Golf Players

Sony Open DFS Golf and Gambling Preview Show | Fairway 2 Heaven w/Phil Stiefel and Jason Sullivan

Sony Open DFS Golf and Gambling Preview Show | Fairway 2 Heaven w/Phil Stiefel and Jason Sullivan

We are back with season 4 of Fairway 2 Heaven!
This week we kick the full slate off with the Sony Open in Honolulu at Waialae Country Club!
We will break down the DFS slate tier by tier and what types of golfers typically find success at the Sony Open
We will also give some season long predictions to get everyone set for the new season on the PGA Tour.

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Season four I can’t believe it season four a fairway to Heaven talking the Sony Open and the 2024 PGA season we’re back baby we’re live in 30 Seconds And a very good evening everybody and welcome to Fairway to Heaven Season 4 right here on Philadelphia sports network we’re live Facebook YouTube Twitter make make sure you hit that like share subscribe retweet button wherever you’re watching I’d greatly appreciate and if you’re watching on Twitter

Twitter comments are back so if you want to comment on the show click the video and there’s a little box that pops up you can chat with us right there from Twitter they pop up on the screen and we can answer all your questions if you’re

New to the show I am Phil stifel we got Jason suvin sitting in next to me my partner for four years now doing this show and uh I I I just Jason when when I thought about it today season 4 and I started thinking about the November

Masters of 2020 when you Josh and I got started with this I couldn’t believe it’s been four years that we’ve been doing this just a thing too it all started with just I think you liked one of my tweets about Golf and I noticed that you you wrote about golfs at the

Time so I was like damn you read about Golf and it all started from there it was awesome it’s kind of crazy how it all took off so quickly um but season 4 and and guys if you’re new to the show what we do is we break down down the

Draftking Slate for each golf tournament every single week we give out our Best Bets we’ve got some new things we’re going to do this year as well we’re going to do some building lineups on this show we’re going to do some one and done a little bit of everything and of

Course as always answer any and all of your questions right here live on the show talking anything fantasy and gambling golf related or golf related period don’t ask us any swing advice because I can’t give you any swing advice but outside of that we’ll pretty much answer anything you want right there um

Jason this season basically kicks off this week with the Sony Open we had the Tournament of Champions last week but the first real event of the year is this week so let’s just dive into it we’re in the Hawaii swing um as you phonetically spelled out for me before this show W

Country Club in Honolulu not how it’s spelled but that’s how it says um what are your thoughts at at first before we even get into this week’s event about the do do you like the Hawaii swing the few events they have out there in Hawaii

I do like it just because of the mainly because of the scenery honestly it just it it is crazy to me that last week was just kind of like a bombers Paradise 7600 yards wide open Fairways I mean this week is like uh 7,000 yards almost

On the dot plus super narrow Fairways so it’s it’s weird that you know they’re so close together but yet the coaches are so different yeah absolutely they’re totally different courses and you know when you’re playing in Hawaii and these events in Hawaii no matter what there will always be the weather factor that

Comes into play um and and that’s why you see so many different types of scores at all these events you know the few weeks that they’re out there in Hawaii uh but the one thing that’s that’s been a little bit different this week compared to the last few years down

Here at the Sony Open is the fields a little stronger than normal you know obviously John ROM’s missing we’ll get into some season long conversation at the end of the show but but because they expand at the centry Tournament of Champions more guys are out there in

Hawaii you got a bigger field a deeper field and and and to to me I think you’re gonna see a strong push from the PGA to try to convince who’s left of the big names to play more frequently this year no I 100% agree I was gonna ask you

A question too like what do you think about like how’ you feel last week with no Rory and know obviously Rah is gone now kind of like the bigger names it just kind of seem like it lacked a little luster for me I I I think I’m a

Big fan of the tournament champions event normally I I I just love to see all the winners get together I didn’t actually like how deep the field was because like they invited all different guys in the top 50 and this and that you know I didn’t like that aspect of last

Week’s tournament but it also just it just I don’t know John ROM to me and I I said we’d get into the season long later well we we’ll just get into it right now John ROM leaving for live has Really Got Me Down on this this this PJ tour season

Like it’s not going to make me tune into live golf everybody knows I’m not a live golf guy but I’m down like John ROM is one of my favorite players I think he’s the best player in the world and he’s outside of Tiger and Rory the biggest

Star name there is out there the biggest personality Scotty sheffler is a great golfer maybe the best in the world but he doesn’t have the personality he a I feel like it’s G to be lacking this year without John R around and I’m I’m I don’t know less motivated maybe to watch

Every swing of every tournament I don’t know you know what’s funny we talked we’ve talked a lot in the past obviously Brooks leaving was a big thing DJ leaving cam Smith kind of hit struck a cord with both of us I know you were big

Cam Smith guy but this to me seems like the first time that I’ve been really like wow damn really like Ram of all people has they go but I mean this just shows you they have to figure out a merger the PGA Tour can’t go on like

This I feel like it’s these tournaments they’re trying their best to do you know to put a good product out there but I just don’t don’t think they had the excitement right now they got to figure out like you said there’s not needle movers anymore it’s like you have tiger

Who doesn’t play very often Rory I still think is a needle mover but like besides that like who are you like really pumped to go see like you said Scot amazing golfer but the personality is not there you don’t have like villains like you used to like Patrick Reed Brooks those

Bryson those guys aren’t around anymore so it’s tough yeah you bring up the villain thing and that that’s kind of funny because G does need a villain and I guess at to an extent at some point in his career tiger was a villain at some point in his career Rory was

Phil even yeah Phil for sure you know Rory like I almost need Rory to to become rebe become the villain like just trash talk to PGA Tour Trash Talk somebody I I don’t know we need a we it needs a rival somebody’s got to hate somebody you know we need a Bryson

Versus Brooks type rivalry hell if if I’m the PJ tour Jason I’m like getting in a few of the top players ears I’m like yo even if you got to fake it just just start some drama start something do something because now that like it’s crazy because only one real player left

For live this offseason John ROM but that one player you know when Rory’s not playing rah’s always playing so like you know you’re you’re always GNA be missing one of the top two players in the world and it it just breaks my heart it really

Does and so you’re saying we need like a Shawn Michaels Marty janetti kick through the window like like George spe k does a super kick to J JT’s face or something it needs something and there’s too much like I always talk about this when I talk uh UFC because I’m not much

Of a UFC guy now but back in the day when I was into UFC you had like the Tito Sant the the S what was his name the Huntington Beach bad boy uh him and Chuck Liddell had a huge rivalry back in the late 90s um I’ve never been a big

UFC guy really yeah there were rivalries they people wanted to kick each other’s faces in and now UFC everybody hugs and kisses after every fight and outside of Conor McGregor there’s no personalities like I need Personalities in golf and now they’re all gone the last one is

Gone in John R Tito Ortiz is that the guy Tito Ortiz that’s who I was thinking of him him and Chuck Liddell they literally were best friends that became enemies PJ tour doesn’t have that what’s up TMC we’re talking gol tonight just golf nothing else tonight like like I

Say on the morning show your opinion matters your opinion means nothing on this show just so you know unless you talk about golf then it does unless you talk go then your opinion matters I don’t know I think going back to how you’re gonna go with snow everywhere

You’re gonna get in a plane and fly to Hawaii go to Hawaii exactly no kind of circle back to what we were talking about with the live thing I I know we talked about this last year and how it all played out and everything but right I still feel for

Rory like I mean talk about one guy that the PJ just threw directly under the bus and drove over like 10 times it’s like you’re the voice of everything you’re you’re you’re strong you’re strong you’re strong now your buddies are gone so good luck yeah good it’s it I kind of

Feel bad for him because I’m sure he’s turned money down from live He’s probably been offered as much if not more than John ra yeah you know he moved out of the US like he doesn’t even live in America anymore like he’s just trying

To get away from it now I’m sure he’s he can’t do the conversation definitely hurt his game to an extent last year in my opinion and and and you know this year you know because rah’s not gonna be there even 12 times this year he’s going to have to face even

More questions who else is going to be the face outside of RAM steer is as dry as you know paint you know what I mean so you know who’s going to be the guy that’s facing all the questions it’s going to be him outside of the four

Weeks that Tiger Woods is out there you know I thought of this and you know we we we say the PJ tours got problems and Liv go there’s one thing that can save the PGA tour in my opinion do you know what it is I don’t know if I mentioned

This to you or not no what do you think Charlie Woods can save the PGA Tour I think you tweeted about that I did tweet about it like a month or two ago during that little fatherson event that he he played Tiger Woods going one on-one versus Charlie Woods in an event

And get paired together hey if I’m if I’m the people that run Augusta I’m giving a special exemption to have Charlie Woods play as an an Amer I’m telling you I know it sounds crazy and you’re smiling as I say it Charlie Woods being as good as his dad maybe even like

Chasing tiger records that saves golf right there even if he’s remotely a star that’s could be the best thing that could ever happen to golf now it like I mean like H what are the odds that the best golfer of all time son is as good

As he is right wild I know something about Charlie Woods versus Tiger Woods walking up the 18th Fairway at Augusta that’ll that’ll get people talking again about the PJ tour but outside of that I don’t know what saves the current regime of the I can’t even believe that what’s

His name is even in charge of the PGA anymore well no I can’t either yeah Jam onahan I can’t either but you know it’s it’s one of those things too I think they’re trying but they’re just missing like they’re shooting and missing like the elevated event thing that kind of

Fell flat last year just because of the schedule almost like it was like a major I think it was like the Masters and then all a sudden boom an elevated event the next week it was like there’s no excitement for these events they got to figure out something I don’t know what

It is but obviously a merger is much needed yeah merger is definitely needed of some kind you know and I don’t even know if a merger solves the problem you know I I I don’t know allowing the guys to bounce back you let the p guys bounce

To the DP tour and other tours why not just let them all bounce around let them all they’re they’re already freelance workers to an extent just let them be freelance everywhere well they were saying too I don’t know if you heard the idea that they that was kind of bouncing

Around a little bit when they were saying that for the President’s Cup do live against PGA Tour almost at this point though I mean like okay so you have Rory you have sheffler I guess be JT but like it’d be pretty a pretty good matchup I mean you got to think like Liv

Is kind of loaded now yeah I mean the Liv go has the elite of the the elite golfers honestly at this point they also just have a lot more of the Bottom Feeders as well you know they have like 10 of the 20 best golfers but

They also have 10 of the the worst golfers wol almost yeah Matt did you see Matt wolf dancing no there’s a video of Matt wolf dancing uh I guess at the live kickoff like party that they were having my God it’s cringeworthy it’s about From Grace like he went from being like the

Next guy to just everybody can’t stand him including Brooks his own he he went from being the next guy to Mr withdraw he did this little dip with his knees and I instantly saw three withdrawals coming from this little dance move he made and everything um but let’s you

Know let’s let’s we’ll get back to all that in a minute let let’s look at this week uh the Sony Open y Country Club in Honolulu um again like I said deeper field um biggest name in my opinion in the field not the most expensive on the

Draft Kings board but the biggest name Matthew Fitzpatrick uh you know former US Open winner you got the open Champion Brian Harmon you you’ve got some really good golfers uh in this field from your course knowledge what type of golfer succeeds the most at y Country Club it’s

Been a pretty wide range but I would say for the most part it’s the plotter like the Brian Haron type which is weird because okay he’s made a lot of cuts here Brian Haron but he doesn’t have the high finishes I guess but that seems like I mean his game seems Tailor Made

For This course a guy that hits a lot of Fairways it’s only seven 7,000 yards so it’s not a you know a really really long course by any means you got to plot you got to be strong around the green this all things that Brian Haron is but he

Just hasn’t been able to find his way to the Winter Circle that’s that’s the kind of guy The Good the good putter The Good short game that’s huge but see here’s the thing like everything you said about W is accurate but everything you said about Brian Harmon is the same there’s a

Lot of guys that you would think on paper would have success here and everybody says like it’s so important to have you know course this is like one of those courses like austa where experience around the course means something but there’s a lot of guys like Brian Haron Justin Rose for one hasn’t

Had huge success here he seems like a guy that should have success here there’s a lot of guys that fit into that category should have success but haven’t had success at this course and and to me that’s telling me to stay away from the course history to an extent and just

Focus in on who the best players are on a approach who the best guys are that are going to hit those Fairways that are going to hit the greens in regulation and whatnot so as you mentioned this is the I think it’s second most correlated course in terms of course history so

That’s obviously really important after Augusta obviously but you bring up an interesting point a lot of these guys that year like oh they have great course history don’t have the high-end finishes Bri Harmon Corey Conor has been like an kind of an example of that like everybody’s on him everybody’s betting

Him this week I mean I think 12th is his best finish here there’s a lot of guys I don’t know last year 11th year before that 11th yeah so I I don’t know if you noticed kind of like looking at the course history is that there’s a lot of

Guys that have pop years and then the next year the cut or finished 50th look look at Matt coocher everybody loves Matt coocher this week seventh the last two years two miscuts before that and then he won it the year before so it’s seventh seventh miscut miscut first

That’s like as all over the place as you can get with this course JJ Spa’s another one I was looking at him because he popped my model this week and it was like three miscuts in row and then last year was like 12th or something or sixth

One of those like I mean even the guy so I mean Cory Connor actually has over the last five years the most shots gain total at this course 12th 11th 12th the last three times he played here so I mean it’s hii who’s in this field last

Year finished 48 he’s got a 48th of first out of 51st in this event so I mean course history matters and it’s correlated here but does it matter or do you just want to try to find the best guys right now I don’t know I I mean

It’s all over like you said it’s all over the place I think that’s the biggest thing is that you you see so many guys that like Keegan’s another one it’s like T12 miscut T12 miscut the last four years that’s it’s hard to figure out yeah it’s really hard to figure out

So let let’s look at the top of the board we don’t have to dive into each and every guy so we got a few things we’re doing differently this year guys we’re going to build lineups this year um with our new friends uh you know at Fantasy Golf pod you know who are

Helping promote the show this year um we’re going to help we’re going to build a lineup later in this show we’re going to do a oneand done and all uh so we might not go into every single name on the draftking Slate um but let’s let’s

Start at the top here there’s four guys above 10K aberer Hatton Fitz and deala um shockingly Aber Berg is the highest pric guy which I think is way overblown uh for me uh the the hype that aberg’s getting right now Fitz and theala are two guys that right now according to Fantasy um are under 10% projected ownership right now Matthew Fitzpatrick a former US Open Champion a guy that’s never played here but fits this type of course perfectly it’s like 8% projected own are there any of these guys in on on your field or in your peripheral right

Now this week you know you know what’s funny is I think the top end is the hardest part like the hardest part to figure out like I have tons of plays that I like in the sevens a few in the sixes a few in the eights but the top

End is the hardest part I don’t really feel great about any of these guys I mean we saw oberg last week last week come out and he you know like you said played his worst uh his worst round in a long or worst tournament in a long time

Hatton was okay Fitz was okay like theala was really good but this doesn’t seem like the kind of course for him like he’s he needs a wide open course he’s not gonna be good on a plotter course like this so I don’t really know I think hatton’s my strongest lean

Because I feel like he’s the best birdie maker of the group but I don’t have a strong lean on any of them really to be honest see I I I lean towards Fitzpatrick uh in this upper group but only for one reason and that’s because that 9k range

Which starts with Brian Harmon at 9900 Cory Connor Eric Cole who’s gonna be a hot name all year long Chris Kirk who did he finish end up winning last I think he won last week yeah I know he was up there I didn’t finish I I was so

Tuned out of the the tournament champions I didn’t even watch who won you know all these guys in the 9k are in that 17 to 22% ownership so to me that’s that that’s got me almost skipping not completely but skipping you know a lot of those

Guys or heavy on those guys and leaning towards Matthew Fitzpatrick because I mean you’re a Matt Fitzpatrick fan I I know you love Matthew Fitzpatrick um I I don’t love him regularly but you know I think in this field in my opinion he’s the best golfer in this field you

Brought up a good point too I feel like is that when you look at the 9k guys like who right exactly sorry back to the Eagles tomorrow morning already got that set up and we are going to get that is actually on my notes here to talk about

That marshan um so we will get into that for sure what do you mag brother no he has no relation to Fitz magic at all Mar I wish I did yeah H Oh you mean Fitzpatrick gotcha gotcha no wrong country um no I think you brought up an

Interesting point with the uh with the 9k guys it’s like okay those 9k guys are all going to be super popular like you said Cole and Conor and Henley they’re all going to be super popular who’s a better golfer those those three guys or Hatton and Fitz to me it’s Hatton and

Fitz I mean if they’re gonna be if they’re gonna be half the ownership I’d rather play the two better golfers here Hatton right now is at 14.6 projection uh Matthew Fitzpatrick’s at 8.5 yeah you’re playing less ownership and better golfers I mean I I’ve already built my

First 20 lineups this week and Matthew Fitzpatrick’s my most click guy he was the first guy that got the five clicks and he got 11 out of 20 clicks for me um I know he doesn’t have history here but he’s just too good of a golfer to pass

Up on eight% in my opinion did he ever find his Club do we know if he ever found his clubs oh did he lose his clubs his uh or Hawaiian Airlines or something whatever he flew man L take notes Here I gotta look into that because I might

Have to change everything on that one right he was tweeting about it yesterday I believe so goddamn Airlines man always ruining everything everything right now you got enough money fly private yeah I’m sure I’m sure he can get them and get get a new set sent uh did not have the energy

W yeah sorry don’t don’t watch fo bir they were the show on before us here on on Philadelphia sports network um so you know we’re we’re we’re on board that you’re like in hat and I’m like it fits at the top tagala I I get what you’re

Saying tagala is another guy like Eric Cole that’s G to get a lot of hype this year um I’m just not sure about dalala and Cole how much height how if they’re gonna be able to live up to the height somebody’s got to step up and be that

Star this year I thought Eric Cole was a rookie last year and he was he’s like 400 years old already I think he’s 36 yeah you know what I mean so he’s not the answer to golf right now um but there is another name in the 9k range

And I want to ask you your opinion on it I clicked them three times out of 20 just because of ownership and because of I don’t want to miss out on when he comes back what are your thoughts on will zallot Tores he’s at 4.5 ownership project he’s only

9300 the last time we saw him play golf he was winning in 2022 you know before he hurt was at his back and back issues are always a problem and sketchy and golf but he’s had a year off what are your thoughts on Wills out

Tourus this week but also is he a guy that could be the star that help help save go he is fairly young he can yeah he can be that guy 100% if he gets back to the way he was I 100% think he could

Be for me I’ve heard a lot of people I think Rick rung good was one of them you were talking about him too is like I think I want to wait and see I know a lot of people want to be early on him I think I’m gonna do the opposite and be

Late on him I want to see it yeah like there was a point before he heard his back and went down he was always one of my most clicked guys I’ve always liked his game but the problem is I I don’t want to miss out on him so I’m gonna

Give him every week two or three clicks before you know I I I start going all in on him I’m not going to bet him anytime soon I think he’s like 50 to one to win this event or something like that he so bad too what was the hero that he played

He was so bad he was very very no he wasn’t very bad because I looked at this I think his first round he shot in 81 then he came back and shot in the 60s the second round okay and then he went and shot like a 79 in the third round

Shoot 80 your first round that’s not great not IDE but but he so he had two rounds in the 60s and then two awful rounds so he’s kind of all over the place Kwan wants to know what hideki’s price is Hideki is 9k there’s another guy another guy that’s always injured

Another guy that you know a star player you know what I mean and another guy that’s getting overlooked by a lot of people he’s only projected a 10% ownership um I’m off on hii Hideki is a guy that’s burned me far too many times right I was just about to say that do

You have do you ever get Hideki right because I feel like I never do like I played him last week and he was terrible like I felt like he was a good play last week sneaky play he always models out well you always think he’s gonna be good

He’s I mean like I don’t know he I never get it right I can’t get behind Hideki ever anymore um I know I will fall trapped to it I I always do um but I’m not on Hideki it was either it was either click willly alur three times or

Hideki three times and I just I don’t know I have hoped for the the game of golf with Wills dorus so that’s where I’m clicking in that range there I think an interesting way to build this week kind of like to piggy back off what we

Were just talking about is to skip the 9ks because I think so many people are going to start with two 9k guys I think starting in the 10ks and then jumping down to the AKs is a really interesting way to build this week I built a whole

Bunch of lineups I know you said you didn’t like d Gala I have a couple clicks with d gala this week I built like three lineups with Matt Fitzpatrick and tagala and then just went down and then went to you know Luke list who I

Know is a you know an awful golfer but he’s kind of turning it on again and he’s won in the past I went down I went two 10K guys and then I went to a bunch of low 7K guys and I built four three or four lineups like really solidly like

That yeah yeah you can do that for sure anybody else in the 9k before we jump down a little further no I don’t think so yeah I’m looking at it I think you know JT po Poston is a guy that’s getting a lot of clicks and a lot of

Likes I’m gonna avoid him a little bit this week Chris Kirk winning I know he loves playing in Hawaii his ownership is going to be enormous too so there’s just way too much ownership in that 9k range um 8K range you got the defending Champion suit seiw Kim uh you got Denny

McCarthy Justin Rose who’s getting a lot of hype this week uh Benny on who’s getting far too much hype this week any guys in the eight range that really stand out to you that you have play this week benan was my guy that stood out and

I I agree with you he’s getting far too much hype I want to like this range I just don’t like there’s just not I don’t know Benny on I mean 14 .3% I bet it’s even higher than that once it’s all said and done so I I I like one name in this

Range an awful lot he’s my second most clicked guy this week I already mentioned it to you in a text message um and and I don’t know why I mean he’s got two 12th Place finishes he’s got two Miss Cuts here and that’s one Keegan Brad Bradley he’s the you didn’t when I

Said this to you you I don’t even you might have double checked you might have you might have fact checked me but I I double checked my own facts he is the 16th ranked golfer in the entire world I but there are 19 guys in this field priced more expensive than Keegan

Bradley and he’s got two 12th Place finishes at this event Keegan Bradley to me and hold on let me pull up his percentage ownership percentage here he’s at it’s gone up a little bit he’s at 99.9% right now ownership the 16th ranked golfer in the world you can get

At 8K and under 10% right now how do you not play Keegan Bradley this week first off how is he the 16th rate golfer in the world how when did that happen he’s a good golfer he is a good gol you know you know what’s funny because if you go

To the official World Golf Ranking sites it tells you where they are right now where they were last week and where they were at the start of last season he was the 16th ranked golfer at the start of the season and he’s still a 16th rank

Golfer right now I guess I did not know that Degan Bradley is a sneaky good golfer people ignore him because they don’t like him because he’s kind of rough like is is he what like maybe he could be the villain he’s a different so pissed off at not playing on the rider

Cup though like he used to be like a cocky kind of douche he’s not really like that anymore like he’s a Family Guy now like he’s likable I mean he wins and he cries he’s playing golf with his kids no Benny an not Benny Han everybody always tries to get me on my

Pronunciation it’s a good thing they didn’t hear me try to pronounce w before the show started so no Keegan Bradley I like Keegan Bradley because I don’t care about personal when I’m picking golfers to win I just want I just want to pick golfers I think that are going to win

You know I mean like I don’t care about their personalities you know what I mean another one of those guys too like what we were talking about before like his course history spotty like he either booms and finishes 12th or he finishes misses the cut or

60 I don’t know I’m I’m all in on Keegan Bradley he is like I said I did not bet him because I didn’t like the number on him uh but I’m all in on him on on DraftKings for for lineups for sure you liking the loaded 7K

The 7K there are a lot of there are a lot of names I think the three most quick guys I’ve got Brendan todu played really well last week um I like Lucas Glover a lot Lucas Glover is one of my highest bet guys to win outright um so I

Like Lucas Glover I like L Luke list who the last time Luke list won on tour was the last time I hit Luke list like I bet him that week 70 to one you know Farmers a few years back um I like Luke list and I like Mark hubber Mark hubbert’s my favorite

Weaker field goer even though he has been God awful here you still like him yeah yeah I still like Mark Hubbert um I do because you’re getting Mark Hub if you did not have the deeper field this year just think about it this way other

Years in the past the prices of some of these guys in the 7K would be in the AK Mark hubard last year wouldn’t have been 7200 he probably would been 7900 or 8200 at 7200 I like Mark hubt this week so you know there’s some of the names that

I’m looking at I didn’t bet all those I bet Luke list and I bet Lucas Glover luk list 90 to1 I just said on Twitter a few days ago I wasn’t going to bet long shots but here I am betting Luke list 90 to one this week there’s a lot of guys

In this range too that have really good course history like we were talking about that earlier like coocher course history is amazing Brenan Todd uh putnam’s course history is really good 7500 Ben Griffin Nick Taylor Taylor Montgomery I think Montgomery and norin are probably my favorite in this range but I also

Kind of a sleeper pick I like Keith Mitchell this week doesn’t seem like he would fit the course but he has good course history yeah you know you know what’s crazy for as deep as we’re talking about this range very little ownership is going here all the

Ownership is in the upper eight and NK range it’s very spread out there’s a lot of there’s a lot of golfers and and you know we we we try to keep a very tight player pool You Know You’re Building 20 25 lineups you don’t want a hell of a

Lot of names I stretched my player pool out a little bit this week and I got a lot more guys at three clicks or four clicks instead of seven or eight because you you could say Aaron rise got a chance this week you can say SMY you

Could say David Thompson you could say Justin Sue Matt coocher there’s a lot of guys and they’re all in that six five s% ownership range which makes it you know really easy to uh click their names occasionally which I think you kind of brought up a good point too is like I

Feel like getting off the high owned guys like Glovers 14% that’s not terrible but like spencon being 16% like that’s getting pretty high when there’s not a lot of difference between spencon Glover Ry like those guys are all about the same you want Benny on I could say Benny

An’s name golf for some reason football players I can’t say their name golfers do you say his real name Benny is a nickname can you say his yeah Benny no I don’t even no ban I don’t know is that even remotely close um spencon is one of

The names and he’s getting a lot of ownership I remember doing this show at the start of last season and St senson was going to be one of these guys that breaks out and he didn’t so like and it’s funny because there’s a lot of guys that were talking about breaking out

This year is there a guy you feel that everybody’s hyping up not just this week but this year that everybody thinks it’s gonna break out but you know you’re just gonna lose a lot of money because I already know the guy I’m gonna lose the most money on this year who’s that iic

Cole you think you think a regression is coming I see a I mean he’s thir 6 or 37 years old and he’s just starting his second year on the PGA tour there’s far too much Eric Cole hype this year and I like the guy and I bet I mean 30 to one

I bet him to win but I just I I I bet him to win I got him in lineups even at his own ownership percentage being and high I just know he’s gonna be the guy that kills me this year far too I love this week but also the season he is

Hyped very hyped but I think he can live up to the hype is AE beta I think he is a guy guy that I think he’s like eight% this week but uh what do he at this oh six% that’s insane to me I mean this guy just kills easy

Courses yeah he’s a guy that’s gonna get a he he’s another one of those guys that can I guess to an extent save golf I mean he’s got personality he lives in a van got a hot girlfriend you know what I mean that he that he picked up online I

Mean he’s got the story you know I mean can’t I think he uses the cheater putter now doesn’t he does he I I don’t know does he I mean he’s skinny as all can be you know I mean I mean the guy hasn’t had a hamburger in six months but you

Know yeah he he he he’s a guy that could save go um I lost a decent amount of money on him last year but maybe this is the year that he takes it to the next level I never I know I don’t play him ever never I don’t know if I’ve ever

Played him a bunch I played him far too often see the thing is I played him last year in deeper Fields because he was 6,800 7K and stuff like that that maybe I should stick to him in the the weaker Fields like this because I think you

Really have to take that into account when you’re picking golfers you know when they’re deep fields or not deep Fields when you’re playing these guys 100% you know Eric Cole at 9700 is he 9700 good right he doesn’t win know I mean that’s the problem he doesn’t win

Same with Cory Connor he doesn’t really win either yeah no Cory Cory Conor’s won what twice on in his career once in his career once or twice that’s it yeah and he collapsed in the Canadian open last year and cost all a ton of money I think

People see him in you know the Masters finishing fifth or you know in the US Open finishing 10 I refused to play Cory Connor anymore especially in the Masters because it’s not worth it I mean the guy is the biggest he’s really good in the first

Two rounds and it just does nothing on the weekends in any tournament so I’m I’m over Corey Connor I’m not done I’m not playing Cory coners I’m glad you didn’t hear that comment keep going oh I I missed I I I missed it I said just like just like

Scotty sheffler always looks great in the first two rounds sucks in the third round can’t put Scotty Sheffer Scotty sheffler better have a big year this year he better have a big year so if he could God if he could just put I know he

Said this for two years but if he could just putt okay yeah he wins every sh yeah I know he’s so good I just wish he had personality give him personality and go nice guy he’s not he’s got no Personality yeah he he go he doesn’t

Hang out like you hear John Rah and Tony feno gambling you know in the offseason at golf course Scotty Sheffer goes home hangs out with his wife and kid you know probably he’s probably got like a ranch in Texas somewhere he does nothing like he has no personality so you don’t see

Him like Victor havin partying with all the girls and stuff I don’t know it needs it needs it needs a little personality do you like any of the guys in the 6K there’s a few that I actually like um okay my boy Stewie sink you know how I

Feel about Stewie sink I like Stewie sink for a minute I know he has good course history he’s good around the green I like him a bit uh Ryan Palmer seems to for whatever reason like you wouldn’t think would fit this course but he has pretty good course history too so

He’s interesting to me neither one of those guys are gonna be owned uh Vincent wayy is another one um just playing good golf I feel like he’s better than that price range so I don’t mind him this week either yeah I I pretty much stayed

Away I I I clicked a a few guys with bad course history but guys that you know I think should fit this type of a course you know just a couple clicks to balce out my Fitzpatrick’s um but yeah I I I really a majority of

My clicks are in that that 7K range this week I’m going to do the same thing I’m going to try to stay away from the sixes as much as I can all right so let’s let’s do some lineup builds what we’re gonna do here guys brought to lineup

Builds are brought to you by fantasy golf podcast they’re Wednesdays at 4M chatting company they do a great job um they’re sponsoring us um I got their shirt in the mail yesterday it’s it’s a little thin and a little short sleeve for for winter weather so I’m not going

To wear it just yet but we’re going to build lineups every single week um we’re GNA actually start some we’re going to compete I’m going to build a lineup he’s going to build a lineup we’re not going to double up on any players and then next week we’ll come back and see who

Built the better lineup um I’m going to put up on the screen a DraftKings board so everybody sees um I can’t really uh you know pick the lineups on the screen because I can only put one up here um but first week of season four I’m gonna

Let Jason go first and build his line take the first pick um this week I was gonna let you go first because you’re the sexy one but yeah okay that’s fine I am not sexy those words have never ever come out of my mouth well we’ve never done it

Like this we in the past we always just built a lineup and it didn’t matter if there was a duplicat so we’re gonna do a little bit of different we’re just gonna rotate pcks this year so I am gonna start with my man AE beta actually all right so you’re

Going I’m wri down yours and I’m just going to put mine on the screen because this is a lineup that I’m going to enter and I’m going to start right at the top and I love him and I’m going to go Fitzpatrick this week with my first pick

Fitz magic yeah Fitz magic that’s right since somebody wanted to compare him to Ryan Fitz magic I’m gonna I’m gonna stick with it um all right I’m gonna pull up a lineup so I can yeah yeah I have left yeah it’s a little spicy you know we can curse we do

Whatever we want on this show there are no rules on this show if we want stay up late whatever we want to do I do have to get up early for trending in the am so I’m gonna go I’m gonna go with somebody that you don’t like this week but I do

Like this week I’m gonna go Eric Cole okay I like I mean it’s not that I don’t like Eric Cole it’s just that he’s not worth a lot of investment in because of the ownership percentage right now in my opinion I hear you all right I’m just

Gonna go with my favorite players in this lineup we’re gonna go Keegan next because I love Keegan this week I I think Keegan is a top 10 play this week I think he’s going to finish in the top 10 this week in this tournament you are

Very bullish on Keegan I like it I I am I I like the enemy and he’s he’s he’s the enemy this year I’m anointing him the enemy Keegan Bradley this year I’m gonna go with Andrew putam another lower owned good course history guy he was on

My initial player pool and then he did not make the final cut of clicks so that’s ownership based for me I mean obviously I’ll take him in this but it’s ownership based for me in the overall lineup situation because I don’t know they’re saying 10% right now I feel like

It’s going to be higher than that people are going to see his course history and see how he’s popped here and I think it’ll be a little bit higher all right so I got 7950 left I’m gonna drop down to the sevenk here I’m gonna go Aaron Ry

Aaron ry’s a guy like two year like going into last year I thought Aaron Ry and tagala were both on the same trajectory of like upand comers and tagala had a better season I I I hope and I expect a little bit more from him

This year I’m looking at how he did you know in the in the fall he got some pretty solid finishes in the fall swing um and obviously almost won at the the BMW PGA this is the kind of course for Aaron Ru I feel like that fits perfectly

He’s an accurate driver of the golf ball he’s a plotter he’s not gonna you know he’s not gonna let bomb it out there or anything like that he’s just a solid golfer so I like that too yeah I I I like him a lot this week all right who’s

Your next pick I’m gonna go another guy not quite as accurate off the T but has good course history here been playing some good golf lately too um Ben Griffin I’m gonna go Ben Griffin I kind of forgot about him is he even in this

Field like he didn’t pop him let me let me check my model where did he end up in my model talking about the right guy hold on a second kind of forgot no he’s in the field 42nd in my Model 17 rank butter7 7400 yeah he’s a good golfer I I

I kind of forgot about him honestly he didn’t pop enough in my model so I have no idea I kind of totally forgot there on that guy all right let’s see where else am I gonna go I’m down here ah man we’re gonna oh man I don’t even

Know where to go now I’ve already screwed myself up on this one we’re gonna Alex SMY I like SMY as a golfer he he he’s we’re just we’re just building some lower end guys so I can pick some topper end guys here so we’ll go we’ll go Alex

SMY here so you have two picks left you’re at you have 8600 per is that what it said yep yep I got 86 left so oh now now you’re strategizing no no for the people I like that I have 80 I have two pick left 8,800 so we’re pretty much

In uh I’m gonna go with last week’s winner Chris Kirk okay all right in in a in a deep like gpp I hate Chris Kirk this week just because he’s gonna be 18 to 22% owned um in a heads up thing or in a single entry where ownership’s

Different um I do like Chris Kirk he loves playing Hawaii um I’m just staying away from him on gpps because of ownership top five coming this week yeah yep that’s a that’s a bold claim but all right I I’ll take it I’ll take it all right so we’re gonna go a little

Different here um we are going to go Denny McCarthy Denny I like Denny McCarthy this week not a lot but I like him in this kind of a situation here um again um hey actually had a terrible finish at the the Sentry last week yeah

He hadn’t played in a while no but he’s a putter he’s a plotter he’s a short course guy um I like Denny McCarthy a little bit underrated I feel like he’s gonna have a good year I really do I hope so there’s it’s open it’s open for anybody

To have a good year he mean something he was at my gpp winning lineup last year so he mean something to me as well I like how you threw that in there reminding everybody that you w a gpp so subbly there listen 35,000 people or something I don’t know no big deal just

I just beat 35,000 people last year you know it’s just common knowledge everybody does it still wait for M my last pick I’m gonna go Alex norin Alex noren I like that what’s that leave on the table for you I’m just curious 200 bucks on the table that’s not bad that’s

That’s good um it’s very important for anybody that’s watching that’s new to D DraftKings for for fantasy golf it’s very important to to leave some money on the table um to kind of differentiate yourself from other it all depends too that I feel like that’s a way it depends

On what your lineup looks like too I think we gotta say that too is like if you’re you’re playing a chalky your lineup by all means leave money on the table if you’re play in a less shocky lineup you don’t need to right I don’t

Know if you saw I put I put my last pick on there already because I knew you weren’t gonna pick him um I went Justin Rose for my last pick on my lineup um again a guy that should have better better course history than he does here

But he doesn’t so I I think maybe this is the week maybe maybe he you know has a good showing here um that leaves a little bit more and again I’m putting this in the single entry which is the 4K divot on DraftKings so don’t match those

People please I don’t want to have a dupe or do a different contest yeah yeah what’s that do it in a different contest if you’re gonna do it yeah do it in a different contest please there it is it’s it’s entered it’s official I don’t have to memorize mine because

Mine we want to recap we want to recap the lineups yeah go ahead yours again where so I’ll do yours first so you T took this is the order too Matt Fitzpatrick Keegan Bradley Aaron Ry SMY McCarthy Rose yeah so that’s yours so I took mine is beta Cole putam Ben Griffin

Chris Kirk and noren there you go and it’s a good thing that Kwan isn’t wasn’t listen Ling last year to this show because it I never said beta I always would say Bia um and he would have definitely crushed me massively notice that we both built whether we met to or

Not we both kind of built pretty balanced lineups like you started in the tens but for the most part it’s a pretty balanced lineup yeah I think this that’s the way to go this week pretty balanced and all I think that’s the way to go most weeks yeah it really is disclaimer

Yeah disclaimer balance lineups don’t outthink yourself if you’re new look and I know a lot of my trending in the AM people are watching this show right now fantasy golf man if you’re not playing DFS golf I mean it’s 10 times the amount of fun that doing fantasy football is in

My opinion I I know you you agree with me on that easier to win like it sounds ridiculous like obviously it took it took us a while to get good at it but it’s easier to win fantasy football when I knew nothing about even when I knew

Nothing about it in 2020 when we started this I still was winning at a higher frequency than I I’ve been doing doing fantasy football for DraftKings like DFS for 15 years I’ve been playing fantasy football season long for 20 plus years I got a higher it’s so much easier to as

Long as you use some basic knowledge and there’s some great content out there these lineups brought to you by the fantasy golf pod guys and us here Fairway to Heaven that do great work and break this down Rick run good you know fantasy for all your model

Making check them out if you if you like what you see there let them know Fairway to have to senta because you K one we’ve got two sponsors on this show fantasy and the fantasy golf podcast um so yeah I mean it give it a

Shot if if you’ve got a few buck slitting in DraftKings enter a single entry lineup use some of the names we mentioned here today and and watch your lineup go up and down up and down up and down for four straight days man it’s it’s so much fun well like you talked

About we we we’ve talked about this before in the past it’s like you see your lineup Thursday you’re pumped you see your line Friday you’re pissed Saturday you’re back in it again it’s like I mean the not to to my own horn again sound like an [ __ ] but so when

The contest that I won when I won them the at the um Memorial last year I was in I think I was winning like 20 bucks to start the day so it’s like you it really like climbs up the leaderboard and it’s it’s fun to watch yeah it’s

It’s a blast and it start I didn’t have a lot of lineups last week in the sentury I was in Florida so I couldn’t actually get lineups built till late on Wednesday so you know I did a couple but it still was going up and down and then

And you know follow Fairway to Heaven’s Twitter account because that’s where you know you know you get a lot of information but The Showdown lineup that’s my you know my my I love my showdowns you know round two round three round four showdowns and again last week

I was winning showdowns again I love it I love it um you can also bet gol um I don’t know I know you’re not big into the betting aspect of it um but I’m just basically I’m I’m trimming down I I I I got a little too out of control I hit a

Lot last year but I was betting too big um didn’t get over over my head but still I’m just simplifying things this year I just want to pick the golfers I’m not worried about the money aspect of it so I’m going to pick four to six golfers

Every week I got six bets this week because again I’m spread out there’s not nobody in like 10 to one 12 to one that I like um Eric Cole T Gala to win I don’t like him in DraftKings but I like him to win he’s either winner or miss

The cut guy Brennan Todd Lucas Glover Aaron Ryan and Luke list they’re my bets this week you know what too I think you just kind of brought up an interesting point without meaning to is that’s the cool part about golf too is that you might be good at different things like

Right like you said you you you kind of narrow down like what you’re good at gambling wise you could play oneandone you could play you know DraftKings you could gamble on it you could do top 10 bets head-to-head bets like it’s just about finding what you’re good at and I

Think that’s the biggest thing on DraftKings too is find a contest mess around with different contests find a contest that you’re good at and stick to it I think somebody had a poll on that like and they were I think it was Chad actually from fantasy G what’s most

Important ownership percentage this or that and one of the options on his poll was picking the right contest and I think that’s such an underrated thing to do I think that is number one I think that is by far the most important thing yeah I think find out what your skill

Levels and and play it like me I used to dominate the 25 the 20 Max entry quarter Juke boxes dominate them last year I bumped up to the $1 20 Max and I had a little bit less success last year well this year I’m going to go back to the

Quarter Juke boxes because that’s where My Success is and obviously my success is in the showdowns the one round events and I’m just going to keep pounding them all year long that’s where my success is so I’m gonna stick to what keep it what’s what they say keep it simple

Stupid that’s what I’m going to do this year with where my money goes maybe one of these weeks coming up soon we could do a little tutorial on Showdown like kind of how you do your process on The Showdown absolutely definitely do it because I actually have The Showdown

Lineup philosophy down to a t in my opinion so we could definitely get into into that uh this week I want to talk a few other you know General things but real quick we want to do a we’re going to have a head-to-head me versus Jason one and done contest this year we’re

Just gonna go one and done we’re each going to pick one golfer every week we can overlap it doesn’t matter you can only take them once the entire season and then we’re gonna use Jason’s math he’s goingon to track how much money each golfer wins each week and whoever

Wins the most at the end of the year we will Crown the champion of the oneandone contest you went first on the draft King you’re I’m gonna go first here I mean it don’t matter because you could pick the same guy um I am going to

Go with Chris Kirk for my one and done this yearr Kirk wow I like it yeah because he’s not I don’t like him as a DraftKings play ownership wise I don’t know if he’s gonna win but like you said he’s a top five top 10 finish this week

So he’s gonna make me money this week and he loves Hawaii and and I don’t like Chris Kirk all year long so Chris Kirk I’m just gonna get him out out of the way right here week one of season four I’m gonna do the same thing with a guy

That I would never play any other week except this week Andrew putam oh wow I don’t know if I I you know what Andrew putam strikes me as a guy I probably won’t pick once all year you probably won’t even play with DraftKings but probably this is this is the course

History week all right all right I got it all right so we’ve already you know touched on a few season long topics and stuff like that um is there anything like I I ran a whole string of polls and now it’s been a week since you know we

Were going to do show last week to kick the season off you know travel got in the way of that stuff like that um anybody that you want to talk about season longwise it’s not in this field that we haven’t touched on yet some that you think might break out someone that

Might win a major someone that you think’s going to just completely collapse this year anybody that’s really touching you this this week I think I was kind of thinking about this earlier I think you know we were talking about earlier they need something that moves

The needle right now the PGA Tour does I think the PGA Tour desperately needs both Jordan spe and Justin Thomas to have a huge year I feel like if they could get going obviously their buddies we know their buddies like if they could both get going those are two guys that

People love people want to see I mean like last year was kind of fun with Ricky coming back after kind of sucking a little bit Justin Thomas was terrible last year those two guys can move the needle and I feel like they desperately need both of those guys to come back I

Think that’s a really fair point what JT was in my Poll for comeback player of the year um because I think can I don’t think he’s going to take one of those rooky he’s too good to take one of those rooky Fowler drops and I put Jordan spe

In the poll on which golfer is going to take the biggest jump in the world golf rankings he is right now ranked 15 I can see Jordan spe getting back into the top 10 and that would be good for go because that would mean he’s winning and

Contending week in week out spe I don’t know spe to me could if he wanted to pretend be that villain he’s kind of got a very cocky arrogant way about him you know he’s like that guy that you know flops on every foul call or or complains

To the referee on every pass you know what I mean speed literally is complaining about every shot all the time and they purposely air their him and Mike Michael is caddy they purposly error there back and forth all the time yeah all the time all the time so SP I

Don’t want to say he could be like the villain but SP is one of those you know polarizing character that that could definitely help GF a lot and T you know JT said some bad things at times in golf you know what I mean so you know I I I

Like those two things Ste is the guy like kind of what you just said like the polarizing guy like people either love Jordan spe or hate him there’s like zero in between how about Ricky Fowler could Ricky Fowler save GF we haven’t really mentioned his name this year much he

Kind of made sort of a comeback he won I think we were I was I was on Ricky the week he won I forget who I know a lot of people were on Ricky that week I forget what event it was Detroit Rick’s a popular guy he’s he’s in he’s in

Commercials he’s you know all over um is Ricky a guy that can move the needle back I don’t know people love him I just don’t think he’s good enough like I mean he’s obviously a good golfer but I just don’t think he’s he’s better than you

And me that’s for sure he’s not a superstar he was trending in that way 10 years ago though sure right I don’t know you know what I heard today I heard a wild stat about Ricky fer I think Kenny Kim from the uh fantasy golf degenerate

Said this did you know that Chris K okay Chris Kirk versus Ricky Fowler in their career Chris Kirk has played eight more events in his career than Ricky they have the same amount of wins Kirk has the same that’s wild isn’t that the wild Chris Kirk went like 75

Years in between didn’t he yeah and he had he had that drinking problem and everything he had to stop playing golf and wow man all right so if you had to pick one of the TP you know you know you know it all comes down to the four

Majors of the year um you got the the top names rahen Kea over on Liv you got Rory you got Sheffer still on the PJ tour are any of those four big names gonna win a major this year I think Rah does I think Rah or Kea you’re go I I

Really think a Liv golfer will so I I phrased it like this will a Liv golfer win on the PGA they’re only gonna play in the majors I think I think BR John ROM has a damn good chance to repeat as Master’s Champion cam Smith is

Interesting too at the open oh yeah you know me I’m always a cam Smith fan I love the mullet I know um do do you see any of the guys you know get a first-time major winner this year like a Xander or a Hom OR a kley any of those

Guys or somebody else in that level you know he always get the Windam Clark or the Brian Harmon that sometimes have a chance but any golf needs somebody to save it can any of the elite guys break through and win a major I think jain’s the easy pick I think that’s the trendy

Pick I every reason say that’s why I I didn’t put his name on the on the poll I left him option as other and I got a lot of people commenting on but I think uh the next of that batch outside of hin is gonna be hom I can see hom winning like

The US Open or or PGA one of those you know it’s it’s funny Max hom is my guy because I I don’t talk a lot a lot about maxom but I have in the last three years since I’ve been tracking outrights I’ve got six six got 16 outrights picked in the last

Couple years and every single time maxom wins I know I’ve never I’ve never in three years I’ve never missed a Max homo win and I don’t know why I just I have a good judgment when Max hom is going to be in contention and and I I seem to always

Hit it which is true because he he’s one of those guys that like we you know we used to talk about this with like Bubba like Bubba horses there’s homo horses like he’s he’s not gonna win the birdie Fest he’s not that guy but a he’s a gr I

Would I you know he I would be all in on maxom this week yeah you know a grinder course like this which it’s it’s a grinder course this week in Honolulu but it’s also a birdie Fest if the weather it’s weird it’s it’s a it’s a it’s a

Grinder course that could turn into a birdie Fest really easy yep 100% Yeah final question of the day um somebody asked it earlier in the show we’ll bring it up who should sponsor Tiger Woods what should he start wearing fairw to Heaven shirts out on the golf course

Well I guess I don’t know the backstory to this enough but why are all these guys leaving Nike why is day why did day leave Nike why is Tiger leaving Nike I don’t know I didn’t know Del was too I don’t know Nik maybe maybe Nike’s just

Getting out of the golf business I I don’t know I mean they already stopped making clubs because their clubs suck terribly so I’m guessing Tiger’s gonna make his own brand right I mean he already has his own brand through Nike but I’m guessing it’s gonna be his own

Brand right maybe maybe that’s what it is maybe he’s starting his own brand for Charlie instead of the tww it’s GNA be a c with a W in the middle sweet I’m telling you I cannot wait till Charlie Woods plays in his first professional

Event even if it’s as an Amer he’s to me it’s to me the Saving Grace of go is Charlie Woods okay it here poll question for you who has the better career in their respective sport Charlie Woods or bronnie James wow well I gotta go Charlie Woods

Just because I don’t know how bronn’s heart is feeling these days geez well he had a heart he had like a heart failure on a cour I I would just go from it as just upside I think he’s a decent role player I feel like who

Ronnie Ronnie yeah there’s a lot of I mean can we just talk big picture for a second It’s gotta suck to be bronnie and Charlie to have the the second greatest basketball player of all time as your dad and to have the first or second best

Golfer of all time and then to actually be good in those Sports as well like well at least Charli have the same name as him like brony’s got the same LeBron James Jr that’s brutal talk about pressure right yeah you know like he couldn’t play baseball or football like

Charlie Woods couldn’t pick up tennis like you literally have to live in The Shadow of Your goated you know Dad the entire time right that’s insane I I will say I do like how much tigers’s invested in his kid and and and LeBron’s always at his kids games like I do like that

It’s cool no absolutely absolutely I I love the video of of tiger from this offseason chatting with colum Mo Kawa on the Range about you know Colin’s like has he out you know or he tells Colin he out drove me today and he’s like has he

Beaten you yet he’s like no but almost a few times and stuff like that did you see that video they played that uh father son tournament a few weeks ago yeah when they were at the range before and they were chipping and Charlie chipped a shot I guess it was you

Couldn’t see where it went or anything but tiger was just like yep we’re ending on that one nasty and then he comes around the corner he’s like [ __ ] nasty like I mean the guy’s are I mean he’s already got the same mannerisms as tiger like when he hits the ball like

The same like emotional like look on his face on every shot they stand the same they walk the same if I’m thinking that he could save GF you gotta think Monahan and the PJ tour are already thinking about it like they know that that’s their that’s their take they they gotta

Hope that tiger could play seven events how many events can tiger play he’ll play the four majors he said he’ll probably play The Genesis this year I was gonna say Genesis for sure five maybe Memorial Maybe yeah what what isn’t there I mean I know the the one in

You know a couple weeks ago he sponsored does he sponsor one other event throughout the year is that the memorial no it’s not the memorial Genesis it’s Genesis isn’t it oh Genesis so yeah that’s why he plays Genesis you know can he play seven events is that enough I

Don’t know I I said it last year I don’t know if it was a show you were on or one of the weeks you skipped that I said if I was the PJ tour to save golf I would make an exemption to get Tiger Wood a golf

Card why not over other events tiger plays in this year for and a half I would take the over because he’s gonna play the four majors and he’s going to play the Genesis okay I mean that’s if he stays healthy but I’ll take the over on that okay yeah I don’t know does

Tiger Woods win an event this year no does he finish in the top 10 of a major this year no h I think he finishes T I think I I man I want I want I like I I want the PJ tour to be good again I want the PJ tour

To be entertaining again I don’t know they gotta figure something out they gotta or something out anyway we’re going to wrap up the first episode of Season 4 a fairway to heaven right there make sure you’re following the jasonj Sully 2121 me as always at beard and knowledge make sure

You subscribe share retweet uh wherever you are watching Facebook two different YouTube Pages three different Twitter pages shows all over the place tonight um but we’re here every single Tuesday night uh 9 pm for now you know maybe if my work schedule changes we’ll try to

Get the show on a little earlier in the night Monday or Tuesday uh but for now Tuesday’s 900m every week uh for Jason Sullivan I am Phil steti will be back next week again who wins this week final choice I know we did our

One and done but you had to go 100 bucks all in on one guy who wins Chris Kirk yeah I just can’t do it I won’t I would not I would not H who wins your oneandone pick yeah not my oneand done pick is not going to win and I’m gonna

Go putting them no no I’m just kidding I don’t know I I really have no clue but yeah I like my bets I’ll stick to one of my bets I’ll say Eric Cole wins why not even though I just said he’s gonna disappoint this year why not Eric Cole

Everybody have a great night we’ll be back next week with another episode for Jason I’m Phil have a good night Guys

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