The ULTIMATE Tiny Club Challenge!

After the INCREDIBLE last outing with the Kids clubs with Gaz Beadle, I have decided to give this challenge another go but this time, we are taking on three holes to see if I can go round at level par… ⛳️

Do you think I can do it? 👀

A massive shoutout to Feldon Valley for letting us film! Check them out below! 👇🏼


Go check out the other video we did with Gaz below! 👇🏼

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Jesus Jay [Applause] that it nearly took my ear off and then nearly took the flag out that was the reason why I missed a put you made me miss a put then all Right it’s the free hole challenge but with junior golf clubs we have got a stinking little driver we’ve got a wedge we’ve got an eight iron and then a horrible little putter we’ve got par 4 par four par three um we actually did this challenge with Gaz on golf last

Week all right we did it on the 17th hole at little ason gol Club unbelievably we both managed to get a par he sank like a 35t par it was ridiculous I sank my 15 footer um we’re just going to see how we do ain’t we I

Think this goes about 180 yards have a look at that power four 400 yards let’s Go I’m going to have a freebie this don’t count right but I’m going to go one- handed and see if I can absolutely T set up there right let’s go ow that wer that don’t count right that a practice swing that was just a that don’t count right

Hold on oh look at that that would have gone Miles by the way um right come on let’s do it properly stop messing around you lot would you that was a fos cast ball as well that’s tailor made F cast ball right let’s go I’ll tell you what I’ll tell you what

I think that’s all right you know it’s up on the right hand side but it’s gone a bit hasn’t it that’s pretty clean you know I’m going to put my back out doing this I know it cuz I felt it then already but will Soldier on will Soldier

On that went 150 yards that one did we still got 250 yards in short game is going to have to be impeccable today I won’t lie um we’re going Drive rough deck cuz that’s just what we do rip it baby I tell you what it’s not fantastic it went a little bit

High but one more driver off deck and we’ll get on the green right we still got 180 yards um but I can just can just sense something special is going to happen I can just sense something special is going to happen right about now and we’re getting this on the

Green I’ll tell you what it’s a hell of a strike by the way it’s not on the green but it is a heavy strike oh nice little kick to the left as well yeah we’re cooking I’m going to get that wedge out now and stick it oh I’m buzzing with

That I’ve got tiny clubs and the heaviest bag with all sorts in it this is going to be fairly tough I get the feeling yeah this um all right GE all right that’s a nice little bird that is it he’s yellow it’s a it’s like a king fisher or something that’s pretty

Weren’t it um get in the comments down below all those bird people out there what was that like call thing I think it was a king fisher cuz he looked King fishery right come on then pitch and wedge this would be a miracle that’s not bad you know go on go

Go go look at this look at this oh come on Jay clap clap I’ve only gone and stuck it to about 10 foot with the worst Junior pitching wedge us kids golf oh but it’s the ultra light that’s why it’s the ultra light version J if i’ have known

That right we’re putting for Bogey and I’m over the moon I won’t lie that was a good shot that you know right here we go we’ve got a little 10f footer for par last time last time I used the kids putter with Gaz I sank it

What was it 15 foot it was a thing of beauty right so let’s see this is a little bit right to left yeah I’ve got a little bit of a bumpy lumpy there but it’s fine right come on we get away the bogas we are flying Jesus Jay [Applause]

That it nearly took my hair off and then nearly took the flag out that was the reason why I missed a put you made me miss a put then all right um can I touch it yes you can you sure oh there you go mate put back the

Ground I’ll leave it there for you right right let me just tap this in for a double bow gear all right there we go actually I don’t mind that putty know that feels lovely Um quickly just want to shout out Falon Valley um we played this course all winter last year and we’re going to be back again this year as well cuz it holds up so beautifully well um obviously the second hole has to be a 450 y power for um this is going to take

Three incredibly good digs with this to even get there come on oh my gosh that nearly hit the Drone and it went miles what a shot J that nearly hit the Drone you know that nearly hit the Drone that was the best one yet I reckon that’s gone 170 odd yards or something

Love this little bad boy us kids golf ultra light get in my belly come on Lads right come on needs another big shot to get this up there DOD standard come on a that’s not bad is it come on it’s not bad is it do you hear it as

Well it was clean as a whistle I barely even left a pitch mark I’ve just and the Drone nearly got hit again oh we’re cucking you know what I think I might even have an eight iron in after this you know I don’t think a I

Think a driver off deck is going to be too much for it this is testing you know I had to breathe in and hold my core for a second then ready oh Yeah get this up that bank I’ll tell you what if that hits that bank I that’s not bad you know I’ve hit it into I’ve actually called the shot haven’t I I’ve gone a little bit further probably I’ll reckon it’s at the back of the green but for a junior driver I actually

Done exactly what I wanted to do no love for it now all right sweet never mind it’s fine fine I love this little bad boy go straight at least that does you know oh yeah come on come on I think it’s fairly straight Lads come on imagine the scenes imagine the

Scenes I’ve absolutely welled it you know I think I I can’t defend myself I’ve welled it it’s as that it’s fine though it’s fine we’ll put this in for bogey bogey come on then oh that’s good but that’s good but that’s good Jamie that’s a heavy heavy bogey you

Know a heavy bogey we went driver driver driver putt putt that’s incredible that first put was Horrible okay third and final hole of the junior Club Challenge and by the way when I say junior clubs I don’t mean like teenager or like you know young sort of like I’m talking like toddlers yeah these are these are genuinely made for like what seven year olds

Yeah if five five exactly there we go and if you think you can do better go get yourself a set and see how you do all right I’m currently three over par for two holes we got a par free it’s 10 it’s about 120 yards all right and

Following on from the success of my last shot from 120 yards we got the driver out again standard right come on then let’s finish with a flurry I tell you what if that rolls oh Lads look at this oh Lads that was so close to being incredible wasn’t it it

Was so close to being incredible I tell you if that was in the summer that’s rolling yeah it’s rolling it’s about 30 yards all right it’s a little Sandy wedge a little just a bit like that land Out On The Fringe run it on oh that’s not bad sit sit sit

Sit we’ve run past about 20 foot 15t it’s not the end of the world you know it’s not the end of the world look at that ball strike look at that right in the middle of the club face that’s what we do come on putter be good to me right it’s kind

Of righty left there right steady steady steady that’ll do I’m taking that all day long I’m happy with that you know what we walk away with the four it’s a bogey buzzing my tree off you know what that’s not the worst score in the world we went double bogey

Bogey on a seriously hard Par Four and then a bogey on this final par three uh four overp power I’m over the moon with that genuinely I’m really really happy I was zinging that driver played some unbelievable shots that second shot sorry that third shot into the front of

The green onto the back on the second hole was thing of absolute Beauty I hope you enjoyed the video I’ll see you Soon


  1. 4-over with junior clubs ain't bad Fozzy! Love to see you try and play a few holes with a lefty set, not as hard as you'd think

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