Golf Babe

2 Hours Of TRUE Terrifying Park Ranger Horror Stories (Dogman, Sasquatch, Wendigo,Deep Woods,Creepy)

2 Hours Of TRUE Terrifying Park Ranger Horror Stories (Dogman, Sasquatch, Wendigo, Deep Woods,Creepy)


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Howdy, y’all, we’llI tell y’all true horror stories that’ll make you shiver in your boots! I tell y’all bone-chilling tales, strange and weird encounters, and all things that’ll make your skin crawl!

So, buckle up, yall! It’s gonna be a wild ride!

Our daily upload schedule (may vary):

Monday – Navy Seal/Special Forces/Missing Person/Military Horror Stories
Tuesday – Deep Woods/Camping/Park Ranger Horror Stories
Wednesday – Hiking/Camping/Forest/Hunting Horror Stories
Thursday -Creature Encounter (Dogman, Werewolves, Bigfoot, Sasquatch)/Trucker Horror Stories
Friday – Cryptid Sightings (Skinwalker,Wendigo,) /National Park Horror Stories
Saturday-Sunday – 3 hours of Horror Stories (Compilation)

Old Hillbilly Horror is a channel focused on narrating and finding true scary stories and true horror stories. Our team writes and narrates scary stories that are mostly about deep woods, park rangers, cryptid encounters,creature sightings and national park horror experiences.

#scarystories #parkranger #creepystories

Hello dear hillbilly horror fans I just want you to say happy holidays Merry Christmas and happy New Year thank you for being with me throughout last year I have big plans for 2024 last year I was on an outward-bound trip in the Rockies on a 14-day expedition in case you guys aren’t hipped to the outward-bound course there is a about 3/4 the way through the trip which is pretty much you’re in your own area out of ey shot and hearing range of

Other group members for a set amount of time this Expedition had a two-day one so on day 11 or so we stopped to do ours mind you this is a 9-day hike from the closest base camp and we went about a mile off the rugged Trail we were taking

To set up I woke up on the second day of the solo and looked out of my tarp and saw a guy about 20 ft away in a solid cherry red hoodie with the hood drawrings fully pulled so his face was entirely covered I figured this was one

Of the instructors because they go around sometime on the second day to check on us so I waved at him and smiled he then took off uphill and I lost sight in the trees come the next day when we are all back and talking about it I

Asked which of the instructors had the red hoodie turns out neither of them did there was a man 10,000 ft up a mountain in in the middle of the woods who walked by me sleeping in a tent it had potential to go pretty Aai not my story but one my family has shared with me as they are close with one of our fellow reservation officers my uncle a police officer on the naaja reservation was out in his squad car patrolling the area when he comes across something moving in the shadows of the

Mesa he slow slow down to get a better look at what was out during Patrol hours and what emerged from the Shadows was not any kind of animal my family has seen before it stood on its hind legs just like a man but its body resembled

That of a canine it had long arms that dragged along the ground as it walked towards my uncle’s Patrol vehicle the strangest part about this creature were its eyes they were just these large yellow orbs and they glowed in the complete darkness with no additional light sources around my uncle described

These orbs similar to headlights while looking at them headon at first he thought he might have come across some sort of demon so he quickly checked his weapons firing at this creature the gunfire did nothing to stop this thing’s progression it continued its steady March towards my uncle unfazed by blunt

Force or loss of blood it took several more shots until the creature slumped over and disappeared from view in a cloud of dust my uncle got out of his car cautiously gun drawn but could find no sign of the thing he had tried to kill only some

Large canine tracks leading back up onto the Mesa where it stood before continuing into a cave that supposedly had been closed off for safety reasons due to a large rock slide decades ago he continued to search but found nothing the next day my uncle went back to the

Area and noticed a small patch of gravel where he had shot this creature the only explanation for this is that the thing dragged out the rocks from its chest and took them back with it to its den in order to use these rocks to somehow

Patch itself up as of now my uncle has since been suspended from his job for misconduct and due to firing his weapon without authorization while on duty he claims he saw a skin walker and I believe him especially after what happened in New Mexico even if there

Isn’t much we can do about it now they’re practically extinct if you read this please help us by getting rid of all these things before everybody starts trying to go out and find these things themselves the world needs much less of these creatures not more of

Them as soon as I turned 18 my parents demanded that I got a job when 3 months passed I was still unemployed they went out and did it for me I got hired at my family’s Ranger business business supplied places with Rangers and we’d go out and protect the park for however

Long the Rangers owners could pay I started in early winter I was cold all the time the job I was working at did not start until about 9: at night or at least my shift didn’t I had to work until 9 in the morning 12 hours 5 days a

Week the pay was all right it was my first day at a new park a ski resort and they had hired Rangers to act as security we weren’t really as qualified but my family didn’t have the greatest moral compass so to speak I started my shift I

Talked with a little guy at the front and said it was slow not much happening I was glad to hear this sitting inside and doing nothing for 12 hours that’s what I’d normally be doing anyway I went inside and met the guy I’d be working with we’ll call him Freddy he was

Reading the paper and drinking coffee first day he asked well I never worked at this place before but I’ve been working with Tony for quite a while it’s a good business I trust him he responded with a little chuckle and went back to sipping his coffee nothing happened for

A couple of hours we sat back and relaxed talked about our lives and even got into a funny conversation about my uncle about 3 hours in we heard a loud banging at the door Freddy got up to open it there was nothing there side from a trail in the snow leading to the

Door there wasn’t much we could think about it maybe a bird or an animal and I don’t know Freddy said getting back to his seat I thought it was a bit weird for a bird to slam into the door fast enough to make a bang that loud and

Still somehow get back up and walk out of sight I didn’t say anything I just Shrugged whatever after even more sitting and talking Freddy got up and said that he was going to go use the bathroom he joking asked if I could hold down the fort then went outside to use the

Restroom I leaned back in my chair quietly singing a Billy Joel song that had been stuck in my head when Freddy basically kicked the door in holding his hand it was cut up and bleeding badly I did not think to ask questions so I shot up ran to the first aid cabinet grabbed

The wrap and put it around his arm what happened out there I’d asked him he looked at my eyes and opened his mouth there was another super loud bang on the door I rushed to the door and locked it I didn’t know what was out there but I did not feel like waiting

For it to realize the door was open Freddy was screaming in pain I wrapped his wounds but it wouldn’t keep up forever I went over to the phone I picked it up it called an ambulance I explained that something attacked my coworker they asked what I told them I

Don’t know and they gave me a half ass we’ll send somebody and I hung up they asked to stay on the line with them but I didn’t see how that would stop Freddy from bleeding out Freddy slumped down leaning against the table in the room I slapped his face

Slightly to keep him awake Freddy who did this he cleaned his eyes and couldn’t be bothered to keep his head anymore he was out his cut was worse than I thought and the ambulance needed to come very quickly as I put a blanket on him another loud bang at the window

Made me jump I looked back and there was a bloody hand on the window it was a man and he was begging to be let in I ran over to the door and unlocked it I went to the side where he was at and I didn’t

See him did he run around I looked down and my jaw dropped right where he was standing was a trail of blood in the snow going around the wall I broke out of my shock turning the corner and there were the culprits and just one wolf but

I I knew he wasn’t the only one there we both stood there looking at each other he snarled and I gulped I knew the time it took me to get to the door was a lot less than it took him to get to me I

Didn’t want to risk it just in case I kept standing there he took a step back maybe he’s leaving I thought to calm myself down but he did not leave he took a step back and howled and knowing what was coming I ran to the door he stopped

He lunged biting into the Flesh of My Leg I screamed out in pain but at least he wasn’t calling the others back or so I thought he started to tear flesh and I foolishly attempted to shake him off he was on their tight ripping I tried to

Push him off but his teeth only sunk in deeper now I’d put my right hand between my leg and the roof of his mouth crying his teeth I limped inside slamming the door shut I could see him these loud bone noises popping and seeing him now

Stand up on two legs looking at me through the door how I was lucky I had survived I wasn’t sure what to do I was bleeding out pretty bad and the only gun I had was in my jeep that was left outside that’s when I saw more of these

Things they were upright walking wolves and they were pacing around this place moving back and forth looking in the windows waiting for one of us to come out I sat there next to Freddy holding him holding myself trying to keep myself conscious I was bleeding pretty bad and

These things were out there I counted at least three of them three of the largest wolves I’d ever seen in my life what was going on as I remember things starting to fade I couldn’t tell you what happened next but the door burst open and several EMTs rushed in attending to

Myself and Freddy they loaded me up on a stretcher threw me in the ambulance and the next thing I know I’m being patched up after this I never heard from Freddy again and I was quickly removed from that location and reassigned to a different one altogether I was told

Nothing I was not allowed to ask questions and even now I live with a nightmare a nightmare of strange violent wolves and had I not made it back inside I would have been torn to pieces this wasn’t necessarily a lot of time but I was in solitude and it was at Sea

When I was 23 I was a dock hand for a boat rental Club I bought myself a 27 ft Catalina sailboat and lived on it at the docks for about a year while I worked for the boat club I would often get toasted on 101 proof peppermint schnaps

And go joy sailing late at night on the Chesapeake Bay for kicks my main sail tiers and my Atomic 4 engine breaks down I drift out of the channel drop anchor plug in my backup batteries for power for my anchor light and bed down in my forward birth to wait until morning for

One of my co-workers to tow me back in I’m about a mile offshore well out of the channel in about 60 ft of open water when I hear a rhythmic thuing on my Hull beneath me it was like someone was doing a semi fast snare roll with closed fists

Against my Hull there was nothing in my head that I could figure figure could make that noise happen besides someone diving under by boat and literally beating on it I went topside with my flashlight to investigate and couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary and the

Sound continued on and off for about 15 minutes then stopped it was a calm night with nearly no wind or waves at this point and I visually couldn’t see what could have been making the noise it came from midship so it couldn’t be the motor being weird or something and I checked

My bges for any anomalies and couldn’t find any it left me pretty shaken up because I just couldn’t figure what could make that sound as loudly and as precisely as it was I could feel the bumps hitting against the fiberglass hole I eventually got back to sleep and

Made it back to the docks next morning I dove on my boat that day to check for anything a miss and didn’t find anything off needless to say that was the last time I went out alone at night a few years ago I was traveling in Northern India with my girlfriend at the

Time being young and stupid we decided to hike up a nearby Mountain without really doing any research on the area or how long it would take it was an amazing hike we met locals along the way who gave us chai tea climbed up through thick Misty cloud forest and we even

Joined by a friendly stray dog who traveled with us until we reached the top which was like a kind of grassy Plateau there were a few other tourists spaced out in tents some other cute stray dogs classic India and a local guy who was serving food now thank f for

This local guy because we didn’t have a tent and it was dark we foolishly thought we could hike back in the same day anyway we borrowed this guy’s spare tent it was a one person tent so super tight for two and make cap 30m away from everyone to have privacy

We were asleep for maybe an hour then suddenly awoke to this really low deep growl right at my face it was a stray dog outside the tent then more growls at our feet we were surrounded by these Strays that only hours before we were playing with happily every single noise

Or slight movement we made in this tiny tent would be met with deafening barking more growling and you could see faint Shadows through the fabric some of the dogs were even leaning against the tent testing it I punched a few through the fabric to scare them but nothing worked

We ended up not saying a word my girlfriend was crying silently holding our breath for fear of provoking them and staying perfectly still the whole night it was terrifying we knew we would be killed by them when the sun came up we couldn’t hear anything after

Listening for ages I man up and took a peek outside the tent no dogs to be seen I crawled out on my hands and knees KN and suddenly a dog came running up to my face and started licking me it was friendly as it was yesterday I walked up

To the local guy who gave us the tent to tell him what a mess night we had and these dogs are crazy he goes and I’ll never forget his face oh they were protecting you there are snow leopards and sloth bears up here that have been

Known to kill locals every now and then I went back to the tent and sure enough there amongst the dog Paul Prince were what looked like something much bigger by far the most scared I’ve ever been in my life when I was around 14 or 15 I went

With my cousin and brother to go check out some land my cousin’s friend’s family bought to fish on the land was a good few acres and located right next to their very large Suburban neighborhood in Georgia all you had to do was pull onto a curb in the neighborhood and take

A small dirt path across a lake and after a small turn the path ran about a mile in a straight line down the middle of the property to a larger Lake when we went we took a golf cart since nobody wanted to walk and pulled onto the property after taking the small left

Turn onto the main path we all just froze walking towards us at the opposite end of the path there was a man with a jacket and ski mask on we all saw him he wasn’t holding any he wasn’t running and he wasn’t speaking we stopped the golf

Cart but we couldn’t turn around on the path since it was so thin and there was foliage to both sides of us the person was still at least half a mile down the path just walking but we were all still terrified also it didn’t help that the

Oldest in our group was 16 and the driver was 12 despite being young however my cousin put the golf cart into reverse which makes the loudest high-pitch wine ever and revers the entire quarter mile pedal to the metal which is still pathetically slow in an electric golf cart when we told his

Parents all of the adults came out with us and looked all over as well as set up two plot Watchers they had to see if they spotted anything there was nothing on the cameras and they have still never seen anyone in those woods since then despite hunting there all the

Time I grew up in the late ’90s early 2000s I spent a lot of time outside and I loved all animals including bugs frogs and lizards Etc my little brother played a lot of sports so on weekends I was always dragged to his games and after school I often had to attend his

Practices it was soccer season and I had to go with my mom to one of my brother’s soccer practices after school on this day I was probably f8 or 9 at the time it was at a local park surrounded by some Wilderness and some hiking trails I

Like this park because off to the side of the soccer fields was a creek with frogs and stuff I’d love to go over there and look at them and try to catch them Etc it was evening time and the sun was setting but there was still plenty

Of light left I told my mom I was going to go down to the creek to catch frogs it was down the hill slightly from the fields and obscured by some bushes and shrubs but there was a clear dirt Trail that ran alongside the creek so I

Scurried on down there and was carefully studying the creek looking for frogs when suddenly a man’s voice startles me what you looking for I look up and see a middle-aged man dressed in typical Office business wear button-up shirt slacks dress shoes he was standing on the trail blocking my route back up to

The soccer fields looking at me and smiling I was a shy and cautious child so I just looked at the man and did didn’t reply at first my Spidey senses were already tingling and I remember feeling nervous and uneasy I sometimes saw hikers on the trail by the creek but

His outfit and appearance told me this wasn’t a hiker he then asked me are you looking for butterflies I saw some down there as he points further down the trail away from the soccer fields I just said no and started looking around at what my options were I felt the need to

Get out of there fast but as I mentioned he was standing on the trail which was my route back to the fields there were thick bushes on the hillside between the trail and where the fields were I started making my way up the rocks to the side of the creek

Towards the trail further down from where he stood and to my alarm he started moving down the trail toward me need some help he said I was now starting to panic although nothing had happened and he seemed friendly it just felt wrong to me I just got stranger

Danger Vibes I remember feeling a burst of adrenaline and fear I shouted no and booked it up the Rocks across the trail and crashed my way through the bushes towards the soccer fields I remember the branches scratching me but I didn’t care I literally scrambled my way through

Them till I came up to the fields and then sprinted over to where my my mom was watching my brother’s practice I probably looked like hell so she of course asked what the heck happened and I told her I felt like she thought I was just being paranoid though I’ll never

Know if this guy posed a real threat or not he could have been just getting some fresh air on his way home from work who knows I just know it felt creepy at the time 5 years ago I found myself deep within the salmon Huckleberry Wilderness

18 air miles east of estica Oregon it was a place of raw Beauty Beauty it was a moonlet night my hiking Companions and I had set up camp near a pristine Lake eager to spend the night Under The Starry Sky the atmosphere was filled with laughter and excitement as we

Exchanged stories around the crackling campfire however as the night grew darker an eerie silence fell upon the forest suddenly piercing screams tore through the Stillness jolting us from our conversations the chilling sound seemed to originate from the part of the Wilderness carrying an otherworldly quality that sent shivers down our

Spines fear gripped us as we scrambled to pack our belongings Panic spread like wildfire and one man overcome by Terror lost control and wet his pants we were desperate to escape the clutches of whatever creature or force was responsible for those blood curdling screams with trembling legs we began our

Hasty Retreat stumbling through the underbrush and over Fallen logs adrenaline coursed through my veins pushing me forward despite the exhaustion that weighed heavy on my limbs the air hung heavy with tension and the pungent scent of fear as we made our way through the darkness a swarm of

Bats suddenly erupted from the forest canopy chaos ensued and one of the creatures became entangled in the hair of the man closest to me his panicked cries mingled with the flapping wings of the bat creating a cacophony of Terror it was a moment of sheer Terror amplifying the already unsettling

Atmosphere surrounding us seeking safety and Solace we pressed on desperately hoping to leave the haunted Echoes of the Banshee screams behind our path led us through an area enveloped in a putrid odor a stench that defied description it was as if the very essence of fear and Decay had taken physical form assaulting

Our senses and leaving us gasping for fresh air eventually we emerged from the depths of that haunted night stumbling into the dim light of dawn exhausted and shaken we collapsed onto the forest floor grateful to have escaped whatever malevolent presence had haunted our Wilderness Retreat my cousin and I were on our

Second elk hunt it was rifle season in the Oregon Cascades we had been hunting hard and were pretty much exhausted from hiking and trying to locate elk we decided that we would hit up a small Valley that everyone else was avoiding due to terrain and vegetation beginning of our backpack

Hunting we left camp at 3:00 a.m. and set out to a point that overlooked a corner of an old burn that had a small river flowing through the bottom after a couple hours of fighting with roted endons we came out to the burn and shortly after we got to our destination

About noon we were deciding that no animals existed in the area and were about to leave one I just happened to glance over at a patch of blowdown and saw a nice 5×5 stand up I blurted out bull thankfully he was far enough away that I didn’t spook him after a while of

Trying to decide what to do we got close enough or so I thought for a reasonable shot I missed twice after a few minutes of looking around he trotted down to a meadow that was significantly deeper into the burn and Valley we decided to

Get closer and try again we made it to a little Hill that looked over the meadow but were running out of light and the wind was all wrong by this point the bull and his small herd had bedded down just off to the side of the meadow we

Were around 4 to 5 miles from the camp and had some really gnarly terrain to get through I figured we probably wouldn’t get another chance at the bull if we left and thought the herd might stay and come back out to feed in the morning we went to the back side of the

Little Hill and made a half ass shelter with rocks and sticks I made a small fire and we went to sleep I awoke in the middle of the night to my phone vibrating it was a message from my wife on my garment she said that she

Hoped we were able to make it back to the truck because the weather forecast called for 3 feet of snow in the higher elevations of the Cascades I was thinking about how crappy the situation had become when I started hearing strange sounds coming from the bottom of

The hill down by the water it sounded like a mix of laughter and crying with some noises almost sounding metallic think Rusty Gate hinges I woke my cousin up and he was just as disturbed by it as I was we stayed silent and just listened it was downright creepy and lasted until

Around 4m. needless to say we didn’t sleep we did see the elk again but didn’t take a shot because of the upcoming storm never figured out what the noise was either my story starts about 25 years ago 17 years old I used to take a shortcut through the woods Freeport Long Island

New York and heading towards the shortcut I’d say maybe about 12 blocks I had to go through like a marshy swamp area about 100 yards in it’s dark it’s in the back of an old railroad station no lit light you could barely see you could barely see 20 20 or 30 yard about

100 yards in there I had to follow a trail along a fence I had to sit down to smoke a cigarette I’m sitting there 17 years old I’m not scared of much especially growing up in New York all kinds of surprises until after this experience so out in the marsh I’m

Sitting down and out in the marsh I hear some dog tags you know clanking together I didn’t think much of it there are a lot of dogs out there goofing off and as I sat there the chains just started coming closer the tags were clinking and clanking and started coming closer so

I’m thinking a dog’s on its way no big deal no need for alarm as my ears I couldn’t really see to my left was a creek that came out of a pipe that came from under the property it wrapped around in front of me to about a 10 or

12 yard drop to the creek the Creek’s about 10 yard and a sand Bank on the other side then there’s some type of marshy small trees and then you could see maybe 10 or 20 yards past the creek those clanking sounds are coming closer and closer my ears are telling me that

It should be visible soon should be coming into my range and I still thought it was a dog so I’m expecting to hear a little critter you know coming through the grass and the leaves and whatnot and I hear two footsteps I hear something with two footsteps Thump Thump and it’s

Coming towards me not a French poodle not a German Shepherd two distinct footsteps coming through and you can hear the grass and the walking and the dog chains are still clinking clinking that’s about when my alarm bell went off I’m thinking okay this is a problem

There’s no way you can think this is anything but a problem something’s wrong and my ears are telling me that I ought to be able to see this thing and it should be right there on the other side of the creek this kind of just dragged

On for about 20 minutes it didn’t just walk up I’m thinking serial killer I’m thinking something I didn’t know just bad and I was ready to go because I should have seen it my ears are telling me it should be there but I couldn’t see it and I’m looking around trying to

Figure should I go back to the right or should I go to the left and I’m in New York so it’s not always a friendly place and I’m out in the middle of this swamp and you can’t see that good to get to the back street of the neighborhood I

Was heading to I had to make a left about 10 yard go across the pipe to the right go another 25 yds then up the side of the Hill it brings me to the Dead End Street straight up there to the neighborhood and I have about 30 more

Blocks to my house and the trail on the other side went away from the creek so whatever would have been done there on that bank would have had a 30 yard trip to where it was and I had a 30 yard trip to where it was so I got up and bolted I

Figured I’d beat it I hang to the left run to the right and I’m in full Sprint I’m the athletic type I’m 6’2 and just where I got to the point where I would go up this hill a 10 or 12T Shadow with red be eyes stepped up from the bank and

Was standing right there 10 or 12 ft huge it had horns I froze it had horns just an outline it was as dark as dark could be all all you could see is dark all you see was an outline looking into this creature it was as dark as night

Red beady eyes Beady not just glowing eyes red beady eyes and I froze I was just stuck and I don’t know how long I was there I stood there contemplating some kind of communication coming at me like stepping to me or something I didn’t know but I didn’t want to touch

It so I did what any red-blooded 17-year-old would do in this situation I turned around and I ran and I ran and I didn’t stop running I ran all the way home this was like 40 blocks you know this was like 2 miles I came home sweating huffing my parents kind of

Looked at me odd I was well raised you know yes sir no sir no man Catholic boy I was in an almost shock I couldn’t explain to them what happened I didn’t dare they would have Comm committed me they would have sent me to private school or something I told one person in

My life I grew up in Catholic schools and I tried to tell my priest Belle asks what he thought the creature was it was just a definition to figure out that life wasn’t what I had figured out at that point it was something that alienated me from what I considered

Normal I was in the US Air Force 196 2970 and volunteered to go to Vietnam in 1965 I got orders to go to NH Trang but when I arrived in Saigon I was instead sent to Thailand and ended up at udorn rtafb which in the north close to the

Border of La it was a small base with just a couple of hundred Personnel we didn’t even have any Jets just prop planes a couple of months after my arrival the base started really ramping up they built a whole new new Barracks area and more Personnel started arriving

I was an Electronics Tech in the communications service we had a tiny C center next to the runway there were four vans with crypto gear parked next to each other with a quanset hut for the teletype machines centered on the Vans there was a hooch we used as the shop

And a couple of others for the radios and other Comm equipment we had wooden pallets laid out for sidewalks as it got pretty muddy during monsoon season at the end of one walkway we had a water buffalo a big water tank on wheels that held our drinking water during night

Shift it was the newest guy’s job to make coffee for everyone in a big ear you’d carry the ear out to the water buffalo fill it bring it back and do your thing so one night this had to be an early 67 as we were already living in

The new Barracks but the new Comm Center wasn’t completed yet the new guy hauled the earn out to make coffee after a while somebody noticed he hadn’t returned and went looking for him he found the IR laying on the ground by the water buffalo but no sign of the irman

We went on alert the base was locked down and a big search started he was gone naturally we all assumed he had been snatched by the path at Lao lao’s version of the vietcom what we couldn’t figure out was how they could have penetrated into the

Center of the base and why grab an 18-year-old Airman third class teletype operator due to the treaty with Thailand we couldn’t carry arms so it was up to the air police to tighten up security we were pretty spooked probably a good thing we didn’t have guns haha so 3 days

Later I was in my Hooch and a guy came running and saying they found the missing guy they found him on the ground right next to the water buffalo now the missing guy’s Hooch was right next to mine so I went in there a minute later

He came in escorted by an a and started grabbing his stuff and throwing it in his duffel bag I asked him what happened and he said I’ve been ordered not to talk about it so I asked him where he was going and he said to Japan the app was very uncomfortable and

Told me not to talk to him so I shut up I looked him over as he packed and could see he was in fine shape he was clean and all I could see wrong were three or four scratches on his cheek he finished up said bye and off they went we never

Saw him again and never heard anything else about the matter we all Shrugged our shoulders and figured the path at La weren’t the type that beat up their captives we couldn’t figure how they penetrated the base twice though we figured it was just to intimidate us and

Things just went back to normal I was happy when we got moved into the new calm Center and away from that spooky spot by the runway so years later in the ’90s I was watching a TV show about alien abductions and they said something about the victims having skin samples

Scooped out of their cheeks I suddenly flashed back to that event and remembered the marks on that airman’s face could it have been I’ve been fishing in Alaska for the last six Summers with my dad never seen anything unexplainable but have been creeped out a few times a lot of it

Comes from lack of sleep since we were out there for up to 60 hours at a time with no more than 4 hours between every time we put the net out anyway here’s a few things I was on Deck by myself late at night and a tree wrapped in ball kelp

Got pulled on looked like some kind of giant squid we’ve had a 600lb shark caught in our net that was scary caught two porpuses at once they had already drowned when we got to them not so much creepy as it was startling then it was just sad

Found two oil drum siiz pieces of Styrofoam about 300 yd away from each other we figured they were tsunami debris from the one that hit Japan in 2011 interesting that they would stay so close together for so far found an acoustic guitar in its case floating

Near a beach the strings had rusted away but the body was in good shape really the weirdest things are in my own head I’ll have waking dreams where I can’t move or something very dangerous is happening I sometimes wake up completely disoriented and nervous which makes working hard I should probably stop

Fishing 3 months ago my wife and I decided to take a drive up Mary’s Peak Road in Oregon we were excited to explore the highest mountain in the state’s Coast Range towering at 4097 ft the weather was crisp and cool with with plenty of snow still covering the peak

In mid April as we were coming down the mountain around 4:30 p.m. we spotted a beautiful waterfall surrounded by wild flowers the site was too enchanting to pass up so we decided to stop and take in the view I remember stepping out of the car the chilly air nipping at my

Exposed Skin and feeling a sudden inexplicable sensation it was as if the hair on my neck stood on end and for a moment time itself seemed to free breze just then I heard a faint Tink Tink on the ground followed by a flash past the car window startled I looked down and

Saw an old rusty dented blue 2B coffee K lying near us it looked like it was from a brand I recognized maybe Maxwell if I had been standing outside at that moment it would have hit me the Sudden Impact and the strangeness of the object made

My heart race with fear panicked my wife and I immediately got back in the car and prepared to leave as I glanced back towards the road I caught a glimpse of a tall blurry reddish brown figure standing about 200 ft away just beyond the guardrail my mind raced trying to

Make sense of what I was seeing was it just a tree or could it have been something more I’ve always been fascinated by the stories of Bigfoot and have read extensively about the illusive creature although I couldn’t be sure the figure I saw that day bore a striking resemblance to the descriptions I’ve

Come across in my research I’ve heard accounts of Bigfoot throwing objects to scare away Intruders and the coffee can seem to fit the bill I couldn’t help but wonder if we had unintentionally stumbled upon its territory we didn’t stick around long enough to find out the fear and uncertainty that gripped Us in

That moment were enough to send us on our way leaving the mysterious figure and The Unexplained coffee can behind to this day I can’t say for certain what we encountered on Mary’s Peak Road but a part of me hopes that it was indeed a Bigfoot reminding us that some things in

This world are still left to be discovered this is a nest sighting not an actual creature sighting I was a member of an archaeology survey crew and we had hiked in along an old overgrown logging RR grade on the side of Pelican butt this grade took took off from an

Old closed Logging Road we were approximately 1 mile from the end of the closed Road when we found a very large nest on the ground which measured about 7 ft in diameter it was constructed of pine needles and small Twigs The Nest material was about 812 ft in height it

Was about 150 M yard uphill from the old grade that we were following the only reason we found it at all was because a crew member saw a spotted owl and a tree up the hill and we went up to get a closer look the owl flew up the hill a

Bit farther and we followed trying to catch a good glips of the owl as most of us had never seen one in the wild that’s when we noticed the huge nest on the ground was the owl leading us there all six crew members felt it was a Bigfoot

Nest we reported it to the wildlife biologist back at the office and he said there are some large birds that make nests on the ground which can be up to 3 ft in diameter such as cranes but he’s never heard of one that large also cranes nest in Meadows near water not on

The side of a mountain several miles from water when we suggested a Bigfoot Nast he just Shrugged and said maybe this was a very remote location and hadn’t been logged in years probably since the 1950s we also discovered A Very Old Logging Camp archaeology site dating

From the El 19s which had old glass bottles still intact which was evidence that no one had been there in a very long time as most other old sites which were in more accessible places had been looted for the glass bottles point being this was an area where no one goes so if

This were a hoax it’s a terrible place to do it as chances are no one is going to see it unfortunately no one took a photo while I was stationed in Cherry Point I had the duty of inspecting the marinees barracks on Thursday morning after Field Day most rooms were normal

Dust bunnies here scum stain there but one day I stumbled a crow as something disturbing I went through one Marine’s room he was a ABY cat and I noticed his wall Locker was unlocked whenever I see unlocked wall lockers I would go through them Just for kicks well this devil had

Somehow accumulated about 20 pairs of women’s underwear some were even marked when confronted SNM stated it’s not a crime to have women’s thongs turns out it is when you steal it from the laundry room this was in an area where there was a clear cut on the far side of the

Ravine which had a creek running through it there was a Logging Road where I camped if I remember correctly there was was a sign attached to a tree stating dual 16 this was a few miles off the highway to Crater Lake and 50 mi from the parking lot at the Virginia

Domiciliary at White City the sound I heard was a loud bwaah which I never heard before or since it lasted perhaps 3 seconds and I could not determine the exact Direction I did not try to discover the source of the sound as there was thick underbrush earlier there

Had been cattle in the area doors were tightly barred in Hong Kong as the search for a hairy beast unfolded terrified residents shared stories of a Shaggy creature standing over 6 fet tall sending waves of fear through the community among them was Lau a village Gardener who had an encounter

With the Beast and lived to tell the tale it was a day like any other when I found myself face to face with this mysterious creature I was tending to my duties near the family Temple approximately 50 yard away when the unthinkable occurred suddenly Out of the

Shadows the Beast appeared before me its entire body covered in long shaggy gray hair to my astonishment it stood upright assuming a posture that resembled a human without a moment’s hesitation Instinct took over and I Unleashed a powerful punch towards its stomach the blow connected causing the creature to

Momentarily falter however my Triumph was shortlived as it swiftly fell upon me and we engaged in a desperate struggle we grappled and wrestled locked in a fierce battle for what felt like an eternity eventually the creature abruptly disengaged retreating into the distance its form shifting as it loped

Away on all fours I was left bewildered and shaken trying to comprehend The Surreal encounter that had just unfolded before my very eyes eyes the encounter had left an indelible mark on my psyche forever etching the image of that shaggy Beast into my memory not long after my

Encounter the tales of this enigmatic creature continued to circulate a woman reported witnessing a strange animal Galloping past her vegetable garden moving swiftly on all fours as proof of her sighting she presented large triangular Footprints imprinted in the soft Earth distinctly different from those made by a human or an A the

Community was thrown into a state of uncertainty and fear as the search for answers intensified speculations swirled and theories were born attempting to unravel the truth behind this hairy beast that had sent shock waves through Hong Kong as the days turned into weeks the search for the creature continued and the

Collective hope for understanding grew but amidst the fear and uncertainty there was also a sense of awe a recognition that our world holds Mysteries far beyond our comprehension to this day the memory of that encounter remains Vivid in my mind it serves as a constant reminder that in

The vast tapestry of our existence there are forces and creatures that defy conventional understanding urging us to embrace the enigmatic Wonders that lie hidden within our World me and my grandpa were walking a deer trail along a 5T wide Thicket with clear cuts on both sides it was a peaceful day with the sun shining through the trees and the sound of birds chirping in the distance little did we know that this walk would take a turn

Towards the mysterious and unknown as we walked engrossed in our conversation about hunting in The Great Outdoors it was my grandfather who first noticed something strange he abruptly stopped and muttered what the bleep is that his tone made me stop in my tracks and look in the direction he was pointing there

In the soft soil near the trail was the biggest footprint I had ever seen it was deep and wide easily twice the size of my own foot the imprint resembled that of a giant creature and I couldn’t help but feel a shiver run down my spine the

Kicker to all this was that it was my grandpa’s last year of hunting due to a cataract in one ey his doctor advised him to give up hunting it was a Bittersweet moment for him as he had been an Abid Hunter his whole life and now in his final year he stumbled upon

Something truly mysterious curiosity peaked I began searching for any other signs that could lead us to the creature responsible for that enormous footprint we scann the surrounding area looking for tracks broken branches or any other evidence of its presence but to our dismay we couldn’t find anything else despite the

Lack of a additional signs the sighting had spooked me enough to shift my focus from searching for deer to searching for what made that track I used to live in Spain because my father was a government official we lived near an area that was frequented by pilgrims I saw a few dead bodies

While I was there a lot of the pilgrims are really old and they can’t handle the physical toll the the hike takes so they they suddenly drop dead or they rest on the side of the road and they never wake up again I once had the displeasure of

Seeing one of the corpses up close the face on the dead woman was contorted she looked terrified like death had taken her by surprise as for Supernatural I remember in 2013 I got up early and I traveled to a path that was frequented by pilgrims I wanted to go stargazing

And there was relatively little light pollution out in the countryside when when I arrived at my usual spot I noticed there was a man in brown robes not to far off in the distance when I yelled a greeting towards him he turned his face towards me he was unnaturally

Pale as if he were a corpse or Gravely ill his eyes were bloodshot and he looked like he was crying he said not a word to me and turned around again continuing to stare off into the distance I remained for a few minutes but Shivers kept running through my

Spine and I decided I shouldn’t be there so I left later that evening A Train derailed at Santiago de compostella which is the end point of the pilgrimage and 80 people died I think this is all a coincidence and I probably met some sleepy Pilgrim but I told my grandma and

She said it was the Spirit of St James the Muslim killer as the Pilgrim’s Path is dedicated to him she says he was trying to warn me of the tragedy that was going to take place later that day when I was younger my dad and I went

Deep sea fishing all the time the creepiest thing that ever happened to me was when we decided to do a little more surface fishing further out on the open ocean rather than fish for grouper and whatnot so I’m sitting with my feet off the edge of the boat and my dad hooks a

Fish it seems pretty big based on the way it was pulling so I look over to see if he needs help then something slowly brushes my legs I looked down and there was a 4 five Jeet Barracuda brushing against my legs I froze and seconds

Later it shot off when my dad felt the line go slack he started reeling in faster the Barracuda had bitten off most of the fish it was only a mouth on a hook really pretty creepy when I was 12 I lived out in 29 Palms California in the middle of the

Desert one night around June 14th 2015 I remember being awake in the middle of the night to a black silhouette that was shaped just like a short gray it was staring straight down at me and I was staring at its face it had its hand on my forehead and its skin was so

Abnormally smooth soft and warm I was filled with pure love and Tranquility I intuitively knew that everything was going to be okay my mind was completely clear of any thoughts as if it was controlling my mind and for some reason it started making me count upward in my

Head once I got to three I went unconscious I eventually woke up again still laying in bed and everything in the room was the same except the entity was just gone I sat up and immediately thought WTF was that and what just happened I was able to think again and I

Was just so confused at what this all meant I often question whether or not that intensely reassuring feeling was actually supposed to mean something or if it was just a way for it to make me relax so it could do what it came to do but I just don’t understand why it

Seemed to have let me remember that moment instead of making me just forget the entire experience I may not ever know while backpacking through Yellowstone my girlfriend and I found ourselves in Grizzly territory for the first time black bears didn’t bother us much but Grizzlies were a whole

Different story after a tiring day of hiking we set up camp for our second night we cleaned up had dinner hung our scented items and food and settled into bed in the depths of my REM sleep my girlfriend suddenly shook me awake terrified by the sound of growling

Convinced that a bear had invaded our campsite she had been gripped by fear instantly I snapped awake adrenaline coursing through my veins ready for fight or flight without hesitation I reached for the bear spray for a tense minute we sat in absolute silence and then we heard the growling again to our

Surprise it wasn’t a bear it was something similar to Sasquatch it was tall hairy bipedal and humanlike startled by our presence he quickly fled the scene it was November 2012 when I was working at a small gas station in Northeast Louisiana we were the only small shop and 24-hour service station in miles

Just off the highway I worked the night shift I loved at the sharing of stories with the traveling customers that is when the rare customer showed up it must have been around 3 an out I was cleaning the floors and locking the beer coolers when suddenly the Lights Went Out I

Pulled out my cell and used it as a Guiding Light until I made it back to our counter where I kicked on the gas generator it lit the parking lot the bath and the hall leading to the register when I looked outside I could just make out the movement of the trees

Across the street but otherwise it was Pitch Black I turned on the radio and started listening to a local station with its night ow DJ commenting on the heavy winds and cracking jokes between songs suddenly I saw some figures in the dark I could just make them out they

Seemed to be a group of kids on bikes there were three of them two of them dropped their bikes and made their way to the door where they just stood there staring at me I just stared back for a moment waiting for them to come in they

Never did I moved around the counter and opened the door what’s up guys out kind of late aren’t you I asked them expecting them to come in can we use your phone one asked their heads tilted kind of low I felt a little worried as I pulled myself C from my pocket and

Offered it to her sure she looked at me and then I saw her eyes they were solid black almost like ink filled orbs no I need the real one she said her face Twisted into an angry snarl I pulled the door closed and flipped the locks no no

Ma’am you go home and get your mom’s phone they stared at me through the door for a minute longer before turning away away and biking off the next day I had my boss check the cameras to get the pictures of the creepy kids but the cameras had been off the whole time now

The cameras run off the generator instead of the hall lights I never saw the kids again three roommates and I went over to a friend’s apartment not far from campus but on a set of apartments in the middle of nowhere we we were just sitting in

The living room watching TV and I got up to go put a glass in the sink know how there is usually a window over the sink in most kitchens so I’m washing this glass out the light is on there are no blinds on the window just a curtain I

Hear a sound at the window and I look up just in time to see a hand hit the glass flat I was like 20 years old but I know I must have squealed or did some kind of girly scream and the other three dudes came running in I told them someone hit

The glass my buddy grabs his hunting rifle and we run outside by this time 60 seconds have probably already passed we get outside and all we see is a bucket laying sideways under the window along with the screen there was a visible hand print on the window breakdown someone

Got a bucket to stand on took the screen off the window and was trying to open it when the bucket must have flipped from under them outside looking in you could see through the kitchen and into the living room where we were sitting this person would have easily seen me

Standing there literally 3 ft from them on the other side of the window there were four College age guys inside and this person was still trying to break in one day in 23 I was walking down a bike path in the back of my house with my stepdaughter when I saw two boys

Leaning against their their bikes up ahead I didn’t really think much about it since it is a bike path until one of the kids raised his head up and looked me straight in the eye that’s when fear struck me so hard I was stopped dead in

My tracks his eyes were black and Hollow like he didn’t have a soul it was like looking at pure evil at least that’s the way I described it when I recounted the incident later that evening to my husband and my other daughter I immediately LED my stepdaughter off the

Path cut through some one’s yard and walked out to the street I didn’t know what I had encountered at the time but now I am quite sure it was the blackeyed children I don’t know what they are but I know they are dangerous it was so weird I thought that my stepdaughter

Would also be aware of what I perceived to be impending danger but she was completely oblivious even when I led her off the path and onto the street I somehow knew I had to get out of there now surprisingly they appeared normal in every other aspect except for the eyes

Of course and a vague awareness that they didn’t quite fit into the environment I only saw the eyes of one of them because the other kid had his back on me he looked to be around 13 or 14 flannel shirt and jeans and a swore the complexion now that I have been reading

About these encounters it pequs my curiosity but I wouldn’t want to run into them again not my story but a colleagues of mine my colleague was responding to a call to check up on a camper when he had pulled up he noticed all the lights were out which was strange considering the

Call was only made a few moments prior when this Ranger approached the tent there was nothing not a sound it was as if everybody in the campsite had completely disappeared leaving only him by himself he was puzzled and not sure why somebody would make the call of this

Campsite and then be completely deserted then he described what he could hear as a weird growling noise with kind of a chewing sound he shines his light over in the direction of this noise and sees this tiny 3-ft tall furry humanoid thing standing there that reminded him of a

Chimpanzee he was completely startled and nearly falling backwards on his behind this thing also had a very surprised expression on its face not really sure what to do it quickly ran off currying between the branches and the trees and going at about 30 m an hour my colleague claims that it looked

Partly human a brow Ridge and a nose very much like a human does but the rest of the face was almost covered in hair and reminded him very much of an eight besides the nose and the brow Ridge the eyes were also all black too and it did

Not appear to be violent or aggressive in any way as it turns out the Campers at this campsite were being harassed by this tiny little humanoid ape thing which is the reason why they left soon after they made the call apparently this thing was trying to get into one of

Their tents in which they were scared and got in their car and deserted their Camp after speaking to a few friends of mine who were heavily into cryptozoology they all believe that a juvenile Sasquatch was responsible under the chilling midnight sky my friend Dell and I drove along a

Desolate Road enveloped in an eerie silence unbeknownst to us a life altering encounter awaited as our eyes scanned the darkness a graceful fourpoint deer emerged captivating our attention with its beauty little did we know this sighting was merely a Prelude to something far more extraordinary on the left the deer vanished into the

Shadows diverting our gaze to the right then Moonlight revealed a figure that sent shiver down our spines a towering bipedal Dogman its immense size filled us with a primal fear that transcended the limits of our understanding traversing the road the creatures passage stirred the thick line of trees

Setting them in motion we stood transfixed unable to avert our eyes from this mysterious being that defied explanation it possessed an Allure that was both enchanting and terrifying hinting at an existence beyond our grasp in that fleeting moment a sense of otherworldliness saturated the air the dogman’s powerful stride seemed to

Bridge the gap between our reality and the unknown its presence invoked a mixture of awe and fear captivating our senses with its enigmatic nature despite our yearning for clarity the darkness concealed the creatures details yet even in the absence of certainty we recognized that we had borne witness to

Something extraordinary a being that transcended the boundaries of our everyday existence existence as the Dogman dissolved into the night our minds teamed with unanswered questions who was it where did it come from this encounter ignited a fervent curiosity within us driving us to explore the hidden enigmas lurking in the shadows

Since that bewitching moment the memory of our encounter has etched itself permanently in our minds the indelible Mark left by the bipedal Dogman serves as a reminder that our world is brimming with Mysteries beyond the limit of our perception awaiting Discovery I was on our property in the

Mount Hood National Forest in Western Oregon I was making a new access road for equipment to get through and had been cutting with my chainsaw for some time when I decided to take a break I pulled my earplugs out which I normally leave in my ears I sat there inspecting

My work suddenly something started crunch punching through the thick brush from down over the hillside in my direction straight at me at first I thought it was an elk but the equipment noise should have kept the area clear of most animals and I could tell it was

Cumbersome and lumbered Along on 2 feet I started straining my eyes to see what was coming through the thicket as it approached and got closer with every step finally by the sound I knew I should be seeing it because it wasn’t more than 50 ft in the brush but I

Couldn’t make out any dark form Ms at all it was November and all the leaves were gone off the trees and plants so I had visibility of 200 ft suddenly it came to a stop it all went silent extremely silent there were no typical Forest noises of any kind I could feel

That I was being watched but why couldn’t I see it anyway I got tired of whatever it was playing games I put my earplugs back in fired up my saw and went back to work keeping my eyes down down low just in case it let itself be

Seen I knew it was watching me but I wasn’t going to give it the satisfaction of freaking me out I trust the Lord to keep me safe and that thing knew it I didn’t have anything else happen that day but when I returned the next morning

Something had taken all the brush I had stacked in piles along the new road and Scattered it back in my way again upon noticing this I was peering through the woods around me with my senses on edge when my two dogs came out to visit me they quietly walked up behind me and

Stepped on some branches breaking them I about jumped into the next County I went back to work restacking the brush and nothing more happened about 6 months later though I was in an area not far from there where I had been cutting all day trying to get a section out of an

Old growth fur log for carving it was getting close to dusk and I had my old Chevy pickup parked not far from me about 40 ft away I was preoccupied with what I was doing at the moment but as I let my saw start a new cut down through

The 5-ft log I glanced over at my truck and they’re standing alongside it between me and the car was a massive being all black or dark brown and staring at me I cursed under my breath because I really wasn’t looking for a visit now my truck is hot blue so this

Thing stood out really well against it that rig is on 35 in tires a 6-in lift with the top of the cab being about 7 ft tall and this thing’s head was quickly a foot taller than the truck I didn’t stare at it or want to make a lot of ey

Contact with it but I noticed it was about 4 ft wide at the shoulders and its arms hung down to its knees it was very hairy and very solid I’m no judge but I’m assuming it had to have been at least 600 lb if not more the second I

Saw this thing standing there a cold shiver ran down me but I didn’t want wanted to think I saw it so I turned back to focus on my cutting I didn’t want to look back or head over to see if it was still there it was now it was

About 10 ft closer to me and standing more to my left near the hood of my truck I could feel my heart pounding and I was getting a cold sweat too but I went back to focusing on my work I didn’t look back for several minutes knowing that things could show up next

To me or behind me without warning I find the best thing to do is focus on what I’m doing and not look around and don’t get let my imagination run away with me it’s easy to do out there in the dark with those Bigfoot being curious

And coming around I looked back up after 5 minutes and it was gone thank God but I’m sure it was standing in the dark there somewhere and I wasn’t about to look around for it I finished my work there packed my tools and headed to the house without anything more occurring

The next day I went back but after that I tried to get back before dusk I had previously thought that they were kind of shy but not after what I’ve seen they’re curious and will show up even if equipment or Machinery is running One Summer several years ago I was spending

An evening with a friend over in Washington at a rock pit we used to camp at quite a bit over a decade ago she had her own encounters with the Bigfoot in which one walked up to her and her brother in the forest on Mount Hood they

Were armed with the r15s but were both Frozen in fear it got within 5 ft of them and just locked eyes with her it was a 9 to 10t male and watched her intently for about a minute before turning its head and disappearing into the trees they

Literally looked and looked for it but it had vanished this encounter happened in broad daylight anyway they are amazing creatures so this happened 3 years ago when I was living with my parents in MIDI Wyoming super small and secluded it was Halloween and my parents decorated the house and we expected about three

Four kids to show up as the house is about a mile from a subdivision and parents usually Drive their kids at 8 I took in the chair with candy because I figured no one else would be coming around I’m in the basement where there are no windows and very little sound can

Get out and it’s about 11:00 all the lights upstairs are shut off because I’m going to bed I hear a knock at the side door which no one ever knocks at I go upstairs and the flood light which usually turns on automatically wasn’t on so I flipped on

The other light that lights up the basketball hoop area there’s a person in one of those Old Man masks that had the crazy hair just standing there he is just looking at the house he Sprints to the back where the patio is I hear loud banging on the back windows honestly the

Loudest kicking I’ve ever heard heard I rush over and the person is just staring then he runs away and I do te hear anything for 5 minutes or so then I start hearing the knob to the main door being forcefully jiggled back and forth I ran upstairs to the bedroom and went

To the crawl space in the attic I immediately dialed 911 this was the first time I ever dialed 911 so I don’t know what I was expecting but the operator didn’t seem to be very shocked or wanting to send out a car very quickly I remember repeating my address like 12 times and

The lady kept saying calm down sir she wants me to stay on the line but I’m afraid if the guy got in he would know where I was because of my voice I hang up and I can hear the knob being slammed like he had a hammer or something I’m

Having a full-on panic attack and I’m wheezing trying to get air then I hear the side door original door being kicked super hard at this point I’m shaking speaking so bad the dust from the floorboards is flying up in the air I hear a window Smash and I immediately

Know he’s going to get in I hold my breath which makes the wheezing worse I’m going to die I’m listening to hear footsteps or anything nothing the actual amount of time I spent up there was around 16 minutes I swear it was an hour an officer showed up and pounded on the

Door I ran downstairs and flipped open the door I told him everything as well as the backup sheriffs that got there they all kept saying a friend was probably just trying to scare me I had no friends in Wyoming none they looked around the house and wrote down some

but nothing really happened they left and I drove behind them to Cody Wyoming and got a hotel room I still can’t sleep without all the lights on and A45 on my dresser hello I read some of your Ouija board stories I have one that I believe proves

That these boards can become haunted my father used to buy things from eBay then sell it at their actual price one day he purchased an old Ouija board its box portrayed it as a game fun for the whole family none of my siblings played with

It though and neither did I then a few days after the board arrived weird things started happen even though no one touched the board it was on a shelf in the garage one night the first of many nights I woke at 3:33 a.m. exactly I woke up scared for no reason no

Nightmare just scared with a very bad feeling I’d always just lay there awake then turn over and try to go back to sleep this first night I turned over and tried to go back to sleep but when I turned and laid my head on my pillow I immediately heard a man’s voice voice

That said directly into the ear go back to sleep I jumped up and woke my sister who shared a room with me I was crying and terribly scared the voice wasn’t my father’s no man another than my father lived with us another day at home I was

Watching a movie alone I paused the movie and took the remote with me to the bathroom when I came back to disc was out in place on the table next to the TV the disc drive on the Xbox was open and my room was tossed all over it was a

Mess another time in the same house I left the kitchen and heard something behind me when I turned I saw a man in a red flannel shirt behind me though I heard no doors open I ran from him and turned back around and he was gone my

Father soon sold the board and we moved soon after I’ve had nothing weird or paranormal happened since this story takes place during a rafting trip on the dutes river in Central Oregon my girlfriend and I had decided to drive down from the Seattle area for the famous salmonfly hatch with that

Being said due to the timing of the year there’s a ton of people on the water gues doing day trips as well as other folks like my girlfriend and I spending a couple days fishing floating and camping our first day of the trip goes by pretty poorly I had a crappy boat and

No idea what I was doing dry bags leaked I hit a rock and got a sizable leak and then had forgotten the bucket so I spent the rest of the trip bailing out the boat with a water bottle nonstop so needless to say we’re both pretty frustrated and tired and as the day

Turns to dusk we’re scouting out any possible spot to throw our tent up for the evening and get out of that crappy boat finally things are looking up for us we come up on this beautiful stretch of water with a small island diverting the river into two flows with the main

Flow going along the Deep Left Channel at a pretty good clip on the right side Bank a big clearing surrounded by tall grasses this is where we chose to make camp for the night we do some fishing cook and decide to lay down for bed and

Read until it’s time to really go to sleep at full dark going out to take a leak nobody as far as I could see or hear had decided to camp anywhere near us and prior to a few boats floating on by while we set up camp as far as we

Knew we were alone that’s when the music started at first it sounded almost faintly like someone was throwing a rave with dance music and the like my girlfriend and I looked at each other like what the hell but we chocked it up to the wind carrying sound from far away

Because at this point the music was still intermittent it gets louder and louder and now we can make out the music except it’s not you know that feeling when someone is blasting the base out of their car subwoofers and you can feel it in your chest and in your head or

Feeling there whoever they are music through the ground as we’re trying to sleep and all we can hear is this unworldly jarring collection of disjointed bass or drum notes coming through the ground it doesn’t resemble any music I’ve ever heard or even any sort of beat you could dance to by

Midnight or 1:00 a.m. we’re starting to get him really damn pissed off it has been since around 1 p.m. since they started and so that’s when I finally decide to go find whoever the hell they are and shut down that damn noise I have one of those really

Powerful headlights that lets you output like one e 500 lumens for a short burst and it really just lights up the whole damned Countryside for hundreds of feet so all pissed off I jump out of the tent and turn up my headlight of Doom and I’m just furiously scanning everywhere I can

See Up and Down the River river behind us as far as I can on our own bank across clear to the other bank and the little island in the middle and there’s not a single thing in sight complete pitch Darkness I turn off my headlight

To see if I was washing out any light and I stand there for about 10 minutes to see if my eyes adjust and see anything absolutely nothing at all and this maddening noise is going on endlessly at this point I realize it’s the same three disjointed songs playing

Over over and over endlessly my girlfriend starts crying because she’s exhausted from the base rattling our skulls while our heads on laying down on our pillows we’re unable to sleep for hours as this thing continues on through the night finally sometime around 4:35 a.m. it must have stopped and we both

Drifted off to sleep I have a hard time sleeping and so I woke up by myself at around 6:37 and I roll out of bed Furious once more just going out about to go see if I can find whatever bastards were making that noise all night long we never saw or found any

Sign of those people we waited until about 9:00 a.m. slowly breaking Camp after eating breakfast before we rode out in the main current and back road to try to get a good look at the other side of the small island and we saw no signs of people the only reasonable Theory we

Have is that sometime after we went to bed some folks floated down to the far side of the little island and through some sort of party ritual all through the night and somehow slipped out between 4:30 and 6:30 a.m. if I wasn’t with my girlfriend and she hadn’t

Corroborated as well I would have thought I was going insane just one long maddening sleepless night full of the same noise over and over with no evidence before during or after that it ever happened I was was at a summer camp that separated boys from the girls we would

Normally sleep in separate cabins however this being a nice night our counselors decided it would be nice to Camp outside being overly tested dur high schoolers given New Freedom of the outdoors we decided to separate from our supervision and be line for the girls campsite upon successfully reaching

Their site and being dumbfounded at what to do we decided that throwing miscellaneous items into the fire creat subsequent explosions would be a good ice breaker unfortunately due to our Brilliance we were quickly brought back to our camp and separated from the girls not being discouraged we decided to

Regroup and try again as we began to leave for their sight again we heard an extremely loud bang as if from a high caliber rifle the sound was followed by another bang followed by silence we all became paralyzed unsure what to do was it from the girl sight

We were too afraid to find out we could see a flashlight in the distance mulling around the area I only remember lying quietly barely able to sleep joking with fellow campers who would get shot first if that bang was indeed from a gun the next morning we woke up alive and very

Confused to what had happened I actually only found out what had happened when I got home from Camp a man had shot his ex at a house right by the campsite we were staying that night what stood out to me the most other than a forementioned was

An interview with a neighbor who didn’t call the police right away because she figured the sound was from some stupid kids blowing up things at a campsite I led a small expedition of 12 Marines tasked with recovering a downed aircraft rumored to have encountered a massive unknown sea creature it was a

Mission shrouded in mystery and our team was a mix of experienced soldiers and Unique Individuals one such individual was Jack a fellow Marine who in his free time embraced his love for gambling and dabbled in the world of acting we descended Into the Depths our hearts pounding with anticipation the murky Waters swallowed

Us whole enveloping us in a realm where light struggled to penetrate we maneuvered cautiously scanning the underwater landscape until our eyes widened in dis belief there it was a sunken aircraft resting on the ocean floor as we swam closer to investigate the sense of danger grew palpable suddenly without warning a colossal

Aquatic Predator materialized before us its sheer size defied all logic dwarfing even the wreckage of the down aircraft the beast’s enormous Jaws gaped wide revealing rows of razor sharp teeth that gleamed menacingly in the dim light panic and chaos ensued as the creature lunged towards us its Fury unleashed the

Water churned with violence as we fought desperately to survive harpoons were thrown with Precision aiming for vulnerable spots while gunfire echoed through the depths Jack with his quick thinking managed to shoot the creature directly in its eyes momentarily stunning it exploiting the creature’s temporary vulnerability we launched our

Final assault grenades were hurled with deadly a accuracy finding their Mark in the creatures gaping ma the water erupted in a cataclysmic explosion as the Beast thrashed in its death throws it was a battle of survival a fight against an ancient Leviathan that threatened to unleash chaos upon the

World but Victory came at a devastating cost 10 of my comrades Brave Marines who had faced the unimaginable with unwavering resolve met their untimely end in the jaws of the creature only Jack and I emerged Ed from the depths battered but alive as we floated in the

Water a mixture of relief and sorrow washed over us the Beast that had haunted us had been vanquished but the sacrifice of our fallen comrades would forever weigh heavy on our hearts we resurfaced the sun welcoming us back into its warm embrace the ocean once a Serene backdrop now held the memories of

A battle fought and lives lost with the mission complete we returned to our base determined to honor the Fallen the sun was setting over the dense Woods of the national park casting Long Shadows that stretched out like ghostly fingers I a park ranger had been on my usual Patrol when I heard a strange and Eerie sound emanating from a nearby deserted cabin it wasn’t the first time I’d come across strange

Occurrences in these Woods but this was different I was supposed to be the only one here at this time and the cabin as far as I knew should have been vacant with my flashlight in hand and a sense of unease settling over me I made my way

Through the forest toward the source of the sound the voices grew louder as I approached the cabin but I couldn’t discern any words my heart raced as I pushed open the creaking door and stepped inside the cabin was empty and the voices had ceased the interior

However was like a glimpse into the past a collection of odd old artifacts from the National Park’s history vintage Maps faded photographs and Dusty Ranger uniforms adorned the walls and tables it was as if I had stepped into a time capsule of the park past as I examined

The peculiar collection a rustling sound from outside pulled me away from my thoughts I stepped back out onto the cabin’s wooden porch and gazed into the darkening Woods W that’s when I saw it an unknown Predator lurking in the shadows my heart pounded in my chest as

I strained to make out its features its pale human-like hand was adorned with large claws that glinted in the faint Moonlight and its skin appeared to be covered in a clear glass-like substance the creature’s face was massive and terrifying with milky white skin and eyes veins of the deepest blue

Visible beneath them its long sinuous tongue darted out the only part of it that seemed to move aside from the trees swaying in the wind its antlers black as night resembled Twisted mold covered branches and its humanoid form stood an imposing 7 to 8 ft tall my blood ran cold as the

Creature muttered something in a Native American tongue its voice a chilling whisper in the night without warning it lunged at me and a battle ensued I fought desperately trying to fend off this foe its claws were r razor sharp and its strength was overwhelming I could feel myself losing ground Panic

Setting in as I realized that I might not make it out of this encounter alive thinking quickly I reached for the knife strapped to my belt and managed to thrust it into one of the creatures milky white eyes it let out an otherworldly shriek of pain and recoiled blindly thrashing about seizing the

Opportunity I turned and ran from the cabin the echoing cries of the creature fading behind me Breathing heavily and covered in sweat I stumbled back onto the trail with trembling hands I fumbled for my radio and called for help the police arrived soon after but when they searched the

Area they found nothing no signs of the strange cabin or the creature that had attacked me they looked at me with a mixture of disbelief and concern no doubt thinking I’d encountered some wild animal or experienced a hallucination brought on by exhaustion I couldn’t blame them for for doubting my story it

Was utterly unbelievable camping with friends I went for a walk I was followed by something later it walked up to me and stared from heavy cover then brocked a large 5in diameter Branch to warn me I looked away and sat with it for 15 minutes before I

Felt it was safe to get up and go back to friends we left campsite for the night we drove back to bend where we found the evacuation and progress for the Aubrey Hill fire we had no idea the fire was happening when camping back when the little grocery

Store in Milford had a cafe someone that worked up front mentioned the cemetery to me and asked if I had ever visited it I said no and he told me that when I had time I should check out the interesting names and monuments grave markers well a couple years passed after that gentleman

Mentioned the Milford cemetery and I happened to be in that area so I decided to stop not long before arriving I filled my gas tank up on my truck when I arrived at the cemetery I found a spot to park where my truck wouldn’t block other vehicles while I was walking

Around I was very careful and respectful I couldn’t help but feel a sort of hostility in the air at first I thought it was just me but the longer I stayed the more I felt odd and uncomfortable I did pray while walking around I’m not sure exactly how long I stayed but it

Was at least an hour finally I decided that I had seen enough and wanted to leave when I got inside my truck and inserted the key into the ignition and turned the key to start my fuel gauge showed that I had less than half a tank

Of gas the truck was on flat level ground I took the key out and looked under my truck to see if there was any gas leaking and I could neither smell or see any so I got back inside the truck and started the truck once again the

Gauge still showed less than half a tank I went ahead and drove away the further I got down Highway 77 the higher the gauge registered after about 5 miles my gauge showed full again that gauge has never acted up prior to or after visiting that Cemetery of course I have

Never gone back there but don’t have a reason to I will be telling you what I saw and heard while on duty in the evening of Thursday July 15 2004 I was dispatched to an area where there had been reports of a lot of screaming once arriving at

The scene I met with two other officers who we will refer to as a Envy we proceeded into a wooded area that led out onto a street near a Housing Development it was from that same location that we had heard these crazy yelling screams coming from behind us in

The woods just off the side of the street they were very loud very high pitched there were some lower pitches mixed in there as well I have never heard anything like this before since being on duty here in Plymouth County since my partner and I were the only

Ones who actually heard this we talked about it both of us think that we’d heard some type of Bigfoot like creature while not necessarily Believers we like to say we keep our options open we had officer C with us as well but he never heard the screams or anything else one

Other thing I’d like to add is that there were no residences on the street at the time nothing back off the road when we first came out into the woods there were no vehicles either this whole area has been developed since then though there are a few houses now back

Off the street we first came out on the noise we heard down in those woods could be best described as a long scream or yell mixed with a howl and growl it sent chills down my spine that night even as a trained law enforcement official I never saw anything like this before and

I have not seen or heard it since either I do hope that one day I will see something like that again I know there are certain things out there we cannot explain and that’s what makes it all the more intriguing it should also be concluded that officer had a previous

Sighting of the same type of size of creature back in the early ’90s might have been 91 or ’92 I actually spoke with him about it he described to me what he saw it was very similar to the way I would describe our screams that evening the most striking thing was that

He just stated that it stood there staring at him for almost 10 minutes or so he said it felt like it but was probably only 30 seconds again all this took place out in Plymouth County a peaceful Mohan Village was nestled in the heart of the forest men

Women and children were engaged in their everyday tasks cooking crafting and storytelling suddenly a deafening Roar shattered the Tranquility Panic ensued as the villagers looked towards the nearby Woods fear etched on their faces an unknown predator monstrous and Swift lunged Out of the Woods the villagers scrambled to defend themselves wielding

Spears and Bows chaos and Desperation fill the air the Predator Unleashed a fury upon the Mohicans attacking with Relentless ferocity men women and children fall victim to its Savage Onslaught amidst the chaos only one man winged Hawk manages to survive covered in dirt and blood he clutches a wounded

Arm pain at on his face winged Hawk looks around his eyes filled with a mix of horror and determination tears stream down his face as he gazes at the lifeless bodies of his fellow tribesmen voice trembling I’ll do my Vengeance winged Hawk Rises to his feet his body filled with a

Newfound resolve he glances towards the dark woods his eyes burning with a mix of rage and sorrow winged Hawk prepares himself for the journey ahead he dons a ceremonial headdress adorned with feathers symbolizing his connection to his ancestors with a solemn expression winged Hawk tightens the grip on his bow

And arrows he carries a tomahawk his weapon of choice and his quest for vengeance winged Hawk Ventures deep into the dense forest his footsteps determined and unwavering he navigates through thick undergrowth and treacherous terrain winged Hawk discovers a hidden cave a place filled with with ancient symbols and remnants

Of his trib’s history he kneels bowing his head in prayer and seeking guidance from his ancestors winged Hawk emerges from the cave infused with spiritual strength and resolve he knows he must confront the unknown Predator that decimated his people winged Hawk arrives at an abandoned Temple its crumbling

Walls a testament to the passage of time Shadows dance around him as if the forest itself holds its breath the unknown Predator emerges from the Shadows its eyes gleaming with malicious intent winged Hawk locks eyes with the beast unflinching in the face of imminent danger a fierce battle ensues

The Clash of weapons and Roars filling the air winged hawk fights with unmatched agility and skill his every movement calculated and precise with each strike winged Hawk feels the weight of his Fallen tribe on his shoulders determination fuels his every action as he refuses to yield unleashing his

Vengeance upon the Predator winged Hawk lands a fatal blow striking true and bringing the unknown Predator to its knees as it takes its final breaths winged Hawk gazes into its eyes a mix of Triumph and sorrow in his own winged Hawk kneels beside the lifeless Predator his hand gently touching the beasts hide

A single tear Falls carrying the weight of his people’s loss and the Fulfillment of his Vengeance I was stationed in anbar Province Iraq tasked with watching over a bridge that spans some railroad tracks it was October 31st and a freak electrical storm suddenly rolled in casting an eerie atmosphere over the

Area as the storm intensified I couldn’t help but notice that the antennas on my up armoured vehicle began to Flicker and emit an otherworldly glow resembling those glass electricity balls I used to play with as a kid it was an unsettling sight to say the least what made the

Situation even spookier was the fact that my second truck was positioned about 1 km away keeping a watchful eye on another section of the road with the storm raging and the night being Halloween night we felt isolated and alone in the darkness to ease our apprehension I made the decision to flip

The truck around so that my my turret fac the bridge this way both the driver and I could maintain a watchful Gaze on our surroundings ensuring our safety as the hours wore on the Storm continued to unleash its Fury upon us the rain fell in torrents drumming relentlessly on the

Vehicle’s metal exterior the occasional thunderclaps rattled our nerves accentuating the already tense atmosphere it was a night like no other filled with an uncanny sense of being watched despite the swirling fears and unease that had settled upon us the night passed without any notable incidents by the time morning finally

Arrived we breathed a collective sigh of relief eager to leave the bridge behind and put the unsettling experience behind us nothing out of the ordinary had occurred yet the memory of that night would forever remain etched in our minds looking back it was a surreal and bizarre encounter a Halloween night like

No other whether it was a mere trick of the storm or something more Supernatural I couldn’t say for certain so this is a story comes from a very very close family friend of my grandpa his name is Neil he’s the kind of person that wouldn’t lie about something like this and I honestly

Believe his story this story was told while I was on a hunting trip with my grandpa father a few of my uncles Neil and one or two other people I don’t know exactly how the conversation led to talking about strange and unknown things seen in the

Wild but here we were this was a few years ago so forgive me if I’ve forgotten some details Neil story a few years back he described it to be about early ’90s myself and one of my friends had gotten permission to go and Hunt jack rabbits on another one of my

Friends property out in a very remote part of western ID I can’t remember exactly where but they had come and hour or two from the wiser area nid the property was out in the middle of the desert quite far from any small town or city we entered on the north

Side of the property over a cattle guard and through a gate the property was kind of in a valley and was divided into a very large flater plane mostly on one half and then on the other was a very large Hill that spanned the length of

The private land and had an elevation of probably 200 to 300 ft give or take that night night we had been working the flatter part of the land with the spotlight on my truck and flashlights in hand shooting the rabbits it was a clear night and the moon was probably 34 THS

Full so it was relatively easy to see some elements of the property by the Moonlight we started a little after Dusk and by this time it was about midnight and we about 2 three yards down the length of the property when we heard this unhuman blood curdling scream come

From the Eastern side where the hill ran I looked at my friend and we both froze we were at the truck using the spotlight looking for rabbits when it happened we were probably 200 to 300 yd from base of the hill so the top of the hill was

Probably another 100 yd or so from the base to the top as I started to scan the hillside with my scope the creature had screamed again I Then followed the sound and saw a tall wanky humanoid figure standing with the upper half of its body silhouetted against the sky at the top

Of the the hill I had fired a shot toward it from my point 22 knowing it wouldn’t make it to the creature but I wanted to try and get it to move up and over the hill so I could get a better look at it but instead then this thing

Started to move down the hill toward us right after that happened we booked at the the closest side of the property found a gate and shot the lock off and drove away from there as fast as we could to this day I still don’t know

What I saw but it scared the out of me so there’s Neil’s story to the best of my recollection I would love to hear what y’all think Skinwalker when to go let me know in high school my friend and I both 17 male we’ll call him Jay frequented

Trails to go for smoke walks on this fall afternoon we went to a familiar Trail in a moderately wooded area one blunt into our walk and an odd man comes on our path he startled us he was middle-aged and plainly dressed but I think he had some condition he looked

Like a stocky Ethan Hawk with crazy eyes and he spoke to us like a child the childish man was rambling about hide and go seek frantically asking have you seen two kids Jay and I were both puzzled we took obvious note of the creepy man in the woods asking about kids but we

Didn’t know what to do or say we ignor him and continued on the trail to spark another on our way back to the trail access we see the childish man on the path yet now with a tall Slim Man Jay urged me to get us out of there Jay was

Already non-confrontational and we both felt an irr retention yet the whole thing was fishy and I didn’t want to regret doing nothing if some kids were at risk I asked why the hell is your friend asking about some kids they both give the same weird hi and go seek with

Two kids The Tall Man claimed to be the father he was more with it than his childish companion he kept questioning my concern for his kids The Tall Man was getting angry veering unthreatening I had a bad gut feeling but decided to leave this whole weird encounter behind

Yet on our way out of the woods we see a boy and a girl stand up from a wheat field they just rose up like a palm I observed to see if they needed help yet they were cheerfully waving at us I held a thumbs up and they signal back I got

In the car with Jay we got the hell out of there was it just a good father and Uncle playing innocent games with their two kids was I being nosy and blowing things out of proportion to this day I bear an uneasy guilt anxiety for those

Kids I never thought to write about this story Jay and I still reminisce on it I’ll never forget the moment we first Came Upon on the childish man edit I just want to clarify that this was almost definitely a harmless case however at the time it was so fishy that

I was positive we were being filmed in a special Woodland episode of what would you do that said I was also aware at the time that the first man more than likely had a disability of some kind his appearance at first was truly startling and the comportment of The Tall Man

Definitely raised my suspicions I had one of the most terrifying experiences of My Life as a police officer in Beaver Township Ohio it was the early morning hours of October 25th 2018 around 53 a.m. I was on patrol with three other officers from the beaver Police Department driving down a

Desolate road called Davis Road as we were driving something caught our attention near the edge of the road so we decided to pull over and investigate out of nowhere a massive figure resembling a man appeared before us it stood about 7 ft tall and was so close

To our car that we could have reached out and touched it the site was chilling its face was elongated and bony with huge fangs protruding from its mouth its eyes were dark reminiscent of a shark’s gaze we couldn’t believe what we were seeing before this encounter we had

Noticed movement along one of the roads within our line of sight but we weren’t sure what it was our curiosity got the better of us and we decided to follow it as we reached the spot where it had been seen all four of us witnessed the creature in full view it was

Unbelievably close and we felt as though it could pounce on us at any moment one of my fellow officers said it was like nothing I’ve ever seen before and the rest of us agreed the creature defied any explanation I immediately knew it wasn’t a bear or any known creature it

Took only seconds for our eyes to adjust and we could clearly see the details of this extraordinary being strangely it seemed to emit its own light source making it easily visible the whole experience was surreal and unnerving we watched as the creature disappeared into the nearby bushes two of us left our

Post to join the other two forming a group to investigate further however our search yielded no additional sightings all we found was a large hoof Mark in the area and some broken bones among other things we discussed our encounter and the lack of evidence it was frustrating because we knew what we had

Seen but we also knew that finding proof would be nearly impossible we were convinced that if this incident made it to the news it would be quickly retracted or dismissed it’s encounters like these that make us realize how strange and inexplicable our world can be we are reminded that there are

Mysterious phenomena and creatures out there lurking in the shadows even though we may never find concrete evidence we share our experiences to shed light on the unknown and to let others know that sometimes the truth lies beyond what we can comprehend my brother and I were camping outside of wasp Tennessee at the

Foothills of the aalach me him and two dogs were sitting around a fire at around 2m a rock the size of a basketball came hurling off the top of the rock face that was about 50t up in an arch that landed just short of our fire we thought maybe it had just rolled

From higher up and got some speed but then we heard growling not like a mountain lion or a bear much deeper our dogs who were very quiet hunting dogs began growling with their legs between their tails we kned right into the tent and got our rifles like something that

Can hurl a Fring Rock like cares about bullets another time my uncle and I were hunting South Alabama in a giant old pine tree orchard we stumbled upon around 15 Deer carcasses up in the top of the trees we summed it up to poachers

And went on our way once we were in the deer stand we heard screaming like a woman but so guttural it made my skin crawl and for the first time in my life I saw fear in that Man’s eyes he looked me in my face said F this

and started Gathering our gear later on one of his Good Friends full Native American explained that the sound was a wind too I don’t know if he was screwing with us or not but I’ve never heard a sound like that before took me a couple years to go in the woods before

Or after daylight again when I was 15 I was at a Boy Scout camp camp in Illinois my tent mate was sick so he went home on Tuesday Wednesday night I’m alone in my tent and I heard what heard like thuds between 10 and 12 a minute I thought little of it

And went to sleep Thursday night alone again I need to take a about 1:00 a.m. I walk up to the latrine and behind me I start to hear those thuds someone is chopping wood with our troops axe at 1: in the morning someone who then stops

Looks directly at me and then walks away into the woods I’ve never been so scared in my life I heard laughing accompanying The Chopping later that night I reported it to the Camp staff and they did an investigation which revealed that others heard what I had and one had even seen

The same thing and to this day 5 years later has come up empty this wood Chopper hasn’t reappeared and it was confirmed not to be a camper or staff member one time my boyfriend and I were camping out in the wilderness it was probably close to around 11:00 p.m. or midnight

And we’re both in our tent laughing and talking before we fall asleep his dad and stepmom are both doing the same about 50 ft away from us in a camper the conversation died for a second and as it was quiet we hear a freaking Roar imagine a man full-on roaring like the

Most anguished yell I’ve ever heard before in my life only it wasn’t a man it was close to it but way bigger way more powerful sounding there’s no doubt in my mind that this was not human but I couldn’t think of a single animal it actually matched up with neither of us

Are new to the Wilderness he grew up in that forest and has probably slept more nights out there than he could count I’m a really big camping nature Enthusiast myself and I’ve heard so many different animals make so many different noises as this is going on both of us are

Completely paralyzed so I know he can hear it right along with me the noise dies out and as soon as it’s been quiet for more than a few seconds dozens upon dozens of coyotes start answering back in every direction yipping crying just everything in this dead quiet Forest is

Completely filled with them calling all over this goes on for what feels like forever before the yell comes back out again all of the coyotes stop at once the only thing you can hear is that Roar it sounds like it’s miles away from us but right next to us

Simultaneously the coyotes all stayed completely silent after that both of us have been quiet listening the entire time then the yell goes dead there’s no noise after the entire Forest is silent and it takes me a minute to ask if he heard it already knowing that he did he

Told me yes no tone in his voice just flat and fast yes so I sat Frozen in my spot and tried thinking of every animal I’ve ever heard and the wild at the zoo on Nature Documentaries the closest thing I can think of is a person but almost more

Primitive way bigger more powerful more wild I asked him do you know what that was have you ever heard anything like that before he answers with the same dead tone no I’ve never heard that before both of us agreed that despite going through every animal in the almanac we

Could think of every state of all those animals hungry mating challenging dying that could produce that kind of noise or what kind of animal could be big enough to even make that kind of call let alone with that much range and depth nothing the next morning we didn’t even have to

Say anything his dad and stepmom started the Morning by asking if we heard it they said Bigfoot first just for the record I don’t disagree at all this is exactly how I decided that I believed in Sasquatch I’ve searched on YouTube and I found some really similar calls nothing

Has matched perfectly depth length of call that sort of thing but some of them are almost so spot on that I don’t have a problem thinking they’re made from the same thing I came to this thread to read other sassy stories but haven’t found one yet so I figured I’d throw in mine

This happened about 3 years ago and I want to hear it again so bad so I can try to record it I’ll be completely open to somebody suggesting an alternative to what it was but I promise it wasn’t any of these things cougar bear Bobcat Lynx elk deer Fox Osprey squirrel porcupine

Beaver wolf coyote person really drunk High person song bird insect Mouse dog this is what my mind looked like just trying to find an answer definitely one of the crazy easiest few minutes of my life when we were kids my dad took the whole family to do an overnight tenting

Trip on the next Lake over from where our cabin was the other Lake was about a mile Portage in and had no Road access this Lake was about as remote as you can get that night around dusk three drunk guys show up in a boat stating the tiny

Island we were camping on used to be there they came and made small talk but they were creepy as f i was maybe 10 or 12 and my dad just happened to be cutting wood when they pulled up he didn’t put the axe down for the rest of the night

In the end nothing happened but I have no idea who they were or where they came from this is a strange story but interesting nonetheless so I thought I should share it to see if anybody could do anything anything with it I have a videotape of my great grandmaw from when

I was kid she was sitting around with her sisters talking about old stories from when they were kids one sister started talking about a story her father my great great grandpa made her promise to never talk about but since she was over 90 years old she didn’t think it

Mattered anymore she was very flustered still just talking about it the best we can tell this event took place in the Logan Sport and area in approximately the 18 890s or so my great aunt was taking food to her father and grandfather working the fields all day

As she did every day she would take a horse and cart out to where they were working have lunch then come back home on this particular day she could not find her father or grandfather she then heard them yelling at her to get inside the woods near by and hide she complied

And that’s where they began telling her that they have been watching some sort of flying machine that didn’t make any sort of noise flying around the field they supposedly watched little people get out of the craft and take pieces of corn and soil then they flew away the

Uncle and father had been hiding in the woods for some time afraid to leave all the people in the video have now passed on but my grandma who is now in her mid 80s the daughter in the story’s niece gave me this tape because she was curious if I could find any other

Reports from that time frame of anybody reporting the same sort of thing I have the tape of the story and that’s about it it’s just a story but interesting I’ve seen a lot of the usual stuff out in Northwestern Canada but the only thing that made me really think

Twice about going into the woods out there was not wanting to find a body there are dozens hundreds of Unsolved missing persons cases out there many of them indigenous women but some men and white people as well there are signs up everywhere with information about the missing I hope they’re found and their

Families find some closure but I dreaded being the one to come across the corpse the other thing that made me think twice was the bullet holes everywhere blowing holes in highway signs is bad but these F heads would shoot up out houses nothing like taking a dump and Counting

The bullet holes in front of your face Canada has some stricter gun laws than the states but people still make bad decisions so nothing really spooky just people I used to spend weekends and Summers hunting alongside my grandfather when I was in Middle School he taught me

The ways of the woods the patience required and the respect for nature it was a bonding experience one that I cherished Deeply One Autumn afternoon as the sun cast a Golden Glow upon the forest I took aim and shot a d my first successful hunt the crack of the rifle

Echoed through the trees and I felt a mix of excitement and pride wash over me little did I know that this experience would forever change my perspective on Hunting as I approached the Fallen dough ready to field dress and prepare it for consumption I noticed movement out of

The corner of my eye a fawn no larger than a puppy emerged from the underbrush it had been hidden obscured by the tall grass and the Shadows of the forest the realization hit me like a punch to the gut I had unknowingly orphaned this young creature the Fawn stood there its

Innocent eyes wide with confusion and fear it emitted a series of high-pitched cries almost like mournful whales as if desperately trying to wake its mother from an eternal Slumber my heart shattered into a million pieces as I watched this tiny creature griev the loss of its parent in that moment The

Thrill of the hunt vanished replaced by an overwhelming sense of guilt and remorse I couldn’t bear witness to this heartbreaking scene any longer tears welled up in my eyes as I made the decision that would shape my future I vowed to never hunt again my grandfather understanding the weight of the

Situation put his hand on my shoulder offering silent support he too had witnessed the emotional toll that hunting could exact we carried the dough back to our truck in silence our Spirits heavy with sorrow from that day forward I turned away from hunting and embraced a different path a

Path that involved appreciating and protecting Wildlife rather than taking their lives I dedicated myself to conservation efforts learning about the delicate balance of ecosystems and the importance of coexisting with the natural world that encounter with the Fawn remains one of the saddest experiences of my life life it serves as

A constant reminder of the profound impact we have on the lives of animals and the responsibility we bear as stewards of the earth though I will never hunt again I strive to ensure that future Generations appreciate and preserve the beauty and wonder of our natural world I worked in New York Harbor for

Quite a few years on tugboats assisting large ships in and out of the harbor I work offshore now and unfortunately haven’t seen anything too creepy out here to set this up spoiler being that it’s not Supernatural New York Harbor is busy all commercial boats communicate with each other on one VHF station if

You’re interested get a VHF handheld and tune into VHF 13 sometime where we’re going what we’re doing how we’re going to meet Etc everyone uses this station rugs badges ships Fair Beres Coast Guard well crewed Yachts Etc so it’s jam-packed always Esq waking pretty annoying sometimes I came into work a

Day after Hurricane Sandy hit New York disregarding the hazards of driving the roads on Staten Island where the boats are stationed the entire Harbor was shut down due to fears of debris and Shing caused by the storm surge for the next week I sat on the boat getting paid

Waiting for the harbor to open the point I’m getting to is that the radio was dead silent one of the busiest and congested waterways in the US and nobody was moving nobody was talking you could turn the interference rejection all the way down the volume all the way up and

Only hear a faint background buzz it just felt wrong unnatural a bit of a post-apocalyptic Vibe anyway that’s my creepy SE related story during about 5 hours of babysitting I drank a sixpack of 5% of BB seltzers I am not a day one Drinker it was just a

Regular night and I did not make any mistakes due to said seltzers nor was I drunk now if you are under the understanding that the common person doesn’t typically hallucinate or mess up too bad with around one strawberry lemonade Selzer every 45 minutes then I

Can carry on and you can read but if you can do nothing but automatically prejudge my story over said disclaimer don’t bother and yes this will be relevant to the end of the story moving along so in a very woodsy state in the US I used to live in I knew a hippie

Couple that would pay me and my now ex to babysit sometimes it was about 20 minutes into the woods there were houses on the way but all pretty far apart these friends lived up a hill that was about a 1 minute drive and and had two neighbors but not anywhere close enough

To hear them on this night I went up there by myself they paid good money to babysit had awesome well- behaved kids and their property was gorgeous so it was always a treat go up there I didn’t know how to lock their front door but I

Always felt safe cuz I was like who would come all the way up here guess I might have been wrong so the evening went normally until the end the kids played outside a bit and I watch them they went on to watch TV and I put a

Tuna casserole in the oven their mom had prepped I went to do some dishes while they chilled because I said I would clean the house the day before also a pay gig and I didn’t come through for that so I wanted to surprise the parents pretty soon after the kids needed to get

Ready for bed one could brush her teeth and the other still needed his brushed so I did that and I think they just put on pajamas and I went to grab a quick drink from the kitchen here’s where it gets weird again no neighbors close between the bathroom and

The kitchen there was a back door I heard a woman talking very close to the window as if she was talking to someone else the TV was off and I don’t put on headphones or a speaker around other people so it was none of those things I

Assumed I didn’t hear their parents pull up and they were talking outside so I opened the back door and called out their names but it was Pitch Black and silent I immediately felt alarmed I put the kids to bed and said I will be right

Back and if they are still awake I will read them a story I went outside and sounded a drill I happened to see by the door and said if anyone has a bone to pick I’m right here and come get it mind you even a good cop was at least 20

Minutes out and I had two other lives to protect call me bonkers but again I heard people in the woods and I have no history of mental illness or drug abuse so yeah I heard heard what I heard with how shaken up I was I knew something had

To be wrong parents returned shortly after Mom seemed calm dad said he thinks I drank too much and he believes I thought I heard something he said his kids did not hear me outside when I came out warning whoever was out there I closed the door so they wouldn’t hear me

And the kid said the night went well despite this he thinks I scared them and drank too much and never had me babysit again I think I did the right thing one of my aunts recently passed away at 92 years of age my cousin has been her caregiver for the past 4 years

He promised her he’d never put her in a nursing home he doed on her and kept her clean and comfortable until she passed away at home the evening she died he was monitoring her vitals and listening to her heart with a stethoscope and heard her take her final breath as he stood up

From her bedside he caught a glimpse of movement at the nearby bathroom door he saw his mom in a flowing white dress looking much younger and almost transparent she looked at him and said thank you and Faded Away we will be attending her celebration of life this

Weekend I grew up in the late ’90s early 2000s I spent a lot of time outside and I loved all animals including bugs frogs and lizards Etc my little brother played a lot of sports so on weekends I was always dragged to his games and after school I often had to attend his

Practices it was soccer season and I had to go with my mom to one of my brother’s soccer practices after school on this day I was probably female eight or nine at the time it was at a local park surrounded by some Wilderness and some hiking trails I like this part because

Off to the side of the soccer fields was a creek with frogs and stuff I’d love to go over there and look at them and try to catch them Etc it was evening time and the sun was setting but there was still plenty of light left I told my mom

I was going to go down to the creek to catch frogs it was down the hill slightly from the fields and obscured by some bushes and shrubs but there was a clear dirt trail that ran alongside the creek so I scurried on down there and was carefully studying the creek looking

For frogs when suddenly a man’s voice startles me what you looking for I look up and see a middle-aged man dressed in typical Office business wear button-up shirt slacks dress shoes he was standing on the trail blocking my route back up to the soccer fields looking at me and

Smiling I was a shy and cautious child so I just looked at the man and didn’t reply at first my Spidey senses were already tingling and I remember feeling nervous and uneasy I sometimes saw hikers on the trail by the creek but his outfit and appearance told me this

Wasn’t a hiker he then asked me are you looking for butterflies I saw some down there as he points further down the trail away from the soccer fields I just said no and started looking around at what my options were I felt the need to

Get out of there fast but as I mentioned he was standing on the trail which was my route back to the fields there were thick bushes on the hillside between the trail and where the fields were I started making my way up the rocks to the side of the creek towards the trail

Further down from where he stood and to my alarm he started moving down the trail toward me need some help he said I was now starting to panic although nothing had happened and he seemed friendly it just felt wrong to me I just got stranger danger Vibes I remember

Feeling a a burst of adrenaline and fear I shouted no and booked it up the Rocks across the trail and crashed my way through the bushes towards the soccer fields I remember the branches scratching me but I didn’t care I literally scrambled my way through them

Till I came up to the fields and then sprinted over to where my my mom was watching my brother’s practice I probably looked like hell so she of course asked what the heck happened and I told her I felt like she thought I was just being paranoid though

I’ll never know if this guy posed a real threat or not he could have been just getting some fresh air on his way home from work who knows I just know it felt creepy at the time I in Morehead Kentucky and have been experiencing unexplainable things while I’ve been hiking around Eagle Lake

Or near Cave Run I’m not a superstitious person and I’m very rational when it comes to the animal animal in our region it will sound as if something is approaching coming much closer than any animal should and when noticed I react stop my feet Etc it stops an unrelenting

Dread and overwhelming anxiety Falls over me I cannot shake it and I know I have to leave at that point each time as I’ve started to leave whatever it is has charged quickly coming much closer and essentially chasing me from where I’ve been I refuse to return to Eagle Lake

After I experienced it the first time and chose to go to a pretty popular area near Cav run the same exact thing has happened more than once I have not been able to shake the feeling I have definitely been the only one in the area on both occasions and there have been no

Animals near definitely not ones large enough to make the sounds I’ve heard my girlfriend has been with me on each occasion and has heard and felt the same as me if anyone has seen felt heard anything please please let me know edited to add I’m not trying to claim

Eky has a new crypted or that a ghost is following us or anything I wish I could believe it has somehow been the exact same creature exhibiting the same behavior four plus times in different areas but it has become hard to do so my girlfriend and I both agree that it’s so

Clearly felt like something has wanted us gone we’ve gone out so many times and have never experienced anything like this before or held any anxiety about going out I carry I’m not afraid of wild animals in our area I realize I sound crazy but I really am just wanting some shared

Experiences thank you All hi my name is Arthur and I’m a Californian I used to work as a ranger at sequa National Park from 1994 to 1997 before I start I just want to say that I’m crying as I write this because the memories are extremely traumatic it happened in 1997 in my last year working

As a ranger it was also this event that got me fired I was patrolling an area that was not very frequented by visitors because of the density of the bushes and because it was an easy area to get lost I had received a report of loud sounds coming from there sounds that were

Scaring the visitors making them think there was a bear on the loose or something it was noon and I was driving around the area with a Jeep and a tranquilizer rifle just in case something was really there I spent 1 hour driving around and I stopped the

Jeep exited it and was standing by the open door I was about to pick up my walkie-talkie and Report the situation to one of the other rangers that were patrolling the other side when I heard something on my left a loud growl I looked and there was a big reddish Brown

Thing with wide shoulders long arms and huge human hands looking at me this part really breaks me every time I remember it because I got paralyzed in fear at the moment because this thing was bigger than any grizzly bear and was glaring at me with a face that I can only describe

As a hungry Predator I felt like an ambushed prey I stood there and this thing charged at me with full force and I entered the Jeep almost instantly the creature crashed into the Jeep breaking the door’s window and the thing grunted in pain I turned the Jeep on and

Accelerated beyond the speed limit of the park I looked behind for a second and this monster was running after the Jeep on all fours just like a chimp I panicked even more and I increased the speed and some curves later I finally lost him I arrived at the ranger station

And there was nobody there I remember being so panicked that I locked myself inside a bathroom and I’m certain that I fainted because I remember that everything went black when I woke up it was 900 p.m. and the other Rangers were looking for me my boss confronted me

About the Jeep having one of the sides damaged with the broken window and when I told him that a big animal attacked me he got angry at me called me a liar who sleeps on the job and accused me of crashing the Jeep on a tree and making

Stories up to not to get in trouble and fired me I did years and years of therapy and it didn’t work the memories still haunt me and I still have nightmares and sudden panic attacks I know the thing that tried to snatch me was a Bigfoot and not a bear bears don’t

Have human faces human hands and wide shoulders and they don’t have freakishly long limbs I lived with these memories for more than 20 years and this is my first time telling this story ever since thank you for reading this it was the the beginning of archery

Hunting season for Elk four years ago in August my friend Richard and I accompanied by our buddy John embarked on an adventure to blackbear swamp little did we know that this outing would unveil a sight that would haunt our memories for years to come as the sun began its descent casting a Golden

Glow upon the landscape we found ourselves near a road at around 700 p.m. it was then that our eyes caught something peculiar a creature stood perched upon a hill its figure shrouded in Shadows its Hue appeared to be a murky Brown blending seamlessly with the surroundings the sheer magnitude of this

Being left us in awe a towering presence that seemed to reach Heights of approximately 12 ft the image of that encounter still lingers vividly in my mind as I recall the conversation I had with Richard over the phone on August 18th he described the creature the words

Tumbling out in a mix of Fascination and in trepidation the mere thought of it sent a shiver down my spine a reminder of the enigmatic encounter we had experienced together to this day the details remain etched in our memories serving as a constant reminder of the Mysteries that lie within the depths of

The world we inhabit the shadowy figure The Towering height and The Haunting presence of that creature on the hill continue to fuel our curiosity leaving us Yearning For answers that may forever elude us 4 years have passed since that fateful day and yet the impact of that

Sighting has not diminished it serves as a testament to the hidden Wonders that exist in the Realms beyond our comprehension our encounter with the mysterious creature at Black Bear Swamp is a chapter of Our Lives that will forever Intrigue and haunt us a fragment of the unknown that forever remains

Embedded in our shared experiences Marie and Minneapolis made two separate phone calls first to coast to coast and then to Darkness Radio looking for answers regarding something that happened to her the night after Halloween 2014 while doing her paper route the event clearly Disturbed her and she couldn’t explain it nor could

Any of the hosts or guests of the various radio shows this happened the night after Halloween I delivered newspapers at night and I was delivering newspapers that night and it was business as usual I rounded this curve and I saw a group of kids in the middle

Of the road there were about six of them and they were all wearing gray robes with hoods they didn’t have the hoods on they were down their backs I thought that was kind of strange because Halloween had ended about 10 hours before that one of them saw me and

Started walking very quickly towards my car saying something she got very close to my car and I could see that she was about 15 years old and my first thought was why was she out there that’s pretty young to be out there at that time of

Night it was about 4:30 in the morning I didn’t have time to talk to her so I drove around her but then there were the other five kids in the middle of the road and then they saw me and they found out to surround my car so I couldn’t

Move and that scared me I drove up on the lawn to get around them but they were coming pretty quickly at my car and I almost hit one of them and then I thought I’m going to call the police because this is quite quite odd then I

Thought I better follow them so I could tell the police what they’re doing I saw them turn down the street and I turned to follow them and it took about 10 seconds to get to the street and they were gone they had disappeared and there’s no way they could have gone to

Even the first house I’ve been sailing all my life and have somewhere around 6,000 sea miles as well as years and years of inland dingy racing experience the sea just does strange things sometimes wind against tide and underwater obstacles causing weird currents create unnatural waves

And it starts to feel like the sea is just throwing water at you at random fog at sea at night really mess up your senses too everything is quiet and you can’t see anything but the boat immediately around you you keep looking for lights on other ships and listening

For fog horns or the sound of engines in the distance and your brain starts playing all manner of tricks on you in a busy shipping Lane it’s a serious business and in a very real way it could be life or death if you miss a ship that

Hits you and sinks you you start to see lights everywhere around you you start hearing engines creeping up on you you stop your boat and cut the engine to see if you’re hearing anything real and you enter an even stranger world of sensory deprivation it’s Eerie as hell second

Edit to add this one I’ve just remembered a full solar eclipse we saw one in the middle of the English Channel and it was the strangest thing there was thin Cloud but the sun was visible through it we were within the total eclipse Zone and could see the shadow

Coming from miles away it looked like the biggest most angry storm I’ve ever seen generally the darker the clouds the more it’s going to hurt this was a Darkness as dark as is possible at Sea during the day talk to my dad about it afterwards and we both felt a real

Uneasiness getting worse and worse the nearer it got our bodies and subconscious Were readying Us for dealing with a really shitty dangerous situation it was just like how people sometimes describe sending a ghost a cold chill and feeling really on edge it really was like a ghost storm a lot of

Sailing becomes instinctual after a while and you get a feeling about what’s coming from watching the clouds and waves off on the horizon the eclipse gave off every sign of absolute nastiness but passed without any real world effect other than darkness really creepy one time we were camping and were

Talking with one of the locals we came across that lived in the mountains Appalachian Mountains he eventually talks us into going down a back Gravel Road to show us some more of the land he drives us down this back gravel Road and eventually turns off onto a small hill

And goes back through a path into a small Corner in the woods there is a group of people in old vans with doors open propane tanks and other random non- camping equipment he cuts the engine and a big dude with a scraggly beard starts slowly walking up to us at this point we

Immediately knew they were cooking and gave each other the we need to get the F out of here look the bearded man starts talking to our driver and arguing about money a bit and then ends the convo driver starts up the truck turns around

And we leave I felt like I was in The Hills Have Eyes or Deliverance kind of different story but nonetheless creepy and thought we were going to die I walked into a pot growing operation outside Santa Cruz California took a minute to figure out why there was black tubing running everywhere got

The F out of there in a hurry also had a close encounter with a bear in Colorado I was visiting and not used to the elevation if I had had to run I would have been the easiest meal that bear ever had I also stumbled into an abandoned homeless camp in a pretty

Suburban part of Virginia except that is wasn’t abandoned after all saw seven or eight guys standing back in the woods staring at me backed up the way I came in none of them ever moved no one said a word weird thing is that they were all dressed exactly alike Brown jackets

Green pants now for the final story there’s one encounter that really stands out though I was day hiking The Ridges above ratton New Mexico I’ve been out quite a while when I came across a well-picked over deer carcass there weren’t any fresh tracks around it but that’s a real clear indication that I’m

On some large Predators home Turf time to go as I’m climbing down off the ridge not the way I came up I see a flat area with an odd round Stone formation think stonehinge but the Rocks aren’t squared off each of rocks are all taller than I

Am and formed a darn near Perfect Circle I’m a little creeped out but I step in for a closer look the second I cross through the rocks it was like an electric shock immediate Goosebumps the hair on my neck is standing up and every nerve in my body is screaming at me to

Be somewhere else right now I scrambled down the rest of that Ridge Way Out of Control I was lucky not to hurt myself cause at some points I was just jumping without looking where I was going to put my feet I did not look back once 20

Years on I still cannot explain my reaction I’m not given to extreme Flights of Fancy I’m not afraid of Things That Go Bump in the night I’m not a religious person and I don’t believe an evil with a capital e but I did that day something horrific happened there

Once and it will happen again this occurred around 1999 2000 my best friend and I were Avid outdoor adventurers and amateur pot growers we would frequently find secluded places in the woods that allowed for ample light and shade for plants to grow and that would not allow them to be easily found

One particular day we went to an Annex of trails located near NJ State Park trail system the trails weren’t in the park but I had hiked them before and knew they weren’t that frequented we had gone out that day with our seeds partially sprouted in moist paper towels

We parked the car at the trail head and started hiking in we covered a mile or so and then ventured off the trial and into the woods we found a clearing planted the seeds and tied a few barely visible ribbons off to Mark the way to

The plant spot to check them in the future my friend and I got back on the trail and started walking back to to the car when my friend noticed a man in the other direction just staring at us he was probably in his 30th or 40th bald head normal clothes we didn’t think

Anything of it for the most part but we definitely kept looking back as anyone would when someone is behind them in the woods we saw that he was walking 60 Plus or so feet behind us it seemed weird but it was probably more so due to us having

Anxiety that we planted seeds we picked up the pace but the man also seemed to pick up the pace as we weren’t gaining any distance at one point we decided to just get off the trail and let him pass we turned off the trail and walked into

A Thicket of sticker bushes which I remember vividly getting shredded on we got deeper into the woods and heard cursing when we turned around the man was coming through where we entered it was at that moment we actually became scared mind you were too young strong 19-year-olds but a man following you

Into the woods is damn creepy we made kind of a u maneuver to outflank him and came out of the woods a bit further down Trail once on the trail we ran as we were running there was a fork in the trail and my friend went right and I

Left I realized my mistake as my buddy was going down the the correct path and I wasn’t so I turned around and started running back towards the fork to follow my friend as I was running towards the direction we came from to get to the fork I could see the man running towards

Me down the trail he was a distance away but not far enough in my eyes survival mode kicked in and I ran as hard as I could I caught up to my friend who was waking at that point I screamed he’s after us and we both booked it to all

The way to the car we got in the car shaking and out of breath we backed up and started to get out of the parking lot when the man appeared at the trail head he stopped there and just stared at us as we drove away I always wonder what

That was all about did he want to kill a couple of 19-year-olds was he also doing something illegal in those woods and wanted us gone my buddy and I still laugh and talk about that day 22 years ago when I was 12 I spent an entire summer in my grandparents Village the village

Is small and we all know each other but it’s quite Rural and surrounded by Hills and Woods at that time my occupation was collecting herbs and all kind of insects so I went on a little adventure with my dog I packed water snacks and went into

The woods I had a great time for quite a few hours I found so many interesting bugs and plants but suddenly I heard some commotion it felt strange but being a dumb and naive kid I thought nothing of it and kept going but my dog Caucasian Shepherd started growling and

Barking at first I thought that she barked at some animal but there was nothing there I called her a couple of times but she just kept growling and that’s when I saw a man standing between two trees that man wasn’t from the village and he looked so strange he was

Skinny he had something red I assumed blood on his shirt his eyes were open open wide and he just stared at me I froze in fear couldn’t move or run I just stood there unable to do anything my dog still barking and growling everything changed when man smiled I

Never felt that uneasiness ever in my life his teeth were rotten some of them missing it was so scary seening him smiling it wasn’t a ghost or vampire but still he looked hella creepy I called my dog she whined and suddenly we were running trying to get the hell away from

That woods and that man when we came home I couldn’t stop shaking and after that I never went out there again this was a really long time ago but I always feel uneasy and scared when where I remember this I’m so glad I found this subit because I love remembering this story

It’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to me also I’m not great with words or typing things out so sorry about that this was in 9th grade there was this huge state park right outside of the town I lived in my friend and I would go down the trails every now and

Then we had been walking for maybe 10 minutes when we realized there was an older woman not far behind us I only really noticed because of how out of place she looked like she came straight out of an old folks home and was just dropped in the woods we were joking

Around about how creepy she was and sped up to put some distance between us but every time we did we’d look back and still be able to spot her we did that probably three times we still thought it was funny though we ended up running

Down the trail until we got to a small Bridge we hopped off the bridge into a creek and then went around a Bend we could still see the bridge from where we were we were cracking up about the whole thing when we saw the old lady again we

Had run for a good couple of minutes like she shouldn’t have caught up that fast and it was like she knew we got off the trail because she was just standing on the bridge looking around I think that’s when we stopped thinking it was funny as soon as she left we took off

Running the other way that was it though nothing happened I just always thought the whole thing was creepy a military man John went outside to have a smoke he lives in the Hills surrounding Deadwood South Dakota he spotted two kids walking up a hill they stopped and

Looked at johon which spooked him they were wearing hoodies and looked very strange their eyes were completely black they started to come across the street walking directly towards JN who introduced himself to them they continued to advance towards him frightened he retreated into the house inside he asked his wife if she heard

Him talking to the kids she never heard anything they soon went to bed John then noticed one of the boys outside his window he rushed to bolt the front door as one of them was there too he never made it to the door for whatever reason

He turned around and went back to the bedroom where he saw the boy standing outside his window he went to grab his pistol he wanted to scare them off he assumed they were wearing masks one was at the window and another was at the door he was extremely scared now the

Next thing he remembered was waking up in bed his wife informed him that he had been gone for an hour and a half I did hear the door open and close you weren’t there she told him John had left the house at 4:00 a.m. and didn’t return home until 5:30

A.m. a friend of mine known as dammo was an avid fisherman and he and his dad used to go out sea fishing whenever they could a few years ago he told me this story and it creeped the hell of me so this seems like an appropriate place to

Tell it dalmo and his dad were on the second night of a trip deep sea fishing and they decided to get some sleep in the early evening so they could go for whatever fish they were after at around 1:00 a.m. the best time to get this fish apparently anyway they only had a

Smallish boat but the weather was extremely Pleasant and the sea was calm to the point of Stillness so they figured it would be a great night’s fishing for them around 12:30 a.m. they started to set their Gear Up and as they were on the starboard side getting bait

Ready they heard a loud Splash on the P side as there was almost no swell they figured it was either a large fish or some gear had somehow fallen in so they went over to have a look floating face up in the water only a few feet from the

Side of the boat was a young woman Woman They reckoned she couldn’t have been more than about 30 at the most she showed absolutely no signs of decomposition bloating and there was nothing Tangled in her hair all of which would normally suggest she had been in

The water for some time she was wearing a simple white skirt and a blue colored strappy top both of which were clean and apparently looked barely wet again all indicating she had only just gone in the water she showed no signs of damage like having been beaten or attacked and her

Eyes and mouth were shut DMO said she looked totally peaceful and like she was simply asleep and just floating on her back in the water they were both totally freaked out by the whole thing but reacting more to the need to make sure she was okay instead of just standing

There trying to work out where she came from they tried to wake her up shouting to her Etc and they threw a line to her hoping they may catch her enough to pull he back in she showed no signs of movement and the splashing around they

Were making with the rope served only to let her body drift further away from the boat when she was a few meters away dammo ran off to grab a fishing rod hoping they could pull her in that way and his dad ran to the cabin to try and

Call a coast guard for help when DL got back to the side she had vanished he frantically searched around and splashed into the water with the rod thinking she had bobbed underwater or even drifted under the boat somehow but the body had vanished eventually his death figuring they couldn’t just leave a

Potential dead or unconscious body floating in the water jumped in and swam over to where she had last been hoping he may find her under the surface but they couldn’t find anything they did eventually Drive the boat around in a good half km Circle but they never saw

The body again the Coast Guard did come out and obviously Damo and his dad were kind of interrogated to make sure they hadn’t murdered dumped the body but nothing came of it all the freaky EST thing about it all was that the boat was thoroughly checked before they had set

Out fishing the day before so they could say with certainty that there had been no woman on board when they set off either a dead body or a stowaway homeless woman the Apparently fresh state of the body kind of removed the possibility that she had been in the

Water a while and that they just found the body and they were far enough out from land and nowhere near any other boats that her appearance there was just totally unexplainable as was the way the body just dis appeared DMO and his dad hadn’t been gone more than 20 seconds

From the side of the boat but in that time the body just vanished they were both really shaken by the whole thing and were most terrified by the fact that her appearance was preceded by the heavy Splash in the water to them suggesting the body had only just entered the water

From their own boat they tell the story now as a kind of you won’t believe what happened to us once type thing but it shook them badly and neither has been backed to to the same fishing spot since sorry it’s a long one but it’s so creepy

It felt like it deserved to be explained fully my sons then about 7 and 5 and I had planned to fish the Brighton Bush River near the 46 and 85 Bridge as we camped in the area before and they were familiar with it we turned off f46 on to

4685 South Cross the bridge pulled over and parked 4685 continues on a short way then begins to climb there’s a dirk road that leads right West that parallels the river immediately past where we parked I was giving the okay okay here’s how we’re going to do this speech when a

Movement a little farther up the road 100 ft or so caught my attention when I looked I saw a figure I inly thought to be a person walking across the road from left to right but quickly realized this was out of the ordinary the figure was approximately 8 ft tall maybe a few

Inches more covered with reddish brown hair all over its body I distinctly remember seeing muscle movement as it moved and thinking man that thing must be strong I also remember its arms swinging as it walked and being too long for a human beings because its hands

Came down to its lower thigh level it only had to take four or five steps to cross the road then stepped down over the edge of the road into the brush it turned and looked at us briefly as it walked I can’t honestly say I got a good

Look at its facial features but I did notice that the hair color on the head and the side of the face match the color of the body hair when I looked at my boys my older son was staring where I had been my younger son didn’t see it

After the shock of did we just see a Bigfoot past I walked up to where the figure had walked across the road Road and tried to duplicate its stride I’m 5’9 and it took me several steps to cross the road I went into the brush where I saw it enter and found a

Foot-shaped impression in some moss covered ground that dwarfed my boot that was enough we decided not to do any fishing on the way home we stopped at the ranger station and asked if they had heard any reports of Bigfoot and learned real quickly why most people don’t report their sightings

I was 17 and laying in my driveway smoking a cigarette I was mad about something and I said to myself I’m so pissed off right now if an alien ship flew above me I would tell them to f off typical teenager at the exact moment I thought that I heard the sound

Of a foot scraping across the ground I looked down since I was laying down and saw a man with white hair and a backpack walking down down my street about 20 ft from me I lived on a culde saac and this man was not one of my neighbors he was

Walking from the opening of my street toward the dead end I watched him walk by and he got behind my car and I watched his feet go past my tire I kept watching to see him walk out the other side and I waited and I waited I never

Saw his feet walk past my tire so at that moment I thought he was standing at the back of my car so I get up to confront him except he’s gone poof no man on the road no doors opened or closed on my street and my neighborhood

Was cut out of a large Hill so there was no Outlet except for the end of the road but that’s where he was walking from it scared the everliving out of me I put my cigarette out and went back inside and locked the door I have only

Told a few people about this edit this was at about 11:00 p.m. very quiet on my block and no one outside though I was in a neighborhood it felt secluded and Alone 4 and 1 half to 5 years ago I found myself in the depths of Black Bear

Swamp a remote and secluded area known for its dense vegetation and Elusive Wildlife it was a place where nature reigned Supreme and the boundaries between reality and the extraordinary often blurred that day I was accompanied by my girlfriend Sarah as we embarked on a leisurely hike through the swamp the

Air was thick with humidity and the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves filled the atmosphere we reveled in the Tranquility of the untouched Wilderness blissfully unaware of the astonishing events that were about to unfold as we made our way through the thick undergrowth a sudden thud

Resonated through the air followed by a loud crack against the trunk of a towering pine tree startled Sarah turned towards me her eyes wide with alarm did you throw that rock at me she accused her voice trembling with a mix of confusion and anger taken aback by her accusation I quickly denied any

Involvement my mind raced trying to comprehend what had just happened it was impossible for me to have thrown a rock with such force and accuracy something else was at play our attention was abruptly diverted as movement caught our periphery Vision peering through the dense brush we glimpsed a figure large

And hulking swiftly making its way through the undergrowth at first we mistook it for a deer but as it emerged into a clearing the truth became undeniable before us stood a creature that defied explanation of Bigfoot its massive frame towered over the surrounding foliage and its dark Shaggy

Fur Blended seamlessly with the Shadows the creature moved with a Grace and Agility that bide its IM imense size It cast a glance in our Direction its piercing eyes seeming to hold a hint of intelligence and curiosity he just stared at us for a minute and the disap paired into Wilderness true

Story my fiance has a really good one from when he was at West Point the military academy so there’s a lot of haunted parts of West Point since it’s so old and tons of Legends or ghost stories told by the cadets from over the years it was during the summer and the

Place was basically empty he was on night Duty for one of the oldest barracks on the campus all night long he kept hearing someone walking around on one of the floors above him and when he would go up and check it out this one room would have a light turned on he

Kept turning off the light locking the door and then would go back down to his desk on the main floor he said at first he thought someone was just messing with him but then it started getting really annoying so around 2 a.m. he gets a phone call from someone a brigade

Commander or something this guy starts screaming at him on the phone Cadet I’m looking at Scott Barracks not sure if it was actually Scott but for the story’s sake it’s Scott barracks right now and I see a light on the third floor go take care of that light so my fiance fed up

At this point goes upstairs again unlocks the room door and turns off the light again an hour later he gets another call Cadet this is Lieutenant Colonel mayor and I’m looking at Scott barracks and that light on the third floor is still on I want you to go turn

It off and then meet me at theer statue to explain why you can’t follow basic orders theer statue was a common meeting point for Cadets so after going up to the third floor one again my fiance makes his way to the Statue to get shooted out by this Lieutenant Colonel

And explained that the light kept going on even after he turned it off at this point he was super creeped out and it was really late like 3:00 a.m. so he made one of his friends come with him so they that they could both explain to this brigade Commander what was going on

They get to the Statue and wait no one comes they keep waiting because the last thing they want is to get in trouble for not waiting for a lieutenant colonel on top of the light after an hour no one came they decide to leave the next morning he decided to tell his company

Commander what happened with the light and mentioned that Lieutenant Colonel mayor had called them and then never showed up to theer Statue to talk the company Commander turned pale looked at my fiance and asked him if he was sure it was Lieutenant Colonel mayor who had

Called my fiance was like yeah I’m sure he yelled at me twice and made me walk to meet him at 3:00 a.m. about it apparently a decade earlier a lieutenant colonel mayor had committed ass in those barracks in that room on the third floor so my fiance swears up and down that his

Ghost had called him that night and had kept turning on the lights in that room I grew up in Alaska just on the bubble of civilization sort of up there even in the big cities you’ll get bears and moose and such I was walking home from the bus stop our driveway was about

A half mile long through Woods I heard noise to my right and stopped hoping it was anything other than the one animal that scares me and then it stepped out of the trees I froze my blood felt cold and stopped in my veins a moose full-grown female was standing maybe 20

Ft from me in the middle of the road it stopped and turned to look at me I was scared with no backup plan what what can a 12 or soy- old do against a full-grown moose then it happened I heard another noise behind me I truly thought I was

Dead I thought my life is now over I’m about to be between a mama and a baby moose and I’m going to die I remember feeling Frozen and not at all tranquil and at peace I couldn’t even scream from the edge of my eyesight I saw the second

Moose emerge from the thick stand of Alder trees and disappear behind me I could hear the steps on the soft dirt my eyes locked on to the Moose in front of me trying to will it to stay calm I stopped breathing and then felt it a

Gentle whoosh of warm air down the back of my neck followed by the unmistakable sound of a forced inhale the Moose behind me was sniffing my head I could feel the breath hear the nostrils flare some neighbor had dogs off through the woods aways and they must have gotten

Out of their yard they started barking inside the trees and startled both moose that turned and ran back the way they came crashing into the small trees and leaving to this day the only animal I’m afraid of is Moose I’ve been fishing with brown bears had black bears say

High as they walked by my Camp mountain lion stalk us and then leave doesn’t rattle me until I see a cow moose alone and then I just hope to whatever is higher than me that I’m not between her and her cub well there was an incident which taught

Me to regularly make what is called a j turn to watch bore cheek by back Trail I was scouting a distant group of Hills along an inaccessible River no docks for Miles there were Past rumors of mountain lions being back in there though all the Eastern breeds are supposedly not

Existence anymore there had been a light snow Before Dawn but but it didn’t hinder me from walking way back and cresting the highest Hilltop where I could see the Big Bend of the river for whatever reason I decided to circle the tippy top of this hill before going back

Down where I could then pick up my old trail where I walked inwards when I completed my circling I came back down but immediately but stopped dead there were a second set of prints right next to my steps Big Paw Prince as I sat watching that River there was a fking

Big cat sitting somewhere watching me now heading back down I had lost The High Ground and the pursuit position was now in his favor I made Jay turns every 300 yard on the way back I make Jay turns on the way in and out of every

Area I hunt if it is in a remote location and yes I seen dogs deer and even men following my paths before my father when he was in his late teens used to hunt deer in New Zealand this would have been the late 60s early’ 7s he was out with some friends hunting

In thick bush at night using a spotlight connected to a battery that they would carry in a backpack my father saw the shine of deer eyes in the dark a very easy shot a direct and clean shot on approaching the kill a few things stood out to him as slightly unusual firstly

Was the horse he had killed second secondly were the two terrified Maui guys who leapt from their tent next to the dead horse understandably scared for their lives I think he had to pay them enough to buy a couple of horses to clear the matter up also he only ever

Hunted during daylight after that I grew up in the Arctic and the town I lived in as long as it was a clear night it was an extremely normal occurrence to see all sorts of strange lights move across the sky keep in mind the winter is long in the Arctic which

Means longer amounts of time being spent under the stars it’s quite beautiful as long as you don’t mind the cold so much sometimes I would drive a snowmobile a few kilometers out of town shut it down and just lay down on the snow looking up

At the Majesty of it all the only thing disturbing the silence being the occasional Breeze the northern lights are also a common occurrence doesn’t happen every day but often enough that they start getting ignored after a while as long as they aren’t too spectacular anyway on one particular night without

Asking my parents it was their snowmobile I decided to go on one of my midnight drives out of town I drove a few kilometers over the hills to find a spot devoid of like pollution from town shut off the machine and settled into a good spot to look up and be

Introspective it wasn’t all that interesting a scene a few satellites passing here and there some relatively boring activity affecting the magnetic field Etc and then I started noticing a clicking noise at first I thought it was the sound of the snow machine cooling down as engine expands and contracts a

Lot in the cold but the source of the sound definitely wasn’t coming from that direction my next thought was there must be an animal nearby in which case I need to get out of there fast you don’t really want to mess with a wild animal but the clicking is far too regular for

An animal to produce it it was fairly mechanical sounding and again the source of the sound isn’t coming from anywhere around me laterally it was coming from up so naturally I look up determined to ascertain the origin of this strange noise I see what I always see stars Northern Lights a lazy satellite

Crossing the sky all normal stuff but before I dismiss it all together and begin heading home I noticed something strange in the Aurora Borealis there were three rather strong points of light I ignored them at first thinking they were oddly symmetrical stars but this proved false they were definitely getting brighter I kept

Staring in morbid Fascination as they grew stronger and stronger yet still only remaining single points in the sky all the while the clicking noise is getting louder and louder and more pronounced almost like someone started with tapping a pen on a desk to clacking Billard balls together inside my head

Then it stops the lights are gone the clicking is not heard and aside from being a little stiff cold and rather petrified I’m fine so I jump back on the snowmobile thinking maybe I’m going crazy the machine takes a little longer than usual to start up and I’m beginning

To worry but soon it’s running and I’m heading back to town as I’m driving back several plausible scenarios I as to what occurred are running through my head I’m thinking it could have been a helicopter from the mine or some strange Northern Lights Behavior Etc probably not that

Big a deal I pull up to my house lights are all dark strange it wasn’t that late when I left open outer door as quietly as possible remove winter gear enter inner door house is quiet really quiet my parents are teachers and are usually up late mark or watching TV all I’m

Thinking is I have to get to bed without anyone noticing proves to be easy as I’m soon under my covers I go to set my alarm for the next day all of the sudden everything makes sense engine hard to start stiff rather chilly nobody up when I was gone what felt like relatively

Short period of time it was almost 11:00 p.m. when I left and now it was creeping up on 6:00 a.m. I stood staring at clicking light lights for almost 7 hours I never ended up sleeping that night and I don’t go on Late Night snow machine rides

Anymore our team of Navy SEALs was on a covert operation near Japan searching for Vital intelligence concerning China’s possible invasion of Taiwan I led the team with Joe as my second in command a seasoned warrior with a wealth of experience little did we know that this seemingly routine operation would

Lead us to the edge of our sanity Joe ever curious and adventurous discovered a hidden underwater cave system during one of our reconnaissance missions intrigued by the mystery that lay within he decided to gather a small group of five men including myself to investigate further we dawned our diving gear and

Descended Into the Depths unaware of the horrors that awaited us as we explored the labyrinthine cave system our excitement turned to unease the oppressive silence weighed heavily upon us and an inexplicable sense of forboding crept into our hearts it was then that we unknowingly Disturbed a nest of aquatic Cryptids that had been

Lurking in the shadows their existence unknown to the world above the first sign of danger came with a sudden surge of movement in the water accompanied by an eerie silence that seemed to suffocate the very air we breathed our senses heightened we we realized we were being hunted vicious creatures born of

Nightmares and hidden from human eyes closed in on us with Savage intent a battle for survival ensued as we fought tooth and nail against the Relentless onslaught of these aquatic Horrors our training and instincts kicked in but the Cryptids were unlike anything we had ever encountered their strength speed

And ferocity were otherworldly pushing us to the brink of our physical and mental limits one by by one my comrades fell to the Cryptids Relentless assault leaving only Joe and me to face the horrors that dwelt within the abyss we fought with everything we had employing every ounce of skill and determination

To escape their clutches but it was Joe with his unwavering resolve and indomitable Spirit who found a way to lead us out of the abyss and back to the surface after barely surviving the ordeal Joe made a fateful decision he chose to keep the existence of the Cryptids a secret forever buried within

The depths of the Pacific he understood the consequences of revealing such a horrifying truth to the world knowing that panic and Chaos would ensue and so we returned to our lives carrying the weight of the horrors we had witnessed deep within our souls we never spoke of the cryptons again silently accepting

The burden of our experiences and the sacrifices made by our fallen comrades it was a testament to our unwavering loyalty and dedication to protecting our nation even when the threats we faced lurked in the shadows forever hidden from the world’s gaze story from my dad back in 1989 my

Dad was hunting out in New Kent County Virginia he feels uneasy throughout the morning and then he gets really spooked to the point where he decides to leave nothing weird is happening and he is a lifelong Hunter who wouldn’t normally leave the woods for a bad feeling can

Vouch he’s very practical as he’s driving home he sees a bunch of cop cars at the rest stop near his Hunt Club later that evening he finds out that the cops had found the bodies of victims of the Colonial Parkway killer near the rest stop in a spot fairly close to his

Tree Anamaria Phelps and Daniel low as a true crime Buff when my dad told me this story last last year I lost my dang mind in late fall of 2018 I was driving back home from work on a Saturday afternoon on I 271 South near Mayfield Ohio the weather was overcast and light

Rain was coming down and slowed down traffic due to rain it wasn’t very windy but the wind blew the rain to the southeast out of my periphery I noticed to my right what resembled a large grouping of dark gray balloons floating silently from one side of the freeway to

The other above the tops of the cars on the same freeway upon closer inspection I noticed these orbs hanging or grouping together in what resembled a d an a strand model some were attached to others while the remainder were free floating clinging together as they floated silently across and Into

Obscurity this was my third experience witnessing something anomalous and I reported it months ago to author Preston Dennett I’ve included the artistic Recreation of my sighting thanks for listening horror Cowboys see you tomorrow at the same time


  1. I ran so far ,I ran so far away,so far away, I couldn't get away. Yes it's lyrics again but when a combination of word's get my memory going and that song suddenly comes up. Uh Thailand/ Siam sided with Japan during that bad time in history,I guess it's best to kiss in order to survive,🤨 I'm from a long line of mule headed/stubborn people and I still don't like the thought of giving in to terrorists no matter what time it was, also the tsunami that his also manage to send a "Hogg" to the other side of the world and it's now in the Hogg museum can anyone tell me if it's in Wisconsin where they originated, and a few more items still floating around, and the latest earthquake in Japan is also terrible it can stimulate a another tsunami, but there's some good news that I read a 90 year old woman was rescued under some debris of her former house. Before that they had restarted the evacuation drills there in Japan, a good thing.

  2. 🤢🤮 stealing thong's, however the stringed patch of cloth was invented by the day of burlesque shows due to obscenity laws, and pasties. Hey Ol Hillbilly I just love the intro music I finally found the name of the tune.

  3. NAV a ho… not na VAH ho…it's only the largest indian tribe in the nation. .(actually spelled Navajo), I'm a hillbilly too and even I know how to say that. Do like your voice, so not trying to be a snot here..just letting ya know sir. Good stories too. Best wishes for your channel success.

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