EVERYTHING You Need To Know To Become A GREAT Putter

In this video Todd and Adam go over EVERYTHING You need to know to become a great putter. They start at the set up. In a putt you do not have enough time to manipulate your stroke so the set up is key to having the putt roll on line every time. Bring your notebook out and write some notes because this video is KEY to elevate you putting game!


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0:00 Introduction
2:41 Rotate,Tuck,Tilt
03:31 Connection Points
04:43 Proper Grip
10:54 Bend At The Hips
11:38 Eye Line
12:35 Putting Arc
13:25 Arm Line
14:40 Shoulder Alignment
16:49 Leg Alignment
17:52 Forward Press
21:26 Rhythm
25:07 Putting In The Zone
27:29 Master Class

If the shaft was at right angles to the ground there would be no natural AR a nice little drill I’ve always done is I get my players to actually take their hand off and just apply pressure there and what you’ll see is the rist creases Jack Nicholas right

Here we’ve seen Bry be right here we’ve seen multiple different you know people Square people slightly open like tiger you can look down the line right so if it’s a little bit here I’m not going to freak out about this the most this this is the most important thing 40 to 42% of

Our total score right here yeah on the putting green alone and uh it’s been I consider my when I look back on my junior career and look back on my career you know that was all fun and games over there but the reason why it was the

Player I was was because because of what you did for me here you know the interesting thing is that sometimes people ask me about amateurs and not everybody but for most people the lowest hanging fruit in their score is for sure putting some people come and they say

You know I putt pretty well I want to work on my golf swing I drive it I slice it blah blah blah and then you know well let’s qualify your putting and then they they’ll start thinking about it and they like well I two putt you know pretty

Much most the time and I’m like well do you three putt yeah I three putt well how many times do you average three putt I’m probably three or four I’m like yeah okay so you’re averaging 38 putts a round your putting is horrible and they’re like like oh I didn’t realize

That right they just don’t realize it it doesn’t hurt as much maybe there a ball going out of bounds but it’s still a shot a lot of people could drop to me on average three to four shots around maybe five if they were better Putters it’s the lowest hanging fruit cuz it’s easy

AB it’s hard to change a golf swing right an ingrain golf swing and it’s hard to learn a golf ball but putting is easy to learn anybody can learn to putt so the way I look at it so with that being said what would you say is the

Number one you know mishap when it comes to uh when it comes to putting for Amer golfers the biggest problem to me is most people accommodate themselves to the putter instead of learning the right setup because as we talked about over there you know the setup is everything

And if you setup setup setup if you set up poorly to a putt your mechanics are going to be bad and the problem with a bad setup in a putting stroke that’s not mechanically sound because the setup you have very little time to recover in a

Golf swing you have some time to recover right if this putter is not pointed where it should point in the backstroke well I don’t have I have very little time to recover like a lot of times The Yips are just because the brain knows

I’m out of position I got to try to get in position a lot of times I tell people look at I want you to think during the setup so that you don’t have to think during the stroke I want your mind clear so you’re able to get into that Target

And keep your mind that’s where belongs it doesn’t belong on looking at this Putter and Outside Inside release the toe sometimes you hear him say oh look how he’s releasing the toe of the putter I’m like he’s not thinking about that he’s not thinking about that right it’s

Just a result of doing the right thing in the back so like you said you know I use this phrase rotate talk and tilt and that’s basically for most people they have to have some rotation just to get neutral now I need very little because my arms basically are there but if David

Deval he’d have a lot right but you want to get to where your right palm in the back of your left hand is facing the target that’s the sideways pull push right so I’m going to rotate enough to get my Palms neutral I’m going to tuck

Now when I say tuck I don’t want someone jammed up and I don’t want tight I want everything relaxed in the upper body you know I like when you said tiger likes to putt from his upper back I I’m a big believer in that like I actually feel

That and we’ll talk about feels in a minute but but basically you know I want to feel like as I move the my elbows are kind of sliding and they’re free but they’re not out here where it’s like I have no control and they’re not jammed so once again guys this is really

Important we talked about this earlier the connecting points and had a great you know understanding of helping you the inner bicep like a like a plug right and here here’s here’s where the outlet is it’s not on the sides where the seams of the shirt are what we both have seen

Over the years when people get here the elbows are trapped and they get handsy okay you’re not going to be narrow like this and in front of your body like this it doesn’t make sense but here’s what we’re going to do the midpoints again to

The seam on the shirt and the center of your body that’s where the plug and and the outlet are right there so there’s a I almost I almost feel like the armpits connected the golf swing and then I’ll say that the bicep is connected in the

Putting right so the elbows are kind of they’re free to pass underneath me as I tilt forward you know I’ve had a ball in my right hand I can go to the Target without moving my Center you know I always say when someone’s stuck and you

Can get stuck a couple ways we’ll talk about this later in the setup but you know your hips are behind you anytime your hips are behind you your shoulder joint is behind you now you’re stuck the other way you get stuck is to have your elbows up right whenever someone’s stuck

There’s three options either use your hands flip it right hang back or open up something’s got to give you the freedom to keep it moving forward but let’s talk about the the three major points I would say four major points in the setup okay all right first one I talk about face

Twist all right face twist is simply where do I apply pressure on the grip so if a person applies pressure on the top of the grip the club face will close if a person applies pressure on the bottom of the grip the club face will open so I

Don’t want to apply pressure on the top or the the bottom during the motion of the putter I always want pressure to be applied to the sides of the grip that’s why frankly a lot of players that are doing well with the claw reason why is because they had too much pressure on

Top of the grip and so they get a lot of closure and of course if you get closure then your body fights it and it opens up face twist so the key with a grip is finding a grip whether or not you you know I have a reverse overlap right

Where I’m overlap my pinky and my forefinger but if you look at my Palms my Palms are neutral to each other they’re lined up with each other I don’t have one Palm higher than the other all right whether someone’s left hand low or reverse overlap or all fingers or claw

Those whatever grip allows you to keep pressure on the side of the grip during the motion of the stroke and be relaxed that then you’re getting get rid of face what Todd said I love it it’s almost like you’re praying right you’re trying to find a grip that can keep the

Sideways pressure and you can see I’m right hand low conventional but I definitely keep the sideways pressure now if I were to take my right hand off you know I really have the putter a direct extension of my forearms as a result of not having it grip below my

Heel pad when I first started working with Todd this was my grip and I had it like this and I had you know a lot a lot of movement to the stroke and it was really Hing lot of twist to it right so I really worked it more up in the

Lifeline now I never could get it all the way in the lifeline for me that wasn’t the but he didn’t need it there he was always okay with me being at the bottom of my forearm there on my heel pad and that’s where I was happy with it

I have this arm in a position that you’ve always helped me with and my grip in a spot to where I feel like my palm is matching that putter face wherever that face is going so is my hand right that’s they’re one and the same now what

I did was this was a stabilizing Force to my stroke I had a lot of pressure putts at a young age that went in as a result of having a Connecting Point here that really I felt controlled the path of my stroke and what it also did is it

Controlled the face and I always talk know that you said regardless like Billy Mayfair Isaiah woki right right they connected but in front connected but in front you weren’t you weren’t connected back here you were connected so I felt connection here but could I could get to

The Target and like you said the face of your putter is the same as your right palm and bottom line is my right palm is where I want the ball to start I’m going to roll some good putts yeah one thing that’s important to understand you guys

About the way the putter Works in general too is here’s the thing if I open this putter up and I stroke towards you the ball’s going to go in the direction the face is pointed if I have a wedge with Loft and I swing in the

Direction of you it’s not going to go where the Leading Edge is pointed unless it hits the Leading Edge it’s going to R up the face and go in the direction that you’re swinging so it’s really important to understand that that kind of can explain why long irons that are little

Flatter faces can get off line a little bit quicker right but the big thing about putting is that’s an a huge Point Todd helped me with at a young age that more so than even the path of the stroke you help me control the face and when I

Had control of the face I had control of my starting line and you look at Billy Mayfair as an example the stroke would go like this yeah but yet you’d watch the ball roll under overend towards his Target and you’re like whoa how do that happen incredible control of the face so

Really it’s important to find a grip that gives you control of the face now you know this has always been my grip right here you know I have my index finger over overlapping my hand I have my right hand really on the putter I always I don’t putt well when I get it

Off the putter I like my right hand really being on the Putter and having the middle of my palm being there and I just fit my left underneath it but for me I’ve always felt like my right hand was very much in control of the face and

For me personally I tighten my core and I let my arms be soft and I really feel like the middle of my body hits my that’s that’s just me personally I’ve heard Faxon say some of the same things Todd and tiger both a little bit

More from the upper back now I also feel that if I think about it that’s about the only time my name is going to be mentioned yeah but but let me tell you you know I um I I I will tell you this I don’t believe there’s a player in the

World when I used to watch him teach putting I always felt man if every player just ran through here for just 15 minutes just to have Todd run through the setup with them I just don’t believe one person on the planet would would would regress as a result they all would

Improve and that’s why I’m excited to have you guys all here listening to this you’ve heard these things from me but it’s nice to hear Todd talk about that a couple things that are great already pressure on top going to close it pressure underneath going to open it and

That could that could answer a lot of people’s questions already as to how they’re gripping it oh man my that’s why mine does that or man that’s why I do that yeah but yeah really working on getting that like you’re praying here whether it’s cross-handed whether it’s conventional or whether it’s the claw

You’re looking to have that sideways pressure on the grip let’s get the face stable because bottom line is whatever the the hands do the body’s probably going to do the opposite so if someone’s closing the face because of their grip their body is going to fight that and

All of a sudden they have opposing forces they don’t have flow right flow is when I don’t have to stop anything from moving I can just let it go and I’m not fighting anything but if I have closure well I’m probably going to have my body fighting it just like in the

Golf swing I’m always trying to get everything working together so let’s go back let’s there’s four major points in the setup that I think are critical we already talked about face twist one of the things I look at is that when someone sets up this is where rotate

Tuck until tilt works so I rotate my elbows in this is the point my elbows have to be bent so when I bend my elbows and I kind of let them sit on the front of my rib cage in the corner now the putter shaft and my arms create a

Straight line um so that basically I’ve got the shaft of my Putter and my arms in a straight line what I don’t want I don’t want to be up here like I would in the golf swing why because in the golf s I’m setting a lever right there is no

Leverage in putting right so we want the putter more the grip more in the palms and the shaft in alignment with the forearms the bend is at the elbows now here’s what’s critical is I bend forward in my from my hip joint as we’ve talked about all through the golf swing as I

Bend forward from the hip joint right and I tilt forward I got to maintain that position I’ll see a lot of players they might start here but then as they let the putter down the ground they drop it and so they’re not bending at the hips they come off right so stay

Connected all right and tilt forward until the putters the ground now that is contingent on the right length putter if I have the wrong length putter that won’t work right if I’m here and I have a putter that’s too long for me and I go to Bend forward it hits the ground too

Soon well now I can’t bend enough and the eyes are right here you know my eyes are way inside so like I said three things distance from the ball connection or forward till if you have the putter that’s right length the putter is actually part of the setup it allows you

To set up properly every time if you have a putter that’s the wrong length you will not set up correctly absolutely you can’t do it simple as that it’s just mathematics all right now next point when I have a putter that’s fit to me properly and I tilt forward

The other thing that happens when I tilt forward is now my eyes coming to rest on the Inside Edge of the ball now I know there’s different schools of thought out thought out there I’m a common sense guy so I’m like look it if I’m shooting a

Rifle I’m GNA have my R eyes on the rifle sights it doesn’t make sense to me to have my eyes to the side too much or I’ve never seen any I mean I can’t imagine looking P the ball right so I always say in Inside Edge of the ball

Because basically I feel like your eyes are in a position where you can look down the line right so if it’s a little bit here I’m not going to freak out about that a little bit inside I don’t want to see someone with their eyes pass it Looking Backward that that just

Doesn’t make any sense to me so at any rate the proper length Putter and connected allow me to tilt and get my eyes on the inside of the golf ball okay now the next checkpoint is I look at where the hands come to rest in relation to the shoulders now now

Obviously I want to let the putter move back and forth without manipulation let me explain this right now because this is a confusing thing to a lot of amateurs does a putter move straight back or does it move in an arc well let me tell you what it moves in an arc but

It’s very slight and you should have no thought about it Absol now the reason putter Works in an arc that’s very very slight is because of the angle of the shaft if the shaft was at right angles to the ground there would be no natural Arc okay there’s an angle so let’s say

The putter was like this well that would would be a huge natural Arc right and the face is square of that path so the bottom line like the average putter L angle right now in the industry is 70 degrees that’s enough to give the putter a very slight Arc it takes no thought

Right so I don’t want you to think about taking the putter in an arc and I certainly don’t want you to think about taking it St I don’t want you to think if your hands are underneath your shoulders and there could be a feeling of straight back and straight through

Because my hands are straight under my shoulders so when I let that happen my hands swinging straight line here’s a really cool simple thing I tell people all the time if you’re set up properly and your elbows are here and you swung one hand hit the other it should swing

In a straight line right now if I’m like this and my hands are outside of my shoulder line I do the same thing it’s going left that’s going to be someone hits a toe their putter so bot blind if I tilt properly and my hands are under my

Shoulders right naturally I can let my hands go straight back and straight through so if someone says to me I feel like the putter is going in straight lines I know right away they’re feeling their hands more than the putter head absolutely you know Stan outly some of

The guys are really they feel the putterhead well Stan’s going to feel more Arc because he’s more aware of what the putter head’s doing does that make sense absolutely so you know what’s big what’s always been big for me is just you know if I were to hold this right

Here you guys can see my hands are traveling straight back straight through but look at the putter because they’re under your shoulders you see the Putter’s not the Putter’s straight just like my Straight putt no matter what 5 in coming back straight and then it starts to naturally Arc okay and you

Guys can see that but look at my hands they’re traveling straight back straight through and that’s important to understand hands falling directly underneath your shoulders the shoulders being Square which he always taught me the shoulders are the train track of your putting stroke okay if I’m here

Well that’s where my stroke’s going to go naturally if I’m here here’s where it’s going to go naturally so we’ve seen Jack Nicholas right here we’ve seen Briny bar right here we’ve seen multiple different you know people Square people slightly open like tiger I’ve always had my feet probably

You know a couple inches open if anything but my shoulders are always square and that’s where the hands are going to travel straight down that line and once again as Todd said because the putter is at an as at an angle away from your body that’s what creates the

Natural Arc without thought without thought so what Scotty said is absolutely 100% right the best Putters have a slight Arc in their stroke that doesn’t mean it’s a thought and when it’s a thought usually it becomes too much and now it’s inside and that’s I was a windshield for six months of my

Life going like this well and plus you’re manipulating it you know the real question is okay to look at it and go well why is the putter going straight back and straight through is it your thought are you trying to do it and get in the right setup get the right length

Putter and forget about it and let everything swing right I just don’t believe that a great Putter’s conscious of the putter head looking at it thinking about it whatever so if my hands are outside of my shoulder line the natural is going to be bad I always say natural beats unnatural Under

Pressure right so natural is going to come out when it matters and if my hands are out here I’m going to fight this yes right and if my hands are inside I’m going to fight this so if my hands are right under my shoulders where I can

Kind of hit one hand then the other in a straight line I’m not going to fight it it’s just going to swing if my shoulders are square my hands are under my shoulders I have no path problem if I have pressure on the sides of the grip I

Have no face problem if you have control of the face and the path you can roll the ball straight absolutely right so then the next thing that’s important so we’ve got the the grip running through the Palms the shaft is aligned with the forearm I’m stepping and I’m tilting so my eyes

Are over the golf ball inside Edge I’m taking my stance after that and I’m checking my hands are under my shoulders when I take my stance here’s a k critical thing here we talked about this already in the full swing so in putting there’s less knee Flex because you

Certainly don’t need to load your quad or your glute so I say I always say lock unlock right a little less knee flex and here’s the point the hips have to be over the shoulders here’s why if if the hips are over the shoulders the shoulder is past the knees and that allows

Someone to let everything swing uninhibited the minute I see someone get their hips behind them and their knees forward that puts the shoulders behind the knee now I got to go around the corner right so I’m trying to get people in a setup in a position where I can

Have just nice flow and kind of go underneath right down that line this we playing golf underneath you and not around you guys is huge yeah right huge that’s the big thing with the setup is making sure that I’m tilted forward my eyes are over the ball right I take my

Stance my weights on the balls of my feet I can take a right my right hand off of the Putter and it just swings right back to the grip if I’m out here it doesn’t do that so stay right there Todd look at these lines you guys okay

We draw these lines on all of our all of our players we put you on the iPad look at the eyes right to the Inside Edge look at the hands right from the middle of his shoulder directly underneath his shoulders there look at the hip joint

Stays right over the ankles face on view I always wanted to make sure this is the top of my pendulum and TOD would agree what he taught me was we want to be slightly hitting up now I don’t want to hit up an ad Loft so what I would do is

I had that ball one in ahead of Center I could check to see once that when that grip was right in line with my zipper if that ball was one inch ahead of that I’m good I would then take the end of that club and just bump it right over the top

Of the ball very slightly I’m not a big forward pressed guy just a tiny little bit and what that would do it was it it would now allow me to slightly hit up into the ball naturally without thinking about it key naturally without thinking about it because what did nichelson

Always do early on he had the big press and then he had to back up on his short puts in order to accommodate that right hit up on the ball so the tiny press right there and what that would allow me to do is hit slightly up with a Del

Lofted face that would put Top Spin on the golf ball and anytime the shaft is a little bit ahead and not this way the putter face is also going to be stable through impact so I’d roll it tight have good face control and that’s where I

Felt a little bit more of the pressure with that heel pad going that way going this way I never I always tell my players don’t putt with your fingertips don’t putt with your fingertips putt with the the top of the heel pad and a nice little drill I’ve always done is I

Get my players to actually take their hand off and just apply pressure there and what you’ll see is the wrist creases don’t change as a result of that you know I got to I got to throw something in here so you’ll you’ll love this I I

Don’t think I’ve ever told this to you but so this was when I was in my 20s right I think I was 22 I was in Texas on a putting green Doug Sanders remember Doug Sanders sand passed away I think he won 19 times but he was watching me Putt

And he said you know if you learn to move the putter grip the same direction as the putter head you’ll become a much better putter that’s an awesome tip for people so in other words if the putter head is going backward and my grip is going forward that’s a problem if the

Putter head is now going forward and my grip is going backward that’s a problem that’s some good stuff right there you guys if the grip and I used to practice watching the grip and I just make sure I kept that grip and moving now it doesn’t

Ever move as far right but it moves in same direction so if I keep that grip moving right the putter head won’t twist that’s a really cool comments on this one my best players in my stroke when I film it a lot of the best Strokes I’ve seen people get confused with the

Pendulum they think it’s going to be pointing constantly back at their Center and I see them then do this I see them add Loft and get rid of the face when I putt I’m putting and guess what even though it started off a line just left

Of my belly button why but the ball’s one inch ahead of Center if it was dead up and down it would be right there that tiny little bump that I press it Forward is right there when I finish my stroke though this is more aligned with my

Armpit and not back towards the center of my body would you agree with that yeah I just I bottom line even if you know when back before the USGA took away anchored putting or belly putting you know the belly is up here right so if I

Go like this and I extend that it’s still there right it’s still at the same you know a little bit maybe it LO moves a little bit but my point is anytime you know you’re changing that grip and that grip is just moving the wrong direction meaning opposite of the putterhead so if

The putter head’s going forward this is going backward that’s a problem it’s Chang change in the Loft if it’s going forward you just want to move it the same direction it’s simple I like simp you know I like I always told Bo Hustler and and and he was a great putter when

He was an Amer when I was over at impact offl I worked with him a lot and I always felt the same thing I felt like it was a calligraphy brush on the ground and I was just brushing it yeah brush I wouldn’t Splat the paint across the

Paper like this you know it was always just like this and I always just kind of put the putter back here and I would just feel this look right here like a little drag through just nice flow right absolutely and then Rhythm let’s talk about Rhythm CU rhythm is the glue that

Holds everything together in the golf swing and chipping and in putting you know one thing that was big was Todd and I always I had a metronome 72 73 beats per minute was kind of the the Baseline for us so I still have it to this day

Free app on the iPhone okay it’s the metrotimer app and it’s literally Metro timer I already got it set 72 beats per minute and you know here’s the big thing no matter which putt I had 1ot 100 fet I stuck to that beat now one would say wait the only variable changing then

Would be the distance you take it back but doesn’t that mean then you’d have to be faster on the way through to get back there yes in actuality but the human mind is not going to wrap around milliseconds so my whole point being is

This I feel one two with a one foot putt I feel one two and I’m talking when I take say one two back on one arriving at that on a 50ft putt on a 100 foot putt the same way but the thing is yes am I

Slightly having to catch it up a little bit on the longer putt absolutely but that’s not something it’s the point right and it’s not something that I’m consciously thinking of I’m just sticking to that Rhythm so once again when you look at you know a real short

Putt you know it’s it’s it’s one two right it’s one two you know I’m hitting a real long one here across the green or this is forget across the green let’s just go you know 16 17 ft right here one two you know th that right there for me

In my mind was the exact same Pace I went back and arrived at that same Pace I simply lengthened my backstroke to accommodate for the distance that changes there was two variables there the pace of the stroke and the length I take it back right I’m not conscious of

How much I’m accelerating the putter to get to that distance I’m just simply counting in my mind one two you know it’s interesting you say that because you know I found this through teaching I mean I think most am have what I call a signature backstroke you know signatures

I do it the same way every time so if I take the putter back 10t on all putts around say my right toe whatever well I got a little putt my subconscious goes like you said your brain doesn’t sit there and think what whatever it adapts

So if I take it back 10 in and I got a short putt right my brain is going to go you better decelerate now if I take it now next hole I got a 50ft putt and I take it back 10 in my subconscious goes you better hit it so I’m always changing

My Tempo so you either change your Tempo or you change the length of your backstroke one of the two has to happen and after a poor setup more so than anything a poor Tempo is what’s oscillating the face and changing things throughout the stroke if you keep a

Consistent Rhythm believe it or not that putting stroke is going to be very stable but that’s where I think it’s important you know to me setup Rhythm I think I think one of the keys about that is transition I think that’s where people get quick or slow because when

The putter stops back swing starts it downswing that’s where our brain interrupts the motion and that comes from that signature backstroke though and really not having any Baseline you know I think the biggest thing from working with a lot of players if you get them putting with the right Tempo and

You get them understanding their onew that 72 73 beats per minute yeah what’s nice is you’re eliminating one variable and when what I’ve learned about watching a lot of players is when they have that Rhythm checked into their head they’re then able to look at a putt and

Use that that visual of how far they are away from that I mean remember Ray Allen shooting three-pointers I mean it was just like butter same Rhythm every single time right and what was nice about that was it it didn’t matter where he was on the floor that thing was going

In the same way the whole point here is I can look at that distance I have now I already know I’m alreadying one two in my head now my backstroke will adapt to that one too I brought you a book right putting in the Z I wrote this a couple

Years ago and um you know the sixth chapter yeah look at this is the the whole thing I invented um gosh what it’s been a long time 15 years ago but it’s like getting people in the right setup you know where the eyes are on the

Inside Edge of the ball the hands are under the shoulders hips are over the heels like we talked about in the golf swing and then literally using the Pythagorean theory just I have a tool that I invented straight down straight over and you can use that to calculate

The length of putter so you get in the right setup before you get a putter right don’t have don’t accommodate yourself to the putter make the putter accommodate to you while You’ got in the right setup this was awesome when you get the person in the right setup and

We’re going to go through that in a second when you get the person in the right setup the top of the wrist crease down is the vertical and then there’s a horizontal from their toe line that vertical by the way matches the toe line so it goes straight down right here to

Here from the wrist crease and then there’s a horizontal that would go out and it was a squ and b squ Todd developed a tool that is unbelievable it’s the coolest invention I’ve seen in the game that fits the putter perfectly by measuring that vertical and by measuring that horizontal and creating a

Diagonal and then he created a diagonal that is the putter itself C squ if you put a 35 in putter in my hand let me simulate that real quick oh can’t do it so guess what I’m going to do I’m going to have to pull

This in I’m going to be too upright I’m going to be sitting back on my heels all the stuff that you just don’t want to do going to happen initi here’s the three things that happen Okay the length of putter influences the distance you stand from the ball your posture right your

Forward tilt or your elbow connection those three things so if a player’s got a putter that’s too long for them they have to stand up taller or if they try to tilt get their eyes over the golf ball they have to pull their elbows up behind their you know all they’re stuck

Stuck and hands become over okay I’m going to I’m going to be tilted and I’m going to have my elbows in front of me but now I have to have the putter out from me now my eyes can’t be over so the only way I can get set up properly over

The the ball is to have a putter that accommodates the setup good stuff and you guys don’t forget you know this is going to be my gift right here I’m stoked to be one of the first who has it but let me tell you go and get putting

In the zone it’s going to be it’s on Amazon you can just type this in and find it right away y it’s color or black and white you want to save some money black and white but color is much more the color color yeah I love it I love it

But look it’s all the stuff that I learned you know as a kid and I just I look at these pictures and I go man you know what this is all the stuff I used to look at so definitely go pick this up um it’s made it’s made a difference for

Me in in my game and uh I know uh just taking a little bit of what we talked about today applying that and uh once again you know have some comments answer some you ask some questions down below we’ll be we’ll be there to answer your questions for you and get you putting

Better okay all right you guys it’s great all right buddy fun thank you all right porac golf we take a lot of pride in having developed some of the best and most consistent golf swings on the planet we do this through Simplicity our full swing master class will take you on

A stepbystep easy to understand process on how to get your golf swing better than ever join the mini before you who’ve utilized our full swing Master Class to take their games to the next level and Beyond


  1. Great video – My question is – during the putting motion where do you suggest to focus the eyes- back of ball, top of ball, in front on a mark on the putting line, or elsewhere? Thanks

  2. Is it theoretically possible to grip down on a 35” putter? (I’ve alread😮y taken your advice from other putting videos and am now using a 33” putter) but my favorite yes putter, which I am afraid to cut down for fear of ruining it’s sweet spot ‘pong-at-contact’ feeling (spontaneous frequency matching or whatever) is still usable now that I have the first two portions of set up under control. My guess is that it may be difficult to ‘take it onto the course’. I already think too much and at the most inoportune times!😵‍💫
    The discussion on grip setup will require some investigation on the putting green and my other question regards the “motive force “ of the putt. Is it a shoulder-rock-gut-putt or do you putt more with the in-your-case-perfectly-aligned-hanging-arms-that-in-fact-do pass -the body?

  3. I want to invest in a higher MOI more forgiving putter; with the proper setup should I be looking at a slight toe hang putter (mallet?). I’ve been putting with a blade. Thanks

  4. Great video fellas ❤
    With regards to the metronome portion @ 21:27 I have a few extra details for you or the viewers to consider for your teaching.
    I’m a drummer 🥁 and a 1 handicap sr golfer 🏌🏻, so I’m going to add some extra fine detail to the lesson.
    When you count while you putt ,you’re bang on with your concept of counting ,it works to perfection as you develop the feel of the green speeds each round.
    To really fine tune this skill below is some added detail.
    I always count 1&-2& (one-an,two-an) for a 12’ putt ,at a tempo of 60 beats 🎧 per minute on green speeds around 10 on the stimpmeter.
    To understand the count in 1/8th notes and get the actual tempo ,clap your hands 1 time per second and count 1&-2&-3&-4& ( notice that when you say & , you are not clapping, you’re between claps.)

    So to effectively and precisely use this method you should be counting in 1/8th notes 🎶

    1 on the backswing, & at the completion of the backswing , 2 on contact with the ball and & at the completion of the follow through.

    As the putt gets shorter the count is exactly the same 1&-2& (one-an,two-an) (which would be two claps or two beats saying one-an,two-an) but your tempo actually slows to like 50 bpm.

    As the putt gets longer the count is exactly the same 1&-2& (One-an,two-an) but your tempo actually increases to like 70 bpm.

    As everyone gets the feel of counting the rhythm 🥁, at 60 beats or claps per second, they will easily learn to feel the need to slow the tempo down a little when the are closer than 12’ and speed it up a little when the putt gets longer .

    Your brain will get the feel of the tempo required but generally it is between
    -50bpm for a 3’
    -60bpm for a 12’
    -70bpm for a 21’
    But the count is always 1& – 2&

    Cheers 🥂 hope this helps anyone that wants to improve their putting and lower their scores.

  5. Ultimately the secret of good putting is delusional confidence!,expect to roll them close and a lot will go in!
    Forget the bad ones and/ or blame something other than you!

  6. If your putter is to long can you just choke up to where you need it. I see tour player recently using a longer putter and choking up and it ax as a counter balance.

  7. I don't know about the rest of you but if I was on the putting green when this was being recorded, I would have been a lot closer than that girl and others in the background and making sure I was catching every word being said.

  8. Awesome video! Both of you articulate very well and explain things tremendously. I only have a question regarding the setup when gripping the putter. The further you grip the putter down the grip, the more your eyeline is over the ball. Conversely, the further you grip toward the end of the handle, the further your eyeline is behind the ball. So, how do you determine where to place your hands on the putter?

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