COBRA Golf | Train your Game | Ep. 4 | Iron Fitting Pt. 2

So that last shot traveled an additional 1.2 yards okay over the previous four shots yeah that one traveled one foot less just hit it yeah definitely caught in the heel so when it comes to recreational golfers at home and we say that’s a foot and we’re

Laughing about it but if you find they hit the ball like you said reasonably somewhat we’ve all got a pattern what’s the average dispersion difference that you would see with a 15 handicapper or let’s say someone who shoots mid 80s okay between a ill-fitting set and just

By changing the the shafts or maybe the head profile then you usually the benefits that you can gain from doing that is in dispersion like how close the balls yeah I’ll tell you that all Fitters have stories where a player comes to them looking for some new irons

Yeah and they just go I can’t hit my number right and it’s because they’re playing something that either has a hot spot in the club head or it’s just uh distance iron and they should be playing something that spins properly M but they’re more concerned with hitting it

Past their buddy than hitting a number where I mean we’ve all seen 30 yards front to back yeah from a good swing to a poor swing yeah um ideally if we can get a 15 handicap or an 18 handicap something that is within one Club yeah

That would be considered a success so a front to back Miss of 11 12 yards would be ideal because if they make a bad move and they still get away with it and they only lose 10 yards yeah that is a big success it’s a big success yeah

Yeah but for a player like yourself we’re trying to get that number as tight as physically possible was that close oh yeah uh right now we are seven shots in your front to back Miss is 2.1 yards that’ll fly yes that’ll fly yeah it’s I something about this feels really

Good yes balance is good spin is fantastic we’re plus or minus 138 RPMs so I think we’re really close mhm with that current setup okay uh right now golf club is dynamically coming in 2.5 degrees tow down yeah it’s 2 de flat as it is right now so it’s more in line

With where it should be mhm we’re no longer coming in 7 8° tow down like we saw with your teaching Club um shaft deflection is good vertical swing planes right at 56 in spin is perfectly at 7,050 Apex height great at 115 to 120 and then you have unbelievably good

Stopping power with a landing angle of 49° what were the differences in those two shafts they’re both stiff tip they’re both softer in the mid and both very stiff in the handle so in terms of what each one of those does they’re very very similar it’s just the mmt is

Graphite with metal mesh in the tip section so it gives you that stability yeah but it also I found is more of a feel player enhancer okay you feel everything with that and it you feel the turf you feel impact it almost heightens the sentences through impact okay where

Sometimes steel can just feel like steel yeah where it’s Hollow dead anything like that that just makes it feel better in fittings it’s important to create confusion amongst the player and what I mean by that is a player will adapt to whatever you give them regardless of skill level yeah

You can teach yourself to hit a set of blades you can teach yourself to hit a set of cavity backs yeah even if the shaft is wrong the lie angle wrong the length is wrong the weight is wrong heck the CG is wrong you will train yourself how to hit whatever you

Have okay feels so much cleaner through the ground yeah yeah and it is a half a degree higher launch not a huge amount and the spin rate is 150 RPMs less and the landing angles are much better it’s 115 in the air instead of 110 so it’s 5

To six potentially 10 feet higher Apex height now see is most of the time when I play back in Australia and then about to go to Europe it’s windy correct that is actually spinning less than your correct yeah yes so the added six feet or 10 feet of Apex height is caused by

That additional half a degree of launch yeah not an increase in spin rate okay if anything we’re seeing a slight decrease in spin rate yeah and a slight increase in launch okay okay so that’s that’s a great reason just to get fit in itself regardless if you get new clubs

It’s just to make sure that yours have moved yeah and if if the player is playing a forged golf club and you know they let’s call them a weekend warrior where they go out and play couple times a month yeah and they’re playing a set

Of forged irons I would say every 3 to six months yeah just go get the lives checked get the Lofts checked it could be as simple as hey I’ve went to the range a couple extra times and I’m hitting off of a mat now yeah which is

Going to cause those lives to move quite a bit more versus hey I travel I play all the time those players need far more maintenance when it comes to their golf clubs yeah I need one of you traveling around with me yeah I just need to carry a law flying machine with yeah

All right okay so now that we know that you like the MB with the mmt um let’s play around with a couple other club heads uh we have our CB which is our cavity back and then we also have our King tour which is kind of a hybrid iron

The King tour is an iron that is getting a lot of traction out on tour it’s a forgiving player Club where if you miss hit you don’t lose ball speed yeah yeah so this will be our CB our cavity back uh very similar um it has a little

Bit more forgiveness packed into it it’s a little thicker Topline and that’s mainly so we can do Blended sets mhm where we’ve done sets out on tour MH where they’re playing a King tour long irons four five yeah CBS in the six and seven and then eight through pitching

Wedge in an MB including a tour win this year from a non-sponsored golf love that so I would expect maybe slightly flatter Apex height out of this one because impact’s going to be slightly higher on the face lovely that was nice yeah Apex at 108 so it’s really

Just a little bit more forgiveness with this one here correct this is for the player that has aspirations of playing a full set of blades but just needs just a little bit of help typically speaking that player would do a combo set or we offer it all

The way from you know four iron through gap wedge if that player needs it that one there felt slightly uh key but I don’t think the spin changed on that too much right no still 7500 still Landing angle of 49 still Apex at 100 little bit low on the

Face and you’re going to get exactly the same result feels good feels good for me it just comes down to AES Aesthetics yeah yeah like if to be honest it feels easier to hit yeah and if for me it wasn’t such a look thing like I’m so accustomed for all my

Last like seven eight sets have always been blades yeah just that’s what I’m used to and you have to play with what you like looking at yeah yeah so next we will try our King tour iron so this is standard length 2 de flat with the mmt 105 TX in our King

To correct it is longer Heel To Toe actually quite like it yeah I think I like it more than the CB it it’s a absolutely gorgeous Golf Club looks easy to hit incredibly so spin rate dropped to 68 from 7,000 Apex is still 110 Dynamic

Loft is now 19 instead of 20 and a half so I’m starting to think that for me the best thing is to deloft my MBS MBS just a degree yeah cuz that launched to me yeah much much more forgiving so that was that low toe shot I felt so good he

Still got 136 ball speed still got 14 launch spin was 6,800 the carry is a long ways and this is an interesting point we speaking to someone in a golf school last weekend and you always hear lower spin more distances better and then I think a lot of players

Neglect the fact that it’s a 79 for a reason because you got a six after it yeah so what’s your opinion on that so lower spin does get the player more distance but it can also make the club less playable so we have a very fine

Line of how do we produce something that the player can hit a little bit further cuz let’s face it every golfer out there wants a little bit more ball speed a little bit more juice behind it but also so they need a club that’s unbelievably more playable if a club’s more playable

The scores come down because it’s the same shot over and over and over again so as a fitter I gear myself in more of the instruction side of things where I just wanted to do the same thing over and over again if a player loses five

Yards but can hit a number six out of 10 times I will recommend that versus is that club that goes six or seven yards further and they only hit that number two out of 10 times yeah again it kind of comes back down to that question that

Fitters or even the person getting fit should ask themselves what am I looking for out of this golf club am I looking for the yardage am I looking for a tighter front to back Miss am I looking just to make dispersion tighter what is the player actually wanting out of that

Iron fitting out of that new set of irons once you know that then the fitting can be geared towards what the player wants and what the player needs ask better questions yeah get better answers yeah yeah that’s that’s that’s a great tip for players at home any other questions you really feel like

Players should keep in mind when they’re going to go get a fit so detailing maybe what course they play regularly what are the conditions like I would tell the player go into the fitting with an open mind because if I told you that you’re going to hit King 2 or better yeah and

You look down at that golf club and you’re like I can’t I can’t because guess what you’ve played MBS forever so in your head you have already made the decision corre on what golf club you are leaving with yeah just open your mind and try everything yeah because

Something like this golf club just might shock you because right now it’s 1.1 yards apart yeah we went from 2.3 to 1.1 yeah damn that ago and play the ugliest Club you can stand to look at yeah because it’s amazing what changing just that L for you that clip’s just a little

Longer heel the toe which makes it look a lot different but now we have a spin differential of a 148 RPMs on five shots it actually feels like it’s easier to go at as well yeah the numbers are saying Carriage pick that pick that pick that yeah just doesn’t look like a blade

Brand oh I know oh I know I got to stop hitting this otherwise I’m going to change my mind it’s really good right that’s too good okay

1 Comment

  1. Very informative. I got fit by your rep Mitch in Seattle for my last 3 sets and his understanding of your irons and how they compliment my swing was phenomenal!

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