designation corresponding to the type of terrains and conditions where the tires were designed to win another Innovation is the Michelin adaptive design with with specific positioning of the tread blocks in three zones Central Intermediate and lateral zones with the single goal to

Offer exceptional grip for the front tire and exceptional grip traction and Longevity for the rear to learn more about the new Michelin starcross 6 Tire line and all the quality products that Michelin offers for motorcycle segments that Steve cares nothing about visit motorcycle and then visit your local

Dealer or online retailer to choose Michelin product to maximize your riding experience also too make sure to follow Michelin motorcycle on Instagram and Facebook love the guys at Works connection they continue as a 10e sponsor of this show because yeah just like you they’re committed to the sport

For 33 years they’ve been designing and distributing Leading Edge performance products such Elite axle blocks Elite clutch perch Pro launch start device for Performance Radiator braces and skid plates for protection along with a shock pump attack hour meter and more for maintenance Works connection great guys up there in NorCal and super cool

Company I’m we’re stoked to be uh associated with them when you take a look around the AMA pitch you’ll see worth connection Proving Ground for products under the canopies of Team Honda HRC Star racing and other top teams and they the best part of this

Whole deal is if you use a called PPM X20 you get 20% off your order visit your local dealer check out and uh ask them to see the worst connection product line for 2022 great company great products check it out thanks to Works connection for

Coming on the show ppam X20 the code to save FMF racing is proud to celebrate over 45 years of fun building every FMF exhaust right here in the USA owner and founder Don Emler may have started FMF racing in his garage 45 years ago but Don is still Hands-On in our 100,000 ft

State-of-the-art manufacturing facility in southern Califor California fmf’s goal design and manufacture the world’s best performance exhaust 100% in the USA Under One Roof FMF is a proud sponsor of the Lucas Oil Pro Motocross championship for over 25 years I’m Cooper web and I choose oio I’m Christian Craig I’m Dean wison I’m

Aaron finger I’m Darry Martin I’m Nate rasher I’m maath I’m Hunter Lawrence my name’s J Lawrence I’m Jordan Smith I’m to Hawkins Ser Hamshire I’m Hayden Degan I’m Colt Nichols and I choose oio and I choose oio and I choose oio I’m Tom I choose oio and I choose oio and I choose

Oio I’m Jen F and I choose oo you likely know RAC Tech as the suspension and engine tuner of choice for the world’s fastest private te but what you may not know is behind the scenes RAC Tech is the trusted source for many oems and Factory teams throughout the motorcycle industry for

Nearly 40 years RAC Tech has been producing High Performance Suspension and engine components and services right here in the USA RAC doesn’t just specialize in Motocross in fact they have many off-road Hill Climb flat track road racing and Super Moto championships on the mantle as well

Not a racer but want to smooth out the ride on the street or add some performance to your Harley RAC Tech offers a full line of suspension Solutions including industry-leading built to order g3s custom shocks all RAC Tech products are 100% guaranteed to exceed your highest expectations don’t wait experience the

Gold valve advantage today by logging on to don’t forget to mention pulpmx when ordering for a Discount Factory chassis parts established in 2018 is the home of the original high performance FCP racing engine mount kit designed to improve traction handling cornering and feel used by top level Racers and race teams worldwide including Phoenix Honda Justin Starling the f&h mxgp Kawasaki team River Yamaha and many more CNC machine

Parts out of high quality aluminum and titanium they are easy to install and bring drastic improvements right away stop by fcpr to learn more and order Today with over 80 years experience manufacturing Power Sports Pistons right here in the USA Wiseco has evolved into a full range of performance components for dirt pip bik and other Power Sports machines whether you ride a two-stroke or a fourstroke wise Co has a variety of Pistons from reliable forged

Replacements to the performance focused racer Elite Series wise Co offers race proven components for the rest of your engine 2 from garage bodyy engine rebuilt kits clutch and valve train components USA made racer Elite connecting rods and their cv4 thermal protection line wise Co is proud to be a

Technical partner with Factory Honda HRC for the 2023 Super Cross and Motocross driving professional level product development that gets passed down to you visit your favorite online or local dealer or to find products for your machine from beginners to seasoned vets race teams project builds and magazine

Tests decal Works mission is to cater to those who love love to ride upholding the true definition of quality service and knowledge visit decal and use promo code pulp mx23 to get 20% off your Custom Graphics decal Works number one for many reasons in 1990 my dad Jamie Greg

Started guts racing guts stands for Greg’s Ultra trick seats cuz I was just a little kid that wanted a trick seat and if you’re out there looking for a trick seat go to guts your local dealer or motosport and place your order support the people that support

Pulp MX you can use pulp 2022 for 20% off at guts attention Riders welcome aboard the allnew Atlas vision we hope you enjoyed the added Mobility quicker flight time and additional views please follow along as we outline the safety features of this revolutionary device the first thing you will notice is the added Headroom the forign a positions no longer come with Annoying restrictions

So feel free to move about the cabin quicker flight times can be achieved by unmatched Comforts and unencumbered movements yes we’re built for Speed and comfort and now available to all customers is a 360 panoramic view go ahead and look around the cabin these new angles are available at no

Additional charge located on the the underside of the frame is the gold standard of impact absorption D30 in the event we accidentally take a trip to indonisia we suggest that you remain with your neck in the undere extended position and allow this proven material to do its job by reducing the forces

Over 50% better than ever before although the Atlas vision will not be noticeable it will be there when you need it if you are riding with a child or someone who requires assistance secure your vision first and then assist the other person with a prodigy Tike or

BR we ask that you keep your brace on until your moto is finished we remind you that Atlas makes flexible neck protection tampering with disabling or destroying the product is prohibited by the limited lifetime warranty you will find this and all other safety information in the user manual located

Online at Atlas at this time we ask that you remain standing with throttles in the wide open position with your elbows up and hips fully unlocked whatever that means on behalf of the captain and entire crew thank you for flying Atlas vision enjoy the views yeah everybody Welcome Back P show

Presented by fly racing decal Works Daniel Blair in studio brought to you by Folks at decal Works hey I talked about these guys last week I still want to uh put get the word out lifted trucks for your One-Stop shop for premium brand new custom trucks

As your ultimate vehicle search engine lifted trucks uh offers top brands like black widow Rocky Ridge Black Ops outside van Shelby American Harley-Davidson custom Vehicles all in stock and available at your factory or at your preferred local dealer go through the search engine uh they retain

The factory warranty which is really the best part they’re easily financeable as well uh skip the hassles of do-it-yourself customization that’s a lot of work and money and time like waiting for parts poor ride quality avoiding your warranty Drive the vehicle you’ve always dreamed of today elevate your own Journey at lifted trucks uh thank you to those guys and also uh this isn’t Daniel Blair’s series but I think it’s the better series 2024 Arena cross championships are back uh they got a two-stroke race in Guthrie Oklahoma uh they have Racers on the power band at select rounds chasing a $20,000 total purse Arenacross uh Kyle Peters of course had I’m G to show a little while ago he’s got the points lead shocking Kyle Peters got the points lead uh who’s leading your series Hicks Hicks Michael Hicks so I thought he was okay I thought Hicks was doing something else I didn’t see but

Okay so we need to get another Hicks Peters battle they they met up last year a couple times yeah that would be good that would be good um it’s funny you say Daniel series I actually support both of them through KTM I actually have riders

In both that we’ve supported so no I’m a big believer Arenacross one Daniel that’s I them all I like them all I mean there’s there’s a third one in in uh the Tennessee area Tri-State Arena cross they do some rounds too they’re putting purses together I I I think I man

They’re all over the place me look you Race Pro you chase this kind of stuff it’s great it’s great and it’s great for certain writers either young ones on their way in or old ones on their way out and I I I think Arena cross needs to

Survive and the more the marrier for me absolutely so than the folks at AMA Arena cross I’m going to be doing the live uh webcast from the Daytona round Friday night before the Supercross I’ll be there uh so look forward to that am Arena cross please get tickets available

If only it’s like last time oh yeah I know yeah you that was great one of the best nights of all time speaking of that uh Jason Thomas fly racing JT Vegas finale Regal Hayes all time Arena cross love it unbelievable yeah uh and you you

Know both of those guys now and like they’re both just normal guys even killed yeah you know and you look back at that night and it man what a CRA like was there a full moon or what the hell was going on I mean Hayes was supposed

To race Vegas the next day and C’s just like yeah no no we’re gonna we’re gonna maybe take a breather on that let’s let’s relax a little off just C this one out Jacob right so uh yeah look for me at the AMA Arena cross in Daytona I’ll

Be there Friday night looking forward to that oh you’re talking about Daytona yeah I thought talking about no Daytona you’re doing a are you doing a live yeah webcast dayt I think I’ll probably go Friday night I’m watch well then I will I will grab you and put you put you in

The webcast that’s awesome it’ll be much like the one we did here in Vegas well and that one doesn’t conflict with the other series too so you might get some more guys too and it was good good move going to Daytona too the night before all right fly racing get at get at your local dealer big things from the folks at fly racing and uh yeah man Dean Wilson RJ Hamshire winning in fly racing gear and uh yeah I mean J JT RJ could join Champs like jessin and jayw 250 Supercross Champs in fly racing oh my gosh so he’s on he’s

Certainly possible certainly possible pretty damn good uh I got a couple of emails here to read we got the X BR goo te offs to do as well with JT but I mean any time JT and Daniel are on the show I mean they’re Racers I’m gonna just sit back Daniel

You can take a walk we can take it this is the racer segment right now everybody Racers only so go ahead Daniel all right I’m gonna start by embarrassing JT because I know how he is and he’s not gonna like this I embarrass myself on a daily basis so it’s no I’m going

Embarrass JT because he’s humble and he don’t like this but the Paton has been passed to JT and dude you absolutely crushed this weekend uh especially Race Day live because I actually got to listen to race Day live while I was there and um dude I’m just as your

Friend and you’ve been very complimentary of me and I wanted to give it back because uh you you absolutely crushed it and and um just want to make sure everyone knew that and I think they did cuz I the response I got on Twitter when I post that was 100% positive so

Absolutely crushed it JT I appreciate I don’t necessarily agree so much I I I will say this I know it was better like I can tell that I’m getting better um but to be completely honest man you set the bar so damn high and Justin Bron too on on

RDL it’s really hard to follow so um it’s raised my urgency level not only do I want to be good for myself but I know what I’m kind of you know the ACT I’m following so it’s it’s tough It’s not an easy thing to come in and and be like oh

This guy’s been doing it for a really long time like eight years or whatever and he’s gonna leave now and we want you to do it I’m like okay great perfect I’m just gonna follow like the best that I’ve seen do it so um yeah I I do

Appreciate that but man it’s hard you make it hard well what I what I what I appreciate is me as a fan wanting to know what you’re thinking when the writers are on the screen right I mean obviously that was my job to always present either a story or some analysis

Or some track coverage whatever and you’re kind of always kind of bouncing in and out of like where you want to go with it so I just like listening to your take on it and seeing where he wants to go like where do you want to go with

Your coverage because it’s you it’s Unique and um so yeah I just want to say I really enjoy it yeah and I’m I’m still learning you know like some of these things I don’t I need to talk to the production team more uh because I I’ll

Give you an example this weekend in the heat race it was really obvious to me that jet was losing time in that corner that I did a report on where jet kept going outside and he end up crashing going out there but Cooper Webb was killing him by going inside and jumping

And I saw it in in qualifying practice Cooper was following jet around and he did that same line behind jet and he literally almost landed on him because it was so much quicker and I was like oh man that Line’s really fast but jet didn’t see it because jet was in front

Of him right right so jet didn’t ever really know how quick it was and then Cooper used the same line in the Heat and was just I mean it was half a second at least in that one section and I was like I don’t I need to be better at

Communicating to the production like guys you’ve got to get cameras on this section because it’s everything right now the whole race is happening in this one corner uh which would bring so much to the show right because it’s unless you’re focusing on it and have the right

Camera angles in the right whether it’s a two box or whatever you need to do um things like that would really improve the the quality of the broadcast in my opinion just let me know when the racer segment is over no it’s good we’re good Steve’s holding a bat and he I don’t

Know what’s happened here he’s just leaned back and he’s holding a baseball I’m I’m not a racer so let you two guys discuss racing things well we just we talked we talked about our job and you know so now we’re good now we want we

Want to talk you can come back I can come back yeah come on okay I got a couple emails well if we want to go back into racing we’ll tell you and we’ll let you know when you got to out fair enough come on in FA fair enough fly racing fly racing

All right a couple emails I got uh from Jonathan uh jet winning is subject jet winning is for super cause haa uh the body emails jet won the World Super clost rounds at LA Coliseum last October he won a Supercross race in the building that the sport of Supercross

Started in Feld is just trying to start another storyline about this guy yes Bradshaw finished on the podium in San Diego in 89 at 16 years old Damon won Anaheim in 90 at 17 if you don’t count Damon then you can’t jet the next time OU wedge or JT is in a meeting

With Feld and somebody comes up with a dumbass idea like this please for the love of Christ just heads slap the out of the guy feel free anybody to jump in at Jonathan’s email I mean I I just just I disagree with the premise like that is a very specific thing yeah

If they exactly go ahead if they forced some weird angle to create a stat that allowed him to do that I would be okay I get it it’s just the truth which JT and I did not we felt they forced the Jet and Hunter 250 Supercross comparison last year they conveniently forgot about

Hunter they conveniently forgot about Hunter’s other attempts when he got injured yeah that that was a a a carving of stats to Hype but this one is like you can’t run from it because it’s just a fact and and I’m I’m with you on the

Feel he did go perfect in the summer so it doesn’t feel the same whatever but that was first AMA Supercross in the big class period it’s just the truth all right Jeff’s email here uh question for tonight’s live show after hearing Chase Sexton’s comments in his pre-ra press

Conference do we think Chase ston really is happy at KTM well I mean I know you’re looking right at me like into my eyes right now um to be honest I don’t really know that part of the program as well cuz it’s 450 so I’m not as connected but I had heard

That he was like having you know they were testing things I never heard it got as bad as it kind of came out as but I I I had heard that they were like kind of ran into a trouble spot um but then it kind of turned into something bigger

Than that so I I don’t know that being any worse than that I me and I don’t see I’ve never seen anything around when they’re all together it’s all super positive so I I think like any team probably ran into a trouble spot on the bike maybe got stuck there for a while

Lost a little confidence and it is making a lot out of some press I think it was maybe more of like looking for something to talk about when really it’s it’s most guys go through in the off season when they’re trying to find stuff all right Jeff says I was almost more

Excited waiting for this podcast to come out than I was waiting for the gate to drop good keep up the good work Steve and the team all the way from Northern Ireland all right so nice that’s that’s his call uh all right okay uh X Brown

Goggle ter offs Let’s uh let’s do this we got some questions here we go it’s the xbrand tear off segment 15 second rapid fire Q&A X brand goggles pulp show 24 is the code to save with X brand Shane M new xbrand guy Kyle Chisum back into xbrand that factory ride

Goggle that Dino has and then Alpine Star goggle that Hunter Lawrence has looks a lot like the Lucid goggle that the guys at xbrand sells Fast Freddy noren also xbrand athlete Lucid goggle fantastic foam great fit Quick Change lens as well PP show 24 is the code to

Save with eks thanks to those guys these questions are submitted by a rodo modo and you have 30 seconds on the clock uh rid fire here we go Stephen we’ll start with you New Year’s resolution how many trips to the sphere are you aiming for in

2024 um honestly uh I got one more You2 coming up the end of this month can’t wait Kefir is coming up I would like to hit one more show to make it six and then they’re gone and I will be sad and I’m not seeing fish fish is the next

Band at the sphere I’m not seeing fish JT is already upset the fish Nation um so yeah two more I hope one more for sure JT what type of information are they conveying to you through the earpiece are you ever told what to say uh not told let’s say no um usually

The only things I’m getting told to me are like we’re coming to you or uh any sort of pertinent information it’s usually me telling them I have something to add or or something like that so um they’re usually just making sure I’m aware of things and giving me a heads up

That they’re coming to talk to me but it’s it’s a lot of uh once the racing gets going it’s pertinent information only because their truck is chaos defined and you have to remember like Bondo our producer is talking to everyone 30 seconds there’s a lot of

Chatter coming at him so if you don’t have something important to say you pretty much just shut up do you have a button that gets you into the guys in the booth or no no I don’t okay I don’t and and to the question most communication with the play byplay

Because it’s a lot of traffic and for JT it’s more One Direction it’s it’s him to them more than the other way around he he’s he’s noticing and getting in more than they’re asking him to get in gez we we have a riders only segment we could

Have a TV guy segment because I’m no longer on MAV so I’m not a TV guy so you two yeah call we uh all right next question Daniel percent pie of how much credit you can take for bu’s signing and performance in Anaheim none for Anaheim I mean none uh

Signing I I I don’t know where the percent goes but we had Communications all in the fall I was talking percent we need a percent not I mean for the signing I mean 10% okay I don’t know like we were talking in the fall and communicating so when the opportunity came it happened

Quick and fast we already had a relation I think Roto means de signing the orange Brigade not the pro team oh on the pro team um not the pro team more than 10% but not not a lot it was a group effort I mean honestly the way it happened was

Pretty rad and it was a it was a group effort Steve how are you going to change how are we going to change the lcq challenge for this year we can’t we can’t keep letting guys like cartright chis and Freddy Win It Well Freddy didn’t win it Freddy

Crashed out um I don’t know I still like the idea of wild cards and I don’t know cartright like he’s the epitome of a privateer like I don’t know what’s a big deal I’m good with cartright winning it yeah I’m good with that chers not so much no I I mean I

Love chers I don’t want to take money away from him but right probably shouldn’t have been in are the rules the same rules are the same I’m going to run a different format of a race but yeah all right jt2 points in fantasy at A1 is this the

Worst performance of your career it’s pathetic I mean absolutely horrific but like I don’t hate any of the picks I had like Hunter we know what happened Dino got freezy like it was it was just a comedy of you know bad bad situations like I don’t think that I just chose a horrific

Team it just went really really poorly for me and Dean yeah yeah I said Dino yeah got and Dean uh Daniel now uh now that Juju has arrived who is the next one down the KTM amateur pipeline next one jeez I got five of them wow we’re stacked dude we got a

Good roster right now um I’ll throw out a bunch of names Davies fer fani Gibson Robins Deno Harrison Dennis remember all is that a law fir I uh 112 is is your worst is your worst JT just FYI I believe it I believe it uh Steve you were very vocally

Against 22nd getting zero points do you still think Phil deserves a point for Anaheim yeah absolutely this is something JT and I can see eye to eye on zero points for 22nd is ridiculous and then now 21st and the outdoors gets a point really like what

Kind of world are we living in how’d that happen uh because they just want to make it the same so 21st in Supercross gets a point and 21st in Motocross gets a point Phil got a a point for every lap Herod yeah wow shots fired I don’t like it it’s

Ridiculous all right yep JT if you could blink Vince freeze out of existence but it meant you Steve also disappeared would you make the deal what the hell you think if I got I just read the question I got all the Rings like Thanos could Snap My Fingers yeah but I

Don’t want to disappear it’s not up to you you Roto was it to you no I love Steve too much frezy frezy can live like I’ll give like the Gladiator thumbs up yeah thank God made it turn into black he didn’t even like hesitate there was no like waffling all that question is

Stupid Roo no man I’ve had the wh with freezy most of my racing life I can continue to and he doesn’t take you take you out now anymore JT like you’re off the bike now he doesn’t take you out he would like to I’m sure he would if he

Could speaking of that actually let’s let’s pause the expand segment Wesley has the comment for JT go ahead Wesley hey JT how you doing bud hey man up u i i was watching Interview dur you know during the race you talked to Hunter Lawrence I kind of feel like

Maybe the dig at freeze was a little out of line on that one I don’t think freezy did anything wrong that particular time Hunter kind of what did I say to him what did I say you said uh we’ve all had encounters with freeze and that’s it wasn’t like nothing too terrible but

Made it implied that freeze it something wrong I don’t think you did yeah there’s something way wrong for sure um but I didn’t I didn’t say anything negative I just said that I had also had runin you’re thinking that I’m going to pull back or not not say things that I

Believe about Vince frezy to be true that he continues to prove me right on I can’t help said I didn’t notice it that particular time maybe I missed it but you gentlemen will have to agree to disagree I think yep yeah what’s up Wesley sorry you went to Paris and had

Another bad shower incident buddy yeah it’s unbelievable thank you thank you Union right bro it’s ridiculous thanks buddy appreciate it shower doors in Paris absolutely insane and now I’m getting photos of shower doors in America that are like this when did that happen I think I was actually pretty

Kind to Vince I I didn’t I was JT I was gonna say I chuckled at it and I was like that was nice actually I thought you were a little nice I thought I really held back on the review pod also like I didn’t go hard on the hunter

Thing like I took it pretty easy like the the dean thing is ridiculous it’s just what he always does but I don’t know like in the in the scope of how aggressive I’ve been towards him with my comments I thought I went really really easy all right next question question

All right last question Daniel as an lcq veteran what could Hunter have done differently to sneak into the main I mean rode better in the beginning I mean straight up that’s I mean I watched him he was scared to death of those guys I I I know what you’re said I

I disagree a little bit I just think he wrote bad like I mean I’ve seen and so of you many Factory guys get poor starts in lcq Hunter was freaked out man I I don’t know I don’t I saw him twice actually like I me you in the 500

Section so I mean I I saw everything okay you know the sand then you outside he went to go two and was going to launch off one and someone was and he checked up just out of fear that someone might C it was a couple of those where

He just was like nope and he could have probably been okay okay and so I I the whole time I was watching I was feeling bad cuz I’m like I know why he’s doing this he’s trying not to die but he ain’t going to get there and then he didn’t so

To me that’s the only thing going back he would do different is be a little more aggressive in the beginning but I get why not I mean it started out rough he was probably already scared to death I think it really like the Rhythm Section of the last lap is where he blew

It like he he gets it done if it’s not for that right right like and that’s that was purely on him like you can say the start with freezy I don’t you know like I don’t agree with the way freezy cut all the way over like that I don’t

Think it was necessary I don’t I think you have to be a little bit more aware of your surroundings but you know Hunter has to take some responsibility like the the start in the lcq was absolutely atrocious like he has to do a better job

Than that and then when it comes down to the most pivotal point of the entire night you can’t screw up the Rhythm Section like that and he I I don’t think he would have a problem with that he would probably say the same thing well

Not only that but I mean if it’s me and I’m on Factory Hond to 450 and it’s Anaheim 1 I’m hitting Kate at 40 mph oh I I don’t I don’t know didn’t make contact absolutely yeah right I don’t know why or I maybe maybe he

Didn’t think he had an angle I’m not really sure but yeah I I agree with you was there a privateer that stood out for you guys uh either like um they didn’t make the main or did make the main was there somebody that stood out for you

Guys as a privateer Lu Turner until he got hurt yeah that kid was riding really good I know him he’s Northern Nevada kid and he is he looked really really good but is he okay do you know I think he got hurt little yeah okay what about FIS

Uh what do you think of FIS Rod it’s good I mean really good JT I uh Racers only segment do I need I can talk to him right no I know but do I should I step back or no it’s good you can stay in this one but um Dylan was

Kind of quiet the one thing I noticed though he was really sneaky on the starts going inside and kind of just navigating the first corner and kind of staying out of chaos so I I don’t know if you saw that I just again I was in

Section 511 it was right in front of me but right straight down yeah so but uh no he was good too him and AP were really like the I’d say the fast ones that no one really really watched the guy that I’m writing about and talking

About that I’m like he had a really good Anaheim one you’re not going to hear about it he was he was good um and go ahead go ahead no no you’re the racer go ahead oh I was just gonna say it wasn’t a privacy here guy but I thought Justin

Cooper’s ride was pretty good under reported on um qualified fifth I believe came through the pack some passed to passed his teammate toac like nothing to write home about like it’s not you know like I get it it’s it’s eighth place but I thought it was a pretty solid start to

The season he was 16th after La one he was down with uh Kenny and Malcolm I think right in the start wasn’t he in that was he first I think he was involved in that or behind he got stuck in I’m pretty sure he was something in

That first straightaway so uh I said on the review pod that Malcolm was catching Kenny at the end of the race so Kenny text me today he was like what are you talking about like I I got him like I passed him I pulled the mechanics area

And I got him and I’m like yeah but I think he caught you near the end and then Kenny’s like well maybe I went off the track and I up the Rhythm and I jumped off the track and I’m like that’s what I’m talking about I just at

The end of the race Malcolm made up time on you I don’t know he’s listening I was just like Jesus Kenny whyn’t like I said you know I mean Kenny kind of got robbed if you think about it too he smashed him in the heat race and then the main was

Just on the ground in 10 seconds I think I mean like we said in the review Kenny’s race gets an incomplete like we don’t he’s good judge it right he’s he want heat he was so good in heat dude in fact I mean who knows if if he’s in

Second like Jason or you know I mean who knows what happens then because purely on speed he was pretty phenomenal all day too he was he he’s a lot better than he was at Anaheim one last year he is a lot better than that yeah so uh fly

Racing uh yeah I think uh I think Kenny I picked him to win A1 cuz he’s so good at the openers so let’s just roll that into San Francisco and that’ll be his true open how what’s the Vibes on San Fran pits and all that it’s

Been a long time I wish we were going back to Oakland man it’s Premier race it’s Premier race in the series well I can tell you what you could do St you could go to Oakland and go to that Chipotle or Starbucks by the stadium

Yeah JT saw the mugy Rel you they will Rel relieve you of anything that you don’t want or that you do want okay yeah I uh I I loved Oakland it was great commitment to Excellence the Raiders won the titles there the Oakland A’s the bash Brothers I just like how rund down

It is and there they’re like they don’t care they just ran with it for like a decade like yeah it’s it that Stadium on the water the AT&T Park I don’t know if that’s what it’s called anymore it’s it’s really nice oh it’s it’s awesome but I’m just wondering like pits like

Where we were cross the bridge before right I got to think that’s all condos now and everything so I don’t know what they’re going to do JT anything on that uh I think it’s goingon to be a little dicey that’s my guess I think uh

I mean I’m here like I’m here to go back there I don’t want to go to Oakland honestly I never want to go back there ever again but uh I think it’s going to be one of those where it’s a little janky like the San die Tech Co situation things like that right

But but as a spectator I remember um being there and loving it out on the water like that it’s a cool be great uh Hey weather was there someone say there was rain uh yeah we got we’re GNA get a little midweek rain and then it’s like

35 to 40% chance on Saturday so we’ll see yeah all right uh thanks JT thanks for uh calling in appreciate it Fly rcing RJ Hampshire fly racing r are holding the red plate for first time in his career RJ’s got a red plate that’s cool one thing I was going

To mention if you ever want to hear me just talk for like 45 minutes by myself which I don’t think anybody probably does but uh my podcast came out today and then I do a patreon one on Saturday mornings much like Daniel I’m expanding my repertoire of shows Daniel you what’s

What’s the deal with your new show you guys probably already covered this but um it’s just a it’s a YouTube show um something small and unique we had a producer Joe and I had an idea a long time ago about just a different style of show and um we decided to pull the

Trigger and we did it so we launched last week and I’m gonna record uh Wednesday when I get home and it’s a new YouTube show that’s gonna be very successful I have no doubt well this week also uh while we’re at promoting new shows this week uh Lewis versus

Kellen lvk EVS Sports presenting it so I got Le and Kell doing a show on the palex network and the they’re also going to do talk they’re going to touch on topics of non Moto and the topic that they’re touched on this week is Lewis’s brother is from England obviously and

He’s here for a month and Lewis is charging him rent and this is not going over well with the family imagine if you charge Jay Rent when he comes dude right yeah I just oh my God so Lewis is charging his brother rent and they’re gonna debate this out

On lvk like if it’s okay or not yeah like Kellen is appalled Kellen is appalled man my first instinct is this isn’t right that’s my first instinct but i’ I’d be willing to hear his side of the story because to make that move that’s stay tuned for lvk more than Moto

Pod coming out this week uh thanks JT appreciate it thank you man right appreciate it thank you all right everybody let’s get uh right into our next guest it’s brought to you by wisco uh pulp 23 is a code to save two-stroke four-stroke uh Pistons they got a full

Range of performance components for dirt bikes utvs ATVs and more and obviously the factory Honda guys have teamed up with wisco as well uh whether you want the variety of Pistons from reliable Forge Replacements to the performance Focus racer Elite Series they got it all uh as well as the garage buddy engine

And rebuild kits the best part of wisco is the code pulp 23 is the code to say with wisco and let’s bring in our our next guest of the night a guy that we uh all mentioned as our surprise of Anaheim Juan and you think we would learn by now

Uh it’s Cooper web everybody what’s up CPE how are you what’s up Steve how’s it going well I just I feel bad I we’re all I don’t know I we didn’t you looked really good you had a Podium right there you qualified unbelievable like for you

That’s great and all of us are like we didn’t talk about you much CP and we’re just idiots I guess Daniel me weij we’re all idiots I don’t know good job thanks bro I appreciate that I mean yeah you great yeah no offense I just I

I tend to not listen to you guys Believe It or Not CP I got one for you right off the top uh different approach I mean I I’ve watched you and practice all these years and this looked different to me I just it looked like you really want wanted to

Be faster when typically you look like you’re working things out and you’re kind of learning and preparing where this just look different to me is is it am I right or is or you just feel good because it looked noticeably different in approach yeah I think for me uh just

Overall things were clicking you know and I think we had a great offseason that that definitely showed and um I mean coming into the season and watching the into outdoors and SMX and being at SMX I you know and even Paris I think uh I quickly learned that we needed speed

You know that we needed a lot of things but we really needed speed especially to to be able to go you know the speed of Chase and jet and Kenny at that time so um we put a lot of effort in with motos and testing and all that but I think we

Put in a lot more emphasis than I ever have on just pure speed as well and um but you know I think that also comes with Comfort like I felt really comfortable all day I felt you know we didn’t I didn’t touch one click all day

And I think that’s you know for me never happened to A1 so I think just coming in comfortable um even this last month I haven’t made one change to my bike and just having a good program and riding with good guys and you know having

Having the team and I on the same page and knowing uh what we need to work on and staying true to that and you know when you show up to A1 you don’t ever really know but I just felt like I had a lot more confidence than maybe I had in

The last few years so yeah it was uh like you said a good day with practice and you know to be one tenth off jet in that final one I was really stoked and on the board pretty much every day was first time in a long time so it felt

Felt good though you know it wasn’t like I kept telling the guys you know I I felt like I could put those laps together you know my first and second laps times were good and I wasn’t riding over my head and just uh overall yeah we

Felt in a good spot so when you ride as well as you did at A1 and then we saw you in Paris we saw you at the SMX races now SMX tracks were a little funky so maybe this isn’t a great question but like how different is your setup from

SMX and Paris because I think that you’re going faster and you’re in better shape and maybe some of that stuff didn’t work so well like has there been a lot of uh Swap and suspension and things like that since Paris since you’re going this world yeah yeah there

Was I mean we’ve we’ve changed actually a lot since Paris to be honest um SMX you know was tough like you said with the TR because they were kind of the hybrid I thought like La was maybe our most closest to Supercross you know and I think um the biggest thing that’s

Pretty crazy and I kick myself in the ass for ever doing this but I never tested with Gilly before SMX oh and I never tested with him before Paris um I was my bike can I ask why I mean yeah looking back I’m a complete dumbass um but

He had sent me a setting before SMX and honestly I was stoked like I just told him like Hey I need to get back to riding and the thing doesn’t do anything bad so let me just ride it and then you know I think like I said it was little

Things we needed to work on um and then before Paris it was kind of more of a timing thing where I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my past where I’ll ride for three days and then I want to test and I’m simply not up to speed or in shape

And then a month later we end up going back to our base that we started with so I just kind of told Gilly like hey let me get in shape let me get back to speed let me be able to do it you know a solid

20 before we start tinkering and um you know maybe I should have took Paris a little more serious but it was kind of one of those things hey let’s go there let’s get a gate drop you know the setting yes we can be better but I think

It’s decent and see where we’re at and and that’s exactly what we did and then the next week we were able to test and pretty much you know attacked all angles like for me the the engine thing was still something that at Paris I wasn’t comfortable with I was getting a lot of

Arm pump and um so like me and Brad spent a whole day just you know making a map and engine package strictly for me and then the next step was then all right let’s get Gilly here and we spent two whole days and it was Unreal you

Know it was one of those things where we left I was happy after the first day and he’s like ah I think we can get 5% better and then we’re there a whole another day and we end up getting 10% better you know so it’s been really cool

And you know I I guess for me it was a bit different with you know other teams and stuff like it was more of hey here’s here’s your packages and you kind of choose to where I learned quickly with Gilly like he has such a good eye and as

A rider himself he can just like I call him the wizard so um got me really comfortable and yeah I think uh it showed and um yeah I mean like I said I’m stoked with her at yeah it was great on your crash I I don’t know how much

You’ve uh focused on it if you if you if you you know got the team film and looked at it or whatever what exactly like it didn’t look to me like you did anything weird or you took a different line I know Thrasher kind of got kicked

Over that thing but I thought felt like other guys were going where you went and you just had sort of a weird reaction what did you see when you broke it down or looking at it oh it was crazy like at the time I honestly thought I hit

Jason’s back wheel okay like just the feeling that I had of the front end dropping um but yeah luckily like we had film right away I got back and you know we watched it right away and I saw like I was in my mind I wanted to get really

Close to Jason and get to the right of him after that hip to be able to dive up the inside before the mechanics and I’d got really close to him and honestly with that shallow rut like you couldn’t really see like I’m just looking at his

Back tire and I went I think just a little bit more right than him and there was a kicker there that to be honest has been there since press and we all knew it was there and I had happen to scrub which you know I’m back scrubbing and

Stuff so like that’s nice and just hit a kicker and went OT yeah yeah it was uh not you were a little dingy huh from it I think yeah for sure it was like one of those things where I lit landed freaking eyeballs first and got hit from the back

Behind but yeah was in my face and just like whoa what what happened and kind of scrambling to like all right we need points and yeah get going and um yeah you know I had a little bit of like you know just like all that emotion mixed

With like dang I definitely had a pretty big crash right there um but yeah luckily to get up and you know the bike was pretty mangled but to be able to sure you know Sal that that result with that bad trash was was a good good

Overall good C uh two two pass well one pass one pass attempt I want you to kind of take me through them the first one was jet in the heat race and to me it looked like you just said that door is open and I’m going to take it now and

I’m fired up and I want to win this thing and you didn’t hesitate at all but on the Jason one I thought you could have maybe been a little more physical with him did you approach that one different because it’s Jason and it’s I mean Jason has a round one thing I don’t

Know if you’ve seen the past but did you approach that one a little bit different I mean yeah looking back I instantly I was kicking myself in the ass um because going back to your first question yeah the heat honestly I saw that opening and just kind of went for

It and you know I felt like it was just an opportunity really right you know if if I wanted to win a heat or even see where I stack up against them like I I just wanted to go for it so um obviously ended up being a you know a good move

And and was able to get a Heat win and then yeah like you said in that Jason pass it’s it’s tough right because it is a one like you’re saying you’re you don’t really want to make enemies right away but for me I felt like I was kind

Of I mean getting getting a little bit held up at that point so it was getting late in the race and I felt like I had an opportunity to at least catch Jet and who knows what would have happened but um I knew it was getting late and it was

Time to go and you know I could kind of see you know you can tell when someone’s riding language when they’re getting a little bit you know sloppy and making a few mistakes here and there and I saw that opening and like you said I was

Trying to make it happen and but not just put them in the Bales at round one you know because you don’t really want to make a enemy of Jason it was tough you know and look back like I think I actually had the wheel on him after the finish and the

Triple like I should have just kind of maybe DED more right and I don’t think he would have been able to to stick his wheel in um but so yeah I mean definitely a bummer like I said looking back I’m like dang it you know I should have looking back like I wasn’t

Aggressive really at all so like I could have maybe been a little bit more for sure and just made sure he couldn’t have retaliated um but then when that happened then we kind of played Cat and mouth and then that’s when I saw like you know you start doing that and the

Leader got away and that’s where I was like I gotta go now you know I I can’t can’t wait and uh like I said I kind of planned that pass and I was literally going off the takeoff going all right I’m gonna get him right here and next thing you know I’m

Over uh I was talking to uh I was talking to a uh a guy we know uh he had a little bit of bike problems um in the main event in the 250 main event I don’t know if you’re oh yeah yeah yeah but he’s a

He’s a new to the cvd class right yeah yeah new new guy yeah just trying to get his feet wet uh he was telling me though that by the way what’s that he beat me at SMX he did he did and our group text got a little tense around that time so

I’m just gonna move on over I’m gonna move on over that um but he was telling me though for real you did he didn’t really get into specifics but he just said you figured some things out with your health a little bit you know I imag

I imagine it was blood work and things like that and you really like you’re feeling really good uh you found some stuff that has really helped you feel better and I would imagine recover and train more and all of that yeah no for

Sure I mean uh like you said I was I was heavy and it was getting a little frustrated because you know yeah I’ll eat bad here and there um and we’ll go into offseason and you know I’ll definitely for two weeks let my hair down but uh I was putting in the work

Training hard and and really just feeling pretty flat and just like you know like I wasn’t getting any fitter any stronger I didn’t lose a single pound of weight and you know I was fat and um I just thought maybe that’s age and having having a kid now maybe that’s

Just what life is but um I got a hold of some yeah really good doctors in Florida and just did a bunch of blood work and you know I’ve really never done much uh I’ve kind of just always trusted like how I feel overall never really done much blood anything

Like that and um yeah I found I actually had it’s called like Hashimoto uh which is a thyroid issue and then I had a bunch of parasites and eoli and and stuff on my my insides that were kind of rotten at me so uh kind of the mixture

Of things and yeah was was super cool to you know just kind of change my diet up and change some of the supplements we were taking and um add that in and instantly like was able to to feel good again you know and uh get that training and recovery and

Start losing weight and yeah I’ve I’ve honestly been stoked so you know it’s tough like I said it’s you try at least for me like you we have access to doctors but for me it’s always scary because you don’t know and and some some doctors nowadays just want to you know

Put you in on prescription and say here you go not knowing the effects and for me it’s it’s kind of a scary thing especially in our sport like you don’t know what’s what can hurt you or what can help you so I’ve always just kind of

Stick to to what I do which is nothing crazy you know try to eat healthy and you know Elden Elden always was was tough on me there and uh kind of learn that way so anyway it it was really cool to understand a little more about you

Know some of the stuff that was hold me back there’s some trainers and people in the pits that can prescribe stuff that they really shouldn’t and I don’t know what’s going on with that and I hear these stories and I’m like wait hold on that guy’s not even a doctor how’s he

Getting you that you know so yeah you got to be careful you know you really do oh for sure especially with you know the drug testing and you never know right like hey you can take a medication and you might feel like crap for six weeks

Well I don’t have six weeks to to spare you know so it’s it is really tough for sure uh weco Pistons bringing you Cooper web on the show Star Yamaha Rider uh wisco’s performance partner Factory Honda HRC full range of performance components pulp 23 is a code to save

With the folks at wisco good you know I over the years um covering you I guess from the from the media side or from the broadcast side it was obviously fun to watch you in your approach and how you’d go about a championship and I mean I I

Think back to the Kenny years and how you approached him um man this one’s different right Jet’s different you we we all have eyes we all see this what what is the approach with him I me what are you going to do with this guy this is different you know and obviously you

Came ready but there’s 16 of these things I mean what without giving way what’s the approach here I think just honestly for me I I’ve came in this year just with open mind and you know I obviously want to win like that’s why I raced and that’s why I made the change

And I’ve invested into this new program and you know I’ve literally moved my family you know to smalltown fassy to to try to win a championship so um for me I think the biggest thing is he he’s fast and he’s going to be good and I know

He’s a rookie and you can say all the crap but like I said you saw it in Outdoors you saw it in SMX he’s he’s the real deal so um I think for me you know if I’m being completely honest I didn’t think I was gonna have the pace and be

Able to run with him uh coming into Anaheim he was the only guy that truthfully I was like man you know I don’t know where I stand against him I I kind of know you know where I am against Chase or Eli because I’ve raced him

Before and um you know Kenny or Jason and guys like that but I haven’t even really gotten to RAC yet besides Paris where like I said he he they ran away from me within you know six seven laps so um I think for me it was really really encouraging after practice and

Then going into the Heat and yeah you know he had that mistake because he didn’t make a charge there at the end but get that Heat win and then like I said in the main event I felt like I had a really good pace and I couldn’t maybe

Go the pace I wanted to because of you know trying to get around Jason and we stayed with him for you know yeah until I crashed in my mind so uh I felt like I was had a lot more on the table and uh so for me it was just really encouraging

Hey you know and maybe he just like you said rode nervous or whatever he was saying and stuff like that but I think it’s it is he’s smart and he knows how to manage races so that’s tough so it’s hard to say like he could have been

Riding at the same kind of thing just in a comfort zone and and not really going too crazy but like I said I was kind of expecting him to come to A1 and completely dominate which don’t give me wrong he won the main event and he did

But I I was honestly expecting kind of more like how the free practice went where we look up the board and he had a two second gap on us yeah um so for me it was encouraging and like I said I’ve been in this position where over 17 I I

Truly feel like I am a threat and can be consistent and I feel like now I I have good speed which uh last year at least I I didn’t you know if I needed to go win a race based off speed I don’t truly think I had that last year uh I feel

Like my fitness is really really strong like it has been in my championship years and uh my starts you know are are back being where they need to be so uh I think for me I’m just going to stick to my guns and let it play out like I said

If if he’s GNA come out and whole shot every round and and do it that way then that’s that’s definitely a tall task you know I think it’s not not a crazy thing to have happen you know for him to pull a whole shot and beat us some nights but

17 out of superr a lot can happen yeah no well said for sure uh getting back to training a little bit you’ve obviously worked with swanie during your title years as in a 250 class and and you’ve been with Alden now you’re back with swanie again like can you can you just

Plug and play your workouts from back in the day with swanie and do that or because you’re older you can’t quite do that grind anymore or is it the same or do you know does swanie learn things while you were gone and you’ve adapted that like how close is your training to

Your glory years of championships in class yeah it’s it’s honestly been really cool uh Swan’s program since I you know went to elden’s before and stuff going to KTM has really progressed a lot I think you know he learned a lot in those five years that that I wasn’t

With him and um I think for me it was cool to to be able to before the season started us we kind of had to sit down and just said hey these are some of the things that I did think were really good at elden’s and he told me hey these are

Some of the things that I think we really need to work on and some of the areas that you need to be better and um you know as far as numbers like I said yeah I have the last five years of elden’s you know program so if I wanted

To do it I could and um I just know where I need to be at hour- WISE I know where I need to be at lap count I know where I need to be at weightwise strengthwise so you know and I shared that all of swan hey this is yeah what I

Think and and a lot of his stuff was right on the par so it made it really good um if anything I feel like I actually had a bigger load this off season than I have in the past um and maybe that was just me really wanting to

Come in prepared but uh you know I think it it was a great great off season and like I said it’s he has to manage obviously some of the 250 younger guys like they can’t manage the same load I can so it’s been really cool to have those adjustments

But then also have from the riding standpoint like that youth and speed and resilience that those guys have I think that that maybe was something like at elden’s all the guys we had were all great Riders and very fast but we were all you know around the same age and

Weren’t really on a practice day maybe taking a risk that now these 17y old kids I’m riding every day are so I think it kind of helped me there like I said when it comes to just that that speed and just that overall like like what jet

Has like you’re going to have to hang it out if if if you’re um want to want to win uh Cooper we I want to show brought you by Folks at y skill piston you can uh you can decline to answer this Coop I don’t to get you in trouble but I do

Wonder if you your buddy AP back at your old team you I’m sure you’ve noticed like they’re free to use the 48 Forks they’re free to switch frames a lot of flexibility over there that maybe when you were there you know didn’t always happen I just think that maybe maybe

Your legacy at Red Bull KTM is the team going hey guys maybe we need to listen to these guys and if they want to try something different they can and it’s noted kicking and dragging and screaming thing so I don’t I don’t know it is

Weird I I did notice they had a 48 a clamp a frame yeah a shock yeah that that I swear I voice I might like but n no it’s just like I don’t know I just thought of you honestly when I talked to some of the people at KTM some of the

Insiders and they told me what was going on I immediately thought of you and I was like this is literally what they were all butting heads over this kind of stuff yeah you know that was funny but you know it for me like I said it’s easy

To sit there and look back and go you know if only they would have done it with me or yeah yeah whatever the case is like I said I made my decision I’m happy with my decision it showed me all offseason but then again A1 like I said I feel like I’m

Really a good version of myself right now you know I feel like I’m at least A1 like I was I felt kind of like 250 Coupe again where I could do things on the motorcycle and even this offseason like I’m able to do things on the motorcycle

That I haven’t been able to do in a long time and just have overall trust and so for me you know yeah if I st and they Chang it and D but it’s like hey it is what it is that’s part of it like I think from a personal standpoint they’d

Be idiots to not listen to me and try to make these changes knowing that this the last year Supercross Champ’s going to come and probably have the same complaints um so you know it is what it is and it’s it just didn’t work out in my time period that’s for sure right uh

Yeah I just I thought that was pretty funny but uh thanks for joining us man great job at Anaheim and uh yeah we some of us in the media like I said you don’t listen but we we’re looking like idiots I think I think we should have devoted

More time to Coupe than what we did and he looked really good uh I like and honestly even more so than the main event like Daniel said the qualifying the speed and the qualifying major intent in the beginning yep so uh well thanks for joining us said it and we

Will see you in San Francisco me out man yeah believe it or not I’ve only had really One Bad Year Steve you know what I know I don’t know you’re right C but we all watch Paris man I mean I was there no sorry his Paris this year was better

Than last to JB but JB literally kicked my freaking butt at Paris and then we were right where we needed to be come A1 yeah no this year’s Paris was better than last year’s Paris on the KTM yeah was said it wasn’t great it wasn’t great

Uh thank you for the time man I really appreciate it we’ll see you in San Francisco thanks buddy yeah thanks guys that’s Cooper web everybody brought to you by the folks at WIS scope piston thank you to those guys for coming on board the show what’ you think of his

Interview he’s he’s a he’s a really good interview he’s honest uh I mean he said straight up he raced SMX he raced Paris he he he was well aware that yeah what was coming and I’ve always thought with Webb it’s like his racecraft is like the

Best and you get him in a in in in one of those situations and he can usually get you but my biggest concern was well are you going to be fast enough to be up there to use any of your racecraft and well I mean I mean just tonight we he

Said he wasn’t fast enough last year he said that he thought jet would be better like kick his thought jet would kick his ass but they they didn’t so like yeah good stuff well and the good thing too is he I can tell by just in his voice

Like he thinks if he gets alone in that main event he makes a run on him and we were all on the stands up in 5’11 we were talking the same way like man dude if he gets by Jason he might and for him to think that that was possible and

That’s why he was pushing and made the mistake is that again I I sense that he left there more confident than he went in with yeah and that could be scary cuz when he’s confident he’s just as dangerous as when he’s counted out he I

Got a note from a text from on a side note of star world I got a text while Coupe was on the line from somebody that said mosan was testing a star bike today so I mean why not add another guy why not uh hey by the way the the 7

O’clock hour 758 right now but it still counts brought you by the folks at of Cher USA uh discards frame guards chain block and slider kits replica plastic kits handguards check out the latest products by visiting them at cherb or follow along on a social media page Pages by searching for added

Cheres USA uh the industry leader in aftermarket dirt bike plastics and accessories thank you to the cheres they find to in their products as well speaking of a cheres yeah lone Wolf’s kid won a heat Race For the First Time had a few really screwed up that section

With the red flag that red flag got him he got passed a couple times on that um did he go too safe is that what yeah he went too safe on it like he didn’t wasn’t going on a table at first I thought did they just cheat and then I

Went no I think he may have overplayed it a little bit and that’s kit admitted to me that it was a little greasy what he did but it’s it’s legal but a little greasy but you got to do what you got to do you you’re a racer so you understand that I’m from

Arenacross we do whatever it takes uh so thank you the folks out of Cher’s USA for bringing you the 7 o’clock hour uh Cooper web Phil nicoletti Chad reedon uh we’re also gonna have Kate clayon calling in a little bit we G talk to Kade yeah uh Race Tech rant Race Tech

Rant time of the show you mad at some I got a couple things you got anything you’re a pretty positive guy good right now man I’m just I’m just happy uh pulp 24 is a code to save they’ve got motor work they got suspension work they do a hell of a lot

Of work for uh Racers and teams all over USA they got service centers of course they patented and and invented that gold valve way back in the 80s and the thing is still working great so yeah use the code tell you listen to pulp get your suspension serviced I mean good God if

It’s it’s it’s January right now you’re probably not riding if it’s all snowy and shitty now’s time you’re you’re oil your seals your bushings it needs it race de can completely rebuild your stuff for you give you a deal through pulp and please get your Su look after

Your suspension so it looks after you I got two rants tonight one is uh I touched on it earlier the new rule of not awarding a point to a guy in the main event it is absolutely Insanity I don’t understand how a person can make the main event which is a super cool

Thing to do in our sport Daniel you made a few of them uh but there were some you didn’t make it wasn’t was N Easy uh I never even got good enough to even try and to get zero points is a tough blow man I don’t yep I know I understand they

Went back so super cross went back to 25 points for a win that’s a good thing thank you for doing that instead of your asinine 26 points structure that they went to which I fully believe was a thing with like let’s be better than Outdoors let’s give one more point but

Now that outdoors and supercars work together they went back to 25 points thank you for that Feld but to just give 202 one point also just do that yep um’s well it’s super easy to be done too because I’m looking at the points and they are not the same as what they used

To be it used to go 25 22 20 18 16 now it goes 25 22 2018 17 so that’s why they were able to get 21st one point they moved up the points a little bit CU I remember 10th was always 11 points 11 was always 10 well that’s off now so

Here’s an easy fix fourth is 19 and then just go single from there and now they all get points so sure whatever whatever it works it just can you not so I in a group text with a bunch of privateers and they’re like to make the main event

Is $300 more than the fifth place in the lcq and then you’re doing 20 minutes and there’s a possibility you get zero points like now you know to everyone out there who’s like yeah that’s right Steve’s right yall know Vince got 22nd and got 0 point for 50 class right so

Before you all get too excited he didn’t get so guys are happy about that there some might be some they’re like yeah uh but yeah Vince running number 125 of all numbers oh how do you feel about that did you get hit up a lot about that oh

Yeah I confronted him in the lobby at the hotel oh from like far away I said really really and he just wrot kind of yelled back he’s like I have to ask for permission and I was like kind of a little bit and then he said that he

Tried to buy 719 from some amateur or some kid that had it and they said no so Tony Allie recommended 125 and I’m like dude and I warned him I said man I’m I’m not cool with it and I’m going to probably have to say a lot of bad things

All year because you’re going to probably do things with that number that I would have never done with it like take out half the field uh does he need a cape does he need a cape uh yeah Wonder War hog cape and then it’s complete um but does your kid know you

Had a cape on I’m going to ask him when we get him on later he doesn’t he doesn’t know he doesn’t know much about me you know it’s sad actually he used to think that I was like the best racer in the world until he was like six and then

When he found out that how I really did he was super disappointed for a while was he like cuz I think he was just a little kid he was like my dad was the best ever like no clue at all and I I never corrected him I just kind of let

It and then he found out the truth and it was like a weird period where he lost a lot of respect for a little bit he he’s like why is this mcgraph guy so much better than he was just like why aren’t we rich right why aren’t we rich

Well it didn’t go as well that’s my race deck rant for that unbelievable simply ridiculous um it’s easy fix just it is easy move up one more Point don’t even do that just give him one if you want sep separation at the front which I understand you want a little 21st and

22nd both W they can what’s wrong with that yeah what’s wrong with that nothing I’m with you so you don’t even need to rant that hard that was just yeah lot of common sense and even JT’s like Smooth absolutely right I didn’t even start yelling support uh my second rant is

About the city of Las Vegas uh tits yes is your is your family fortune not in construction like that’s how you have your family fortune correct uh yeah okay longtime concrete people here in Vegas like like they I don’t know what they do but they make concrete

And they they pour it everywhere okay so just Gobles of money over there and tits runs the place now golfs a lot and just runs the place so what’s going on there’s two construction sites by my house here okay yes and they’re like nobody’s working it’s been

Six months of so I have two Outlets from here to get out to the southeast side of Vegas which is the only way you would mostly go yeah that way yeah uh and there’s no work being done there’s the roads look done the one road is torn up there’s nobody there

Ironically enough today they were there like today they were there uhhuh why I went on the web the internet and I tried to find Las Vegas construction jobs and Las Vegas like uh Public Works and and I want to find out what’s going on when are they done why aren’t they working

Like I I understand they’re putting in a sewer pipe on one way the other way they’re repaving the road the road looks done it’s got the black toop on it it’s got the signs up and the I still can’t go that way the other way is torn up up

Fences everywhere no one is working for weeks on time like what is going on I thought you when you bid on a job correct me if I’m wrong concrete you know King that you are concrete King you bid on a job you say uh we will start at February 1st we

Expect to end February 21st uh this is the how long the road’s going to be closed you know this is what we’re going to do blah blah blah blah what’s going on like the these guys aren’t working there’s weeks with nobody there and I can’t get out I can’t get

Out to the way I need to go you can just drive through it I can’t there’s a ditch there’s an 8 foot ditch I drove through it today on the way here you could if you had a truck yeah well I I wasn’t going to get into that whole finger you

Know okay St listen listen uh so so there’s a lot of things one I’m really glad that I’m not on either of those jobs by the way and I’ve seen exactly what you’ve seen where the one that’s like on the east side of your house like heading towards uh

Um yeah yeah they’re both on the east side but that job baffles me because it has been sitting there forever oh so you know about this oh no I’ve I every time I’m coming to the Moto 60 show I’m coming that back way like I get off a

Blue diamond and come on through there and I always see and I just say they haven’t done anything dude they’re not doing nothing and I don’t know what’s going on like I want to fire these people the city should fire these that has been it’s January 8th they started

Around September mhm and they’re putting a sewer pipe in that’s what they’re doing cuz there’s I I can see it there’s a mass I walk the dog that way uh but is there no responsibility to get this job done does no one care does the city of

Vegas not go what the are like our residents literally are are we’re we’re there’s a school over that way and they they just need you to pay taxes they don’t care about anything there’s a guy with a castle and he’s pissed about it so pissed the guard out front is really

Upset about how hard it is to get into his J off I’m shutting your Bic off what are we doing okay so not all construction companies are created equal so I have I have son yeah okay you’d be surprised you ask around we we’ve got a

PR can I go on a website and complain or find out what’s going on with the job so actually yes at any given job you will there’s a sign usually it has like the name of the of the project okay uh who the general uh construction person is on

There there’s like a desk thing and and gives actually there’s a a permit or a contract number that’s on that sign so you there is ways that you can look uh for that information having said that um like I said not all construction companies are created equal a lot of times people are

Going like hey man we need work so they will go because these are prevailing way like Public Works jobs they’re open to anyone as long as you can bid and you have to have a certain types of contractor’s licenses but if you’re a low man like if you bid it for the

Cheapest that’s your job and yeah but does have some sort of expectation of getting it done no there is so so they have estimated schedules of when you start when you finish if you don’t finish on those time frames there’s actually something called liquidated damages that um I don’t have a lot of

Experience TI would help this rant and this why I did not Talon would not have this information that is correct Talon would not know this um so there are ways that these contractors can be punished for taking too long but I obviously I’m not part of any of that stuff to whether

Or not how often that actually happens there’s been nobody working for weeks and weeks and weeks yeah there was even a time where I saw it looked like they were getting ready to pave and then that sat for a month this was like back during Outdoors so now we’re going to

Leave the house we got to go straight and through Suburbia and and like you’re like you’re and there’s a school over there so people are dropping their kids off and it’s like a uh it’s Formula 1 with the kids and the parents and I’m walking the dog and there’s lots of traffic and

I don’t so are both jobs the same company do you think I’m going to guess no I don’t know I’ve not driven South out of your place like going over to decar and heading south so I don’t know which job that actually is um but the other one I know who does the

Underground stuff on it and I’m not going to throw a name but it’s bad it’s it’s bad it’s one of those faces I’m GNA go over there what I’m going to start doing I didn’t tell Pooky this she’d not be happy with this but what I’m going to do I walk the dog

That way every time mhm I’m going to take a giant dump every day now you’re talking every day by there until they like you or the dog me okay I’m going to take the dog you are okay because are you going to climb into like one of the

Loaders and right on the seat how’s this going to go down I’m just going to take a dump right by the ditch every time that they’re I think they’re going to notice or Care by the way they’ll just think that’s a homeless person that’s going and okay I don’t know man there’s

No there’s no uh I feel your pain I do I hate ABY benefiting from construction is providing me this wonderful livelihood that I have you never work you golf every day yes exactly I hate construction because it slows everything down like this whole thing that’s going on over on Tropicana yeah we’re actually

Doing a small amount of work on that like not the main don’t get me started on that yeah yeah no trust me every time I drive through I’m like these freaking guys I don’t have anything to do with that they’re taking forever and I’m just like I don’t know what going what are

They off of flamingo in the middle of the 15 I don’t have I don’t it’s they’re changing the way you get on off and on of Tropicana like specifically but then also 15 there a bridge going up the 15 that’s Harmon and and whatnot I’m sure all the people outside of Vegas are

Really enthralled by this but uh I don’t have access to their master plan on what the big picture design is but I agree okay can I complain somewhere is there somewhere if I get that permit job if you go you find the sign get the sign you’ll you’ll see a permit number on

There or contract number and then you can it’ll say whether it’s a Clark County whether it’s city of Las Vegas start calling the guys on on the street out in front of my house yes going east yes that looks done it’s black topped there’s signs at the at the

Far East of the project there’s about 30 feet that’s not paved why I don’t know they paved everything else and then they just stopped and just said n we’re not going to do this the other guys with the sewer pipe like they’re not even working they just F it’s just

it’s yeah yeah we’re in big trouble I just be grateful for sunnd and Sun’s concrete okay because we we get stuff done shocking shocking I saw I’ve gotten to a point in life where like I like the search on Instagram I just like to see things that I don’t follow just

Come across and I’ve had this video come across a few times where in China they are able to like put an overpass in over the weekend uhuh like a whole overpass they like in one weekend bring it all in done work and it’s in done in prb it off we’re talking a big

Over tunnel in a weekend Steve that’s why we’re getting our ass kicked over here unbelievable That’s My Race Tech rant Construction in Vegas and just the the lack of effort that I see and it’s affecting there’s also don’t get there’s also the Valley View bridge that is also

Fuckered the Valley View Bridge Okay the Valley View over the 5250 uhuh do you know what I’m talking about Valley View over the 215 yeah okay that bridge is gone they took it down and they’re not fixing it oh so I can’t go that way either now okay so now

Decor is overblown with traffic and cuz because they’re redoing the interchange there at the 2115 and the 15 what are they doing there I don’t know it’s not it’s not us either oh everything that is not s yes that’s correct got it 100% noted all right uh I’m just really

Glad you didn’t bring up any of my jobs because uh at least then I’d actually have more info on what’s going on there but yeah I can’t control other people’s companies and what is people bid they bid to get work and then they all a sudden they realize oh crap how am I

Going to finish this job I don’t have enough people stay tuned everyone I’m getting the permit number I’m getting the phone number I’m calling I love it and I’m going to find out what is going on please do I’m going to do if you’re going to rant like this you better get

To the bottom of it I’m going to stay tuned everybody weekly for updates all right speaking of jobs motorcycle industry jobs job of the week at risk racing you know the risk racing guys that up there risk racing yeah what’s this what’s a spot outside sales a Commission job uh risk racing

Seeking independent outside sales reps with the motorcycle industry experience it’s a contract role for an independent sales rep the independent sales rep will be responsible for selling a new line of dirt bike focused tires called pl’s tires uh they have off also have access to risk racing and stkr

Concepts Striker Concepts kind of products to prospective clients job of the week motorcyc please check it out risk racing and uh yeah absolutely upload your resume for free today and if you’re a company looking to hire some people out there then please check out motorcycle indry post

Your job up there it’s a really good spot for a lot of people to uh to get started in the industry and you can fill any role you need uh Daniel bler on the PPX show uh Factory chassis parts you ever done much with engine mounts in your day yeah we’re actually working

With them right now a little bit some of the kids just it’s fun right now with these kids they don’t know how to test yet so we’re teaching them how to test by doing little things at a time you know bars and bar mounts and clamps and

Engine hangers so we’re we’re we’re in that world right now nice it makes a big difference I’ve been there as a mechanic changing engine mounts for Riders they really noticed it especially when we don’t tell them what we did and we tell them to go ride and then they come back

And tell us you know hey it turns a little better it’s got a little more grip here and we’re like yeah we changed an engine mount they really do make a difference uh FCP guys Factory chassis parts Rock River Yamaha starling Phoenix Honda uh f&h mxgp Co team using uh

Factory chassis parts and please check them out designed to improve traction handling cornering and feel the code is Pulp x- chassis ppam x- chassis uh to save some money CNC machine parts are high quality aluminum and titanium easy to install and drastic improvements right away Chris kefir tested a lot of

Um the FCP stuff over the years so we’ll have Kefir in in a little while to to tell us more about it but thanks to those guys use the code palpa x- chassis question for you it would been cool to ask Chad but I remember hearing back in

The day that Chad would run some pretty unique um just like how he would tighten the bolt package around his engine he would run things real loose is that is that true yeah I mean I don’t know for specifically Chad but yeah you can you can experiment with different types of

Torque I he he was like that he would run loose I’m sure he did Chad had some nutty things that I know from Goss and goler I should say goh goler gosler goose and Lars and those guys uh all Oscar that yeah he had some some stuff

That they they tested a lot of things uh Stan is on one and he’s been on hold for a while Stan what’s up man hey Steve thanks for taking my call man I appreciate it yeah what’s question on East Coast West Coast rounds um I maybe you guys already covered this so I

Apologize but why eight West Coast seven East Coast with only two shootouts isn’t isn’t that kind of screwing over the East Coast guys well yeah it is and you saw that in SMX last year where they dropped your worst round uh to count the SMX point an easy that’s an easy fix too

Which side right now has more which one has more East or West the West Coast has eight East Coast has seven why don’t they just add one more shootout and then it’s s seven with three right that’s what they should do so two East West showdowns is what causes it to be

Lopsided if they added one more to the one that the most it’s done it’s I think the team said no more than two shootouts what yeah I believe the teams have shot that down how about all 17 shootouts I know listen don’t get me started we we don’t want our precious

Championship to be affected by having more shootouts you know yeah it is is one I believe the teams are like we don’t want any more than two you know blah blah blah why you you want to get any hurt feelings so are the East Coast Riders like pissed or the the team

Owners are they like say hey that’s not fair or do they not say anything no they don’t care it doesn’t matter it’s it’s sometimes it’s different right East has one more than West or whatever it’s gone back and forth it’s gone back never the same St Louis is a West this year pretty

Sure is it yeah yeah all right guys I appreciate it man thanks for listening thank you 702 586 7857 you got a question for Daniel Blair give us a call I want to thank the folks at Works Connection by the way uh more than half the field had the pr launch start device

On their on their bikes uh if you’re talking about starting devices then it starts and ends with the guys at Works connection they do a great job and in honor of jet Lawrence’s win uh the guys at Works connection are giving one away it’s that easy uh let’s do

Um uh still mad about the construction thing still mad uh okay uh let’s do contest at to give it away and we’re going to what email Daniel 125 yeah 125 in honor of Vince free number 125 all right we’re going to give away a pro launch start device to email number

125 uh that emails in with the works connection PR launch start device email contest pulpex and we’ll pass that on thanks to the guys that works connection uh guts racing as well talk about NorCal where Daniel’s from he uh he has left NorCal but uh at one time he

Was a NorCal guy and guts racing up there Andy and and the girls and everybody at the guts racing doing great things went to dinner with Andy on Friday night oh you did nice I saw him there but yeah I remember he doesn’t what he doesn’t remember the dinner yeah

He was he was on his way oh really he was on his way to a fun night nice so I don’t think he remembers being there but I remember seeing him uh nice nice uh by the way uh Pro Filter 2 pulp 20 is a code to save with Pro filter uh top

Quality air and oil filters for dirt bikes street bikes side by sides and everything in between between sold through Power Sports dealers Nationwide pick up a pre-oiled ready to use premium air filter oil filter for your next service I got to change mine in my in my

Blue crew uh I got to put a new Prof filter in that reminds me pulp 20 is the code to save at Prof thank you those guys and same thing with Maxima USA if you need a discount on oil pulp 20 is the code to save anything

Maxima has whether it’s suspension clean contact cleaner mppl uh the the peak uh oil additive that they have it’s really really good for two-stroke and four-stroke oil uh please check it out 927 as well super am I was a super am guy growing up but they like to push the

927 so uh and I imagine you know you still have some two strokes in Orange Brigade so yeah 125 on down uh thank you to the folks at Maxima and P Pro filter pulp 20 is the code to save with those guys uh Daniel so all right uh we’re

Gonna have Kade calling in here shortly but um I think we touched on this last show you were in but I kind of it kind of got brought up again in a group text for us and then you going to Anaheim in section 511 kind of maybe makes me think about

It a little bit so I mean we’re friends right we’re friends yeah good good friends yeah yeah good friends we we like each other good friends um there I I’m in a group text with some people that you know that I know and frankly we’re a little concerned

About you me yeah you we’re little worried all all of us we have we have questioned your life’s choices and maybe you being in section 511 at Anaheim 1 has maybe reinforced this okay like so yeah I mean look you had the TV job you were in the booth kind of walked

Away from it you know you do your thing you’re doing orange Brigade you’re teaching schools and helping kids like judging by your Instagram you know you’re you’re at the track a lot mhm you’re at these amateur races you’re in section 5’11 at an M1 like are are you

Good it’s crazy it’s crazy that you’re concern I well not just me not just me a group of us I would say um I’m the absolute best I’ve been as an adult right now as an adult no I am I mean life as a kid was good uh no I’m I’m in

The best place I’ve ever been and obviously it’s different and it’s different and harder in a lot of ways but it’s better in so many ways so um I am 100% the best I’ve been so whoever you in your group are can yeah like we’re just rest easy we’re just like God

Daniel’s at the track all the time you know teaching and and you’re getting dirty all day long you’re out in the sun and the rain you’re you’re sitting at 5’11 at Anaheim Stadium you’re you know like yeah are you are you good I’m really good you know what happens is uh just you’re

Happy I’m happy so life’s all about perspective it’s all about the way you look at it and in all honesty I chased something very very very hard for a long time and made crazy sacrifice crazy commitment and uh when that was over um and I knew that that was over I went on

The hunt for a different type of fulfillment I I couldn’t replace it with the same thing I couldn’t replace it with the same um type of life I needed I needed a reset and what I found was is that I was really enjoying myself at the track helping other people accomplish

Things in life I I felt like I needed to take a break from chasing my own dreams and start helping other people chase theirs and that’s giving me more personal fulfillment right now than I had in my past life is it really yeah and um it’s not forever I can tell you

That right now get a before the main event saw none of that none of that none of that but did you see Uncle Jim I did I did he’s Uncle Jim Legend a classic no I’m um okay I I’m I’m the happiest and most fulfilled I’ve ever

Been in my life right now um and and it’s in ways that are current so you just saying that or do you really mean that I’m really good dude like I said I honestly enjoyed Anaheim I was two tall boy Stellas deep watching it from 511 with my friends with some nasty tenders

And uh no it it was good and I I I’ll admit straight up I’m still in a in a in a fog there’s there’s not a lot of clarity in in my in my next forever move in life there there’s I’m it’s a little

Gray um but I can’t say that I wake up any days at all upset anymore and I I can’t say that for the past so okay uh I’m happy man so thanks for concern but I think super good uh all of us in the group text knew how hard you chased it

And all the things that you did to to try to you know be better on TV and and also there were some other roles you were trying to do and all of that and yeah and now we see you at the motocross track and maybe some of us are worried

And then now we’re now you’re in 511 well life about perspective you all might be concerned and think that there’s something wrong but I too many I’m I think it’s just friends friends are concerned to many I’m living an absolute dream okay and that’s how I feel so because we have another friend

In the pits that like we were also discussing in the same text he looks like he drinking more and more and we’re like hey man like should some of us so somebody say something to him like we’re all friends with this guy he’s having a little bit

Of a really good time and we’re like worried for him also so maybe we’re a bunch of like little hands this one text group where we worry about people and maybe they’re saying that when I’m not in the group text maybe they’re saying that in another group text there is yeah

I’m just joking no no I’m uh I’m I’m I’m I’m good in all the ways I need to be right now now and um all right again I’m um I’m I’m very happy okay fair enough we’ll drop it thanks we’ll leave it on I’ll tell this group the things you told

Me tonight unless they’re listening some of them listen so I’d like to know who you’re talking I mean I I appreciate the concern but yeah like I said I’m actually it’s it’s the opposite okay happy I’ve been a long time uh speaking of happy uh this man on the phone call

On the line one right here uh he’s pretty happy he made the main event in Anaheim 1 uh wrote a really uh good race and uh it was nice to see him out there I always believed in him I always knew was gonna happen always Kate clayon

What’s up Kade ah up Stephen DB how are we we’re good um sorry about that tweet you know it is what it is I uh I saw Hunter La coming I had saw Hunter Lawrence coming up with you and I just tweeted poor Kade oh because I just you

Know how this SC I’ve seen enough races I’m like I’m like Kate’s fourth and here comes the factory guy here comes the guy he’s finally clear and Kate has got some problems but our guy Kate clayon held him off so and then I I twe I corrected

Myself you know said hey it was well played I I I thought Kade you did great and not only that I mean think about the pressure because you know every eyeball in the building was on you yeah on that last lap I mean every eye you played that inside corner really nicely Kade

Good job on that I mean think back to the past of how many times I’ve blown it in the last corner you think at some point I’d learn how how to handle the situation they did perfect now uh JT and Daniel because they’re Racers right I wasn’t allowed in this conversation but

They were saying that if they’re Hunter Hunter should have hit you oh yeah oh 100% I on the last lap I was contemplating how hard I’m allowed to hit Hunter when he passes me he was already thinking it yeah if he gets me yeah I’m teeing him yeah it was there

Was a lot of contemplation going on in my head hey so did you know when you got the white did you know it was him that he was the next one knew before I knew before because the lap he like didn’t gain anything on me the so I could see

Him come in I was entering the second set of whoops and he was exiting the first set and with a lap and a half to go to a half a lap to go he didn’t catch me at all and I was like I was like is this dude okay like like what is

Happening right now he he didn’t allow himself to feel good about himself is he okay something wrong with that guy cuz like I felt like I was riding good I like I did a really good job of think just focusing on Freddy and like I

I did catch Freddy which was sick um but I was like there’s no way like like I don’t know what what he had going on back there but I was pretty stoked because like I felt like I had a big enough Gap with half a lap to go Y and

That all disappeared in the sand yeah like I don’t know what that dude did when he entered the sand oh he went nutty on the last lap that’s what Factory guys can do when they need to uncork it I’ve seen it over and over right when they need to uncork it they

Can really uncor it that’s right cuz the corner before the sand we were already thinking oh it’s over and then at the end of the 10 we’re like oh no he’s got a shot cuz he did rail the outside I mean like I think he went full dgaff

Didn’t care and then got right to you and then we were like all right it’s the game that’s it comes down and dude you you just didn’t even really do anything other than just go inside I I don’t know if you widened up just in case to embrace but dude nothing just

Cruised on by well I got kind of Lucky um because I was actually cut in the inside of that corner all day in practice for like if I did two laps I’d do it on my second one and roll the finish line and so I had kind of already been

Like hitting that inside so it was kind of just just like a fast lap in practice so I didn’t I I mean most of the time you would never do that but I I thought cuz the BM was so far away like it was faster and practice for me to go

Inside and uh yeah so it was just like second nature to me man you know I just you know super super great flat land right there yeah dude so yeah yeah it wasn’t ideal for sure um I’m yeah I had a malfunction in the main and we think

It was because I flat landed the out of the oh really oh okay I was going to ask you how the main went for you I saw you uh you were into the tough blocks pushing the tough block into the next Lane at one point well I I crashed in the second set

Of whoops into that giant tough block that was there diving them which was I’m very thankful was there and uh I actually hit a tough block into the whoops but I knew jet wasn’t far behind me okay so as soon as I got up I picked

Up the tough block that I hit into the set of w put it back before I picked up my bik put it back no problem guys I got this Dirt Works I got this don’t worry about it like I was like that’s the last thing I need is to freaking get in here

Not get Hunter into the main and take out jet yeah would killed you yeah I saw the tough block like halfway in the whoops and I look up and I just see that Brown Gear of yours and I’m like oh Kade oh boy um oh yeah hey are you with me on

My Race Tech rant about the zero points for 22nd Place oh I think everybody with you I don’t know whose dumbass idea that was but it’s terrible terrible absolutely terrible I mean come on guys it just doesn’t make sense like I mean the fact that I think I put it in the

Group chat Steve and and I think I saw you tweet it that it’s like2 or $300 more um yeah for last in the main um but you have to do you know 26 more laps then then the guy who gets fifth in the lcq and now you get zero

Points it’s like cool bro you know I just go out here and risk my life for even more for you guys for nothing well and the crazy part is is it used to be zero points for 21st and 22nd that’s how it was before so they they addressed it

Halfway like they knew that they had to do something that’s what I’m saying is it’s just one more Point change for fourth and everything’s fixed if you’re going to if you want them all have points it’s just move them all up one spot at four just give 21st and 22nd one

Point I or that whatever I and then they they added one point to the outdoors so now 21st in the outdoors is worth a point like what and I get that they’re trying to make that the same but it’s not it’s not the same like yeah it’s

Just I think people need to stop associating Supercross and Motocross as the same thing because it’s not the same thing like they’re very different and it’s okay that they’re different and it’s okay that at the end of the year there’s a combined thing that tries to

Make them the same but they’re not the same thing yeah yeah no I’m with you I’m absolutely with you hey let’s talk about your brother oh dude how’s my how’s he doing down he gets there he comes back what in two weeks or something yeah hey so Cade’s got a

Little brother dude he he’s GNA smoke Cade so bad when he gets older like we’re already we we’re planning on it we’re working on we’re already studying kade’s weaknesses um but yeah there’s another one Steve there’s another clayon out there that will be joining the ranks

Here pretty soon yep oh boy taller one too is he taller than you he is taller than me he’s taller jesz he’s taller than me I gave him I got him I got him foot pegs I got him down and back foot pegs for Christmas nice no he came uh he

Came out to Next Level uh Shez when was he there November October I forget he was there for like a month but um he’s coming back and uh I think yeah two weeks and I think he’s gonna be there for a while yeah he’s hoping he can get into into a some a

Futures race he’s a he’s still a b Rider so he’s not like top priority but he’s been down there riding with Daniel and stuff so he’s hoping he can get into one um K Kayon on the show uh lcq uh I was going to say a champion but Justin Hill

Won that but lcq hero Kate Kayon on the pop me show uh woodro is on three woodro you want to talk to Kade yeah I do um I want to congratulate him on what he done stopping a factory Rider uhuh like he did yeah you know

Thought it was it was pretty cool and there’s a lot of Buzz saying hey Cade should have a HRC Ride Now L I’ve been hearing it I’ve been hearing it since Saturday lot of Buzz it’s been it’s been going around but you know I and you know

And sorry for Hunter like I know Hunter’s a great Rider and everything else but he got the full field he got the full experience of he did Privateer Islanders the Privateer Islanders and what goes on in that thing yeah oh he learned right away um he he did going to

The lcq and everything else and you know and Kate’s doing his thing you don’t mess with Kate when he when it’s in the lcq you know also uh but the good news is is Hunter Lawrence is currently leading the Yamaha lcq point standing so there is St I was GNA text you that

And be like and be like if Hunter sneaks into the LC challenge you let him race I do let him race if he gets enough points to get in Hunter Lawrence will be racing so Hunter’s in stank’s out yeah yeah oh Kade you better be careful careful thanks guys thanks

Appreciate it thank you uh K uh what go ahead hold on do you think Hunter knew it was me that ran him over in the first turn when we were on the last lap of the lcq um you ran him over yeah I was the one well I mean it

Wasn’t my fault right but um but yes well poor salt on the wound man yeah way to go that hurts was an idea it’s a rough dude he had a rough weekend he had a big crash in practice yeah he did big crash press y yeah um who had a worst

Night hunter or Benny uh probably proba H probably Hunter yeah Benny’s night suck too Benny’s B br Heat and the and the lcq oh the beta the beta broke well I think it’s I think it was the same problem I think they fixed the wrong thing oh okay

Um from what hey uh PMX team um you know you’re on a team for the third year total second year in a row uh you guys have made some changes you got Max’s Tires on board with you guys you you know you got some new sponsors with exhaust and everything yeah look like

You guys Hunter Hunter Yoda uh made the main event as well he did pretty good too yeah good job PMX bro we’re crushing it we’re CR great parking spot too great great parking spot our parking spot wasn’t bad I know you didn’t like it but

It’s too far is is Julian benck on the team too no so who’s on the team who’s on your team it’s it’s me tanty yod Mitchell Harrison is tanty all right he’s not the fact that he’s like able to walk is like astonishing how did

Thaten dude so our w loops on the one track are pretty steep and he said his foot just slipped off and he like kind of whiskeyed and he just like he couldn’t let go so he just kept It Wide Open um but like I was one of the first

People to him and like seeing how mangled his bike was and all this stuff like I didn’t want to watch the video I didn’t even see the crash until it made it to our group chat Steve oh wow that was the first seen the video um and yeah

Like the fact that like you know he had just gotten back um from Abu Dhabi he went straight to Australia and then straight to sob for you know a collapse long and broken rids and the fact that he didn’t reinjure that stuff was like astonishing yeah good um but yeah he’s

Okay he he has to go home to get like a minor surgery on his shoulder so he flew home today I think and then uh he’s going to be back I think he said he hopes to be back here around Detroit and then back racing just

Like a couple weeks after that so he wanted to race this weekend oh wow geez he got an xray he had a sling on it I how want he had a sling on how’s he gonna race so the first X so the first couple x-rays he got they couldn’t see what was

Cracked and uh he’s like oh I’m just GNA deal with it like I mean it’s just pain right and um yeah and then he got a CT scan and they could see like the inside where it was crack so that’s why he’s gonna get it fixed and how long are you

Are you out here for a like month or what how long you staying out in Cali yeah I’m gonna go home after A2 okay so and then uh and then my wife’s gonna come to the next two after that so I gotta fly home uh what about our buddy a

He smelled like a brewery on Saturday morning dude you know what’s crazy never came to the truck to see me the only time I saw him was in staging before the main jeez O’Neal guy now he’s in J the ride he’s hanging out withis and I was

Working with a this morning on something O’Neal related really he and guess what let me tell you right now I’ve only experienced him once in this role dude was on it everything I mean he was all over me like he was complaining to me

That I wasn’t on it at his level and he was right he he he was he smell like a brewery on Saturday morning is he the one you’re concerned about is that the is that the friend you were just talking about from the gr I know I know that

That is not the group that is not the friend I was talking about I know you’re talking about uh uh but he’s another one maybe we should start a friend group no he um when it came to doing his job it was way more impressive than his writing

I went through him for the pulpa X Ogo layover bag uh I got I got limited numbers to sell he was very professional throughout the process I mean this guy literally I was emailing him logos today for Jersey placement and he was responding back as the email was coming

In and showing me proofs yeah it was like that good job aay yeah he’s on it he’s really grown up he’s on it um dude Steve do we need to add the to the group chat I feel like now that he’s like not no you guys are a bunch of talkers

Talking about my life behind my back no that’s not the group no no that’s a different group no this is all like well in it well first of all chis I love chis but chis is in it so how can it be a privateer group with chis it’s not

Called the Privateer group anymore it’s called Matthis Island yeah I know but who’s in who’s it I dude I don’t even know is is it is it as active as our fantasy football cuz that one I had to actually put the mute on because it gets

Going too much and then I just come back to it and catch up right the fantasy football one is I would say it’s about the same activity level as a fantasy football one that one’s active yeah that one’s very active mostly Myrtle and you and will okay will three

I’d say yeah yeah there’s some people in there I forget that are in there I’m like oh yeah NES is in the Le he doesn’t say anything the Privateer Islander ones they I have that one on mute because it’s very busy very busy so it’s a lot

Of talking for sure yeah yeah but um I don’t even know I think I think marceli is in it I I don’t even know really yeah yeah he is right Mor is in it Mor doesn’t even talk he’s in it I I don’t know yeah so but

No and there was there was there was a big debate about Benny because Benny’s in it and he’s not a privateer Factory beta Factory beta so we’re not sure about Benny we want to boot him so I we can’t boot Benny he’s an OG yeah uh it’s okay yeah

All right I can’t I can’t be in it I got a bunch of kids in my roster with tricker bikes than any of the guys in your group text I have access to better Parts than all of those guys so n I’m probably not welcome fine hey Kate I got a real one

For you um obviously Life Changes right you you know every year is different and your expectations change I mean you’ve really done a good job for yourself the last few years and just kind of changing from a guy who’s like oh my gosh if I could just make a main to now like

You’re making Anaheim one um a dude that suspended for like a year and that’s righty was got clipped for he didn’t even he was a gear guy that’s right but I I my question is is what’s it feel like now expectation wise for you when you come to Anaheim 1 where in years

Past I mean I know what it was like on certain years to be like God if I could just get in and get some of the money tonight or if I could just make the main but you you put on X that you’re feeling the best you’ve ever have I mean what

What’s the expectation like now being in a place where you can go to A1 in a step here and be a main guy know I I hold myself to a pretty high standard and sometimes people kind of get on me because I I get angry about

It because I I can’t always live up to those expectations but um it’s almost been like a bummer to me this like the last two days because everyone was like so excited for me to like get in this weekend and like to me it’s like like

Yeah I was pumped mostly because I felt like I rode like crap all day and never rode up to my my standard and then like when I made it in I was like yes like that’s that’s how I ride like that’s how I normally you know feel but it was like

A it was almost like like it felt good obviously but a bummer that like it was such a surprise to everybody else and um you know I hold myself to a high standard and I want to be like better than I am like it it irritates me that

You know I was just getting left by chiz and Derek in the main and like I just I felt like I couldn’t hang with them and like that’s that’s what I think about afterwards is like like yeah it’s cool to be in there but like that’s not who I

Am I’m not a get in there and just be there kind of guy I want to be a get in there and fight for you know every spot that I can um but I think that’s part of the reason I’ve been able to improve so

Much is like you know once I once I reach it a step I want to keep going up you know I’m trying to not settle I want to keep improving because I see I see room for improvement in me you know somebody asked me today like how much

Longer I want to keep riding and I’m like well I’ve got this year and next year on my contract but it’s like I don’t see right now at least like me wanting to stop because I’m having so much fun I love the people that I’m around and doing it

With and um you know if I was like you know winning every single weekend yeah maybe I wouldn’t want to keep doing it but like I see room for improvement and I see where I can get better and want to that and I want to give it everything I

Can as often as I can yeah how do you like obviously you know I love the privateers and I support them and and I’m always following them and but there is like in these main events 20 laps is a long or 20 minutes is a long time for

You guys uh for everybody and I know you guys are all working hard but sometimes I feel like all of you guys including you Kade are lumped in you know uh 16 17 18 19 and how do you get into that you know next level of guys like

How do you break through because it does seem there’s a lot of pecking order and we you know because pulp Max fantasy we kind of know what you know we’re looking at the guys finishes and we’re like okay well this is where they finish what what is the secret to breaking through to

That next crust of guys I don’t know man I feel like I’ve been stuck behind chiz forever can you can you figure it out and let me know because there I I mean I think a lot of it is um just being conf like I’ve honestly never been great I made the Mana

A1 uh two years ago um but P portr yeah um but like I’ve never been good like my first or second main of the year and I I don’t like that but I feel like I almost have to get like you know I can go to a 20 minute Moto you know at

So and be within a second the whole Moto like that’s not an issue it’s like getting out there and like having dudes that can honestly just blow my doors off you know like I’m not gonna sit here and say I can go as fast as jet I can’t um

But like to be out there and be like holy crap dude like it’s like a shock to see him Gap you five seconds in one lap and you’re you kind of like lose your focus and then it’s hard to like get back in it um but like getting that main event

Focus back and you know learning how to ride around dudes and learning how to be aggressive when you’re getting lapped and it just it’s that’s that’s such a hard thing um to me and like this weekend I crashed at like eight minutes so then I’m getting lapped yeah all by

Myself so it’s like I’m not battling anybody so like I have to just let everybody byy so then I’m lapped by everybody and it’s like well this is just miserable so then the next 10 minutes is just like the longest 10 minutes of your life because you’re just kind of out there to

Survive um yeah getting lapped is a is a getting laped really your race for sure Daniel you you’ve been there too like it’s tough well it just it confuses the race because now you’re like am I supposed to still race or who’s next like which one’s coming next that’s

Going to interfere with my race too because everyone always wants to pin the or point the finger at the lapper it’s like the lapper is in his own race too and he has to shake his whole his whole night’s over when you get to him because

It gets weird and confusing so some some don’t that’s KN who’s still in front of you right like like if you get lapped you can lose who’s in front of you oh five seconds just real quick yeah yeah and then you’re like wait where’d that guy go and then you lose all motivation

It’s why you latch on to the guy that laps you dude and then sneak by come on k y yeah it’s it’s really tough for sure getting laed yeah yep yeah I was struggling after I crashed to like even focus you know like I said I had a small

Issue in the main with my bike but I was just like struggling to focus and I I can’t remember who lapped me but there was like a big gap behind him and I just like sat on my bike and looked at my front fender and was like okay we’re

Just gon to start over right now and after that I start I literally I I was coasting across the straightaway yeah and as they L me and I’m like okay here we go like just restart and the next like three laps were really good and then I got laed again

So yeah I mean I just you know I got to get back in that flow you know it’s not like I’m you know I I can’t go out there and do 20 minutes and not get lapped right now it’s just it’s not possible and I mean freak I think even Kenny got

Lapped this weekend intense so um it’s it’s tough but I like I said I can I can be better and there’s plenty of room for improvement so that’s kind of what keeps the drive going for me okay well yeah well said uh all right man well hey thank you for calling in appreciate

Appreciate it um I wanted to get you yeah I wanted to get you some time tonight to to to call in in CU you you rode really well so um thanks have you uh have you publicly congratulated marks on his uh fantasy football win I have

Not really sorry to hear about that lost there kid I want to because it wasn’t you know what man if I was gonna lose to somebody in that League I’m glad it was you because you know anybody else in there it would have sucked took out Steve slayed the giant that is Benny

After his uh 11 and two or 12 two gu never played fantasy football in his life and he won thaton I made some good trades mid seon IED that was my first time really you guys will get last and second to last next year oh my God pure luck um no perfect yeah

Fantasy we uh we brought up the bottom this year of our league yeah bad we did although I ended up getting ninth out of 12th in the playoffs so I wasn’t totally I stopped playing at the end did you yeah marks went marks went six and eight

Through the regular season had the last spot in the playoffs and won yeah that’s what I mean fantasy football is it’s all skill it’s it’s a skill based it’s a skill based game he saving his players for the playoffs speaking of that like did we pay did we play for money no

Unfortunately okay I didn’t I didn’t know how that worked Mark is like no yes yeah I didn’t realize people did that yeah the the the the industry idiots one we’re in yeah that’s that’s uh that’s good thing you guys didn’t invite me to that one huh bucks or something sweep it

Up yeah unbelievable Paul runs a tight League sweep it up not with his waiver wire no you’re not a fan of that but I had to like approve paying everybody I they sent me like an approval and I could deny it I could have just said no

Like no but uh no he does it like super overly legit yeah absolutely uh so good job Kade what do you thought what what are you thinking about for San Francisco you’re happy to be going back to did you ever you must have done San FR No Maybe

Not maybe yeah I did Santa Clara so you never did San FR yeah no never did San FR I’m just hoping stadium is R yeah hopefully it doesn’t rain that could I bought a I bought a scooter today on uh on Facebook Marketplace cu the pits are so far away

Yeah where are the pits I don’t know but they told us at track walk they’re like there’s a shuttle from industry parking to the pits because it’s so far holy wow and they’re like you guys need to plan accordingly because it is a long ways

From uh the pits to the track they I think it’s at like a shipyard or something someone shuttle do yeah there’s a shuttle so wow okay good to know that that’s good for the media also to know this so bought a new scooter amped on that um but yeah

I’m glad I I like Oakland stadium and the dirt but I’m glad we’re not going back there yeah I think everybody everybody can relate to that uh good job Kate thank you for calling and keep it up and PMX K clayon thanks buddy thanks boyser see you that’s K clayon everybody

A1 uh ryer maybe maybe the surprise of A1 getting in I I don’t know I mean I you know Dereck Drake really good Rider I think so Derek should be in there and I like kade’s answer and how he wasn’t as thrilled to make it as others were

For him and I think what he maybe isn’t picking up at least why I would be stoked for him is there’s a lot of guys that are really really good in that bubble and some don’t get it that night yeah you know what I mean and for him to

Come out at the first one with the pressure and everyone looking at him you know Hunter to me it was like he should be pretty stoked that through the chaos that is Supercross he got in when other good guys didn’t that’s just the reality there’s a block of them and he was one

Of the better of the block I I agree I think that I think it’s a point uh thanks to the folks at Michelin uh by the way guy at Michelin in uh South Carolina oh that guy my gosh the one thing about South Carolina that’s a struggle is is that guy he’s aggressive

Online it doesn’t stop he is no it’s it’s a lot everything’s a production it’s very aggressive yeah a lot of threats yep too yeah so are you how are you going to respond to this this stuff online the slander against you oh I ignore him okay that’s what

I’ve done for over a year now yep so yep just keep that going I want you all to know that every time he posts about the thing that I stole from him just know that I see the post too and I don’t care okay stuff’s mine now fair enough all

Right so fair enough uh I don’t know if you’re going to get Star Cross sixes with that kind of attitude I’m not getting some tires from Randy for that for sure but I got a ramp and a stand okay Mich uh 4/ motorcycle learn more about the complete

Offering of Michelin motorcycle tires uh Michelin starcross sixes I got these on my blue crew right now 16% more traction when new and up to 19% more traction when worn the uh starcross sixes are much improved over the fives you can even ask Chris ke for that he’s tested

Them and reviewed them as well available in six versions sand mud medium soft medium hard hard versions and these tires are designed to win so whether it’s Star Cross sixes whether it’s mountain bike tires uh even tires for your car anything michelin’s got it uh motorcycle to learn more

About the complete offering of these tires Michelin motorcycle on Instagram and yeah we’ll see what happens down the road between Michelin man and Daniel Blair but I’m I’m I’m keenly tuned to this yeah he’ll let you know Moto money shootout at Pax track you ever been a pack track UHA is I

Almost did though um did you see the video did with Carson Brown and Ken roxon yeah I did that was supposed to be at Pack Track and it poured down rain so like we pivoted that morning and Sh went over to sandbox and pulled it off bar

That was at sandbox we barely pulled that whole thing off oh just cuz of weather I mean we had to stop a couple times and wait and like it was there was moments where we were like hey this might not happen and you only have that

Window too right you the verb guys there you got and then Kenny was a pretty good sport because it obviously went a lot longer than he probably expected but dude he was into it all day and loved it and played into it like 100% into it I

Didn’t watch the 125 video I need to but who was faster uh Kenny was better on the 125 than he was on the5 the Gap got bigger oh did okay yeah Kenny was I mean he was good on the 85 but dude he was actually like pretty psycho Kenny texted

Me about it and I I I just watched it just just just maybe 30 minutes before he texted me and I said wow man like I really thought Carson would beat you on the 80 like and he’s like you don’t have any faith or whatever I’m like dude car

Brown rides him all the time he’s shreds he’s skinnier and lighter than Kenny dude like I thought Carson Brown had him the funny part is is that Kenny was tripping the whole time like he was super and I was like saying stuff to get in his head on purpose I was just

Messing with both that’s my job is to provoke right and he was like watching Carson he’s like ah dude I’m going to like he thought he was going to lose cuz Carson is loose man he is so wild and can pull off so Kenny’s just watching

Him going dude I know I didn’t go that fast but he didn’t realize that he is so so good that he didn’t have to and he was so efficient dude so light on the pegs and him on a 85 is the same as him

On a 450 just not moving as fast he did the same stuff you couldn’t even hear his bike he didn’t know if he was even out there he’s just puring it around I mean he is a phenomenal talent and I you obviously know that but seeing him ride

That little 85 after five minutes you’re just like yeah he’s a he’s a freak we forget where didd you get the 85 from I don’t know where he got it but they they they hyped it up and then I actually saw it was at Anaheim under some truck I don’t know someone

Brought it it made its way here but uh no that was uh one of the r things I’ve done in the off SE Kenny was Kenny was so about it so yeah that’s good yeah of course Carson Brown obviously big part of that team Moto money shootout this is the Wednesday V

Before Daytona Supercross at P trck if you want more info at momoney shootout decom uh please check them out they have a a huge payout for all the classes and uh continency card payouts for amateurs cash payouts for the pros over 100 entry only 100 entries per class check it out

Man you want to make some money you’re a privateer you’re on the road before Daytona go to Pax track Wednesday before Daytona Super Cross um you could do Wednesday Pax track Friday Arena cross Saturday Futures and Sunday rcsx I mean you you could do it if you were just an

A class guy right that’s what that would be a pretty good pretty deal like a young like a young chis yeah just some young a CH out there just there’s your schedule pal Gary where are we going where are we going Gary all right everybody fly the girls in from La boy

That guy would chase the money too oh he would uh let’s uh let’s bring your kid in we doing this yeah let’s bring him in all right Evan fa Evan Evan F Evan fer Evan Blair Evan Blair uh he is uh he’s in studio he was at he was in section

511 with you 511 yeah uh uh come over here yeah you got to grab this headset here level up training facility shirt on and everything he’s been wearing it for four days oh yeah yep um going put that on Yeah there you go what’s up bro what’s up how are you I’m doing pretty good yeah you’re Daniel’s kid you’re in section 5’11 at Anaheim one mhm all right what are your thoughts of Anaheim from up there dude I could see everything it was such a fun experience

Just being out there uh it was awesome most of the time when I get to like watch cuz you’ve been on like before you’ve been down with your dad down on the floor like you’ve got the access all access yeah which that was super cool too experience too but seeing it from up

There was like really really good I got in trouble once for him down there with me oh you Tampa well yeah because it’s okay that he was with me but he was just following me out onto the track for my track report so it’d be like me camera

Guy and then him standing there and they’re like hey he’s got to stay back like by the podium or so that he would just go wherever I would go out on the track he stand next to me I could get I could get that being right yeah you’re

Just you’re just like hey check me out yeah yeah um so hey you’re you’re a racer obviously you’re you’re riding and uh our buddy kefir was at the race this weekend of course he left before the night show but I’m like to him I said to

Him like Hey man does Aiden ever want to come like Aiden’s older than you obviously but uh I’m like Aiden never want he’s like no he he he races he doesn’t want to watch these guys you know he he doesn’t want to doesn’t care about and I’m just like that blew my

Mind because when I was a kid even when I was racing I was all about watching the pros it was it was so where are you at with that like are you are you down with watching Pro races and like okay so more than racing even I love watching the sport especially in

It’s just like great feeling being there and yeah I love it okay so you’re not you’re not that way like get you as many pro races as you can yeah okay oh he goes like I said I got Companion Pass with Southwest yeah so if I’m going he’s

Going just he’s become like carryon right so how’s life in uh in South Carolina for you it’s been going really good you miss NorCal or no I missed parts of it but overall I’m more happy in South Carolina okay and yeah we just have our own training facility now so I

Get to ride there all the time and it’s really awesome so it’s you you like it because of the riding yeah not because of like well yeah just living there with friends too it’s good are you making friends or yeah chicks not yet no no not

Chicks no he kind of had he he had he had one of his SES but oh no she had she she started ghosting him so Hey listen welcome welcome to the hardcore life like early told don’t worry about I said if she’s I said one you’re 13 I wouldn’t

Worry about it at all right now but I said it’s just that’s just one plenty more coming and uh so yeah how’s the riding going like I know you you had some setbacks you’ve been injured a little bit over the years right like it hasn’t been easy for you but yeah you

Healthy now feeling good you’ve been going like what was it now like 3 months of like hardcore training pretty hard yeah yeah and it’s been going really good I’ve been going faster than I ever have okay and I’m kind of outgrowing the bike so pretty soon upgrade listen I

Don’t know anything about kids I don’t have any kids I don’t even really like kids but like I looked how tall you were and I would have said you were tall older than 13 do you know what I mean just from the way you’re I I I don’t

Again I know nothing about children is he tall for 13 I’d say is this normal I don’t know Mark pretty good like don’t ask me dude does anybody know anything about kids well here’s what I’ll tell you he’s average if if you were to put him up against a bunch of 13-year-olds at

School he’s still pretty small okay but for Moto he’s pretty he’s big for his age for Moto well what what’s what’s the birthday where are we at April 5th oh we don’t even have like a January birthday like you know like one of those birthdays that really is good for

Amateur racing good and the funny part is is he’s not even letting on with any truth so he doesn’t race he doesn’t want to race at all he has no interest in racing he just rides Oh I thought you raced no he rides and trains and eats

Right and goes to the gym but he doesn’t race cuz he doesn’t want to race okay yeah but that’s temporary one thing I do know for sure okay 2025 125 SE class I want to race you’re racing okay he’s got this stupid dream he wants to you B it

In my head it was a joke and you bought into it he wants to just super low-key sandbag and then show up at Loretta in the 125 CCL class when he’s overly qualified go one one1 and then never go back again so he could be the only undefeated person there in history I

Like it I don’t I don’t you know what happened to me if all of a sudden they’re like dude this sandbagger kid and which oh it’s Daniel’s kid huh he happens to be here managing like half the brands but his kids down there sand does look bad on you that’s what I told

Him you can’t do that jok around bro yeah should yeah messed up it was a joke and he’s like it’s written on the wall he’s going to sweep that’s 100 okay so yeah you’re not even racing right now I didn’t so yeah you’ll get back into it

We’ll get a 125 soon or what yeah super soon on my birthday it’s birthday in April I mean what are we in January yeah get him get him one now it’s his birthday he has to look forward to it can you can you get him a free bike no I

Have one but he can get it cheaper yeah you get a free bike I have a bike you get a bike I got a bike we saw your crash dude dude that was not good that was not good it was not good at all like cartoon crash I think ever seen this I

Watched it 10 times on I could so bad dud I had to fake the our buddy from pedon had a good time with that dude do you know how many views that video got on Instagram 1.8 million really that’s how many views that video of him yelling

At me has 1.8 million on verbs Instagram I I had no idea who’s getting who’s getting that money you should be getting some of that money verbs I mean the verb guys they they didn’t tell me got one point in I found it myself so I don’t

Know if you were listening earlier you were your phone like all typical kids but there’s a group of us in a text that are a little worried about your dad what about well like you know he was on TV and now he’s in section 5’11 oh no he he

He’s at this track every day with you and the other kids you know it’s sunny it’s raining it’s it’s dirty it’s dusty you know Eddie Ray spraying him with the water truck like you know all this stuff like I mean we’re worried about him but

He say he’s happy so I mean you know do you think he’s happy or do you think yeah like do you think is Mom getting like Mom does it get taken out on her or how things at home no everything’s been better like you know it’s it’s been good

He’s happy out of the track training he likes it I’m happier dude okay swear just blink twice if you’re getting you know if this is like a big you know yeah yeah right right right like like let let us know if daddy’s acted up he’s been actually like

Way worse right that’s what I mean like let us know if this is just you know yeah uh cuz yeah we I mean you know like yeah he was on TV and he was going after that goal and and and yeah life was good and then now he’s in section 5’11 eating

Chicken tendies bad chicken tendies too not even good ones right right so so he’s good your dad’s happy your dad’s good it’s all good okay I’m telling you it ain’t fake dude I’m happier than ever uh who’s your favorite racer do you have one uh Chase 100% Chase yeah okay does

Sex know this have you yeah um Evan had a really bad injury a couple years ago came over a big jump and there was a bike laying there and remember and he landed broke his femur right or something or was that was his first one um but actually sexon facetimed me and

Asked to talk to Evan when he was just coming out of surgery and it was like so awesome I was laying there in the hospital like all beat up barely even like able to process it but it was a I was like Evan um someone wants to talk

To you yeah and it’s like face him he’s like uh what and it’s hey it’s Jay seon like what the hell you were all drugged up yeah I was so confused yeah yeah but no chase called him check in on him was okay yeah that’s great so Chase is your

Favorite guy yeah Chase and like Cooper I’ve always liked Cooper yeah um and then where you at with the Chase’s third at Anaheim one you’re good with that did you like the move to KTM obviously duh obviously duh I liked it it looks sick but yeah I wanted him

To win but I did not like the spotted dog gear no no neither did I noticed that and I was like normally he runs some pretty good stuff but like that was just like yeah normally he’s lit kit I wasn’t so sure I wasn’t so sure on the

Weekend if he was or not what no no yeah I’m just agreeing thinking back I’m like yeah yeah I mean usually a Stars got some pretty and stuff you know so uh you’re a fly athlete are we fly athlet we were until what happened he he

Owns his own Gear Company you know he owns his own Gear Company know I don’t know this no I’m I’m not aware of this so I not a big amateur motor fan you know so I don’t follow it so uh part of him being homeschool with on track we

Told him you know we learned right away that he does have more time during the day CU they they they run a tight schedule and I told him he had to do something other than be a racer you can’t like go to home school to be a

Racer that’s that’s I don’t believe in that um so I said you have to take up something a hobby or start a business and he started thinking about doing a clothing company and then it turned into he was like well I want to wear my own gear of my clothing company and then

Just me wear it oh and I was like sick we can call canvas I can get you your own made GE your gear made whatever yeah and then that turned into ended up he wanted to have his own Gear Company and designed his own gear so he designs it

With canvas they actually print it it’s called stay young and uh I’m not going to lie I’m a fly guy for a long time and JT is a good friend of mine and always sponsored Evan and taken care of him Y and I’m not going to lie it was a very

Scary call when I called him to say hey Evan’s going to do his own gear he’s going in business and we sponsored this kid we sponsored a a little 50 Rider kid and I told JT I said man not only like do we love fly and we respect fly but

You know I want to do this for my son but at the same time we want to stay fly so can we be fly helmet guys whatever and JT not only takes care of Evan and me with helmets and everything but even the little 50 kid that we sponsored he

Fly sponsored that kid too awesome all right look at this EV Blair entrepreneur young businessman well my thought is is that like i’ I’ve done the math like I’m 41 I know how much battery I have left I know that I’m going to end up peing probably right

Around medium Financial that’s that’s my limit okay but if I could get some things going with him young and he turns 18 and turns this into something big then I’ve got I’ve got my safety net the rest of my life which is him and I already and I’ve already told him like

This isn’t going to be something later we talk like I’m telling you now like you’re going to take care of me all the way when we’re done so there’s no confusion so this is this is my my talk with puky because she’s never wanted kids we’re not having kids it’s too it’s

It’s we’re gone we’re done with this Marx’s team no kids too and I’m like hey just I want you to know that like when I’m when we’re 60 and 70 and we’re old and losers no one’s going to be around yeah like no one’s going to be around no

One cares so just FYI yeah I’m not going to have an entrepreneur son with a million dollar Gear Company I and I told him I said I this is the exact house I want this is the truck I want I want to play golf only you never said a kind of

Truck that wasn’t part of the agreement house truck golf unlimited you can walk to the golf course what is um I’m going to ask you this both and put you both on the spot right now what’s the one thing Evan that your dad does that bugs the out of

You um what’s the what’s the worst thing that you’re just like Dad yeah um probably when he’s just like nerding out on his phone and just won’t answer me no matter how much times I talk to him he’ll just out of nowhere get into a phase where he’s just like

Makes me look Mak me look pretty bad but that’s super there’s a lot what’s the face again it’s like and he just won’t pay attention and you’re saying like Hey Dad like my foot’s caught in a rope and Dad I’m on fire and just nothing no nothing nothing

Works no I’ll be like right here he’s just on his phone and I’ll be like Dad Dad Dad not goes at all it’s there’s so much more like that it’s like a it’s like a family problem him and my wife both have the same problem they talk to

Me by talking away from me they’ll be looking the other way they’re like hey babe and I’m on my phone doing something important and then they get mad while they’re talking the other direction see that’s that’s CRA right there okay what what’s one thing that he does that

Drives you crazy uh he’s like CU he’s gotten he’s bigger now right so he’s almost my height and he’s gotten to the point where he’s trying to kind of get physical and step up oh okay like every time I walk by every time I walk by he

Puffs his chest out and like checks me and like hits me and I’m just like being cool but I feel very soon here like yeah a reminder is coming because it’s getting to the point where I’ve warned him now probably five times like stop checking me when I walk by like just

Don’t I don’t I don’t like it and it’s like it’s that stage where he’s getting he’s just getting physical and I’m gonna have to remind soon Daniel as the father of a 14-year-old boy do not hold back let him know sooner than later okay I won’t I give you my blessing I’m waiting

For him to go just far enough so that he knows it’s deserved and the beating shall now commence yeah but no he’s um okay I I reminded him a little bit this weekend too hotel room yeah he let me get like how long was it like 20 seconds

Put my arms behind my back and I got I I let him pin me in any spot he wanted and I and I said you you said go and then once the time ran out 5 seconds he had me pinned in 5 seconds that’s a little

Reminder for you son yeah I wrestled all through High School dude I know stuff I know stuff okay you have no chance do you have uh do you do you have any photos of dad in the house with the cape on on parade lap the what the cape the

Cape that one didn’t make it up on the wall your dad put a cape on for a parade lap once you did yeah thatz that was back when Dad would do anything for money sounds gay that’s super G yeah yeah yeah yeah um all right let’s uh that’s my son

Steve there he is yeah let’s uh let’s uh let’s hang out for the rest of the show and uh we’ll get on the next segment tweet at tit segment let’s do this we interrupt this broadcast to bring you this important bul from it’s the tweets at tits Q segment where

Your twed questions F answers you can call me Peter that’s also fine did you get did you get the bottom of this construction stuff yet no okay the balls in your court great guys you guys have Motorsport people oh I through and through those guys great great guys

Great return policy shipping on everything over 79 bucks OEM and after market parts so if it’s a cheres if it’s worst connection if it’s get data uh if it’s uh Atlas neck brace Maxima whatever it is that we got uh they got and they got great prices and they got great

Availability on it as well uh please check out go through the banner on to help us out and yeah great company great guys uh dedicated team of Gearheads there except for one guy the rest of them are dedicated there’s one Gear Head there that’s not that dedicated I did talk to

Uh shorty this weekend Andrew short yep and he said he called Motorsport and talent answered yeah yeah so surpris he’s there he’s there for everyone but you yeah seems all right these question submitted pulpmx show on the uh on Twitter and uh tits picks the best ones

For Daniel Blair and myself lot of questions this week oh okay yeah I’m not answering all of them but you know a lot of them just so you know first one is from 912 yes plenty of time you don’t have to answer them TI just ask them

Yeah exactly or that yeah thank you you uh dummy uh from Tyson stall for you Daniel with your passion for music and Moto rivaling each other what is your favorite Moto video segment from the 90s Moto food movies also what new band are you listening to these days um what three Social Distortion

Don’t drag me down was a song I think it on steel Roots steel Roots that’s probably my favorite tiits with the ’90s Moto drop that’s probably my favorite individual segment ever um and then as far as a band goes uh there’s a band called I Prevail that that’s all I’ve

Listened to for six months not no one else but them fallowing your reverse that’s literally the only thing that’s played on your phone yeah I just go on YouTube and I just uh if they come in they they make the rotation every once in a while then I move on to a night

Prevail song so no I I’m weird like that I always get a band and I just that’s that’s all I listen to for a period of time are you Blair 45 yeah score for uh from Ryan mcferson for you Daniel again how much stock do you put into the

A class with the Freestone Texas winter series how much do I put in like to a much how much do you pay attention how big of a deal is that to you the Texas winter Series in the a class yes um I hope this isn’t taken the wrong way but

Zero I I don’t know wow well I don’t have any I don’t have any aers Sky really wanted this question answered I don’t have any I don’t have any a Riders on the roster well actually that’s going to be changing but I I I really pay

Attention to the kids I have and then their competitors wherever they may be and there’s not as many that there at least in the kids that I have on the team right now so okay uh next one is from Aiden Irvin general idea question should Anaheim 1 be an East West

Showdown for 250s I imagine Coast would need to be selected before race day make it a team press confence selection thing or something like that but then you get all the 250 guys in the first yeah race I don’t think so radest idea ever but impossible yeah I’m kind of like 5050

Between that cuz I feel like it’s like how like cool Anaheim is how like a banger it is just to show like one side of him and the other guys like when they start off it’s just like oh it’s their turn now there’s no like super big hype

To it do you feel that way Steve yeah like I I Detroit doesn’t feel like Anaheim to me but but but then again I always love the first round of the East to cuz it’s new group so but I I I like to I like to shootouts just uh I don’t

Want first round just let’s let’s not do that East West showdown Triple Crown at Anaheim 1 there we go uh from Matthew do you think the pointing out rule in the 250 class is defeating the purpose of the points structure why or why not defeating the purpose of the point structure I don’t

Understand why that would be what does he mean by the point defeating maybe talking about Lop the odd number of rounds I don’t know it’s not my question I don’t know of course not tits wouldn’t you know um there’s no more pointing out on points you have the only way you get

Out of that class is by winning titles now so no more Point threshold in 250 Super cost anymore the only way you’re getting out of there is by winning titles and apparently you’re not getting out of there being 30 years old with children that that that’s not happening

You’re still allowed to race that so uh next one’s from Jimmy G Daniel is it true that you discovered Julian bman if so can you share the story I didn’t discover him it’s not like that so here here I I’ll give you I’ll make it as quick as possible I saw

Him riding an RM85 back in the day at one of the old Futures remember the old amateur day Sunday Futures things they were doing a couple years back Steve oh yeah yeah so he was there on an 85 and the reason why I remember watching him

Is because I’m a I’m a big riter D guy like I I like ryer d and this kid was like all over him that day and I’d never heard of him um so kind of watched him and thought he was is good and then few

Years later on big bikes oh there he is and he’s like super fast all the time every qualifier he’s like number one whatever so he’d been doing that and I’m watching him I’m like God he’s good but he it was messy a little bit it was it

Was like always problems um and I’ll I’ll man I’ll tell you guys a story we when we lost Dax benick um I was super bummed about that as I’ve gone on record many times saying and we started looking at names and he was one of the names

That got brought up and we actually decided decided not to um because we’d done our research and it was a lot of hot and cold and the the cold was a little bit was unexplainable and we were like man he’s really close but we don’t know and we ended up not doing it

Instead signed two other kids we signed a kid named Wyatt Thurman on an 85 and a kid named Beckham Smith on a 50 that was the the two writers signed in the replacement of Dax Bennett so Juju and I though kept in contact all I mean we

Were talking all in the offseason cuz it was close I mean it almost happened we we almost were able to make a move on him but it didn’t but we stayed contact after Anaheim happened um found out really quickly that he was a privateer and that he was working with Davey and

That there was some conversations with Carlos and that his eyes were on and Ian had watched and then I got the call which was hey do we have room on the team to make this happen and we did because we saved some spot we saved a

Little bit just in case and um it was about a 48 to 72 hour back and forth boom boom boom got him on the bike he ends up loading up driving to Arlington and signed his contract with us in the vehicle driving to Arlington to race the

Bike that he ridden maybe twice at Futures and he had an okay one there he just I think he got fourth and then got to work came back and won the next two won two Motors at lettas got signed a Red Bull KTM and go you just saw what he did at

Anaheim that’s exactly how it happened okay thank you uh next one is from Corey moer uh on the Supercross broadcast they have run out of colors for the little triangles next to each writer’s name to denote the brand of bike they are on why can they not run two color triangles uh

The beta could be red and blue instead of just a shade slightly different than red so you can actually tell a difference that’d be kind of cool sure yeah I don’t know I honestly Moser I don’t think too much about this yeah doesn’t really matter to me get a life the common people

Do get a life all right uh from Vin Diesel what are your thoughts on the SMX Championship number plates yeah sure why not hearkens back to like the camel Supercross days and I kind of like it cuz it’s like more of the stuff like the red number plate is just like

More of that out there so it’s kind of cool so okay uh yeah I think it’s pretty cool I think to anyone who knows especially people from the old days like it’s pretty Rad but I think a lot of new people would be confused okay uh from Shane bordon for both of

You how true could the Degan broken scoid rumors be uh yeah I think so I think you heard something I don’t know why everybody’s so weird about it just because it’s Degan I I don’t know like like it’s she’s just another racer like any other

Racer that gets hurt so I don’t know I I tried to dig around a little bit but I think he’s H yeah yep that’s I had heard but i’ I I’ve heard that from people that I trust as reliable so that’s as far as I know about I don’t know anyone

There but people I trust have saidj he’s injured yeah when did he say that he did it was it before like like how I heard was a while ago yeah a few weeks ago yeah yeah yeah that’s what I was wondering next one’s from Ryan Humphrey is there any chance that NBC or

Feld would ever explore a Manning cast style alternative broadcast not taking shots at the current Booth but man there are for a few former Racers it would be fun to watch weigh in on the races in real time that would be sick could you imagine voto doing a

Man’s in them yeah put him and wmer on one of those together ftic God that be that’ be that would be amazing uh yeah I would think that’d be a you know Qui it down that’ be great great great to watch yeah they have a Spanish broadcast now

In case you didn’t know that oh yeah I was supposed to promote that I I was supposed to talk about that absolutely brilliant idea by way TJ Rios is the color guy who used to race yep and uh the other dude the the the play-by-play

Dude he he gets revved up yeah and he’s he did some uh big time Olympic stuff I guess he’s like a real name in in the Spanish community that is a great idea on Sirus XM radio yeah so cool good moves next one is from Tanner since FIS

Is only getting a limited Factory support from Honda why is the Honda Logo so massive on his jersey well they they got Honda bikes and parts uh they’re Honda support team a does his jersey so yeah yeah it’s not just you know I mean it’s bikes and

Parks and stuff from from Honda so you know that’s what you’re going to run they just want I think on the broadcast they said it was not like a lot of parts it was only a few certain things it’s uh some Break Stuff and triple clamps there

You go yep y from Scott mroy Travis this question is for you oh Travis wake wakey wakey not interested what grade do you give Race Day live coverage of practice from A1 I honestly didn’t watch a lot of uh I was busy answering emails and stuff so uh

Maybe I’ll watch San Francisco and report back okay okay can’t wait uh from Bryce with Chisum again making the main how many does he need to make to get the record that uh Reed holds most Mains I think he was I think he wasn’t I

Don’t think he was even the top 10 the last time I saw it was JT up there it just seems like’s older yeah JT was like 10 well CH did 125s and stuff too um I don’t know we we can look into this but

Okay I don’t think CH is that close no I I I don’t think he’s got a long way to go okay from Shane bordon for both uh St Daniel who do you think will be the first to beat jet in a main event this season Ken

Roxon dude yeah yeah yeah D you thought Ken was going to win the first one I I picked him too right after the the first corner I was like oh I think you’re wrong yeah I was so bummed out no I yeah I mean Shez I mean Cooper’s got me fired

Up too I mean I you you want to go and just scratch Anaheim off as Anaheim and and have a lot of Hope but I don’t want to go as far as Chad but I feel like Jet’s going to win a whole lot of them

And it’s going to be one of those things like when someone does beat him it’s gonna be like oh my God and that that could be like in January so but yeah I’ll go Kenny okay uh from Justin Haley uh ml spoke about Honda giving a warning to MCR has a team

Ever lost OEM support due to one of its writers Antics yeah I don’t know uh mumpy hit Joe on day on Friday like kind of tapped him in a turn and then in the main event he kind of went after him too so mfy clearly doesn’t like schoa I don’t know

What’s going on with that but there was a real how about mpy just the first guy to lead the way in 2024 yeah that was good yeah that was cool first couple laps that heat um no I don’t know I don’t know if teams lost support but I

Mean just things like that add up to eventually where the OEM just goes ah we don’t want to help him the next year you know would you think they would say fire your Rider before they would take support from him no no they would just say hey budget cuts the next year we’re

Not supporting you okay uh next one is from Drew should the Moto Community not be more surprised at the level of Supercross skill that pra has it feels like everyone is just ignoring the fact that he only has a few months of Supercross under his

Belt that is true when I saw him I was like oh wow he’s not doing that good but I always forget like this is his first time I riding super I think it was fine I mean he’s a factory Rider on a great motorcycle with with great teammates

Riding superr every day he’s talented obviously I hope he does better like he gets better I watched him um I watched him at the test track multiple times in the off season and he’s really really good and talented but what you could tell is that it’s still very conscious

For him he’s having to Think Through each part and then Bara shows up and you could tell like he doesn’t think about half of it he just does it and that’s the big difference so I if for anyone that was thinking PR is going to pull

Some kind of a like miracle I I don’t I don’t think they realize the hour meter like there’s none on Supercross for him other than just now and it’s pretty good for what it is but he it it would take him till next year to be something more

Than like just up up in there you know what I mean to take the next step and be able to race a 450 on Supercross that’s a huge step and he needs a whole another year before he’s ready to do that uh chis has 192 Mains Chad is 265 oh God I

Think Chad might actually have a couple more but that was what we could said who’s second behind Chad uho oh that’s right yeah Rock uh from uh Jimmy G Steven Daniel are there any AMA rules allowing the writers to protest over safety concerns could the 450 riders or teams collectively protest Vince

Freeza’s participation as a safety risk no no I don’t believe protesting safety stuff is is an option especially because it wasn’t his fault yeah AMA am is there to do to hand out discipline uh next one is from dark side’s old shovel okay if jet continues to win does this

Hurt the series or improve it I think the core fans are fed up with jet being shoved down our throats his words I think that um Feld would like jet to start dominating and transcend the sport like tiger Jordan those type of guys because then that will get the sport

Onto other platforms because like Gret or whoever he’s amazing the fans and the people in the industry will be like we just want to see a new winner man because I was there for McGrath I I watched the races I was L at the races for McGrath and it got pretty damn

Tiring to see Jeremy winning over and over and over all the time you know I man this one’s pretty hard and they’re gonna they’re going to actually have a pretty tough battle balancing this because I think you’re right I think that they the Lawrence

Group sees them as a as a as a piece of and a and a possibility to push the sport into a new world because obviously that’s where they’re going you could tell by the way they’re doing things with the Rolls-Royce and the opening ceremonies and they’re pushing the brand

Heavy in the mainstream which is like I think good because he can he can do that because he’s so brandable but at the same time this fan base is a blue collar hardworking middle class root for the underdog type fan base and if he starts dominating and it gets annoyingly

Dominant and and you’re going to have a lot of that high-end stuff being pushed all the time I could see the fan base actually having a problem with him like parody as well yeah yeah they do so that’s what I’m saying is it it they’re I think what they’re doing the motives

Are right and I think it’s it’s around building the sport and making us um come across more commercial in a bigger space but if you do that and you forget who the fans are and what they’re like and what they you know what they’re about you you could there could be a

Disconnect there that could backfire are you with me though about Feld wanting him to be bigger than the sport you know like that benefits them yeah yeah I I I think it gives you a singular figure that you can sell to everyone as look at what we have here and he’s

Special right which he is so that’s what I’m saying is I I think that the moves they’re making are in intentionally for the better but they’re going to come with a big gamble with the fans all right uh percentage that Billy laninovich makes a main event this uh

Series dude I want him to so bad 60 he he was how close was he he was 11th in the Heat and lcq he got a garbage start worked his way up but yeah almost de last what the question he’ll get one yeah what the chances you say he gets

One he’s going to get one okay 60% I say yeah I’ll say something about that too about 60 uh from aric nickols for both of you guys at the end of the season which will be more likely after A1 uh web back to Elite level speed or

Tomac not able to bounce back from injury if we have to pick one I’ll go web cuz we’ve seen it yeah mean but a1’s a weird race weird things happen I feel like both you can’t pick both that’s the problem that’s the problem i’ go more and Cooper he’s starting to do really

Good right now and awesome Yep from the lacrosse defense coach uh pra had what looked to be a get RPM launch control looking gauge on his Fender while none of the other eurobikes appear to have it uh do you know anything about it is that a negotiated

Part for him to ride in House part made in Australia Austria not Australia it’s a get it’s a get launch control and uh he uses it in mxgp so he’s comfortable with it so they put it on for super cost Honda guys got it as well um it’s a

Light on your Fender that tells you when you’ve reached the right RPM level that you’re comfortable with so you do you do a bunch of starts you find an RPM level that you’re comfy with they set the launch control light to light up when you’re at that RPM so the rider knows

He’s at the RPM and it enables him to do a perfect start start so jet does this and PR does this yeah yeah okay that’s pretty sick I mean they’re pretty good starters yeah yeah Honda’s been using to get stuff for a while you can get a

Discount on it if you email us email us using the contact form at we pass it on and you can get a discount and get the same get stuff that jet Lawrence and Jorge prto has uh next one’s from Ali Dylan for all of you guys with the Resurgence of Troy

Adamitis on Instagram and his my favorite The Great Outdoors movie the one I’m in yeah that’s my favorite one the one Steve’s in shocking yeah yeah they miked me for a race with Timmy and it was hilarious and fantastic what was this Nick way thing that was on Twitter

In the last week interview semi yeah that was just a a race where he thanked me on the yeah it was amazing was great said Steve matth is tuned YZ250 that’s awesome yeah that’s super Nick uh from Clay Walker do the riders that get in the lead notice when those lights

Come on can they actually see them on the bike I think they can I think they can notice them at the bottom of their eyes yeah I actually I I can’t believe it because when I first saw that I was like what and now I I I don’t know if

I’d be able to watch without I mean coming from 511 where I was on Saturday night without them damn lights I would have had no clue who was winning tendies in your eyes yeah so to be honest that is a good move too like I actually by

Watch the the leader lights the guy in the lead that had the bright lights on his bike did you notice that no not at all never mind didn’t work ption next time 13year old dude didn’t work good enough for me he was on his phone all

Right uh last one is from Aiden Irvin is Nate Thrasher the most dramatic writer Ever After crashing seemed like he was crawling to a tough block like a non veteran missing a leg then he comes back the next week he says jokes all in good

Fun I mean he’s got a point like I thought he was seriously hurt but we you know again we don’t know you don’t know how hard he is you can’t really say like you know is he not did he come out and say they said he’s gonna be back this

Weekend said he’s be fun I thought he was I thought he was um shoulder call like I thought it was more legit I was Bump for the guy but that would be good if he’s back that’s old news right lots of questions and then the guy asks four

Four you know that’s that’s how he rolls on the tweet at tit segment thank you everybody for at the for those uh really appreciate that all right Daniel Blair um San Francisco predictions give it to Me so badly don’t want to pick Jets see what’s already happened he’s run one One race and I already want anyone else in one yeah I’d be fine with literally anybody I’ll go I’ll I’ll live on the Wild Side Kenny Kenny gets his Anaheim one revenge and then 250s RJ does it

Again RJ does it again okay going to do it again I feel like Juju is going to do better in the next one like probably get top five I’d say maybe even in a Podium got six he got six he almost got top five he got didn’t he get like stuffed

Yeah they hit him after the whoops I think yeah um okay who do you got for 457 probably Kenny I want Kenny to get it Kenny or Webb but I don’t think web’s going to get a win all right I’ll go Jet and RJ again I I do think Kenny I said

Kenny earlier but you guys went Kenny so I’ll go that way and we’ll see change it up I’ll change it up if we’re changing it up then I’m going to go web we need to see if I mean look it’s it’s NorCal in January chance it could rain um you

Know and affect things then Kenny I don’t know because in case he stalls it he have to kick it yeah Kickstart K mud so they uh they really like Kickstart Kenny term they really like that a little much but who’s that the announcers oh did you did you watch it

The I haven’t watched the broadcast back yet come on uh when it’s going to get sad what never mind shut up I just I want some some constructive thoughts I honestly I haven’t watched it I haven’t had time I Sunday I was recovering I was a little tipsy on Saturday night so

Sunday was a little bit of a rough recovery and then this morning I worked at KTM super early then went to the track and came here I haven’t watched it yet what track did you go to Elenor Supercross oh dude that track was so SI watch amateurs or uh yeah two my futures

Kids were out there and then um Anderson and bowan and forkner and Hamer were out there oh okay is super cool so H how’s the how’s how’s the main track outdoor track yeah I gotta get out there people liked it people like it does it like a good track from tell say

It’s a good track I mean it’s like Alor so it is what it is but I mean I would I have never driven past I don’t even know where it is I’ve driven to the gate and turned right to Supercross I don’t even know that track right to the left of it

No that’s like a kids track oh cuz I was going to say that looks like a vet track okay yeah well nothing wrong with vet tracks son all right uh Cooper Webb Chad Reed K Kayon Phil nicoletti best interview tonight what’ you think Daniel Son webs is good yeah he’s always good

But he was there was a pep in the step little bit uh you can feel it with him so I like I I I mean it gives me hope because again watching Anaheim you’re we’re looking for for uh hope to combat Jet and web sounds like he’s up for the

Task yeah C’s really a good he good to get on the show the last little while uh I think coming in studio one time a couple years ago he came in studio and he was great and and I think he’s a little more comfortable with just yeah

The media and stuff you know uh what you think best interview marks tonight best guest for you um shoot I’ll go Phil let’s go Uncle Phil yeah I was going to say I didn’t even listen but I I knew I wasn’t yeah like over a year ago he hung

Out with Phil one day and then next thing I know is I’m getting pictures of him my own son flipping me off Phil yeah yeah nice him and Phil Phil taught him to flip me off on camera I teach you I flipped you off before that I don’t like

That Phil I was at Phil’s truck and he’s just literally posing with little children flipping off little and I’m just like S I don’t like it it’s not classy Phil so sorry so uh tits best interview tonight for you what okay moving on just get that construction

Fixed okay yep okay the permit number yeah get the permit number and everything drive drive by and get it for me and let I’ll see what I can do yeah show show me the website that I can complain about too okay yeah yep all that find

Got it uh Evan thanks for coming in man thank you thanks for hang out for yeah no worries thank you uh uh and good luck with the 125 CCL class 2026 title yeah good luck with that yeah that that that’s awesome ridiculous not going to let it happen shouldn’t a joke what’s

That I’m saying he should joke yeah you you brought this on yourself yeah it’s your fault I I guess if life where you make jokes and then your kids take you serious and then act on them make the right jokes yeah there you go uh yeah Daniel thanks for coming in appreciate

It Anaheim one we had really good views tonight marks were saying on the YouTube so that was good people were excited people were excited for Anaheim 1 or they were excited for you I I can’t you you go figure A1 A1 A1 and your guest we’ll get you back in here for sure

Absolutely uh markx thank you appreciate it good job uh thank you to Roto thanks to swis cor thanks to Moser uh thanks to Pooky as well uh tits great work over there thank you all right did we take this phone call or no okay we’re not taking

It okay we’re not taking this phone call uh thanks to our sponsors by the way PEX for all the codes to save with the sponsors uh we appreciate you guys using the codes and uh and yeah I hear great things from a lot of our guys

About you people using the codes to save and use the products and all of that so I really want want to appreciate you guys for doing that and again decal Works fly racing uh presenting sponsors of this popx show next week in Studio D is he Yeah by himself by

Himself you know this dark guy dark side yeah you know thank you Shady huh Shady K loves Dark Side dude me and dark side are tight wow okay be careful around them has Evan heard the intro no should we let’s do It oh that’s Damon Brad’s bike I just up that’s that’s that’s your guy right there that’s your guy the guy that you’re tight with crashing bikes don’t let don’t let that change your opinion of him at all though no did you know he used to have a

Ponytail yeah you knew that yeah a greasy bandana and a big ponytail I thought he still had it no a that thing was awesome Steve Steve saved his life I did kids nowadays that thing was awesome I don’t what’s wrong with kids a lot Jesus it was only cool on him what’s

That it was only cool on him anyone else couldn’t rock it oh wow no it was not sir yes it was uh all right everybody thank you for listening thanks to our guests Cooper web Phil Niti K Kayon uh Chad Reed as well and like I said next

Week Dark Side dark for Daniel Blair I’m Steve matys see you next week might have came the earliest he’s ever ever come there’s something I want to get off my chest and it’s about that summer when you went away to Community College I got an offer to do play Girl

Magazine and I did it I did a full spread for play Girl magazine and I mean spread man I pulled my butt apart and stuff and I was totally nude and it was weird I I mean you probably didn’t hear about it cuz I went under the name of Mike honcho but I

Just wanted you to know that if you could hear me if it got into your brain somehow that I I spread my butt cheeks as Mike [Applause] Honcho I am the sword inside your flame I will bound to play your games destroy me defeat me and melt me down you cast me complete me I’m sure now


  1. I'm a fan of jett, but I think the broadcast team arnt doing them any favors it feels like all they talk about is lawrence brothers ,

  2. Absolutely loved the Cooper Webb segment and I am thrilled that he is back and is getting some of the attention that a two time champ deserved before SX started. Coop's comment about the start is spot on, in Jett vrs the rest it is going to boil down to the start gate. If the rest cant or don't start with or ahead of Jett it is going to be "tall order" to win a championship this year.

  3. Lol. The experts totally ignore the fact Friese FRIESED Wilson and DNF’d…which was totally his own fault 100%. Keep up the great work!

  4. Why is no one hammering chase right now? He can cry and blame the Honda for 2 years, “I can’t ride that bike, I gotta be on KTM”. He goes to KTM, and now he’s unhappy with the bike. This is what he wanted and now he’s crying about it.

  5. Great show! Phil needs to be a comedian, better than 98% of them. Had us laughing the whole time.

  6. I could be wrong but didn't Chad recently go off on social media when his bike caused him to crash at wsx? Said something like in this day and age this shouldn't happen?

  7. For the next 10+ years it will be the Jett show. He is just to good. No one will beat him. 450's is kinda boring already as you know who is going to win, not a stacked class, one super fast guy and a few guys fighting for 2nd and 3rd in the distance

  8. The amount of soybois crying about Vince is unreal. Y’all will do anything to hate on Vince. Hunter clearly took himself out, Stewart caused the pile up, dean crybaby Wilson, left himself wide open knowing Vince was behind him.

  9. I don’t care who it is, I just wanna see someone run with and challenge Jett. I’m really hoping Jett doesn’t make the racing boring for the next 8-10 years.

  10. Steve, if you’re genuinely concerned with the state of mind of a friend, would you really ask them on your podcast?? WTF!!

  11. little Blair sounds like a natural on the mic. fun convo at the end. cheers to the new year guys! edit: spotted dog? I thought it was a cow. 😄

  12. When Cade is done racing he needs to come race downhill with Downhill Southeast. I was so stoked to see him race some of the series

  13. I enjoyed the CW about Jett. The approach and expectations were very honest and humble. One thing that Jett has not yet been tested on is going to war against someone as mentally strong as Coop, who is famous for his mental toughness. The season will be interesting

  14. Why is Daniel Blair not in the box? Weege is great but he doesn't have the supercross spark that Daniel does.

  15. I'm glad JT said he loves Steve. I'm too invested in their relationship at this point for them to be on bad terms. Love the man love.

  16. I actually figured out how Jett rides square to the bike and I can do it. Hit me up if you are a pro in the industry. This added (no bullshit) 25% more to turns.

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