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How the Rams Found a Star in the 5th Round of the NFL Draft | The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

We react to the clip that the Los Angeles Rams released of their draft lab and the decision making for the Rams selecting Puka Nacua in the 6th round of the NFL Draft despite poor testing. Then we look further into the 21 Savage ‘Highly Questionable’ parody and ride the coaching carousel.


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Hey Greg welcome in appreciate it it’s great we weren’t on a break I don’t know where you went but I’m happy that you finally made it we’re going to talk about can you hear that he’s talking to you you can’t hear him yeah we’re on the

Air you say you don’t know we’re on the air when we’re on the air I didn’t have my uh headphones on you’ve been very yeah well it’s hard to do when you’re not in the room right appreciate you I if Greg Cody not only just before you

Get mad at Greg Cody again because he is arriving late we’re already starting the segment he’s supposed to know what the clocks are around here but he blames me for not knowing Greg Cody has been our MVP his last three or four we were having fun he he’s decided to make it

Contentious I have yeah we’re just having a good good time and you took offence hard at work out I I mean I’m the clock’s right there but well I I didn’t nobody told me that we were starting like I I no one told you that we were on break either but I

Didn’t stop you yeah they did actually no one who I was told that I was on break what an unnamed person told me yeah right uh and and I got coffee I went to the restroom Java came in right you know you wash your hands I did of

Course did you put the seat down because that’s been an issue no I I raised the seat and then you put it down after you okay I don’t know if he did wouldn’t qk or no no just a urinary function you lowered the seat to urinate and then you

Raised it no no I raised it to urin into a toilet they do what KNE oh I’ve never kneeled knelt to pee at at uh at home I sit on the Ring of at night at night when it’s dark of course whenever yeah I enjoy it you sit during the day

Yeah if it’s light yeah normally only at home not all the time yeah only at home you know what let’s bury the hatchet I’m good okay yeah I forgive you you sit to pee yeah uhhuh only at home no he said he doesn’t when you’re taking a qk who

Wouldn’t yeah how’s he going to check Tik Tock Tik Tock ridiculous there was something that I found on uh there was something that I found on social media that I’d like to play for you guys yeah what’s that so uh puka nikua one of your favorite NFL players set all these

Records six round draft pick incredible story uh surely no one could have predicted this right however the the Rams put out social video on their channels that of a six round pick of them kind of nailing how they would use pukan and it’s a cool little insight

Into how uh sne and McVey work uh Curious your thoughts on this where do you think U goes six I mean the thing with BYU is he tested really poorly I think man he’s he’s got his Alec ogal Tree in him couldn’t test well but can chase the

Rabbit Alec could run but he could never run a 40 but if you said go race well he his speed is playing as fast I’ve always said is I mean that’s he’s got if I go sort by miles per hour he would be one of the top

Receivers like I think this guy would be really good for us less I want a guy that is going to be where he’s supposed to be that’ll stay grounded through the catch aggressive hands that will dig out support in the Run game and then that we

Can also give him he can be an extension of the Run game take the whole draft this guy can be a functional piece of an offensive operation he’s a tough kid to me he showed all right there’s a tenacity and a tough and a fight and if you teach him

Technique he’ll be we know we got the the guy you want to you got a vision for totally we’re going to nail that D hey puka what if we draft you with the 43rd pick here in the fifth round that would make my day great that would be

Amazing it is that is so cool stunning the way that we cover that sport so poorly because we never get to see stuff like that and it’s amazing when we finally see it because you’re all like oh of course they saw it a draft lab yeah but they probably do that for every

Pick they make and they don’t all work out right I’d like to see those as well that’s what I want to see the one for the pick like oh this guy’s a real game changer I want a guy that can I turned into Gruden there he’s got a little bit

Of that in him but I mean they called their shot and no matter how many times they think they call their shot for a six round draft pick you’re those are those are pretty random love to see the Jets talking themselves into Sam darnold but but but Mike when you say called

Their shot like one of the things that’s super cool about what the playoffs are bringing now because we haven’t actually analyzed much of this but Rams Detroit thing when you make it Goff versus Stafford and you make it McVey versus Campbell I know we like the Meathead in

The Detroit story but I do think we think of the Rams as smarter I think if I ask you who’s more smart who’s more football smart Dan Campbell or Dan Campbell’s pretty football smart when it to probabilities I know but I’m talking about Johnson is offensive coordinator like tab to be the

Next guy M told you that Goff wasn’t his quarterback he it happened 13 to three he says get out of here Detroit says and all of us said then that’s not going to work you’re saying McVey looks smarter than Dan Campbell and I would say yes you’re right he does and most people

Would say the Rams of the smarter team they would say the Lions of the tougher team they would they would they would tobacco yep right Dan Campbell’s the old school Behemoth Neanderthal type coach who will run through a wall and McBay is more of the new age analytics type I

Want to see what they said before they drafted cam Acres his name is Cooper good at running curls but when his hand he got a tear he saw puka s standing there his play diminished hustle take over Nua hopped into the car MC has maybe found a star and then M Stafford him 25 and two oh

There’s a brand new kid in town out of B they call him pukaa his quarterback is not named Tu yeah he is puka puka fantasy assassin it’s the time to cash and yet po don’t need the GL don’t need the GL Greg Cody really does fall in love with the sound of his own voice I see it here every week it is magical to watch yeah the happiness that spreads over you you’ve been well that song does it to everyone but but he was upset he been

Upset since the first time that we disrespected the the back in my day and I apologize squash the beef we’re good okay uh but now he’s happy again of course let’s see if we can make him even happier by playing some of the original Sports bang Billy what is the what is

The context that people need for this clip that I don’t even have any idea what we’re playing here I have no idea what this is I thought these were all removed from the internet what was this what was happening what time of our lives were we were you the executive

Producer on this show a healthier time I was yes I no clue what this clip is Taylor found this somewhere I see a preview and that’s my my takeaway is how young St gots what kind of run did this show have how many years was this show

Done I think it had like a fouryear run or something three or four year run yeah and one of the Staples was Panic or Cal yeah big segment at the end that came go uh well can you explain it we would throw it a topic and you know Goldie

Amber myself Billy we debate if you’re panicked or calm about it you know that’s sometimes Joy Taylor was in sometimes Ethan skolnick was in Star maker who’s who Bryant mckenny oh yeah B mcfaden started little coaching tree overan mck’s rapper poor Gino tetta he’s really the one that got the shaft because he

Was there on the uh the pilots in the trial runs and then St gots went with Goldie instead but we did a couple there with Gino what happened I don’t know TR cost too much fouryear runs it’s a good run on television yes and you guys were

Doing it every weekend it would have kept going if we didn’t switch into Colin coward’s times that’s really what killed it is cuz that’s when we recorded it m yeah and coward crushed you no the time didn’t work out we moved we time slots that used to be when we were

Recorded yet oh no we would have kept doing it we would do that show every week as long as homestad Miami Speedway existed that’s how long that show would last Matt beer Adam on every year he runs Homestead of Miami yeah and the Papa John’s GM would come on once every

Ring the doorbell remember yeah exactly we let him in the door oh like he was delivering pizza who could forget it was like broker programming and that it was no it was 100% broker programming we were huge and we looked at the demographics of who it is that would

Watch our show we killed women 50 to 75 every week the numbers astronomical it’s probably because sugat look so handsome back then what I’m saying this let’s see what we have here I will Delight in this this was always a joy to watch I would watch it on Sunday mornings the same way

It was Saturday I think yeah but he would Teo it I’m being told that this clip is would a quarterback start on Sunday if he punched his coach in the face the day before Wow Let’s see and we had this conversation with him we asked Pat Riley once if Dwayne Wade punched

You in the face just flat out knocked you out punched you in the face before game set the NBA Finals like an hour before would he be starting that night rile he goes hell yeah he would like oh my God and I guarantee like if if Malcolm Butler or if someone

Punched bill bich in the face an hour before football game Tom Brady punched him in the face an hour before the football game you think Brady would start would Brady still be starting if Brady just knocked bellich out an hour before a football game you think bich is

Letting him start yeah yeah good work by Mike Ryan there Mike Ryan second Mike looks great Mike Ryan star turn that is where the career of Mike Ryan started you’re welcome I’ve gotten fat it’s my main takeaway same also Amber Wilson Joy Taylor what a star making vehicle bud

I’ve I’ve often thought Sunday morning what if we and I’ve thought about this to myself bad memory come on you know I watch that show I would text you during the show listen everyone knows Sunday mornings is reserved for the coach show with Kim Bo Camp exactly it was before I

Started working out you see my frame’s not great I’ve built Mass it’s mostly mass that you’re looking at I’ve always wanted to 10 years from now just broker one week on CBS 4 and just do a reunion episode of sports bang and confuse the hell out of everyone and have like

Everyone come back that did at one point Billy do I have this wrong at one point weren’t we trying to figure out how to wire The Clevelander for this show oh I don’t know it’s very possible no no this this died in the old Studio this was

Pre-move yeah cuz we switched and we were doing the show at the uh you know the old uh whatever but it wasn’t Bryan McKinna and his rapper I believe there was Beauty there Brian mcken was there sear for that forever Briant mckin was there he brought Bri Beauty was there

She performed to close us out yes his mom was there his mom was on a couple times yeah yeah but was she indeed a rapper yeah she was Bri Beauty she performed for us to close out a show Once because to got said this is a good

Idea I’m not going to tell Brian mckin no can we get that huge where is the intellectual property for that you can Absolut you can parlay that intellectual property these golden tapes are absolutely a place for do gots to make money these shows that birth these Stars they’re also tapes that

Could cost him a lot of money different time did you ever get paid for the producing you were doing on that show paid SC Scots told me it’s valuable experience any particular reason you move the microphone after I had finished the count instead of before I thought I

Did it right on the number one I thought the timing was quintessential it was imp really where the hell that come from where’s that been what the hell just happened there ah Dan the NFL news it never [Laughter] stops what happened the Jaguars have moved on from running back’s coach Bernie paraly and

Assistant o coach Todd Washington you’re going to go to Buffalo with Bernie palaly wow I feel bad for Bernie be parm that’s too bad seriously had no idea he was coaching I didn’t either yeah I’m going to have to text him you feel bad you’re smiling yeah no I mean I feel bad

When any coach loses his job and this is the time of year believe me they’re all sacking everybody well let me I I’d just like to for a second because Dolphin football has been passed down bitterly through generations of Cody uh Greg Cody’s father was your mother a dolphin

I I have dolphin Bingo by the way gen passed down through generations Cody family just needed nerene to get this thing on home so Tanana Hill Tanana Hill is a quarterback for 10 years Tua you’ve been arguing about for the last four years you guys just experienced a brutal

Dolphin week that affected your wife and affected Bingo your family especially my wife oh she’s a she’s nuts about the Dolphins I honestly hate watching games with her because she gets so negative so quickly like one negative play and she’s just like it’s all over back tanah hill

Did this to her and before that it was Jay feedler and it was arguing about who was that other guy how many Cleo lemon and how many Ray Lucas how many there were how many of them there were Jay fedler was the best of them and then J

Fedler is the best offense quarterback was awesome they had one season of Chad Pennington he almost won the MVP he can finished second in the MVP because they got noodle armed Chad Pennington the one competent quarterback we argued for win games I thought Chad Henny was going to

Be good yeah he did win games everyone did he was the one that got me he was the one when we drafted Chad Henny I was like we fixed him Henny had a big drive for Kansas City if you remember 98 yards I was happy for Jim mandic pous Mad Dog

Ryan tanah Hill is now ending the end of his his ten Tennessee Career he he got his money he wasn’t a great quarterback here we argued about it for seven years then he went there and we like oh look you get him a running back and you get

Him a wide receiver and he’ll look more confident than that maybe you can Vel your way to it no it’s over in Tennessee and here’s tanah Hill talking about how over it is yeah know I was very aware um very aware uh you know I thought we

Were actually a couple yards short and I told him uh Hey I’m going to get you this ball I don’t care what they call I’m going to get you this ball uh and uh they said he end up getting it so uh you know thankful that uh I didn’t have to

Go Rogue there and call a pass play at the end but I was like hey I I got nothing to lose here I mean I’m out anyway so like what are they going to do you know what I mean so uh yeah thankful uh thankful he was able to hit that

Obviously wanted that for him and and what he’s meant for this team over the course of this year a day after Shannon sharp says that jamus Winston should be cut because of what he did for M Williams tanah Hill just being like I’m out of here dehop what do you need you

Need a couple catches I don’t care what they call that is an act of blatant insubordination and also it’s what happens when the kids that know they’re at the end of the class and they’ve got $200 million they like really right at the end you’re going to tell me what to

Do no I’m gonna I’m gonna go ahead and do this my way Dan we were actually talking about on God bless football yesterday I want to throw this idea by you see what you think I think that a coach that’s on his way out and knows

He’s going to be fired by his team and he’s coaching his last game should make himself aware of every single bonus that every player on his team has and he should cut a commission for himself and say I will get you said bonus 20% of that bonuso is coming my way because I’m

Not going to have a job after this so I’m going to have to kind of you know a little scratch for Daddy here on the way out so you wait a minute what scratch for Daddy a little scratch for Daddy yeah so Arthur Smith is saying to the

Falcons before the game listen guys if we lose I’m getting fired show a hands who needs a bonus 500k for you 20% Jeremy why are you laughing so hard at SC Scrat for Daddy I don’t know I don’t know what it was as if you say that

Regularly yeah just hearing it out of Billy’s V people say that sounds a little naughty a little scratch for Daddy yeah on the way out uh so you’re saying if we were playing coaching carousel right now in fact let’s go ahead and play it right now let’s go

This is the best way to discuss you got like your On a Carousel mine’s broken today uh yours is broken it appears that never know until it starts Greg have you ever’s riding a horse of some sort this is not a horse ride you’re riding an actual horse going up and down do up and down it’s like this Greg

It’s like this it’s just you’re going back and forth on the carousel It’s On a Carousel not calmly I prefer this that’s it’s not a gall carousel Carousel goes up and down slowly it’s just Greg you’re doing it wrong you’re playing a piano now you’re doing it wrong it’s it’s it’s

Like a carousel up and down we’re going up there we go now you’re cooking mine’s broken in the last game of the season Ron Rivera had to have known he was going to be fired right he had to or have an inkling so you’re saying on that

Day get together with your team the night before the game and go and pull out the contracts right and be like let’s split this up right now we’re going to get you guys everything no no not split no who needs a bonus what do you need exactly how much is the bonus

Because we’re going to get some scratch for Daddy here on the way out and then how do you cut that up you don’t think that would be a scandal if Ron Rivera what do you mean how do you cut it up 20% my way 80% your way that’s how it

Works scratch for Daddy exactly right that’s how scratch for Daddy works I didn’t know the math of that how was I how was I supposed to know you say I’ve explained it very clearly you say who has a bonus what’s your bonus all right I will get I guarantee you I’m in charge

I call the plays I will get you your bonus but I I need a cut 20% scratch for Daddy if I’m on an offensive line and we’re out of it the last week of season I’m just talking to the D linan who needs who needs me who needs who needs

Me exactly right oh that’s in game negotiation if I’m the QB my team’s out of it who needs a sack if I see you coming I’ll just fall down the old stray hand they call it that did uh Chris Jones got 1.25 million on a sack and it

Did kind of look like the Chargers quarterback whatever his name is is that stick he kind of just fell he pulled the Ben rothberger that’s what I’m saying no is that Ben Ro did it for we we’ve never proven that wait a minute on a second it’s alleo that

That’s obvious as the chanho park one I was trying to play The Reckless speculation you can’t you can’t just say that that’s a reckless allegation that’s nobody’s proven that that’s Canon everyone knows that they’ve never admitted it neither one of them and I would trust Brett Favre anything he did and said [Laughter]

You guys are you’re telling me put it on the poll JuJu at lebit show should a fired coach get a scratch for Daddy tax we’re watching the we just watch the play Dan are you kidding me has I’m just saying has it been confirmed Yeah by watching Visual

Evidence regardless it’s one of the most historic plays in history it might have been cheating just like last night’s Champion that’s a thing that we’re now doing today Mike and I know as much as you want to talk about college football I am a bit surprised that you don’t

Understand why most people watching college football has its ardous fans and they are legion and they love everything about the Wonder and spectacle of last night and a lot of people also know hey it’s kind of silly right to have a college team win when their coach can’t

Be there half the time because he was cheating like that’s silly yes yeah I guess it’s silly but nobody beat him and they went through Ohio state Alabama and Washington deserving CH yeah very cheating right outside of the cheating I mean but there’s I want to read you I

Want to read you this thing where it’s one of the the best Strays ever ever caught it’s a Brett McMurphy article hang on as I find it because it talks to the the notion of Michigan cheating this is from Brett McMurphy’s column in the athletic look an Alabama official told

Me at the Rose pole last tweak everyone and I mean everyone is stealing signs Michigan was not the only school doing this added an Industry Source and this is where the Stray comes Kansas basketball cheats more than anyone I mean they didn’t do any they didn’t do

Anything to Kansas the only pure thing in college athletics is Vanderbilt and Vanderbilt sucks that’s where College athletics is the commodor 2024 well it’s been there for a while though Bill self is Kansas and they were if you’re not cheating you’re not trying or you’re Vanderbilt Michigan holding up that like the guy

That blocks the cameras from like their huddles is just such a nice Chef’s kid so so what you’re saying is because they beat everybody the games against Ohio State and Alabama were this much if you’re cheating to get an advantage and you get this much of an advantage that wins

Those games I think it’s also fair to assume that um they’re probably not cheating in the same ways that they were after this became known and Hell Alabama wasn’t even looking at film on their iPads because they were worried about Espionage and the toughest test of their season came after that I

Do think everyone does it now the shocking thing was Connor stallion dressed up on the central Michigan sideline the best thing that was shocking and we also we also don’t know exactly what happened there was he helping Michigan was he even possibly helping Central Michigan we we don’t

Know and I really hope we get a transparent and thorough investigation but these are worthy Champs in my opinion and if everyone’s sealing signs there’s a certain threshold they may have crossed the line we don’t know that yet there are wild allegations about what’s going on with

Ohio State you using Espionage via the Catapult system and having potentially access to all sorts of teams practice footage and that’s the kind of thing that got bill bich in hot water the first time so I I think that there is a large part of this that is going on and

Jim Harbaugh has this real believable way of convincing you he may not be the guy pulling all these strings and smart enough to do this because he’s just a bit of a weirdo hearing Sabin talked during the press conference where they were sitting next to each other where

Sabin obviously said the things like yeah we got to have the the sport be clean but he wouldn’t really Crush like s’s lack of really crushing Harbaugh made it seem like there’s a like don’t want anyone look at what’s happening I want all this to go away is the way it

Felt like from the the squeaky wheel that whole thing and look what’s happened Ohio State got dragged into this because Michigan was looking to C uh clap back and they get dragged in now we’re looking at everybody’s skeletons right now nobody wants that because there is an honor Amongst Thieves that

Certainly Connor stallion’s dressing up as a sapper would this is the part this is the part that can’t be ignored you do realize that this went from mundane board Scandal we’re tired of cheating who understands how football is one two he was wearing a disguise on the sidelines Las Vegas here we

Come hey hey hey who is that Dan is that St is that Mike Ryan Billy Gil Chris and Greg too is That out in Vegas oh boy oh boy is that Bry is that Bry talking hockey at the bar look you didn’t took it too far out in Vegas Roy to the Penalty Box Vegas hey hey hey who is that Jessica too is that L is that L see the

Foot girls crew I’m just playing I’m just saying to sh out in Vegas Vegas M Vegas VI M Vegas all night Long via Vegas all night long It’s a party it’s a party it’s a parlay it’s a party Billy you don’t mind being someone who tells other employees hard truths whoa what Tony for example you wondered the other day on air why he had a career here I did no such thing couldn’t have done that more accurately

How did I I know such did you notice Tony wasn’t in that song by the way well John Reed said he was going to make it better by putting Tony I did see I did see an email that said I’ve added Tony to the song which made me wonder if

Someone sent some angry emails about being excluded no he just said it out loud really Tony did well John Reed I think he’s a loving man I think before knowing any of that about Tony said that Tony was his favorite shipping container member and he told me that too yeah that

Was also after finding out that Tony realized he wasn’t okay I don’t know what their relationship is okay maybe he does John Reed is very eager to make his way into the show and become a country music star I’m the eager one Dan no one

Can take that lane with me I John I think John Reed is eager I think Fuentes is super eager super eager true I mean he’s ruined gobl football so geez was the mic on Billy was the one with the hard truths toward fellow employees so the question to you is I

Think I saw what your reaction was when Tony came to you I think I saw your first honest reaction when Tony came to you and said that that song existed do you remember what your first honest reaction was to that because I think I witnessed it but I’m not sure well I

Wasn’t here the first time that it premiered and I didn’t know about it until the next day and then he even told me like you can’t watch it yet you’re going to watch on the show or whatever and I watched it but when he said I was

Like wait what like John made a song and it’s a good song and what he told me was yeah it’s actually good and I was like of course it’s good John Reed’s very talented why would wouldn’t it be good well but is he talented because well

He’s got bad judgment he’s got that hot water from Iowa hey hey whoa who who mhm he’s he was in hot water he was in hot water in Iowa because he flew a drone over I saw a great stat great stat since 2020 40-point games Caitlyn Clark 10 Iowa football

Four we were trying to bring shine to Iowa offense shine to Iowa offense and we tried to fly a drone and he got he got in trouble inside an arena Lucy Rodin had to pull him out of there Outdoors to be fair he wasn’t respecting rules but now

What is he doing with you because I’ve heard him he wants to be on the show he wants to be someone who has a recurring role and a character who doesn’t on on the show well T Taylor wants to Fuentes does both feses do everybody out there Lewis everybody out there desperate to

Be in front of the cameras John Reed is doing some things to earn it he’s he’s making songs in his in his spare time and I I don’t know what to do with John Reed and his musical Ambitions because he wants a budget St gots he wants to go

To a rodeo when we’re in Vegas Vegas is costing way too much money John Reed is a cool cat and he is talented and he has a great voice and I would give him that budget tank for he gets you cigarettes you just say like fetch me he has never

Gotten me a cigarette not once he’s been talking about 21 Savage too all day yeah I’ve been getting calls from the hip-hop Community Dan we got a fire back here fire it’s not looking good man fire back yeah my phone has been going off everybody’s been calling me saying that

You got dissed by 21 Savage one of the biggest rappers in the hip-hop Community pretty insulting I mean what they did to you on the video thought it was flattering they cast a handsome actor to play Dan Le r r it was it’s offensive this guy is a very handsome man look at

That jawline very handsome and you I don’t know if you’ve been told this but you look just like that guy I don’t that you look just like him I don’t point to the camera right now yeah I don’t to the camera do it like don’t I don’t look

Anything like him this portrayal is clearly offensive it’s a stereotype get the index finger up a stereotype there you how was it a stereotype whoa you that’s a mighty allegation you’re tossing out there it’s a stereotype because better at that is not repres representative of me or my father you guys haven’t his

Hair is way better my father’s even more offensive if anything he has a bone to pick I didn’t see can I should see an I’m offended that’s poy that’s funny that’s czy it’s G closer to Greg Cody than I was going to say are we sure that that’s

Not one of the days that Greg Cody was subbing in but they got B dead on dead on dead on on bman I thought that was Katie Nolan well on behalf of the black community B mani’s character looks horrible what it’s dead on no that character that I see Bowman’s entire

Soul in essence there they caught that they captured that perfectly with all due respect John you may want to set this one out perfectly well you have to look at the positive side of it it gives you a little bit of street cred 21 like what’s happening I don’t understand what’s

Happening I don’t I didn’t know I had beef with him and and I don’t know what the nature of represent beef that’s pretty flattering 21 Savage became a meme because of his appearance UNH Highly Questionable 21 Savage is being portrayed by Donald Glover in this instance I think if anything it makes

Your moment with him even more iconic that’s flattery I’m being portrayed in the trailer as someone I look as someone who is handsome and better looking than you oh the offense I would take oh I’m attacking him he’s got me attacking him in an interview when that’s not how I

Remember things happening well here’s you should be offended that you got dissed by the greatest Nursery Ry rapper of all time wa whoa John yeah over and out I’m on the screen and I just want to make it clear I’m not a part of this wait a minute

John don’t escalate this to that I can’t that I can’t handle here’s what we do I think I here’s what we do as a as a as a team we get Chris Cody to make a a d song Whoa who I think produce I could go in and write a

Rhyme for Chris Cody that could rival 21 Savage any day anytime to approve aggressive this is aggressive this is not set as a matter of fact Mike Ryan I sent you a a song called llama llama I have a nursery Ryme book here and we’re

Just going to like kind of get you guys John this is aggressively confident aggressively confident what do you mean it’s appropriate it’s appropriate we need a a comeback song swings yeah do we have the Llama Llama Song queued up llama Lama this would have been better

Think wait a minute it’s on it’s on slack wait a minute well that’s not how you do it wait a minute John no now I got to go to the slack find a way to download the file from like no channels there no 21 Savage uh John Reed wants to

I I just want to be clear on what’s Happening here because like I said he’s got bad judgment you you think we should so I’m going to take the whitest of the white boys in the room and make him a rapper He’s Got Confidence I stand with

Joh Mage and because of how our computers work here this is how it plays but is he alleging that Chris can now freestyle better than 21 Savage gave me this book here I think so go ahead llama llama let me feel it let me find it where’s my where’s my snare come on

Don’t embarrass us llama llama red pajama reads a story with his mama whoa that sounded just like 21 21 21 Let’s Go Mama kisses baby’s hair wait come on Chris Mama kisses baby’s hair mama llama goes down stairs llama llama red pajama feels alone without his mom come on babe put

Some soul in it baby llama wants a drink Mama’s at the kitchen sink llama llama red pajama calls down to llama mama mama says she’ll be up soon baby llama hums a tune yes llama llama all stop right there going for he sound just like 21c that’s what the nursery rhy he sounded

Just like 2121 how about me no that you read he’s proud of himself for reading read a book I want to be a rapper now that one’s tricky anyway likes that book is It’s Tricky llama llama the nursery rhyme uh Chris and I are going to hit

The studio and we’ll have a song for you in about 10 minutes I love this really 10 minutes 10 minutes that 10 minutes well unfortunately it’s the end of the show today so we’ll have it tomorrow no post game no post game post game 10 minutes Mike come on post game Mike

Desperately wants to get to um quarterbacking stuff I don’t want you you requested the posten you you requested it in the post game I don’t need to pollute the main show with it if you you guys seem to have questions should I go with

John M is it fair to say this I cannot trust a quarterback whose last name is pen Barger Garden hoser uh I will say this on behalf of Mike Ryan he has texted me Insider information that has been ahead of everybody on who they’re getting how they’re getting them all of his

Information has been correct it’s sort of strength actually to see him withhold much of that information because he’s not a journalist he’s he’s behaving here in protection of prog qu that correct Pi but he just told me he told me two days ago that what was reported yesterday was

Happening because I’m telling I’m I he’s I don’t know what happened with Cam Ward but I know that his reporting has been accurate on this is the I heard this name this weird name two days AG only because of him poger can can I now that

John has left the room can I betray try St got’s confidence here to share with you something that happens quite often stat thinks John Reed’s name is John house cuz he regularly calls him John house to me and I’m like who is that and he’s like the video guy I’m

Like his name is John Reed every time we talk about he calls him John house I did it once I did it once like at least three times called him John house I did it twice I did it I’m not convinced he won’t do it again I did it three times

Where’s the house come from is that a person that you know I don’t know Rowan Gardner I did it five times and I set them out for cigarettes I think I can run metal them put it on the company media’s all of their employees enterpr through the room

And I think St Gods can name some scratch for Daddy nine people who work here ruling gudder works here Lucio


  1. If John Reed is making songs in an effort to get on camera (good ones) and then commanding his own budget before being on camera he should probably be put in some leadership position becusse dude has killer instinct. .

  2. 'Viva Mas Vegas' is a good closeout/go home song.

    What we really need is that live performance of 'Puka Nacua' πŸ‘πŸΎ

  3. Maybe…… just maybe….. they should wait for this movie to come out before the decide he dissed them πŸ€·πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈ

  4. Using Brett McMurphy as anything is just awful. Dude is the biggest trash individual who covers college football and thats saying alot

  5. John made one song and thinks he’s better than 21 Savage. The unwarranted egos this show produces are truly remarkable. The Vegas song wasn’t even good.

  6. 16:24 brilliant take Billy πŸ™ŒπŸΌ can’t believe this isn’t normal, life isn’t a video game and we should be rooting for people to get paid. So much gets made light of what athletes make because some make an elite amount but most are like the rest of us working hard to get as much as we can in a very difficult world to take care of ourselves and our own. Maybe if there were more players in management and as coaches in the pipeline this would be taken care of. That whole responsibility of the rich to provide for the middle and lower classes thing seems to have either gone away completely from society’s expectations or is always indiscriminately railed against by the upper class with no strong rebuttal. Which makes people feel disenfranchised and furthers the divide. Thats why the little things matter, like making peoples lives better when you can even on any level big or small

  7. I’m all here for a rap beef. Don’t be afraid. I want to see Bomani and Papi and Dan in character mocking the video

  8. Thank GOD for JuJu ..He levels out the black guys on this show. Roy a corny Hockey lover & now they have a lame Black cowboy. WTF

  9. I think Dan (or even better Greg) should read out 21 Savage lyrics. Considering how dumb they are (you don't exactly get brilliant lyricists in hip hop) I think it would be pretty funny.

  10. The lookalike thing made my day on one of the worst days of my life..😒 thank you guys I love you all

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